An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 6: Alex's Mind

Story by notaguestanymore on SoFurry

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#7 of An Unexpected Adventure

Welcome to the next Chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I tried something new.

I waited for Nari to react, but she just kept staring at me in shock. I smiled at her, waiting for the surprise to die down.

"Why...why'd you do that?" She eventually stuttered out words. She was still confused.

"Because its Christmas. Also, I like you." She thought to herself for a while.

" said we couldn't."

"I know."

"So then...what happened?"

"I figured it was worth it." I leaned over and kissed her again. She was still surprised at my actions and as soon as I broke the kiss she looked away from me. "Come on now...don't be shy." I lifted my hand to her head and gently turned it until she was forced to stare right into my eyes. Her eyes were round with nervousness and excitement. I stood up and offered her my hand. "Somewhere a little more private perhaps?" I said gesturing at the wide open windows. She nodded and grabbed my hand. We made our way to my bedroom.

I opened the door for Nari and watched as she stopped dead five feet into my room. I followed her in, closing the door, and scooping her up in my arm as I entered. She started, she obviously wasn't expecting to be picked up.

"You alright Nari?" Her almost complete lack of a reaction was starting to worry me. "Do you want this?" I stood at the edge of my bed, cradling her in my arm, waiting for a response.

"Of crouse I do Alex." I turned Nari around and looked into her eyes. She was embarrassed, extremely so, and maybe a little scared. I smiled reassuringly at her and laid her down on the bed. I laid down next to her and clicked on the lamp so I could see her better. She lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to not make eye contact with me. She was breathing heavily and her face was a deep red. I brushed my hand against her head and she suddenly launched herself into my arms. "Alex!" Was the only thing I heard as she collided with me, wrapping her tiny arms around my torso. I kissed the top of her head and freed myself from her death grasp.

I ran my hands through her fur, so soft and warm. I ran my hand over her chest, when suddenly Nari gasped quietly. Curious I backtracked running my hands across her chest again, slower this time. Hidden ever so slightly in her fur were two very tiny, pink nipples. I ran my fingertips across them, getting another gasp from Nari as I did. They were hard as stone. I smiled to myself and started playing with her nipples. Rolling them in my fingers I watched her breathing deepen, every now and then I would pinch them and she would gasp ever so slightly.

I kept playing with her nipples with my right hand, rolling and twisting them, while my left hand traveled slowly downward. Nari continued to gasp and pant in my arms, not realizing where my hand was going. I slid it between her legs and found my prize. There hidden in her fur was a tiny slit, now leaking juices. I ran a finger gently over the outside of it. Nari froze.

"Wait." I stopped immediately.

"What's wrong Nari?"

"Why are you doing this?" She was still panting, but her words in my mind were undisturbed. Her words confused me.

"Because I like you Nari."

"But why now? Why did you say no to me only to wait until right now?"

"I-I...dont know..." I did know though. I knew exactly why, I just didn't want to explain it to Nari.

"Alex, please. Help me understand." I retracted my hand from in between her thighs and I removed my hand from her nipples, but I continued to hold Nari tightly. "You told me we couldn't do this because it was illegal and you would get in trouble." I whispered my response, but Nari didn't hear it. "What?"

"Please don't make me explain." It was a stupid request, but I couldn't find a different way to word it. Nari rolled over in my arms and faced me in the dimly lit room.

"Alex." She stared into my eyes, studying me. "I have to have to help me make sense of this." I nodded, but didn't immediately launch into my explanation. We stayed like that for a while, until finally I took a deep breath and began.

"Remember when I told you it was super illegal?" She nodded listening to me intently. "That was only partially true. It is illegal yes, but the only way I would go to jail because of it is if they could prove abuse. At most I would get a fine, they probably wouldn't even take you away."

"So lied to me?" I nodded sadly. "Why?"

"I...I didn't know what else to do. You kissed me and I panicked. I liked you, but..." I trailed off not knowing how to finish my statement.

"But what?"

"I didn't know what to do." I whispered.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I was scared."

"Of me?"

"Yes...well and no. I was just scared. Of commitment, of letting anyone close."

"I...I don't understand Alex. Please, help me understand." I nodded, but paused before I kept speaking.

"Remember when I told you about my ex, Bethany?" Nari nodded, but didn't interrupt me. "So, ok...let's rewind a bit. My parents sent me to live here with my aunt when I was twelve. I was just starting to diet, so I was still big. Moving to a new place, I didn't know anyone. I started off with no connections, no friends. Jason Portman started bullying me almost immediately. I knew after that there was no chance of making friends.

"Why not?"

"No one wants to be friends with the kid who gets bullied everyday. Around fourteen I had lost a bunch of weight, I met this girl. I had seen her before, but like everyone else she didn't talk to me. I eventually got her to talk to me and I asked her out. Bethany. We started dating. This is the part of the story you already know."

"There's more to that story?"

"Sort of. So after Bethany died and I found out about everything I a dark place. Growing up fat and a loner I didn't really like myself. The bullying made it worse and then what Bethany did was the final nail. After that I HATED myself." I could hear the venom in my voice as I spit out the words. I sat up and swung my legs off the side of the bed. Nari slowly crawled next to me and sat down, her tiny legs dangling off the side of my bed. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, and continued. "Something like that it...changes a person. Everything I thought I knew was a lie. I loved Bethany...or did I? Why would I love someone who would cause me such harm? Did she ever love me or was it all some sort of game? I started questioning everything. I trusted Bethany. I thought she was the one person that believed in me. She was the one person I thought I could count on to be nice to me, to not talk shit behind my back or bully me. Then it turns out that all that was a lie. At some some point I had to ask myself if it was my fault. At some point I figured...maybe I deserved to be bullied and shit upon my whole life. Maybe there was something wrong with me that everyone else can see, but I can't. I started thinking like that. Surely that was the only reason my parents would send me away, or why people would bully me so terribly, or why..." I paused catching myself. The anger and sadness had clashed and I was on the verge of losing it. Nari stared up at me as I tried to gain control of myself. Finally, I won out and was able to continue. "Or why Bethany did what she did. Maybe I deserved it for some reason. That was the mind set I lived in for a little over a year. I hated myself, I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror. Some days I wouldn't even get out of bed, there didn't seem to be a point." I stared at the ground, thinking about how I should continue. Nari slid to my side and wrapped her arms around me. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. "I slowly started to slide out of my depression. Little by little. I returned to being...somewhat a normal person, but I couldn't trust anyone after all that. I never made any friends here, people are nicer to me now, but that's it. I thought I would never be able to live a normal life. Then something happened to me." I paused here. Nari was still holding onto me and her voice popped into my head, heavy with sadness.

"What happened?"

"You did. One day I went for a jog in the forest and got attacked by what must surely have been a crazy pokemon. Then against all my instincts I took you home. The thing that might have killed me a few hours earlier, and I brought it to live with me." I chuckled slightly at this. A smile cracked my face and I wiped the tears that had formed in my eyes away. "Then something I never would of expected happened. I started...liking you. I had so much self-doubt about myself though I knew it would never be anything, but then...then you kissed me. I ran away from it, but it made me second guess everything I had thought up until that point. I felt a...connection with you that I had never felt with anyone before in my life. I had barely known you for a week, but I felt I could trust you. It couldn't be true though. So, I did nothing. But today...I couldn't hold back anymore. I had to know if you really did feel about me the way I felt about you. That why I kissed you now. Its why I waited all this time. I was so caught up in self doubt that I couldn't see what was right in front of me." I finished talking and looked down at Nari. Her face was still buried in my side. "Nari?" I grabbed her and peeled her away from me. Tears were slowly falling down her face.

"Alex...I'm so sorry." I clasped her to me, never wanting to let go. "I'm sorry I made you tell me all that."

"Its ok Nari...I'm glad I told you." She looked up at me and I smiled down at her. I got a smile from her and I sat her down on the bed. We sat there in silence for a bit before Nari spoke again.

"Kinda killed the mood didn't it?" I laughed at that.

"Yeah...wanna go get some Christmas dinner? The Pokecafe is open." She nodded happily and we made our way out of the house to enjoy our first Christmas dinner together.


I sat across from the table watching Alex as he ate. I thought about everything he had just told me and I felt sad. Alex always seemed so tough on the outside, but his story revealed how he felt inside. He was a man plagued with self doubt and hatred. He had been hurt worse than anyone ever deserved to be. Especially someone as nice as him. I felt really bad about making him bring it up, but he told me not to worry about it. He said he actually felt better after telling me everything. I thought back to everything he told me and thought of a question, but didn't know if I should ask it.

"Hey Alex?"

"Yes Nari?"

"Can...can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can. You don't need permission to ask a question."

"You said you lived here with your aunt...what happened to her?" He smiled sadly before answering.

"She died a few years ago...cancer." Dammit I had brought up another sad memory.

"Oh...I'm sorry...I shouldn't of asked."

"Its ok Nari. It doesn't bother me. My aunt was a good lady and she treated me well, I miss her, but I've mourned her." I smiled at Alex. Even with all his self hatred he was a strong person. We continued our dinner in mostly silence.

After we ate we made our way back home. Alex carried me on his shoulders and I held on as he trudged through the snow. I liked rising on his shoulders. It made me feel like a giant, I got a good view of everything. Plus his hair always smelled really good. I ran my hands through his sandy brown hair, enjoying the softness.

"Thanks for carrying me Alex."

"Anytime Nari, anytime." We continued to walk along, enjoying the sights of the town.When we got home Alex gently sat me down on the porch and opened the door for me. I rushed in and jumped on the couch, bundling myself up in my blanket. Alex stomped the snow off his boots and followed me inside. He sat down next to me and handed the remote. "Pick something."

I clicked on the TV and flipped through the channels finding nothing of interest. I turned off the TV and turned to Alex.

"Soo..." I didn't say anything else, not sure of how to continue. Alex looked at me, confused.

"You don't wanna watch TV?" I tried to find words to describe what I wanted, but couldn't. I decided to go the more obvious route. I stood up on the couch and walked toward Alex. "What are you doing?" He still seemed confused.

"You're so clueless sometimes." He continued to look at me, dumb to what was happening. I approached him and stopped directly in front of him. He looked down at me. "Come here." He leaned forward and as soon as he did I kissed him forcibly. He seemed shocked, but only for a moment. He returned the kiss, picking me up as he did so. I could feel his beard hairs pricking against me face. He carried me to his room, shutting the door and turning on the lamp.

He placed me on the bed and smiled down at me. Joining me, he grabbed me from behind and starting playing with my nipples. Ah, it felt so good. Pleasure ran through me like jolts of electricity. I could feel myself getting wet as he continued to tease with me. I groaned quietly, but Alex heard it. He kissed the back of my head and nibbled my ear. I jerked as pleasure racked my body.

"Holy shit that feels good."

"Good." He continued to mess around with me, his hand slowly moving downward.

"Ah...please." I didn't say what I wanted, but I'm pretty sure he knew. Sure enough his hand sped its descent. I gasped loudly as it reached my pussy. I could hear noises coming from there as he played with me. He flicked my clit and I lost it. My whole body jerked and convulsed, I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that it felt amazing. I fell back against Alex, breathing heavily.

"Was that your first orgasm?" He continued to play with my nipples and vagina. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

"Yes." I fought to regain my breath, panting. Alex just wouldn't let up.

"Ready?" I looked at him, confused.

"Ready for what?" He slipped a finger in me and I grabbed onto his arm. He slowly took his finger out and pushed it back in. "Ahh..." I sighed heavily, I was squeezing his finger like a vice, there was no way he would be able to fit his cock inside me. I lost my train of thought as Alex started moving faster. "Ah, no...slow down." My breathing intensified, I turned toward Alex and he adjusted. I grabbed onto him tightly trying not to scream as he slipped another finger in. I could feel my pussy stretching to allow his fingers to enter. I felt another orgasm coming, Alex continued to pump his fingers in and out of me, speeding up as he went. All of a sudden he plunged his fingers in and hooked them up as he pulled out. As his fingers scraped against the top of my vagina I came. I came hard. My body jerked and I grabbed onto Alex even tighter. I panted and tried to catch my breath. "Ok...enough." Alex smiled and kissed my forehead, holding me tight as I recuperated.


I held onto Nari, letting her regain her breath. It had been a long time since I had done that. She was breathing heavily, still struggling to regain her breath. I felt kind of sad though, I don't think I would be able to have sex with Nari unless she evolved, her pussy was ridiculously tight. I could barely fit two fingers in there.

"How was it?" She looked up at my, smiling through her pants.

"Amazing." She snuggled against my chest.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I smiled looking down at her. She looked up at me smiling too. "You're the best Alex."

"I try." I started absent-mindingly scratching behind her horns.

"Ah, you know how good that feels." I didn't answer, just scratched more vigorously. I ruffled her already disheveled hair and sat up. "Where you going?"

"Shower." I felt like I needed one, no other reason.

"Oh, ok. Have fun." She seemed slightly disappointed.

"Wanna join me?" Her face rose like the sun, she nodded happily and jumped out of the bed.

I turned on the shower and got it to a suitable temperature. I bowed slightly and gestured for Nari to get in. She hopped in and I started to strip. I was slightly embarrassed to find my cock rock hard. I shrugged and jumped in the shower behind Nari. She was facing away from me towards the water. Her fur was matted to her body by the water. I picked her up from behind.

"Gotcha." She started struggling in my hands.

"Put me down you brute." I laughed and gently complied with her request. "You ass-" She froze when she saw me.


"Its uh...happy..." I laughed again.

"I guess you could put it that way." I grabbed the shampoo and started washing my hair when I felt Nari grab my member. "Whoaaa." I looked down to see her grinning up at me devilishly, my cock grasped in her hands.

"Hi." She continued to smile up at me and started moving her hands.


"Keep washing your hair. Gotta be clean." This was a game to her now. I shook my head wondering what kind of monster I had created. She started moving her hands faster.

"Ah slow down Nari."

"Don't tell me what to do. I do believe I'm in charge now." I was about to argue with her when she gently squeezed.

"Ah, yes ok you win." I continued to shampoo my hair as she kept playing with me.

"Mmmm, so big." She licked the tip and I jerked slightly. "Hehe calm down Mr. Sensitive." I was done with my hair.


"Aw well that's too bad. I'm not." She started moving her hands faster. I gasped, as she put the head in her mouth.

"Ah, Nari." I managed to moan her name through my heavy breathing. She looked up at me with my cock still in her mouth. I felt her tongue running around the tip making it jerk in her grasp.

"Enjoying the show?" Her thoughts came through clear as day. I nodded in response. "Answer me." She was really enjoying herself.


"Yes what?" Really? Wow she was enjoying this a little too much. I wasn't going to answer, but she stopped moving her hands and tongue.

"Ah, no."

"Yes what Alex?"

"Yes Mam." She smiled up at me and started back vigorously. I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Almost there?"

"Yes." I managed to gasp out a one word answer. She was working furiously with her hands and mouth.

"Yes what Alex?" Bitch.

"Yes Mam."

"Do you want to cum?"

"Yes, please." She smirked up at me and her tongue started moving faster, darting around my head making my cock jump in her hands. She moved one of her hands lower and gently squeezed one of my balls. That was it. I was done. I started cumming and soon as she applied pressure. She tried to take it like a champ, but it was too much. She pulled my dick out of her mouth and started coughing. By the time I was done she was draped in my cum, it was in her hair and fur, and one of her eyes was squeezed shut.

"Messy boy." She jumped back into the shower and started washing herself off. I suddenly felt weak at the knees. I slowly collapsed and sat down at the back of the shower. I saw Nari smile at me through the water.

"You...are a filthy girl." She turned off the water and winked at me. I climbed out of the shower and began to towel off. Nari did the same, within a few minutes we were dry. We went back to my room to lie down on my bed. "You enjoyed that too much Nari."

"You liked it. You know you did." I didn't answer her, I wasn't going to lie to her again. Which reminded me.



"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" She looked confused.

"For lying to you."

"Oh that, its ok."

"I'll never lie to you again."

"Haha its ok Alex. Really it is...but thank you." She snuggled to my side and smiled up at me. "Sleep?"

"Sleep. Good night Nari."

"Good night Alex."

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a ringing phone. I got out of bed and limped to the living room.

"Where the fuck is my phone." I stumbled my way through the darkness and found the beacon of light shining in the kitchen. "Hello?"


Alex woke me up as he stumbled out of bed. I heard the ringing and knew he went to answer the phone. I waited for him to come back, but he didn't. I got up and tripped over his shorts.

"Dammit Alex." I picked myself up and made my way to the living room. I turned on the light, expecting to see Alex, but it was empty. I went into the kitchen and found him slumped on the floor crying. "Alex? What's wrong? What's going on?" I ran over to him and kneeled by his side. "Who called?"

"It was my Mom." He looked up at me tears pouring out of his eyes. He grabbed me into a hug and held me tight. I was confused, but I returned the hug. He clearly needed the support.

"Alex...what's going on?"

"My Dad died."

I just have to end on a sad note don't I. I hope you enjoyed the Chapter. As always feedback is welcome and thanks for your support. Would like to thank my friend Bob54 for his help.