Balto's Justice (The "Bad" Ending)

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#10 of Balto's Challenge

Jenna makes her choice, which leads to three possible endings; The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Is this really the "bad" ending? That's up to you. :3

Jenna remembered everything she'd gone through by Steele's paw. Had the malamute ever listened to her? Respected her? Cared about her? He'd raped her, twice, before she started going to him willingly. He'd taken his pleasure and left her whimpering in a puddle. Then he'd demanded she suck off Nikki, Kaltag, and Star, and stood by while they raped her, too. Have I really been imagining his love for me, all this time?

She'd begged him to go easy on Balto, but he ignored her as always, doing his damnedest to humiliate and hurt the wolf-dog. Thinking back, she couldn't remember a single act of kindness he'd ever shown her. The mind-blowing sex had convinced her that he returned her feelings, but it all seemed so clear now. The last straw was when Steele all but promised to fuck Aleu ragged when her time came, despite Jenna's protest.

He was just using me - for my body, and to get back at Balto. How could I be such an idiot!? Jenna picked herself out of the snow, still leaking the malamute's cum. Two thick loads meant she was undoubtedly pregnant with a few of Steele's pups, but perhaps like before she wasn't full yet. Or maybe her time had already passed in the days Steele had waited. Jenna felt strange feeling grateful that Steele had forced Aleu to clean out her pussy; anything to cleanse herself of Steele's tainted seed.

Jenna recalled what Sylvie had said. ""If I had a dog like Balto, I wouldn't take a second glance at Steele."

I've got to find Balto. Jenna knew she'd hurt the wolf-dog briefly, in a way that he had never deserved. Sure, he never made her cum quite as hard as Steele did, but Balto had always treated her like the only girl in the world, with love and caring. She'd betrayed him with fool thoughts of a future with Steele, all thanks to that enormous cock.

Maybe Balto would forgive her, maybe not, but she had to tell him the truth, and beg him for one more chance. She might even be able to help her former lover escape - it was the least she could do! Jenna set off with purpose in her step, heading straight for the edge of the woods where Balto was tied up.

Her ears perked up. Glancing around, Jenna saw nothing, but her heart trembled. Knowing Steele, he'd never let me go back to Balto. He'd kill me to save face if he had to. Or kill Balto... Jenna changed course. If Steele was following her, he'd soon lose interest while she warmed up in the boiler room.

Once inside, Jenna waited patiently before sneaking through the broken floorboards under the building, where Balto had once shown her a beautiful model of the northern lights. Steele knew nothing about this exit, as Jenna crawled on her belly into the outside air. Looking all around, she bounded off through the snow, heading straight for Balto now.

Sure enough, he lay there, tied to a stake in the ground, awaiting whatever fate the musher had in store for a half-wolf known to bite. The muzzle was still tightly strapped to his face. Jenna froze when she saw him, her guts churning with the desire to retch. What have I done to him? The Hero of Nome? He looked so wretched laying there, not even trying to escape. He was the polar opposite of Steele, haggard on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. She'd seen him radiant, but only in the warmth of her own love. How she wished to make him glow again.

She crept forward, ears flat. Balto watched in silence, his ears drooping and his tail between his legs. "Balto," she started.

"Was it true?" was all he said, his voice cold and dead, barely able to open his mouth with the muzzle on. She'd never answered him when he demanded to know if she had, in fact, given herself to Steele willingly.

Jenna looked away, unable to meet his yellow eyes. "Yes..." she said simply, wincing at his resulting whimper.

"Then I have nothing."

The finality to his words were soul-crushing. I can't believe I ever thought I could go to Steele without destroying Balto. I've been such a fool! Jenna glared at him. "No, that's not true. I came to...I came because..."

"I don't want your pity," Balto said quietly, laying his head down so that he was facing away from his former love.

"I don't pity you. I love you - I always have. I just didn't know it."

Balto swung his head around to stare at Jenna, eyes narrowed. "You've got a funny way of showing it! All those 'long walks'? You were going to fuck Steele? You let his friends fuck you, too? After all I've done for you?"

"But I -"

"No, no 'buts'. I let Steele humiliate me on the condition that he wouldn't rape you while I was away, only to find out that you were lifting your tail willingly. Jenna..." Balto whined, trailing off.

Jenna dragged a paw through the snow, explaining, "I thought I loved him - I thought he loved me. He was just using me to get to you, and I was too blind to see it."

"And my love wasn't good enough?" the wolf-dog demanded.

Jenna didn't know what to say.

Balto looked down. "I see."

Jenna stepped closer, voice raising, "Look, I don't know. I've been a huge fool, and I deserve what I've gotten. I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I don't deserve to have you back. That's only part of why I'm here."

Lifting his head, Balto asked, "You want me back...?"

"Of course I do. I know that's not possible anymore, but you got something wrong. Steele did rape me. Every day, either directly or through his henchdogs. I can't recall a single time that he heeded my wishes. I was weak, Balto, and Steele walked all over me."

Balto was quiet, watching Jenna inscrutably.

Jenna couldn't hold back the tears that had been building the moment she saw Balto. "It's too late for me, but that's not why I'm here. It's Aleu, Balto. He's going to do the same thing to her, and I can't stop him by myself."

Balto's ears perked up. "He threatened Aleu?"

The difference in his demeanor made Jenna jump back in surprise. Sniffling, she said, "More than threatened. He...touched her; made her do unspeakable things to me."

Before she'd finished her sentence, Balto was already digging at the post in the ground. "Help me with this, Jenna, the ground is too cold."

The red husky cocked her head, walking up to her former lover. "O-okay," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. She began digging in silence, afraid she might say something wrong and drown the candle burning inside of Balto.

The wolf-dog kept digging until his pads were bleeding. "You're done with Steele?"


Balto said, "The only way to protect you and Aleu is to get Steele out of town. Far out of town. Nikki, Kaltag, and Star are sheep, the other sled dogs can keep them in line. But Steele has to go."

"How?" she asked, digging faster. The stake was half-uncovered, despite the hard ground. The things that Balto could do when he set his mind to it!

Balto thought for only a moment before he perked his ears. "Steamship. It's the only one-way ticket out of Nome. If we can get him trapped on the ship, he'll be out of your life, and Aleu's, forever."

The plan was fully formed by the time the metal stake tugged out of the cold earth. Balto couldn't undo his collar or the muzzle, so he carried them with him, dragging the short chain and stake behind him. The Golden Mary was docked at the ocean, and Jenna climbed the ramp to sneak into the captain's bridge. With a careful eye, Jenna saw that itinerary. Perfect! The ship leaves tomorrow at six in the morning.

She found Balto sniffing around the cargo containers. "The ship leaves tomorrow morning. Find anything?" she asked.

"I think our best bet is this one. There's one big door, but an open exit in the top, and it's filled with crates and barrels. If we can time it right, the men will lock us all in, and we can escape through the top hatch before Steele knows what's happening."

Jenna looked the massive metal container over. Crates of canned and bagged foods were piled up almost to the ceiling, where the escape hatch stood open. Several of the barrels contained smelly fish. "What if they don't close the container? What if they close the top hatch? I don't want to get stuck alone with Steele on a one-way trip to San Francisco!"

"They have to close it, or the cargo will spill out on the open sea. They won't close the top unless it rains. And if Steele tries to escape up the boxes, I'll make sure to kick the crates over as we leave."

"We?" Jenna asked. "There's no reason for both of us to take this risk. I'll lure him in - you can hide outside."

Balto turned, looking Jenna straight in the eye. "I'm not letting you in there alone with Steele. If I have to, I'll hold him off while you climb the crates. I'll just hide behind those boxes to make sure everything goes according to plan. If you want me to help, just say something. 'Rotten weather' perhaps."

Jenna looked down. "After all I've still want to protect me?"

Raising a paw to her chin, Balto said, "Maybe I'm the real fool here, but I love you, Jenna, and I always will. I thought you'd made your choice, and it hurt. It hurt so much. But if the musher had spared me, I was going to head to the woods, to leave you with Steele. I just want you to be happy."

I don't believe this, Jenna thought, cocking her head. "You know that he's had me twice now. I don't know if I've got any room left for your puppies."

"I don't care about that, Jenna. Besides, we've been surprised before, and now we have Aleu. Who knows, he might not have gotten any pups into you!"

Jenna blinked, and the tears ran down her face. "I'm so sorry, Balto. I don't deserve you - no one does. But if you're willing to give me another chance...I'd be an idiot not to take it. Sylvie was right all along..."


Jenna leaned forward. "This," she explained, tilted her head to the side and kissing Balto on the lips.

Balto wagged his tail, but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "The sun's coming up. You need to go find Steele and lead him here now. I'll be waiting inside."

Jenna nodded. "In an hour, this nightmare will be over, one way or another."

* * * * *

Jenna walked just in front of Steele, as if drawing him onward by the lure of her scent. He'd tried to take her three times already, but she'd darted away, giving the black malamute her most convincing, flirty smile. Thank goodness I found him without his three goons.

"Just a little farther, Steele," she said, flicking her curled tail upward to show off her gray, bouncing vulva. She felt ashamed, but they'd just reached the docks, and the ship would be leaving in about ten minutes. Glancing up at the vessel, she saw the men working away. This charade would be over soon.

"You want to go on that ship? Jenna, I think they're getting ready to leave."

Jenna laughed. "They just got in. They're unloading. Now come on, I found the perfect place to satisfy both of your hungers." She darted forward, waiting at the base of the ramp until the men, busy working, were all looking away.

"Jenna, wait -" Steele started to say.

She said in a shrill whisper, "Come on!" before darting up the ramp, praying that no one would see the two. Steele was right behind her, as planned. Thankfully, the storage container was close by and still standing open. "This way," she gasped to Steele, entering the large, metal bin. She sniffed, but the scent of the sea and packaged fish covered up Balto's odor, though when she looked carefully, she saw the morning light reflecting off his eyes where he crouched to watch from behind two crates of fish.

"Here?" Steele asked, an edge to his voice. "This is perfect?"

Jenna turned to face him, smiling. Just need to distract him for five minutes! "The humans won't notice us, and look at all this food! Aren't you hungry?"

Steele sniffed disdainfully. "We could have eaten in town."

"Come on, Steele, seafood is romantic. Besides...with what I have planned, we're going to need to eat to replenish our energy." Jenna winked at Steele.

"Well, when you put it that way," he smirked, walking toward Jenna.

Uh oh, he's not going to wait, at this rate. "How about a...pre-romance breakfast?" she offered.

"Why not have both?" he asked, sitting down and spreading his front paws to point invitingly to his brilliantly white sheath. Having lead Steele the whole way here, Jenna wasn't surprised to see a little bright red poking free. "I've got something you can drink."

Flicking her ears back, Jenna could just imagine Balto seething behind those boxes. Sucking Steele off would certainly distract the malamute for the five minutes, but I don't think it would help me reforge a relationship with Balto! Chuckling weakly, she said, "I meant the fish."

"I think you'll like this better," he said confidently.

Jenna backed away, turning sideways to face the barrel of fish without showing off her rump. She didn't want him getting the wrong idea! "I want the fish, Steele."

The malamute was bristling, but he said, "Fine. Let's see what they've got."

Steele picked out two large sea bass, flopping the dead fish onto the metal floor and dug into his, eating quickly. She knew what he was looking forward to doing, so she ate nice and slowly, ears perked for any sign of the men sliding the doors closed. Any minute now...

Steele watched the husky pick at her food, tapping his claws against the metal impatiently. "It's just raw fish, not steak or sausages..."

"I want to savor it - just like I want to savor you," she said, taking another dainty bite.

Steele's temper was clearly growing, but she didn't have to delay much longer. Finally, just as it seemed like the malamute was going to explode, she heard the sailor's voices. She prayed they wouldn't say anything that would give away the game!

A gruff voice said, "Aren't we leavin'?"

"There's some delay. I'll go see what's happening." Heavy footsteps sounded just outside the container. Close it, damn you! she thought, but was out of luck. Perhaps it was just as well. If they closed Steele in too early, he'd make such a ruckus they'd let him out before they were out to sea.

Still, she needed more time. She could feel Balto's eyes on her, as if he were telepathically asking if she needed out of this plan. But she wasn't ready to abandon ship just yet.

"Leave?" Steele asked.

"They must be just about ready to unload the ship."

Steele seemed satisfied with that answer and Jenna breathed a sigh of relief. She knew what she had to do, and Balto wasn't going to like it. Gulping, she looked up at Steele and said, "Now let's see about that 'drink' to wash the fish down."

Steele grinned, all his annoyance seeming fade at once. Leaning back against the crates, he spread his legs, beckoning to her. Looking down, she saw his half-emerged cock, glistening wetly between his legs. His dick had sent her into so many roiling orgasms that she had all but worshipped it, but now the sight of it made her sick to her stomach. She had to put on a brave face. "So beautiful..." she said in a hush.

Balto could see everything, from Jenna's curled tail and white rump, to Steele's growing erection as she lowered her muzzle to his tip. One last time, she promised, wrapping her tongue around her former fat little friend. Steele groaned, his tail thumping against the floor. "There's my good girl."

The hidden wolfdog saw Jenna wrap her lips around the enormous organ, her cheeks bulging as Steele's tool grew and grew. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine it was Balto she was suckling. Steadily, sloppily, she slurped up and down Steele's shaft, the tip of her tongue tickling his taut, white-furred sack. Placing a firm paw on the back of her head, Steele pushed her down until her nose rubbed against the base of his cock. She had learned to suppress her gag reflex, easily taking him until his bony tip thudded against the back of her throat.

"Maybe I'll knot your muzzle, for a change," he said, grinning. "You'd like to be tied nose-first to my cock for twenty minutes, wouldn't you, you little slut?"

Twenty minutes!? She'd better not, if she was hoping to avoid a long trip to San Francisco! Still, she knew the answer he wanted, and so she nodded, murmuring 'yes' as best she could with a mouthful of dick.

"Well, I think I can oblige you," he said, adding his other paw to her head and humping upward into her mouth. He pinned her in place, pumping slowly as his cock swelled. That was bad enough, but she could feel his bulbus glandis just inside her teeth, already starting to grow.

He's really going to tie with my throat! She needed to do something, fast, but struggling would just make Steele push her head down harder. And how could she call for Balto's help when she couldn't say 'rotten weather'? Folding her ears backward, she heard the wolf-dog rustling the old hay and paper that was scattered in the back of the cargo container. Would he act? Did she want him to?

Thinking fast, Jenna started humping her hips madly in the air, as if driven to new depths of lust by the mere thought of Steele's cock. He couldn't help but notice. "Well fuck, Jenna, already climaxing for me? Or your heat-swollen cunt doesn't want to waste my seed in your belly?"

Jenna nodded her head, whimpering. Perfect! she thought, as Steele lifted his paws from her head, letting her pull back and gasp for breath. She couldn't hear Balto anymore either. Panting, she said, "I wouldn't want to miss a drop!"

Steele chuckled. "Considering how well Aleu cleaned you out, yesterday, your pussy must be burning for another dose."

Jenna couldn't suppress a soft growl, but she was glad she did. She could hear Balto growling too, which would have given away the game. She covered his sound with hers, and then tried to play it off as playful. "She left with more cum in her belly than me!"

Licking his lips, Steele said, "Turn around and let me rectify that."

Come on...close the damn doors already! she prayed. Glancing up and down the reclining malamute, she realized she had one last way to delay. "In a second, Steele. There's something else I want to do, first."

He watched curiously as Jenna lowered her muzzle to his crotch again, but this time she only sniffed across his swollen dick. She didn't stop until her cold nose nestled in Steele's balls, her lips trembling just inches away from his dark pucker. "Ooh, naughty girl."

Jenna smiled, her heart pounding in her chest as she recalled the first time she'd done this for Steele, months ago. He'd ordered her to lick his tail hole, and she'd done it out of fear and desperation. Now she did it out of hope. Opening her mouth, she drew her wet tongue across his rough opening, trying desperately not to taste him.

Steele groaned, spreading his legs further to give her better access. Jenna knew what she had to do, and she did it, licking him again and again, nose buried in his rich musk. The part of her that was still deep in heat trembled at his scent, but whatever feelings she'd once had for Steele were gone. She kept her ears perked for the humans, ready to bolt at any time.

"That's enough, Jenna," Steele moaned. "It's time."

Whining, Jenna said, "No, not yet!" Nosing Steele insistently, she clenched her eyes shut and pushed, burying her tongue inside Steele's tight tail hole. Steele groaned appreciatively as Jenna began to slurp deep, buying precious seconds. "Such an eager little bitch. I wish you were in heat more often!"

She knew Balto was watching everything from his hiding spot. His old love, lapping at Steele like a new-born puppy at her first teat. If only he'd agreed to wait outside! She didn't want him to see her like this, even if he knew she was only acting for Steele's benefit.

The news came then, through the metal walls. The human was back, saying, "Something wrong in the engine room. Could be five more minutes, could be an hour, but we'll know more soon."

"Come on, lets go see if we can help."

Jenna's ears drooped. Five more minutes? Or more? The plan was doomed, and all of this unpleasantness was for nothing. Steele would stay in Nome, he'd always be after Jenna, and in a few months, Aleu would go to him like an obedient little bitch. But what can I do? I can't distract him for much longer before -

Steele interrupted her thoughts, kicking her away with his hind feet before sitting up. "That was...very nice, Jenna. But now I think it's time."

Jenna sighed, wishing she could see any plan to protect Aleu from this egotistical monster. Seeing none, she said, "I...I've gotta go." She leapt for the door to the container, but Steele was too quick! Before she made two steps, her grabbed her tail in one, strong paw, pulling her back towards him.

Oh God... she trembled. He's going to rape me again!

"Playing hard to get, are we? Cute," Steele said, attention so focused on pulling Jenna back toward him that he couldn't see what she did - Balto standing up, ready to intervene.

Balto wouldn't stand a chance! He still wore a muzzle with a chain trailing behind him. All he could do was get slaughtered by Steele and then Jenna would be truly helpless to stop the malamute. She shook her head 'no' at Balto, and even said, "I just...wanted some fresh air. It's such 'beautiful weather', don't you think?" Jenna said, trembling as she slid rump first backwards. Balto would know not to interfere.

And interfere he didn't. It took seconds before he lay back down behind the crates, but he did, knowing exactly what Jenna did. Steele's going to -

He yanked her tail downward into his lap, wrapping two firm paws around her hips. Jenna wasn't going anywhere. I guess I'll be distracting Steele for a little longer, she whimpered. "Such beautiful weather..." she repeated, driving the message home to Balto.

Steele, seated behind her so that his white belly fur nestled against her red-furred back, said, "The only thing beautiful I see is you. Now sit on my cock."

Jenna's tail was trapped against Steele's abs, her puffy folds hovering just inches above his thick, veiny cock. He jerked her down with his paws, pulling her the rest of the way so that his bony tip grinded up against her wet pussy. A day before, she would have been whining to feel that enormous organ splitting her apart, but not now. Not with Balto watching! A third servicing - it'd be a miracle if I didn't have his puppies after this.

"Oh God!" she whined, this time praying that she were anywhere else but here.

"Call me Steele," he said, grinning, before thrusting up, hard.

He sunk deep into her oversized pussy, making Jenna yelp with a rush of unwanted pleasure. Rape or not, her turgid cunt didn't seem to care, wrapping eagerly around Steele and clenching him deeper. The red husky tossed her head back and moaned, face burning red at the thought of all that Balto could see: her rows of swollen teats, her splayed tail, and her bulging pussy, quiveringly full of his rival's cock.

Through gritted teeth, Steele gasped, "I don't know how you stay so tight."

Jenna glanced down her belly, lowering one paw to her abdomen where Steele's dick bulged outward. She pressed her paw against his tip, realizing that it was halfway to her rib cage already, before the knot! What could she do but hump her hips in pleasure? Waves of lust shot through her body through the engorged veins of her fertile pussy. As much as she wished she could suppress her bliss for Balto's sake, it was a lost cause. "Oh, Steele!" she moaned.

Steele panted, "Good girl!", taking the scruff of her neck in his massive jaws and leaning forward to jab deeper. He felt like a metal rod inside of her, lifting her rump halfway off the ground as he pumped her fiercely.

Jenna could feel his tip pressing up against her innermost walls, poking in as if he would squeeze straight into her womb. She knew what that would mean - any chance that Balto would claim her eggs would soon be all but a delusion. I hope he understands... Jenna could already feel Steele's glands swell, threatening to tie her in place.

Blinking, she realized that if the humans closed the doors while she was locked around Steele's cock, she'd be trapped too! "Wait, Steele," she gasped. "Don't knot me..."

He just growled, tightening his grip on her neck, and Jenna knew his answer. I just have to hope they don't fix those engines too soon! Moaning, she humped her hips as the malamute's bulge grew, stretching her heat-swollen cunt into a trembling "O" shape. Tied she was, as Balto could plainly see.

Steele leaned back until he was flush with the crate behind him, almost completely vertical. Using his knot as an anchor and he teeth and paws as the muscle, he pulled Jenna back as well, until she stood straight up and down, speared by Steele's enormous cock. She tucked her front paws up against her chest, but her hind legs had no where to go, dangling uselessly in front of her. She stared at the crates where Balto hid, blushing madly. He'd be able to see everything. More than just her swollen teats and her bulging pussy, Balto could see every inch and contour of Steele's cock where it bulged through her slender abdomen. The absolute worst way to see how outmatched you are by your rival is when he is fucking your mate. Jenna was rocked up and down by Steele's rhythmic thrusts, pussy stretched to the breaking point.

"Get your oven ready for another batch of puppy batter!" Steele howled, his balls tensing beneath her.

"Breed me, Steele!" she gasped, humping weakly. Hopefully Balto knew she was only saying it for Steele's benefit. Wasn't she? Well, whether she wanted it or not, her pussy sure did, squeezing and clenching visibly around the malamute's enormous cock. I hope all the humans are in the engine room still, because -

Jenna howled, her entire body shuddering. She bucked her hips, her entire distended vagina massaging every last inch of the oversized organ. Steele's paws pulled her close, wrapped around her chest as he howled too, echoing throughout the metal container - a cacophony of copulation that surely buffeted the hidden wolf-dog's ears. In that moment, she didn't care - she couldn't - about Balto's feelings, lost in the trembling ecstasy of orgasm. Balto watched Steele's heavy, white balls spasming beneath her, pumping at a frantic, regular rate. Jenna was so stuffed that every spurt of fertile cum bulged in her belly, which swelled out the more Steele gave her. Tail wagging, she placed her paws on her stomach, able to feel herself expanding to accommodate all the wet, bubbling cum gushing into her. Not a drop escaped the wet seal of Steele's knot.

Together, they panted and moaned, loins straining against each other as she was seeded in front of Balto for the second time in two days. "Oh, Steele," she whimpered, humping slower and slower until finally she stopped, gasping for breath.

Steele licked the side of her face, sliding a paw down to her bulging belly. "You already look pregnant," he laughed, rubbing her.

"Soon enough," she said, as he let go of her, dropping her to her feet in front of him. She was still locked tight to him, her pussy trembling at each new splurt that still squeezed into her. Maybe he's hungry again? The humans could come at any moment, but it'll be at least 10 minutes before I can pull off of Steele!

That ten minutes passed uneventfully, until finally Steele grunted and tugged himself free, spilling what seemed like pints of cum onto the metal floor. Jenna crouched, dripping, clenching her pussy to draw as much of Steele's seed out of her as possible.

"Let's get out of here," Steele said. "I know a place where -"

Jenna turned around and put a paw on his mouth to cut him off, only belatedly realizing that Balto could now see her stained, dripping pussy. Oops. She said, "Not yet. I can't wait that long."

Steele gave his standard toothy grin, saying, "Ready so soon?"

"Almost," Jenna said, hearing the men's footsteps approaching outside. Yes! "Just let me catch my breath..."

The two humans stood just outside the container. Close it already! she whined. Instead, one said, "I can't believe it. It'll be at least twenty minutes before Eric returns with that part. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm gunna get something warm to drink." The two men walked away.

Twenty more minutes? She knew what that meant. Submit to Steele again, or leave now and ruin the whole plan. She couldn't let all this effort go to waste! She couldn't let this malamute prey on Aleu!

Fuck, Jenna thought. And that's what she did, as well.

Walking up to Steele, she licked him on the face, saying, "I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful weather..."

* * * * *

Jenna lay on Steele's chest, belly-to-belly, legs splayed wide around the malamute's pumping cock. His tip twitched within her, each squirt launching straight into her sopping womb. She knew her wagging tail would give Balto a crystal clear view of her trembling spade as Steele bred her for the fifth time that day, but she didn't care. The storage container no longer smelled like fish, but rather of sweat, sex, and cum.

There had been three more delays - first the part was the wrong size, then they had to find the first mate, and then another vessel entering the harbor blocked their departure. Each time, it seemed like one more mating was all it would take to salvage the plan. Balto had been forced to watch as Steele rolled her onto her back and fucked her face-to-face, and then later he watched Jenna flip her curled tail up, presenting herself to the eager malamute. He hadn't waiting long after that to mount her again, but this time he gave her pussy a break, aiming a little higher that time. By the end of that savage fucking, Jenna's legs were too weak to stand, so Steele kindly offered to let her ride him.

Jenna rocked her hips, moaning, "More, Steele, more!" though in truth she was exhausted. She could hardly believe the malamute's stamina. Still, each time the virile male began cumming inside her, she dissolving into whining, horny little bitch. Tilting her head, she locked her lips with his, kissing him eagerly. Her heavy belly sloshed with cum now, so much so that every new spurt came gushing out of her bulging pussy, leaking down onto Steele's abs. Balto could see every last drop trickling out of her onto Steele's still pulsating balls. She felt stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, and she knew now that there was no hope for her eggs. Each and every one was swamped by an army of Steele's sperm; none could stand against his might.

Steele broke the kiss to moan, "God, Jenna, you've got me one or two more matings away from completely exhausted!"

One or two more? Jenna almost wept at the mere thought. Her hyper-sensitive pussy ached each inch she moved, but she knew that if she had to, she would raise her tail for Steele again. If only this damned boat would leave already! Giving Steele her best grin, she panted, "I'll take that as a challenge."

Steele humped up into her, and despite herself, Jenna went squealing into another orgasm.

Another five minutes passed before both dogs calmed down, panting, tied and exhausted. Placing his paws under Jenna's arms, he popped the heat-addled bitch off of him. She slid off easily, so stretched and sopping that Steele's knot seemed like nothing. Jenna shivered as fresh and old cum spilled out of her onto Steele's chest, waiting until the flow finally slowed.

"You've made quite a mess down there, you know," Steele grinned. "Clean it up."

"Yes, Steele," she said simply, turning around to sniff at Steele's stained belly. Yelp! The malamute grabbed her round the hips and pulled her onto his stomach again, only face-to-rump, now. He gave her a great big lick, right on the shuddering spade. Jenna lifted her tail and spread her legs, moaning, before she lowered her muzzle to Steele's cock, gulping up what she could.

Glancing crateward, she saw Balto crouching behind the boxes, watching her gulp down the sticky, white mess. How long has it been? Two hours? Three? His fur bristled. As she had done several times over the last few hours, Jenna said, "Today may just well have the most beautiful weather I've ever seen." Balto stayed hidden. She was almost done; surely, surely the ship would be leaving soon.

Steele's slurping tongue filled her passageway, leaving Jenna to buck up and down. His warm saliva seemed to soothe the aching of her abused pussy, his thick, wet tongue rubbing incessantly against her enlarged clit. As her eyes rolled backwards in her head and she let out a shuddering moan, all she could do was hope that Balto understood that she didn't want to cum, she just couldn't help it!

Steele pulled free of her clenching cunny far too soon for her taste, licking his chops as he got a nice eyeful of Jenna's rump, humping uselessly in the air. Shifting his legs, he pushed his fat cock up into the air, saying, "Don't let me stop you - you know what you want."

Whining, Jenna walked forward until she stood between the malamute's splayed legs, facing away from him. She lowered her rump, shivering, to Steele's waiting erection, about to ram herself down on him yet again. Her tongue dangled limply from the side of her mouth, listening to the sloppy splashes of Steele's cum falling out her stretched out cunt to land on his throbbing cock. He pressed up against her folds, stretching them apart with just his enormous tip, and Jenna whimpered, "Oh, God, Steele, you're so big!"


Jenna jumped, startled, and Steele shouted, "Hey, what the - ?"

The doors slid shut, locking them in almost complete darkness. They did it! They finally closed the doors, and I somehow managed to distract Steele for just long enough! "Balto, now!" she cried, jumping toward the crates that were stacked conveniently toward the escape hatch. Balto jumped up ahead of her, chain dangling behind him as he bounded up and through the roof-top portal. Steele was only just getting up, far too slow to stop them. We did it!

Jenna jumped for the last crate, only to watch as Balto kicked it over, falling with a thud on the bottom of the cargo container. Jenna skidding to a stop, looking up at an escape hatch now 5 feet in the air. She could never jump that far!

"...Balto!?" she cried. He'd accidentally -

Peering down through the hatch, his yellow eyes shone brightly. "Have a safe trip, bitch. You honestly thought I'd take you back after everything to did to me!? I only helped you to save Aleu."

"But, Balto..."

He growled. "Did you even hesitate to fuck that bastard's brains out, right in front of me? Don't think I didn't notice how much you liked it. Steele might not deserve you, but you sure as hell deserve him. Good bye, and good riddance. I hear the weather in San Francisco is 'beautiful.'" With that, the wolf dog slammed the escape hatch shut, trapping Jenna and Steele in pitch darkness.

Steele sniffed, until he found Jenna, placing a paw on her shoulder. "You betrayed me?" he asked coldly.

Jenna fumbled for words. "But you...and he...I just..."

Steele's voice sent shivers down her spine. "Trapped with nothing to do, for weeks, with a bitch in heat? Oh, Jenna, you'll be lucky if you can still walk when I'm done with you..."

"Steele, wait! I didn't mean it..." she stammered.

But the malamute was already grabbing her in the dark, wrapping his heavy paws around her slender waist, ready for round six. Of one hundred and fifty-six.

The End.