Bain’s Experience and Drako’s Name

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Drako Wolf

Bain's Experience and Drako's Name

Drako Howled and growled loudly as the Humans started to put the three canines into trucks. They laughed and cheered as they looked at the helpless animals. Drako wanted to kill every last one of them. Soon enough they were moving along the forest not able to stand as the truck hit bumps and turned sharply.

Drako looked at Bain waiting for him to say something before he was forced to yell out in anger. After they had been moving for a half hour Bain finally looked at Drako and said "I Guess I should tell you the story now."

"Well seeing as how we can't do anything else go right ahead and tell me your story Bain." Said Drako a little growl escaping from his lips

Bain Let his eyes go a little misty as he looked out at the snow that could be seen from the back of the truck and he started to speak "It all started with my mother. She had come from a pack that was powerful in Yellowstone. Her name was Sheba the alpha female. She led the pack well with her mate until one day when she found him mating another Female. She left the pack for a few days and made love with a human's dog. The human had raised her when she was orphaned as a pup and she trusted him. She never knew she would get pregnant. With in a few weeks three pups where born and my mother was thrown from the pack. Her ex-mate killed my sisters but my mother made off with me."

"I thought this had something to do with me." Said Drako

Bain looked at him and said "It does let me get to it. My mother was a pure Black Female that was strong and she took care of me for a few weeks. Times got hard and she thought she would have to let me die so that she could live but we made it to this state and she was taken in to a pack along with me. She was loved by every one and so was I, or until an old wolf came to the pack and told us about you." Bain now looked as though he could see every detail of the meeting with the old wolf.

"What is your name?" Yelled Sheba at the old wolf

"I am called Tom by most, but what ever you wish is fine with me." Said the old wolf. He was small and had grey mixed with his fur and it hung off his bones like wet paper on tree branches.

The little pup Bain hid behind his mother and new pack mates wondering what the old wolf wanted. Sheba spoke again at Tom "Why have you entered this land. You must have known it belonged to this pack and we could kill you for entering it."

To every ones surprise Tom smiled and said "I know but I have come looking for the mother of a Half blood wolf called Bain. Do you know anyone that has a Half Blood pup around here?"

Sheba's eyes went wide and the pack growled at the old wolf. They had made Sheba the leader when they found her and they all loved her pup even if he was a half breed. They didn't want to see him hurt, but Sheba answered "My son is half wolf and named Bain after his father. Why are you looking for him?

"I have a message for the young lad and all of you." Said Tom "May I tell it to you then I can leave."

Sheba glared at Tom wondering what he was up too then said "So be it but make it fast."

Tom sat down and looked at the hiding Pup saying "Come on out little one I need to speak with you there is no reason to be frightened. That's it now I have come to tell you that in two years time a wolf that has been named Drako by the wolves of Yellowstone will come to this land. He was named after the god of war because of his abnormal strength and size. This wolf will start a war with the humans and bring all of the animals together to fight and bring them down for good. This will fix the land and stop the humans from killing the planet more. He will be loved by one that is brave and noble. But if he wants to make this dream a reality he will need the assistance of you young one. One day you will go to him and stay at his side no madder how mean he acts to you. With out you his plans will not come to pass and the earth will die. I have told you this story to worn you to do what ever it takes to see this wolf wins."

The pack looked at the old wolf with disbelief in there eyes then Sheba walked up to him and said "How dare you tell such lies to my son..." but was cut off

"Not lies miss just the truth you will see in time." Said Tom and like smoke on the wind he vanished

"I never saw him after that." Said Bain coming back to himself "But the pack wasn't sure what to think so they ignored it. I was sure it was true but my mother wasn't. Time passed and when it was close to the two year mark I went looking for you and I found you. My Mother is probable worried sick wondering where I went."

"So you think I will take on the humans and crush them." Said Drako as he started to laugh

"Why not Drako." Said Ariel who had awoken when Bain started to talk but never said a word until now

"Ariel it's all just so dumb how can I bring the animals together and take down the human race." Said Drako

"I don't know but I bet you could if you tried." Said Bain

Ariel put a paw through the cage to rest on Drako's shoulder before she said "Drako were you named Drako by the wolves or by your mother?"

Drako closed his eyes not wanting to look in to her beautiful ones as he said "My mother never knew me as Drako."

"Then what was your real name?" said Ariel letting a tone of love enter her voice

"I won't say I haven't been known by that name since my mother was killed when I was a pup" said Drako

"Drako please tell me." Said Ariel

Drako fought with his own thoughts for a long time but before he could say anything to his love the truck came to a stop. The men took the caged animals out of the truck and started to move them into a big building. As they moved Drako looked at the humans and wished he could know what they were saying.

"They are going to kill us." Said Ariel with a look of horror in her eyes

"What how do you know?" Asked Bain

"Like I said before I can understand the humans. They do test's on animals then kill them for fun." Cried Ariel

Drako and Bain where put in to a large cage with a few other animals as Ariel was put on a table still in her small cage and left to cry as the humans walked off. The place was scary to the wild animals as they looked around at the lab they were in. They didn't know what it was but they knew it was a bad place to bee.

The larger cage they had been put had only four other animals in it a red fox, two lynx, and a wolverine. They all looked at the new comers with scared eyes. The wolverine was the only one that would come up to them and talk.

"Looks like you are in for a long hard time now." Said the wolverine

"Why do you say that?" said Bain starting to shake. He knew wolverines where strong and could kill most anything they wanted.

"Now boy don't be scared of me I'm not as bad as I look. What I meant was, you got yourself captured by the humans that run this place and you'll be dead with in a few day's. They test on us then hunt us like pray when we are all week and tired for the tests. The names Marty by the way." Said the wolverine

"Well I won't let them get us we need to get out of here." Said Drako

"Good luck with that but I don't think they will be too easy to escape from. They've been looking for a wolf like you ever since they killed a pack in Yellowstone." Said Marty

"How did you now that." Said Drako rounding on the smaller animal his eyes turning red

"I've been here for almost a year. For some reason they haven't killed me yet. They do tests on me every other day but never tried to hunt me down and kill me. Wish they would I'm tired of this place." Said Marty

"What is the rest of your names?" said Bain

"The lynx are called Lilly and her mate Dan the fox that over there is Ti. Your best stay away from him he likes males a little to much if you know what I mean." Said Marty

Bain ignored him and walked up to the fox and said "Hi my name's Bain how are you."

"Nice to meet you Bain but sorry to say I'm not in the best of moods seeing as how I'm here." Said Ti letting his head droop a little

"I'm sorry to hear that. What are they doing here anyway?" said Bain

"Trying to find ways of curing something or trying to make the next best thing for their females to wear." Said Ti

"Drako I'm scared help me please." Yelled Ariel from the table across the room

"Hold on Ariel I'll figure something out." Yelled Drako

"I would help them all escape but they aren't nice to me and why should I help ass holes like them." Said Ti

"It would be the right thing to do." Said Bain looking at the sad fox

"But the right thing to do is not always the easy way to do things." Said Ti

"Yes true but sometimes you have to do it."

The humans had walked back in the room and tried to take Ariel out of her cage. She went to the back of her cage and started to try and fight them off. Drako lost all control at the sight of the humans approaching his Mate. One of them walked up to him and said "We have been looking for you for a long time my friend. Now you will pay for escaping us the first time. The farms around Yellowstone would be happy to know you're not loose anymore."

Drako couldn't understand him but he got the idea. He rammed his enormous body at the cage. Ti laughed and said "You won't do any good doing that. If you want to save your little female then tell me this do you love her?"

Drako turned to the fox and said "Yes I do please is there anything you could do."

"Yes now let me talk to your mate what's her name."

"Ariel." Said Drako his eyes filling with tears as he watched the men trying to grab her out of the cage

Ti looked at the wolf and even though he didn't want to help the three he hated in this cage he knew he had to help the tree that had just came in. They had not done anything wrong. Ti then said "Ariel my name is Ti if you want to get away then listen to me."

Ariel was growling and crying as she said "What."

"Let them take you from the cage and as soon as you're out bite one and try to get free. If you do get free jump on to the panel over to your right and step on the big button. That will let us out then we can help you and escape." Said Ti

Ariel relaxed and let the three men grab her. Once she was out of the cage she did what she was told and attacked. With in a few moments she had let the others out and the men died. One was killed by the wolverine and lynx and the other two by Drako. He had torn the throat out of one and then went after the man that had taunted him. He was not nice to this man because he remembered the face of him as the one that shot his love in the head. He ripped the man's balls off then crushed his bones in he legs and arms so he could not move. Then he let the man bleed to death.

The animals ran from the place and back into the forest. The wolverine and lynx disappeared with in seconds of reaching freedom but the fox had stayed with the three wolves. He had no idea way he was staying but he still fallowed them as the walked off. Drako didn't care one bit because thanks to the fox they had gotten away. The other men from the lab had tried to follow the animals but lost them as soon as they got to the woods.

Drako was so glad that they had made it out safe the he rubbed his head upon his still shaking mate and said "My name was Ray at one time. She named me after her brother that had died the year before I was born. She loved the name so much that when I was named Drako I took it so that only she could know me by Ray."

Ariel looked up at him smiling with tears in her eyes then she said "Thank you my love for telling me that. I love you so much Drako and I only just met you. I wonder why that is."

"Maybe there is some truth in Bain's story." Said Drako

"What do you mean Drako?"

"I mean that the humans are getting to be too much of a danger to the animals and this planet. Maybe if I try I can do something about it. That place back there was one of many places that hate us and want us all dead." Said Drako

"I will follow you what ever the cost." Said Ariel and she looked back at Bain and Tie saying "Would you two mind letting us be along for a bit?"

"Not at all miss." Said Ti walking off toward a frozen pond

Bain followed the fox who was now in front his him. The half wolf watched as the fox walked with his large balls moving back and forth with every foot step.

"What has gotten in to me." Thought Bain as he shook his head

"Is everything ok?" said the fox with his sexy velvety voice

"I'm not sure Ti I just feel strange." Said Bain not able to take his eyes off the fox's ass and balls

"Well some fresh water should help." Said Ti not looking at the wolf

Bain could feel his cock starting to get a little hard as he watched the fox lean over by the pond to break the thin ice and drink. His white sheath was now visible and Bain wanted to see it let out its hidden treasure.

Ti looked around at the wolf wondering why he had not come over for a drink then smiled as he saw the wolf's cock half exposed as the wolf looked at him. Te smiled and turned to face Bain and said "Do you like the look of my ass or are is it something else."

"What do you mean." Said Bain scared at the way Ti had taken his erection

"You like males don't you." Said Ti with a grin

"I...I don't know." Said Bain

"Well let me help you find out." Said Ti and he walked up to the scared looking Wolf that was twice his size and put his lips around his cock.

Bain let out a soft moan of pleasure as he fell down to his back to let the male canine work his mouth around Bain's member. He was still not sure if he was Gay or not but he knew he liked the male fox a lot.

Ti grinned at the way this wolf was taking his treatment. Ti was gay and loved it the thing he hated was that not many animals were gay. He hoped he could get this wolf out of the closet.

"More...Ti" said Bain moaning loudly now

Ti removed his lips from the wolf and said "Well if you want more you'll have to mount me."

Bain was so lost in the moment he didn't care anymore about if he was gay or not and he got up and walked behind the fox. He didn't need to bend down much to reach his target. With in a few seconds he had pushed his huge cock up to and in to the fox's tight ass.

Ti let out a gasp as he felt the wolf's member enter his ass stretching in to its limits. He had never been so filled up in his life. Ti went from slightly aroused to having a fully hard cock that came all the way to his chest. He then flinched as he felt the wolf start to move his cock in and out of his ass quickening his pace with every thrust.

Bain loved Ti's ass so much that he moaned loudly as he felt his cock run across the inner walls of it. His knot hitting the base of his ass each time he trusted forward. The fox now had his face in the dirt because he could not stay up anymore with the wolf's wait and from the pleasure he felt. Ti had never been fucked like this and he wished he had found this wolf sooner in his life.

Bain rammed his cock faster and faster until he felt his balls tighten and he shot his load deep inside Ti. Bain's knot never tied with Ti because of the size of the two of them. Bain pulled his cock out of the fox letting his cum flow on to the ground.

Ti was sad that it ended but knew it couldn't be helped. Now the wolf would leave the fox and say he never did anything. But to Ti's amazement Bain came up to him and put his tongue to his cock and started to lick it.

Ti moaned as he felt the wolf run his tongue over his enlarged member and soon it went from licking to sucking. The wolf was almost like a pro it seemed to Ti from the way he was sucking him off. Ti was not used to getting treated so well. Usually he was used as a fuck toy and then dumped.

This went on for almost ten minuets before Ti arched his back and let his legs spread wide before he let a blast of cum flow. It hit Bain like a hot rocket as it slid down his throat. They both fell to the ground next to each other looking into their eyes. Bain knew he did something wrong by most standards but he didn't care. Deep down know knew he loved this fox and the same went for Ti.

"Thank you for that." Said Bain

"Anytime." Said Ti and they both fell sleep cum allover the place they slept.

Back at where Ariel and Drako had went there was almost the same thing going on. Drako now had his mate on the ground and he was letting his tongue go deep inside his mates pussy. She screamed and howled as his tongue danced around inside of her making her feel things she never knew possible.

"My love...Stop teasing me and fuck me." Begged Ariel

Drako looked up from between his lovers legs with a sting of her juice stuck to his mouth still. He smiled at her and said "Anything for my mate." And getting over her he put his cock to her pussy and let his sink deep inside her. Ariel gasped as it stretched her pussy out. Drako put his belly to hers as he started to move his hips back and forth in a slow manner making every thrust mean something to his mate.

She kept her hips in tone with his movements as she let herself come to her fourth orgasm since they started. She looked at his eyes and knew that he would do anything for her and that he loved her. He had been in so much pain the first night she met him that she thought he only fucked her to get off but here he was still with her.

Ariel then felt his knot lock her to him as his seed was sent into her body. She howled and let her orgasm overcome her as she passed out from the pure pleasure of it all.

"Ariel wake up." Said Drako

"What happened?" said Ariel looking up at her lovers face.

She saw that he was no longer tied with her but she was still wet and sticky which meant that he had just pulled out of her.

"I'm sorry to wake you I just wanted to say something."

"What was that?"

"Even though we just met I want you to know that I love you and no madder what happens that will never change. Please stay as my mate for ever." Said Drako

Ariel started to cry as she looked back at him and said "Always my love, always."

And that's how the night ended with Bain and Ti sleeping together by a pond and Ariel curled up under Drako's chest sleeping with her love. Neither of them knowing what Ariel had forming in her as they slept...