Into the Vortex

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#2 of The Path

_Dear readers;

If anyone reading this story actually suffers from pedophillia, I just want you to know that most psychiatrists will respect you for seeking professional help. Seriously, molesting children in real life is really really not cool. It's fun to jerk off to in the form of well-written erotica, though.

As before, some of the content herein may be offensive to some viewers. Also, anyone under legal age little punks are just going to read this anyway, aren't you? You know, when I was your age, I was actively roleplaying cock vore. I didn't pay attention to these warnings either.

Earnestly suggesting that you stay in school and make really good grades;

Sigma Prime_

Before Tobias could stare for very long, Eric's step-father, Bobby, squeezed his head past the towering behemoth and gave the cub a nervous grin. "Oh, hey, Tobias! It's, ah, good to see you!" Bobby looked up at the larger Vulpine and said, "Uh, it's okay, Dmitri. This is just a friend of the family, and he comes over to play with Eric sometimes." Without revealing any emotion at all, Dmitri stoically stepped to the side.

Tobias knew there was definitely something going on here besides the strange Vulpine being here because the mink had a very nervous, hunched-over look to him. "Hey, sir," Tobias said in his politest voice. "I was just coming over to see if you and Mr. Keith would let me come over for dinner again. Mom was wanting to have me eat at home, but I think she's gotten all mean again because she was yelling. Is it okay for me to go up and play with Eric?"

The mink looked even more nervous at the mention of the little fox coming in. "Hey, Tobias, I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I have my mother and and some of her friends over, and they've kind of taken over the house. It's got Keith so mad. It's really not a good time, Tobias. Eric's very bored, though. I can send him out to play if you want and bring out some food. I'm so sorry, but there was nothing I could do!"

Before Bobby could get anything else out, though, Eric came skipping to the door, and he tugged Tobias in by the hand. "Hey, Tobias!" Eric said delightedly. "I'm really really really glad you could make it over! Bobby's Mom has all these weird people over, and all the foxes are supposed to come in naked! Don't worry about Dmitri. He's really nice, and he lets me pet him a lot. When he's not supposed to be working, he's real different, and sometimes he acts a lot like Fetch! You should see! For now, he's just supposed to make sure you don't break the house rules."

Bobby looked at Eric sternly, saying, "Now, Eric! You have already caused embarrassment for your friend, Breanna. Don't you remember how mad she was? Look, just let me get you some food from the banquet, and I'll send you both out to play out on the grounds."

The wolf cub pouted. "But Dada Bobby," he whined, "she just got mad when Nana Tonyena was trying to make her wear a leash and collar like the other foxes! I'll make sure Tobias understands first!"

Bobby liked Tobias a great deal, though, and didn't want this embarrassment for him. Just as he was finding his voice again, a very portly ladymink was striding up to the doorway, holding a glass of wine in one hand and reading spectacles in the other. "Robert!" she said sharply. "Don't be so rude! Now, Eric, who is this little fellow?" She looked inquisitively at Tobias, a little smile coming to her pudgy lips.

Eric introduced Tobias to the jill, saying, "Hello, Nana Tonyena! This is my other fox friend, Tobias. He comes over to play sometimes, and he's really nice. He's smart, and he's got just one mom like Breanna. Tobias, this is Nana Tonyena, and she's Dada Bobby's mother. She's nice, but she bosses Dada Bobby around a lot. She's in some club where they all bring naked foxes who all act a little like ferals unless they're told to do something else, but some of them are really cool and smart." The little wolf's tail wagged as he held his friend's hand comfortingly.

Tobias took it as a port during the storm and squeezed it to help steady himself. He gulped a little as he spoke, though. "Umm...ah, hey Nana Tonyena," the young tod said, blushing and hoping this wasn't like with Bobby where he wasn't supposed to use the two-syllable title. He really liked the Waterhouse family, and he didn't want to upset their relatives.

The old jill giggled as if it was the cutest thing she'd ever heard, though, and effect that caused her gut to pulsate like some lower lifeform that had parasically attached itself to her belly. "Well, hello, little Tobias!" she said enthusiastically. The ladymink bent down to smother the little tod in cuddles and caresses in a way that, for some reason, reminded Tobias of how he was with Fetch, and he blushed hotly as he realized his pee-pee was reacting similarly as the lady's fingers scritched through his bellyfur. Mercifully, though, the woman let him go, and he could stand up straight again. "Oh, I could just devour him!" she oozed as Bobby stood to the side miserably. "Now, as with the other one, Eric, see to it that he doesn't disturb our company, and, since he's inexperienced, he must be on a proper leash if you bring him down. I'll have my body slave send more snacks up to you in a moment." She turned to the big fox, saying, "Before you do, though, Dmitri, would you undress the little fellow? That's a good boy!"

At that, the big tod was pulling the little Vulpine out of his clothes with all the fuss and bother that he would take and hang a guest's dress jacket. Tobias had never really liked clothes, though, and, though he didn't tell his mother, sometimes he took his clothes off when he was playing with Eric. When this behavior had Eric's father alarmed (this was a year before Bobby had finally moved in), they started just restricting this to Eric's bedroom, and sometimes Eric would follow suit. It was really fun to playwrestle that way on the bedroom floor, and sometimes they'd kiss and cuddle with each other when they were both exhausted. Even so, Tobias found himself covering his private area out of force of habit, and he blushed a little. He hadn't been naked around anyone but Eric or his dog in so long.

As it looked like Bobby was about to retort against this, though, the ladymink took on a slightly scolding tone with him, saying, "Bobby, leave the boys alone! Didn't I tell you that we needed you in the hall? We were going to introduce you to the Cuthbertsons, and suddenly here you were instead of there. Do you ever want to make it in this world, son? Come!"

Even as she spoke, Eric was pulling Tobias along by the hand, giggling childishly. "Come on! Dad's upstairs in his study. He was teaching me about the drafting he does for his work. It's really cool, too. Come see!" Tobias gave up trying to hide his private area, suddenly finding himself caught up again in the whirlwind of his friend's boundless energy. Fetch, who was always welcome in the big country house as long as he didn't go in the special areas, tagged along at their heels, panting excitedly.

"Umm...why am I not wearing any clothes right now?" Tobias managed to get out as he was led up. As ever, the stairs seemed to wind on forever, passing through several landings that had little sitting areas of their own. The ridiculously ornate home didn't actually belong to Eric's step-father, Robert Keithhusband Charles-Lunavich von Hooke-Waterhouse (Minkish names can get incredibly long, but most of them make do with allusions to their immediate families). It certainly didn't belong to his biological father, Keith Johnson Waterhouse, either, who came from a humble line of engineers and agriculturalists who had always willed all of their wealth to respected universities. In fact, the actual deed to the home was still held by Bobby's great-grandmother, and his grandmother was the executor. This meant that Bobby didn't really own it at all, per se, even though it was supposed to eventually go to him. Even so, the building was incredibly large by the little tod's standards.

Eric turned his head, grinning. "Bobby's family comes from across the ocean," he explained, "and he says they're very traditional. They still think of Vulpines like animals only not." He frowned a little. "I don't understand it, though, because you see little dogs running around in little sweaters all the time."

"Who was that big tod?" Tobias asked.

"You mean you didn't hear his name?" Eric said, glancing back at his friend. He was still too young to realize that most people weren't as observant as he was, so sometimes it could surprise him when someone didn't notice something. "That was just Nana Tonyena's body slave. Don't worry about him. He's very nice. He is called Dmitri."

The young tod still blushed a little, thinking of how handily he'd been stripped by the big guy. He took Eric's word for it that he was nice, though. "I just don't know what a 'body slave' is," he expounded, politely not mentioning that he hadn't needed to be told the name.

The wolf-pup frowned, trying to dredge up that memory, himself. "Ah, I think they tried to explain it to me, but they all seemed to be hung up for words," he said. "They started making all kinds of weird comments before they'd even said anything. I don't know how talk of food got into the conversation. I know he cooks, though." He giggled, "I think she was embarrassed, though, because I don't think I've ever seen a ladymink blush like that!"

"But I still don't understand; why do I have to have my clothes off?" repeats the little tod.

"Those are supposed to be the rules, at least for now," said Eric. "Tonyena's got a lot of her friends over, and they all brought Vulpines, too, only some of them look really weird. They all act weird, and I think some of them believe the story about them being just animals too much."

The little tod giggles. "That's silly, Eric. I'm not an animal. I'm your friend!" he says.

Eric shruged non-commitally. "Breanna didn't like it much either," he says. "I just say it wasn't my idea. It's just no clothes allowed for foxes even though I don't think you're the same as the ones down there. Breanna got really mad when she found out she had to be on a leash whenever she was in the hall, and she left. That's why she's not here because she acted like she really wanted to stay this time. I don't think it was very fair because Dmitri doesn't need to be leashed, and some of the other ones are even wearing funny clothes instead of being starkies."

Breanna was an eight-year-old vixen who seemed almost to live at the country house. She slept over sometimes for weeks, and recently she'd been bringing her little brother with her as well. She said her mother lived with them in a small car and was sometimes very sick. Mr. Keith and Bobby had been talking about making space for them in their house, but Breanna said her mother said awful things about Lupines and felt it was a bad idea to even say anything. Mr. Keith and Bobby thought this was a shame, and sometimes they thought about sending just Breanna and Bobby out to talk to her about it. They said it was okay for Breanna to be over if she wanted to, and Bobby had been giving her lessons sometimes to help make up for what she was missing in school. She had actually shown herself to be a brilliant pupil, and Bobby was begging her to go to medical school one day. He was going to run out of things to teach her soon.

As Eric, Tobias and Fetch bounded up the stairs, an older lupine looked on from the railing up at the top. He shook his head in annoyance over the fact that Bobby's insane mother had gotten another innocent child to streaking about his house, but Bobby had begged him to be understanding with her. Even so, Keith had made it perfectly clear to the woman that he didn't agree at all with the fact that she had decided to host her perverted convention in his home. Even though most of the vulpines were still legally considered property thanks to diplomatic protections, he still had an itch in his paw to call in the authorities. He had a friend in the Central Intelligence Bureau who specialized in Vulpine trafficking rings, and Keith knew he would love to stage a bust right here to find out if any of the guests had dirt on them. They couldn't all have come from overseas with the convention being held here.

However, his husband was always pointing out that the Northern Union of Free Republics (colloquially known as North Country) and Luputonia were the only two countries in the world that held the odd belief that Vulpines should be held as equals. Elsewhere in the world, the breeding of these creatures had been taken to such extremes that hardly any of them were capable of independent existences anymore. Keith had tried arguing that these creatures were obviously intelligent, considering that some of the greatest polymaths in the world had come from these lineages, but Robert sternly pointed out that these self-same savants would be living in mental institutions if they were under the expectation of being able to live as free and independent beings. Being in the care of their masters and having no social expectations beyond devoted submission uniquely made it possible for their gifts to be realized. Keith had to admit that it created a conundrum, but he was still perfectly disgusted with the idea. He was hardly reassured at all by the fact that practically every country that still held this practice had strict ethical codes for the treatment of these creatures; in fact, he'd been completely horrified to hear they could be "humanely euthanized" in some places if they'd been victims of extreme abuse. The arguments for chattel slavery tended to whither wherever there were truly evil people. That was the problem with it in almost every culture in which it had ever been present. Some people even wanted to free the Equines, even though they were incredibly submissive in spite of the awesome power of their bodies; unfortunately, they tended to panic in the face of freedom, and attempts to rear them as free and equal beings had only resulted in terribly depressive creatures that were prone to taking their own lives. Some species were simply meant for lives in bondage.

What made Keith feel particularly nervous as the children bounded up the stairs, though, was that he already tended to find the little tod's body to be very tempting. It was something he'd always hated himself for, and he would never admit it to Bobby. However, the forty-six year-old wolf could not deny his real motivation for falling in love with Bobby when the boy was still only fourteen years-old: Keith simply felt incredibly aroused when he was around young boys, and he'd always been very scrupulous around his own son to prevent any unfortunate mishaps. Seeing the young fox bounding up the stairs with his little sheath bouncing in the open air had Keith's member very very stiff, and he knew that the children were going to ask about the smell. If they didn't, they'd at least notice the bulge. It was one thing he'd always been ashamed of.

As the three bounded into the top landing, though, he put on a smile for the two of them, laying affectionate paws on the boys' heads. "Eric! Hey, what happened to bringing up some food for us, sport?" he said, scritching his son affectionately behind the ears. "And Tobias! I thought you had dinner with your mum tonight, kiddo."

Eric giggled. "Dmitri's bringing up some food for us, Daddy!" said the little tyke. "Nana Tonyena said so."

"Hey, Mr. Keith," Tobias said. "Mama's having a bad evening again, so I wanted to come stay with you until she was better if that's okay."

"Come on, kiddo," he said. "You're welcome over here any time. I'd still like to have a long talk with your mother, though. Anytime you can get her to come over here, just let me know, and I'll make arrangements." Keith really wanted to help this woman, and it wasn't just because of Tobias. Just from what he'd heard through Tobias, his heart ached from what this woman had been put through. It made him feel ashamed to call himself a wolf that there was still such intense racism in this supposedly enlightened age. Damn it. We're supposed to know better on this continent. We're supposed to be so much better. What really made Keith's blood boil was how Sasha's own behavior just helped justify it to some of the more ignorant lupines out there. They would never admit, even in their own hearts, how much of it was their doing. At least in some of the cultures that still practiced slavery, Vulpines held special, valued places in society. Hell, in some of the same countries in which Equines (who did not benefit from Emancipation even in North Country) were treated worse than their feral counterparts, often dying as a cruel whip bit into their backs (which would have been an outrage in Luputonia even prior to Vulpine Emancipation), Vulpines were coddled and cherished pets. Keith almost wished that slavery had never been abolished here. At least as chattel the Vulpines had been appreciated. The creatures were impossible not to love; indeed, perhaps it was this quality that had been their undoing. Unfortunately, his reading of history also told of how they would be raped even as very young children, and it told how boys would be selected for breeding based on how naturally and how early they would take to pleasuring an adult male. The wolf could never forgive his ancestors for this crime, and it deepened the shame and guilt he felt for his own lust.

"Daddy, you were going to show me your drafting," Eric said, awakening his father from his little fugue. "I wanted you to show Tobias as well. I really hope he finds your drafting interesting because I do. I know he's smart like Breanna is, and I think he'll like it. And Dmitri promised me earlier to teach us some about his math. Maybe he will when he comes upstairs with our food."

Keith broke in just as his child was taking a breath to continue his ramble, saying, "Now what is this? Wait, I thought Dmitri was just Luna's body slave!" Keith was surprised to hear that the sometimes-stoic, sometimes-feralish slave even knew how to read, much less teach his child about the mathematics. He had heard about the Vulpine polymaths overseas, but still.

His son shook his head. "No, and he actually says that Nana Tonyena is moving here just because he wanted to study math. There's a big people's school near here, and that is where he wanted to go."

Now this was interesting. Once Luna gained citizenship, her slave would be completely emancipated according to law. As long as he was demonstrably competent, the only thing keeping the slave attached to her would be his own free will. Dmitri obviously wasn't one of those who had been bred as mutes or submissive half-wits, so there was little doubt that, once he'd been educated, he'd have every right to go off on his own. What was even more amazing that, by Dmitri's account, she had moved here to live with her son just to give her slave the education he wanted. His opinion of the woman raised by a measure over that. However, it was a mystery to him why the slave wanted to be educated here, of all places; for all of the best universities in the world were still either overseas or in North Country. What could possibly be in relatively backward Luputonia that the tod wanted? On second thought, he remembered some news a few years ago about a brilliant mathematician (one of the more exotic viverridaean species if he remembered correctly) at the University of East Steffanshire, which was only an hour's drive from his home. Still...

Just then, though, Dmitri came up the stairs, carrying several exotic-looking snacks on a big tray. "Hello there, sir," came his resonate voice, "I have prepared a few delights for the children from the banquet downstairs. The fried mice stuffed with strawberry preserves is for your son, and I brought masago for the young tod. Because I haven't seen you at the banquet, I have also taken the liberty of preparing you a roast beef sandwich with plenty of that horseradish sauce you seemed to be enjoying last night."

"That's very observant of you, Dmitri," Keith said. He was really surprised at how accurately he'd pegged all of their tastes. He couldn't figure out how he'd known the young tod had a passion for smelt roe, but apparently the fellow's mind stayed quite at work while he seemed to be standing there on idle.

"It is in my breeding, sir," the tod drawled, seeming a little bit smug for a slave.

"Amazing," said the wolf. "Now, do you think this is tied to your gifts in the mathematics?" He silently ushered the body slave into the study, motioning for him to set the tray down on the table there. Apparently feeling hungry, Tobias snatched at the sushi just as soon as it came within paw's reach, and he began muching on it lustily. He might have missed lunch again today.

The big tod seemed to blush for a moment. "Oh...I don't really know. I have never thought about it that way, sir." As he spoke, the fox casually went down on his paws and knees in front of the little wolf boy and presented his head for scritching, taking a shockingly submissive posture in contrast to the dignity of his usual bearing.

Keith frowned deeply as soon the tod rolled over onto his back, his cocktip sticking out bestially, while his son assaulted him with bellyrubs of the kind that should be reserved for ferals. The old wolf swore he would never feel comfortable with the idea of these creatures flipping from intelligent conversation to such shamelessly animalistic behavior. To take his mind off of his discomfort (and frankly his growing hard-on), Keith asked, "So, ah, what made you want to attend the University of East Steffanshire?

Dmitri sobered from his puppylike behavior just enough to deliver an intelligent answer. In fact, he seemed to blush slightly. "Oh, umm...that is where my lover is, sir" he said.

The wolf cocked an eyebrow. "You have a lover in Luputonia?" he asked with a half-disbelieving drawl in his voice. "How did you ever manage to do that?"

"We met in a chat room, sir!" the tod said brightly.

Keith had heard about these romances. Weren't most of them supposed to fail? "Have you even met this guy?" he asked. Meanwhile, his son had given up on tickle-torturing the big tod any further and joined his friend in downing some of the food.

Dmitri sat up and nodded, saying, "I first met him in person while he was touring the world, giving seminars in various locations, sir. It was a chance encounter, really. My mistress, long may she live, had assigned me to service him during his visit. I should have known at first, though, because he's a very rare kind of all-brown civet. They exist primarily as secretive tribespeople. Everyone thought they'd finally disappeared until he emerged into the public. He was entirely self-educated, too. He spent several years working the docks in a North Country harbour, attending various seminars and haunting the local libraries when he could. He's done some excellent work in theoretical mathematics. But, sir, I do love him so. Destiny brought us together!"

Keith couldn't believe much of what he was hearing in spite of all of the weird things that had been happening in his house lately. "You mean your mistress moved with you all the way over here just for that?"

The boys had apparently gotten bored with all of the grown-up converstion, and they had run off to Eric's room to play, the big labrador retriever gamboling along behind them. The wolf stared again at how closely the dog watched that little boy. He pitied anyone who would ever hurt that little tod.

The tod shook his head. "No, sir," he said. "She'd actually been pondering the idea of moving here for a long time. She finally decided when I mentioned this that something was calling her here as well. I am most fortunate, sir."

Keith nodded, beckoning the tod to sit in the chair adjacent to him. He would have to wait until another day to show his son about his work. As the tod rose to take his seat, Keith marvelled again at how quickly and cleanly the tod made that transition between feral-like playfulness and that quiet dignity. It was almost an argument for imposing selective breeding on Lupines and other free species. It might serve to thin out the fools that seemed to infest society's every niche, for well-bred Vulpines seemed, although never quite perfect, remarkably adept at what they were bred and trained to do. He found himself longing to talk to this foreign creature a little more. Dmitri was more remarkable than anything Keith Johnson Waterhouse had ever before seen.

"Hehehe! I think it's funny when he grabs you like that."

"Yeah, it tickles!"

"Why is his pee-pee getting all big like that?"

"It just does that. Sometimes it squirts out this sticky goo."

"I wonder if you could get it in your butt!"

"I don't know. It's a little big."

"I've seen you make poopies bigger than that!"

The little tod giggled and tried to catch the tip of the swollen organ with his butthole amidst the dog's rapid hip-thrusting motions. It took him a few tries, but somehow he managed to catch it. As soon as he did, the dog surged forward, pulling back hard on the child's hips.

"Ow! OW! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW!" The little tod hastily jumped away as the dog tore open his little, virgin tailhole. Instead of trying to mount the cub again, the dog sniffed over him concernedly while the wolfcub came along to see if he needed to intervene.

"I'm not sure if that's supposed to go in there," Eric said, looking skeptically first at the dog's swollen sex organ and then at his friend's now slightly bruised tailhole.

Tobias wiped away some of the tears he'd been shedding as a result of the sudden pain, and he accepted the big, black dog's apology without even giving it a second thought. "Maybe. I think it might be one of those things where you have to stretch it out some before it can go, and maybe we can make it slick." The little tod was determined to show his friend he could get the big organ into his butt, and he was a little embarrassed about jumping away. He gently petted his lab, though, and he laid back as the dog sniffed and licked at his privates.

"Ewww! Now what's he doing?" said the little Lupine.

The fox shrugged non-commitally, but he soon started to giggle again as the dog's tongue worked over the sensitive area. He'd never shown this to his friend before. It had been such a weird night, though, that he figured it couldn't hurt to have a little fun. Fetch seemed particularly pleased when the little tod's pee-pee came out, licking it and causing tingly, weird sensations to wash over the little fox. He blushed hotly as he realized how his lupine friend was watching him and pulled in his legs slightly. Fetch was insistent, though, and soon the dog began gently licking Tobias's asshole, half-savoring it and half-following a certain nurturing instinct that realized some harm had been caused. Tobias was going to object, actually, felt good. Soon he was murring softly as the dog gave his tailhole a licking, and the little fox was rubbing his thighs together in pleasure.

Eric giggled again. "Tobias!" he squealed. "Hehe, what are you doing? It's so funny!"

The little tod just blushed as he laid there squirming in pleasure under his dog's attentions, not understanding but definitely liking these feelings.

"Maybe you should try again," said Eric, curious now having watched this unfold. Somehow, he felt that all of this was terribly naughty, but now he really wanted to see if the dog's big pee-pee really would fit in his friend's little bubble-butt. Out of respect for his friend, the little, gray wolf taken his own clothes off as well, and he'd left them laying up at the foot of his bed. Little did he realize, but his own, little cocktip was peeking out a little from watching the show.

The little fox blushed hotly as he realized his friend was still watching, but he knew from that glimpse of pink that his friend must be having fun. As Fetch's licking was slowly making his butt feel better--A LOT better!--he got up the courage to try getting on his hands and knees again, giggling and still blushing a little. The feral wasted no time in mounting the kit again, and this time the tip of his dick caught in Tobias's hole almost immediately. With a hard plunge and another pained cry from Tobias, he was in, his doggydick straining hard at the virgin walls of the little boy's rectum. This time, though, Tobias had steeled himself not to jump away like he had before. This time, he tried shifting his torso in such a way as to try to make the big member more comfortable in him, jiggling his butt from side to side to help get it in a more comfortable position.

"Wow," Eric said. "He's in you!" The little wolf pup shifted his position to try to get a better view. He tried crawling a little closer to get a closer look, but he just got a possessive growl from the big dog. As he watched, the dog began bucking his hips back and forth as the horrified, little foxboy squealed and squirmed underneath him, trying to get away. It was too late, though, and the dog just gripped his boy all the tighter around his waist. By now, Tobias was shedding futile tears amidst his squeals of pain.

It was the most horrible pain Tobias had ever been in. Fetch had never done this before, and it hurt! He didn't know what else to do, so he just shouted to his friend, "Help! Mmmuhhh! Get Mr. Keith! It hurts! Owww! Ow-ow-owwww!" His cries began to blend in with sobs as the rape continued.

Blanching under his fur, Eric first tried to grab for the big dog, only getting snapped at, and then ran for the door, his body still naked as he streaked down the hall and up a flight of stairs to his father's study. Eric was close to tears now with concern for his friend, cursing to himself that this was entirely his fault. He didn't know what to do. His daddy would know what to do.

As he burst in the doorway to the study, though, he suddenly found a scene similar to the one he just left, only it was his father now. That was all it took, and Tobias broke down in tears standing there in the doorway, causing the adults to look up in surprise. "Daddy!" Eric shouted as he cried. "Fetch is doing to Tobias what Dmitri's doing to you, and I'm scaaaared! Help, Daddy!"

The Flight of Tobias

_Dear readers; The meat of this story is actually lifted primarily out of my own life and those of a few trusted friends. Although it is neither autobiographical nor biographical of any single person's life, much of its contents are based on some...

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