Sure Beats Belen

Story by WhiteRabbit on SoFurry

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Insert Disclaimer Here: Would you really be reading this if you knew you shouldn't? You would you horny young pervert!!

Sure Beats Belen

"Fuck, I hate this job." says the young coyote as she starts up her 80's corrola and starts to drive out of the gas stations parking lot. "Well I can't complain to much. Not many jobs out here and I need to make a living somehow. And atleast theres the cute guy everyonce and a while that passes through here." she says to herself as she gets on the interstate to head home. All the while thinking about a young tiger she talked to earlier today, hoping to get his number.

Jezabelle, all her friends call her Jess though, is a young female coyote who has been living out in the New Mexico desert all her life. Born and raised in Belen, barely making it through high school didn't give her many options after she graduated. She ended up working at a gas station nearby to pay bills, now in her mid-twenties and moved out she spends most of her free time cruising for guys or partying.

Driving home in the middle of the night, not driving to fast even though the temptation is there for her, no other cars, but what if something runs out, also can't afford the extra gas, better spent on food. She turns on the radio of her car to her favorite rock station and relaxes as the sounds of Offspring and Metallica keep her awake on the lonely stretch of road. Off in the distance she sees a blue light moving along the horizon way out to her side. It appears to her that it is keeping pace with her as it skims the hill tops. She just dismisses it as another UFO sighting, she really didn't care about all that hype that other people give it. Aliens are watching over us here on earth, why are they here? Or it's the government testing secret aircraft, why is it so secret? As far as she was concerned as long as it don't bother me, I won't bother it. She kept one eye on it as it started to zip its way towards her and silently fly over her head at a decent altitude and dissapear not to far as it past her car.

"Sheesh, that was kind of creepy. First its following me, then flying overhead all quiet like, then disappearing. Almost like it was stalking me." That thought gave her a bit of the shivers and decided not to think about that one to much, it would just make getting to sleep tonight kind of difficult.

About ten miles south of town was her place. It wasn't much but it was home. A little trailer home about a mile off of the interstate, had her propane tank for cooking to right side of it and in the day light could see the access for the freshwater tank to the left of it. She parked her car and stepped out to go inside for a little tv time then bed.

Inside the home wasn't to fancy, a small 8' wide kitchen against the far wall on the right. To her left was enough room for a couch and tv, and to the far end was her bedroom and bathroom, which was more of a storeroom, usually just slept on the couch. She walked in and plopped herself down on the couch, kicked on the tv and watched some chessy infomercial trying to get her to buy the latest slicer and dicer for her kitchen. To that she slowly rolled of to sleep.

She started to dose of into dreamland. Dreaming of that tiger she saw earlier, seeing him buck naked working on her home, all sweaty. She sees herself offering him a little 'payback' for the work he did as she takes him into her home. As she takes him in, she almost believes that she is actually hearing the noises of the door open, but doesn't care its just the dream and it is so damn good right now. She sees herself laydown on her back on the couch as the hung tiger begins to mount her, just as he begins to thrust into her she feels a prick on her arm. Damn couch is falling apart, all the staples are coming out. She continues dreaming of the tiger thrusting in and out of her as she moans and go further into sleep. Soon she feels as if she is becoming wieghtless and goes completely out into a deep sleep.

She begins to come out of her deeps sleep, and begins to become more aware of her surroundings. The air around her feels cooler than it normally does in the morning desert. The feeling of the soft dilapidated couch is replaced with a hard frame. She can tell she is still on her back, but rather than laving flat she feels her legs are up and spread. As she begins to wake up more she starts to go into somewhat of a panic as she notices she is completely nude and bound so that she can barely move, yet she is unable to scream as a gag has been placed over her mouth and she is only able to manage a muffled sounds.

Suddenly bright lights kick on, she is at first blinded by the sudden change and squints as her eyes adjust to the brightness. Upon opening them she is able to look around her and she that she in a room that seems to be made up of organic material, like a mixture of plant, bone and skin. The 'table' that she is on is made of the rigid bone like material and there is tentacles that are holding her down all her limbs. The gag isn't what she first thought of but rather another larger tentacle that invaded her mouth and covers it completely, but allowing her to breath through her nose and out the sides of it.

She begins to hear a sound of some strange gutteral language being spoken and a slow squish sound as what she guesses is a door opens up and a huge anthro-equine steps in. To her, he must have been 7' tall, he had broad shoulders and a hairless body. Tracing her eyes down him she noticed that he was heavily muscled, ripped arms and chest, a hard looking sixpack of abs, and what shocked her most was an already hard 12" horse cock, wide and flared at the tip. Just underneath that were two massive orbs each the size of one of her fist.

As the horse began to move closer to her heart began to pound and she tried screaming against the gag to no avail. Attempting to break loose from her restraint only encouraged them to get tighter. She saw as the horse was moving closer to her she couldn't take her eyes off of the cock. It was bigger than what she had seen in most pornos, and it was swaying its way towards her.

When the horse came to her he first knelt down and began to lick at her pussy. Sticking his massive tounge deep inside her and slobbering all over while loosing her up. That treatment alone for her was more than what she has had in a while, the last time she got laid was a week ago and it was nothing like this in her opinion. The unamed horse soon got her to get moaning and loosened up, with that he took himself out, stood up and began pressing the tip of his dick into her.

Within the first couple of shallow thrust her managed to get himself halfway in, up to ring. She let out a moan of pleasure against the gag as he gave off a soft whine of delight. His thrusting began to get faster and deeper as he stretched her tight walls. She was feeling orgasmic as she had never found anyone to do this for her, even her biggest toy wasn't more than 8". She was loving every minute of it as her walls were stretched and her clit was getting ground on harder than ever.

Everytime the ring came in and out she gave off an extra whimper as it pressed against her clit like it was almost going to drag it in as he thrust. Faster and deeper her pounded, now thrusting to the max, hitting the cervix everytime. She never felt this before, a strange mix of a bit of pain with more pleasure than she ever knew, 'I could get use to this' she thought to herself.

The thrusting began to slow as she could feel his cock flaring and throbbing as it was about to cum. His orgasam lasted for over a minute, the first blast of cum hit hard against her insides. The second and third comming in less amounts started to force the rest to leak out the sides. His gentle thrusting continued as he finished off his spurts into her, nearly empting his orbs.

As he finished he pulled off of her and much of the fluid inside her leaked out and stuck to her as it leaked down to her crack and alond her back. Standing there getting his breath back he finally said to her in better english than her, "My name is Chronos, I'm a stallion aboard a ship orbiting your planet. I am the one who drugged you and took you while you slept in your home. You were brought aboard here to live from now until we see fit, your name is?"

Wtih that the tentecale gagging her, slithered its way out so that she could speak. "My name is Jess. Just why have you taken me here?"

"That question will be answered later. For now this is going to be your room. The walls of the ship are organic and can change to your design to any shape you wish, you need only to think what it should look like and it will change. That only works here within your room, allowing you to have a place private and to you liking. To open the door to your room you simply need to walk up to it and desire for it to open, other doors throughout the ship work the same way, if it does not open that means you do not have access. You may leave now or stay in here if you wish. If you leave your room there is a bathroom at the far end to the right, and to the far left will lead you to a cafeteria. If there are any more questions just ask around."

And with that he left her in the room still soaking in his cum. Slowly the table began to reshape its self so that she could leave it. Once it put her into a standing position it freed her at let her move on her own.

"What the heck am I doing here? Why did he do that to me? Why are there no clothes for me to wear?" All of these questions were flooding her mind and she thought some of them out loud. She felt ashamed of what just happened but at the same time, could feel herself rather enjoying the attention.

She finally worked up enough courage to step outside in the nude, not sure of how what reaction this might get. Looking both left and right she saw no one. She decided to go right and clean herself up a bit first before getting something to eat. Besides if she were home right now she would already be making breakfast.

Walking down the hall was strange. The floor was soft, both from a short calico colored fur and the fact that she was walking on living tissue. The walls were tube shaped and had circular rides all around spaced evenly down the hall, the 'skin' of it she guessed she could call it was colored red to white. Here and there one of the ridges poked through a bit and she could see bone, also the skin around it slowly closing like it was healing itself. The doors to the rooms along the hall were all the same, just a membrane that seemed to be stretched over it.

At the end of the hall there was some strange lettering above the door. She guessed this was the bathroom, she willed for it to open and it did. Inside there were several things that just came up out of the floor on the left side looking like a toilet, she noted no dividers anywhere here, "guess nude is the status quo here" she said aloud. To the right were what she would have called shower heads, she dicided to get underneath one and finally clean herself off with the mess. It took several minutes for her to get all of the cum out of her fur, she tried just rinsing as best she could until she noticed a little tube coming off the wall that she guessed had some kind of soap. She gave it a little pull and out came a green gel that began to lather there in her hand. She got more and rub it all over her body.

Getting out of the shower she realized there were no towels are anything to dry herself with in sight. She kept thinking about getting dry when the head above her changed abit and began to blow warm dry air down on to her. "This feels preety good" Jess said.

Stepping out of the room and feeling refreshed she decided to go checkout the cafeteria. On her way there she came across two more equines chatting up another female like herself, this one a cheetah.

"Hey babe, you know what goes on around here. So what do you say me and my bud here go take you to your room for a little more private session." Said the horse that had both hands against the wall on both sides of her. The cheetah against the wall looked like her will had been broken. The other equine stood there and snickered as he began to stroke himself as his member began to get firm. Thats when he noticed Jess.

"Hey isn't that the gal Chronos was talking about. The new recruit." With that they both snickered.

"Yeah he was right, she is pretty damn nice looking. Always love a good peice of fresh meat. And hey, I can smell he already got to her. Ha ha."

"Yeah, to bad we got to break 'em in slow. Take it easy on them for the first week. After that though, all's fair game."

"Oh yeah, hey babe. Can't wait to get our turn with ya's. Trust me you'll love every minute of it."

Jess just kept walking past them, glancing into the eyes of the cheetah as she went by. 'This is the life I'm going to be living now. No, I don't want this.'

She made it to the cafeteria without anymore catcalls. She got some of the food that was being served. Behind the counter was a male wolf serving the food and farther behind him she could see into the kitchen a variety of other furs all going about preparing food. She took her food which didn't look that bad actually, even though she had no idea what it was. It looked like deep-fried octupus but was blue. She looked around the cafeteria and spotted a few other females, then decided to go sit next to them.

"What do you think of Shawn behind the counter serving breakfast today. He's cuter that the guy from last week. It seems they got him working in the back again, not able to keep up with serving I guess." Was a wolf sitting there chatting away with her very large pregant looking belly. Across from her was a lioness and a foxess, all of them chatting away about their lives on board this ship.

She sat down and couldn't help but ask the question. "So what goes on around here?"

They all three stop talking for a moment. Then the fox starts saying, "Honey, you must be new here. This ship is some alien spacecraft that is abducting people from earth, both to run the general labor force and to breed with. As you can guess, the males do the work, while the women get breed. It's not that bad actually, you still got friends aboard this ship. Still get the chance to talk with another of your own race and get a relationship going. However all of those cuties in there are sterialized, so no chance of kids with them. And not all of our captures are jerks like those two out there, Brunus and Hynus. Those two just try to avoid, the rest are pretty nice and if you get lucky and find a good one. He'll claim you and be easy on you, also he'll be the only one allowed to breed with you. However you still get a mate out of the resident staff if you choose. So yeah, it ain't great but its still a life."

With that Jess just kind of looked at her plate and started to eat her food. She sat there kind of quiet for a while trying to take in the facts of her new life. She thought about Chronos, he was actually pretty damn good with the way he loosened her first. That and the ride he gave her was the best she ever had. She finally came to the conclusion, this sure beats little old Belen and started to chat it up with the other gals.

Might continue this one a bit, have her run into the two, does she start seeing someone?