Camping in heat - commission

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#1 of commissions

Well this is my first commission for the ever sweet lizarman thanks for commissioning me dude.

First of all a warning, this story contains incest, father and son and stepfather.

Please note the young rabbit in this is 16 years old which means for where I live he is perfectly legal however may not be where everyone lives so up to your to know your own country's laws.

This story is set in my heat universe, for those of you not familiar with my heat series the rabbits in it enter a heat cycle once a year where they are driven to fuck, suck and rut with anyone and anything present.

I have a gift cover page coming soon but wanted to share this now and point out I am still taking commissions. see this journal for details

"Is it much further?" Paul moaned as he trudged after his father and new step father.

"Just another hour and we'll be there buddy." Kyle the little rabbit's new tiger step father replied with as much enthusiasm as he could.

The brown rabbit snorted as the tiger responded to him. He hated the tiger, his father had hooked up with Kyle a year after Paul's other father had died in a shuttle crash.

"That's the forth time you've asked that in the last ten minutes." Tom reminded him, he was Paul's biological father and the two shared identical fur colour and pattern. Dark chocolate brown except for their chests, stomachs and crotches which were a brilliant white. Their eyes matched as well, dark green and deeply intelligent.

"Well if you'd let me bring my comm device I would have been able to keep track of our progress." The teenager griped, his father had forbidden all communication equipment on this six day hike through the forests just north of Lapros city. Paul had taken every opportunity to complain about it, as any teenager would being cut off from civilisation and his friends.

"Tough, we'll be putting up camp next to the Nias waterfall." The older male replied and lowered his voice so just Kyle could hear. "Supposedly bathing naked in the waters there with your new lover grants luck to the relationship."

The tiger grinned widely and glancing back at the sixteen year old boy stumbling along behind them. "Well soon as Paul's asleep we should make sure to skinny dip for luck."

Paul could tell his dad was talking to the tiger, no doubt they were talking about him. While Tom was his biological father he had always been closer to his Dad, Colm, he had just a winning way about him. Then he'd died in some silly accident and less than a year later his father brings home a damn offworlder and expected the boy to just accept him. Well he would be damned if he would, although he had to admit Kyle did have a rather nice ass.

His father had the idea of a hiking holiday to help build bonds between him and the tiger. He'd barred all communication equipment so that he would be forced to spend time talking with the two. The young rabbit found it quite rough dealing with the tiger, Kyle was always trying to be nice to him. However, Paul felt guilty whenever he spent any time with Kyle. It was like he was betraying the memory of his Dad.

The last few days had been pretty rough for him, he had tried to fake enjoyment to make his father happy. However, he had been feeling a bit weird since before they left and as they hiked he found himself spending most of his time trailing behind the other two, mostly staring at the tiger's ass and getting horny as he watched the cat's ass wriggle. Two perfectly silky mounds rubbing up and down against each other endlessly, taunting the young male with the thoughts of the sensual bliss to be had inside. If that wasn't bad enough, when he wasn't staring at the cat's ass he was staring at his father's.

He had walked the last couple of miles with a semi erection rubbing against his shorts. Fortunately neither of the adults had noticed it yet and as soon as they stopped he threw his tent pack down and it erected itself in seconds. "I'm not feeling great must have been that breakfast, those eggs tasted funny to me. I'm going to lay down." The teenager blurted out quickly as he dove into his tent before anyone could reply.

He pulled out his sleeping bag and sat on it as he pulled down his shorts and grabbed his throbbing and leaking cock. He began to paw quickly and, as much as he tried to stop himself, he thought of Kyle as he jerked himself quickly.

The two adults set up their own tent and the tiger sighed as he looked at the other tent lowering his voice he whispered. "He really hates me doesn't he?"

Tom smiled and slipped his arms around the tiger and hugged tightly. He kissed the tiger's warm moist lips tenderly and then whispered. "He doesn't hate you, he just misses Colm. He will grow to love you, like I did."

"Now, while he naps, why don't we go and skinny dip?" The rabbit asked with a chuckle, pulling his shirt over his head and heading away towards the river. "See if we can get some luck."

The tiger laughed pulling off his own shirt, showing his perfectly sculpted torso, his colouring a typical for a tiger. Black stripes on a field of burning orange with a white chest stomach and crotch. However, he had a little perma dye tattoo on his chest three black triangles swirling together. It was an old feline symbol of strength and on his plush silken fur it stood out perfectly.

As the two reached the water they stripped off their shorts and with a splash and gasps they jumped into the ice cold water. Tom splashed the tiger and laughed then started to swim for the waterfall. Kyle swam after him, catching the rabbit as they reached the waterfall. Water cascaded down around them, tiny rainbows shining everywhere, as he put his arms around the rabbit and kissed him tenderly, everything felt like it would be ok.

The tiger felt something pressing into his thigh and he looked down chuckling. The rabbit shrugged and muttered. "You bring it out in me." Kyle looked around, they were alone and from what Tom had told him the trail they were on was almost unused they had only seen one other person in three days. He reached down and wrapped his fingers around the rabbit's hard cock.

"Looks like the rumours of these water bringing couples luck were not exaggerated, you are about to get so lucky." The tiger growled softly before kissing the rabbit passionately again.

"Oh Kyle!" Paul gasped as he came again, it felt wrong using thoughts of his step father to masturbate, but he couldn't stop himself. He was laying on his sleeping bag soaked in sweat and panting. He had already jerked off three times and he was still painfully erect. His body was so warm and his head was spinning, he didn't know what his father and Kyle were up to down by the river, but they were sure taking their sweet time. As he started to paw his adolescent cock once more he though about his father fucking the tiger, watching as the brown rabbit jackhammered a thick pink cock deep into the kitty's stripy ass.

Kyle cried out as he bent over a rock under the waterfall, holding tightly to it for support as Tom was pounding into him. The rabbit may not have the muscle definition of the tiger but he knew how to use his thick bunny tool. It was assaulting his prostate repeatedly as the rabbit's paw jerked his hot shaft.

Tom leaned over and, as the water continued to thunder down around them, he kissed and nipped on the tiger's neck. He knew that the tiger loved having his neck nipped or even bitten and as he nipped rougher the feline roared and his body spasmed. The rabbit felt the tight heat around his cock suddenly get amazingly tight, as the tiger orgasmed around him milking his cock wonderfully. He couldn't stop himself from pounding into the cat with everything ounce of strength he could muster, as his cock jetted warm bunny spunk deep into the tiger.

"Yes! Fuck yes!" Paul cried out muffling himself with his pillow as he drained a fifth load of spunk onto the dripping sleeping bag. His stomach was on fire and he couldn't stop himself he grabbed his hot sticky shaft and as he writhed on the sleeping bag he began to jerk it again.

As Tom and Kyle returned to camp the rabbit shouted to his son. "Hey, Paul we are going to fix something to eat, you want to join us?"

A rather breathless voice came from Paul's tent. "N... no I'm n n not hungry."

The two adults looked at each other and shrugged and began to prepare a meal. It was as they were eating that they heard Paul's voice cry out. Kyle's brow furrowed in confusion. "Did he just call out for me?"

"Yeah, I definitely heard your name." The rabbit confirmed and then added with a chuckle." Why don't you go see what's up, he probably wants something to eat and knows he can guilt you into bringing it to him in his tent instead of coming out to get it."

The tiger walked over to Paul's tent and reached out for the zip saying. "Alright buddy, what do you..." The words died in his throat as he opened the tent, the rabbit was sprawled on his back his paw going furiously and, from the smell that hit the tiger's nose, Paul had been pawing for a while. "Oh shit, sorry!" The tiger said and pulled the zip back up. "I... we thought you were asking for food."

"I... can't stop." The rabbit whined pitifully. "I just can't stop!"

Kyle paused for a second at a loss for words. "Ok, well I'll leave you be then."

"No! G... get my father!" The boy shouted out desperately.

"Tom!" The tiger shouted out, something about this situation was definitely wrong, hell the boy had been soaking in sweat and cum.

"What's up?" The brown rabbit asked and the smile from his face faded as he looked at the concerned look on the tiger's face.

"He was... playing with himself, he says he can't stop." Kyle whispered urgently.

"Oh.. Oh Shit!" The rabbit cried out and grabbed the door of the tent opening it to find his son on his back, soaked in sweat and cum. "Paul, does your stomach feel hot? Is your head kinda fuzzy?"

The young male nodded and then suddenly reached out grasping at his father's crotch. "I need help!" He whined desperately in biochemically fuelled lust.

Tom patiently took his son's paw off his crotch and placed it down inside the tent. "I know, don't worry you will be ok." He grabbed the tiger and dragged him away from the tent, the look in his eyes telling the tiger just how serious the situation was.

"He's in heat!" The rabbit exclaimed. "I can't believe I banned comm devices, he needs to get to a hospital now."

"I... can go for help, I could probably get back to the start of the trail in two days." Kyle replied, he was aware that rabbits entered heat once a year and had been looking forward to Tom's next heat. However, he was also aware that if the rabbit's didn't get to the heat clinic and copulate heavily their heat cycle wouldn't end and they would eventually be poisoned by their own bodies.

"No! Look, he's not just about to go into heat. He's in full blown heat, he's jerked himself off until he is in a full heat haze." The rabbit gulped as he couldn't believe what he would have to say next. "He... he needs two partners at least to help him to the end of his heat cycle. If not he'll be dead by tomorrow."

"W... what are you saying?" The tiger asked cautiously not quite sure he was hearing what he was hearing.

"I... need you to help my son get through his first heat." Tom said quietly and found he couldn't look the tiger in the face. He never thought he would have ever had to ask that and what was worse he couldn't stop thinking that he knew the tiger alone wouldn't be enough.

"Ok, I can do that." Kyle said putting a reassuring paw on the rabbit's shoulder. "He needs it and I'm guessing you might want me to... go first."

The rabbit had tears in his eyes and he nodded. "Please. A boy's first encounter shouldn't be with his dad. A sexy offworlder is a much better first." He was so grateful that the tiger was taking to this so easily, he had worried that he would have to practically beg him to help. After all, how many step fathers get asked to deflower their step son. He found himself a little disturbed by how his sheath swelled at the thought of the tiger and Paul. He shook his head dismissing his feelings of arousal, guessing they were brought on by his Paul's heat hormones. He had gotten a few good lungfuls of the heat scent.

The rabbit couldn't help but wish there was another rabbit or two present. Firstly so that he wouldn't have to help out directly and with three or more there would be a chance they would all enter heat. Everything was much easier once you entered the heat haze, morals, ethics, doubt were all banished from your mind, you just fucked, sucked and enjoyed yourself. What's better none of them would remember what they did. He blinked as he realised within a few hours he would have helped his son through heat and he would remember it all.

"You ok?" Kyle asked quietly as he had watched the rabbit standing mutely lost in thought.

"Yeah, I just... I never thought I would have to do something like this." He reached up and brushed a tear away. "I wish he had told me he was feeling strange or something, I mean he went to sex ed, he knew the signs to look for and so did I , I should have spotted it."

The tiger put his arms around the rabbit and squeezed gently. "Hey, thoughts like that won't do anyone any good. Hell I could have demanded you bring along a comm unit just in case of an accident. It was stupid of both of us to take a boy on the verge of manhood out into the wilderness with no way of calling for help. That can't be changed now, all we can do is what we need to do, to make sure he lives to be really pissed off at us both."

Tom found himself smiling despite the situation, he returned the hug and kissed the tiger tenderly. "I love you so much right now."

"I love you too" Kyle whispered tenderly into the rabbit's ear. "Well ok I should go get this started." The tiger let go of the rabbit and turned back towards the tent with the young rabbit in.

"Thanks, for being so understanding about this." Tom said quietly as they headed towards the tent.

"Oh it's no problem, you know us tigers are far more sexually open than most species." Kyle replied with a smile. "A little sexual exploration within family is not unknown on Felious. I never really mentioned it to you because most races do not accept it, but I will not feel bad or look down on you for what we do today."

They reached the tent and silently stripped before opening it, finding Paul still on his back jerking his cock furiously. He looked up at them both and whispered. "Help me."

"It's going to be ok." Tom whispered as the pair got into the tent. The rabbit closed the tent door behind them. He knew that his son would be giving out a large amount of hormones and pheromones which would help Kyle and him attain the arousal that they would need to help Paul.

The tiger reached out and gently took the rabbit's paw off his cock. Kyle leant over and blew on the young male's sticky cock making Paul shudder, he was too lost to his heat to think of anything but how much he needed more sexual relief. The tiger sniffed gently and looked back at Tom questioningly. The adult rabbit gave a weak smile and a nod of encouragement and permission. Kyle returned to the cock and sniffed again, the cock was thick with a mixture of semi dried pre and cum. He opened his mouth and took the full length into his muzzle, gently sucking the hot sticky maleness clean. The mixture of semi dried cum and pre was not the most pleasant taste and yet the tiger let out a pleasured moan, he knew that the last thing anyone wanted to hear when you are sucking their cock is that you didn't like the taste.

Tom gently pushed the tiger down onto his side and gently guided his husband so that his crotch was placed near his son's face. "He needs to... drink, the presence of sexual fluids in his stomach and elsewhere trigger his body to stop producing hormones." The adult rabbit explained trying to keep as calm as he could. He reached down and gently caressed the feline's furry orbs and sheath, peeling the sheath away from the hot pink flesh it held. Kyle couldn't help but moan and feel his arousal beginning to grow. He sucked gently on the hot rabbit cock in his maw, using his rough tongue to gently stimulate Paul's cocktip.

Sniffing and opening his eyes the young rabbit noticed the tiger cock being offered to him. His hormone soaked brain knew only one reaction and he jumped forward taking the length fully into his muzzle sucking tightly and firmly making the tiger wince in shock and surprise.

"Careful son, watch your teeth and go gentle, it's a cock not a lolly." Tom whispered quietly stroking his son's cheeks. He found himself unable to look away he could see that his mate's cock was swelling with arousal as his son suckled eagerly on it. He gulped softly his own cock growing firm as he watched his husband's cock sliding in and out of Paul's muzzle. The two were both moaning in lustful union as they sucked on each others' cocks.

Kyle had to admit he was enjoying the moment, Paul's young eager mouth felt good around his cock. The taste of the warm cock in his maw was also welcome, now that he had cleaned off the cum and pre he was savouring the taste of the young male. It reminded him of his husband's musky maleness, however, his eager tongue could detect notes of a fruity sweetness. As he sucked eagerly on the cock he felt the meat throb and suddenly his tongue was coated in tangy and warm rabbit seed.

The tiger swallowed the load down and pulled off, looking down to watch as the young male serviced his hard throbbing cock. His head felt a little light and, as the warm maw sucked faster and more eagerly on his thick cock, he found himself groaning as his balls began to rise. He couldn't fight the urge to cum and just relaxed as he cried out happily, his cock throbbing powerfully as he unloaded a heavy, creamy, sweet, heady load onto the young rabbit's tongue.

Paul gulped eagerly swallowing the viscous and copious fluid eagerly, his young muzzle bobbing eagerly on the length as he tried to milk it for more. The heat in his body felt slightly reduced, the buzzing and almost painful feelings that had begun to fill his head began to fade. Still his mind was completely lost to the lusts of heat, as he finished with one cock he reached out for the next.

Tom cried out in surprised as the young rabbit pulled himself over the tiger and suddenly began to suck on his cock. He stifled a pleasurable moan as his cock began to engorge in the eager muzzle of the teenage male. His paws reached down to tenderly stroke Paul's ears encouragingly, he closed his eyes trying not to think about how good it felt to have his cock begin sucked by such an eager lover.

Kyle pulled himself up onto his knees and the elder rabbit caught his eye and gestured to Paul's ass. "He... needs to feel someone inside him, it's...ah important to help reduce heat." The brown rabbit couldn't control himself and he found his hips thrusting involuntarily. The tiger looked around and spotted a bottle of liquid soap in the teenage rabbit's bag. Grabbing it he squeezed a generous helping onto his paw and spread it over his cock. He was shocked at how quickly he had gotten erect after cumming the first time.

The elder rabbit stroked Paul's ears loving, no longer able to stifle his moans as his cock thrust slowly in and out of his son's eager muzzle. "Mmmm more tongue." He gasped at himself, he couldn't believe those words had just escaped his mouth. However, the other rabbit had heard him and Tom found his cock under a fully assault by an inexperienced but very eager tongue.

Kyle watched the two rabbits and couldn't help but enjoy the sight of the two rabbit's pleasuring each other. He ran his soap fingers under the youth's tail and finding his pucker began to slowly tease the young male open. Paul surprised the tiger by pushing back wantonly onto his fingers trying to get them deeper. The feline purred loudly and then looked up guiltily at Tom, knowing that the rabbit probably wouldn't want him to be enjoying this so much. However, all he saw was his husband with his eyes closed enjoying a deeply enthusiastic muzzle job from the sexy young male.

He twisted his fingers around inside the young rabbit slowly stretching him, hearing Paul moaning in pleasure. The young male reached down under himself and grasped his cock. Kyle smiled as he couldn't help but notice how alike the father and son were in all departments. Their cocks much thicker than most rabbit's, yet with a little less length than average.

As he felt the ring relaxing and accepting his fingers the tiger knew it was time. He pulled his fingers out and quickly mounted the virgin rear. Placing his pointed and barbed cock against the trembling youth's pucker. He thrust forward slowly but firmly, his tip spearing into Paul and making the young male gasp around his father's cock as he was slowly spread open by the invading cock.

Opening his eyes Tom watched as his husband thrust into his son until the tiger's hips were flush with the young rabbit's. He looked into the tiger's eyes, and they shared an embarrassed smile. Both having to admit to each other they were deeply enjoying the act. Kyle reached out and pulled his husband down kissing him tenderly as he began to thrust into the young male. Taking it slowly and gently at first, then as the young rabbit bucked back into his eagerly he began to pick up the pace of the thrusting.

Paul was lost both in his crazed heat fuelled actions, his body was screamed at him as the two experienced male's took him to heights of pleasure he had never thought possible. He cried out around his father's cock as he came once more, his tight young rear spasmed around the invading cock. The tiger reacted to the sudden tightness by thrusting faster and faster, taking advantage to drive his cock home deep inside the tight virgin depths. As his tongue slipped into Tom's muzzle he bucked faster and faster, feeling his own orgasm growing near.

The elder male rabbit was right on the edge too and as Paul recovered from his orgasm and started to suck and bob his head eagerly again he was driven over the edge. Paul moaned happily as the thick cock in his mouth throbbed and a wave of musky seed was spilled into his mouth. He swallowed greedily sucking hungrily trying to get every last drop out of his lover.

As the rabbit moaned and cried out into his muzzle the tiger knew that his love had just cum. He thrust his hip faster and faster, his hips pounding hard into the pert young buttocks, the tent filling with the smacking sounds of his hips against hips, as he ravaged the rabbit's moist pucker driving himself into the rabbit desperately. He broke the kiss and cried out into the night, lost in desperate pleasure as his barbed cock erupted inside the tight young body. He continued to rut as he fucked his third load of the night deep into Paul's ass.

The feline finally pulled out, the young rabbit moaning at the feeling of the barbed cock being withdrawn. Kyle sat back, panting softly, looking at Tom and smiling a little. Tom looked back blushing a little as he pulled his cock out of the young rabbit's eager maw. He found it difficult to admit but he had really enjoyed that moment. Still he tried to put any thoughts of enjoyment out of his mind as he focussed on the needs of his child.

Paul was sitting up his cock still erect, Tom looked into his heat clouded eyes and knew that more was still needed. He knew that his son needed to ingest one more male's fluids to ensure he would end his heat safely. He bent down and opened his mouth, taking Paul's cock into his muzzle. He couldn't believe who he was tasting and how much he actually enjoyed the taste and feel of that forbidden cock on his tongue.

The heat crazed youth began to fuck his muzzle vigorously, desperate to cum in that warm and welcoming hole. The elder rabbit closed his eyes and tried to forget who was using his muzzle and to just enjoy the taste and feel of a hot cock in his mouth. He had always loved the feel of a hard cock as it ploughed his willing lips and this one was no exception despite the owner. The wonderful taste, each cock different and sublime in a new way. He suckled hungrily letting his tongue tease the tip, Paul grabbed his head holding him in place as the teenager fucked as fast as he could. In his heat addled mind all he cared about was cumming in the warm and wonderful hole he was fucking.

It wasn't long until he did just that, Tom milking the cock greedily as his muzzle was filled with the young male's hot spunk. As the flow of cum stopped, he sat up, pulling slowly off the cock making sure to keep as much cum in his mouth as he could. his paws stroked slowly up Paul's body until he cradled the young boy's head. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the sexy young rabbits.

He couldn't help but moan as he felt his lips caressing Paul's soft and sensual lips. Their velvet softness welcoming him so perfectly as he gasped and sighed pressing his chest to his lover's. Opening his muzzle slightly he slid his tongue into his son's letting the cum he had caught flow into Paul's mouth. The young rabbit returned the kiss passionately and as he drank his own cum, his tongue danced against Tom's, sliding into his mouth loving the taste of another male.

The kiss continued, even after the cum was gone, the elder rabbit caressed Paul's cheek brushing his furry cheeks. The other slipping down his back lightly caressing his hot buttocks, marvelling at their pert firmness. His fingers brushing over the pucker, getting soaked with the cum leaking out of it. Eventually Tom remembered himself and broke the kiss panting heavily. He looked at the grinning cat and blushed deeply. "He needed to swallow his own." The rabbit explained and was grateful that the cat didn't point out that kiss had gone on far longer than needed just to share cum. The rabbit blushed and feeling the need for a breath of fresh air he turned to open the tent door.

Paul's eyes instantly identify a pert rump, with teardrop tail and inviting warm hole. In lust crazed desperation the young rabbit pounced landing on Tom's back and desperately lining up his cock thrusting hard and forcing himself into the accidentally proffered rear. The elder rabbit squealed at the rough, barely lubricated entry, gasping and yet he didn't struggle, part of him knew he didn't have to let Paul do this to help him. However, the rough thrusting cock triggered a submissive reaction in him and he moaned lustfully pushing back forcing the cock deeper inside him.

The thrusting began to feel nice quite quickly and his cock began to swell back to full throbbing erection. Then he felt Kyle slipping under him and before he realised what was going Tom found his cock hilt deep in a bobbing feline muzzle. Caught between his son's thrusting cock and his husband's bobbing maw, Tom was in forbidden ecstasy. He didn't think of fighting he just submitted, pushing back wantonly into the thrusting cock which seemed to find his prostate on every thrust. Then forward into the tiger's expert muzzle his cock drooling pre heavily.

Under the dual assault the rabbit didn't last long he reached his peak and shot a hot load into the tiger's willing muzzle. His ass clamped down on Paul's cock milking the youth's thrusting meat firmly. The young rabbit's thrusting redoubled in speed and strength as his cock throbbed and he fucked a load of his seed deep into his father's ass.

As Tom fell over panting, Kyle moved up to kiss the young male, this rough tongue thrusting into his muzzle and sharing the load he had just harvested from Tom with the eager rabbit. He found himself suckling on Paul's tongue enjoying the sweet taste of youth. He ground his tight muscular body against the rabbit's lithe form, their silken furs blending into one. The tiger's paws caressed every inch of the youth, exploring as he thrust his tongue deep into Paul's maw, plundering the taste from within.

The two adults took turns pleasuring the younger rabbit, both secretly or not so secretly enjoying the night. Until with the rising of the sun the young males hormones finally were brought under control and his heat subsided. The tiger carried the exhausted youth into the other tent. Where the three lay down together to sleep, holding each other close.

Paul awoke sandwiched between his father and the tiger. The feline's arms tight around him and his father's head resting on his chest. He jumped a little his mind racing as he tried to piece together the events of the previous day.

"Morning" The tiger purred gently in his ear.

"W... what's going on?" The youth asked confused and a little scared, he could remember pawing off a few times yesterday and then, mostly a blank with a few exciting image. The tiger sucking him off, fucking him and himself being spitroast between the tiger and his father. As the post heat endorphins saturated his brain he was a lot more receptive to what had happened than he thought he would be.

"We had to help you through your heat." The tiger replied and nuzzled the young male tenderly.

The rabbit found himself sighing and returning the nuzzle warmly. "So we... did stuff?"

"Oh yeah lots of stuff. It was a fun night." Kyle replied with a chuckle. "Kinda sore now though, man you guys get rough in heat."

The young rabbit flushed deeply with embarrassment unable to reply to the tiger eventually he whispered. "Thanks for helping me, I know it must have been a bit weird for you."

"Not as weird for him as it was for me apparently." Tom muttered from his chest. "How are you feeling?"

"Kinda good, to be honest my head feels light and I know what we did, but it doesn't seem to be bothering me as much as I would have thought." The young rabbit replied honestly, still sandwiched between the two.

"That's your after heat glow for you, it'll last for a week or two. Then it might bother you some." The elder rabbit replied.

"You know you wanted this trip to bring me and Paul closer together, well I'm snuggling with him so I'd say it was a success." Kyle said with a chuckle and gave the young rabbit another nuzzle before adding. "I'm up for another... camping trip anytime you guys are."

The two rabbit's looked at each other and while neither of them replied, they both had to admit to themselves right there and then it didn't seem like an unpleasant or ridiculous idea.