Our Pride chapter 5

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#12 of My pack

Here is chapter five, it is pretty short. But it covers a couple pieces of back story and I apologize for how the chapter ends in advance. You have been warned so don't say you weren't. Hope you enjoy this regardless, things will pick up again in the next chapter with more events happening.

I laid across the couch staring up at the ceiling. My mates were all upstairs, sleeping in bed. Some mysterious force was preventing me from falling asleep so I came down here to leave them in peace. I sighed and looked around the dimly lit room. A single lamp in the corner being the only source of illumination in this once dark space. I was looking over Facebook on Eric's laptop, scrolling passed posts that I had already skipped over earlier in the day.

I typed in the address for our story depository just for something to do while I waited for sleep. When the page loaded I saw a new post. I was interested by the new link right under the one Iain had posted. It was posted by Chris, which perked my interest further. I quickly clicked on it and settled in to read the page once it was loaded.

Anger, I felt such anger for the smaller guy. Whose only wrong had been staring at someone else in the locker room. Who was he to add to this disease that spread across our Nation? I wasted no time in grabbing him, slamming him to the hard metal lockers. He was a guy like me, but he was giving in and that couldn't be tolerated. He yelped in pain and fear, trying to wiggle free. I forced everything else to the side, I had to teach him that this wasn't acceptable.

I cant remember what I said to him. But I will always remember the hurt look on his face and his fear. I pulled my hand into a fist and slammed it hard into his face. Forcing his head back into the lockers behind him. He yelped loudly and I could see other guys moving closer to get a good look at the action. The canine balled his hand into a fist and punched me. It was harder than I expected, and just above my kidney.

I groaned at the punch and the anger I felt before turned to pure fury. I slammed my fist into his gut and let him drop to the floor. He curled into a ball and I was about to give him a few kicks to let the lesson sink in when I heard a deafening roar. It echoed off the cement walls of the locker room and I turned just in time to see the lion he had been staring at throw his fist into my nose.

The scent of blood was strong and I knew he split my nose open. The lion was mad, glaring at me and stood between me and the small canine. Who was now being held by Eric, who I knew was this guy's best friend. I threw a punch at the lion's face but he moved his head swiftly to the side. Giving me a hard jab in the gut before I could react. I doubled over, the blow making me feel sick. He shoved me back into another row of lockers.

I groaned in pain, holding myself up on one knee. He didn't stop, kicking me hard in the side. I dropped to the ground, unable to defend myself. I curled up and the angry lion kicked me hard in the forearms. Unable to find a softer target. Another kick swiftly followed the first, and then another. I just laid there, bloody and bruised until everyone cleared out. No one came to my aid, probably out of fear of angering the large cat.

I was left there to think over what I had done. Slowly getting to my feet after I was sure I was alone. Limping out of the locker room to my car. The classic Ford Mustang was one of the few cars left in the Senior parking lot. A point I was thankful for, not wanting to deal with shit from anyone right now. Once I was in my car I played over the events. Had I been wrong in trying to teach the dog a lesson?

People came to his aid, not mine. But that didn't help the confusion any. Everyone talked about how disgusting and foul guys like that were. Like they were scum, better off dead than allowed to walk around spreading like roaches. Yet I was alone on that front when action came. I sighed and inspected my nose. It looked bad, which meant it wasn't bad at all. Injuries always looked worse than they were.

As the year went on, things just got more confusing. The school changed and there were all of these people who were supporting gays. They had a club and from what I heard a fair amount of members. Zach's sister was very vocal about it. But he wouldn't tell me much when pressed about it. Just saying that his sister was a fan of gay guys and that as her big brother he wouldn't cross her.

The last day of school was full of surprises. Zach came out earlier in the day. Telling the whole team while we were having one last group BS session. I was stunned by that, he was a real guy and he was gay. None of the other guys made much of a deal of it around him. There was some trash talking once Zach took off. That bothered me more than anything, that they were turning on him.

Brian and Mark also came out that day. I had known they were in that club since the start of the school year. Along with Zach, but figured it had to do with their girlfriends wanting them to be in it or something. Like I figured Zach's sister was the reason he was involved in it. If I was confused at the start of the year I didn't have a clue by the end.

I was at a party that night with a few of the guys. Drinking and enjoying the new freedom that we had with school behind us. "Man, those queers were all over campus this year." I turned to look at Dennis. The bull had been a key to the success of our defensive line all season. I considered him a good friend all through high school. But that comment made me question that friendship. "They ain't that bad," I told him taking a long pull from my beer.

"Ain't that bad? They got to Zach, bet'cha he will be as fruity as that fennec by this time next year." I snorted at the comment. "Eric didn't turn fruity, said he's been gay his whole life." I told him. Doug came back into the living room and plopped down in a chair after getting another beer. "Still one of those fags, fruity or not." The cougar twisted the top off his bottle and took a long drink.

"Fruity or not, they didn't do anything to us. Who cares what they do?" I said getting a little annoyed. Dennis looked at me, "Dude. I don't want some butt pirate trying to stick anything up my ass." None of them made any passes at anyone though. That's the thing, they stuck to themselves all year long. "I knew Sabina was a lesbo, anyone can tell. More of a man than Dennis" Doug said laughing at his own words.

I stood up, leaving my beer on the coffee table. "I'm out of here, see you guys around." I left them both there, they were being jerks and I wasn't going to put up with their shit. Driving home was the better than dealing with them. Tomorrow was graduation, the last chance I would have to see the canine. Whose name I had only learned a short while ago. After tonight, I knew what I had to do.

So the next day while I sat there, dressed in the goofy get up they made us wear to these things, I thought about what I was going to say to him. I picked him out of everyone. The rainbow sash he wore made him easier to spot in the mass of people seated on the field. I didn't pay attention to any of the speeches, or the other shit that went on. Too wrapped up in my own thoughts until I heard the old badger at the podium call his name.

A few people on the field clapped, and a few in the bleachers. I could tell there were some who were upset about whatever was going on. Kimber walked up to the microphone and what he said is something I wont ever forget. He talked about feeling alone, isolated because he was gay. That people who weren't didn't have to go through those feelings because they weren't gay like he was. Then he talked about the beating I gave him in the locker room and I lowered my ears.

He spoke about that incident in a way that reminded me of the President's speech about Pearl Harbor. An unseen, unprovoked attack that would never be forgotten. That would never be tolerated again, because that attack was unacceptable. His words hurt me more than his lion had that day in the locker room. I felt low, like I was some horrible enemy. Like Hitler, or some other monster from history.

When he finished the number of people who clapped hard more than doubled. I was among them, but Kimber didn't seem to notice. He didn't look up, just made his way back to his seat as quickly as he could. I had changed inside, on some level I knew that I wasn't who I was at the start of the year. So when everyone was running around the field, chasing down their caps or looking for friends, I picked out the dog I had grown to admire.

I wasn't sure of my feelings. The only thing I was sure of was that I owed him an apology. He looked scared when he saw me. But I told him I was sorry, that it was stupid of me. The only exact words out of the exchange that I remember was him saying, "We cool." My cousin came out just before that and it really made me question myself a lot. My motives for hurting him, and my need to apologize to him.

He invited me to a party, more as a courtesy than anything else. I doubt he expected one of the star football players to show up. But I agreed, I would have went even if Zach wasn't going to be there. This guy was different somehow. Kimber had an energy about him or something, and that seemed to affect people for the better. That brief moment we talked made me feel better than I had in a long while.

At the party I was talking with a group of guys I was close with. They weren't like Doug or Dennis, but those guys weren't my friends any longer. I decided I was done with them after that night, these guys here were the truest friends I had ever known. We were talking about the games we played that season when Kimber walked over. I remember that we hadn't introduced ourselves so I took the lead and did so.

Whatever we talked about made me feel good. I felt less confused and could see why I attacked him. Fear of being found out, I attacked him to keep myself hidden away. I wasted so much time on girls, but not one of them gave me anything more than crabs. I felt nothing for them, I was allowing myself to feel like me for the first time and it was nice. The canine was attractive, usually I would have just thought he was a good looking dude and forced my thoughts to end there.

But I was letting myself take him in. His scent, their scents, it was nice. I felt comfort for the first time. I was gay, always was. I couldn't beat off unless there was a dick to look at or think about. Snatch just wasn't what I wanted, guys were always the key to me getting off. I may not have remembered what we talked about but what happened after he left I will never forget.

The fruity fennec walked over to us with a raccoon in tow. I could tell that the coon was nervous. He kept looking to the fennec for support. His friend however was rubbing his hand across Tony's chest. The bobcat was enjoying the attention, and whatever was whispered into his ear tented his shorts in a hurry. The coon got nervous, realizing that he was about to be left alone. "What's your name?" I asked him wanting to at least make him more comfortable.

He looked at me, "Jake. You?" I smiled at him, "I'm Chris." I didn't care that he didn't know me from the team. Some guys would have been annoyed about that. "So, how long have you?" he asked me. "All my life," I told him. Getting looked from Tony and Zach. "I think he was asking about how long you've been gay, not how long you've played football." Zach told me.

I wrapped an arm around Jake and pulled him against my broad chest. "I know what he asked, I'm not an idiot." Zach chuckled at the comment and went to continue the conversation. However the fox was pulling Tony towards the house. "He moves fast," I said. Jake was starting to relax into me. Turning so he could press his head into my chest. Zach snorted at the comment, "That one is always in the fast lane. Typical fox, tail in the upright and fuck me position."

"That's the way I like my foxes," Brian said walking over to us. The kangaroo never really said much to me. It was like we were from two different worlds. It still seemed that way. He looked at Jake and then gazed over at the pool. "Looking for something?" I asked him. He nodded not looking at me, "Yeah. Nice warm tail, and I may have found the perfect one." Brian walked away and I didn't bother with watching to see who he was after.

Zach continued his conversation with the only other member of the group not busy with a male. Blake, the tiger was also on the football team but was benched early because of a knee injury early in the season. Jake started to press his crotch against my thigh. I felt his hard cock and that was all it took for me to get hard as well. I could see his blush, giving him a nuzzle between the ears. "Let's go somewhere more private," I said leading him towards the house.

Only one guest room was in use so we had no trouble finding one for ourselves. Slipping into it before locking the door. Jake was really nervous, I was a little as well. I pressed my lips to his, he eagerly returned my first kiss with another guy. It felt so good, nothing like the ones I had shared with the girls I dated. I wanted more, so I kissed him again before he could say anything.

I kept reading to the end, it was like a porn video. My pants were tight and I looked down at the visible bulge and wet spot from my pre. The very last words typed were that it was edited by Jake before being uploaded. I placed the laptop on the coffee table and undid my pants. My thick canine dick sliding into view. I murred at the scent of my musk. Slowly starting to stroke myself.

"Gods," I moaned out as I worked my cock. Teasing the underside, rubbing my tip and working my soft knot. I pictured Iain, bent over a desk in the school library. Begging for me to fuck him harder. "Who's my bitch," I said to him. Moving my hand a little faster, pre drooling from my tip. "Beg, beg for your Alpha. Mmm...That's it slut, moan and beg."

My toes curled and I panted softly, really getting into it. Moving on to my tiger, hearing him moaning and begging for cock in my fantasy while I pounded him beyond submission. My knot started to swell and I started thinking about Rem. Little fox's maw around my puppy maker, eagerly sucking on it like a good bitch. "Oh yeah, naughty little tail raiser. You love sucking on cock and you don't care who it's attached to."

I squeezed my knot, slowly nearing the edge when Aiden entered my fantasy. "Fuck, no, go away...Fuck it, you're a subby. Get down and take big brother's cock." I thought about humping him hard, making him moan like Victor and Lyon did. Thinking about forcing him to take my knot, just to prove what he bitch he was, not out of love, but lust.

Then it happened, I shot thick ropes of canine cum all over my chest and belly. Moaning loudly as my jizz coated my bare chest. Panting and murring while I basked in my glory. I was in a very dom mood, Aiden was just another subby bitch eager for cock to help me along. Nothing more to it, though I wouldn't have minded a little time with Rem. I could see him licking the cum from my chest fur, making sure not to waste a drop.

I sighed, it was still late and I wasn't anywhere near tired. So I sat up and licked the cum from my fingers. Starting to type away on a story of my own. Thinking back to last year, and how new this place was to us then. I smiled, typing away rapidly. Making sure to go back and fix a typo if I made one before continuing on.

It was late August, we had to leave early to get up to Spokane. Eric had found us a place to stay. Our parents convoyed up together to help us move in and get settled. "It's cozy," my mom said looking at the small house. It was small, which made it all the better. Nice and intimate for us. "Look at that chimney, it's manly." I raised a brow and looked at my mom. "How is a chimney manly?"

"It just is," she said while we waited for Eric to unlock the front door. My dad looked at it, "You guys sure you can handle this?" Eric pushed open the door and looked back at him. "It's taken care of Jeff, no worries." My dad nodded, and joined Torban's dad in walking around the outside of the house. Eric's dad was less interested in doing a home inspection. He was busy pulling boxes from their Suburban.

"It's a nice little place," Torban's mom said to mine. They both walked inside to look around while I grabbed one of the boxes from my parent's SUV. "Yes, lovely house. Don't mind me, I'll unpack by myself." Eric chuckled and took the box from me. "I'll help you pup, go find our lion." I looked around but couldn't find him. Returning to the car to grab more of my boxes. Eric's mom was busy helping his dad pull things from their car.

I started stacking boxes in the living room. Helping to get Eric's stuff brought into the house. "Thank you Kimber dear," Missis Johnson said to me when I took a box from her. It was pretty heavy and I couldn't make her carry it herself. "You're welcome," I said smiling at her. Torban rounded the house with the dads that wandered off and I pushed a box into his hands. "Help," I told him while grabbing another box.

Torban didn't bring as much as Eric and I did. Eric brought the most. Knowing we would need stuff for every room of the house. Torban unloaded his bed and my dad helped him bring it in and set it up. We didn't have a whole lot of furniture or a fridge. But we had our bed, and clothes. Once my parent's car was empty our moms all took off. "Women, always out to spend money." Eric dad said shaking his head while sitting on the front steps. "You're telling me," my dad told him.

I chuckled and walked back into the house. It was empty, but it would be our home for the next four years. Eric was in the kitchen busy putting things away. I smiled at the tiger and moved from the living room upstairs. The only room that seemed like home was the bedroom. I searched through Torban's boxes and pulled out sheets. Carefully making the large, king bed. The closet was empty and we didn't have dressers.

It was almost comical, people would spend so much on material possessions and I was content with just a bed and my guys. Once the bed was made, complete with pillows, I walked back downstairs to check on Eric. He turned to look at me, "Where have you been?" I kissed him on the cheek, "Torban's favorite room. We can unpack later, your dad is here. Should visit a little."

He turned and shook his head, "Lots to do." He sighed and looked around at the house. "But I guess this can wait. We don't even have a fridge. Doesn't come until tomorrow, so pointless to fret about everything." I smiled and took his hand in mine, leading him outside where everyone else was.

We listened to our dads talking for a while before our moms returned. They bought us a coffee table and a couple nightstands. Plus some nice cookware. We didn't have a couch, or a table. But we were on our way. Our parents left that afternoon, needing to get back home before it got too late. So we were left alone, in our mostly empty house.

"We need a couch to fuck on," Torban said giving a thrust with his hips. Eric chuckled and snuggled into the lion. "Always horny, we will get one soon. Curtains as well, don't want the neighbors to look in and see us going at it." I smiled at my mates, we were on our own, with no parents to walk in on us for the first time in our lives.

"The bed is all ready for use," I told them. Torban grinned and threw Eric over his shoulder. Smacking the tiger's ass firmly. "Then let's go break it in properly." I smiled and followed the tiger up into our bedroom for our first romp in our new place. Didn't even have to close the door behind us.

I sighed and looked at the time. I was just after three, and I was finally starting to feel tired. I submitted the story and closed the laptop. Kicking off my pants before walking back upstairs to join my mates in bed. My fur was matted in dry cum but I was too tired to care. Iain would lick me clean in the morning. I slipped back into bed and wrapped my arms around Eric. Drifting to sleep at long last.

Morning came way too early for someone who only had four hours of sleep. Eric nudged me relentlessly, "Wake up doggy." I groaned and opened my eyes, "Need more sleep kitty." I felt him place a hand on my forehead. Then he felt my nose, "You're not sick. Come on lazy butt." I groaned and sat up, "I couldn't sleep." He looked concerned, "Something wrong?"

"No, just wasn't able to sleep." Eric nuzzled my cheek, "You smell like cum." I raised a brow and Iain rolled over to face us. "It's mine, sniff away if you don't believe me. Jerked off on the couch, and wrote a little." Iain leaned passed Eric to sniff my chest. Licking at the dry cum. "Alpha's," he murred licking more. I murred softly and Eric tried to wiggle out from Iain. "Pup, hang on."

Iain stopped and looked at Eric blushing. "Sorry sir," he moved back so he could switch places with Eric. I rubbed the husky's cheek, "Good boy. Now clean Alpha." His ears perked and he went back to licking the dry cum from my fur. Eric watched the display and rubbed a hand over Iain's back. Once he had my fur all clean Iain snuggled into me. His hard cock pressing into my belly. "Too tired to play pet, Torban will have to make good use of you this morning."

He nodded slowly, "Yes sir." I rubbed between his ears, "You're a very good boy." Eric pulled the husky into him. "He sure is, I'll take care of him. Feeling dominant at the moment." I slid from the bed and walked out of the room naked. Going to make something for breakfast while my mates enjoyed each other. If ever there was a morning when I would have considered coffee, it was this morning. But the black stuff smelled gross to me, and the taste was unbearable.

I measured out the scoops and turned on the coffee maker. Settling on pancakes, being quick and easy. I was too tired to do much else and I had class in an hour. I helped myself while my mates were busy with their romp. Heading back upstairs once I made enough for everyone. Iain would clean up the kitchen before leaving for class so I left it as it was.

Today was going to be one of those days that drug on forever, I could already feel it. My mates were still going at it when I walked into the room. I ignored them and grabbed a pair of jeans, a shirt and some socks before walking back out. I got dressed in front of the door and grabbed my backpack. Walking to class early since I had nothing better to do. I sighed trying to wake up fully, stepping into the street to cross to the other side.

I yelped as something hit me, rolling onto the dash and into the windshield. Then reversing direction I slid back and rolled across the ground. Groaning as I tried to make sense of what just happened. I tried to move and I winced in pain. Finally getting over the initial shock of what happened. I looked back at the station wagon that hit me. In time to watch it back up and drive around me.

I reached out trying to get them to stop but the never did. I felt dizzy, trying my best to fight it and check for serious damage. Giving my pocket a pat to try and locate my cell. I didn't grab it from the nightstand. Looking back at our house, I tried to crawl towards it but felt weak. "Oh Gods, no." I stretched my arm out and felt it fall limply onto the side walk. My vision blurring and it becoming difficult to do anything but close my eyes.

Once again, sorry for where I ended that. Don't hate me. Hope you enjoyed it regardless, next chapter will be up sometime tomorrow hopefully. Please vote, watch if you want to see more from me, comment below if you have a friendly word or comment to give. And as always thanks for reading