The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fifteen

Story by Dante, Erebosian Wolf on SoFurry

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#15 of The Furry Rebellion

I would recommend listening to Run Boy Run by Woodkid

He's back alright, and I wonder if he'll actually be finished off this time?


Main Character: Markus: (Transformed, human ? Arctic wolf)- white furred, bright azure eyes,

Characters: Arron: (Grey, Dire Wolf Anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.

[Personality: Collected, Reserved, Calm, Brave, Knowing, Leader, Powerful, Experienced, Smart, Quick witted, ]

[Disposition: Leader, magik user]

[Relationships: Friend of all, intermediate magik]

Riskar: (Raccoon Anthro)- normal raccoon patterns, slightly rougher fur, ringed tail, thieves mask, ebony eyes, male.

[Personality: Calm, Reserved, Quiet, Nimble Fingered, Intelligent, Sneaky, Secretive, Helpful, Thief, Rascal, Brave]

[Disposition: Guys on the inside, arranger, thief, spy, retriever, little magik]

[Relationships: Best friends with Narr]

Narr: (Fox Anthro, two tailed) Two tailed, soft fur, Normal fox patterns, white belly and end of tail, orange furred, scar on left eye, one eye is blue, scarred eye is green, sort of the youngest of the group male.

[Personality: Well-humored, Intelligent, Witty, Brave, Kind, Sneaky, Thief]

[Disposition: Thief, intermediate magik]

[Relationships: Best friends with Riskar]

Farinay: (Black panther Anthro, winged) Black wings, soft fur, black fur, feline features, male.

[Personality]: Proud, High nosed, neat freak, fan of fashion and looks, well groomed, powerful, intelligent, slightly foolish.

[Disposition: Skilled at magic and combat, major fight. Uniform look provider]

[Relationships: is often teased by Riskar and Narr for being like a girl, is in a relationship with one.

The Furry Rebellion

Dante, Erebosian Wolf

"Battle is an orgy of disorder."

--George S. Patton

Somehow, it seemed, the wretch had managed to survive the skirmish they had had a few hours ago, fresh bandages that had been administered to several wounds on his body, and an eyepatch now marked his face with an ebony dome over his expression. He smiled, his wart wrinkled face and proud tusks contorting into an evil grimace, which was further made gruesome by the injuries to the face he sustained.

"Well well well... Who do have here? Do I remember you from somewhere?"

He said, in a dry and amused, sarcastic tone.

"I would have sworn I've seen you somewhere before... Ah yes! This afternoon..."

His grin disappeared, as he raised his shotgun, his squadron of men, a good hundred Astorians hefted their weapons, most carrying rifles and shotguns, with long chiseled blades on the ends of them stood ready, aiming at the two, a few even bore bows, similar to his own.

As they stood there Aaron stared daggers at the warthog, Markus looked to him and saw him glaring at the tusked military general, his fur on edge on his back and his proud wings raised high above him, poised to thrust downward and propel him in the direction he needed. He was completely focused on the general. He replied

"How's your face feelin', gramps"

The general snorted in anger, and he raised his head up high, showing off his tusks vainly as he replied in a guttural tone.

"You'll regret that soon enough pup! Soldiers! FIRE!"

With that, around a hundred gunshots could be heard from miles around. Markus gasped and stumbled backwards, but as he did so, he noticed something strange happening again. Time, as it did before, seemed to slow down, but this time it was even slower than before, the bullets were still quick yes, but as he fell backwards, he suddenly retained his sense of balance and flipped backwards.

He watched from below as the bullets sailed above him, before getting back on his feet again, now came the arrows, but Aaron was already dealing with them, with a cry and swept his wings forward in a single, powerful movement. Purple smoke appeared in front of them which quickly turned into a wind that drove the arrows back at the soldiers, hitting half a dozen of the and injuring them.

The soldiers, shocked to see such quick reactions to their attacks which seemed almost divine, began to yell in panic that soon turned into confused, as the purple smoke seemed to confuse them when they inhaled it.

The warthog roared in anger, and he walked towards a group of the archers, snatching the bow out of a cheetahs paws, he looked to Markus and grabbed an arrow out of the soldier's quiver and aimed. He drew back, but happened to glance up to see Farinay circling above them, looking down at the scene but no interfering. The general narrowed his eyes, then they widened with recognize, with a dark laugh, he moved the arrow to aim at Farinay, and before Markus could cry out, fired.

Aaron turned from the soldiers he'd been fending off with his axes to see the arrow whistle through the air. Farinay tried moving out of the way, but only succeeded partially, instead of piercing his chest, it embedded itself in his wing, there seemed to be a lull in the fighting, as a silence fell over the area as Farinay flapped desperately, and fell towards the ground, falling into two wooden balconies, breaking through them before collapsing into several crates filled with fish, which burst open spewing water and the still living creatures, causing them to flop everywhere pathetically.

Aaron then slowly turned to the general, as everything seemed to focus on him now, pulling back one of the axes, he twisted, spun around and launched it a good 30 meters at the general, it turned over and over in the air, until with a sickening,"SHLNK!" it struck the warthog right between the eyes, he swayed, and then toppled over backwards, dead.

Aaron held up his now free paw, and from it erupted an enormous 2 meter diameter blue purple fireball, which he threw at a good dozen of the soldiers, it struck them before they could do anything, and caused them all to erupt into the flame. Panicking, they ran around and stumbled into their peers, setting them aflame as well. The soldiers, feld.

Aaron and Markus ran over to the crash site where Farinay was buried, the quickly began digging through the rubble until the had managed to pull Farinay out. Supporting him on each of his arms, Markus and Aaron then began helping him limp down the street, as they returned to their base to recuperate, and see if Riskar and Narr had come back yet.

to be continued...

The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Sixteen

## Chapter Sixteen Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"Tears are words that need to be written"_ _-- Paulo Coelho_ Narr shivered and rubbed his paws along the lengths of his arms, it wasn't even a chilly evening, the middle of spring and the weather...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fourteen

## Chapter Fourteen Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy." --John F. Kennedy_ Narr felt...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Thirteen

## The Furry Rebellion Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of...

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