Chapter XIV: Cruel Intentions

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#14 of No World For Tomorrow

The next exciting chapter in NWFT. Read, rate, comment, and enjoy.

"The problem, Mr. President." Swift argued, "Is that we are in this alone. Your misguided trust in a certain wolf has failed to yield any results. Right now we're fighting a losing battle." "You fail to see things my way Swift. We have to give Stone some time. We can't just wish for help to arrive. We must have patience and strive to do the best we can with what we have." "Is it not enough that we have soldiers fighting hard to just keep one vixen alive? We've already lost half of the city so far and with each passing hour we lose more of it. I'm seriously beginning to doubt your leadership skills. "What are you saying Swift?" countered Kyle, "Need I remind you that without that vixen we have no chance at surviving this." Swift stared coldly at Kyle, "Had you given me full control of the military we wouldn't be losing this war." Kyle scoffed at the idea, knowing full well what Swift would have done had he full control. "And sacrifice the people for a greater good?" he huffed. "No!" gnarled Swift, turning to the president as he clenched his paws. "You've already sacrificed us to an even greater evil." Kyle was taken aback by Swift's words and stepped towards him, speaking in an official tone of voice. "Mind your tongue Swift!" barked back the president. "And pick your next words carefully. As anything else you utter will be taken as a sign of treason." Swift laughed at Kyle's speech before turning his back on the president in defiance. "You're even beginning to sound like him" he said. "How dare you." Kyle retorted as Swift drew his service pistol. "I hereby remove you from command." Kyle spared not a moment and made a valiant charge towards Swift, "Why you no good son of a-" A single shot echoed in the command room as Kyle fell forward, holding his newfound wound on his chest. Swift raised his pistol towards Kyle's head, "History won't remember this moment as the fall of Democracy. But as the rise of the fallen." Another shot echoed as Kyle lay dead, a single shot to the head, his bitter end. "Bring me the vixen." ordered Swift, "She is the key to everything."

Meanwhile in another building...

Tiffani watched as wounded soldiers were brought in, fresh off the battlefield. The sounds of their cries telling the story of their state, scaring the vixen to the core about the more, sadder truths of war. "The longer it takes for help to arrive, the worse shape everyone gets in." Sami said as she stood next to Tiffani, hovering over the vixen by a mere foot. "I take it you've seen worse?" Sami asked, gazing at the wounded still coming in. "I was at the beach when this all began." uttered the vixen. "It was a lot worse than this. Nobody stood a chance." "Such is war" added Sami. "Innocence can only be caught in the crossfire. It's a sad state of affairs, really. But what can one do? Civilians aren't soldiers.", sighed Sami. A soldier stops moving and is covered by a white cloth, causing Tiffani to look away, shaken by what she has just observed. "No one deserves to die so horribly" she said. Sami nodded as she stared on. "Every soldier, including me, all knew what we signed up for." "Those things came from the sky and just started killing everyone in sight.", despaired the vixen. "And for what?" "Who knows" replied Sami. "But they picked the wrong people to fuck with." "I sure hope you're right." "Hmm?" hummed Sami, putting her paw over her ear to receive an order given over the radio. "I think it's time for us to leave." "But why?" asked Tiffani. "Swift has given the order to bring you to HQ for questioning." "What's wrong with that?" Sami grabbed Tiffani by the paw and began to lead her away from the general area. "I was ordered, by the president, to keep you out of harms way." "I don't understand" Once they cleared the next checkpoint, Sami stopped and found a quiet, abandoned gas station in which to inform the vixen of the situation. "Don't you get it? The president is dead. Why else would Swift give a direct order?" Tiffani stood perplexed, gathering her thoughts before asking, "What happens now?" "We get as far away from Swift as we can and hold out until Stone arrives. I know its not a very bright idea but we really have no choice. Come on, let's go." Sami finished, breaking trail further away from the checkpoint.

"What do you mean she's not here?!", Swift barked into the paw set, "Keep looking and don't radio back until you find her! You hear me!?" Swift exhaled his discomfort before turning to the four foxen soldier behind him. "Captain, I need you and your pathfinders to find the vixen. She is not to be harmed in anyway. You understand me?" "Yes sir." "Should you find her in the company of traitors...well, I trust you know what to do. But that vixen is a priority. Dismissed"

It was little after dark when Sami found them an empty office building. "We're clear of the battle zone." she said. "I reckon we can bunk here for the night and continue on at first daylight." "About time." moaned the vixen, "My feet are killing me." As soon as Tiffani cleared the entrance door Sami rigged it with a claymore. "This'll alert us if anyone tries to enter." "Is that really necessary? Won't the door make some kind of noise or something?" Sami ignored the vixen and kept rigging up the claymore. "Given the situation in the city its better to be safe than sorry at this point." "I s'pose" After securing the room Sami felt a little more at ease and picked out a spot on an open desk. "You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would ya?" she asks. "I sure could use one." "Me too" laughed Tiffani. Sami tilted her head back and sighed. "Nothing to do but wait and hope things turn out for the best. Wouldn't you agree?" Before Tiffani could reply Sami sprang to her feet and raised her rifle towards the door as it slowly creaked open. "Get behind me and stay down." she said. "I think they found us." The click of her safety switching off caused the shadow outside to pause in front of the doorway. "It's rigged." came a voice from the other side as the shadow scuffled away. "Alien?" whispered Tiffani, ducking behind a desk. "Worse" replied Sami. "Foxen." The window behind Sami shattered. Spinning around she yelled, "They're breaching the..." The room filled with a blinding light and a loud bang that left the two stunned. Tiffani felt like her head exploded into a thousand silent screams as her vision began to return. She found herself on the ground hearing a sharp buzzing in her ears before she heard it. There were other voices in the room, muffled but very loud and demanding. As her vision cleared so did the voices. They were yelling, spitting, taunting Sami with talks of treason and how to never trust a wolf. She peered over her side and seen that Sami was on the receiving end of a brutal beating. "Who are you working for!?" yelled a fox before slugging Sami in the gut. "Break, you fucking bitch!" "!" choked out the beaten wolfess before she received a rifle butt to the head. It seemed like forever but eventually the foxes let the wolfess fall to the floor, where she coughed and spat out her blood. "Fuck me? Fuck you!" yelled the foxen officer before he kicked Sami in the ribs, causing the wolfess to curl up. Staring up at Tiffani, Sami quickly turned onto her back as a swift kick was delivered to her face. Laying helpless she faded in and out of consciousness. Suddenly she felt an extreme heat in her stomach followed by warmth. The officer standing over her lowered his smoking side arm, "That should kill your baby." he evilly laughed. "Grab the girl. We have what we came for. Leave her for them to clean up." he ordered before walking away. The sound of Tiffani's screams faded in the distance as Sami lay dying, the words, "My love...I failed you." echoing in her mind.


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