Snippet 2

Story by Kitlian on SoFurry

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Something I thought of at work yesterday, and I decided I'd see what It looked like on paper. I know very little about military rank, and procedure, so please forgive the errors I'm sure I've made.

That and I know that NO military would be that lenient.


Kitlian Voss: An anthropomorphic Unicorn, with a questionable past, currently serving as an assistant, to Jonathan Carter. He is a remarkable shot with a handgun, an expert with a knife, a mechanical wizzard, and loyal as can be to Jonathan, who spared him banishment in return for service. Many question whether he should be allowed to serve, as he adheres to virtually none of the military codes. He dresses casually, and prefers non-standard equipment, and weaponry. The level of trust that Officer Carter places in him, also comes into question on many occasions.

Officer Jonathan Carter: An officer in the Old Army of the Republic (OAR), commanding a small detachment of combat engineers, assigned to the capture and adaptation of enemy weapons.. Well liked by those serving under him, and generally despised by those higher in rank, he spends what little time he isn't working in the field with his men, answering to accusations and inquiries of his superiors. Though his methods and manners are unorthodox, his performance offers a level of protection that affords him his position.

Commander Homer Ericson: A recent transferee from another unit, taking over for the previous commander, Ronald Koher. Though a respected official, he personally chose the assignment, knowing of the unusual nature of the unit. Here He meets personally with Officer Carter, to address in particular, the service of one Kitlian Voss.

Officer Jonathan Carter, and his servant Kitlian Voss, sit outside the Office of the newly appointed group commander, Homer Ericson. Presently a door opened, and a younger enlist stepped out to address Carter.

Enlist: "Jonathan carter, the commander wishes to speak with you."

Jonathan stood and the two men exchanged salutes in order, as Jonathan, accompanied by the silent equine, made their way into the room. The Commanders office was larger than most in the facility, with room for a table of 4, as well as his desk, and a decent standing space. Officer carter stopped at carters desk, and Saluted as the Commander stood.

Commander: "At ease Officer "

Carter relaxed and stood patiently. Kitlian, as he always did, stood idle, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the floor, a pose he adopted more out of purpose, than preference.

Commander: "I'm sure you know why you're here. I've been told you were a frequent visitor in this office."

Carter: "yes sir."

The commander looked over at Kitlian, and stared a while, observing the creature he had heard much about. He was well built, but limber, and sported the long mane, and feather, characteristic of his breed. He wore a basic pair of OD green shorts, and a Grey Sleeveless shirt. His belt was adorned with all manner of pouches and clips, and a holster on his right thigh where his revolver stayed. Almost every aspect of his grooming and attire breached code. He was not officially military. He stood somewhere between pet, and visitor status, which permitted the officer to keep him on base.

Commander: "so this is the Character I've heard so much about.".

Kitlian looked up briefly, having been spoken of. He disliked these situation deeply, but never failed to stand through them. The captain pulled a folder from a drawer under his desk, and opened it. The unmistakable layout of a personnel file came to view.

Commander: "Officer Carter, you're service has been interesting to say the least. However, You've excelled at the tasks you've been given, to the extent that neither my predecessor, not I, have found reason to question you're merit." He paused, and looked over at Kitlian. "You're servant however, has been an Item of concern since you acquired him. Many complaints have been lodged by all walks of the service, against him, on many basis. Now, I try to be a reasonable man, and mind you, I find no reason not to trust you. Both you're record, and what I've heard of you from colleagues have been both entertaining, and reassuring. However, I Must question you're trust in you're servant. As they say, a chain is only as strong as It's weakest link. I want to know that my chain is strong through and through."

Jonathan sighed softly, not wanting to be offensive. He had heard the same speech said many ways many times. Over the years, he had tired of voicing his respect, and faith in his companion. He turned to the enlist and smiled.

Jonathan: Mind if I borrow a smoke?"

The soldier looked at the commander, who merely raised his eyebrows. He nodded and retrieved a cigarette from his breast pocket. Carter nodded back, and turned to the commander, who stood watching with a blank stare.

Carter: "Kitlian, a light."

Kitlian produced an old flip-top from one of his cases, and reached up to do so. Carter, not a smoker himself, managed a puff on the cigarette as he returned to face the commander.

Commander: "I was told you didn't smoke officer." he stated plainly, somewhat irritated at the unusual show before him. Carter stood stone still, facing straight forward, keeping his eyes on the commander.

Carter: "Kitlian. Demonstrate."

He maintained his gaze on the commander, not even blinking, as a rustle of clothing and the scrape of hooves on the wooden floor was followed by the sudden flash of a blade, slicing the air, unimaginably close to the Officers face. As the Knife slipped back into it's sheath, the enlist leveled his pistol on the equine. Kitlian resumed his prior stance, seemingly unconcerned that a few pounds of finger pressure would send him to the floor. Carter, who had been not moved throughout, Looked down, and crushed out the severed end of the cigarette. The commander, who had jumped slightly, removed his hand from the grip of his pistol, and looked over to the enlist, who still held his sidearm at the equine's head.

Commander: "stand down soldier."

The enlist slowly unloaded and reholstered his pistol, and stood at the ready, more out of awkwardness than anything.

Carter: "Indeed, I do not smoke." Carter spit the butt of the Cigarette on the floor beside the ashes of the first. "and as far as my trust in my servant is concerned... I trust him."

The commander glared at Carter, and took a deep breath.

Commander: "I ought to throw you both in the brig. I've never had a weapon drawn in my quarters, and had better never have one drawn again, are we clear?"

Carter: "Yes sir!"

Commander: "I suppose I will let it slide, considering the company, and the circumstances. None the less, I will have a close eye on your... Escapades. You are dismissed."

Carter saluted the Commander, then turned to leave, Kitlian in tow.

Commander: "Oh, and Carter..."

Carter stopped in the doorway, and turned his head slightly to listen.

Commander: "Off the record... I'm not a fan of paperwork, so try to keep my life easy will you?"

Carter: "Yes Sir."

The two left the room, and the enlist closed the door, and sat down in his designated seat beside it. The commander as well, returned to his chair, and closed the file, replacing it in his desk.

Enlist: "My apologies sir."

Commander: "You have no fault in this, Allen." The commander leaned back. "Welcome to the Circus."

Snippet 3

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