
Story by InariFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Bound by Blood

I could've been upstairs in my room drawing. I could've been in the backyard practicing yoga. I could've gone to the grocery store and picked up a few items that were neglected last time I went, but I didn't. I stayed at home, inside, in my living room, often sitting down, doing nothing but thinking, or pacing around waiting for the damn phone to ring.

My mind wasn't wandering like it normally does. I was completely focused on one issue and it was all I could think about for the last 3 days. My mother was recently diagnosed with having valve problems with her heart and was sent in for cardiac surgery 2 days ago. The problem is my brother, who's at the hospital with my mother and was supposed to call me as soon as she got out. She was scheduled to be out of surgery around 10:00, but I never got a call to tell me she was alright or if something went wrong or anything. I just wanted to know.

My mother was a beautiful vixen, but old age had gotten to her. I remember right before I moved away I had told her that she needed to eat a little healthier than she had been. Of course, she didn't listen to me, but she tried and to no avail could she keep up with her own commitments. So I just sat or stood, preoccupying myself. I tried calling my brother back a few times, but every time I either got his voicemail or his phone was just turned off. My mother was the most important thing in my life and it was beginning to make me sick. I don't think I'd ever been that scared in my entire life and I think my brooding was beginning to worry Seth, my roommate through college and boyfriend for the last 8 months.

I sat on the couch, staring at the phone which lay mockingly quiet on the table to my right. I sat with undisturbed thought at the life which I owe my own to. Just then, I heard a key enter the lock and I turned to face the direction of the front door to the two bedroom apartment (we used the second one for storage). The door flew open and in the frame stood the 6ft. 8in. tall rhinoceros that I got to call 'lover.' His massive body barely making it under the top of the door frame without having to duck. His huge, burly muscles stretched his shirt and pants to their extreme. And it's funny because he didn't really work out. He spent some time in the gym, about half as much as me, but he wasn't a body builder or anything like that. It was just his body structure.

He came in wearing his backpack, having just gotten back from school. Being a full time student, his dad paid for his half of the bills as well as a little extra for fun. Me, I was also a student, but I felt financial independence was a positive youthful strive, so I got a decent, well-paying job at an insurance company, but my current depressive state got me sent home early yesterday. He entered, took his shoes off, and shut the door behind himself.

"Hey Randy," he called to me.

"Hey Seth," I called back in a monotone voice. "How was school?" I was curious, but indifferent mostly seeing as my preoccupation kept me focused only on my mother.

"It's summer school. It sucks. But at least I have no homework tonight, so it looks like it's just you and me baby."

He had a huge grin on his pachyderm muzzle. I knew exactly what he was planning tonight and I tried to smile, but my attempt floundered and I just turned back to look at the phone. I didn't mean to be such a downer, but I couldn't help it. After a few seconds, I heard Seth's backpack fall to the floor and then a great weight fell on the couch next to me. My mate dwarfed me standing up by about 10 inches and that sure as hell wasn't any different when he sat down.

"Did they call back yet?" he asked me concernedly.

"No," I replied quietly.

"Did you try calling your brother?"

"Yes, but every time, I either got his voicemail or his phone was turned off."

He put his arm across my shoulder and pulled me closer. "Everything's gonna be alright baby. Don't worry."

"My moms in the hospital. After my dad left she was all I had for the next ten years. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her."

"Well, look. I know how much she means to you, but dying is just a part of life. They're concomitants."

I figured my boyfriend would be able to console me a little better, despite the obviousness of his statement. I knew it was true and I had to admit it, but couldn't. "I know it's only gonna get worse as she gets older. I know eventually I'm gonna have to let go. But there's just something inside of me not letting me do that. It's like I feel that if I loose her a part of me will die with her." My voice was turning into a whisper.

Silence fell into the room. My mate didn't say anything. He just sighed and brought his other arm up to hold me closer. I went limp and let my body sink into his torso. I pressed my face up against his bulging chest, rubbing against it like a cat in heat, his smell, his touch, and his warmth finally taking my mind off of my troubles, if only for a moment. Our souls were interconnected at that point, I felt blissful and serene. As I cuddled with my big, gray boyfriend, Seth brought his hand up and started to pet me from the head down my neck slowly, comfortingly. His strokes were soft and protective, making me fold my ears back as I began to murr into his chest.

Things continued this way for a few minutes. Seth liked to play my protector, not that it was usually anything other than a role-play within the relationship, but this was different. I felt hurt, abandoned from the world, completely exposed, naked and helpless. The only one keeping me afloat in the world was the pachyderm that would give his life for me and I for him.

I eventually felt the long hours of sleeplessness take hold of me and I lay my head down in Seth's lap with both my hands resting on his legs. Seth then began scritching me in two different places: on top of my head and under my chin, eliciting more murring out of me. After a few more minutes of silence, my mate spoke up.

"Do you remember when you first asked me out?" he asked.

A breath of fresh air came over me as I chuckled at the reminder. "Oh, yeah."

"You were so cute. Seeing you stammer around, trying to make things perfect. I'd never seen you fret over something so stupid."

"I remember setting you on fire," I stated as I looked up at Seth. We were both smiling now. "I remember it took an entire day of embarrassment just to ask you to go to dinner with me." I laid my head back down. "That night was such a disaster."

"No. That was the best night of my life. I found you in the process."

He got me there. I couldn't help but smile at the scritching, the cuddling, and the thought of having my love around for the rest of my life. "But this isn't stupid. I know how much your mother means to you and how much it bothers you. I wish I could feel the pain you're feeling just so I could better comfort you."

Just then, a thought ran through my mind, one that I'd had right after I found out he was gay and wanted to ask him out. I had found out that he had been having sex with other jocks; big, beefy, sweaty... bulging... ... hot... ... gay.........................................................(I lost my train of thought). After seeing this pattern of lovers, I wondered if he would even take me and when he did I wondered why. I wanted to ask him, but I figured better to not bite the hand that feeds.

The thought that plagued me for months and the others that were bombarding my mind were swept aside as the image of my mother in a hospital bed came back to me. My murring ceased and Seth quit scritching me. He rested his hands on my head and stomach and just sat there with me. As I lay in his lap, I could feel the soft, rhythmic expansion and contraction of his stomach as it pressed against the back of my head. As time went by his breathing was shortening, as did mine, assuming that he was just as tired as I was ready to fall asleep together. I tried closing my eyes and let sleep take over, hoping that a little rest would calm my mind, but as soon as I closed my eyes, an image of my mother on the operating table with her chest cut open and doctors surrounding her crept into my head.

I shot my eyes open and my heart palpitations increased. I craned my neck upward to look at my boyfriend, who's eyes were shut tight and mouth was slightly open. I tried not to wake him as I couldn't seem to obtain that state of consciousness, so I moved both his hands off of me and laid them on the couch and slowly lifted my body up without disturbing him, though his weight kept the cushions in the same condition without me lying there, so I don't think it would've bothered him anyway. I stood up and turned around. Seth's eyes were still closed and his mouth was still open. I stared at his stomach, watching it slowly rise and fall as the air went in and out. I had such a desire to pounce on him and break up that peacefulness so we could ride each other, something we haven't done for a couple of weeks.

About 2 weeks ago we went out to a movie and then to dinner and I had plans to come home and spend some time in bed (wink, wink!), but we wound up running into some old friends and that got screwed up. I was hoping to make it up to him last night, but-

I let the hunk sleep and I turned and went out to the balcony toward the back of the apartment complex. I stepped out into the open and shut the sliding door quietly behind me. I stepped forward and leaned on the railing. We lived on the third floor of a nice, clean apartment complex. It was 1:00 in the afternoon (already) and it was approaching 95 degrees outside and the humidity sucked. I think the weatherman said humidity was reaching 65%. For a fox, that's not good. But at the moment, the humidity was bearable. I just stood there and looked out at the complex parking lot and let my clash of emotions for my mother and desire for my lover mingle until I finally got some news and could get back to a happy lifestyle.

As the day progressed, my mood did not. Seth woke up about a half hour later and took a shower, afterwards sitting down to watch a little TV. I joined him hoping it would cheer me up and to an extent, it did, but I was still too depressed to enjoy it. I went for a walk around the neighborhood and I forgot my watch and with the heat, the humidity, and the ambiance of my life, time seemed to have sped up because when I got back home, I realized I had been walking for close to 3 hours. I eventually did try calling my brother again, but once again I just got a voicemail without so much as a single ring.

It was around 6:00 in the evening and Seth was making salmon croquettes, something I myself couldn't help but salivate over even in my present state. My boy was just trying to cheer me up and he was doing a damn fine job of it (finally). I sat in the living room waiting for dinner to finish, catching the sweet, oh so sweet, and delicious aroma of cooked fish, onions and potatoes and the scent of steamed vegetables that Seth was cooking for himself. My poor little... errrr... big herbivorous boy. If only he were omnivorous like me then he wouldn't have to shop separately for the both of us.

As I sat admiring the smell, listening to sizzling of the vegetables and the sizzling of the croquettes in the vegetable oil, I could feel myself recover from the brooding over my mother's surgery, thinking to myself 'What the hell was I worrying about? She's fine. I can feel it.' My thoughts were interrupted as I saw the behemoth rhino step out from the kitchen. The shirt he wore was about two sizes too small and I loved it. It was plain white and the sleeves only came to about halfway up his arm, stretching out to the point of nearly ripping. He wore a pair of black, sweat shorts that could be described in the same manner, extremely tight and only covering about half of his thighs. Me, I liked to wear clothes that were a little more baggy with bright colors that accented my red and white fur.

"Hon," he said mockingly as a wife would call to her husband.

"Yes dear," I responded.

"Dinner's ready."

"Coming baby." I stood up and padded over to the kitchen. I turned the corner when it finally happened.

RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! The ringing of a cordless phone. The joyful smiles on both our faces dissipated as I turned and stared down at the phone. RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! I just stood there, staring. Figuring I would just run over to find out who it was but didn't, I thought something was wrong. I was paralyzed mentally. The seconds that between rings turned to minutes, then hours, and I wondered what it was. Was I scared to pick up the phone afraid that I would hear news that my mother had passed away? Was I afraid that it wasn't my brother? Or did I just not really want to know? RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! I was snapped out of my trance by the last three rings and I hastily padded back to the phone and picked it up off the charger putting the receiver to my ear.

"Hello." I said quietly.

"Hey Randy, it's Josh," said my brother on the other line.

My heart was pounding and I sighed and felt a wave of relief at his voice and the assuring tone of it. "Josh. Man, I was starting to wonder if you'd ever call me back."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry I didn't call." There was a pause. "Something happened and I didn't call you because I knew you'd worry if I told you and I felt it better to wait."

I turned and looked at Seth, Concern written all over my face. "What happened?"

"There were complications during the surgery."

"What kind of complication?"

"Well, I think the term the doctors used was cerebral hypoxia. For some reason, there wasn't enough oxygen flowing to her brain and this sent her into a coma shortly after the surgery. The doctors said that it had something to do with the anesthesia. I didn't call you cause I was afraid you would jump to conclusions. But she's fine now. She's awake. You wanna talk to her?"

"Uh... ye...yes. Please."

I waited for a minute while my brother walked to my mother's room. I heard his voice on the other line softly. "Hey mom, it's Randy."

After a few seconds I heard my mother's sweet voice. "Hello, dear."

"Hey mom. How you doin'?"

"I'm good, hon. I'm good. I'm happy to be talkin' to ya." She sounded rather joyful. "How're you doin'?"

"I'm fine mom. It's always good to talk to you too."

"So, what's goin' on?"

"Oh, nothin'. I've just been sitting around at home, waiting to hear from Josh. I got a little worried when he didn't call me on Monday."

"Oh, honey, you're sweet. But you know that if anything happened to your old momma, that I'd want you to move on."

"I know mom, but I'd miss you too much."

"You're sweet." I heard a sigh from her. "The doctor's got me on this new diet now, so no more junk food for me."

"Well that's good. You'll finally be eating the way I told you to."

"Yeah, oh boy," my mother said sarcastically. 'BEEP.' I heard a beep on the other line. "Oh great."

"What's wrong?"

"Randy, I'm gonna have to cut this short. Your brother's phone is running low on time. So, I'll try you back later, OK?"

"OK. Well, I'll talk to you later."

"OK, honey. I love you."

"I love you more."

My mom chuckled. "Uh, no. I love you more."

I joined in with my mother's chuckling. "I don't think so."

"OK. Well, I'll talk to you later. Bye."

"Good bye-bye." And with that, a click of the phone and I set it back down on the re-charger.

"I told you everything would be alright," announced Seth who was still standing at the entrance to the kitchen. I let out a sigh of contention and walked over to my boyfriend. I leaned forward against him and wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a warm hug. He responded by copying me and pulling me in tighter, hugging me lovingly and reassuringly. As I was held in his arms I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes and I felt my heart sink as my relief clashed with my exuberant concerns. I didn't try holding back a sniffle and after a few seconds, Seth pulled out of the hug and stared down at me.

He looked at me and saw that I was starting to cry, able to let my emotions finally go, even though I didn't want to scare him into thinking something was wrong. He just sighed and smiled and gently cupped both hands on either side of my head and leant forward, pulling me up a little, and locked lips with my muzzle. I closed my eyes as I felt the rough texture of his lips press against my furry ones, his warm breath being expulsed out of his nostrils blowing heavily against my face. I kept my arms wrested against his chest while we kissed as boyfriend and boyfriend.

Seth then undocked his lips and stood up straight, dropping his arms onto my shoulders, his smile remaining. "Are you OK, Randy?"

I just sniffled a little and wiped the tears from my eyes. A huge grin found it's way to my muzzle. "Yeah, I'm good. Now how bout dinner?"

With my thoughts of my mother finally expunged, I was able to eat dinner wholeheartedly, which might I add, was absolutely delicious. I had always imagined that if I died and I got to spend eternity in whatever way I choose, I would choose to have my good old boy to be my chef forever. Of course, after dinner I began to feel dreary so I went to lay down while Seth cleaned up, but while I was in bed, I couldn't get any rest because another thought began to plague me, the thought of me and Seth in bed together, something that hasn't happened in two weeks. And after today and the last two days, I felt I owed to him and myself to vent some relief.

I got out of our queen size bed and walked over to the living room, where Seth was sitting quietly, watching TV. He had taken his shirt off and so I got a perfect view of him. His enormous arms, his rock hard pecks, his washboard eight-pack abdominals and his tree trunk neck. He was still wearing his tight-ass shorts, but not for long. I had taken my shirt of when I went to lie down and I was just wearing my jean shorts, but not for long.

I stepped across him and sat down on the couch next to him, nervous and excited about getting this on. For about two minutes I just sat there in the dim light of the TV watching whatever show Seth was watching, not really caring to note whatever was on, just something about something. My arousal was getting worse as I delayed so I turned and faced my baby. "Hey Seth."

"Mm-hm," was what he gave me.

"I need your help."

"With what, baby?"

"Right now, two things are running through my mind. My mother getting her heart operation and two-" I let the words fall and I began to rub sensually along my boyfriend's uncovered lower thigh. That got Seth to dart away from the television and look down at my hand on his thigh. He shot his gaze up at me then, looking at me somewhat quizzically. A big grin slowly crept up on my muzzle and I opened my mouth and with a giddy jerk forward, I gave a small BARK! He began to smile, getting the idea. After a few seconds, my grin grew and I barked again. His smile grew as well and he began to chuckle a little. I saw his nostrils flare as he took in the scent of my musk, which began to strengthen with my arousal. I stared back at him lovingly.

"I need your help to take away my problems. It's been long enough since I felt free. Besides, I owe this to you."

He leaned forward. "It's gone passed long enough... and you owe me nothing."

With that, he reached his left arm around my waist and his other arm supported my head and he brought us muzzle to muzzle. His body weight pushed me back and I fell onto the couch with him on top of me. He kissed deeply, separating our lips and probing inside my mouth with his tongue. I entwined my tongue with his as he played around inside my mouth, coating it with his own saliva. I tasted his spit with more envy than ever before, groping around his muscular body as he did mine. I smelt the air and picked up his own scent, which was strengthening as well, his pheromones invading my olfactory sense. With no other way to breathe, I inhaled his musk which only heightened my lust, energizing my tongue war with Seth. We continued groping each other and kissed deeply at each other, even though I don't think my tongue ever entered my boyfriend's mouth.

Finally after a long enough tongue fuck, Seth pulled his mouth away, barely, and some drool dripped off his tongue and down my cheek. He then leaned forward and started licking me up the side of my face from my chin up across my eye. Loving every minute of it, I let the big boy work me like a pop sickle, in love with every lick he took of me. The scent in the air, the feel of his naked torso against mine, the tongue bathing, it was all becoming too much. I wanted to get mounted by my boy, but like I said, I owed this to him and so I let his teasing continue.

The incessant licking continued slowly down my neck, Seth lapping up my fur with each stroke. My breathing became slightly faster as my heart beat quickened and I let my mouth become ajar and my tongue lolled out. I shut my eyes and just enjoyed the salivary treatment being executed across my neck. After a few more licks, Seth slowly got up off of me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was hovering over me with one arm around my waist and I saw the other one move over my crotch area. I breathed in heavily as his hand touched my lower abdomen and sunk down under my shorts and tighty-whities.

I moaned softly when his hand contacted my empty sheath, my 8 inch member protruded from it, but trapped within my underwear. I shut my eyes and flopped my head back. My ears perked up as he took a hold of my penis, which was slightly bent to get accommodated by my garment. I then felt his breath against the exposed flesh underneath the white fur on my neck and soon felt his tongue once again lapping me up, this time pressing hard and even slower, the pressure restricting some air from entering my jugular. At the same time I felt a vice grip on my member, so tight that I let out an ecstatic moan, which was muffled a bit from the stress against my throat. When his tongue made it to the top of my chin he released the pressure on my member, but that didn't stop me from giving out short, successive moans.

After a long few seconds which I thought would last the entire night I felt his tongue press against my neck again and I felt the grip down under my pants again. I moaned and groaned once again and without thinking, I pushed my lover back against the couch and slid off the couch.

"Are you OK? I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked concerned, more concerned than myself.

I quickly got into position, kneeling between his feet and spreading his legs, exposing his crotch. I could sense the concern melt away from my lover and convert into luxuria. I reached up and grabbed around the waistline of his pants, and, having no belt or buckle, proceeded to pull down. Seth hoisted his butt up off the couch allowing me freedom to yank off his trunks quickly and swiftly. I pulled his shorts all the way down and threw them off to the side. And so there I was, a few feet away and glaring straight at his groin, hidden only by a dark red thong.

I leaned forward, my head spinning with sexual cravings, and pressed my nose against the coiling thong. I pressed hard and opened my nostrils and took a deep breath, inhaling the musk emanating from his central zone, the scent stronger than ever and making my mind spin, doing nothing to abate my arousal (not that I would've expected it too). I kept my mouth shut cause I wanted to smell my boy, I wanted to breathe in what no one else could experience. I rested my hands on his thighs, which felt thicker than I remember 2 weeks ago, and squeezed to alleviate some of the tension I was feeling. I soon felt two hands grasped the back of my head and held me in place, hard pressed against his coiled up loins. I soon started returning the favor from his tongue bath and started licking at his red thong. I heard grunts up above from Seth and I heard his breathing increase. I continued this sensual licking, as nothing satisfied me more than tasting my boyfriend's under garments, except of course for tasting my boyfriend.

I ducked my head and slipped out from his grasp and grabbed the waistline of his last garment and tugged it off and threw it to the side, exposing my rhino completely, exhibiting him the way he was born and was meant to be seen. His huge throbbing phallus extending forward, erecting to it's full extension, I sat and watched until I saw it reach it's entire 15 inches, about as thick as my wrist. I leaned forward again, coming close but not touching his penis. I brought my hands in between his legs and started rubbing his inner thighs. I glanced up to see the effects on Seth's face and he was staring back at me, his mouth open, his tongue lolling out, and drool starting to drip out of his maw, a habit that can get annoying at times, but can set the mood just right if in that state of mind.

The sight before me was overly tempting and I wanted more than just a show. I ceased my rubbing and, licking my lips, ducked my head down, my nose touching his scrotum, stuck out my tongue, and licked all the way from underneath his balls up along his length, slowly, passionately, along the veins and bumps of the meat. When I began licking at the underside of his glans, I heard a soft moan come from above and felt a short stream of liquid ejected onto my upper muzzle. Realizing what had just happened, I paused for a moment and then grabbed onto his member and rubbed my upper muzzle into his phallus head roughly. I induced a twitch out of his penis and spread his pre-cum all along his head, at the same time trying to imbue my upper maw with the liquid.

My poor lover was moaning at the abuse he was getting, but I couldn't believe he was having as much fun as I was. I would've continued had I not felt his hands on my shoulders, jostling me back onto the floor. I landed with a thump and let out a yip of pain, but a bit of roughness was just the kinkiness I enjoyed. A sadistic smirk graced my face and Seth quickly slumped off the couch and crawled over me. I started to sit up, but he quickly shoved me back down and looked me in the eye and said, "Where do you think you're going?"

I just smiled and returned, "Nowhere."

My boyfriend loomed over me like a massive concrete statue that was just about ready to collapse on me, kneeling right between my somewhat protected legs. He sunk his head forward and we locked lips, once again enduring a passionate, sensual kiss. We exchanged saliva and warmth, he breathed me and I breathed him, our mixed musk potent enough to bring any emperor/empress down to his or her knees and beg to be mounted. I suckled his tongue without mercy or bar. His strong musk dissipated as he moved his body back a little. He reached down around my pants and undid the belt and buckles on the front and back and grabbed around the waistline of my shorts and underwear and with one strong motion he retired me of my articles and threw them over to his pile.

Here I am, cold and helpless, totally naked, exposed for all to gawk at and ridicule. For this rhinoceros is my tormentor and he will abuse me. He will handle my rectum in such a way that God never intended it to be handled. OH, THE HORROR!!! I couldn't help but giggle at the thoughts that I ran through my mind. Might be a good scenario to play later on (Hee, hee, hee!). Seth smiled back at me and slowly began rubbing up the underside of my thighs, progressing toward my furry gluteus. His hands grazed through my fur and dug under my butt, cupping both my cheeks and giving them a tight squeeze. I sighed out a moan and started murring.

He clenched my buttocks for me a couple more times and grabbed under my knees and lifted my legs into the air. I looked down between my legs and saw him lean forward, depressing his face into my backside. My hands were at my side, clenching the carpet. I felt a puff of hot air blow against my crack and soon felt the slick, rough texture of Seth's tongue peel my gluts apart. I sudden shiver came over me and I felt benumbed as my body drooped down on the floor, my tongue dangling out of my muzzle. I felt my mind paralyze my muscles allowing complete satiation.

Seth's warm tongue passed upwards in between my crack, moderately paced, rough, passing over my sphincter each turn, matting down my butt fur with his saliva. His gripped tightened on my legs and the only things that changed were my smile and my breathing, which both increased. His tongue was passing right under my scrotum, but never actually touching it. He stopped his ascensive licking and I suddenly felt his flat-faced muzzle poking my tail hole. I heard a few sniffs from down under and then felt his tongue engorge the exit way of my large intestine. He punctured me slowly, building up the suspense, and I, still unable to move, held my stable position. I felt his entire tongue probing my innards, slapping my bowel walls and I reacted unconsciously by contracting around his muscle. I thought to myself then, I can't believe that rhinos are complete herbivores 'cause he's having a hell of a time eating me right now.

His tongue exited me and my lover gently and slowly lowered my legs to the ground. I was breathing hard now, panting even, tired of waiting and I think so was Seth. He got up on his knees and moved forward, hovering over me once again and sitting upright on his heels. He reached down with his right arm and wrapped it around my waist, hoisting me up off the floor and bringing it level to his hips. With his right hand, he grabbed his member and pointed it forward aiming the head directly at my now slickened hole.

Recovering some control, I lifted my legs up into the air and rested them on Seth's shoulders, making it easier for both of us. I hoped that his glans was still wet from my "treatment" earlier. My penis was rock hard now and I couldn't wait for him to start rubbing up against my prostate. He pulled me back and I felt the tip make contact and then capture. The head quickly separated me as my anus grew wider. I let out a bark at the pain and for a second, he stopped, and a few seconds later he continued and the pain grew rapidly. His insertion caused me to yelp long and hard in pain which turned to a howl. My eyes shot open and my mouth flared, as opposed to Seth who was gritting his teeth with his eyes wired shut, forcing through the tight passage. I slid back along the carpet as he pulled me onto him. He fit about 10 inches into me, which was about as much as I could take. He knew 'cause when he reached the point, I clenched the floor and grunted in agony.

He stopped pulling and took a hold of my waist with both hands. Without allowing the pain to subside, I slowly lowered my legs, which were shaking from the pain, off of his shoulders and wrapped them as well as I could around his waist. He then proceeded to push me off, about two inches, and then back on. The slow thrusts added pleasure to the situation. He then started his rhythmic pattern and I was bobbing slowly back and forth lying helpless on the carpet.

For the first few thrusts, I wanted to yell at him to stop. My ass was not conditioned enough right now and the splitting pain was becoming unbearable, but soon I felt his phallus brushing over my prostate and the immense pleasure I received from that, blended with the pain, negated all negative thoughts I was having and bliss took over. I was so tempted to reach up and grab myself and paw off eager to ejaculate before I passed out, but I wanted to ejaculate in a way that I never had before. Seth did all the work, pulling me on and off in short, rhythmic thrusts while sitting up with me wrapped around his abdomen.

The thrusts soon accelerated and became a fixed, jerking motion. I was grunting each time he pulled me back on, synchronized with the jerks of his motions. I heard his bellowing grunts from above, a deep resounding exertion of air that rumbled from his stomach. My sense of smell heeded no other scent in the area other than the strong pheromones of my boyfriend. My eyes began to water from the potency as the smell became what I could only describe as a salty, rancid and violent, yet alluring, secretion.

Seth's grunts turned into soft moans as did my own and the tingle in my groin area was becoming more and more unbearable. I wanted more than anything to end my suffering, but my willpower placated my desires and I gripped the carpet tight in my hands and I gritted my teeth in response. I then felt something slick on my member and I looked up to see my boyfriend's mouth hanging open with a stream of drool trailing all the way down to my crotch (that's my boyfriend for ya). I didn't care though. I was always turned on when it got a little dirty.

I had also noticed that he was pulling me out further than before and I was unable to keep my legs connected to him. They were sliding on and off, on and off. Mustering up what strength I could, I slide my legs around him and tightened them around his waist, locking me around him, forcing him to resort back to short thrusts. This caused him to increase his tempo which also resulted in harder jerks, making his penetration more abusive to my insides. The only relief I got was that the splitting pain I got had dissipated to a mild burn. The pain, however, was never gonna go away, it never did as long as we've been going out and as long as we've been fucking, or I should say, as long as he's been fucking me.

The rhythm was now so fast I was having difficulty keeping up, so my moans came out loud and in a slavish manner. My boyfriend's moans became domineering and drowned out my meek little voice. My mind was racing in every direction at once. Seth's salivation didn't cease and I found that he was basting my groin with his spit. I lie back and let it happen, the sensation increasing, I felt my prostate was ready to fall off from being rubbed so harshly. I tried not to think about it, but every time I tried to focus on something other than the force of my prostate I either saw my boyfriend kneeling between my legs in a sight that could kill a straight guy, I heard the grunts and moans that echoed in the room, or I smelt the salty musk in the air that I was beginning to taste.

With all these distractions it was easy for the build up to escape my notice. With a few more thrusts, I felt a huge filling in my shaft and I knew it was time. It seemed to soon, though, as Seth didn't seem ready, but I had no control over it. I tried to hold it back as best I could, but as I said before, all my senses were occupied and my climax was inevitable. As the liquid built up inside, I held it back as best I could for a minute, until I exploded and the first shot of semen ejected and landed on my chest. Another soon followed and hit me in the face. I watched as another and another pounded on my face and chest. Even after about 9 or 10 squirts, when it stopped shooting straight at me, it still shot and landed on my stomach. After a few more shots, it started just discharging out of my slit and trailing down along my shaft, mixing in with Seth's saliva.

I lay there, now covered in semen, as my ass was still being pounded, but I lost all my strength, so my legs became lax and released Seth's waist. His freedom caused him to force me out a good 5 inches before he pulled back. The thrusts were even faster and his moans were so loud that if I were still moaning, one wouldn't hear me. I looked up at him and he didn't seem to care at all that I had gotten off before him. He apathetically continued and I let him, my breathing dying down, the smell in the room more blatant than ever, but not having the same effect on me.

Then it happened, I could tell. He held a long and deafening cry of consummation, every muscle on his burly body clenched up, and his thrusts slowed, but with overly excessive in force. His hands gripped so hard on my waist that I screamed. He quickly loosened up and I relaxed. He then started moaning loudly again and he seemed to relax. I then felt my rectum warming as it was filled. He thrust and thrust and thrust and came with immense volume inside of me. It continued for longer than I thought. After a good minute, he was still thrusting and the warmth inside me expanded, never ceasing his salivation on me.

Eventually he gave up and just stopped, but I felt a few extra jerks in his penis so he was still ejaculating. I couldn't believe it. Had it really been that long? Well, now we both got out relief and had our fun. Heaven was a trash dump compared to where we just were.

Seth let go of my hips and grabbed onto my thighs, pushing me back and pulling his long, hard phallus out. As soon as the pressure subsided from my tail hole, I dropped my legs to the floor. Seth just hunched himself back on his haunches, resting his hands on his thighs, gripping the base of his penis. I panted, the extraction taking away my ability to breathe. After a few minutes, I looked up at my lover, kneeling there, basking in the afterglow of love, glistening in sweat, panting, a long string of semen stretching from the tip of his glans to between my crack. The view made me want to get inside him this time.

But in an instant I felt my brain go numb and my head fell back to the carpet and I shut my eyes.

"That was incredible," Seth said.

"Yeah," I replied, barely audible.

"You tired sweetie?"

"No. We'll have another go in just a minute. Just give me a few seconds to rest my eyes." And with that, I blanked out. I sometimes find myself in the situations reliving that night and, to this day, if I close my eyes I can hear, see, feel, taste, and smell everything like a first hand experience.