Slavery is Freedom: Chapter IIIA: The Solenian Embargo

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#3 of Slavery is Freedom

"The Optimus is heading to a sentinel space station to have its armour refitted when some conflict changing news breaks. Zippo takes advantage of the unfolding events to get revenge on an old enemy and then turns his ire on the crew of his own ship. Finally the Optimus takes the initiative and travels to Solenia to partake in some aggressive negotiations."

This chapter (as all from now on) is M/M

Finally its here! Please don't judge this chapter on the length between it and the last - this was written years ago and never finished up. I actually got bored of it and moved onto part B before I finished it. This a mainly story based chapter and part B is almost entirely sex and fetish hence part A and B. Give it ago but if you don't like this just hold out for part B!

You can see some of the things in this in the keywords but I would like to point out there is a scene in the middle of this chapter that I HATE, I must have been in a bad place when I wrote it because its nasty, evil and horrible. I think I wanted to go for an emotional response instead of a sexual one but I struggled to read it through when I was proofing and I think it kind of dis-balances the chapter - its to heavy for no reason. If you get to it and don't like it skip through it, nothing bad actually happens in the end. So this is a deeply flawed chapter but please forgive it in anticipation for part B!

The chapters companion picture is here:


This has been proofed but please still tell me of any errors :)

Please keep commenting, faving and supporting SiF guys, its a major reason I keep pushing through and trying to write more :)

Slavery is Freedom

Chapter IIIA: The Solenian Embargo

The foxes were led out one by one, all four kicking and struggling. The main hall was completely packed, dinner was over and most of the furs on board had the evening off and so just stayed in the hall for the nights 'entertainment'. Zippo and the officers were at the large 'top table' which was perpendicular to the main stage. Most of the officers looked entirely bored but some, Zippo and Mike included, were eager, ready and waiting for what was to come.

A strong-armed guard led each fox onto the stage. Their white chests and red fur bright and contrastive under the stage lights, on account of their nakedness. Each was led towards a large wooden shape, four of which were positioned across the stage. The wooden posts were in the shape of a T and looked like those old hitching posts for tying horses to. They came up to about waist height. A single and small cuff was attached in the dead centre of the bar and other cuffs laid on the floor, attached to anchor points on the stage by heavy chains, both in front and behind of the posts.

Each fox was laid over a cylindrical post (the top of the T), bending at the waist, and had their paws locked into the cuffs attached to the floor. With both foot and hand paws restrained and no way of getting off the posts, the final cuff was then clammed around the fox's scrotums - stopping any movement. In this position each vulpine was forced to lean over, exposing their vulnerable looking white bottoms and deep red backs to the crowd.

Now the foxes were finally tied down, the furs in the hall had a chance to get a proper look at them (mostly at their asses!). The first (from left to right) was rough and bestial, resembling some from of henchman, and was still belligerent and frenetic despite his restraints. The second was of the same ilk as the first but was less energetic and seemed to be ether more contemplative of his situation or just too dense to understand it. The third was much smaller than his companions but looked as hard as nails, he was obviously a commander or high officer of some sort. He was much calmer than the others and showed nothing other than steely resolve and passive aggression - he was mad as hell but in a calm way. The final fox was a more perplexing character; he was small, timid and seemingly feeble. He was physically shaking from his treatment and did not seem like the kind of vulpine that could survive in the harsh, competitive world of the GVC, there seemed to be more to him than met the eye.

Each guard stood to the side of his respective victim and looked out proudly into the large crowd. After an oddly long pause, the head guard finally strode out from the side of the stage, dressed in a distinctively commanding uniform, and stopped in the centre. The large Dragon faced the crowd of furs spread before him and began to speak authoritatively.

"Crew, comrades and companions of the Mighty O, you come here tonight to bare witness to the disciplining of 4 former members of the GVC, now captured and chastened by the Great Furry Empire."

The crowd began to cheer in patriotic hunger and once they settled down a solitary voice came from the stage.

"We are current subjects of the Grand Vulpine Confederacy and we will never break to your tortures." Shouted the 3rd fox along, the officer

The fox opened his mouth to boast again but as he did the dragon moved over and kicked him hard in the stomach (just above where he was bent over the beam). The force was not enough to wind the fox but it did cause him to pull at his balls and as he was recovering the dragon roughly pulled a leather muzzle over his mouth, this kept his jaw tightly shut and effectively gagged him. He struggled fiercely to throw the gag off but it was too late, the single strap behind his head kept it on very firmly. Accepting defeat for the moment he just glared at the dragon and out at the viewing crowd, seemingly even more angry than before.

"Captives will remain silent throughout disciplining, or they will be silenced" said the dragon condescendingly to the fox, but it was more aimed at the crowd

With the boisterous fox out of the picture the head guard continued his speech.

"All 4 of these vulpines have been sentenced to or referred for public flogging by various authorities and I will read each of their sentences separately. Number 1, designation mVMS1455, you have been sentenced to public humiliation as a matter of course before being sold as a manual labour slave, you will receive 50 lashes. Number 2, designation mVMS1457, you have been sentence similarly."

He paused, and the guards attending the 2 foxes that had just had their sentences read withdrew their implements of punishment - bull whips. The whips were made of thick braided leather and were 10 feet in length, they would leave thin but very intense marks on the victim and would be used in single strokes.

"Number 3, designation mVSS6203, you have been sentence to public humiliation as part of your breaking-in programme with the Slave Facility, you will receive 100 lashes."

The guard next to the muzzled officer withdrew a short but heavy cat o' nine tails. It was made of thick black rubber and regardless of its name had many, many heads (far more than 9), each of which was tipped with a knot in the rubber making the impact far worse. It would be used in quick bursts of 10 strikes and would create a more generalised effect than the bullwhips but was just as effective - especially over a long period.

"And finally number 4, designation mVXS1132, you have been referred here by the Slave Facility to be broken-in as all previously attempted methods have failed. You will be flogged until you admit submission."

A mutter ran around the room. The onlookers knew that the slave facility was very good at its job and the fact it could not break-in this seemingly pathetic specimen was peculiar.

The guard next to the rightmost fox withdrew his whip, and another more energetic murmur ran around the hall. He was holding a Razor-whip. This was made form specially treated snake hide which caused the whip to twist around in curls. It was single headed, light and only 5 feet long but there was a twist, the snake hide was razor sharp. This whip was brutal, only ever used on the toughest of captives and only ever very occasionally and in extreme situations. It was used by some cultures (especially in the reptilian part of the galaxy) in battle and made a very effective weapon, it was also known to have killed those it was being used on as a punishment after only several tens of blows and would leave permanent and deep scars. Those who had experienced it as part of erotic flagellation said it was like being repeatedly slashed in the back with a sword and flogging with it was known to have been used as a method of execution by some Avian cultures.

The fox could not see the guard standing behind him with the lethal whip but the reaction of the crowd, who he could see through his outstretched legs, was more than enough to panic him. The guard, a big collie-dog, simply looked on smugly with a big smile on his face, using this weapon was obviously a very rare privilege in the guard fraternity.

The head guard began to speak once more, quieting the crowd immediately: "I will sound the count, and blows will be dealt consecutively starting with the fox on your left and ending with the rightmost one. The blow rhythm will be 1 per count, 1 per count, 10 per count, 1 per count."

Before anyone in the hall had a chance to think, the fun began.

"One" boomed the dragon

The first guard struck the large fox in front of him with the bull whip. The whip landed across the top of the beast's back and he bucked and jerked, pulling at his balls painfully.

Before the first fox had a chance to recover, the second guard had struck his victim - this time with a loud crack from the whip. This fox reacted similarly to the first, grunting slightly and struggling to regain his composure after tugging at his balls.

The 3rd guard then began his strikes, using a flashy swishing technique to quickly cover his 10 blows. This whip did not cause the young officer to pull at his balls so much but it was obvious that the stinging burning sensation from the rubber impacting on the soft flesh of the fox's back was already having an effect, even at this early stage.

Then finally the last guard struck his blow. The razor sharp hide came down across the back of the jittery fox and he shrieked in pain and agony. From their perspective the crowd could see dribbles of blood begin to run down the fox's back from the foot-long-gash the whip had administered. The dragon paused before going on to count two, and though the other 3 had settled down, the last fox was creating a commotion.

He was yelling compulsively at the top of his voice, but despite his un-gagged circumstance, not a thing he was saying was apprehensible in the slightest - he was just jabbering madly. The crowd was utterly silent, not knowing what to make of the situation and the head guard was not pleased.

"Be s_ilent!_" demanded the dragon furiously

The rambunctious vulpine did not react at all and continued unimpeded with his frenetic linguistic convulsions.

Very suddenly and seemingly terminally the fox stopped shouting and suddenly looked very confused. The dragon, despite his own confusion, moved on to count two deciding to give the fox a chance and ignore him for the moment.


The guards repeated their actions exactly, with the blows landing ever so slightly lower than the first time, and all of the foxes reacted in the same way, except that their reactions were slightly more pronounced this time around. The last fox began to wail obscenity again but the dragon decided to persist regardless, most likely hoping to beat it out of the insolent creature.

The next 18 counts were very similar. The brutish foxes grunting and groaning as the thick bullwhips left deep red marks on their backs and asses and as they pulled on their increasingly painful balls. The officer was squeaking and squealing through his gag as his ass turned and increasingly dark shade of tan and the end fox continued to wail as the blood ran down his back from the numerous scars. He would then settle down very quickly and seemed utterly unfazed by his vicious beating.

During one of the fox's outbursts Zippo leaned over to Mike and whispered: "What language is he speaking?"

"It's not one I'm aware of that's for sure, but it does sound like a bit more than demented ramblings; there is tension moving laterally in the minor clause phrase structure that resolves at the predicate cadencies which suggests that it is a structured form of communication." Replied Mike sedately

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! We didn't all go to language school."

"I did not go to language school. I just took an active interest in linguistics for a few years", said Mike defensively, "Something which you should do sometime."

"I took an active interest in BDSM Mike, you know that, and I think it's a more useful skill than speaking a hundred languages. But if your so good then, character profile him, what's he up to?" provoked Zippo

"I think he's resorting to conditioning he's had against breaking, the jabbering will be a technique he's using to stop his mind giving in. You know our conditioning methods better than I; do we use anything like that at all?"

"No. All of our techniques involve ether chemical doping or bio-neural inhibition. That's a more mental skill and one long gone from our part of the galaxy. But Draco looks pretty pissed so we'll see just how good this conditioning of his is."

Draco, the dragon lead-guard, was glaring furiously at the fox who was still wailing after his last strike - number 19. The dragon stormed over to him, knelt down and grabbed the much smaller creature by the chin. Tilting the fox's head up to stare directly at his own stopped the fox yelling almost immediately.

"I said be silent, or you will be gagged."

The fox just stared blankly and silently at the dragon with a bemused expression on his face - it was like he had just become conscious and was not aware of anything that had happened previously. Draco was confused by this and merely slapped the fox across the face by way of redemption - Zippo understood though.

"Yeah that's his conditioning, he switched his mind into a totally different level of consciousness and he can't even remember being in the other one - he's basically schizophrenic. That is a very powerful skill and I've never seen it to this magnitude before. Strange it should belong to such a weak specimen." Zippo said to Mike again

Draco shook his head, throwing off his confusion, and continued with his counting: "Twenty"

The guards ran though their motions once again and the prisoners reacted in much the same was as before. This included a renewed wailing from fox number 4 and the usually cool headed dragon finally lost it.

"For fucks sake!"

Draco wheeled about and withdrew the 2 foot curved blade he had sheathed at his side. Raging over to the screaming fox, he pushed the razor sharp blade to the vulpine's throat and placed his forehead in line with the fox's so they were eye to eye, with only a few inches between them.

The feeble fox continued screaming and Draco grabbed his testicle cuff and elbowed him in the stomach, forcing his body off and away from the bar and forcing him to balance himself on tiptoe to avoid the knife. The dragon was just about to bring his sword down across the fox's sheath and balls, completely neutering him, when a defiant "Stop!" rang out form the mute crowd. Draco turned to see who dare interrupt him in his punishments of an insolent slave.

"Draco. You must not." Said Zippo boldly as he strode towards the stage

"No one defies me Rah! This piece of shit will pay for his insolence."

Draco brought the sword down but Zippo moved quickly and caught the dragons hand before he reached the fox's tender and venerable flesh. Zippo quickly disarmed the bigger dragon with an effortless sweep and then stood between him and the fox, who had quietened again.

"There is more to this one that meets the eye, Draco. He's been conditioned against breaking, he needs to be specially analysed and dealt with."

"HE MUST PAY ZIPPO!" replied Draco from the floor of the stage

"It is important we know what type of conditioning they are capable of. Analysing him is important to the security of the GFE and I'm not going to send him back to the facility in two pieces. You may not harm him beyond the whipping."

"I will not continue this event with him blurting out all the time Rah."

"Well put him in a sensory deprivation hood and give him 50 lashes. Then send him back to the facility and they will deal with him accordingly."

Zippo turned and strode of the stage and Draco heaved himself off the floor. Looking around the dragon realised that almost the entire crew of the ship had just witnessed his little 'event' and he turned away from them in embarrassment. Luckily his blushing was masked by his red skin but by way of revenge, after the 4th fox had been hooded, he backhanded the 3rd fox along who was panting through his gag and who collapsed uncomfortably onto the cross-bar due to the assault. The 3rd fox's guard helped him up, to prevent him neutering himself under his own weight and then Draco began his counting again in a markedly worse mood than before.


Zippo walked onto the bridge having been summoned by his coms watch. As usual everyone stood up and saluted. As usual Zippo snapped "At ease!" angrily.

"What is it Mike?" Zippo said to his mate, who was the one who had summoned him

"Its Duma Sir, he wants to talk to you; says it's crucial. Also, we will reach Delta-Four within the hour and it would be best if you were present during docking."

"Fine, put Duma on screen." replied Zippo

Zippo took position at the command desk, just behind Mike at the helm, and the main screen toned, signalling an outbound coms link.

The, oversized, image of the grey wolf suddenly appeared on the screen and he wore a worryingly smug expression.

"What do you want Duma? We will be arriving at Delta-Four in under an hour and you cannot stop us."

"I'm not going to stop you", Duma said mockingly, "In fact it's very nice here, you should join us!"

"You're at Delta-Four!?! How in hell did you get there before us you slimy bastard" Shouted Zippo angrily

"Now, now, now Zippy that wont do at all. Regardless of how I got here the fact is I'm here and I've ordered the station to reject your requests based on your status as a mere Rah. So you can come here if you want but you will find nothing."

"You fucking bastard! How dare you, you don't even have the authority to do that."

"No, technically I don't but the staff here think I do and that's all that matters. I mean who else have they got to ask; Arjax is in combat and that just leaves the Rahs and the VSR - me, and I got here first. So you won't be getting supplied or refit because, well, I say so faggot!"

"How can you reject a tactical request like that? You will destroy the GFE's influence in this region."

"Well officially I have recorded that it is not a tactically sound use of resources. Unofficially well, I just don't like you, you farm-boy faggot cunt"

"I'll get you for this Duma, you'll be sorry you ever messed with me." threatened Zippo furiously

"Is that so my dear kitty-cat, well we'll see who ends up above who soon enough I sense." came the smug response

Zippo decided he would settle this matter face to face: "We will be docking in approximately 45 minutes, if we are denied communication or a docking space Delta-Four will be sorry it was ever put into space. End communication."

The vast image of the wolf evaporated from the massive screen and was replaced with pinpricks of light from distant stars and, seemingly gibberish, technical and tactical information. Zippo slumped in his chair and cradled his face in his hands in an anguished manner.

Mike looked around from the helm: "Oh common Zip cheer up, we'll get him back. His luck can't last forever; one day he'll do something stupid, Arjax will drop him and then we can dispose of him nice and cleanly."

"It doesn't matter", Zippo said in despair, "If we don't get our repairs and supplies at Delta-Four we will need to return to the home-worlds to get them. That'll put us off course by anything up to 2 months which will mean sacrificing the Solinian Sector to the GVC. That will mean those dam foxes will get their hands on as many Warbirds as the Solinians can possibly produce - putting us back years in this region."

"You really think that when we arrive they will trust Duma over you! Ha! We've, 'persuaded', tougher nuts than the Delta-Four boys Zip, I'm sure they will see our point of view."

Zippo just 'hmmed' mindfully

"And we'll get Duma back too, sooner rather than later - you'll see. You trust me don't you?"

"Yes Mike I trust you, you know I do, you've never lied to me. It's just that I wonder about the bureaucracy of the system sometimes and the plutocracy. This is the system that put Duma on the same level at the capital-ship commanders because of who his parents were remember. We need a change at the top, Arjax is a great commander and a skilled tactician, but she is not decisive enough when it comes to the politics."

"Whoa! Don't let Duma or Arjax here you say that, you'd disappear in the night and end up being fucked by some Doctrinaian plutocrat for the rest of your life." warned Mike

"Doesn't sound so bad." Said Zippo dreamily

"Oh s_top being such a mopey moggy, we'll be coming into traffic control and verification range soon and we need to be on top form._"


"Inbound ship, please identify yourself and state your intensions." came the tinny voice over the comms system

"We are the GFS Carnivora-Canidae class Super-Battle-Fortress, 'Optimus'. We request a priority docking permit."

There was a prolonged pause.

"Granted, please fallow the radar beacons. Welcome to Delta-Four Optimus."

Mike looked around at Zippo with a questioning expression.

"Ok, follow the beacons, lets see if out luck holds. I doubt it though; Duma will have a nasty sting waiting in the tail." said Zippo in response to Mike's wordless request for direction

Mike did so and before long the indeterminate dot in the middle of the main window, only noticeable because of its small label reading "?-IV", had developed into a steely-black pharos set in orbit of a large, volcanic and uninhabited planet. The dark armour of the space station counterpointed sharply with the crimson and scarlet of the planets terrain in the background, making it appear as an oasis of life under a veil of darkness.

Delta-Four (or technically Delta-4-Orbis-3-56 ) was one of many beacon stations, belonging to the GFE, spread thought the galaxy. These heavily fortified space stations were used as staging posts, layovers and administrative centres for the region of space they occupied. They were designed to service ships and act as trading hubs as well as serving as strongholds in times of close conflict. Delta-Four was an archetypal station in its design - a large inverted circular pyramid with a domed top. Ships docked around the main rim while several smaller sub-satellite stations revolved around that station -serving as defence batteries, prisons or even things like terraformed garden retreats.

The Optimus moved closer and closer to the station and before long individual ships docked around it became visible. One ship in particular caught Zippo's eye. It was a small, bright yellow, corvette - Duma's ship. There was only one docking slot on the entire station that could handle a ship the size of the Optimus, which was directly beneath the main spire of the station. Mike, aided by computers and guidance from the traffic control on the station, manoeuvred the massive ship under the station and with a sudden jolt, resulting in negative g-force, the traction beams activated locking the ship in place.

"Ok, reduce to a skeleton crew and everyone else can have the time we are here off. But don't wander far form the ship as we may need to leave quickly. If we get our way quickly the work will take only a few days, if not we could be here for much longer - inform the crew. Dismissed!" said Zippo to the entire bridge crew, "Mike, can you accompany me to the station. And bring 'protection', I feel there may be a welcoming-party of some sort." He added

"Do you mean rubbers or a knife?" ask Mike confusedly

"That's something only you can decide upon Mike - it depends on what type of reception you are expecting."

"Well if Duma is pulling the strings a nice bottle of anal lube should come in handy!" said Mike jokingly

"Ha! You know Duma is a raging homophobic, I wouldn't put it past him."

"I have an idea! He doesn't know were a couple does he?"

"Don't think so, he'd of tried to lynch you by now, instead of just me." Zippo replied factually

"Wait here for two minuets - I have a plan!." Mike said before scurrying off in the direction of his quarters, leaving Zippo to wonder what had gotten into him


The pressure door, leading into the command section of ?-IV, slid open with a hiss, and Mike strode through holding a leash.

On the other end of the leash was a shape; a beast on all fours. It seemed blind and directionless, only able to navigate by occasional tugs on its leash, and even then it was clumsy and inept. Its skin was made of thick pink latex and it did not have paws or even a head. Instead, where these body parts should have been, it had inflated balls of the same pink latex its skin was made of. This gave it a freakish-but-comical look, which was added to by the clumsy progress it made down the hall.

The balls also had to effect of making it completely undexterous and unable to manipulate anything. And it was this higgledy-piggledy combination of the fluffy black jaguar, with his pink pet in tow that met the bemused eyes of the station command staff as they entered the command room.

"Mike? Where is the Rah" asked the station commander - a stallion

"Rah Zippo is preconcerned, he sent me in his place. He has delegated all appropriate powers to me." Replied Mike formally

"Ok, well there really is little to speak about; aside from some minor formalities that need addressed, Duma has withdrawn all power from us and he is waiting to speak to Zippo - or you I guess."

"Ok, well we'll fill out the paper work later, for the moment I want to see Duma. Got him a present here you see." Said mike gesturing to the pet behind him with the leash

"Yes I did wonder. I'll take you to him now." said the commander

Mike and his pet were led off deeper into the station through a winding maze of corridors and doors. Finally they reached a different looking door and the commander pushed his thumb to a comms unit.

"Duma, representatives of the Optimus are here to speak with you"

There was no response, the door simply slid open.

The station commander motioned Mike in and then about-turned and marched off leaving Mike to face the wolf alone (except for his speechless and insentient accompanying pet of course). Mike entered the, very dimly lit, room to find Duma sitting at a desk.

As he caught site of the Jaguar, Duma stood up looking rather confused.

"Mike? Where is Zippo? Why is he not here?" asked the wolf

"Zippo will show up soon enough" replied Mike calmly

"He'd better be because I will not speak to you in his place."

"Oh I don't want to discuss business. I just thought I'd wish you a happy birthday!"

Duma looked even more confused it was his birthday but he did not know Mike, he was one of Zippo's crew however so he was the enemy.

"So is that it? You wanted to wish me a happy birthday, that all?" asked Duma still unbelieving of the situation

"No silly, of course not! I got you a present!" said Mike, becoming more flamboyantly gay with every syllable

"Is that what that is?" asked Duma tentatively pointing at the pink creature still at the end of Mike's leash

"You better believe it! Come on, we have a good half hour before Zippo turns up, lets have some fun with her!"

Duma seemed taken-aback, even slightly scared of the pink pleasure pet Mike was beckoning him towards.

"Don't be like that, come on I'll show you" said Mike reassuringly

The jaguar lead the wolf around the pet towards her rear and Duma at last began to show interest.

They stooped to examine the creatures rear more closely. Behind the latex clad 'tail' of the creature there was, unusually, not tailhole - instead it, or 'she', had a long voluptuous pussy made of the same latex as the rest of her. The pussy looked fake and for appearance only, however on closer inspection (from Mike's fingers) it appeared it did have a usable opening.

Mike took a small sachet of lube out of his uniform and began to spread it on the pets latex lips. Massaging its genitals, Mike began to arouse the creature into motion and it moved softly and groaned quietly. The reaction of the pet also began to galvanize Duma and he began to fidget in his increasingly aroused state.

"Stop teasing her Mike, I want to fuck her!" said Duma desperately, while already unbuckling his uniform

"Ok, you're the birthday boy, but remember you wanted it." Said Mike, stepping back from the squirming latex contortion

Duma had gone feral; he had barely gotten his pants off before he took the subjacent pet by the hips from behind and took aim. His rock hard canine cock bobbed up and down madly as he vainly tried to aim in his frenetic state and his knot was already beginning to swell.

Steadying himself momentarily, Duma pushed forwards in and almighty thrust, and penetrated the inner-sanctum of the creature. On its part, the creature moaned slightly, but reacted surprisingly little considering the harshness of the wolf's motions. Duma had pushed in until his knot, now fully hard, struck the creature's vulva.

The wolf pulled back again, almost completely removing his penis, and then began to trust uncontrollably like a teenager on his first time.

Between thrusts he attempted to speak to Mike: "You know Mike... I always thought you were one of Zippo's faggots... but it turns out your straight as an arrow... A women hunter just like me... you might not hate those fags as much as I do... But deep down you're a defender of heterosexuality and purity."

Mike just leant against the wall in the shadows, smiled and let the wolf dribble to himself aimlessly while he fucked the insentient pet in his grip - He had truly gone mad with desire.

"My god she's tight! Where did you find a girl like this Mike, she must be the tightest pussy in the galaxy! Or is this a special technique of your slave facility? I must know this! Arjax would love it."

Duma began to slow his strokes as he approached climax, as canines tended to do naturally, however as his strokes slowed in speed they increased in power massively. In fact so powerful did they become that his 3 inch diameter knot began to force its way into the creatures tight orifice, extruding even more groaning from it.

Suddenly Duma grabbed the pink creature by the hips and with one almighty push, he came emptying his balls into the deep belly of the latex conception. He let out a bestial howl and there was an audible 'pop' as his knot finally entered and locked into the creature's pussy - binding him to it, involuntarily, for and indeterminate period of time.

He groaned as the remainder of his cum entered the pink slave and then he began to pant heavily, still locked in a doggy style position. Wiping his sweat-laden brow he turned to Mike who was still standing, passively, leaning against the wall.

"Mike! That was amazing! Thank you so much." He said, still out of breath

"How long will you be knot-locked?" Mike smiled

"ehh, it depends, about 5 minutes probably but I don't mind being with this little honey for a few more minutes", replied Duma, stroking the small of the creature's back, "Do you have any more surprises for me?"

"Well actually I do." Said Mike

"You think it can top your last" asked Duma happily

"That depends on what you mean by 'top'" said Mike as he walked over to the front of the panting pink creature

Fiddling with a nozzle under the creature's 'head-ball', Mike let the air out of the latex ball with a soft hiss. Finding a concealed zip that ran along the neckline of the creature, he slowly unzipped the ball.

Duma just knelt, very confused and utterly silent, still on the floor and still knot locked.

"Ready?" said Mike, moments before he whipped the hood off of the creature

I sight that met Duma's eyes shocked him.

"Surprise!" piped Mike and Zippo in chorus, Zippo's head sticking of the pink latex suit

Mike quickly unzipped the rest of the suit and pulled it away, revelling Zippo, on all fours, with Duma's cock locked in his tailhole. Duma was speechless with shock, his eyes glazed and without focus and his breath deep and slow.

Several slow moments passed.

Eventually Duma broke the still: "Zippo" he said unbelievingly and timidly, "Wh... what are you doing?"

"I don't know Duma, what are you doing?" Zippo said mockingly

Duma finally awakened from his state of sopor and snapped "Zippo, what the fuck? What the fuck do you think you're doing!"

"Hehe, you're the one who fucked me Duma!" Zippo smiled

"Let me go right now! Fags like you can take far more than my knot in your ass - your tensing!"

"Ha, got me so early did you, well I don't feel like relaxing right now so..."

"Fuck you, you fucking fag! I'll kill you, you'll be sorry, I'll show you." said Duma as he came forwards to attack Zippo from behind

Zippo simply leaned back and garbed the wolf's cock, in his ass, with one hand. A quick squeeze at the base of the wolf's member momentarily paralyzed him with pain. Zippo relaxed his anal sphincter and pulled Duma's cock out of his ass, while maintaining his grip on its base.

The tiger then stood up, bringing the wolf with him and before Duma had another chance to fight back, Zippo had slipped a very tight rubber band over the wolf's cock and it had settled at the base - keeping him very very hard and keeping his knot engorged.

Zippo then pulled Duma, by the cock, over to a chair and pushed him down into it forcefully. Firstly Duma tried to stand up but was pushed back into his seat immediately by the tiger. Then he attempted to remove the rubber band from his still hard cock, but as his did so, Mike reappeared behind him and pulled his hands away from his member.

"That's a bad habit Wolfie, you shouldn't be touching yourself - I'll help you with that." said Mike as he tightly tied Duma's hands behind the back of the chair with a rough end of rope. Bringing a longer piece of rope around Duma's chest and the chair back, Mike effectively immobilized the newly-captive wolf.

Mike moved back around beside Zippo and they both faced Duma, who was glaring at them in rage.

"Let me go this instant!" demanded Duma

"Oh common Wolfie, let us have a bit of fun. From the looks of you, you're rather turned on by the sight of two guys together." Said Zippo as he held his body close to Mike, who was softly nuzzling the tiger's face

Duma looked down at his still hard, and increasingly darkly coloured cock: "You bastards! You're going to get it for this, both of you, you going to end up some sadistic maniac's bitches by the time I'm through with you. And I think you'll find you have no power over me, ha!"

At that moment there was a knock at the door and the two cats span around to face it - it was the station commander again. The out-of-breath stallion looked in at the unfolding scene in confusion but shook his head, regaining his composure, and faced Zippo.

"Zippo, where did you come from?", not waiting for an answer he continued, "It doesn't matter, there is an urgent message from The GFS Lectum."

Zippo quickly walked back over to Duma and as he opened his mouth to interject. The tiger quickly stuffed several sheets of folded up latex into the wolf's mouth. Then, before he could spit them out, Zippo ran some thick duct tape around his head - gagging him crudely, but effectively. Duma, "Hmmmmed!", but he could not speak at all.

Zippo turned back to the waiting stallion, but before he left he back-handed the still struggling wolf in the face, knocking him and the chair to the ground and breaking his nose. The stallion ushered Zippo and Mike out, again stressing the urgency of the message, and with a disquieted glance back at the, now bleeding wolf on the floor, he shut the door of the room with a pneumatic hiss.


The horse and two cats entered the command centre, where there was a large screen, flickering with static. Zippo stood directly in front of the screen and it flicked on revealing a scene of pure carnage.

In view was the command bridge of the Lectum, Arjax ship, and it looked like hell had opened. There were various small fires spread about the deck, all burning out of control, and assorted arms and munitions lying about - all used and abandoned. More disturbingly however, bloody corpses littered the flood, all mutilated horrifically and all completely untended to. In the dead centre of the screen, was Benny the Rabbit (as his nickname was), the vice captain of the_Lectum._

"Benny?" asked Zippo confusedly, "What the hell happened?"

Benny was out of breath and panting but he replied: "Zippo, thank god, we were ambushed by fox riders. They snuck up on us... smashed straight into the bridge... and attacked us... We had not chance."

"What's the current situation?" asked Zippo

"We fought them off; eventually backup arrived from the barracks but by that time they had killed half of the bridge officers."

"Dam", Zippo thought to himself

"We can probably limp to the nearest station - Foxtrot-15."

"Wait", said Zippo, "Benny, where is Arjax?"

Benny looked away from the screen, closing his eyes, and then looked back to reply to Zippo.

"She's dead Zippo."

There was a shocked silence and this time it was Zippo's turn to look away form the screen.

"That's all they were after, they just wanted to make a statement; she was beheaded as soon as they caught her."

"Oh shit", Zippo said quietly, "What are we going to do now?"

"Well I'm responsible for the Lectum now, so I need to go but Lux has been informed. We can only hope the Empire can weather this great tragedy."

The screen went blank.

Zippo turned around and found the 3 station commanders facing him in the absence of the screen.

"What the hell are we going to do now Zippo?" yelled one

"The entire Imperial Space Navy is directionless." barked another.

"This could be a pre-emptive for a massive offensive against the ISN or even the planets of the GFE themselves." shouted the final fur, the stallion

Zippo had backed-up, at the unexpected aggression, until his back came into contact with the, now black screen. The other 3 furs slowly moved in like hungry dogs, looking for someone to blame and take their fear out on.

"What do you want me to do fools? We can get nowhere by turning on each other."

The stallion spoke up in an evil tone: "Oh on the contrarily Zippo, 'we' can get a great many places."

Zippo's back was pushed hard up against the screen and the aggressing furs were only a foot or so away.

"What do you mean" said Zippo, his voice retaining a commanding tone that his body language lacked

"Things are changing tiger, the hierarchy is in turmoil. Its time for the stronger to overthrow the weaker and take their place at the top - starting with the Rahs, and that means YOU boy."

Mike, who until now remained utterly silent in a shadowed corner unnoticed by anyone, suddenly sprang into action. With swift powerful movements he propelled himself across the room to jump on to the back of one of the stallions - the commander.

"I think you've panicked a bit much pony boy, why don't you just calm down."

The stallion was about to spin around and throw the jaguar off of him when he suddenly felt cold steel against his throat - the cat was holding a dagger to his jugular vain.

The other 2 furs drew there swords, pointed them at Zippo and began to move towards him. However, before they could advance any, the stallion interrupted.

"ehh, no guys, don't move, just stay where you are."

The 2 furs looked around in confusion to see a small trickle of blood running down the stallion's neck - Mike was holding the razor sharp blade hard against the horse's throat, cutting him very slightly.

"Looks like we got a Mexican standoff boys" commented the stallion from the stillness

Silence ensued.

Ring, Ring... Ring, Ring - came the tone from the main screen Zippo was standing against.

The five furs just looked at each other - until the stallion spoke up.

"Answer it Zippo"

Zippo slowly turned about to face the screen and called "Answer" in a slightly less confident tone than his normal.

The screen flicked into life, but when it had awoken it was nigh as dark as when off. This indistinctness was due to the darkness of scene contained within the screen, shapes and objects were barely definable in bleakness. That was not to say however that the atmosphere was unenergetic - it buzzed with indefinable spiritual energy.

A cloaked fur, his head concealed in a hood along with his species and identity, sat in centre screen while all around him welled fluent images of other likewise embellished furs. He spoke slowly and deeply - as if he expected total attention at all time, and was unused to speaking.

"Rah Zippostev...", he breathed deeply before continuing, "we assume you have been notified of the fate of Supreme Rah Arjax."

Zippo did not reply and the dark figure did not require it to continue.

"The High Council of Lux has conferred and decided to bestow upon you Arjax former title. Congratulations Supreme Rah Zippostev of the Imperial Space Navy of the Great Furry Empire. Your ship has been redesignated 'The GFS Optimus: Flag Ship of the ISN'. You are now in total control of the entire ISN and will have many additional duties and responsibilities, these will be dealt with once your ship is underway, firstly you must choose a VSR to replace Duma, who you may do as you wish with. I believe we will be seeing a lot more of each other Zippo, Ducti Copiose out."

The screen went back to blackness.

There was a stunned silence and the two furs facing Zippo dropped there weapons with a clatter. Zippo relaxed some as did Mike, though he maintained his grip on the stallion.

"What should I do with the panicky pony Zips?" said Mike with his arm slung around the stallions neck in a casual manner

"Let him go, Now that he's calmed down" Zippo said in a deadpan tone, still unbelieving of the situation

"Aww, I was hoping for a little blood-sports."

"Not now, enough blood has been shed."

Mike let go of the horse and he instantly, of his own choice, dropped to the floor and was followed by the other two.

Snivelling at Zippo's feet, the stallion said: "Sir! Please forgive us, I don't know what I was thinking, I meant to harm!"

"Save it, just fix my ship as I specified in the communication, and fast, I want to be out of here in a week. And Duma is gone, I'll deal with him, he will bother you no longer."

Zippo strode out of the command room and Mike followed, Running to catch-up and re-sheathing his blade as he did so.


Zippo and Mike re-entered the dark room holding Duma, and saw that the wolf was still exactly where they had left him; tied to the chair, gagged, on the floor, with his cock still very hard and an even darker colour than before. He had stopped bleeding but the fur around the right side of his face, where he had been lying on the floor, was matted and reddened with dry blood.

Zippo walked directly over to him and put the chair back on its feet. Duma opened his eyes and immediately began to 'MHHPPH!' and yell through his gag. Zippo smiled at him and extended a solitary claw, cutting the tape holding the wolf's maw shut. Duma spat out the mass of latex, panted and looked up at Zippo.

"Zippo! Take the rubber band off this instant!" Duma said severely

With the same extended claw, Zippo effortlessly and elegantly cut the rubber band around the base of Duma's shaft and the wolf breathed a sigh of relief as his cock began to recede.

Zippo pulled up another chair and sat on it backwards, laying his head on the back flirtatiously: "There ya go", he said quaintly, "Anything else we can do for ya?"

Duma was taken aback but the tiger's change in tone.

"Zippo, release me at once! Let me go now and I may let you keep your life."

"I don't think you have that authority, and you never did."

"Shut up Zippo, the Supreme Rah can do as they wish and I can influence that power as the VRS. Despite all your boasts of charming Arjax, I still hold the whip."

"Once again your ignorance precedes you my dear dog." said the tiger

"What are you implying!?" yelled Duma angrily

Zippo looked away at Mike and then looked back to the still restrained wolf.

Drawing breath deeply Zippo said: "As a member of the Imperial Space Navy I am required to inform you of the death of the SR and her cessation of service to the Empire."

Duma was silent in shock and misbelieve.

"Dea...d, what do you mean?"

"She's dead Duma. She died an hour ago in an ambush-assassination on her ship. Lux has named me as the new SR to take her place, and her power."

"No. No, it can't be. Wait, you? No way, your making this up! You're just trying to kidnap me! I'm a member of the ISN, I would have been independently informed."

Zippo smiled: "You are no longer a member of the ISN, I have struck you from the list as is my prerogative."

Duma was finally convinced, the tone in Zippo's voice had done it - that seemingly endless arrogance had gotten worse.

"You bastard Zippo, you fucking cunt. I won't let you do this, I won't let you just cast me aside to be forgotten. I'll fight you, untie me, and fight like a man!"

Zippo did not reply, but he could not resist a challenge of this ilk, and he silently cut the rope binding Duma's arms. Duma struggled and wriggled throwing off the other ropes and as soon as he was able he threw himself off the chair, straight into the waiting tiger in front of him.

Zippo pushed the onslaught back, causing Duma to topple over the chair he had just leapt from.

As the wolf picked himself up Zippo spoke: "Calm down Duma, there are rules of engagement in a situation like this."

Duma popped his head up form behind the table in the centre of the room he had fallen behind.

"No Zippo, no rules - a fight to the death. I'm going to beat you to your demise you arrogant fucking tiger."

Duma came around the table to square up to his larger opponent.

"Fine have it your way" said Zippo impassively

Duma swung a punch at Zippo and the tiger simply moved out of the way, leaving the angry wolf to overbalance and almost topple.

Duma tried several more lurches and even a kick and all were blocked or dodged by the tiger without effort.

"I've been watching your technique Zippo, I once learned how to fight and it's all coming back, you're going down."

Duma punched directly at Zippo's head, his fist going directly from A to B as was the most effective technique. Zippo pulled his legs together, dropped his weight down and parried Duma's attack to the right, sending all the attacks energy straight past him.

He then continued spinning round, clockwise, and with his right had hammered his fist into Duma's unprotected side.

Duma collapsed to the side grasping at his kidney, which was now in agony, and ended up lying on the floor whining and moaning in pain. Zippo stood over the distressed canine and without warning began to brutally pound him with his booted foot-paw. The attack lasted only 30 seconds but it was too much for the wolf.

Duma had long given up whining and had lapsed into unconsciousness due to the severity of the beating he was receiving. Zippo tired from his assault on the wolf's stomach beginning to vary his kicks, beating Duma's chest and face.

It was not until blood was dribbling from the bruised wolf's fresh wounds that Mike stepped in.

Putting his hands on his mate he said: "Zippo, you must stop, we don't want to kill him. Do not let your passions spoil your plans."

Zippo stopped, sighted and hugged the black jag.

"I can always rely on you to calm me down - thank you."

In utter contrast to the compassion he had just shown, Zippo broke the embrace of his lover, turned and spat hatefully on the still unconscious and bleeding wolf.


When Duma came-to his head pounded like a jackhammer and his whole body ached, he could vividly remember the beating.

He tried to move but found that he was bound and unable to free himself. He was laying on the cold floor of the same room, his hands bound behind his back and then to his ankles in a hogtie. His wounds were still bleeding but not at a great rate.

Zippo walked into his field of view and stooped to look him in the face - Duma panicked.

"Zippo no, I can't take another beating, you'll, you'll... don't kill me!" he cried kicking and straining at his binds

Zippo chuckled wrenching the wolf upright and leaning him against a wall to keep him so.

"If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it long before now."

"You just want to toy with me before I die, you want to see the look in my eyes when you do it."

"I'm not going to kill you Duma, in fact I have a present for you."

"Wha, What do you mean?"

Zippo brought something into Duma's field of view that made the wolf panic. It was a shiny black leather collar. It was about 2 inches thick and was embellished with heavy chrome hardware. Most strikingly a large tag dangled from the front and Zippo held it close to the wolf's eyes so he could read it.

It read: 'Duma, Male Gay Pet of SR Zippo'

"What! No way, I'm not becoming your pet, just a hole for you to fuck."

"Ok, I'll just go back to beating you then" Zippo said dully

"No! No don't do that, please! Anything else."

Zippo just stared at the wolf.

"Ok, I'll do it, just don't hurt me anymore." Duma sighed in desperation

"That's a good pet", Zippo said petting the still bound wolf, "You didn't really have a choice, but it's nice to see you are somewhat willing!"

Zippo took the collar and placed it around Duma's neck. The wolf began to cry as his freedom symbolically drained away with the tightening of the collar. No padlock was produced, but there was a click and the deed was done - Duma would never be free again.

"As you will discover", said Zippo, "There is no lock, the collar self seals and is designed to never come off. It will adapt to the size of your throat, so it is always tight, but it is almost impossible to remove - with external help or not. Symbolically it represents your owned status and it will never be removed, even after your inevitable death."

As the implications of the tiger's words hit Duma he began to weep uncontrollably but his cries were not heard for long as a heavy leather hood was pulled over his head and buckled tight. It sealed him off for the outside world - apart form his sense of touch - and repressed his whines and cries.

He was then lifted up and carried from the room, though his terminal destination was as mysterious to him as Zippo's plans for the future.


Zippo walked onto the bridge of his ship, dressed in a red tartan kilt and little else. His kilt only came out on special occasions and the on duty bridge crew knew that this was a special occasion indeed.

The commander on duty, a lion called Leon, stood up and saluted. Calling, "Supreme Rah on deck!" as he did.

The rest of the officers on deck followed suit, standing up and saluting in the fashion they were accustomed too.

Zippo strolled in confidently, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Leon, stop saluting, you know I don't like it."

Leon was silent knowing the rules of meeting the SR - not to speak and keep saluting until he said 'A_t ease_'.

"So you think you know the rules. But are you sure? I'll give you another chance - Stop saluting" Zippo smiled

Leon considered his situation, thinking over the rules he had recently learned. Coming to a decision he silently thrust his chest out and titled his head up proudly, continuing to salute.

Zippo chuckled and then said: "So you've made your decision, willing to bet your life on it? I'll give you five seconds to change your mind, if not you will be taken care of. 5, 4, 3, 2... 1. The decision is made."

Zippo walked over to the lion and grabbed his outstretched hand. Quickly twisting the cat's arm and bending it at the elbow he put him into a lock and forced him to the ground effortlessly. The lion yelled as pain shot through his arm and he dropped automatically, his mane brushing the cold floor.

Zippo put his knee in the kneeling cat's back and brought his other arm up behind him, the lion was completely at the mercy of the tiger.

"Zippo! What are you doing!" said Leon in panic

"Well my dear cat, it appears you did not follow the rules - so you must be punished and as you said you were willing to bet your life on it..."

"What! You said that, not me!"

"Silence! You implied agreement. Now care to tell me rule four?"

"When the Supreme Rah is on deck, all crew must hail and remain doing so until the SR speaks 'at ease'. Exactly what I did Zippo!"

"Now rule one."

"One must always obey any command or wish of the SR without question or compromise."

"Now which of those rules takes precedence?" asked Zippo mockingly

"Oh shit." The lion mumbled under his breath.

"That's right Leon, you directly disobeyed me and you will pay the penalty."

"Zippo this is bullshit, you set me up!"

"Silence!" Zippo snapped again "You made your decision and now you have no choice - you are mine to do as I please with. Now no more talking or you will suffer a fate worth then death."

Zippo placed the lion's hands together and bound them with a cable-tie which tightly ratcheted around his soft fur - securing his forepaws beyond escape. Then, still from behind, Zippo placed a rough, loose fitting collar around the lion's neck and buckled it closed. There was no need to lock it as it was just short term and the lion was denied the use of his hands anyway. Finally a black bandana was used to blindfold the lion.

A leash dangled from the front of the collar and Zippo moved around, took hold of it and let the lion up onto his feet and towards the main door of the bridge.

The rest of the crew on the bridge, still saluting, looked at the lion as he went past - he looked scared as hell and seconds away form hyperventilating.

He was led out, at the end of the leash, through the main doors and out of sight of the bridge officers.

Silence ensued.

Instants later Zippo reappeared, no longer accompanied by the lion - the crew were still saluting.

"Do you want to end up like Leon - I think not, stop saluting now."

They did as they were told.

"Good, but you still disobeyed me at first."

They looked amongst each other fearfully.

"Form a line across the bridge facing me, NOW!"

They did so.


All ten of them did so.

Mike reappeared from nowhere, as he had a habit of doing, and accompanied Zippo.

"Face left and look at the back of fur in front of you"

The tiger and the Jaguar then worked their way down the line of kneeling furs placing a collar on each and then linking a chain in the front to the back of the next ones collar. This formed a coffle.

Zippo took hold of the front fur's chain, a bear called Aeon - Leon's mate, and tugged the coffle onto their feet. He then began to lead them out of the main door of the bridge, with Mike bringing up the rear making sure the coffle stayed in line.


The bridge crew appeared in a room they were unfamiliar with.

It was large and totally spherical. The floor was padded with the usual playroom soft material, allowing no equivocation as to what the room was used for. In the centre of the room a circle was marked with a change in the colour of the carpet - creating a focal point. Around the perimeter of the circle, spaced equilaterally, were 10 strange metal contraptions. They were bolted to the floor and formed of a series of interlacing folds of shiny stainless steel.

Other than that the room was featureless; unlike most playrooms it had no cabinets or compartments housing toys or playwear, it had no crosses or horses for whipping or fucking and it had no anchor points or bolts for securing slaves or pets.

One thing in the room, did however, draw the eye.

It was a noose.

It hung from the epicentre of the circle formed by the room and the metal devices. It was, in contrast to the rest of the room, constructed of rough, thick, agrestic rope and with its long enveloping slipknot it looked dreadful and eerie.

The simple sight of the noose changed the mood in the room completely; it was utterly silent and totally still.

The coffle was led to the perimeter of the central circle where their collars were removed one by one and they were secured in a metal device.

The subject fur knelt in the device and metal shackles locked around there ankles and knees, keeping then on the ground. A further shackle then locked around the top of the thighs and held them against the shins. This meant that the furs were kept kneeling and were unable to move off the spot. They could move their upper body and arms normally but were out of reach of each other or anything else - and thus left to flail uselessly or sit silently.

The last fur to be locked down, Aeon, did not have the final shackle locked in place for a reason unknown to him. This meant he could sit like everyone else or he could move forwards and lay, face down, on the floor. He was still confused and slightly upset at being separated from his mate.

The circle of furs sat in silence with either their heads down or staring intently and fearfully at the noose in front of them dangling ominously. It was amazing how threatening a simple piece of rope could be, it seemed to buzz with intent energy like a potential difference existed between the loops and twists of rope - the difference between life and death. In fact the noose drew so much attention from the surrounding furs that nobody even noticed the extra presence in the room.

Tucked away, next to the door so those coming in would not immediately see him, was Leon.

He was kneeling on the floor with his collar clipped to a ring above his head. He was still blindfolded and was unlikely to have heard his companions coming in, due to the silence of their entry.

Zippo walked over to him, unwatched by anybody, unclipped his leash, tugged him to his feet and lead him to the middle of the circle.

As the two cats entered the inner circle, all eyes turned and many jaws dropped.

"Leon!" said Aeon out of instinct

Leon twitched his head at the sound of his name coming from his lover's lips and then looks around aimlessly trying to see his mate. The blindfold, however, prevented any further comprehension that the lion might have of his situation.

"Leon, I'm here darling"

"Aeon where am I? What's happening?"

"That's quite enough" interrupted Zippo

The tiger took the lion, from behind, by the neck with the crux of his arm and lead him over to face his mate.

He manoeuvred them face to face and said: "Kiss"

Leon was confused but Aeon knew what to do. He leaned forwards and embraced his lover's seeking lips. Leon relaxed and fell into the warmth of the bear kiss and they enjoyed each other's company despite the oddity of the situation. After several moments Zippo broke the kiss by pulling Leon backwards by the throat and causing him to choke.

Leon flailed his arms widely trying to find Aeon again but it was to no avail. Aeon for his part simply looked down in sadness, knowing his situation was hopeless.

Zippo dragged the struggling lion over to the centre of the room and tripped him up onto the padded floor. He then removed the blindfold and stood over Leon as he regained his composure.

Leon looked up seeing Zippo standing over him and then noticed the noose dangling above his head. His eyes went wide and his breathing quickened as panic and realisation set in.

"Ahh... no Zippo... no, please, please!" said the lion as he grovelled at Zippo's feet

"Stop cowering Leon, you are an officer, face up to your fate."

"No pleasssee..." he stuttered as he broke down into tears "...Please Zippo, don't kill me!"

"Oh shut up you snivelling little bitch." said Zippo cruelly as he hosted Leon to his feet - his hands still bound

He then removed the collar & leash and hoisted Leon up to stand on a stool under the noose. The noose was then forebodingly placed over the lion's head and snugged up against his neck. Leon continued to cry throughout all of this and Aeon continued to look down at the floor in silence.

Zippo stooped, an angry glare on his face, and tied one end of a long rope around one leg of the stool. He walked over to Aeon and grabbed his hair.

Using it to pull his head back he forced the other end of the rope between the bear's teeth and said: "Keep hold of that, or loose your balls"

Once his hair had been let go Aeon's head fell back down and for the first time he looked at his lover, standing on the stool - a rope around his neck. As the bear gazed into the eyes of his doomed mate he too began to cry, a single tear running down his fuzzy cheek.

"Please Zippo, please don't do this. I beg of you. I'm not a bad fur, I've always obeyed every command you g..." begged Leon

"I said be silent you stupid lion, unless you want to leave this world gagged and with no tongue!" said Zippo callously as he slapped the lion roughly across the face with a tawse.

The tiger stood strongly and even though he was standing still he seemed to swagger with a grace and arrogance often associated with him. He looked into Leon's eyes and began to speak in a tone akin to his stance.

"Head Deck Officer Leonus, you stand accused of wilfully disobeying direct orders form the Supreme Rah of the Great Furry Empire. How do you plead?"

Leon opened his mouth to answer only to be struck with the leather tawse again. He flinched as the belt hit him and struggled to retain his balance - both of which shut him up, as to Zippo's intention.

"You dare try and defend your self when your guilt is so blatantly obvious! You are pathetic lion and this ship and world will be better off without you. Therefore you are decreed guilty and sentenced to be hung by your neck as long as I see fit. I am unfortunately powerless to sentence you to death - however if you die in the process of this sentence that is of your concern, not mine"

Leon's lip began to wobble and the life seemed to drain prematurely from his eyes as his fate was dictated to him. He said nothing, but his breathing quickened and his heart seemed to audibly speed in his chest.

Zippo walked over behind Aeon and teased the bear's head with his tawse - knowing the ursine couldn't react without pulling on the rope between his teeth. Aeon was still in a bad state, not quite willing to accept what was happening or willing to connect with anything around him.

His inattention coupled with the stroking motions of the belt caused his mind to relax a little more and him to focus even less on what was surrounding him. His mind lulled, Zippo took his opportunity.

Suddenly the tiger struck down with the belt across the bear's back.

"Ahhhh!" Aeon screamed more in surprise than pain as he lurched backwards dropping the rope in his mouth as he did

He held it long enough however and the stool was pulled from under Leon's feet.

The lion gagged and choked as his weight fell onto the noose and it tightened around his throat like the icy paw of death.

"Guuughh" Leon spluttered his legs kicking vainly and his eyes rolling back their sockets

Aeon finally snapped: "You bastard tiger! Let him down now, stop it, please stop it!"

Zippo simply patted him on the head softly.

"You fucking cunt, you're murdering him! You're killing my beautiful Leon! I'll get you for this you sick shit, I'll hunt you down..." said Aeon as he came forward off his knees onto his stomach, the only way his restrains would allow, in a futile attempt to attack Zippo.

"I think we've heard quite enough from you bear, you are pathetic," said Zippo kicking the aggressing ursine and putting a paw on his head pinning him down,"we'll deal with you later, for now be silent and show some respect as you watch your beloved mate depart this world."

Aeon obeyed, more out of sorrow than orders, and sat back silently - tears welling up in his eyes.

Leon was still very much live and kicking, struggling more than ever at the plastic tie binding his hands together, but his face was turning an increasingly dark colour of red as time, aggravated by his struggling, slowly strangled him. His coughing became more and more sickly until it subsided completely into futile attempts to in- or exhale any air.

The noose kept firm and the lion knew there was no escape but he also knew he had to keep fighting - if not for him then for Aeon. Leon swung and twisted at the end of the rope as he slowly lost the fight for his life but as time passed his eyes closed and his struggles receded until he finally lost consciousness - resembling nothing more than dead weight slowly swinging at the end of the rope. It was an eerie and horrifying sight.

Aeon finally broke down into full tears as his once loving partner appeared no more and he dropped his head down onto his chest and began to sob.

Zippo motioned to Mike and the rope was cut, dropping Leon to the floor where he remained utterly still and lifeless. The room was of the same ilk; nothing was moving and even the distant throb of the engines seemed to be inaudible.

It was done.


Zippo walked over in front of Aeon, who was still sobbing into his chest, and grabbed him by the hair again.

Pulling the bear's head up, Zippo said: "What's done is done, get over it you stupid bitch. But not to forget, you still require punishing for your disobedience."

He gave the bear a rough slap across the face and then walked around behind him. He kicked the ursine in the rear, forcing him forwards, and then he refastened his restraints so that he was held forwards, his elbows touching his knees, with his ass in the air - similar to a doggy style position.

Zippo took out a tube of lube and squirted some onto his hand. He then began to rub it into his semi-hard cock as it rapidly engorged.

"Lucky crying bitches make me hard!" he said mockingly

Once he had finished stroking and lubing his, now rock hard, cock - Zippo wiped the excess lubricant around the quivering bear's tailhole and ass cheeks.

Aeon knew what was coming but he wasn't scared, he was still sobbing - to bereaved at the loss of his mate to care what happened to him now. In turn Zippo seemed not to care for the bear's grievances, he was only concerned with fulfilling the punishment and it even seemed he could be doing this solely to spite Aeon - entering a place only Leon had been before.

Whatever Zippo's motives his actions were unequivocal - he took hold of his slick feline meat and began to push it against the bear's tailhole. As Zippo penetrated deeper, beginning to open up the bear's rear, Aeon finally reacted. It was as if he had become aware of his surroundings for the first time and he began to struggle madly as he was penetrated in such a rude manner. The tiger was delighted in his victim's discomforts and slapped Aeon on the rump in response - all the while penetrating him further.

Once Zippo had hilted himself he brutishly began to thrust with short sharp motions - fucking the bear roughly. He was obviously not thinking of Aeon's pleasure, but further more is appeared he was not even taking his own - his only intent seemed to be to discomfort Aeon.

Zippo continued ramming his cock into the bear as if he was a piece of meat and began to go deeper with each stroke. Aeon for his part was still crying softly but at the same time he whimpered and moaned in protest of his violation - Zippo noted upon this.

"Oi bitch! When I you I want you to squeal more! Got it? No...well I guess I will have to do something about that."

Zippo, true to his word, sped up and began to engorge is knot. After only several seconds his 3.5 inch knot was filled with blood and began to ram up against the bear's already dilated rear.

"Are you ready bitch? This is going inside you - I want you to scream for me!"

Aeon was not given time to respond before Zippo grabbed hold of his hips and forced with all his might against the bear's butt. The force built and built until suddenly... ' pop!' Zippo's entire length slipped into his victim.

As his hole was finally stretched beyond its limit Aeon closed his eyes, threw his head back and let out a horrible scream - only to be gagged seconds later by a cock.

Aeon looked up only to find himself looking into the eyes of his lover.

"Leaoonoo!" he tried to say around the lion's cock

"Shut up Aeon, you've always been such a whiny bitch and it's about time someone knocked some sense into you! Now suck it!"

The bear was too astonished and overjoyed to notice the pain in his ass, but out of his sheer confusion he continued trying to talk until a quick slap from Leon convinced him to follow his instincts and pleasure his mate.

Zippo smiled at Leon from the other end of the bear and wrenched his cock from the ursine's rear without having cum.

"Sorry about using you to show Aeon a lesson Leon, but it does serve as an extreme example of what could happen to traitors and very serious offenders - of course they would not be cut down at the last moment!"

"Its fine, it was a bit unexpected but you know I have a thing for hangings so I would even say I enjoyed it! Not that anyone else knew that at the time."

The two furs looked around at the other furs in the room, who they had completely forgotten were there. Zippo stood up and turned to mike while wiping of his cock.

"Mike you know what to do - releases everyone and let them take their turn on Aeon; and you take your turn too. Everyone must cum! If anyone does not cum they will be tied down and climaxed in as many times as everyone else added together...doubled!"

Zippo turned to exit the room while the other furs began to be liberated and make their way over to Aeon. While Leon still occupying his mouth, the other males began to take their turns fucking the bear at the back or toying with him while they waited.

Aeon had calmed down a little from his upset and pain and was beginning to enjoy being the centre of attention again - he worked his tongue around his resurrected lover's shaft caringly.

"Have fun guys, get cleaned up and back to the bridge when you're done!" Zippo said as he swept out of the room elegantly


Zippo stood at the command desk of the bridge, Mike in front of him at the helm and the rest of the previously disciplined officers behind him at their respective control desks. Aeon was notably missing, presumably resting off his ordeal, and had been replaced by a more senior officer. Leon however was back at his old desk and seemed right as rain.

"I was sorry to do that to you all." The tiger said quietly

"It's fine Zippo, we understand the need for discipline and we certainly learned not to salute!" replied Leon, appointing himself spokes-fur of the officers.

"And none of this 'Sir' nonsense from you either?" inquired Zippo

"Of course old friend." said the lion laughing

Zippo smiled as he turned back to his desk and pushed some buttons. The main concave windows of the bridge obscured and turned into a massive display screen while the lights all around dimmed. A tactical map of the nearby sectors flickered onto the screen.

The Optimus was highlighted in the centre of the screen still in the cradle of ?-IV and other ships and stellar objects were labelled accordingly around the map. A faint line ran from the Optimus to a system labelled Solenia indicating that the ship was on course to the system. Zippo walked down to the screen in order to direct attention to it.

"I'm guessing you've all read the objective manifesto, but I will run through a brief summation of our mission anyway."

Zippo cleared his throat.

"This is the Solenian system, it's a small industrious empire that was founded long before the GFE and has a very strong military for its size. It's long been known as a legendary producer of medium sized space ships and will sell them to anyone willing to pay for them. That's where our problem stems from, as you know the GVC have been getting hold of Solenian Warbirds and we are here to enforce and embargo against the GVC. The Solenian's have an open market economy so convincing them isn't going to be easy but we believe a show of force is the best way. However intelligence believes that the GVC may attempt to protect their interests in the system so prepare for a fight. We have been joined by the Carnivora Felidae class ship 'Hellhound' as well as the Perseus just in case things turn ugly. Solenia is over 50 parsecs away so we are going to generate a wormhole through which the support boats will follow - the journey should only take a few hours. Everyone know what they are doing?"

The crew nodded in accordance and Zippo walked back to the command desk as the front window once again became just that as the tactical overlay disappeared.

"Defence desk," said Zippo without turning to look at who he was addressing "Is our armour refit completely satisfactory?

"Yes Sir," came Cerberus's voice, "We're completely refitted and ready to depart Delta-4"

Zippo nodded his approval and then began barking out orders to various desks: "Comms, inform Delta-4 of our departure. Nav, set our course to Solenia. Deck, inform the crew of out departure and intentions. Fleet, maintain contact with out wing-boats. Finally Mike, take us out of Delta-4 please."

"Yes Rah!" shouted the jaguar enthusiastically

The Optimus detached from her docking clamps and sleekly slid, clad in her new paler deflector-armour, from the space station. She proceeded at slow speed into open space, meeting up with her two support ships and began the process of creating a worm hole.

The entire ships power systems streamlined and all extraneous operations were terminated; all power went to the wormhole drive.

Suddenly a vivid blue beam shot from the front of the ship and began to create a glowing blue disc easily big enough to swallow the ship whole. The beam broke and disappeared but the disc began to grow and spin about its axis. It spun faster and faster emitting bursts of energy and electricity occasionally. As it spun up to approach light-speed it began to resemble more of a sphere than a disc and it also began to pulsate and throb with an increasingly red glow.

Suddenly energetic light shot from the ball filling the entire panorama with swirling, twisting luminescence - the whole of space seemed to be transformed. The sphere changed it appearance too, it began to dissipate great strands of pinky-purple energy around the Optimus and its centre changed form a mellow blue to a brilliant red to, finally, an intense white.

"Take us through Mike" was all Zippo said before the ship began to move forward towards the centre of the white glare

The ship began to buzz and vibrate as it moved into the event horizon of the wormhole orb and headed for the rip in space time. A deep droning sound began to resonate thought the ship and its pitch dropped and volume rose as the white centre of the sphere draw closer and closer.

Suddenly the noise and all vibration stopped and the ship was consumed by silence and stillness - they were in the wormhole.

Everyone on the bridge relaxed as the ship sped through the rip in space time at the speed of light (as all things in a wormhole travel). More spectacular than the speed however was the view - pink beams of transcendental energy streamed from the focus of the rip and seemed to stretch out of eternity. Less vivid shards of the pink power descanted the main beams and appeared to swirl in a slow waltz, framed by the ever bluey purple backdrop. At the focal point of all of this was the brilliant white orb that the wormhole had come from - and no matter how fast or long the Optimus seemed to move towards it, it never came an inch closer.

"Sir the Perseus and Hellhound report they have successfully followed us" said the fleet officer

Zippo smiled but didn't respond, he simply walked over to a storage unit in the corner of the bridge, poured a small glass of unknown but suspiciously strong smelling liquid, sat in a large comfy seat overlooking the main window of the bridge and sipped at his glass while enjoying the light show.


The Optimus tore from the rip in space time, with great noise and vibration as it decelerated - moments later her support ships followed.

Zippo got out of his seat and stood in the clear centre of the bridge instead of returning to the command desk: "Here we are, Solenia. Form up and approach the space station orbiting the 3rd planet - that's the government centre."

"Sir should we raise the shields and charge weapons?" asked Rio, the tactical officer

"No, no more than normal travel levels - we don't want anything interpreted as hostile."

Rio nodded and went back to examining his computer terminal.

A tone sounded and Jeremy, the comms officer, said: "Sir, we are being hailed by the station."


The mind window did its usual obscuring trick and an official looking badger dressed in plush red clothes appeared on the screen.

"You are entering Solenian space, please identify yourself and your intentions."

Zippo stood boldly in front of the screen: "We are the GFE Optimus, Persius and Hellhound - I am Supreme Rah Zippo. We are here to discuss your trading operations."

The badger turned his nose up: "I am Durn-Katar, senior ambassador of the Solenian government and our trading practices are not susceptible to external influence."

"Yes we are well aware of your system of governance and economy and we respect your sovereignty but in case you hadn't noticed there is a war in progress and while that does not warrant enforced multilateralism it does precipitate a certain amount of bipartite cooperation."

"Stop hiding behind your language Rah, you are clearly after something we don't want to give you - out with it."

"Ok, since you want to dispense with the niceties, you must stop selling ships to the GVC."

"I am not at liability to divulge any of our former or current clients and you have no right to ask that."

"Bullshit ambassador, you will stop supplying the GVC and will start selling only to the GFE. We can offer you a much larger contract than all of your current clients."

"We will agree to sell to the GFE but we will certainly not do so exclusively."

Another tone sounded and the scanner officer went mental: "Sir! We have incoming ships in sector five, 8 o'clock!"

"Turn us so they are at our 12 o'clock, angle the shields and charge all ordinance" Zippo responded in a quick business like fashion

The badger too had presumably heard of the incoming ships as he said "Ahh, here comes the cavalry. Not that those are Solenian controlled ships - they appear to be bearing the markings of the GVC. Goodbye gentile furs."

The link was cut and the main window refocused just in time to see the end of the turn Zippo had ordered.

"Tactical overlay" Zippo commanded

Labels and text appeared on the screen revealing there were 3 Warbirds approaching and they were indeed designated as Vulpine Confederacy ships.

"Tell the Persius and Hellhound to mark 3 ships on each side and from up by our flanks - we will take the middle 3 ships."

The labels on the tactical overlay changed so that the 4 middle Warbirds changed to red and the others changed to orange.

"Sir we have an incoming comms" said Jeremy

"Accept, put it on the left hand screen."

The left of the tactical screen (that was showing no important information anyway) flickered and showed a beaming fox.

"Why hello, Supreme Rah I believe, fancy seeing you here. First off all well-done on your promotion, shame about the last one - but these things must happen." Said the fox provocatively

"If you're trying to wind me up its not going to work; Arjax was a great SR but now that I am in command the GVC's days are numbered." Zippo glared at him

"Ha! The GVC has just begun and once you and your pathetically jumped up quote unquote ultimate ship are swept out of the way we will destroy the GFE and conquer the known universe"

Zippo chuckled to himself.

"You are planning to bring down this ship with Warbirds!"

"You have no idea what we, or our ships, are capable of Rah" said the fox angrily

"We will see. Cut contact!" Zippo concluded as the connection was cut and the fox disappeared

"They're forming up into a line formation, charge directly at them full speed and angle the shields forwards - do not fire until I say so and obey every order I give, no matter how illogical it may seem - that is unless you want to end up like Aeon! And tell our wing-ships to copy our actions exactly"

The crew silently affirmed Zippo's orders as the ship began to pick up speed and the dots in the distance turned ever more into ships as they drew closer. The Optimus's wing ships followed her lead exactly - charging at full speed and not letting off a shot even though all 3 ships heavy guns were easily in range of the distant targets.

As the GFE flotilla came into range of the 9 aggressors they opened up fire with their Turbos, the few laser charges (Warbirds did not carry many Turbolasers) struck the GFS ships and were totally dissipated by the shields. Warbirds were short range 'punch' vessels designed to get in close and annihilate targets with close range weapons, thus they were not going to do anything to the juggernauts bearing down on them with their Turbos - Zippo took it this mean the commander did not know what he was doing.

"Do not return fire. Weapons desk prepare all Shield Inhibitors and the starboard side Turbos - 50 Mega-watts"

The weapons officer nodded without looking up from his computer.

"As we pass by them I want the shields redirected to the starboard and the Shield Inhibitors on both sides to fire at the two ships adjacent to us. After we pass by turn the ship hard to starboard and fire a full broadside at the two ships we hit with the Shield Inhibitors"

"What then Sir" cried one of the tactical officers

"I don't know" replied Zippo "I'm making this up as I go along"

The tactical officer stared at him wide eyed but his attention was soon brought back to the job at hand as the two Warbirds they were targeting loomed into full view, almost filling the viewing windows. Space battles were generally fought over long distance, but this was developing into a close range punch up, seemingly to the GFE's expense.

The Optimus tore past the confused Warbirds and fired off hundreds of small vividly blue pulses from her sides. They impacted on the smaller ship's shields and created a faint blue glow around both ships as they supplied the shields with power and overloaded them.

Suddenly the huge ship turned out to the right and engaged her port side bow thrusters to slow her to a stop. As soon as she had come to a rest the broadside of her that was facing the rear of the Warbirds lit up with an explosion of laser energy.

"Fire at will!" cried the weapons officer into his computer link with the 50 gunners

As the first round of shots began to hit the Warbids (which were now turning about in a state of panic and confusion trying to face there aggressors) the 50 Turbos fired again, this time not in coordination - random bursts of deathly energy arcing from the Optimus's guns. They continued to pound at the two Warbirds weakened shields until the sensors officer announced that both ships shields had gone down.

"Aim for their command bridges" shouted the weapons officer, taking the initiative and not waiting for command from Zippo

The mighty red laser packets slammed into the defenceless ships command decks just as they turned about and were preparing to retaliate. The loss of the command decks didn't do much damage to the actual ship and 90% of the crew would survive the initial impact but it did cripple the ships tactical capabilities and reduced them to nothing more than floating directionless coffins (life support was controlled by the bridges - the crews would have 30 minutes at the maximum).

"Sir the targets are no longer a threat. Persious reports she is near to destroying her targets, Hellhound has destroyed one and is coming under heavy fire from the second." Said the tactical officer

"Take us over to support the Hellhound, command the Persious to engage and board the final ship when she can - that's the command ship and I want that bastard fox alive."

The crew did their usual trick of not responding but the ship turned out to the left as Zippo had ordered and the fierce fire fight between the _Hellhound_and the Warbird came into view.

The GVC ship had managed to close up with the larger GFE craft and was now pounding it with her special close range weaponry. The two ships were too close for the big Empire vessel for engage her heavy weaponry and thus she was uselessly firing off her low energy laser cannons.

Unfortunately the two ships were also too close for the Optimus to engage with her Turbos. She therefore drew between the two other ships, coming even closer to the enemy vessel than the Hellhound_had been. The _Optimus's vast shields were more than enough to withstand the Warbird's attacks for a length of time.

"Charge the Matter Conjugators" ordered Zippo

"But Sir they have not been tes..."

"We have those guns for a reason dammit, if we never use them in combat we will never find out what they can do. Charge them."

The ship hummed and reverberated as all the generators strained to charge the experimental weapons while also keeping the shields resounding at an optimal level.

"What's out target sir?"asked the weapons officer, "It will take the computers several moments to cipher the aiming trajectory."

"Target the stern just afore of the engines where the generators are, we will get more than enough slaves from the 3 surviving ships, blow this one to smithereens." Replied Zippo callously

The data set was run through the computer and the Matter Conjugators sprang into life. The positive ion protectors from the shield inhibitors and the negative component, of which there were one hundred of each on each broadside, both made very precise movements under the computer's control. Each pair of the partnered projectors were set to fire light speed ions that would meet each other just millimetres before striking the target.


The first wave of blue negative ions and green positive ions were fired off with alike coloured flashes coming from the small protectors (they were completely dwarfed by the much larger Turbos and even the Canons but they produced far more light than the laser weapons creating a spectacular light show). Fractions of a second later a second wave followed and then third - the guns set to fire in bursts of three.

As soon as the ions left the projectors they hit the GVC ship - or it seemed like that due to the shear speed they travelled at. The ship however was invisible, hidden behind the intense white radiation that had resulted from the conjugation of the lead slugs (the green and blue ions classing created red light and when all were mixed it created vivid white radiation).

"Fire again" Zippo demanded slamming his fist on his console

"Sir we don't know what their state is - the conjugation is scrambling our scanners" explained the sensors officer

"Fire dammit! You insubordinate bastards!"

The weapons and sensors officer seemed a little shocked by Zippo's sudden aggression but they quickly obeyed as the light show began again, renewing the luminescence the enemy ship was hidden in.

The battle fell silent.

The crew on the bridge held their collective breath as the white light began to die away revealing the GVC vessel and they gasped at the sight they saw - the ship was gone.

"Where is it?" said Mike in astonished confusion

"They completely annihilated it, we completely annihilated it." Said the weapons officer slowly

What had once been a 2 mile long ship with 3000 furs (presumably vulpine) on board was now a collection of decimated debris - the largest piece of which could be no larger than a Turbo laser.

The silence was broken by the comms officer: "Sir the Persious reports they have captured the commander and all the salves they can take in, about half - they are asking what to do with the remainder and the other two crippled ships"

"Fantastic! I want that fox shuttled over here immediately and introduced to the VIP area of the Slave Facility. Tell the Hellhound to take the other half of the crew from the command ship and send out shuttles to collect the crew of one of the crippled ships."

"What about the other ship Sir?"

Zippo turned to look at the weapons officer: "Dispose of it."

The weapons officer and the scanning officer look at each other with concern but then they did as told and the further away of the crippled GVC vessels was lit up with red turbo laser blasts before exploding and extinguishing the lives of all on board.

Zippo smiled to himself, happy with his success but the rest of the crew still looked slightly concerned that they had attacked a crippled ship when the Solenian forces could easily have rescued them. Zippo ether didn't notice this or chose to ignore it and Mike seemed totally oblivious in his usual grouchy stupor.

The Optimus moved back towards the Solinian station, its little shuttles shuffling back and forth with captured foxes. The shuttle from the _Persious_also docked and Zippo requested the commander be brought to the bridge before being sent to the facility.

The little fox was led onto the bridge, kicking and struggling, with his hands bound behind his back. Zippo walked up to face him and they met in the clear centre of the bridge.

"Hi" Zippo said in an oddly calm way

"Fucking cat" the Fox spat back

Zippo suddenly punched the vulpine in the face sending him flying backwards to land in a heap on the floor - he couldn't use his bound hands to protect himself.

"If your not going to be civil - neither am I. In fact I was just going to send you for 'processing', a shitty little Warbird commander like you isn't usually enough for me to waste my time on - but I want to make a point."

Zippo walked over to the, now bleeding, fox and brought out a 10 inch covered cut-throat knife. He used the knife to shred the fox's uniform until he was totally naked. He picked up the bound and struggling fox and held the vulpine in front of himself. He put the vicious knife to the fox's throat.

"Stop struggling you bitch or I'll slit your fucking worthless throat."

The fox seemed to stop his kicking but he still tugged and pulled at the bigger tiger as he was restrained.

"Bring the station back up on comms" commanded Zippo and the smug ambassador appeared on screen once again.

"Ah Rah I see you h... what the hell have you done to that fox! Wait is that the commander?!"

"Yes it is, and I haven't done anything to him yet - why, do you want me to?"

The badger was slightly shocked and didn't know how to react: "Eh, n... no Rah - he's an associate of ours"

"I know, and your little cartel is at an end. The GVC has proved unable to defend its interest. I will issue my demand again - you will sell your ships exclusively to the Empire. If you accept this little foxy will be spared and sold as a pleasure slave, if not well..."

Zippo slowly and lightly drew the blade across the fox's throat, slitting the skin and resulting in little dribbles of blood but not cutting through to the veins.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there is no need for murder Rah."

"That depends, is there?"

There was a difficult silence - eventually broken by a beeping from the comms desk.

"Sir we have a separate encrypted com coming in from the station."

"Put the ambassador on the left screen and accept."

A new badger flickered onto the screen - this one was wearing a deep red hood covering his face with shadows.

"Rah Zippo, we are the rulers of Solenia. We have decided to accept your demands - we hope that we have a productive relationship. We also hope there are no hard feelings, the official who dealt with you has been 'removed'"

The ambassador in the other screen was suddenly grabbed by paws from the shadows and dragged into the darkness before the connection was terminated.

"I'm sure we will, I've heard you have a wonderful way of dealing with, eh, 'problems'" Zippo smiled

That connection was then cut and the screen returned to normality. Zippo let the fox go and pushed him forwards into the waiting arms of the two guards that had brought him. He resumed his struggling as he was dragged off to the slave facility.

"Sir the Hellhound and Persious are requesting permission to leave and return to their respective manifests" said the comms officer

"Let them, and get us out of here. Set us up on a patrol rout to Epsilon-6, we have some business there but it's not urgent and I want to call in on Vultrila on the way."

"Yes Sir!"

As the ship began to move away form the Solenian station, Mike walked up behind Zippo and put his paw on the tiger's shoulder.

"Zippo, you remember you said everyone had to cum in Aeon. What would you do if you found out someone hadn't taken their turn?"

Zippo did not turn around as he answered: "I would do exactly what I said I would: they would be tied down and cum in as many times as Aeon doubled! And I would expect the same from you if you found out someone had not taken their turn."

"Yes I thought so and that why I have to do this..."

Zippo turned his head in surprises as Mike slipped a cable-tie over his paws - which he had clasp behind his back. The cable tie zipped up and the tiger's hands were completely secure.

"Mike what the fuck!" shouted Zippo as he began to struggle

"Oh shut up Zippo, I know, you know and everyone else knows that you didn't take your turn with Aeon. Come on everyone!"

The crew swarmed Zippo and dragged him down to the clear front part of the bridge in front of all the command desks. He wasn't wearing any cloths to take off as usual but within 30 seconds someone had produced some rope from somewhere and the tiger's legs were tied open - one of them was ironically tied to his own command desk, a symbol of his power.

"Ahh no! no, no I didn't mean me - I meant different, you got it wrong! Let me go, let me go!"

He was ignored and his hands still zipped together a ring gag was forced into his muzzle and the fun was ready to begin.

"Don't worry Rah" said Mike enthusiastically "You have a safe word, but we don't think you need to know it!"

Mike began to take advantage of Zippo's gaping mouth as someone he couldn't see was already beginning to fuck his tailhole.

As his fat feline cock thrust in and out, Mike look down as his commander and chief: "You are such a bitch Rah!"


End of Chapter IIIA


All content and characters © Zippokovich ([email protected])

All characters and events are fictitious

Written MMIX-MMXI/ Published January 12

Proof read by Zenon, January 09

Proof read by Cai, December 10

Special thanks to Manokiller

Will the Maid (Formatted to Fap!)

The cheetah walked down the corridor clumsily, his hips swaying and his ass gyrating seductively. He wasn't trying to be sexual but his high heels and slutty black maid's uniform didn't give him much choice! He wore a frilly silk crest on his head,...

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My Pet Dragon

**_My Pet Dragon_** **_The tale of an innocent young dragon who got more than he bargained for_** -- **Zenon: im really looking forwards to seeing you tomorrow** **Zippo: hehe, me too!** **Zenon: I bet you have a few surprises in store, eh...

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The Cage and the Current

**_The Cage and the Current_** The night was dark and cold. A coarse wind howled through the branches of the autumnally adorned trees, vexing ravens form their nests and driving waves of rain against the windows of the large, dark house. Zippo, a...

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