Beau and Decepshun

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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"Gods, I don't know how much more I can stand this..."

Decepshun walked through the forest on the edge of the valley where she lived. Her stroll would've been more pleasant had she not been trying to ignore the fact that she'd just come into season. Her body had been torturing her all day. She'd thought she might be able to distract herself with a walk, but it wasn't working nearly as well as she'd hoped.

The woods were also occupied by another dragon at that particular time. Beau sighed with contention as the fresh air of the forest just seemed to cleanse him from the inside out. His four paws made slight rustling sounds as he walked, crunching the dried leaves on the ground beneath them. He'd just finished a race and thought he'd take a stroll to cool down and unwind. However, as he approached a clearing, he sensed something amiss.

Decepshun stopped suddenly as she felt as if something was wrong. She slowly padded closer to the clearing she'd been heading towards. Her movements were slow and cautious.

Their eyes met at precisely the same moment. They'd been on opposing sides since the star of the war, and had even faced each other several times in combat.

She faltered slightly upon seeing the golden dragon. Even though they'd been basically brainwashed to hate the other, she'd always been powerfully attracted to him. Although his strong, muscular frame and beautiful color had always been aspects she secretly admired, his eyes were what truly captivated her. The golden orbs held an aura of absolute confidence as well as a softer hint of compassion. She knew that a fight would need to come of their encounter, but just seeing him at this point in her cycle almost made her legs quiver with restrained lust.

Beau had to second-guess himself as he laid eyes on the purple dragon on the other side of the enclosure. He too had nursed a secret affection for her. Even though he'd done much to try and suppress it on the grounds that there was just no way she could feel the same, he simply couldn't make himself stop thinking about her. Her curvaceous form and the almost serpentine grace with which she moved were enough to have any other male ogle her.

They began to circle one another, staring each other down. She was the first to make a move, feinting to the left before lunging to the right. Beau dodged her and lashed out with his tail, catching her in the back and sending her tumbling.

"Heh, still as good as you always were." She said, her breath coming a bit shorter now, not just because of the exertion but her heat was also being continuously exacerbated by the his mere presence.

Suddenly she lashed at him with her tail. He shifted to the side and pinned it to the ground with one of his forepaws. Rather than trying to pull it free as he'd expected, she ran straight at him and knocked him to the ground.

"Clever. Your moniker serves you well." Smirked the gold dragon from beneath her.

"Shut up. Just.......just shut up!" she snapped, his coolness and confidence in the heat of the situation coupled with her heat as well as her making it harder and harder for her to resist just kissing him then and there.

The two rolled around and scrapped for close to a minute more before it ended with her pinned to the ground beneath him, panting and completely emotionally distraught. Beau was breathing hard as well, his hot breath washing over her face, tantalizing her nostrils as his gaze held hers.

She couldn't stop herself anymore. She didn't know if it was her heat that caused her to reach up with her muzzle and suddenly crush her lips to his, but it probably significantly contributed to the action. Beau's eyes widened in sheer surprise for a moment, of all the possible scenarios he could have imagined unfolding from this altercation, his secret affection being reciprocated by the dragon he'd so often fantasized about certainly wasn't one of them. He quickly overcame his surprise and kissed her back as he felt her forepaws encircle his neck. Their tongues danced, moans and murrs were traded as well.

"You've no idea how long I've waited to do that." Decepchun gasped when they separated.

"As strange as it sounds, so have I." said Beau as their eyes continued their staring contest. It was then that a strange smell reached his nose. He didn't know how he'd missed it before, but there was no mistaking the spicy, and powerfully enticing odor. He looked at her, his surprise once again evident.

She blushed and kissed him again.

"Beau....please. I can't take this anymore. Help me...quench this fire within me."

"B-but there are so many others that could help you with your problem, why me?"

"Because you're the only one who can do it and have it MEAN something!" she almost yelled, his current position, the knowledge of her requited feelings, and her heat swiftly causing her lust to grow out of her control.

It was at this point that Beau first registered that be was apparently rock hard, his draconian cock pressing against her thigh. The physical contact and the kiss must have set him off, he thought. He'd been about to protest, but the pleading stare she was fixing him with shut him up quickly.

"If that's what you really want....then I'm at your service, my love." He felt a little awkward using the term so soon, but forgot his misgivings as she whimpered with desire and adoration.

Decepshun was beside herself with joyous anticipation. She was finally going to get what she wanted, with whom she wanted it. Her vent was swollen and dripping with arousal, and it all intensified as the head of his member cane into contact with her lips.

Beau fairly yelled in bliss as he began to penetrate her, his shaft being slowly encompassed by her warm, velvety walls. His weight pushed her slightly harder into the ground, their bellies pressing together as he hilted himself inside her.

"Ohhh god." He moaned as her back legs wrapped themselves around his hips.

"Please, keep going." She gasped when he didn't immediately start thrusting. She gave him ample incentive in the form of yet another fiery kiss, as well a clenching of her inner muscles.

Beau groaned in restrained lust as he began to thrust in and out of her.

She almost screamed with rapture as she finally felt something fill her, sating her body's craving for a male. She'd fantasized about things like this multiple times; with him over her, taking her, fucking her...loving her as he now so clearly did. It made her happy beyond measure.

"Yes, don't stop! DON'T STOP!" she cried to him. He hadn't been going that fast, but she didn't want anything to take away the delicious sensation of his cock inside her.

Beau smirked. 'if she'd enjoying it this much now she's n for a surprise.' He though to himself. His thrusts immediately began to increase in speed as well as power, making her pussy grip him tighter and her claws dig into her neck. Despite the fact that he'd just started, he already began to feel himself growing close to an explosive climax.

"Oh yes, Beau! You don't know how long I've DREAMED of this!" Decepshun was barely able to keep herself conscious with the intensity of the sensations wracking her body and mind. His cock seemed to hit all her sensitive places at the same time. She wasn't sure how much longer she was going to be able to hold on if things kept up the way they did.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, they did...and a few minutes later she roared in absolute euphoria as her heat as well as his wonderful cock pushed her into the most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced. Each convulsion of her vagina sending a wave of bliss through her body and made her back arch.

The sensation of her pussy contracting around his dragonhood as well as the added lubrication of her juices caused him to emit an earth-trembling roar as his cock virtually exploded inside her. His seed flowing into her in torrents, flowing out of her as her pussy overflowed. He'd never known such pleasure and kept thrusting to prolong it, wanting it to last as long as possible.

Soon, their orgasms had passed along with their ability to accurately perceive things as they both lost conciousness. Her heat was finally appeased and their love could only grow from there as they slept, identical looks of contentment on their faces.