Dinosaurs: The After Years - Love Bites A BuyMyNaNo commission

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#2 of Dinosaurs: The After Years

A commission by Katoria. It is a continuation of the commission from last year's sale! That one was called Robbie's Rampage.

Robbie Sinclair was supposed to be working. He sat, staring at the paper before him. Unaware of his surroundings, he didn't notice the clock sliding its hands across the evening. His mind was lost in thought; but not the sort of thought that got work done. Rather this was a repetitive sort of thought. The kind that kept moving from one consideration to the next and back again. He wondered how he was going to survive the following days. How he might have his head literally bitten off should his recent exploits be discovered.

Some would call them 'indiscretions'. Surely his best friend Spike had used such terms when he'd confessed everything just the night before. Of course, Spike had also told him how doomed he probably was. In a blind fit of lust, he'd ended up making love with his possibly unaware, yet extremely and frustratedly horny, mother. Somehow she'd never become aware of the act... at least she didn't ever acknowledge if she'd recognized him. When he'd come home the next day, she had even seemed happy with her life. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But then there had been his sister, Charlene. She'd come home from a bad date, pent up and needy, and there he'd been to take advantage of that. What had happened to him that night?! He'd marathon-fucked his mother, then somehow found the energy to bang his sister into submission while she cried out his name! And even still, he'd found the energy to push on past this and seek out his girlfriend, Wendy Richfield, and claim his lustful rights as her first male!

He'd stayed away until dark, come home to an indifferent mother, and hadn't even seen his sister that night. The next day passed with him as sore as ever, his muscles aching from the exertion of thoroughly conquering three females in the span of a single day. He'd felt vibrant, alive, completely masculine, and utterly worn out. Nervousness had crept in while he'd attended classes, leading him to bravely confess to his friend... who had made a mockery of him for it.

"Listen Scooter," Spike's voice repeated in his head, "take it from a guy who's been there. Sometimes ya just gotta bust out and get some. Of course, usually most guys don't come cryin' about it the next day. When it hits, just go wid'it. Do yer job right and the females don't even say a word."

That night had been easier. Again his mother, Fran, hadn't even hinted at her knowing anything. His father, Earl, got drunk and watched a game, Baby spent his time coloring, and Charlene... Charlene looked just so great in that frizzy pink sweater today. He had been certain, even, that she'd been giving him flirtatious looks whenever she could, swishing her tail in just that way whenever she though it wouldn't be noticed. Yes, Charlene was certainly not any sort of risk.

Of course the next day had been far worse. His aching had gone down, but his professors had decided to load him with work. On top of that, even as he'd gotten home, his father had been called to a one-on-one night-time meeting with his horror of a boss, the father of Robbie's girlfriend, B.P. Richfield. Just thinking about that huge horned monster confronting his father made him wonder if he'd even have a father by the end of it, but add in that Mr. Richfield might have found out about Robbie deflowering his daughter...

Robbie's head dropped down onto the desk, scattering his pencil and denting the wood beneath. He let out a groan of frustration, willing his head to meld with the wood instead of worry over his thoughts. For a while he sat in silence and just breathed. It was only because of the silence that he noticed the subtle sounds of someone else in the room with him.

"Worried Robbie?" asked the gentle voice behind him.

Robbie's head snapped up and around reflexively, driven purely by the surprise of whose voice it was. He'd been expecting, somehow, for the other person in the room to have been Charlene. Instead, his mother sat upon the edge of his bed in a nightie. Her legs were crossed high at her knees and her tail draped around her front, on display for him to see. As Robbie's gaze met hers, he noticed the half-lidded and very desirous expression upon her eyes.

"I... I... Mom?" Robbie stammered, taken aback by this unexpected sight.

"You know, I never thanked you for the other night. It was... mmmhmmm... just what I needed."

"You... you knew?!" Robbie forced himself to say it in a whisper, "I'm... I mean I didn't..."

"Your father hasn't been, shall we say, 'taking care' of me lately," Fran continued over his attempted apologies, "What happened between us was just nature taking its course. I don't blame you."

With that said, Fran uncrossed her legs slowly and wagged her tail aside, giving Robbie a good look at the intimate places covered only by the thin diaphanous fabric of her nightie. Instantly his eyes were fixed upon them and somewhere deep within the feelings stirred once more.

"Mom... I..." he tried again, failing as his body reacted to the sights and smells of a willing and lustful female before him.

"I have needs Robbie," Fran continued breathily, "And lately, I just don't care how they get... filled. I know you feel the same way. So why don't we just see where this all goes? I certainly won't tell if you don't. Besides, these days I'd doubt if he'd even notice."

With that she rose from the bed, swinging her tail in a sultry, seductive way. She reached out and stroked the side of Robbie's face tenderly before pulling him into a kiss. Despite his surprise, Robbie quickly felt the invigoration of womanly touch swelling within him. What did it all matter? He might get caught, he might not... but could he deny himself the feeling, the _need_for what was happening now? Did it matter who it was, as long as he got what he wanted? And even if it did, hadn't he already crossed that line?

The decision, and the worry, passed in an instant. With mounting eagerness, he returned the kiss and pressed into several more. His hands roved over his mother's scales, feeling the warmth pulsing from her aroused body. The nightie came away quickly after, slipped off quickly and easily from around Fran's robust frame. As soon as the opening presented itself, Robbie turned his attention to his mother's neck, nuzzling it and kissing it in a way that made her purr with delight.

Pulling him up from the seat and toward the bed, Fran guided her lusty son firmly, but gently. As he stood, she noticed that his member had swollen its way out from the slit of scales that normally concealed it. Engorged, it was more beautiful than she'd ever imagined it could be. It was young and strong, the way Earl's used to be. Concerning herself with his pleasure, she took hold of his turgid cock, stroking it firmly in the way she knew that Earl liked. Robbie's groans of delight told her all she needed to know.

She pulled him far enough, and then let him take over. With a bit more aggression than she'd been expecting, he pushed her down onto the mattress and pulled her knees further apart than they'd already been. He took a moment then to stare hungrily down at his mother's slit as it pulled open as her legs widened apart. Pink, wet, and surprisingly delicate-looking for someone who had laid half a dozen eggs in her life. Robbie licked his lips as he let his dick hover over that slick passage, rubbing himself across it in anticipation of the plunge he was about to take.

"Waiting for something?" Fran asked insistently, but with a smile.

Not another word was required. Robbie drew himself back, adjusted his aim, and slid firmly within his mother's sweet, tight cunt. He gritted his teeth with delight, throwing his head back and shuddering as he felt the slick grip of her flesh on his. Though she was not as wet as the night previous, when he had caught her in the throes of pleasuring herself, but tonight he found that it wasn't so bad. Her walls were gripping him tighter, each thrust pulling at him and trying to draw him in further.

Fran howled out her delight carelessly and passionately as Robbie quickly built his tempo into a pounding rhythm. Just as freely, Robbie allowed himself to yell out as well, not concerned if the whole neighborhood heard their combined cries. He rammed himself on, slapping his hips against hers. No worry was given to pacing as both ground themselves against the other, reckless in their passionate abandon.

The first orgasms came quickly to both, each eager for the feel of delight and satisfaction that they held nothing back. Fran pulled Robbie in close, digging her nails into his back as she shuddered around him. In a wild surge of excitement, Robbie turned his head to nuzzle his mother's neck as he was pulled in. His teeth closed around her neck, a love bite and nothing truly serious, but even as his seed shot from him to fill her needy womb he could feel the wild and primal effect it had on her.

How long had it been, Fran thought as her body thrashed and clenched, pulling in as much of Robbie's liquid love as it could. How long since Earl had given her a love bite? How long since he'd last done anything at all to mark her as his? She was a strong and confident female, yes, but when it came to matters of lovemaking, nothing was more downright feral than a lovebite. It had been far too long since Earl had simply _taken_her. And now... now it was her handsome, wonderful, and incredibly energetic son.

The orgasmic aftershock that played through her then, even as Robbie released his grip and relaxed as his climax subsided, reminded her that it didn't matter who had made her feel this way again, but rather it was more important that she felt it. For so long she had felt like an underappreciated slave, a less-than-interesting mother, and an ignored sexual time bomb. Now she felt like a teenager again, reminded of her tryst with a Tyrannosaurus in her youth and sundry, sordid others.

Robbie was unconcerned with thought as he pushed on into his mother. He'd not quite gone soft yet and used the opportunity to make the most of the post-climax feeling of his dick within her. Shudders raced through him with every move. Finally he relaxed and pulled himself free as his shaft began to retract on its own. Maneuvering so that he lay side by side with his mother, he stared with the afterglow in his eyes making his mother seem to shine.

"That was very good dear," Fran said happily, "Maybe not like that first time, but I definitely enjoyed myself."

Robbie said nothing as the kind and caring female stroked his head-fins the way she'd done so often through his life. A sigh of momentary contentment passed from him as he found that he could relax and even be okay with all of this.

"Now, I really need to be getting to bed. You should clean up too. I'm going to go for now. But just remember, next time, I'm going to expect things from you. Don't worry about your father or anything else that might be worrying you."

"Next time?" Robbie asked in a mix of hopeful and trepidation,

"You don't think I'd pass up this chance do you?" Fran replied impishly as she moved out the door, "Your father might be many things, but right now... anyway. Good night Robbie."

Her footfalls moved down the hall as Robbie lay listening. What a crazy turn of events! He'd gone from worrying and doom to free sex whenever he could! With his father ignoring his mother, all he needed to worry about was keeping up enough stamina and not getting caught! Certainly next time he would show her a thing or two. He would never have her telling him that he'd been just 'good', no, he'd show her every trick in the book!

For a while he simply lay in bed, his mind wandering blissfully as he inhaled the lingering scents of his latest conquest. Maybe his mom would show him_some new things... things he could use next time he and Wendy hooked up maybe. Then he thought about the love-bite. As he remembered how Fran had thrashed with passion while he slammed his cum deep into her, biting her neck, he knew he'd have to use that move again. It'd felt so _primal!

Even as he thought about it, he felt those same familiar stirrings. Dreamily he replayed the scene again and again in his mind; the way her claws had felt, the closeness, her scent, the feeling... it had all been intense and vivid to him. Not until his fingers touched his sticky flesh, however, did he realize that he'd grown erect once again. His virile young body demanded a rematch, something to remind it in more ways than memory.

A few vigorous strokes had his blood boiling yet again, his flesh hungry for female contact. Jerking off had helped him get through the last couple days but even as he played with the tacky mixture of his and his mother's sexual leavings, he knew he couldn't satisfy his cravings this way. Not tonight. Not with that scent in the air again. He needed to clean up. He needed to go out and just "go wid'it" as Spike had said.

Hastily he pulled off his shirt and jacket, surprised to find that he had been wearing them the whole time! Kicking off shoes and socks he walked naked and quiet down the hall to the bathroom. But even as he approached, he noticed the lights on from under the door and heard the sounds of someone softly humming inside.

Pressing close to the door, he heard the voice of his sister, Charlene, humming a popular song. He also heard the sound of cloth against scales as his mind filled in the blanks and showed him her sweater as it left her luscious green body and fell to the floor in a rustle. The sound of the shower followed and then the shower curtain. By this time, Robbie's arousal had reached a peak. Beyond ready for more sex, he decided that now was definitely the time.

The door opened to a puff of steam, still light but filling the room. With it came Charlene's alluring scent, different than the repulsive reek she'd started with and now just so much more captivating with her femininity in full flower. Robbie allowed himself a full pull of breath through his nose, relishing the delight of her as he slipped in and closed the door quietly behind. The shower curtain had a shadow of his sister upon it, a sexy silhouette that moved its hands over its body... and then dipped down out of view as Charlene made a delighted moan.

She was turned on too! Robbie's excitement grew, ending in a nearly painful surge through his turgid tool that demanded to be used. Eagerly he crept forward, but then paused. If he snuck up on her, she might freak out and ruin everything. In a moment of clarity, and with a wicked smile, he backed up and gently knocked on the inside of the door. Charlene gasped and her silhouette turned to face the door.

"Ummm, who's there?" she called.

"Just the one you're thinking of," Robbie replied softly, "The one who wants you too."

"R-Robbie?" she stammered before pulling open the curtain enough to poke her head out, "You're... you're."

"Ready for you? Oh yeah," he growled predatorily, "I won't leave you lonely."

Without another word, and leaving her no time to respond, he slipped forward and into the shower behind her. The water sprayed over them both, but Robbie only ended up getting a bit of it, shielded as he was by his sister. Still, the water was hot and felt wonderful, just as she did against him.

"Robbie!" she gasped as his hands slid around her wet waist.

"Charlene," he replied breathily at her neck even as he pushed his rock-hard erection against the base of her tail. Then, less on instinct and more out of experimentation, he gave her a love-bite just as he'd done not an hour before. The base act that claimed a female as his. At the feel of his teeth, Charlene melted. The feel of the hot water spraying against her as Robbie thrust himself upon her, taking her with such passion was enough to make her crumble.

Slipping a hand from her waist, Robbie stroked his cock in the water, washing off the sticky mess from their mother and preparing himself to seek more tender meat. The other hand pulled back as well, but this grasped at Charlene's tail, rubbing it down in delight. As much as he'd never truly admitted it, his sister had an extremely nice tail, one to rival the models on magazine covers. And now, that tail was his. His to do with what he would!

"Bend down," he growled, "and get a leg up. I'm gonna fuck you till the water gets cold."

Shuddering with eagerness, Charlene did as she was told, pulling her luscious tail up to lie almost against her back and leaned forward against the wall, allowing the steaming stream of water to fall down her shoulders. As she put her foot up on the edge of the bathroom, Robbie was gifted with a wonderful peek at her luscious pussy peeking at him beneath her delightfully sexy tail. Lusty feelings welled to the top within him as he tried to decide just what he should do first!

With a sudden barking laugh of triumph he grabbed both hands onto his sister's fine round rump, grinding his cock against the base of her tail in a flush of rampant desire. Stopping only to line up his head with the entrance to her sweet hole, he slammed his dick as far as he could into her hot waiting cock-sleeve. Charlene cried out as she was filled with all of Robbie's delicious meat and was shoved against the wall. By the time she could push back Robbie was already slamming forward, burying himself over and over again into her tight wet tunnel.

This was it! This was the triumph of masculinity. She was his, and he was taking her as he liked. Right now, he liked it hard and fast. He liked his hands gripping her ass and her shoulder, pressing her face against the shower wall tiles. He liked the hot water dousing them both, making things just the right side of slippery. And he loved how she was taking it, gripping him in the tightness of a fresh young pussy and pushing back against him to make the most of every thrust.

Charlene was sliding down the wall, not caring that her face was a full foot from where it had started. Cheek against the steamy wet wall, she looked back at her brother as he pounded her ever closer to climax. Robbie was a machine! He was riding her with the force of a piston, a maniacal little glint in his eye as his own gaze was fixed on her squeezably perfect ass. Where all this had come from, she didn't care. Never in a million years did she think that she'd be doing this.

All thoughts flew away as her first climax hit. She heard Robbie grunt and felt his rhythm falter as she clenched tight against him. For a moment his thrusts were stalled, feeling that she might push him out completely, but then she relaxed enough for him to slide in once again only to be squeezed and pushed again. Three times more this happened, even as Robbie eagerly tried to defy her vaginal demands and press on. It was incredibly tight and every thrust felt near overwhelming, but he would not let himself relent.

As Charlene unclenched, Robbie readjusted his stance and resumed his power-stroking pace. This time at a different angle which his inside Charlene differently. Suddenly Charlene shouted out as the pleasure within her seemed to double within her. Something about Robbie's new position was hitting things just right. Eagerly she reached down between her legs to jiggle at her clitoris. It was too much at once, as she quickly found herself launching into yet another orgasm riding on the heels of the first.

Caught off-guard by such a quick return to clenching tightness, Robbie couldn't help himself. His hips bucked and shuddered as he tried to resist, but in the end he felt the rush as his balls emptied themselves into his sister, spurt by spurt. As he felt the oncoming cum he pushed forward, hilting himself within Charlene, dumping all he could into her waiting pussy.

"Oh Robbie!" Charlene cried, "oh yes! More!"

Before he knew what to do, she was thrusting her ass back onto him, pushing him deeper, basting her walls with his hot cum. He pushed on, determined not to let her outlast him. Determined not to give out before he'd fucked Charlene into a coma. Gritting his teeth, he slapped harder and harder against her hips. Focusing hard on everything sexy, especially that delicious tail of hers right in his face, resting over his shoulder now. In the end it wasn't difficult; he just had to let himself go. Keep plowing until she could no more.


Wendy didn't know why she had ever thought that her father wouldn't have found out. Sure he hadn't said anything directly, but the way he'd acted... he knew. She just had to warn Robbie somehow. Normally she was good at controlling her father, but in this case she knew that he might do something rash. After all, her father, Mr. Richfield, had eaten all her previous boyfriends! How could she let the only one who had survived... the one she'd given herself to... suffer that same fate?!

Robbie's bedroom light was on, but after a few pebbles expertly thrown Wendy decided that he must not be in. Making her way around, she carefully tried the door. If nothing else, someone should be inside. After a round of insistent knocking and no answer, she pushed the unlocked door open and made her way inside. A rush of strangeness played through her as she entered, unbidden, the house and snuck around. No one was in any of the rooms on the first floor, though many of the lights were on, even at this time of night.

As she made her way up the stairs she heard the unmistakable sounds of a shower running. So that was where he'd been! She couldn't reach him because he was in the shower! In the shower... naked. Her scales flushed at the thought. Robbie, the man who had made her a woman, within a few feet of her, naked and glistening with steamy hot water. A tingle of desire crept through her, pushing aside the urgency of her information for just a moment. Thoughts played inside her head; thoughts on how she would slip in and give him the chance to have her once again.

A load moaning cry, guttural but undeniably feminine, sounded as she approached the door. Was he in there with some other woman?! Could he possibly be... ...without her?! Shock stayed her anger from building, but curiosity also seeped in to her mind. Perhaps Robbie wasn't in there! Maybe it was his sister or mother. Maybe, whoever it was, was in there just playing with herself or something. A girl had needs after all.

Wendy slunk around the steamy hot door and down to Robbie's room. His door was slightly cracked, allowing her to poke her head in. Robbie was nowhere to be seen. Still, there was a scent in the air... his scent. She drew in a deep appreciative breath, taking him in. His musk, his sweat, his... sex. It was intoxicating. He'd been sexy in this very room. She could almost _feel_it.

She heard rustling from back in the bathroom. Quickly Wendy dashed into the room and hid behind the door. Two pairs of feet rumbled toward her before coming in the room as well! She could hear the laughter of Robbie, such a sweet voice, and that of... his sister Charlene?! A cloud of trailing steam followed them in. Steam laved with their intermingled scents... and even more sex. Despite her shock and even anger, she couldn't deny that under all of it she was getting really turned on! Did Robbie... her lover... actually fool around with his sister too?!

And then the sounds started. Sounds of passionate embrace, lips kissing lips, scales against scales. And just as suddenly they stopped.

"W... Wendy?!" Robbie's voice said suddenly, almost fiercely, "Are you???"

Knowing the gig was undeniably up; Wendy pushed closed the door, not slamming it, but still as boldly as she could manage. The sight that treated her was at once arousing and confusing. Robbie was kneeling before Charlene's open thighs, on his knees. Charlene lay back on his bed upon a thick towel, still glistening wet from their shower. But what caught her eye and held her attention was how big and erect Robbie's prominent cock was.

Robbie pulled himself to his feet, not quickly out of surprise or anger, and not slowly out of shock, but rather with a strong and confident air about him. The gleam in his eye and the expression on his face told Wendy all she needed to know. The long slow intake through his nostrils let her know that he'd smelled everything he wanted from her. Deliberately he walked toward her, swinging his hips with each step and making his protruding cock dance, knowing that Wendy could scarcely pull her eyes off him.

Wendy let loose a shuddering breath as Robbie slid up to her, brushing the tip of his penis against her smooth belly and putting an arm around her. He brought his face up beside her, letting her feel his breath upon her neck.

"You're dripping wet," he growled hungrily, "I was gonna give mysister another ride on the Robbie Rocket, but I think you might need it more."

Wendy shivered and sighed as she felt Robbie run a probing finger through her moist and puffy slit. Her mind burned to deliver her warning, but this, now, was just too good! Somehow it didn't even seem wrong. Whatever had been jostling around in her mind seemed suddenly switched off; as if it just didn't matter at all.

"Not gonna leave me lonely are you?" Charlene piped up, though her words were strained as she vigorously rubbed and smacked at her own needy twat.

"Of course not," Robbie said again, just low enough for both too hear, "Wendy's going to help us both out. Aren't you Wendy? A nice hard cock for you, and a helping hand for my lonely sister. Seems fair doesn't it?"

Wendy managed to nod, surprisingly happy at this turn of events. She might be driven by lust at the moment, but everything seemed just so right... at least for right now. She didn't even mind that Robbie would be sharing her with his own sister. Eagerly she let herself be led over to the bed, where Charlene still jilled herself nonstop. In a moment, the females' eyes met and shared a knowing glace. Something intimate and personal.

"Get that sweater off," Robbie directed, "And then get down like I was. I want to see you eat out Charlene while I bury myself in you."

A giggle came out of both the women as Wendy assumed her assigned position. Wherever Robbie had gotten those lines, they were some of the corniest...

"Oooooooooh!" Charlene shuddered, somewhere between a giggle and a moan. Wendy had jumped right in, shoving her blunt nose into Charlene's most intimate of places and tonguing away like she'd never felt before! Questions whirled in her mind. How did Wendy know just where to hit?! Why had she never tried this before?! Questions that were quickly whisked away as Charlene lost herself in pleasure.

Robbie only waited a moment to admire the beautiful sight of his girlfriend licking all of his seed out from his sister before his ready cock reminded him that there was still more to be enjoyed. Groping at Wendy's wonderful pink tail, probably just as big and sexy as Charlene's, he pulled her up into position as he knelt behind her. For a minute or two he busied himself in playing with her dripping snatch, coating his fingers in her juice before rubbing it over his well-used shaft. Foreplay out of the way, he lined himself up with her eager young hole and plunged into 'round two' for her.

Wendy gave a low moan as Robbie's big, thick dick pushed into her still-tender and tight hole. Charlene writhed in delight as the rumble from Wendy pulsed against her own sensitive womanhood. Wendy gasped and lost her rhythm as she tried to get used to Robbie's intrusion. He'd felt so large the first time, and even now she needed a time to reacquaint herself with his girth. For a while she simply let her tongue hang out as she was pushed into Charlene's eager crotch. Soon enough, though, she had found her center and happily returned to eating Charlene out.

The thrusts added an extra thrill to Charlene as she reveled in the feel of Wendy's mouth upon her as Robbie rutted hard at her backside. A grin of utter satisfaction sat glowing upon her face as Wendy brought her to yet another climax. She was so sensitive from all the fucking and licking that it seemed almost too easy to get off. Coming down off it, she found herself wishing Robbie's hard meat could be inside her and not Wendy.

As if reading her thoughts, Wendy decided she hadn't gotten enough of the taste of Robbie's cum. In a moment of inspiration, she stuck out her tongue as far as it would go and slithered it up into Charlene even as Robbie's pace quickened. Wendy let the force of Robbie's powerful thrusts drive her forward, letting Charlene at least share in the sensation she was feeling. A beautiful conduit between them.

Presently, Wendy could feel Charlene's delicate folds quiver as Charlene's toes curled and her fingers clenched the bed sheets. Wendy could feel it. Charlene was about to cum, and cum hard. A staggered scream tore from Charlene as her pussy contracted around Wendy's tongue, pushing it out. Wendy, caught up in the sensation, could feel her own pussy clamp down on the massive intruder within, her toes curling and her body shivering as she had her own climax.

"AAArrggh," Robbie cried in savage pleasure as he felt his luscious lover close down around him, gripping him as he slid as fast as he could muster, "Last one of the night ladies. Looks like Wendy gets it!"

With that, Robbie let himself go, slamming with everything he had into Wendy's ass, filling her tight and needy hole with the last of his jizz. For a moment all of them froze, drinking in the sensation of pulsing pleasure as each finished their climax. At last, Robbie slumped forward. His energy was spent and everything seemed to whirl around him. Colors felt brighter, sensations were sharper, and everything was suffused by some intangible glow.

He pulled himself out of Wendy as she moved up next to the limp form of Charlene. Close behind, he practically collapsed onto the bed beside them, leaning halfway off but amazed that they all fit. He was certain these female had drained him of every drop. For a good long while all any of them did was lay there listening to the others breathing in gasped attempts at recovery.

Suddenly it all came back. Wendy remembered why she'd come. Still, after this, even the most dangerous of things seemed trivial. Her mind was riding high on post-coital bliss and somehow that made everything seem nonthreatening and even funny. Her giggle set Robbie and Charlene to laughing themselves, overwhelmed by what they had just done.

"My dad," Wendy laughed, delivering her now-ludicrous message at last, "My dad is sooo going to kill you Robbie."

Aurora's Add-On: a BuyMyNaNo commission

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