Trouble with Teacher: Day 1

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#3 of The Trouble with Teacher

Note: This is a rewrite of the first part of my little wolf girl story. I've been meaning to get around to this for some time. This story is not for those with a weak stomach. It features scenes of rape between a young girl and her much older teacher and may be a trigger for some people. Do not read if this is not your thing. Do not read if this is illegal for whatever reason in your area or due to age. I am not responsible for any trauma or bad memories this may bring up. If you read it, you know what you're getting into.

This version is a 'lot' rougher in sexual content than the previous version and is written based on some of the feedback I received. Constructive feedback is welcome. I'm going for some measure of realism in her responses, although still keeping it a bit lenient. Enough talk. Enjoy!

Yesterday had been such a trying day for little Sasha. The little ten year old wolf girl had never been one to cause trouble, yet it seemed trouble had done its best to find her. She had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. As she padded through her school, past all her friends who were lucky enough not to have detention, she thought about the circumstances that had brought her here. It seemed unreal that she had been blamed for the prank her classmates had pulled. A childlike sense of justice existed in her mind where if someone wasn't naughty, they would never get into trouble or punished. The silver furred girl shuddered, hoping her teacher would be less angry today.

Twin tiger boys had set her up. She and her other classmates watched them sneak up to her teacher's desk with that tube of crazy glue. They must have been waiting all day for the perfect time, when the teacher was out of the room. Glue was spread in an almost invisible layer over her teacher's chair. She knew what they were up to, but also noted that no one else seemed particularly interested in letting her teacher know. Mr. Riley returned and moved toward his seat. She barely had time to stand, run to the desk, and attempt to warn him. Unfortunately, she ran into him in the process. Her efforts were rewarded by knocking him into his chair and causing him to sit rump first on the mess of glue.

Needless to say, he wasn't pleased. Everyone laughed and the boys managed to stick the glue tube in her desk while her teacher frantically tried to get off the chair. This of course made it look like she had intentionally pushed him into the mess so he'd get stuck. Her reward for trying to help was two weeks of detention.

Detention... That word made little Sasha tremble. Never before had she been in this kind of trouble and never before had she needed to tell her parents of a bad deed. It might not have been her fault, but all the evidence pointed at her. None of the adults would listen and the boys denied everything, saying they had watched her sneak up to the desk for some reason or another earlier. Even her friends remained silent, thinking it to be funny that the most timid girl in the class could end up blamed for something like this. When she told her parents of the events that transpired, they were furious. Her father was angrier than she had ever seen him angry in her life. She remembered his words and gulped. He promised her quite a spanking if she as much annoyed her teacher again.

As she walked through the empty school halls toward her classroom, her stomach tightened into knots. Perhaps Mr. Riley had forgotten about her. Perhaps he would be too busy with other things to think about punishing her. She remembered the look on his face when he finally stood up from the chair and left bits of his pants behind. She prayed he wouldn't have that look on his face again today. Silently, she moved her tiny paw to knock on the door. Both ears flattened against her head as she waited for a response. Even her tail drooped submissively between her legs.

Luck was not on her side.

"Come in, " called the deep male voice from inside of the classroom.

The tall panther male turned his attention to the door, preparing to greet the little hooligan who had put glue all over his seat. The only saving grace of the attack was that his pants had absorbed it and he hadn't lost any fur. Still, his standing up had revealed a little more of himself to his students than he intended. Furry panther rump cheeks were not meant for the eyes of cubs, at least in most cases. It caused him no end of embarrassment, even if some of the students had seen those and more in the past. Sasha padded into the room and pushed the door closed behind her. She watched the older, much larger male with big green eyes. The girl felt as though she could break into tears at any moment.

"Welcome to detention, Sasha, " Riley purred, looking the girl over. A curious feline smile crossed his lips, something that caught her off guard. He leaned toward her a little bit and motioned for her to walk closer. "As you have no previous record, I will explain to you what is in store for your afternoon. For the next three hours we will review your math skills. Should we accomplish this early, we will move on to your spelling. You have received poor marks in this area lately. Do you have any questions?"

Her ears wished they could go lower at hearing his firm, commanding tone. She knew who was in charge and that she could do little to sway him. Still, as futile as it might be, she decided to plead her case to him once more.

" questions, sir. I.. didn't do it, though. I promise! I just.. wanna go home, " she whined, giving him a semi pitiful look. Riley had heard all manner of excuses before and obviously wasn't buying it. His golden eyes gave her a curious look, as if sizing her up. Her tail drooped again and caused her skirt front to ride up a little. A slight glimpse of panties met his eyes, although she didn't realize it.

"I would prefer it if you show me respect and refrain from lying to me. Glue will not be a further part of our lesson plans in this context. Accept your punishment and this time will pass smoother for both of us, " he replied, keeping his tone a little cold.

"Y..yes sir, " she sighed, shivering a little. Being alone with him was worse than seeing her father angry. She knew her father had limitations, but this panther had seemed so insanely angry the day before.

"You will now take a seat at your desk, if you would be so kind, so that we may begin. Take out your math book and open it to the section of multiplication."

"Yes, sir... I will ", she replied, painfully. At least going to her desk would afford her some distance from him. Sasha turned and made her way away from her teacher and to the safety she felt she'd find further away in the room. The wolf girl slid her rump into her seat and reached into thecubby under her desk to extract her math book. Her chair felt strangely cold, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. Her main concern was finding the book before Mr. Riley lost his temper. Her hurried scrambling did her no credit in her teacher's eyes.

"Are you having difficulty finding your book?", Riley asked, standing from his seat. He moved toward her in a deliberately slow way, watching the expression on her face change from fear to horror. The panther's body easily dwarfed hers. He was so much bigger, so much stronger. He might even be able to beat up her daddy. The two were somewhat similar in that, her father and the teacher. Both could menace her merely by towering over her. Both eyes looked straight up as her teacher loomed over her.

"If you are going to take all day in your search, we may borrow a book from another desk, " he whispered, placing a single hand down on her desk. In the silence of the room it made a popping sound, one that caused her to jolt slightly in her seat. He was leaning close--too close. She could smell the cologne on his fur and feel the warmth off of his body. It dawned on her how alone and just how small she was in this big room all by herself. She couldn't have been more scared in a haunted house. Without the sound of her friends, even her classroom felt alien. Only her and him seemed to exist in the world.

The poor little girl gulped a few times to try to speak, but merely managed to squeak, "Y..yessir."

Riley gave her an amused look, then moved away from her for a few blissful seconds. She visibly relaxed, glad to not have his piercing eyes on her. As he bent over at another desk to retrieve the needed book, she faintly considered fleeing. Maybe, if she hurried, she could still make the bus somewhere. Her parents would be angry, but she could explain, couldn't she? Both eyes closed tightly, trying to block out the world itself. The girl snapped to her senses when a loud crack filled the room. Riley dropped the math book on her desk, right between her paws. She could do little more than keep herself from leaping right out of her fur.

"Multiplication. Now. Do not waste my time. Copy down what you see until you fill the page. Flip the page and repeat the process once finished, " he whispered, almost in her ear. Her fear scent flowed freely into his nostrils. "Do you understand?"

Sasha tried her best to lean away from him. He violated every sense of personal space she ever imagined having. Even at her age she knew that something was seriously wrong with him being this close. He seemed to be enjoy terrorizing her like this. Only her fear motivated her enough to speak.

"S..sir? Please... I...", she whined, hoping he wouldn't be cross.

"Yes? What is it?", he asked, leaning in as she leaned away.

"You're... You're.."

"I am what, exactly?" he semi-growled, making his voice a little more forceful.

"You're... too... close.."

she whined, nearly leaning to the point the desk would tip over. Fortunately (not so much for her), Riley relocated his paws to her desk and had a good grip on it.

"Oh, am I? I was not aware this detention is for your own personal comfort, Sasha. You have been a very naughty girl, " he purred, enjoying the sight of her trying to get away. He leaned in closer until his nose almost touched the quivering flesh of her cheek. As if waiting for the right time, he tensed, then let loose, "Boo!"

Both eyes flew open and she barely had time to react. Her entire body jumped, causing her to fall out of the seat and onto the floor. The girl never noticed that she left her skirt behind. The cloth material remained firmly grafted to the seat, held in place by strong glue. The irony of revenge was lost on her, but not on him. As she rolled over to try and crawl away, he battled with the urge to snicker. Sasha fully expected him to jump over the desk and pounce her, maybe to rip her apart. Instead Riley stood in place, watching her panic. It dawned on her that the room had suddenly turned colder. Both eyes widened as she realized her little pink panties were fully exposed to him. Blush flooded her cheeks, almost tinting them through her fur.

Giving the cubs a taste of their own medicine always worked wonders, Riley mused. He couldn't hold his enjoyment of this situation back and actually smiled at her. This did little to reassure Sasha, as she now felt quite convinced her teacher was mad. The big panther moved around her desk, sliding it somewhat out of the way. He wanted a nice open space for what he had in mind. Those thoughts made him twitch inside his pants, particularly as he looked over her panties. They did not do a good job of hiding her decency. One paw worked its way down and felt over the nice bulge forming in his crotch area. The panther had to rearrange himself down his pants leg to remain comfortable.

He crouched down beside of her to address her on a more direct level.

"Detention is for punishment. You will never play a prank like that again. It feels horrible when someone can see your undies, doesn't it?"

", sir, " she whimpered, feeling burning hot tears flowing down her cheeks. First she was terrified, then humiliated. This easily could qualify as the worst day of her life! She could sense his eyes were wrong, everything was wrong. Something about him just felt strange like that. He wasn't looking at her like a little girl, no, he looked more like her father before dinner. She had seen hunger there in her father's eyes while looking at his dinner plate. The panther looked at her like she was the first, main, and only course on the menu.

Sasha rolled herself onto her handpaws and knees, wanting very much to stand and find something to cover herself with. Something held her down, though. It felt like a hand. Sure enough, as she looked over her shoulder, she noticed her teacher's paw resting firmly on her rump. The black fur stood out in stark contrast to the pink of her panties. She yelped as he gave her tiny rump a firm squeeze.

"I do not believe I want you to get up just yet. Our lesson has only started. I am not finished instructing you. Close your eyes and recite your numbers to me. Start with your multiplication table. I do not want you to move or look until I tell you that you may, " he ordered, licking his lips. The bulge in his pants had long since turned into a tent down his leg. She would take some breaking in and he felt willing to bet he was her first. His paw slid down from her rump to stroke against her rump cheeks. He had all afternoon to screw her senseless and might as well take the time to enjoy it. The panther's fingerpads traveled lovingly down her rump crack, gently sliding her panties into it. Sasha was scared out of her wits, yet again, but too shocked to do anything other than obey. His voice was forceful. It would not yield.

He would have her whether she wanted it or not.

"One.. t..times.. one is.. one.. One times two.. is t..t..two...", she recited, closing her eyes as he commanded. She could feel thefeline's paw moving lower, almost in between her legs. Only her fear kept her from closing her legs tightly on his paw. Her entire body quaked with shivers as he touched her young sex through her panties. Her little pink slit had never been rubbed like that. Not even by the wolf girl herself.

Riley felt the heat of her little cunny on his fingers, even though her panties. The girl was untouched up until this point. Despite this, she knew his hands were going where they didn't belong. Sasha opened her mouth wide, as if to prepare to scream. Before she could squeak out a word of complaint, he grabbed her muzzle tightly and held it closed. He curled his hand around it, preferring that she yelp into his paw. Her pathetic, bleating cries stayed muffled in her throat.

"Perhaps I should have added... do not scream. No one is going to help you. They will burst in and find you like this exposed to your teacher. Do you want your mother and father to know what a little slut their daughter is? Do you want to get word around you show off your little slit to any male who will look at it?", he whispered, loud enough into her ear that she'd get the point. He doubted anyone would hear, but didn't want to push his luck too far.

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she rapidly shook her head. This was a new thought for her. If her parents found out, surely they would kill her. Her father would never want to look at her in the same way again. She'd stop being his special little girl and would be a slut. Yes, that was the word her teacher had used. It wasn't clear what it meant, but she knew it was a bad thing. Coughs broke inside her throat and she felt rather like throwing up on herself. Every touch made her bleat louder at him, as if she were a dog being beaten.

Seeing that she would not cooperate, Riley figured that a lesson was in order. He didn't want to deal with a bawling wolf girl all day, despite the sound of her cries exciting him. He knew soon enough he would have her broken to the point of begging for it. Maybe then she'd know not to cross him. Physical violence disgusted him, but he could still use it to intimidate her. The girl would have no way of knowing his limitations.

Riley growled in her ear as if he planned something terrible, then made little nips down to her neck. She felt him licking along her spine, causing her to jolt up against him. The panther opened his muzzle and took a firm grip of her neck, causing her to immediately go limp. His sharp fangs prickled along her skin, under her silver fur. Her cries were reduced to soft sobs as she realized he could bite down at any moment.

His hand slipped from her slit and moved to grope along the top of her desk. He had seen an eraser up there earlier and knew it would be just about the right size for his purposes. The pink nub met his fingers seconds later and he snatched it into his grasp. The panther tightened his grip on the young girl's neck as he moved the eraser to poke down under her panties. The thin fabric slid to the side as the pink eraser slid up against her young lips. Sasha realized the soft, rubbery material was trying to poke into her. Still, she could not struggle.

The panther's fingers pushed the eraser forward, sliding it into that perfect little hole. This felt so strange to her. If not for the fear, it would have felt good. Even through her fear she could feel slight twinges of warmth in her stomach. As he pushed it in deeper, he slowly relaxed his bite on her neck. She whimpered lightly and didn't notice. The new sensations had her distracted.

Back and forth Riley rocked the eraser, carefully drawing the nub of it across her inner depths. It was small enough not to damage her, but still large enough for her to feel. He probed it in an inch, then moved it back outward to slide up against herclit . It brushed like a tongue over that tiny piece of flesh, teasing it cruelly. Small needles of heat prickled at her insides as her body betrayed her.

"You can have this sensation or I can bite you again and see what happens, " he whispered, licking his tongue along her neck. Gradually his hand released its grip on her muzzle and worked its way down. Riley felt over her soft chest, stroking it through her shirt. Sasha lowered her head and tried tucking her tail firmly between her legs. She didn't know how to respond to what he was doing to her. One wrong move and this could easily end up so much worse.

Seeing that she would cooperate at least in some limited fashion, he rubbed the eraser against her harder. His free hand worked up under her shirt, sliding the fabric up until he felt a little hard spot brush against hisfingerpads . He took her little nipple between his thumb pad and index pad, then slowly rolled it back and forth. Those little needles inside the wolf girl quickly turned into knives of heat. The same spot in her that had felt so sick now felt a new sensation, one not unlike the feeling she'd get standing under a warm shower.

" Please.. please.. don't.. You're not.. supposed to touch there, " she whined, finally snapping out of her daze enough to register what was happening. He merely smiled at her and pushed the eraser back into her slit. The panther rotated the oblong shape around, teasing her opening.

"Touch here? Or here, my pretty little slut?", he asked, moving his fingers to her other small, undeveloped nipple.

"E..either.. I'm.. not a slut! " she pleaded, wishing the warm sensation would stop. Every time he touched her it felt like her chest would explode. Her little heart was racing both in fear and as her body betrayed her with arousal.

"You are a slut. My slut. You will do as told. I have the power to make sure your life as you know it ends. Two weeks? Try two months. Maybe two years... " he purred, trailing off slightly to let her think of the possible consequences. The panther balanced the small eraser on his thumb and massaged it harder against her slit.

"I.. didn't do.. it.. Please..! Don't.. hurt me.. S..s..stop.. I don't deserve any of this! " she sobbed, choking the words out as she felt herself breaking down again. Maybe if she pleaded while she was most vulnerable he'd believe her. Why was this happening to her? She hadn't done anything other than try to help him, but here he was touching her and calling her names. She hated it all so very much right then. She hated him, hated herself, hated her friends, and even her family. Riley pinched down on her nipple and caused her to let out a squeaky moan.

"I do not like lies, Sasha. I told you to show more respect to me than that. I wanted to make you feel good, but it seems you are more inclined to pain, " he replied, pulling both hands away from her body. The panther dropped the eraser to the side and turned his attention to freeing his aching shaft from the confines of his pants. His meat felt trapped, squeezed even. The bulge outlined in the cloth against his leg did him no justice. Riley's cock had leaked enoughpre already to soak through and stain the fabric around the tip. Her teacher pushed his zipper down and popped the small metal button holding everything closed. The glistening, thick panther cock immediately jutted out from his hips, curving up and standing proud against his stomach.

One paw reached to grip her rump and yank her tail out of the way. He swore he could feel the heat of that tiny cunt of hers pouring against his face even from this distance. Sasha frantically rose herself upward to try and get a look at what was going on, but was met with a firm slap to her ass cheeks. The tiny mounds of flesh jiggled a bit from the blow. Riley dug his fingers in against her ass cheek and pulled it out of the way. His cock was hard as a piece of steel, ready for what would come next.

Her panties had fallen back down to cover her decency, but the bulbous head of his shaft easily pushed them to the side. He slipped past the silken fabric and felt her tiny, unbroken ring futilely trying to keep his cock tip out. Every shiver that ran through her body caused her to quiver around his tip. Sasha realized very fast that this new object was a lot harder and larger than the eraser that had probed her before. Worse still, she could feel him putting pressure on it! The girl had never seen amale's cock before and had little idea what was happening to her, save for knowing her delicate area was going to be ripped asunder.

Riley pushed harder, causing her virginity to rip ever so slightly. His ears were met by unrestrained screams. She didn't care what he did to her or even if he killed her for it. She couldn't survive having that thing put in her anyway!

"God! No! Don't! Don't put it in there! I'll rip!", she screamed, letting every ounce of pensive fear flow into her voice. Her blunt claws frantically dug into the floor. She pulled away from him with all her might, but both strong hands grabbed her tight little ass. He pulled her cheeks apart with his thumbs and yanked her backward. Anyone watching might have mistaken what happened next as her wagging her tail, but she frantically was beating him with it, trying to do something, anything to make him stop. His long black tail curled around hers and yanked it out of the way almost hard enough to break it. This only made her cry louder.

The panther backhanded her across the ass one last time before grabbing on to her little rump once again. Even as she pulled away like her life depended on it, he held a grip on her. Soon her blunt claws were tearing. She could feel her fingers starting to bleed. All she knew was a world of fear and pain and she wanted free at any cost. The glistening meat surged forward as he tugged backward with his hands. His head tore into her, spearing her young slit open. Pain like she had never felt before tore through her body. Her teacher was a comparatively big kitty trying to get into a very small, untrained hole.

Even as she screamed, Riley leaned down and blanketed her body with his own. He kept her pinned as each motion of his hips wriggled his cock a little further into her. She was every bit as tight as he imagined. That little cunny of hers fit him like a glove. He reveled in feeling himself tear her maiden head apart, popping her cherry with little regard or warning to prepare her. She could do nothing to stop him. Not even her murderous screams brought help. She began to realize that she wasn't going to get out of this. Tears flowed yet again as she sobbed. He had it inside of her.

Her tightness made it difficult for him to make much headway. Little trickles of blood dripped from her wounded sex, only for her poor parts to be rubbed further raw by his girth. He could feel every breath she took making her pussy squeeze around him. Even her futile squirming caused her to wrap around him. Another sharp stab of pain shot through her body as he worked his way further inside. She had no way to know that stabbing pain was him penetrating her womb.

The little bitch (female canine, not the other way!) still had some fight left in her. He had his cock in her well enough to not need to guide her as much. He released her rump to grab her shoulders. His hips nailed her hips repeatedly to the tile floor while his hands kept her shoulders pinned. She felt his teeth tugging at and biting into her neck, but the pain of that was barely enough to register over the agony below. Every thrust with his bloody shaft caused her to squeal a little.

Riley growled, "Do you know your numbers or not? You are here to learn."

Sasha's body went tense immediately. He surely couldn't expect her to count off here! The thing between her legs was ripping her apart and he wanted her to do this? Her heart finally broke and she realized she had no choice but to submit. Fighting him had earned her this and she still didn't know if he'd tell her parents. He ripped into her depths with every thrust, being barely able to get in due to her small size. He was too big for that little hole. No more please left her lips. He had her where he wanted her, pinned and raped against the floor. She was too young to even know such an action or word existed.

Tears pooled below her face against the floor. She struggled to speak through the pain. "I.. know.. my... numbers.. "

Riley smirked as he held her down, loving how much she struggled. He loved it even more that she obeyed. She was everything he wanted at the moment. Her tight little cunny was squeezing around his cock as if it wanted every last drop from his balls. Pre leaked out in spurts, coating her depths to a degree. Her smooth inner walls clutched and massaged his flared tip, almost tight enough where he couldn't move. Bad cubs could be good, even if they didn't have experience. Tightness almost made up for any lack of ability since they'd milk him all the same. A messy slapping sound filled the air from where his hips contacted and smacked her rump as he hammered her. Her panties were drenched in blood and his leaking juices.

"You are a tight little slut.. God.. If you keep squirming I will blow! " he growled, his shaft feeling almost as hypersensitive as it would be after his climax. "Tell me! Five times eight!"

" FORTY!", she screamed, feeling his tip well inside her tummy. The pain made her want to vomit, but she knew she'd be laying in it if she did.

Shivers shot up her spine as if electricity ran from her invaded slit to her brain. Something was going on down there, but the pain made it impossible for her to comprehend. Every now and then he'd hit a few spots that caused her to arch against him, but that stabbing ache always returned. She felt so filthy for getting any pleasure from it at all. It wasn't meant to work this way! Pee was supposed to come out there! Things weren't supposed to go in! It wasn't that he didn't know how to pleasure her, but rather that her stretched slit was too overworked to draw much enjoyment from it.

"No.. please.. no.. It.. hurts too much.. You're.. breaking my.. my.. ", she cried, not even knowing what to call it. Riley kept the rough pace of thrusts up, bouncing her small body against his hands and the floor.

"I am breaking your pussy. Say it!", he ordered, his aggression increasing steadily as his pleasure built.

"You're.. breaking my pussy! Please! I'm gonna.. explode! You're ripping me open!", she screamed, although her body fully submitted.

"Then you will explode. I will not pull it out, you little liar! ", he hissed, his voice thick with lust and pleasure. He bit down on the scruff of her neck and kissed his way from there to her ears. He slid his tongue nastily along them, wanting to feel it against her body. His nose eventually buried itself in her neck fur, nosing through it as he pounded her. Both of her tiny paws moved to grab her stomach. She could feel him moving inside of her far too deep to be safe. Every time he pushed into the hilt she felt she couldn't breath. Her body locked up into spasms of pain, almost mimicking an orgasm

Riley thrust into her without any care, even though his balls felt sore. They thumped against her.

"Such a dirty little slut. Did you cum around me?", he asked, feeling those delicious spasms.

"...C..cum?", she whimpered, not knowing what he was talking about. He responded with a few rougher thrusts, causing her poor little body to quake.

"No. Not wet enough, " he purred, licking along her neck. His cock was soaked, yes, but it was from the large amounts of pre deposited in her young sex. Every thrust sent a long shudder through the panther's body. He ached for release. The feline's cock throbbed in her with his heartbeat. "Do you want me to cum in you, you little slut?"

"I.. I don't.. know.. what.. ", she bawled, being unable to finish it.

"When I cum in you, it's over.. I will put my stickies in you. Do you want that?"

" I don't want.. nothing else in me!"

Pre and blood puddled below her abused slit, coating the tile floor. Riley increased the pace, wanting to be able to release in her the moment he tortured her into agreeing. It wasn't enough to just cum in her. He wanted her to beg for it.

"Beg for it.. I can do this all day!

"Do you want me to cum in you? Beg for it.. Beg for it.. like a good little slut girl.. That's the only way it'll end.", he growled, biting her on the shoulder. She squealed out and nodded rapidly, more in fear than anything else at this point.

Seeing no other option and wanting that big, meaty thing out of her, Sasha gritted her teeth and decided she'd take something else being put into her if it ended this. His thrusts were only getting rougher. Her little nipples were being rubbed raw by her shirt due to him bouncing her so hard while having her pinned to the floor. Back and forth his glistening cock thrust into her. She had never even seen it.

" in me.. ", she whimpered, although Riley would have none of that.

"I said to beg!", he hissed, popping his claws against her shoulder. He held his cock deep inside of her, feeling her entire sex wrapped around every inch of his length. She fought to keep from screaming. The pressure and heat from his shaft burned her torn and delicate folds.

"C..cum in me.. please! Please!", she pleaded, wishing she could wipe the stinging tears from her eyes.

"What are you? Cum in me, what?", he asked, thrusting between words. Each thrust was held inside of her. His aching cock tip poked the inside of her young, undeveloped womb.

"C..cum... C..cum.. in me.. sir.. Cum in me sir! I'm a slut!" she pathetically whined, choking every time he hit her insides again with his cock. Riley reveled in dominating her so much, but wanted to push it one step further. His hips rocked and rubbed from side to side, sliding his cock against her aching walls.

"Tell me how much you want it.. How it will split your little pussy open if you do not get it! You are my slut, so say it!", he roared. Every nerve in his cock was on fire as he drew excitement from making her talk so nasty about herself. Her ears flattened so low that one would wonder if they ever would perk again. Both hands went around her throat and he grabbed her, almost choking her. He pulled her onto her knees, tugging back with his hands so she'd forcibly have to push herself against his throbbing dick or suffocate.

Sasha gagged. Her teacher's strategy worked and soon the little wolf girl was throwing herself against his cock. She couldn't tell where one thrust began and one ended. He yanked himself out until only his tip was inside, only to impale his entire length back in her each time she pushed against him.

"Cu.. cum in me, sir! Please.. I nee.. need it! ", she replied, coughing and sputtering the words out. Her chest seized up and she didn't know how she had any air left. "I'm.. your slut.. Cum in me.. My pussy.. my pussy is gonna split.. if you don't.. C..cum in me.. cause.. cause I'm your slut.."

Another roar left his lips as her humiliation set him off. Both hands tightened around her throat, choking her fully. She gagged for air and jerked her paws up to grab at his. Her entire upper body was supported by his hands around her neck. Her small form immediately went into convulsive spasms, causing her pussy to once again milk his cock. There was no further reason to deny her her treat. She had obeyed, even if she had 'lied' to him.

Riley pushed his hips forward and buried every inch of his meat into her body. He held himself there, his balls pinned tight enough to bruise them. The tip of his cock flared and throbbed as thick spurts of panther cum flooded into her sex. Spurt after spurt injected into her womb, directly, but she had nowhere near enough capacity to hold it. Her walls were coated to the point it flowed back over his cock and saturated his balls. It flooded onto the floor and mixed with the puddle of pre and blood from earlier. She tried to scream, but no air passed her lips. Both eyes bulged as he used her as his own personal cum dumpster.

Sasha wanted to vanish. If only he'd keep his grasp on her throat a little longer she would be mercifully unconscious Her body violent thrashed around his spurting cock as she fought for air instinctively. Nothing good happened and it did little to free her. Just as she started to pass out, he released his grasp and she took a painful, ragged breath. Not only had he raped her, he had put something wet inside of her. She felt so terribly confused about what had happened to her and only vaguely realized the meaty thing had been attached to his body. It wasn't over. It was never over. She felt she'd be here forever just being hurt by him.

Riley pulled his still twitching shaft slowly from her slit. A long rope of cum hung from his cock tip down to her now gaping hole. He could see inside of her. His seed oozed from his tip and dripped down below the hanging rope to the puddle below. Even more of it oozed out of her tortured sex. The panther idly reached his finger in to her vagina to scoop out some of the mess he made.

"Never lie to me. You are guilty. Do you understand? This happened because you did a very bad thing, " he whispered, wanting to hear her reply. Riley was rarely this rough, but had to make an impression to ensure dominance over his victim.

No words left her lips. The sobbing girl collapsed forward. He rolled her over onto her back, but she refused to look at him. Both paws moved up to her eyes. She curled her tiny fists into balls and wiped at her tears. Her body was a mess.

"Never, ever speak of this to anyone. Do you want them knowing what a little slut you are? That you embarrassed your teacher and turned into a cum bucket for it?"

She finally looked at him and saw the thing that had been inside of her. It was longer than she had imagined and thicker too. It stood up hard in the air, twitching and having a strand of some wet stuff attached to it. Riley let her take a good look, then pushed it back into the leg of his pants. He fastened his pants in front of her, looking as though nothing had happened. She still refused to speak to him, or couldn't. Worst of all, she felt responsible. Her mind was disoriented to the point she wondered if she was guilty.

"I am going to clean you up and put something down there to numb this. You will not tell anyone. If anyone asks why you are torn down here, you are to tell them it happened doing splits on the playground. Do you understand?", he asked, hefting her up easily. Riley carried her over to the counter by the classroom sink and sat her down on it. Although her outfit smelled of sex and was ruined, it was a standard issue school uniform. The storage closets held dozens, if not hundreds, of outfits that were an exact match.

Sasha nodded slightly, being fairly limp in his touch. All she could do was obey. At this point she knew she would face more of... this... if she disobeyed him. Maybe if she pleased him he'd be more gentle.

"I will take you to wash your fur. You will take another shower when you go home. If either your mother and father find out I imagine they will be very angry at you. If you behave, you will get through these two weeks with little suffering. If you disobey, you will suffer. I can extend this period for as long as I like. "

", sir, " she whined, looking away from him.

Almost contradictory to his previous harshness, Riley leaned in and gave her cheek a nuzzle. She jumped slightly, but found it brought her no more pain. The panther turned her head to face him and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted salty from all her tears flowing over her muzzle, but he licked this away. Like her virginity, her first kiss had been stolen by him. He held his lips there against hers. Her lips trembled against his. This new sensation confused her even more since it didn't hurt her at all. She expected every touch from him to hurt.

"You were very good to accept your punishment. No harm will befall you if you obey. I promise, " he whispered, although his voice trailed off gradually, "However... I will have what I want. Do not forget that. You can either give me what I ask for, or I can take it."

She nodded again and whimpered some, wanting desperately to believe she had a way to leave this pain behind. She slipped her paws down and curled them around her fluffy tail, pulling it up between her legs as if to protect her damaged sex. Riley allowed this for now, knowing she'd be of much more use to him if she actually felt he'd spare her. Riley chuckled a little and moved his hand to fluff up against her ear.

"Can you tell me the answer to twelve times twelve?", he asked, gently.

", sir, " she answered, honestly.

Riley eyed her rump and gave her a puzzling look. He slid his hand down against her fur, "We should get you cleaned up now. I have a lot of things left to teach you."

Sasha nodded as he turned the water flow in the sink on. He had to get her cleaned up a bit before he could take her to the gym showers, and only then could she be free from this place. Her eyes teared up as she looked around her classroom and realized it would never be the same to her again. Her body was damaged, her mind was damaged. He had taken away the safety she felt and she would never be able to feel quite as trusting around an authority figure again. This was her end to her first day, day one of nightmare and fantasy to come.