Poke'mon Star: Arcanine Apple

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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#1 of Poke'mon Star

A young man having a rough day at work gets a free sample of a new energy drink, and things start to heat up rapidly...

Being Luna is awesome, but she's not my first fursona ever. Today I decided to share that fursona, along with introducing my dream girl I created about the same time, into a new story. Hope everyone enjoys, and as always all constructive criticism is welcome.

"You look like you could use a drink."

Ain't that the truth, I thought as I looked up at the new arrival to my window. Working in a drug store can be tough enough with all the rules and regulations, and that doesn't take into account the kinds of customers you have to deal with sometimes. Regular customers can be bad enough, but the worst are drug abusers, especially the ones who come from, "pill mills"; doctors who only accept cash and will write you a prescription for anything your heart desires, whether you actually need it or not. When the $12 an hour pharmacy tech is the only thing standing between them and their precious pills, you get a lot of their rage and anger. I have yet to be physically attacked, but it's draining to get subjected to such people again and again. The white business suit this new customer wore gave me hope that she would be a lot better than the latest druggie I had to turn away.

"Rough day, huh?" The Espeon Hybrid asked as I straightened out my lab coat and tried to make myself look halfway decent. Poke'mon morphs, or Hybrids as they're officially called, aren't nearly as common as humans or Poke'mon, but they still make up a decent portion of the population. Some are as feral as your average Poke'mon, but most are just as intelligent and social as a regular human. Judging from the business suit, braided white hair and big gold star name badge that read, "Melanie", this young woman definitely fell into the later category.

"A little bit, yeah..." I shook my head a little, trying to remember to put on best customer service smile. "I'm sorry; is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually, I'm here to help you." Melanie dug into the satchel at her side. Great, another drug rep here to pitch some new miracle drug they want us to start carrying. I expected to be handed a stack of pamphlets that would tell me all about something I couldn't care less about, so it was a bit of a shock when Melanie withdrew a deep red aluminum can, setting it down in front of me.

"Poke'mon Star?" I tiled my head as I looked over the label. "Is this some kind of new energy drink? Sorry, but you'll want to speak to the store manager, not the pharmacy."

"Oh, I know." Melanie smiled as I picked up the can. It looked like your standard energy drink can, with various nutrition information and ingredients listed on it. Some of the ingredients seemed unfamiliar, but I've never been a big energy drink person. "I just saw how that customer was treating you, and thought you could use a little pick me up."

"So, this is a free sample? Sorry; don't think I've heard of your company before." I asked as I examined the logo on the front of the can, a simple yellow star with a Poke'ball inside. Unleash your inner monster, and become the trainer on your new life!, the catchphrase underneath read.

"It's alright; we are rather new. Go ahead, give it a try." Maybe it was a trick of the light, but I could swear I saw the dull red jewel in her forehead shine for a moment as she glanced down toward the other end of the counter, where my boss was currently helping another customer. "I think the two of you will both enjoy it quite a bit."

I followed her gaze down toward Raichel Voltor, watching as the pharmacist's lightning bolt tipped black tail waved back and forth behind her. She was originally known as Rachel, but changed her name after an unfortunate Poke'mon battle turned her into a Raichu Hybrid. We were less than a year apart in age, but whereas she'd gone to school to study pharmacy, I had just started here as a cashier and worked my way up to technician. That's why she was in charge(and made a ton more money than I did).

As I watched her push back one of her short blond curls of hair, it reminded me how much I wanted Raichel to be more than just my boss. She was a beautiful looking girl, and the way her bright yellow cheeks sparked when she laughed always seemed so cute to me. While she's always been my boss, she's treated me more like an equal partner than a subordinate. Still, her position over me and my shyness have always kept me from trying to advance our relationship to anything beyond co-workers.

"Both of us? What do you-" I turned back to Melanie to answer her question, only to find empty air where she was a moment ago. I glanced up and down the aisles, but saw no sign of her, and Raichel said she hadn't seen or heard me talking to anybody. The Poke'mon Star can in my hand was the only proof that I hadn't just imagined the whole conversation.

I was kind of thirsty, and after a little hesitation I opened up and gulped down the drink in a flash. It tasted sort of like hot apple cider, which was weird considering it was still carbonated. It tasted pretty good, though, and after a few big gulps I emptied the can. I tossed it in the trash can and went back to work, prepared to chalk it up to just another weird encounter at the pharmacy. A few minutes later, though, I was starting to have second thoughts about taking that drink.

"Are you alright? You look really flushed." Raichel asked as I wiped the sweat forming on my brow. I was burning up despite the late fall weather outside. She put one of her brown furred hands on my head, letting out a little yelp as she pulled her hand away. "You're burning up!"

"Must be that stupid energy drink..." I glanced back toward the can sitting on top of the trash before a wave of nausea suddenly washed over me. I mumbled something about needing to go to the bathroom as I slowly stumbled my way out toward where the bathrooms and break room were. Raichel looked worried, but with just the two of us in the pharmacy someone had to stay behind and make sure no one decided to help themselves to our drugs. It felt like every inch of my body on fire as I slammed hard against the bathroom door, let it close shut behind me as I grabbed the sink to keep from falling when my legs suddenly have way underneath me.

I considered just going home as I leaned heavily against the sink, but I knew that wasn't really an option. I couldn't leave Raichel alone, and no one else was available to come in that day. Besides, I felt so sick I don't think I could've driven out safely. Everything was so blurry, and now my hands were starting to feel heavier than normal as well. After a little fumbling, I managed to work the cold water knob on the sink and began splashing myself in an effort to cool down.

The cold water only helped a little bit; it seemed like the second it hit my face I was burning up again. The heat just kept growing and growing, the sweat pouring out of my skin by the bucket. Everything felt sore, painful, and heavier than it should. I started to bring my hand up to my eyes to rub them, hoping that would clear up my vision problems. As my hand passed in front of my mouth, though...

"YEOW!" I yelped as a searing heat suddenly scorched my hand. How sick was I getting that my own breath was burning me?! Maybe it was the same reason the entire front of my face below my eyes was starting to feel so painful, like my jaws were trying to push their way out of my mouth. I carefully bought my other hand up to rub my eyes, careful to avoid getting it close to my mouth. Panic was really starting to set in as I continued to burn up, and only grew worse as my vision finally started to focus.

"Oh God! What's wrong with my eyes?!" The shock of seeing nothing but a deep red-orange in front of me sent me into a mild panic attack. My breath came in short, rapid bursts as I felt my chest start to tighten. I didn't know what a heart attack felt like, but I imagined it was something close to the growing heat and strain I was feeling in my chest. The hand that was my head went into my pocket as I searched desperately for my cell phone.

"Dammit!" My clumsy feeling hands sent my phone slipping out of my hand. I scrambled on the floor after it as it clattered on the tile, desperate to make a call for help. I was so focused on trying to retrieve my phone, it wasn't clicking my head that my vision must have been fine if I could SEE my phone getting away from me, or that the reason I was seeing red was the thin coat of red fur that was now covering my hand as I pawed uselessly at my phone.

I finally managed to pin my phone down and hit the call button, using my other, previously scorched hand to examine what kind of shape I was in. My entire face felt flush and sweaty, and strangely prickly. It felt something similar to how it feels when I haven't shaved for a week, but all over my face and spreading by the second. Not only was my normally clean shaven face becoming covered in hair, but the hair on my head was changing as well. Initially I feared it was losing its health when the normal brown strands that hung above my eyes started to turn white, but it still seemed strong. In fact, as I ran my hand through hair that was turning as white as snow, it started to feel like it was growing longer as some strands started tickling against my shoulders.

My brain barely had time to register this before a sudden gurgling from my stomach made me wrap my arms around my sides. My phone was temporarily forgotten as the growing heat and pressure in my gut started to move upwards. What had started as a mild, slightly uncomfortable feeling in my chest was growing more and more intense by the second. An image of a vice slowly squeezing around my heart raced through my mind as I unzipped my white lab coat, tossing it aside and lifting up the bottom of the dark green polo shirt that was underneath. I wasn't sure exactly what I expected to see happening to my body, but what was revealed was certainly not it.

"I'm getting furry!" I shook my head, feeling my growing hair flowing back and forth against my neck and shoulders as I ran my furry hand over an equally furry stomach, though the stomach fur was a dark black as opposed to the red on my hands. The changes weren't just fur deep, either; pressing through the fur to the flesh underneath revealed my normally soft, pudgy belly was now flat and firm. It seemed like most of the fat on my body had been burned away in the heat of the transformation.

The pressure and heat was growing again, although it was temporarily put out of my mind when the smell of smoke started to fill my nostrils. Unable to take the heat, my clothes had started to turn black and ashen, falling to pieces and fluttering to the floor. A couple of them never had the chance to leave and simply ignited before burning up into nothingness. My shoes held out a bit longer than the rest of my clothing, but it wasn't long before the stink of burning leather started to permeate the air.

Now fully nude minus the burning shoes, I could get a fuller assessment of my body as I doubled over in pain. Fur was starting to grow on the tops of my thighs, working their way down slowly, red like the fur on my arms. The black fur of my belly and chest also extended down to my groin, encasing my cock in a black furry sheath.

It felt like my chest was starting to bulge with the effort of keeping whatever was happening inside of me from exploding out. Each breath made my chest puff out a little more, grow a little fuller with every passing moment. I thought for sure the heart attack was coming this time, especially when a sudden pulse sent a ripple of heat coursing through my entire body. Every muscle, every ligament suddenly flexed to their fullest extent, and I only had a brief moment of respite before another pulse shook me again as I slowly struggled back to my feet.

The pressure in my chest was subsiding with each pulse, but it wasn't really leaving, either. With each pulse, each ripple through my body, it seemed to... well, spread. The pressure in my chest would go down slightly, but then I'd feel a little more pressure, a little more weight being added throughout the rest of my body. The pressure was bad everywhere, but it was quickly obvious one part of my body was getting it worse than anywhere else.


"FUCK!" The pressure in my feet had been bad growing pretty bad, but it wasn't until that moment that I realized it was because my feet were actually growing. I yelped as my feet exploded out of my black work shoes, three toed paw-like feet bursting forth. "Damn, that hurt!"

Studying my throbbing feet made me noticed something strange. Despite the fact that they were larger than before, they also seemed further away than they were a moment ago as well. Another pulse rippled through my chest, and this time I could actually SEE my feet get larger, covering up a little more of the tile floor.

"Wait a minute..." I flexed an arm, looking closely at a bicep that felt bigger and fuller than it ever had before. I locked my gaze on it as another pulse ran through me, making everything tense again before settling back down. The fur obscured some of it, but sure enough, my suspicions were confirmed as I ran a hand over the peak of my arm. "My muscles are getting bigger!"

Not just my muscles; everything was growing! My feet and hands were starting to grow larger, my legs longer and thicker; even my testicles had started to gain some size and mass. They'd started about the size of grapes, and now were growing closer to the size of eggs. Bigger muscles and a bigger cock?, I thought with a smirk. As uncomfortable and strange as everything else was about what was happening, I wasn't going to complain about that part.

I wasn't sure what was stranger; the fact that I seemed to be going through some kind of accelerated second puberty, or that the heat seemed to be growing both more intense and yet more bearable at the same time. The blanket of fur on my stomach and hands was spreading, the once thin hairs along my forearms and chest growing thicker and weaving together to cover me in a thick, furry coat. I watched as the fur creeping down my arms continued their solid red pattern, before suddenly turning a shade of black similar to what was forming on my torso around the midsection of my forearms. The new fur formed a band in an irregular zigzag pattern before turning back to red. A similar band emerged across my now thicker, bulker biceps and triceps.

By now I recognized the fur pattern and intense heat, and gently prodding the strange extension at the front of my face confirmed the muzzle and wet nose of a canine, or more specifically an Arcanine. A quick glance at the mirror over the sink confirmed my suspicions, with a wet black nose tipping a white furred muzzle and more red fur covering the rest of my face. My ears had become slightly triangular and floppy, keeping my now shoulder length white hair from hanging in my eyes. The mirror seemed a bit lower than before, and I quickly realized I was both bulking up and growing up. I started a hair under six feet before, but I was definitely a few inches taller and showed no signs of slowing down.

While there are many ways for someone to become a Hybrid, simply consuming an energy drink wasn't supposed to be one of them. Did Melanie know this was going to happen when she gave it to me?

"Damn..." I panted softly as my hands slowly explored my body. The pressure in my chest was still there, but the pain itself had disappeared. In contrast, it actually felt kind of nice now that I knew I wasn't dying. Each breath was like a bellow, forging my body from soft and squishy into one of hardened steel. Arms, legs, chest, back; nothing was spared. Even my testicles felt heavier and larger in my paw as I gently cupped them. "I'm getting huge!"

I closed my eyes, a scene slowly unfolding in my mind. I was in a forest filled with Hybrids like myself, of both genders and various species. Their gazes shifted to me as my presence commanded their attention. Whether it was out fear, envy, or desire, they were well aware of me and what I could do. They knew that I was not to be messed with, or I would make them pay dearly for crossing me. At the same time, they also knew they could approach me with kindness and respect, and I would happily return it. I was a big, fluffy puppy; just one that could breathe fire and beat them to a pulp if the need arose.

My happiness at what I was feeling showed both in my smile and my newly forming tail that was starting to push its way out from the base of my spine. The fluffy white nub extended and grew quickly to catch up with my growing body, a body that was covered with rippling muscles that my thick coat of fur couldn't fully conceal. Before I was shy, meek and didn't have much to offer physically to a potential mate; now I could approach any female I desired. I could probably physically overpower almost any woman, but that was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted a woman who would happily be my mate, who would see me as the great lover and protector that I was. Still, I would certainly have my pick of the litter in terms of mates, even those who seemed untouchable before, someone like...


"Hey, are you alright in there? I locked down the pharmacy to come check on you. Do you need any help?"

Raichel...Mmm; yes, she would make a fine mate indeed. Her timing was perfect too, seeing as how the transformation seemed to have settled down. I opened my eyes, my blue eyes as bright as the most intense flame as I took a full assessment of my new self. Red was my primary color now, with black a close second and white a distant third. The small bathroom mirror wasn't the best for this, but I managed to make out enough details to see fur of my back followed the same pattern on my arms and legs; primarily red, with large bands of black that occasionally jutted out at odd angles. There were three bands in total; one across my shoulders just below where my hair ended, another about midway down my back and a third around my waist, just above my fluffy white tail.

Going back to the front, the remainder of white fur on my body was concentrated to my muzzle and a small puff of white fur at the front of my neck. Solid black fur covered me from the torso down to my groin, covering some but not all of the powerful muscle underneath. My chest was two thickly defined slabs of pectoral muscles, perfect for containing the flame sac that contained my devastating fire. I've never been much of a beer drinker, but with my newly solid abs I'd always have a six-pack around. Below that hung a black furred sheath that covered a penis that seemed surprising average sized compared to how much everything else had grown. If the two black furred tennis balls that hung underneath were any indication, though, that sheath was concealing quite a bit.

Raichel continued to ask how I was doing, and as much as I was admiring my new self, I wanted someone else to admire it as well. Her co-worker going from being somewhere around 6 feet of soft, flabby human to nearly 7 feet of hard-bodied, furry beast might be a bit tough for her to swallow, but there was no point in delaying the inevitable. With one last quick flex of my arm to admire the mountain-sized peak my bicep reached, I opened the door to the bathroom, nearly snapping the knob clean off in the process as I adjusted to my new strength.

"I checked out that can you drank; turns out there was some kind of sticker covering part of it." Raichel called out to me as I stepped out into the hall. She was standing directly across from the men's room door, her attention focused on the Poke'mon Star can in her hand. "It's weird, though. It just says, 'Arcanine Apple'. Do you think that was the flav...or..."

Raichel's voice trailed off as she slowly became aware of my presence. Her bright brown eyes started at my chest, growing wide as she watched it slowly rise and fall for a good ten seconds. Eventually her eyes traveled up to my face, the can falling from her hand as she took in the new me.

"Oh my God... that's you, isn't it?" Raichel was clearly in shock, gently reaching a hand out to my chest, to confirm what she was seeing was real. "I-I don't know how I know it, b-but I do. It's you, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Raichel; it's me." I glanced down at the can at her feet as her hand slowly rubbed through the thick fur of my chest. "I'm pretty sure that drink must have done this to me."

"What? No, that's impossible..." I could hear Raichel's heartbeat start to quicken a little as her hand went over my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "There's no way a drink could have made you so huge and...and hot..."

"Well, fire types do tend to be pretty warm." A slight smirk crossed my muzzle as I stepped closer to Raichel, our body's almost touching now as I looked down at her. "Or were you referring to something else?..."

"W-What?!" Raichel's hand quickly shot down to her side, looking flustered as she seemed to just realize for the first time that I was completely nude. "N-No, I-I...RAI!"

Raichel let out a gasp as I suddenly lifted her up in my paws, gripping her by her rear to bring her a little closer to my level. My ears and nose were suddenly picking up a wide array of sounds and smells my human senses could have never noticed before. It was like they'd had cotton stuffed in them for my entire life, and for the first time I was truly smelling and hearing everything the world had to offer. All of these new sights and smells were telling me stories, and the story Raichel's body was telling me was particularly intriguing.

"Let's see..." Raichel squirmed a little as I gently buried my nose into her neck, gently pinning her to the wall with my body as I did. She was clearly in shock, but didn't try to fight me off as I took in a full assessment of her. "Increased heart rate, sweat from nervousness, a hint of musk...oh!"

"What? What is it?" Raichel asked as I pulled back a little.

"There's something very important missing; the scent of another male." My sheath started to stir as I realized what that meant. "You don't have a mate, do you?"

"N-No..." The confusion in Raichel's voice was clear as her hands braced against the wall behind her. "Is that a p-problem?"

"Yes it is, Raichel. It's a very serious problem. One we're going to have to rectify..." I paused briefly as I gently slid one paw behind her head, my muzzle slowly closing the distance between her mouth and mine as I finished, "...right now."

My lips were connected to Raichel's the second the words were out of my mouth, locking us in a firm kiss. It was a bit of a mismatch between my big canine muzzle and her short little mousy one, but I didn't care. The first kiss surprised her and wasn't immediately returned, but the second got a little bit of a response, and by the third her lips were working almost as hard as mine.

My tail wagged furiously as I pressed her firmly against the wall. I don't know if it was the added height and size, my newly enhanced senses, some newfound animalistic charisma or some mix of the three, but I knew I had found my mate. Pinning her against the wall, making out with her, and taking her right here just felt so right.

"Wait, wait!" Raichel pulled away, breathing heavily as she looked up at me. "What should I call you now? You're so different, calling you by your normal name seems almost... wrong."

"Hmm..." She had a point there. I had changed so dramatically, my human name just didn't seem right anymore.

"Fire Storm. That'll be my new name. You can just call me Fire, though." My big tongue slowly licked at Raichel's neck as I ground my hips against her, the sheath pulling back as my rapidly hardening length rubbed against her. "And I'm just gonna call you Rai now. I think it's a good nickname for my new mate."

"Oooh; yes, I like it..." Rai moaned as she felt my rough, wet tongue against her tender neck. She clearly was enjoying herself as much as I was, so I was confused when I felt her hands on my shoulders, trying to push me away.

"Fire, w-we shouldn't..." Rai glanced back toward the door that led back out into the store. "I locked the pharmacy down to check on you, but the customers will be mad if no one's back there, and so will corporate, and someone could walk in on us..."

"You know what, Rai? Fuck them." A slight growl escaped my throat as I thought about all the pressure, all the insults, and all the garbage we have to take back there. "They treat us like crap all day, don't pay us nearly enough for what we do, and give us ridiculous things outside our jobs to take care of. The customers can fuck off, and corporate can fuck off, and we are going to fuck. Got it?"

Rai could only nod before I kissed her again, my board tongue slipping into her mouth as I took advantage of her shock. Her eyes went wide for the briefest of moments before I felt her tongue pushing against mine. She threw her arms around my neck, sandwiching my throbbing length between us as she ground her hips against me.

Even in my lusty haze, I knew Rai was right about one thing; someone could walk in on us at any second. The door that led back to the store had no lock on it, and anybody coming back to use the bathroom would stumble right in on us. There was a certain thrill to that thought, but the interruption ultimately wouldn't be worth it. Luckily, the other end of the hall led to the break room, which both had a lock on the door and would be unoccupied this early in the day.

I carried Rai back to the break room, feeling a certain smug satisfaction at how easy it was to hold her in just one hand under her rear as I slammed the break room door shut and locked it behind us. Free of any interruptions, I sat her down on the wooden break room table. I could feel the heat coming off her furiously blushing cheeks while my paws started to undo the store mandated slacks, pulling them and the black panties underneath off together roughly. She was clearly a first timer judging by how she crossed her legs a little once they were fully off, and though she was able to block her pussy from plain sight, she could do nothing to cover the smell of girl cum coming from it as I stripped her.

"Mmm; that's a nice, big butt you have there..." Her blush was getting so bad I could almost swear it was joining with her yellow cheeks to turn them slightly orange as I gripped her rear. She moaned as I groped it firmly, her lightning bolt tipped tail winding around one of my wrists. That kept one hand from moving off her rear, but left my other free to reach up and slowly unzip her coat. A low whistle escaped me as the bulky coat started to part, revealing what was underneath. "Damn, Rai; how the hell do you NOT have a mate already?!"

"W-well..." Rai helped me as I nearly tore off her own polo shirt, wanting to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I'd had some mild attraction to Rai before, but if I'd known there was a nearly perfectly spherical set of DD-cup breasts underneath that bulky lab coat, I would've tried to get to know her more intimately a LOT sooner than now. "I used to have a lot of guys after me in school with these, but they were all the wrong type. Either they were too dumb, too rude, or too shy for my tastes. Eventually I just got used to covering them up so I wouldn't be bothered so much."

"Oh?" I gently caressed the white furred breast through the black bra, a low murmur escaping my throat as I felt its firmness and weight. "And what about me? Where do I fit in?"

"Well, before you definitely fell into the, 'too shy', category. Now, though..." Rai smiled gently as I reached behind her, undoing the bra and letting her breasts bounce softly free before tossing it aside. "Now, you're perfect. You're a kind, sweet guy with the body and boldness of an alpha male."

I smiled at Rai's words, partially from how genuine she sounded when she said them and partly because I knew she was right. I was an alpha alright, a prime example of the male species at its finest. I could wrap her in a warm, furry blanket just by putting my arms around her, a blanket that was supported by chords of thick muscle, and I was to be her first mate. All other males would have to be compared against me in her mind, and few would even stand a chance if I was the yardstick they were being measured against.

Speaking of yardsticks...O.K.; slight exaggeration, but my new cock was definitely a little over a foot in length now. A low growl escaped me as Rai slowly stroked my throbbing member. The head of my cock had changed slightly, the bottom of it tapering to a slight point while the rest had become more rounded than a human cock. A bit of pre leaked from the tip as Rai continued to feel along the length that seemed about as big around as her wrist. She looked both amazed a little scared of its size as she stroked it.

"Lay down." Rai did as I instructed, her body shivering slightly as she lay back on the cold table.

"Spread your legs." Rai nodded slowly parted her crossed legs. The white fur of her chest and belly continued down to her vagina. The fur around her pussy was slightly darker from her leaking juices, which started to mix with my own as I bought the head of my cock to her entrance.

"Brace yourself." Rai gripped at the sides of the table as best she could. My hands gripped her hips firmly. I leaned down and gave a quick kiss, whispering a silent, "Thank you" as our lips parted.

Then I pushed my hips forward and officially made her my mate.

We both moaned as she was instantly filled with inch after inch of my member. Her pussy was tight but slick, giving me a smooth entrance into her. I felt the briefest of obstructions as I penetrated her, confirming and claiming her virginity in the same moment as I pushed through her hymen. Rai let out a little gasp and shook slightly as the rest of my length sunk into her.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I nuzzled her neck and face as best I could.

"I t-think so..." Rai nuzzled back as best she could as I kept myself in her for a moment, letting her get used to my size. "I know it's supposed to hurt the first time, but it's so hot, I can't feel too much. Just go slow for now, O.K?"

"Hmm...no." Rai looked confused as I stood upright again, slowly pulling almost completely out before pushing back into her fully. I smiled slightly as I gripped her hips tight to steady her. "After all, the quicker I cum, the quicker you can have my children."

"C-children?" Rai stammered, her breasts bouncing softly as I filled her again. "You want c-children already?"

"Yes I do. You're the one who called me an alpha male, didn't you?" Rai nodded her agreement, and I felt her pussy walls clench a little tighter around me. "And you want an alpha child, don't you?"

Rai's response was cut off as I paused my thrusting to lean down and kiss her forcefully. I wasn't sure where exactly this talk was coming from, especially since I was a virgin myself, but the more I said those words, the more true they sounded. Her being my mate, nursing our little Growlithe's and Pichu Hybrids, all of them looking up adoringly at me... the more those images played in my head, the more I wanted to make them come to pass. The pregnancy idea may not have been the first thing on Rai's mind, but if the way she grabbed at my shoulders to try and keep me from breaking away from our kiss was any indication, she had no problem with the idea being my mate itself.

"Think of it this way, Rai..." She looked disappointed as I pulled away, slowly stroking her flat belly. "Imagine what will happen when you're pregnant. Your hips will start getting wider and softer, and you belly will start to grow with new life. You could hide it for a while, but it'll become obvious enough soon."

"Now imagine you're at a party with your friends. They see your big belly, and are all asking who the father is." I smiled gently as Rai listened, her eyes half-closed as I continued to take her. My pre was starting to come more steadily, the tennis balls underneath my cock start to throb and churn with my life seed.

"That's when I come up behind you, and wrap my big, powerful arms around you. Imagine how jealous they'll all be that this man, this alpha is your mate, and that he's chosen you to carry a piece of him around inside you. Imagine their lustful stares, how badly they'll want me, and know that they won't stand a chance, not as long as you're with me. Imagine me started to nuzzle and kiss you right in front of them, rubbing it in all the more."

"Chu..." Rai smiled as her eyes closed, imagining that scene. Her legs started to wrap around my waist, squeezing as tight as she could. "That does sound kind of nice... I'd almost want you to take me right there, to show them how wonderful you truly are."

"Mmm; naughty little mouse, aren't you?" I smirked as my paws slowly traveled up Rai's body to her breasts. She gasped as I slowly rubbed the pert nipples through her fur. "And let's not forget about these, too. They're so nice and big already, but imagine them getting even bigger, filling with milk as our babies fill your belly."

"Bigger?...' Rai glanced down at her breasts as I continued to play with them, her heaving chest making them bounce slightly with each breath.

"That's right; bigger, filled with warm, rich milk." I started to pant at that thought myself, my lustful thrusts coming even harder. "You'll nurture our new additions with it, and imagine how happy you'll be with providing for your children. And before that, I'll be sampling it, drinking it."

Damn, did she have a wonderful set of breasts. They were so full and pert, with just a hint of firmness under a layer of soft white fur as my hands slowly explored them. The thought of them even bigger, even fuller as our children grew inside her... God, did I want to make that happen now! Those thoughts were threatening to push me over the edge, and the spray of feminine juices covering my groin as Rai's pussy gripped my length told me she wasn't far behind, either.

"F-Fire..." Rai's tail wrapped around my waist as her hips rocked in time with my own. "It's so much, so fast... I-I can't hold on much more..."

"Then don't, my mate. Just let it wash over you, and drown your mind in pleasure as your orgasm takes you. Then, you'll feel my cock expand, stretching you to your limits before my alpha seed fills you." My breath came in pants, almost as frantic as my thrusting hips as my hands slipped down to Rai's rear and squeezed it tight. "Are you ready for that?"

"Yes, yes!" It felt like my cock was in a warm, wet vacuum seal with how tightly Rai gripped me as I hilted her, our hips slamming together as she came. Her mouth hung slightly agape as her orgasm hit her, her whole body shaking with the effort. The table creaking and groaning as she grabbed it to try and steady her thrashing body was almost as loud as her pleasured gasps and moans.

The whole experience had been amazing for me, but that final sight of Rai was the breaking point for my resistance. Seeing such a beautiful woman in such a state of sexual release and pleasure, and knowing that it was all because of me was too much to hold back anymore. The first jet of cum from my orgasm was so powerful it almost forced me out of her; if she hadn't had such a firm grip with her legs, it might have knocked her clean off the table. A bit of it sprayed back on me, and I had to tighten my grip on her rear and pull her down to keep it from happening again with the next blast.

I lost the next few minutes in a sexual blur; all I can clearly remember thinking was how right this felt. I was an alpha, powerful and strong. I was taking my beautiful mate, pleasing her as only an alpha could. Our mating was wet, messy, a little rough, and oh so right. She was my alpha female, and each thrust, each spray was another chance to impregnate her. She would bear my children, and love every moment of it.

Rai's lips against mine was the next thing I can remember clearly as she managed to lift herself off the table, letting gravity sink her down onto my member as her arms wrapped around my neck. My orgasm continued to fill her as we kissed, though the force of it had gone down from mind-shatteringly pleasurable to merely brain-numbing, and I continued to thrust lightly into her as our tongues danced and intertwined with each other. We stayed that way for another two minutes before my testicles gave their last.

We both panted slightly as the sexual high started to fade, our senses slowly returning to us. I nuzzled Rai's cheek tenderly, letting out a yelp when I got a little electric zap in response. She giggled and kissed my nose, getting a lick on her own in response as I embraced her tight. My big tail wagged furiously as I thought about the future that was ahead of us...

We probably could have gone on for a lot longer, but we did have to get back to work. Rai cleaned up as best she could and redressed herself while I set down one of the bright yellow, "Caution: Wet Floor" signs. We don't stock too much in the way of clothes, so I looked like a bit of a mess by the time I redressed with what Rai was able to grab for me. Still, the customers who had been harrassing Rai for the sudden closure cut their complaints when I followed shortly behind in gray sweatpants and an XXL lab coat I'd torn the sleeves off of to make room for my arms. They seemed to accept my explanation that we needed a break and that they'd just have to be patient, though maybe the stern glare and small bursts of flame I exhaled as I loomed over them helped a little to curb their attitude.

It was a bit tough explaining to my co-workers and later my family what had happened, especially since the can of Poke'mon Star vanished along with any trace of Melanie. Everyone eventually came to accept the new me, or at least kept any concerns about it to their selves.

As for work, well, it's gotten better. My pay still sucks, but the customers seem to be a lot more polite lately. It seems that having to hand your prescriptions to a nearly 7 foot, heavily muscled and fire breathing creature instead of your average human makes most people a lot more respectful and patient. They also don't seem to complain too much when you and the pharmacist close the pharmacy down for an, "emergency consultation" in the back once in a while.

Speaking of Rai, our relationship is progressing pretty fast. She wasn't in heat, so in hindsight it wasn't much of a surprise when she found out she wasn't pregnant after our first mating. I suppose in the long run that's a good thing, but as much as Rai and I were relieved, we were also both a little disappointed. We've decided to hold off on kids for now, but we're getting a lot of practice in the act of child making in the meantime.

I've never been a big one for advertising, but after all that's happened, I think I could safely say this: if you want to unleash your inner monster like me, grab a can of Poke'mon Star and let it out.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my old fursona. If you're interested in getting your own can of Poke'mon Star, getting another story or just kicking a little something to help me out, you can visit my donation/commission link here: http://www.sofurry.com/market/view/offer?id=841

Thanks again, and I hope you're looking forward to more stories from me in the future.