Princess and the Dragon 4

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#4 of Princess and the Dragon

Alright the fourth part is up, to the guy who told me that I need more detail in my story and then proceeded to delete his profile: My work is not suppose to be the flame, it is suppose to be a spark witch will kindle the flame that is your imagination. And after all Im trying to create a fantasy universe here, if I just focused on the Malion/Lillian relationship then I would have greater detail and much more mating and other kind of xxx.

Early the next morning Lillian woke up and changed from her royal pajamas to another one of her elegant black dresses and black high heels , she had to address the people of this village about the yesterdays... events. The mayor who she was surprised knew how to write and read was full of gratitude towards her but she just said "don't thank me, thank the dragon" and smiled.

When rallied again in the town square the commotion began as she stood in the middle and everyone rallied around her, she wasted no time.

"Citizens of Valkanrel (the name of the village and this story would progress MUCH faster if you children would stop trying to search for it on the map, since it changed the name a few hundred years back) I have come to address you about yesterday's bandit incursion, rest assured that the kingdom and my father the king will do something about those brutes as soon as possible. Today I will write to my father and ask him to construct a barracks here, as you all know, this region is sparsely populated, filled with wild beasts and gods know what other manner of filth, I'm sure you will attract a lot of warriors from both Detomia and Esteria (the neighboring kingdom) that is all." She finished

"AND WHAT ABOUT THE DRAGON!?" someone shouted, but before she could reply someone did it for her

"I say gods bless the beast, if it didn't came when it did we would be in deep horse sh!t right about now." Then a commotion began but the vast majority of people was now looking at a dragon more like a boon then a curse

"I say we stop messing with dragons territory and it might just help us again" one farmer said and the others nodded

"Or you might go and ask it yourself" Lillian sarcastically added

The people looked at the mountain menacingly and were afraid to go there, so the commotion ended there. After a few minutes Lillian was going back to her room to write her father a letter.

"Excuse me princess" she heard a voice behind her, it was Marian "can I have a word with you? In my office?" she bowed slightly when she cached up to the princess.

"Why of course" Lillian replied and the two women walked to the two story house

"So what is it that is so important?" asked Lillian

"Trust me, I'll explain when we get there."

As soon as the two were at Marians office Marian began

"Princess I'm counting on your discretion" she began giving the princess a questioning look

"You have it" Lillian gestured to the 28 year old business owner

"You see I was born and raised in a village next to this one, but then I moved here 3 years back, this was already one of my land but I came here for another reason..." she paused a bit then continued

"It is of course the dragon. Now I'm going to show you something but remember I'm counting on your discretion" she got up and pressed a secret button and a portion of a wall moved from place, this didn't surprise the princess, she knew PLEANTY of secret rooms in palace. The two women got in the room which held what looked like a large number of unusually large hunting gear.

"As you can see, I came here in an attempt to capture him, a captured and possibly tamed dragon could be very useful you know" she smiled and blushed a little

Lillians keen eyes thought otherwise "So I'm taking you failed and no one wanted to hunt it?"

"You are correct and now I wonder if it's sentient and if you have communicated with it since he arrived just in the nick of time" Marian rose an eye brow

Lillian decided to play her game "Come on Marian this isn't a hunters closet and we both know that" she crossed her arms

Marian blushed hard "wh-what do you mean"

"I mean usually people who hunt dragons make that public to attract you know mercenaries, they don't have half a floor of bondage equipment and not to mention traders don't come to dragons, they ran from them since they are bad for business. This isn't a hunters store room Marian it is a bondage dungeon am I right" she rose an eyebrow

Marian looked like she was about to explode she was VERY red and her red face did not match her green dress and Lillian made It even worse by taking a horse whip "I wonder how this will help you catch a dragon"

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Keep it down! I'm sorry, yes it is true!" she exploded then put her hand on her mouth "please don't tell anyone"

Lillian smiled "I won't, don't worry I know kinkier people at the palace" she chuckled

"R-really" Marians eyes widened

"I even know that a few noblewomen had sex with horses" the princess whispered

Marian couldn't stop blushing and couldn't take her hand from her mouth so Lillian put her hands on Marians shoulders

"It's okay Marian, you're normal" she hugged her to which Marian could only reply with a hug of her own "if I wasn't a princess and could lose my virginity when I wanted to I'd do it all the time" but that backfired and made Marian feel even more awkward but soon she relaxed

"I-I never had anyone as well, though I lost my virginity to.. to... to-um" she blushed again and couldn't look Lillian in her eyes

"To what" asked the princess

Marian quietly took out a hidden cupboard and took out a massive dildo and gave it to the princess, she still couldn't look at Lillian out of shame

Lillian took the dildo and examined it , it was bigger then 10 inches that she was sure off (Malion would want a penis like this) she smiled, she knew Malion had a small penis but she never examined it up close. When she remembered her two previous encounters with it she blushed herself. She slowly approached to the dildo (with her head) and sniffed it

She smiled "You smell gooood" the princess purred , it smelled like spicy sugar (you might even know the smell)

Marian was already at the top of her embarrassment level but if it could go up by 200 it would

Lillian licked it and casually said "and taste good as well" she complimented her , the taste was bitter sweet as well, tasting of a woman who is hardworking yet an elegant lady as well

"Th-thank you" Marian somehow managed to say

"If I get a sexually liberal husband I'll invite you for a threesome sometime, would you like that" Lillian asked her smiling

Finally Marian relaxed and laughed "sex with a princess? Yes I would like that"

The two talked for a few hours discussing about sex and fetishes and all sorts of topics aside from that. Just before departure Marian asked the princess

"Soo.. you still haven't told me about the dragon, princess" she wasn't blushing this time

"All in due time" the princess smiled and left

Moments later on the street leading to her room

'WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING' Lillian was mentally shouting at herself 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?' she panicked 'WHAT... BUT... WHY!?!? WHY LILLIAN' she couldn't think straight 'WHY did that happen, what happened to me? It was like I wasn't myself back then. I would NEVER do something like that I WOULD NEVER have behaved like that... I can only hope Marian doesn't mind it... it looks like she doesn't and even as if she is... glad?!? Well I can only hope she won't tell anyone about this... Not that she would get away without any consequences herself.'

Once she arrived at her cabin she was too tired to mentally battle with herself so she decided to stop thinking for a moment and relax.

"Love I think she is sensing us" Malions father said to his mate

(If you need some clearing up let me remind you that through Malion his parents are able to influence the princess as well and are attempting to make her... more suitable to Malion and more open to taking a dragon as a lover)

"Don't worry she doesn't suspect a thing, but we ought to give her a little time, we cant do this overnight" his mate replied to him "in the meantime" she showed him her vent and that was all the provocation he needed to mate her hard

Lillian was sitting on her bed when a knock was heard on the door

"Come in" it was Mathew! She nearly forgot about him after all what had happened. She smiled and said "glad you could make it, let's begin shall we?"

Mathew gave her her usual mail and she was happy to find out he was a quick learner 'he deserves so much better in life than this!' she thought, maybe she should encourage him to come to the main city with her. After an hour he has mastered all the letters in the alphabet and Lillian told him to go home and practice them and that tomorrow they will continue.

When he left she sat down again but immediately got up "Malion" she just said

After coming to Malions cave she came in and found him reading a book

"You look tired and stressed out. You need some time to recover." He said as he looked at her and put down the book

She made a half smile and leaned on a wall "well, hero after you saved this maiden from peril she had a lot of work to do and a lot of explaining as well" she then tiredly came close to the dragon and gently hugged him and laid down on him "thank you Malion, thank you" she closed her eyes "I can never repay you" she exhaled

Malion was blushing as he said "it-it was nothing, don't mention it."

She smiled, still not opening her eyes and laughed "soo humble, you know Malion, you make for a good pet. Disciplined, you can take care of yourself and always seem to be there when I need you" after hearing that Malion was fighting his erection "But you know, I HAVE to repay you this somehow, I'll try my very best to convince father to make this mountain a save haven for dragons and I'll make him stop sending dragon slayers here and also I'll try to make the new recruits that are coming treat you well" she let go of him and looked at him in the face "that is the least I can do"

Malion thought desperately for a response until he found a good one "you know... if they ever make this a human story it would sound very much different than it actually was. After all a dragon saving a village and a princess is unheard of, it would more likely go like this 'a long long time ago a princess traveled to a small village to help them in their battle against the great dragon who plagued these lands. Unfortunately she was captured by the beast but a knight in shining armor called Mazirog came and saved the village and the princess by killing the beast. At the end the knight and the princess married and Mazirog was celebrated as the hero of the land and named king, the end." He said it in an ironic but yet an tell tale voice.

"Well that's humans for you, still I'll try my best to make sure this act is remembered in Detomias history." She looked down sadly

"Whats wrong? you seem a bit disturbed" Malion gave her a puzzled look

"It's just.. AHH Malion I'm ashamed of myself, all these years humans have showed such ignorance and behaved like they were the masters of all around them, we have considered that we were the rulers, that everyone else was a savage!" she threw her arms up in the air frustratingly

"Well not all humans are like that, on the main land there are a LOT of different countries that are human led and have a different view and after all you are a princess can't you do anything about it?" he placed his paw on her shoulder "I mean can't you convince your father to do something?"

Lillian exhaled "it's not that, my line were always in favor of changes, small changes but still changes, but those very changes which would benefit my people were delayed and even destroyed by our nobility. My grandfathers father was killed at the behest of one of the leading families in the country. My grandfather fought for his throne when he was just 14.." she stopped and made an annoyed "ugh" before continuing "Im babbling"

Malion smiled at her "well continue it's cute"

Lillian smiled a bit, at this point she was used to him flattering her, she was no longer embarrassed by the nature of their relationship but she still felt a bit uncomfortable

"Tell you what princess, why don't you give me a book on Detomia's history, that would enlighten me a bit" Malion reassured her

She turned around facing him "well I'll try to find something in this village" she looked down still contemplating on matter at hand

"Whats that" Malion asked pointing to a letter which was hanging out of her belt pocket

"Oh this?" she took it out and saw the imperial seal "this is a letter from my father" she opened it up and read it quickly "and it seems you will get your wish, he wants me to come back to the capitol right away.. classic over protective dad he is... I'll bring you a book when I come back" she again turned around trying her best not to face him, she tried to look strong and say those words normally but her emotions were overcoming her, what if father never allowed her to come here ever again, he couldn't do that, could he? She let go of the letter and it fell down to the floor, she was fighting the deep sadness which bordered on tears.

Malion picked up the letter and read it:

"Dear daughter, I was most grievously worried for your wellbeing, assaulted by bandits who wanted to ransom you, saved by a dragon, what else? I had trouble believing the messenger at first, but in the light of the events that took part I must urge you to come back immediately.

Sincerely yours: King of Detomia Handralus Benusia Sigurni IV"

"He sure likes his formalities..."

She smiled "you have no idea.."

"Will I... ever see you again?" for the first time, Malion was truly afraid of losing her, even if she wasn't technically his to begin with

"What sort of question is that?!" she tried to look serious "of course you will, i'd be damned if father makes me give up our friendship" she ran up and hugged him, causing him to stagger, she didn't want to feel sad, she didn't want him to know he was the first true friend she had, she hated all the noble society they "adored" her, when in truth if she wasn't the kings daughter no one would pay two copper for her, not to mention father didn't want her to have "inappropriate" relations with other kids and by inappropriate he meant any and all contact, indeed she was lonely in the spire keep. She let her imagination wonder but then it hit her.

"WAIT! This" she picked up the letter "was delivered this morning , at least that's what it says, the attack happened yesterday evening and on average it takes 2-3 days to travel from here to the capital... dad..." she was angry

"What do you mean" Malion asked confused

"That means he must have surely used a mage to spy on me, for only a mage can summon a portal that can take him fast enough to my father." She made an angry flicker, she was hot as fire, fire that was fuelled by her rage "I'll be right back" she said and walked out in a state like she was ready to kill someone

"Women.." said Malion smilingly

Lillian walked fast the entire way all up to the inn and there she saw the inn keeper and she saw that he had a bandage across his cheek. She hugged him gently "I never got the chance to say thank you" she told him

"Don't mention it, it was my duty and after all what bandit can be a match to a old soldier like me" he released her from the hug.

"I'll make sure that father repays you somehow"

He waved his hand "no princess, no reward is necessary and is there something I can do for you?"

She looked down "well I was wondering if I may know, do you have someone staying at the inn?"

"As a matter of fact I do, he is a old man but he has the attitude and strength of a 20 year old" he pointed at the door down the hallway "he is right there if you need him, he says his name is Suinacra"

She thanked him and went for the door, she knew who it was all to well, she entered the room without knocking, a old man with short white hair and short white beard stood up from his chair near the fireplace where he was reading a book

"Ah, your majesty" he took a deep bow "what can I do for you today"

"You may obey me by first taking of that disguise" she said angrily

"Whatever do you mean?" the old man responded

"Arcanius Onixus don't play games with me, you might be the most talented young mage I know but you still fail to understand that a messenger to capitol and back will travel 3-4 days and this" she showed him the letter " came in not 12 hours after the attack and reading your name backwards to the innkeeper? Really? Why didn't you use something more creative? And after all what is a old man doing with a magic book that is too far out of his understanding?"

The old man shut his eyes "alright" and with that he raised his right arm and the illusion fell down a rather tall young man with long black hair which was held with a mage circle (it's basically a piece of head gear mages use to hold their hair in place) he had a pink robe and pink cape (the color of the mage's at that time) and the only thing that stood apart from that were the two black cloth shoulder armor plates "you got me, you know what your father is like, he nearly took my head when I just mentioned an attack, it took me some persuasion to convince him to stop interrupting me when I was retelling him the story of the attack and then even more convincing that you are fine" he explained

"That's not the point, I know he is worried, but why spy on me and why send you?" she said angrily, she had her fists ready for a fight

Arcanius relaxed and stepped towards her and told her "because he loves you and he is worried" he hugged her, even if she was in a fighting mood

"You... damn you" she hugged him back.

Now I feel the need to explain myself here, Arcanius as you all know is the advisor of the king for all things of magic, during this time he was still just a senior mage. He was also one of the close and personal friends with Lillian during childhood, with her father allowing her to associate with him on the basis that he is a bookworm and he rather spend his time with books then people (which was true) however when they reached teen years he was send away to the magic academy and nearly all contact severed. When Lillian reached maturity and showed rebellion and wishing to explore and be free of her father's golden cage he orders him to protect her as he trusted him, still she hasn't seen him in 3 months and this meeting pleased her greatly.

"So tell me, why did you sneak off into the dragon forest?" this sentence shocked her "at first I thought it was okay since I believed the dragon to be a lie but now I see a dragon and you go after it... why?" they broke the hug

"Hey," she made a gesture "I just never.. met a dragon before, so I thought what the heck might as well go and meet one" she smiled

He raised an eye brow "okay, well be here in an hour I'll make a portal then" and with that he started gathering ingredients, little known fact at that time he was one of the 3 mages who was able to create a portal in Detomia.

"Alright, I'll go and make myself ready" she lied

She went straight to Malion and explained him everything

"So you're telling me that you are going?" he asked her uncertainly

"Well basically yes" she looked down

"Before you go I wish us to do something" he told her

She looked at him "what do you want?"

He posed for her and simply said "hop on" and smiled

She had a smile from ear to ear and without hesitation she jumped on him, together they ran out charging at the cliff and immediately soared to the air, Malion took her way up high, taking her to the heights so high that she felt cold, he then intentionally made a free fall to make her afraid, she was hugging him closely.

"MALION , ARE YOU CRAZY" she shouted at him

"A little bit , yes" he teased her

Just at the right height he opened his wings and glided in the air, he proceeded to do spins and rolls in all directions. After some time, Lillian sadly told him that the hour has passed and he landed then at the cave's entrance in silence.

"So you are leaving now?" he asked her

"Yes I'm afraid so" she responded, they both looked down in silence

"When will you come back" he asked her not looking up

"As soon as I can" she responded

There was an awkward moment of silence before she started leaving

"Lillian, wait!" he yelled finally facing her as she turned around facing him "can I ask you something"

She made a smirk "Malion.. you can ask me anything"

Malion blushed deeply, moving his vision from her, he felt like he was burning , like the sun exploded in his face "Um.. if ther... um... I was wondering" he looked at her again "I wanted to know if there is a chance for.. well, you know... us?" he looked away embarrassed to the core

He didn't look at her but she smiled "Yes there is? Or better yet I don't know, maybe, you still have to prove yourself to me, but until then patients my dragon, patients" she took his chin, looked at his eyes and kissed him on the mouth"

She smiled "oh and I almost forgot" she took out and gave him a small black box "but don't open it until I am gone ok?"

Malion was in shock, time was slowing down around him and he barely made a "ok" she then smiled at him and left him all the while smiling at him.

When she returned to Arcanius he was already finished

"Whenever you're ready princess" he made a bow and pointed to the glowing portal which had a picture of the capitol.

"Alright, let's go see father" she said and stepped through the portal.