Chapter I: Light, Darkness, and Lamp Posts

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#1 of The Outsiders

Today we have a story for you, about a Shark named Koji. He works for the Las Vegas Branch of the Outsiders, and is quite quiet and unsociable. Be sure to watch me it you want to read more, and share with your friends and watchers if you want them to read it. As this is my first series I'd love to have all your feedback and remember every time you have a story or vote it makes a writer smile so remember to pass your smiles.

Chapter I: Light, Darkness, and Lamp Posts

"Ha Ha Ha, Shark Tamer you have failed, I now have the samples of the Dragon and Shark Strains, and as soon as I use my powers on them, you and the outsiders will be powerless to stop me.", A dark shadow then put his hands out. A glow flew off the shadow's hands hitting two tubes of material. The material in the tube splashed around swirling in the tube as it started to glow with a yellow neon tint

"Yes, soon my ultimate plan will begin and their is no one in this world who will stop me!", The shadow said as the material in the tubes flashed with energy as their chemical and genetic changed to the liking of the shadow. Soon his plan will be set in motion a surge of Dragons and Sharks about to unleashed on this town

The first thing Koji smelt was blood, the first thing he saw was a massive Wolf over him, the first thing he felt was the cold metal along his wrists, chaining him to the wall, the first thing he heard was the normally silent whispers of the gang, probably talking on what they would do to him, the first thing he tasted was the bacon from his cheeseburger, still staying in his mouth,

"So, Elemental Master what is your plan this time, I highly doubt you can get any power from all this metal, and these are very tight metal chains you won't escape. Then I can destroy you.", The leader of the gang, Doyle Ruby, said to Koji as he paced around his chained body, slowly examining the Shark, dressed in a Black Vest with a hood that covered his head in perpetual shadow, no shirt underneath, his skin thick enough to reflect any bullets. He only had on Black Cargo Shorts, the rest of his body exposed. He was built like any normal shark a bulky body with fins on his arms, back of his legs, and back

"Is destroy the new word for bondage sex phantasy, because at this point you know, two men, one chained up, all alone, I can be quite submissive.", He lied he hated being on bottom but this plan generally worked on the few cases he was kidnapped, prepend to be submissive and then steal the power from his kidnapper

"Please, I can resist for a while.", Doyle said with a sly grin. His plan failed, normally he would get them on the first time, Doyle knew what he doing and wouldn't let anything stop his plan this time. Normally Doyle would rate a B Class Villain but tonight be was an A Class

"Hum, I don't like using my powers, but while you may have put me somewhere where I can't draw out my powers from the current infrastructure, you forget I can also draw my powers from what was once here!", He yelled as he threw his fingers on the wall, red lines appearing from each finger. The red energy then started to travel down the wall towards the exit of the room

It flew into the hallway outside the energies from his right hand flying off one side of the right side of the door and hitting the left side and combing with his left hand beams. The beams disappeared with a soft red glow then a after glow that disappeared into thin air

The beams traveled down the corridor scaring every gang member as the red beams flew by. Suddenly they found what they were looking for. They made a sharp left into a room. This room was filled with sorts of metal devices. They reached a large bowl held on the wall. They jumped off the wall and into this bowl where the five beams started to circle around the bowl until it glowed red

The beams jumped out and exited the room. They re-traveled down the corridor until they reached the room with Koji in it. The beams once again spilt with the right side beams traveling back to the right side of the door. They traveled around the room past machinery and other items until they each traveled back into Koji's fingers. Doyle had a terrified look on his face, he knew what would happen next but yet it always terrified him, he was back to a B Class villain

Koji grabbed the metal chains that bounded him, and he grabbed with all his might. His hands estarted to glow red as the metal started to melt, the liquid metal hitting his skin and bouncing off like nothing. He fell to the floor, a pool of liquid metal around his feet yet not affecting him at all."Sorry Ruby, but its back to the slammers with you and if you try to get out I will personally come there and burn you to the wall with my own metal chains and I assure you Ruby they will be tight around you neck, you legs and you tiny little wolf cock.", He said with a finger about to hit Ruby ready to spread the heat to him

"Please Elemental Master, we all know you only got lucky today, any other day you'd have to wait for you friends to arrive and save you peachy little shark ass, because we all know that you don't know how to use your powers and that you should be called the Master of Failing with his Powers, because you fail so much.", He said with a growl over the shark

"Yep, know I don't feel sorry about this!", He took his fist and clinched it, he shoved it right into Ruby's stomach the fur and skin searing with a massive hiss, as he was knocked back with the force of the impact

"Oh, you'll regret that, Attack!", Ruby yelled out in a childish whimper. Suddenly wolves dressed in camo suits of armor walked in each holding a laser gun, the power in each fueled by a laser passing trough a intensity mirror, the mirror increasing the laser's power 1000 fold

"I don't fail at using my powers I just can't use them on everything, though I can use them on Laser powered guns!", Koji stuck his fingers out and a red beam shot out from each finger and hitting a different laser gun, the gun it self glowed orange for a second until the beams changed into orange and returned to Koji's fingers.

"Sorry, Fire!", Suddenly Lasers flew out from Koji's fingers each hitting a different guard much to Ruby's surprise. Koji then reached out into his pockets and pulled out a pair of handcuffs the handcuffs connected with a laser beam itself then the old chains which could easily be broken with a pull of the fists

He put his fingers up to Ruby's head, and pulled the wolf's to his back and slapped on the laser cuffs. "I believe the term is you have the right to remain silent, and anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law.", he easily walked out of the building the wolf behind him

All he had to do was drop off the wolf at a local police precinct and head to his home.

By home, what he meant was more medium sided townhouse, he lived alone supported by the ORION program, The Orphaned Registry for the Isolated and Outcast Network. Since he was apart of the outsiders he had perks and didn't have to send in a weekly log of expenses, because dealing with B class mob bosses would generally take up more of your time, and either way their was a monthly drug test that would pick up on the tinniest of tiniest of drug compounds in his urine

ORION was created when Superheroes started to battle their Super villain counterparts. Many families were broken apart, the program was started to help those families. Over the years it spread over the world and accepted most kids over a certain age. They would then learn to take care of themselves and provide from themselves

He entered his house, located on the south side of the city known as Las Vegas, still gambling capital of the world. Over the years the city was isolated over water issues but with a alien plant from another dimension, known as Aquagalf, that takes in Oxygen, Hydrogen and a few other elements and gives off water the city was soon re-established

The population of Aquagalf lives in and Around Lake Meed, where in either small groups in a olympic pool sized area they would generate water to fill the lake. They would even move so plants in the lake can always stay above water level. Lake Meed at one time had so much water that the Colorado River north of it started to reverse direction because of the build up of the water

Now Las Vegas was a city of Shining lights literally based on the water generated by the Aquagalf at Lake Meed and the Electricity that was generated by the Super Hydro-Turbines at the Hover Dam. One couldn't work with out the other. The Hover Dam's water coming from the Aquagalf and the Hover Dam giving off a chemical that allows the Aquagalf to breed. It was quite a beautiful example on how one thing couldn't work with out the other, and how the other would fail

Koji was now sitting on his couch the teen wolf, turning on a program on about groups of furs dancing for the worlds attention and votes. It was a good program, but the dubbing building they had was enormous. The couples were in a elimination dance; the experts, Augusta Marla Parker, Chas Darrin Vincent, Ian Glass, Cheryl Roxanne Horn, and Fran Norris were dancing with celebs, Jefferson Bridges, Kristie Tina Morrow, Susie Inez May, Orval Woods, and Renato Christoper Blevins, in that order

For sum, Augusta and Jefferson were doing the tango, close embraces, small steps, and syncopated rhythmic footwork. Koji thought that that dance was complicated and a enduring sign of love that one will stay close to their partner for ever, yet can break away and come running back

Chas and Kristie were doing the Waltz, a perfect dance filled with dancing close to each other always seeing their partner as they spun and spun around each other, while sliding across the dance floor in a metaphorical life

Ian and Susie were doing the jive, the couple moving by each other in a quick shift of weight, like speeding though life and enjoying the massive details, jitterbugging though life never stopping just loving

Cheryl and Orval, a strange name for a man, were doing the Samba. The bending and straightening of their legs were like magic, each knee not deciding whether or not to bent or not. Given Orval being a bisexual it was perfect dance for him

Lastly their was Fran and Renato who were doing a rumba, a quick moving cuban dance. Their feet moved like crazy moving in a way incomprehensible to a normal person or shark like Koji, it was like they were trying to pick up everything in life with their feet

Cheryl and Orval were the first to be eliminated a spotlight that shined over them going black. The couple walking off stage. The judges, Lorrie Sheryl Landry, Marty Jeffery Glenn, and Truman Salvador Osborne each payed attention to the couples feet and legs making sure they did the dance right. Next was Ian and Susie they walked off stage. Augusta and Jefferson were next to bite the dust as they missed a move only seeable to the judges precise eyes. Finally only Fran and Renato were left with Chas and Kristie. Both moved their best but in the end only Chas and Kristie remained

The program went to a commercial probably something he didn't want or need. Yet at this time around 8:50 in the night, Koji felt like he missed something, something to share this house with. He never got love, never could hold on to love, never feel it. He was a shark probably destined to live alone. Suddenly his doorbell rang he knew it well. It was monday night so that meant his friend, and fellow outsider, Ro, a Wolf would be at the door to watch the next program at 9

Ro was always on time, always. As far as Koji always knew he had never been late. He wasn't even late for his birth. His due date was on June 26, and he arrived on June 26 at 12:00 exactly. Ro had the power to Manipulate Electricity, and other perks of that

Ro wore a grey undershirt over his black-grey fur, and had on a fellow black vest with the hood. He instead opted for Cargo Pants and his tail had a bright yellow mark, that disappeared when he used the hood to cover his head in shadows

Koji and Ro were practically made to be best friends. While Koji was similar to other sharks he was Japanese. His eyes were narrowed, but could only be noticed if one did bend their head to the right angle. Meanwhile Ro was Chinese and spoke with a very good English accent

"Good Evening Koji, ready for the night, I brought popcorn.", Where Koji was silent except in dangerous situations, Ro was a blabbermouth, hyperactive that didn't shut in battle, but did clam down in battle. Where Koji preferred contact fighting, Ro preferred fighting with electricity and staying away

"Good Eve.", Koji said with the slightest twinge of expression on his face. Ro wasn't surprised at all with Koji's usually blank expressions, use of few words of possible, and over all boringness. Ro tried to change Koji when they met 4 years ago, but failed. The only time Koji had managed to get more than 10 words out was with public speaking, yet he was a complete natural

"So, how was today's B-Class villain.", Ro said as the wolf walked in to the Shark's Townhouse. "Let me guess Doyle Ruby and the Minerals, you were in a old metal refinery, and used your powers to get firepower from a dish that was heated up to melt the metal.", Koji simply nodded, as the two walked towards couch

Koji reached into his vest and pulled out a bag of popcorn, still unpoped. He put his hands on the metal strip and suddenly the bag started to expanded, as he let microwaves, a spin-off of his electric abilities. The bag then popped open and the smell of popcorn flowed out

They sat down on the couch as Koji snatched the remote and put on their favorite crime show, Crime and Drugs, which followed real life DEA, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Agents as they busted real life drug lords

They both sat silent as the agents busted Cornell Monobes, Mexican Wolf and Drug Lord. Suddenly the lights started to flicker on and off, soon the TV followed. The images of the DEA agents eventually fading into the black screen of the TV. Ro and Koji both heard a rumbling sound as the house went black

"What's going on, their hasn't been a black out in... In never!", Ko said as the room faded to black. Suddenly Koji's phone rang. Not his cellphone, but his landline. The landline was installed incase of a blackout, and the towers went out

Koji walked over to phone and picked it up. Ro had an intrigued look on his face, Koji took the phone and placed it on his face

"Koji, we might have a serious problem, you live in south Las Vegas, yeah look outside.", On the phone was Las Vegas Outsiders Leader, Jackson, a small orca, but great with all types of weapons, went in combat the world would slow down for him like bullet time. They call him Weapons Master, but that was taken by a West Cali agent who was involved in the Gene Stealers. So instead he's called Bullet-Time

"Why?", Koji walked over to the window, which the white blinds were lowered. He looked outside towards the city and outside was nothing until a massive shape walked into the picture.

One Hour Ago

Donald McBraier, a wolf, and Andrew Haces, a tiger, were walking down the streets of Las Vegas, just returning from a AA meeting, both young adults, recovering alcoholics. Both were mildly attracted to each other and the other of the pair is why they joined AA

"So, Don how was this week?", Andrew the tiger asked. Andrew was a tiger about 6,7. He had a repeating pattern of Orange and Black. He had red spots on his checks, equal to freckles. He was the ginger of the duo

"Well, its getting easier to avoid alcohol, and I just feel better.", Don, the wolf of the group 7 feet tall. He had grey fur covering his entire body and only on his head was a tuff of black. He commonly bragged about some straight porn, but in his heart he knew he wanted Andrew

As the two walked down the street suddenly a strange smell entered both of their noses. They looked for the source and both of their noses turned towards a pitch black alley to the left. It was mysterious but they both were interested

Suddenly the smell changed to a sweet smell. It invading their noses and overloading their brains and their pleasure sensors. Both furs dropped a drip of pre-cum into their underwear. Soon the pleasure overloaded their brains. They walked down the alleyway not even think of what might happen

"Very good you two, congratulate yourselves on become the first two test subjects on the dragon strain.", A dark baritone voice said to them. Suddenly a shadow jumped forward holding two syringes of a mysterious liquid. He jammed them into both shoulders, neither noticing, brains too overloaded by the scent

Andrew and Don both started the transformation. Both felt like energy was flowing into their body, powers growing and same with their bodies. First came their left arms. Massive muscles formed, veins shooting out, and pumping blood through out their arms

The same happened to their right, muscles and veins bursting out as their bodies grew larger and beefier. Their pecs grew larger and bigger becoming more hexagon like, veins sending energy down their body as abs, rock hard abs formed, 8 squares of pure muscle bulging out.

Their cocks started to grow, both subjects moaning with pleasure as the organ grew larger and larger and larger until they bursted out of their pants. Then a bulge formed in the skin as another cock dropped out, two 16 inch cocks hanging form both of their waists, blood flowing through the massive organs as leaks of pre-cum started to burst out. Their balls started to grow as well, until they were massive oranges hanging and swinging

Their legs became ripped and toned with muscle, and they keep growing taller and taller. The bits of pieces of pants left dropped off and their shoes were obliterated. Suddenly as they thought it was over two bulges formed on their back, wings bursting out

For Don, all his fur fell of replaced by green scales everywhere except on his wings which were jet black. For Andrew scales formed in the patterns of his fur, Dark orange then black, all around his body, even his wings followed the patterns

"You shall be know as Darkwing and you as StripeArmor",The shadow stepped back and disappeared. Clear of the scent the transformed fur's instincts turned on. They looked at each other and slammed their bodies together hard. Pre-Cum blasted everywhere as the massive dragons humped each other, barely fill between the alleyway

Soon the dragon's humping turned to hot sex as Darkwing took his right pre-cum clad cock and placed it on StripeArmor's pucker. He pushed in, easily sliding in with out trouble. Soon the dragons started to moan as they had sex. StripeArmor's massive cocks blasting out cum everywhere, while Darkwing shot into StripeArmor and on the street

People ignored the moaning and the cum piles on the street, slowly building up. Then a group of teenagers, once again like so many before one of the teenagers getting peer pressured into touching it. He slowly put his finger into the mix of the dragon cum, and all the teens surrounding him laughed at him

Then he quickly pulled out his finger. He started to wipe it up until his finger started to bulge out with muscles. Soon his hand grew out, with the rest of his fingers filling with muscle and veins. His arm bulked up, hitting the ground. His body followed. The teenagers back up when two pairs of wings spurted out of his back

The massive dragon turned around on the teens, now holding a larger cock and balls pumping with sperm. He blasted out cum on to his friends, the friends growing in size and also changing into dragons

Soon the Police were called, and the FBI was let in when bullets bounced off the dragon's skins. The police were blasted with cum and transformed and soon a mass of dragons were forming. They started to focus on the city and now a few thousand dragons were in the city and spreading fast.

"Going.", Koji put down the phone, and walked towards the front door, "Follow me, we got a attack.", Koji said wiggling his finger. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mobile headset. He put it into his ear and pushed a switch. Ro followed

"Ok, from what I got from the reports its the.", Eric their technician said into their ears, Eric was a nerdy wolf, but was their biggest help. Eric let out a groan knowing what he was about to say would sound ridiculous, "Dragon cum that transforms them.

"Don't touch the cum.", Koji said to Ro who nodded as they approached the front door, more large shadows blocking out the light from the adjacent streetlamp as they walked around

Koji put his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, the door opening slowly. They hid behind the door, as Dragons walked by. Koji put his hands out and aimed out, he fired five red beams from his left arm. They hit a dragons ripped arms and as the energy returned his arm became ripped

The dragon walked up to the door and Koji stepped out. The dragon looked at him with a roar, and a show of his sharp teeth. Koji pulled his left arm and punched the dragon. He was knocked back with a massive force and knocked down the streetlight.

"And that kids is how you knock down a 2 ton dragon, with only your fist.", Koji said as he knocked down the dragon, his quietness fading. The dragons gathered around his door when he talked

"Yeah, good to have you back talkative Koji, look what you did.", Ko said as he stepped out from behind the door, "And you might want to put up your hood.", Ro grabbed Koji's hood and put it up, soon with his putting their faces in perpetual shadow

Ro put his fingers out in a gun shape, "Fire!", A stream of electricity was fired at the dragons, each was hit and spread to another and another in the group of closely packed dragons. They all started to smoke and fell down

"And that kids is how you take out a group of 2 ton dragons.", Ro said putting his hands into his pocket like a gun into a holster

"You must feel proud of yourself, now do that to thousands of dragons and we can all go on our merry little way.", Koji said now speaking in sarcastic terms

"Wow, Sarcasm you really do open up, in battle.", Ro said as they looked out of their house for more dragons

"You two, you know I can hear you, so either kiss or take out the dragons.", Eric said over the headset

"Shut up Eric!", They both yelled into their headsets, then looking at each other awkwardly, then walking out of their houses, and walking left out of the house down Walkler Street. They stayed in the shadows

"Ok, there are now Dragons walking around the city.", Ro said as they walked down the street, Koji returning to his quiet and expressionless state. They were now walking into the inter city, literal gambling city of the world.

"Good now I have a Dragon Army, so please Outsiders please join us, in the alley come in we won't hurt you.", A voice said, seducing and attracting, drawing them towards the alley way. They said nothing and entered the dark alley

Suddenly two dark figures jumped out of the dark night sky and landed before them. A massive burst of flame appeared out of the first one's mouth, Ro and Koji pushed up against the wall as the flame flew past their bodies

The red brick wall lighted up with the light coming from the fire. Koji's and Ro's skin and fur were instantly heated up with an burning effect. The fire flying past the two, barely searing their fur or skin

"State your names.", Koji yelled as he backed off the wall, pointing towards the two dragons. The first one just blew fire out of his nose while the second one just stood there watching carefully almost like Koji

"StripeArmor, DarkWing back off.", DarkWing flapped his wings and he and StripeArmor disappeared in a dark flash. They walked down the alley to find the source of the mystrious command

Inside they entered the plaza set in the middle of building each lights flashed off, the occupants a large group of dragons most likely tenants of the buildings, transformed from the cum of the dragons

"Yes, ah allow me to introduce myself, you two can call me Bright, and I'm am the Leader of the Gene Raiders.", They were now in a plaza, put in with the cities greener and nice policy projects and while the plaza was filled with light in the middle of a group of about 100 Dragons stood just a shadow, not detail just a shadow

"Bright, Ironic and don't you mean Gene Stealers, that would match up.", Ro said. Somehow all the dragons just stood there prepending Ro and Koji weren't even there.

"Oh, now those babies, led by Chimera, with their individualities and shit like that, please besides the first infected and me, everyone will be the same and it will be Darwinism!", He said putting shadowy hands up into the laughing manically

"Yep, we might have a level 11 crazy, please approach with caution.", Eric said into their com links.

"Whats your motivation?", Ro asked, it was a pivotal question they would often ask a new villain that question if need to get a look on the scene and make sure they weren't dealing with a mental

"My motivation, that is to share the wonders of the Dragon strain over the world, so no one will be different, everyone will be the same, all focused on one continual goal, all moving forward at the same rate.", He said with another maniacal laugh.

"Yeah, no.", Koji put out his arms wide and fired at the lamp post, the energy returned. Koji made a whistle noise and all the Dragons turned towards him. He put his hands out, palms forward and a massive blast of light and energy was released.

Once the light faded, all the Dragons were knocked out, dazed. "Ok, a warning would be appreciated, and yet sometimes I really forget how powerful lamp posts can be, giving light to an out side world that is normally dark.", Ro said as he walked forward over the dazed dragons.

"The problem with your plan is that everyone is the same, and they all suck, so your plan sucks, so please try again sometime, if you can escape.", Koji said as he walked forward, he put his hands forward and blasted light. The shadows around started to fade.

"Yeah, not today, goodbye.", He pressed something hidden by the shadows, and the shadows swirled around him and he disappeared. The shadows blasted out preventing anyone from seeing even against Koji's Light. "Remember Shark, even darkness can trump the brightest light! HahahahahahahhaHHAHAHAHHAHA!