Love Ensemble, Part 4

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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Howdy. Here's more cute love stuff! Blake and Jordan cutest couple NA. And for those that are wondering about "Gems of Corruption", yes I am still writing that. I'm just trying to be a bit more elaborate cuz a lot more can, and will, happen in that story. I need to start with something easier :P

Anyway, enjoy!

PS - If there's something you don't understand in the scene between Blake and Josh, just assume it has something to do with the game they're playing.

Warning: This story contains romantic/sexual interaction between two underage male furs. If this is something that bothers you, please feel free to leave the page at this time. Otherwise, enjoy the read.

"You will?!" Jordan said excitedly.

"Jordan, shhh. Play it again, trombones," said Mr. Koln.

"You will?" Jordan said much quieter.

Blake nodded, his face still red. "Talk to me after rehearsal."

"Let's keep going, band. Top to bottom. 1, 2, 1 2 3!"

Blake went through the rest of his rehearsal without messing up, a new wave a

confidence now in him.

After rehearsal was done, Blake took apart and put away his horn back into it's case and into the locker. He went through his bag one last time to make sure he had everything. "Ugh, I really don't want to do the Spanish homework tonight..." he grumbled to himself. He zipped up his bag and turned around to see the smiling wolf face of Jordan. The fox giggled a little.

"So what do you wanna do?" he asked.

"Well you're the one who asked me out. I figured you had some kind of idea,"

Blake said back.

The wolf rolled his eyes a bit. "Fair enough. I was thinking a movie would be nice. And then maybe a walk in the park in the middle of the city."

Blake just smiled and blushed. It's like Jordan knew his fantasy. His nervousness was now suddenly extreme excitement. "Okay."

There were a few moments of silence as the two males just looked at each other, both blushing and smiling. "So uh, are you going home?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah. I only live ten minutes away by walk," the fox said back.

"Do you... mind if I walk you home?"

Outside of the locker room stood a peeking lioness and orca. Caitlin growled quietly at the suggestion. "Hey, that's our thing!"

Josh shook his head. "Caitlin, shut up. Be happy for Blake."

"I am happy for him," the cat shouted. "But -we- walk him home!"

Blake and Jordan both turned to look as they heard Caitlin's voice. The wolf only smiled and waved casually. Blake, however, gave Caitlin a death glare that clearly screamed "Go the fuck away." Caitlin hissed back before she and Josh left the band room.

"Caitlin is really funny," Jordan said.

"Yeah, but she can be a handful sometimes,"Blake responded with a chuckle.

"Do you think she's jealous? I mean who wouldn't be with someone as cute as you?" Jordan grinned.

Blake blushed and looked at the ground. He felt so tingly and warm inside, and he wasn't sure if it was butterflies or if he was just helplessly in love with the bigger male.

After a brief silence, Jordan spoke again. "I'm sorry, was that a little much?"

Blake shook his head. "No, I liked it. I'm just n-not used to it is all..."

"Do you have everything?" Jordan asked before the fox nodded. "Alright, let's go."

The two of them walked away from the school, taking their time and engaging in random conversation. Mostly things about school, music, and video games. "So what was the lesson in Algebra anyway?" Blake asked.

"Just more solving for X stuff. He didn't even assign any homework," the wolf said back with a laugh.

Blake laughed too. "It's like he's trying to baby us. I can do that in my sleep."

"Actually I found the lesson slightly challenging. Numbers and letters should not go on at the same time."

Blake frowned a bit at the slight awkwardness, but the wolf just smirked. "Blake, I'm kidding. Math isn't my best subject, but I still get it."

The two shared a laugh again, the fox blushing after. Jordan eyed over Blake. He was beautiful. The fox had a thin frame, but a fair amount of muscle as well. His green eyes were like priceless emeralds and his fur was rich and soft and so bright. Jordan thought Blake's shyness was the most adorable thing about him. Everything about the fox seemed so perfect, whether he agreed or not. Jordan looked at Blake's paw and wondered if he should reach for it.

Is it too soon? I don't want him to freak out. But I want him to know that I care. What do I do?

"What are you looking at?" Blake suddenly asked to break the silence.

"Just you. You're adorable," Jordan replied. Then both of them blushed and it was quiet again.

"So what games do you play?" the wolf asked.

"Oh nothing too special. Black Ops 2, Guild Wars, League of Legends..."

"Ah, computer guy, eh? Aside from the Black Ops 2."

The fox nodded. "Computer and Nintendo games. Pretty much what I grew up on."

"Nintendo fan? I expected better from you," the wolf teased. "Then again, they do have quite the selection of classic games."

The two kept talking all the way to Blake's house. The normally ten minute wall almost turned into thirty, but neither of them cared. They even talked on the porch for a while, smiling and enjoying every moment.

"As much as I don't want you to go, I don't want your parents to start worrying about you. You should head home," Blake said sadly.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just having so much fun though," the wolf replied with a chuckle. "So what time should I come get you?"

The fox shrugged.

"Do you wanna just meet after rehearsal tomorrow? We could go from there," Jordan said on a quick idea.

"Okay, but I hope we don't walk too much. My paws are always so tired after marching band."

Jordan chuckled again. "I'll keep that in mind. See you tomorrow," he said before turning to start walking away.

Don't just let him walk away, Blake. He likes you. You have a date with him tomorrow. Don't give him the wrong impression.

Blake moved forward and bravely gave the wolf a hug from behind. Jordan jumped slightly from shock, but immediately smiled after. He turned a little to give the little fox a hug back, the hug lasting several seconds. Blake let go first and stepped back, his face more red than ever before so far.

"Bye," he waved.


As Blake walked inside, he started jumping and dancing like a happy little kid. "I've got a date with Jordan! I've got a date with Jordan!" he shouted proudly. He hadn't felt this happy in a really long time. He ran up the stairs and into his room. He jumped right into his bed and nuzzled the pillow a little before turning onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "Is this really happening? I can't believe it. He wants to go out with me. Jordan Rull wants to go out with me!" He giggled again, giving himself a hug. He laid in his bed for several minutes just thinking about the wolf and his date, but then he quickly sat up. "I didn't give him my number!"

But then his phone beeped as he received a message from a number he didn't recognize. He opened the message and read.

"Hey, it's Jordan :P I got your number from Caitlin. Sorry if that's creepy. I can't wait for our date. Just wanted to let you know I made it home. TTYL"

Blake smiled and saved the number.

"That's fine. I completely forgot to give it to you lol. I'm glad someone was thinking ahead."

Blake put away his phone and went to his computer. After turning on the system, he went straight for Mumble, an online chat application. He logged onto the server and there on the screen was Josh's name.

"Dude, where were you?" the fox heard from his headset.

Blake pushed down his Talk button and spoke, "Jordan walked me home. Took longer than it should've."

"For real. How'd it go?"

"I-It was... nice."

"Nice?" Josh asked. "Nothing else?"

"Well we set up a day for our date," Blake said quietly.

"So it is a date? That's awesome!"

"Josh, shush. You're embarrassing me. Let's just play Dawngate. Servers opened early this week." The fox opened up the game and put in his password on the title screen. Josh did the same thing. Soon they were in a game.

"So what are you guys doing?" the orca asked once the minions had spawned.

"Movie and then a night walk in the park after rehearsal," Blake responded. "Why? Are you and Caitlin gonna stalk us?"

"Haha. I won't, but she might," Josh joked. "I was just wondering."

Blake laughed quietly. "To be honest, I almost want someone else to be around in case something goes horribly wrong. I'm so nervous..."

"Ah, that's right. You've never been on a date before, I forgot."

"Thanks, Josh," Blake said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that! What I mean is don't be worried. You already know he likes you. Just be yourself."

"But that's just it. What if the real me ends up being something he doesn't like?"

"Well, if that's what happens, you're gonna have to give up on him and move on regardless of how good looking and nice he is. If he doesn't accept you for you, then it won't work out."

Blake thought about this for a long time, while at the same time trying to stay alive and support Josh in-game. What the orca said was very blunt, but it was also very true. Two people that are dating have to learn to accept each other's flaws and find a way to overcome them. A relationship can't be made from lies. Blake knew this, but he also knew how vulnerable he was. He'd been crushing on Jordan for over 15 months now and it was easy to say that he was head over heels for that wolf.

"I'm not gonna lie to him, but I just want everything to go perfectly..." Blake finally said again.

"Everyone does, man. Everyone wants their love life to be perfect. But it won't. Just learn to have fun."

"You're right. Thanks, Josh."

After Blake ate a late dinner, he lay on his bed with the phone in his paws. He and Jordan had been texting the past two hours. Bling! He slid the screen and read the message.

"So you've really been crushing on me since early last year? I wish you'd said something lol"

"Yeah. But I didn't expect this to happen. Heh. Though I think it would be more accurate to say that you caught my eye at freshman year band camp."

"I've only been crushing on you since around the end of the last school year, but I never got a chance to talk to you before summer vacation started."

"If that's the case then why didn't you approach me sooner?" Blake tapped into the phone. Moments later he received another message.

"To be honest, I was afraid to. I didn't know if you were gay or not or if someone as cute as you was even still single :P"

"You, afraid? You're like one of the most outgoing guys in the whole band."

"Yeah but that's making friends and just talking. Talking to a potential love interest is completely different."

Blake just giggled as he agreed mentally. He sighed and held the phone to his chest. It was only a quick moment before the phone beeped again.

"Do you mind if I called? We could FaceTime or something."

"Sure, I guess. But I should probably go to bed soon," the fox replied after several moments. Within another minute, the phone started ringing with Jordan's name on the screen. Blake slid the phone nervously and answered. "Hello."

Jordan couldn't be seen just yet. "Just gonna ask. I don't have a shirt on. Is that okay?"

Blake laughed. "I saw you in only a towel earlier. I think shirtless will be okay."

Jordan's camera turned and revealed the wolf laying up on his arms, wearing nothing but a pair of loose red boxers. Blake's face went red, but surprisingly he didn't turn away. "Just had to be sure."

"It's okay. S-so what did you call for?"

The white wolf shrugged. "Just to talk more."

"Oh." Blake cleared his throat. "So um... are you openly gay?"

"Well I am now, but about a year ago I was trying to fight it off cuz everyone keeps saying that it isn't right and such. But then I saw you at the end of the school year and fell in love with you over the summer. I'd lay there every other night and just think of you; wondering if you were gay, if you liked me, if we could be real friends instead of just friends on Facebook," he said and then laughed.

"I'm nothing special," Blake said quietly.

"Whether that's true or not, you -are- however adorable, cute, sweet, smart, and funny," the wolf said with a smile.

Blake just blushed again, smiling too.

"And by god, you're gorgeously hot too."

Blake snickered. "I'm nothing compared to you. You've got muscles and a strong figure and beautiful eyes. I'm just a skinny nerd with glasses."

"You're beautiful, Blake. Believe me."

Blake got more red and looked away slightly.

"You okay, bud?" Jordan asked.

"I'm fine, just... I'm so new to all this. I mean I read stories and watched movies of people being in love and stuff, but now that it's happening in real life I don't know what I'm doing."

Jordan grabbed his phone as he sat up and onto his butt, showing off his chest and quite the bulge in his boxers. "Don't worry. I'm new to it too, but we can learn it together. I like you a lot and I want to make this work. Okay?"

"Um... I-I can see your uh..." Blake couldn't even finish his sentence.

Jordan didn't even realize he was sporting wood and adjusted himself to hide it again. "I'm so sorry, Blake. You're just so good looking though."

Blake was still red, but he smiled a bit. "It's okay. Honestly I'm flattered that you think I'm so good looking. And I've had an erection since you appeared on the screen, so..."

The wolf just laughed. "You're so cute. I'll let you sleep now, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," the white wolf waved.

Blake undressed himself and laid back down in the bed as he pulled the covers over. He smirked a little as he closed his eyes, knowing the wolf was probably going to have a good time tonight.

Back in Jordan's room, the wolf put his phone on his desk and immediately threw down his boxers to relieve himself. He already had his full 8 inches of black wolf cock hard and waiting. With a little bit of spit and gentle fingers, he slowly started to massage his cock and lube it up. The wolf whimpered in pleasure as the tingling sensation went over his body. He thought about the cute little fox; his face, his smile, his little round butt that was just asking to be plowed.

"Ohhhh Blake..." he murred.

He stroked the full length of his cock at a medium pace, starting to pant just slightly. Beads of precum slowly drizzled across his tip. With his free paw, he reached down and very gently massaged his testicles, causing another wave of pleasure to wash over him. He grabbed his cock a bit tighter and stroked at a faster pace once his knot formed up. It didn't take long before the knot was bloated. He used both paws and stroked himself hard and fast, feeling on the brink of his orgasm. He panted and moaned louder and louder until finally ropes of his wolf cum were released. They splattered all over his stomach and chest, one burst even hitting him right in the muzzle. His body went limp in his afterglow, laying there with his eyes shut for several minutes. Only five minutes later, the white wolf was fast asleep, not caring of the cum that was drying on his fur. He had a date tomorrow and he couldn't wait.

I figured I had to give you guys a little sexual material considering the site. Of course there will be actual sex between the two of them in the future. You'll just have to wait for it :P

I hope you enjoyed the read. Be sure to leave comments and criticism.