[SCRAP] Factions: Hot Spring Curse Foxes

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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I've been more and more thinking about the concept of this game lately, so it's spurred more writings like these.

Just imagine how different people would react to a world where transformation were possible. It'd be interesting to make a game where your factions; allies and enemies and the like, were based on how different people reacted to turning into another race or species of creatures, and where you stood on all that. (Yeah, I know, is it fair to try and be seriously debate a world like that, and still give you an erection? But still, gotta try).

Maybe it's a bit weird, but you just don't get that kind of complexity with 'poof, they're people, but who look like animals'. Sometimes you just gotta tackle some issues.

"I don't know if I want to go through with this." says a man with a muzzle pushing from his face. Bits of his hair have already shed away to reveal a fox's furry skull--one of his ears has already enlarged into that of the same species, leaving the other barely hidden beneath his scraggly mop of blonde hair.

"Go on, do it! You'll feel better once the fox's brain takes over," another figure implores: this one almost fully covered in fur, and bearing rows of teats--a woman, fast becoming a vixen.

The two are standing in a clearing full of similar creatures--people turning fox--and you warily approach their number. A few heads turn; some already wild foxes--or perhaps these are naturally born animals who have simply chosen to partake in this strange gathering.

Then your eye is caught by the centerpiece of this strange scene: a small pool, bubbling with gushes of what looks to be hot spring water. It would look to be a bathing ground for these strange vulpine beings--and floating suspended in midair above it is the most enormous demonstration of fox anatomy you've yet witnessed: a creature coated in blue-grey fur that is liberally 'burning' with an intense aura. It curls itself into a ball, despite its precarious position, floating over open water, burying its snout and folded ears into its blanket of numerous tails, each waving and twitching along with its other limbs, as if it is experiencing dreams of running. Poised before this spring, the two vulpemorph people squabble.

"I'm just not sure I want to give up my humanity. I mean, I have a family: parents, a brother. What if they saw me like this--what we're doing here?" the young man draws into himself, clasping a tail that has breached his muddy blue-jeans, spreading the hairs with his lengthy black nails, to reveal his tail's pink skinned tip. The female simply twists, and stands, swishing her own.

"What about 'humanity'? Not everyone had it as great as you, especially in school; everyone called me an ugly fat cow, and treated me like shit." she growls, hair standing up on her neck and butt, as she gives a truly canine snarl complete with black lips and sharpened teeth. "Here though?" she prances nakedly, falling to her hands and legs--which bend uncannily to support here animal stride.

"I'm a Queen of the forest. And I can do this."

She squats, raising her snout and relieving herself in a steaming pile in the grass. "Oh man, how I can do it," she grunts, closing her eyes with pleasure as she shits in plain sight. "Whenever I want, no questions asked."

She basks, slowly standing erect, and lowering her tail over her exposed pink pucker. It's quickly concealed with a wide flap of flesh that's grown at the base of her new limb. Pointing a pink-tipped finger, covered in black stockinged fur at her compatriot, she continues her lecture.

"Now no one can stop me, or tell me it's wrong, or tell me I'm ugly; because they just sniff, and think to get laid. Or they keep their damn distance, if I'm not in that mood." As if to emphasize her point, a wild fox has already taken a whiff, and begun to roll in the substance, leaving behind its own mark, and sharing some of hers. She licks her muzzle, and gropes her myriad breasts inappropriately, spying the creature.

"It's just, it's just too different. Everyone is supposed to be strong, make it through this. Why are we doing--turning ourselves into this, if there's a way to get fixed?"

"What's wrong with being this way, then? You want me to push you in, show you how you can be 'fixed'? We don't 'have' to be people, you know? Cmon!"

You think to step in to intervene. Then you weigh the ramifications of getting involved in this spat between creatures.