School Spirit

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When Sanmer is constantly being bullied and picked on, he decides to take drastic action to bring the boys to heel.

"I am just done, so fucking done!" Sanmer threw his bag at the couch with a vicious fling that had it nearly rolling off one end. "I hate this damn town, this school, everything!"

The teen threw himself on the couch after his bag, trying to ignore the fact that he was still dripping wet and chunks of mud had managed to get worn into his clothes. He didn't care what anyone said about this being a character building experience or that he should keep his head up, it was anything but. He had spent the last few weeks being tormented each and every day, from name calling to out and out being pushed about and kicked. He had bruises all over his legs and calves from being tripped, their latest game of a long string of little torments. Justin and Dustin were very adept at finding petty games to play with underclassmen, the twins had decided that he was their favorite target. A half Japanese kid in a small town where he didn't have any friends or family except for his parents and his uncle made the perfect target for them.

The twins were a hulking pair of monstrosities that played on the football team and spent their time building up their muscles and making asses of themselves. They were the town darlings, athletic stars that everyone was sure would one day end up on a professional team. There was little doubt that they could get away with murder as long as they were still carrying the team to victory. No one thought twice about them picking on him as long as they did it slyly enough. They tripped him in the hall to make it look like he was clumsy, or they tried to make it seem like it was an accident. Everyone knew it wasn't, but the shell of an excuse allowed them to look the other way. Who cared about a half jap new kid with no friends? The very act of being the twins punching bags made it so no one wanted to get close to him.

Sanmer propped his head back on the arm of the couch and squeezed his eyes shut, he wanted to do nothing more than fall asleep and stay asleep. Maybe if he went to be bed early enough his parents would let him stay home from school tomorrow. It wasn't a permanent fix, but it would at least give him a three day weekend to escape all of his problems. Something, anything, was better than being pushed around and mocked by the pair of hulking idiots. Or maybe he could just convince his mother to home school him, there was always that prayer that she would finally cave. He had spent the first six years being taught at home anyway, who cared if he went through his final two years of high school this way.

"What are you doing home so early?" The voice made Sanmer lift his head a touch to see his Uncle Keito leaning into the living room with a frown on his handsome features. "You were supposed to stay after to study."

"I know." Sanmer winced a bit. "I was going to, but decided I could study well enough at home instead of staying at school."

Keito padded into the living room gracefully, looking entirely at home in the modern surroundings despite the fact he wore a loose silk robe rather than modern clothes. His mother's brother, he looked very like her when she shed her illusion. His thick plush fur was pale blonde, golden hued and darkened towards the very tips of his hand paws and the length of the tails that waved in a bunch behind him. Like most kitsune, he seemed entirely at home in any situation, even America. Sanmer rarely saw him in human guise, he only used it when he was going out and he didn't enjoy doing that more than once a week. His mother certainly didn't take on her normal shape that often, but she had also been living in the states long enough that she felt more comfortable behind her illusion. He only reverted to his normal shape for special events or ceremonies, he had enough problems without someone finding out his family came from a long line of Japanese kitsune.

"How do you expect to get into a good college if you do not apply yourself?" Keito's voice held a trace of mild annoyance as the fox padded into the room and took a seat on a couch arm. "You cannot do that while lounging on the couch."

"Yeah, but at least here I'm not going to have to deal with the kids from school." He shifted on the couch, sitting up straight as his Uncle gestured for him to make room. "I'd study better at home, I don't have to worry about anyone then."

"Are you still having problems?" Keito snapped, almost sounding angry at HIM for having troubles. It made Sanmer bristle, like it was his damn fault the twins chose him to pick on.

"They're huge, it's not like I can do a damn thing about it. They just like having someone to pick on, and I'm it this year." He reached over to drag his bag off the couch, flinching at the glare that his uncle was giving him.

"Nothing you can do?" The fox curled his upper lip back to show sharp white fangs. "You are descended from a great family and name, and all you can think of is to sit here and speak of being able to do nothing to help yourself."

"Oh yeah, getting furry will make them tremble in their socks I'm sure." He sank a bit deeper into his misery. "That'll just make more of a freak. And Mom would have my hide if I even thought about it."

"Then I will think of it for you." Keito's tails flicked back and forth delicately. "You know as well as I do that you are not simply a furred creature. Being a kitsune means much more than that, as well you know. Did I not come here to teach you? Have you learned nothing?"

"Yeah, but that's also just within the house. You know the lecture." He glanced towards the fox that was stretched out, his blunt claws plucked at the back of the couch. "We've survived through secrecy and discretion."

"Mmm, yes, but that does not mean that you should allow yourself to be stepped on because two young men have decided you are their punching bag." Keito spoke slowly, his eyes lidding as if he were thinking. "Discretion can be achieved through other means than simply keeping yourself from exercising your powers. It can come by ensuring the silence and compliance of those that see it."

Sanmer lifted his head, blinking a few times at the suggestion that was being given him. It went against everything that his mother had ever lectured him about, it went against every belief that his family had. A shiver ran down the length of his spine as he licked his lips nervously and glanced at his hands. Could he just put an end to the bullying himself? And how far would he go?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sanmer put on a burst of speed as he tore around the back part of the school, his entire body stretched out as he tried to make sure that he could keep the distance that he had between himself and the two boys following him. He had never deliberately antagonized either of the twins before, the very act of doing it had terrified him, but there was no other way. He had to get them away from their friends and the school, and that meant doing the impossible. He had been shaking as he carried his tray through the cafeteria, watching as one of the twins caught his eye. Dustin, the ever so slightly taller one and the one who had hair that was a few shades darker than his twin, had saw him coming and gotten ready to trip him. He had beat them to it, just as he got in range he had flung his hand out and sent his soda splattering out all over them both.

I'm insane.. they're going to kill me... His lungs burned as he tried to gulp in enough air, tearing around the edge of the building and hearing the pair of them rapidly gaining on him.

"GET BACK HERE!" One of them roared out as he lunged blindly towards a small hill that led down towards the woods.

It wasn't quite off school property, but far enough and lonely enough that he had faith that it would be easy to keep himself hidden. There was a building there, an old bit of a building that had been used for the FFA back in the day, but now it just held most of the maintenance equipment and an old car that they sometimes used in driver's ed. No one ever went down there, it was off bounds for one and for two it wasn't any good to try and party at or escape notice. There were camera's everywhere on the building after kids had been found out drinking. That's what Sanmer was counting on as he felt a swipe against his back and threw himself forward blindly, stumbling and scrabbling to try and get to the back door of the building.

"Come here, jap!" A hand snagged out and caught his shirt, yanking him backwards as he writhed in place. "You little fucking shit, you think you can throw you drink on us and get away with it?"

He kicked off harder, but another hand caught his leg and yanked. "Stop it you little shit, don't even start." Justin, the smaller of the pair pulled him back away from the door.

No no no no no... I have to get to the door! Sanmer let out a short protesting groan and squeezed his eyes shut. I can't do this out in the open, someone could have followed.

"Let me go!" He yelped out, hell he'd been crying that out all year, but he managed to get it out again as he arched his back and tried to wriggle free.

"What? You think the old shed will save you?" Dustin gave a firm pull against his shirt. "Jesus, you're a special kinda stupid aren't you? Don't you get it yet."

"You can't get us in trouble." Justin chime in and suddenly gave a push against his leg, throwing him forward. His brother let out a bark of laughter as he nearly hit the wall of the shed, stumbling and only catching himself by scraping his hands on the rough weathered wood. "You're nothing, just a little half jap pussy that moved in here. No one even knows your last name. Everyone knows us."

"You think a thrown drink will make you big and bad?" Dustin almost growled the words out, his face still showing wetness from where the soda had splattered him. "I think we've been too nice to you, made you think that you are something other than the nobody you are."

"I'm not a nobody." Sanmer lunged, shocked that they didn't try to stop him as he hit the door of the shed and managed to yank it open.

"Heh, God, he really is stupid ain't he, Justin?" Dustin let out a mocking laugh. "Does he really think the school is gonna care he got his pretty hair roughed up a bit?"

"Probably thinks Mommy and Daddy can sue." Justin agreed as Sanmer glanced wildly around the room, his eyes picking out the various bits of machinery that was piled up. This was perfect, just perfect! There wasn't a hint of anyone living down here.

He let out a breath as he dodged behind the massive tractor that was used to take care of the landscape. It took a trembling force of will to grasp ahold of his magic, he'd always been told to never do this in front of humans, to never let his true self be seen. But his Uncle Keito had told him differently, he came from a long line of tricksters and magicians, he wasn't designed to be a frightened mouse hiding in the dark. He was the reason people should be afraid of the dark. A little brush of magic froze the camera's above them, ensuring that they wouldn't record what was being seen. With a shiver thick white fur spilled over him, his slender muzzle pushed out from his face as his ears elongated to the top of his head. Behind him, he felt pressure before nine thick heavy tails curled just up along the length of his back. Even his hair changed, the dark black changing to white-blonde that spilled down in two heavy braids to either side of his shoulders.

He had to struggle out of his shoes, kicking him off as he heard the boys calling out for him as he hid behind the tractor. How dare they do this to him? How dare they drive him to the his point. He narrowed his eyes in anger as he held his breath and listened to them pushing things about. He'd teach them a lesson they never forgot. He could just scare them a little, but his Uncle had hinted that such dishonorable villains deserved to be truly shown a lesson. They should be put in their place in such a way that they would never be able to bully another person again. That's what he intended today. He'd teach them a lesson they would never forget.

Filthy dogs... He growled a little to himself before wriggling out of his shirt and pants, shunning his clothes as making too much noise before gliding deeper into the darkness of the shed. First, strip them on their humanity, their sameness.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Justin hated this shed, it was cluttered and filthy, and so big that he always felt half lost amidst the junk that janitors had gathered over the years. Still, the cameras kept most people away and the school really didn't care what he and his brother did, just like most of the football team, as long as they kept their grades up and got them to the championship no one really complained. He pushed his way through, looking for the short little bitch that was trying to hide. He hated the little shit, the first week he was at school he'd tried to report himself and his brother smoking. Like it was his business what they did?! It was time to put an end to the uppity little shit. It was time to teach him who exactly was in charge in this school.

He glanced across the shed to where his brother was looking in the tractor and snorted at the intense manner that he was poking about. Dustin hated the kid more than he did, Justin didn't like him, but his brother had made it his goal to try and get the kid out of the school by the end of the semester. They were twins, they always had each others' backs, and to tell the truth it was almost fun to have a punching bag around when they were stressed. It wasn't like the little shit was going to go running to anyone about what was being done to him, and even if he did who would he bolt to? They didn't have to worry about offending anyone, his parents weren't that influential and he didn't have any notable friends that could bail him out.

"MMMMMMPHHHHH!!!" A muffled cry stopped him as he pushed some boards out and he turned towards where his brother had been searching.

"Ahh you don't know the meaning of 'shhh' do you? Bad boy." A high pitched voice came as he found his brother pushed up against a wall, someone pinning him there in the shadows. "Now look, you've given the game away."

"Leave him the fuck alone!" Justin stormed forward, drawing back a fist to strike at the figure so that his brother would be released.

"Ahh ahh.. stop!" The command came with a snap and something lashed out at him.

Glowing tendrils twisted out, curling and catching right along his wrists before he could react. It felt like a buzz of electricity holding him there as Dustin let out an outraged sound. His brother was suddenly pushed out into the light, a white figure gripping him as a human sized fox stepped out of the shadows and blinked his eyes a few times in the faint light. He looked almost like an arctic fox, all the way down to the narrow muzzle and the thick fur that coated his throat. The tendril led up to his free hand, the fingers twined around it, drawing it taut so that Justin stumbled forward a step, his eyes locked on his twin in panic. What the hell was happening?

"Let us go, you freak!" He snapped out, jerking backwards and feeling the bite of the tendrils clamping down around his wrists. "Do you know who we are?"

"Bitches." The fox grinned, showing sharp white teeth as he continued to force Dustin forward step by step. "I was told all my life, keep your head down, stay out of trouble, keep your nose clean and you'll do alright. And then both of you came along and made my life hell."

"The hell we did!" Justin tried to answer strongly, but it ended in a yelp as there was a jolt that hit him through the tendril and made his back bow briefly. "AAAHH!!"

"Now now, don't lie." The fox moved his hand away from Dustin's mouth, running his fingers down over the chest lightly. "I had to get you down here, no one comes here because of the cameras. Not that that stopped you."

"Sanmer?!" Dustin croaked, his eyes going to Justin briefly. "What the fuck are you?!"

"Now, we're going to play a little game. A game you have both seem to be obsessed with." The fox's hand reached up while Justin stared, the paw like fingers forced his twin's shirt up into the air. "You both seem to talk about bitches so often, one of you gets to be one. And one can be the butch."

"You faggot!" Justin let out a growl in his throat only to feel another spasm rock through his body, nearly throwing him down to the ground as he shuddered in place. It was an aching pain that was making his teeth start to ache slightly.

"What do you think Dustin? Think you can take your brother's cock? Or do you want to fuck him?" Sanmer whispered the word's to his caught twin as Justin watched. What sort of sick game was this?

"I'm not fucking my brother!" Dustin snapped out, making his twin feel a rush of relief before suddenly crying out. His back arched as he felt a sudden tremor run along the line of his back.

"Then I guess you'll be the bitch then." The fox reached up to force Dustin's face downwards, but Justin barely saw it as his body writhed in place. His muscles quivering and jerking in reaction.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Dustin could smell something almost sweet on the air, it was filling every breath he managed to gulp down as he watched his twin on the ground. He tried to lunge forward, but every time he screamed as his body to fight back, he was forced back. Something coiled through his mind, not stopping his thoughts, but forcing him to remain relaxed as Justin let out a high pitched cry, his jaws spreading open wide. Wider than they should have been able to spread, wider than was humanly possible. In the dim light of the shed he watched a ripple of change starting to flow over his brother's features, running over them as the nose and lips pushed outwards and grew longer, the shape of his head starting to change. Another tendril snapped out, glowing in the darkness and coiling around his twin's stomach as sharp fangs descended down from the mouth and the tongue elongated.

"STOP IT!" He struggled against the mental barriers that held him, he tried to throw his weight forward to get to his brother as thick heavy fur began to sprout from his head, it slid downwards in a rush, running towards the curve of the neck. "YOU HAVE TO STOP IT!"

"Do I?" Sanmer let out a giggle, not a laugh, it was a giggle. "You know, I remember pleading with both of you to leave me alone."

"I'm sorry! Is that what you want to hear?!" His brother's body arched up as a ragged cry came from the tooth filled muzzle, white fur was running along his cheeks and greying towards the top of the head. "I'm sorry, okay!!"

"Mmmm no, I think I know your problem." The fox's paw reached up and rubbed under his chin, the lean body pressed against his back intimately before pulling back. "I think you both have nothing else better to do than chase after poor students, but now I'll give you something to do."

His brother's shirt was tearing as he fell to his side, Justin was trying to curl up into a ball as his body grew larger and the shirt dropped down to reveal dark black fur along his back that shaded towards white to his belly. His legs were changing, the knees shifting higher up and the ankles growing longer as he let out a whimpering ragged noise. Dustin tried to scramble towards him before a maw reached up and rubbed right along his nose. Something hot and slimy smeared there, it spread over the pad and down towards his lips with salty tasting wetness that made his head jerk up. The harsh scent of musk flooded his senses, making him jerk away from the fox that let out a barking laugh of amusement as he was allowed to take a couple of steps forward. When he turned he was able to see exactly what the wet stuff was and his cheeks burned in humiliation and anger.

"You fucking faggot!" He snapped out automatically and scrubbed his mouth as he stared at the dark red length that was jutting up from the fox's loins. "You are a sick fuck!"

Sanmar's mouth parted in a grin, a thick clutch of tails seemed to wag behind him as Dustin tried to get to his brother. They had to get out of this place and back up to the school. The sick bastard wouldn't do anything while they were in the school. As he reached down he could smell the rank male musk still on his nose and lips, the taste of it on his tongue as he edged closer to his brother. Justin was panting happily, pained noises as his body was changed almost all out of proportion. Instead of a tall boy that looked like his double he was clutching at the shoulders of a dog like beast with black and white fur, ice blue eyes blinked up at him wildly as he tried to get his twin up to his feet. The foot paws scrabbled briefly before there was a high pitched whistle coming from behind him.

As his brother sat up he saw the face full on and shuddered at the familiar features that glared at him. They weren't familiar because they were his brother, they were familiar because he wore that face every time he suited up for football. They were the Malamutes, and there was no mistaking the large heavy muzzle, the broad ears, the way the coat ruffled up around the throat. The red tongue hung down slightly, panting in a wheezing sound as the eyes looked entirely unfocused. A parody of the very thing they had chanted over and over again at Pep Rallies. How many times had he screamed that he was a malamute?

"Justin! COME!" The fox thing snapped out while Dustin desperately tried to pull his brother away. His breathing becoming pained.

"RrrrrIiii don't wannnt to." The words were slow and mangled from the canine mouth as his brother gave a wild look. "Rrrrrrun!"

"I said COME!" The word rang like a bell as Dustin dropped to his knees and tried to scramble away. The world was tilting wildly around him.

He let out a choked noise before he felt his jaws starting to ache, the feeling sliding over the edges of his chin and towards the high point of his cheeks as he managed to lurch forward a step. Every movement was pained as he kept his eyes on his goal, he needed to get out of here, even if he couldn't take his twin with him. He could send for help. He felt his brother move, feeling a moment of shock as he realized that Justin was taller than he was now, larger, more heavily built as the canine lurched away from him. He could hear the whimpers before his jaws began to push out into the air, his teeth aching as they curved down into fangs. No, no no no!!!!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Justin left his brother crying for help on the ground, and there was nothing he could do to disobey as the fox settled on the edge of the tractor with a grin on his thin muzzled face. He was victorious and knew it, there was that look in his eyes that said he knew that there was nothing either he or his twin could do to fight him off. He felt dazed as he lurched forward another step, his body still aching faintly from the change that left him looking over a black and white nose. Everything felt wrong and different, a tail balanced behind him as he struggled towards the white fox and whimpered a little as something around his mind tightened and made him drop down. He needed to beg, prostrate himself in front of the slender fox that was mocking him with a teasing smile that tugged at the edges of the agile lips.

"You are a lovely malamute, you know that? I'm shocked I never saw it before, but I suppose when you're being tripped and shoved it's hard to see beauty." Sanmer licked his lips with a flash of his red tongue, an almost nervous gesture. "Come here, you're going to be a good boy and make yourself useful while your brother changes."

Dustin! He wanted to look back for his brother, but forced his attention straight ahead as he was forced down to his knees in front of Sanmer.

"Did you think you could get away with it?" A white paw shot out and grabbed the scruff of his neck, balling up the thick fur there as he yelped out!

"Mmnff! Sorry!" Justin managed to get the words out as he was forced forward, his muzzle rubbing along the upper thigh until he was staring at the bared loins.

"What was it you used to tell me? You can suck my cock." The snapping words made him pin his ears flat to his head in humiliation. "Yes that will do nicely, beg with your tongue and perhaps I'll just admit you've learned your lesson here and you won't have to fuck your brother in front of me."

_Fuck Dustin?!_The thought made him shudder in disgust even more so than looking at the bestial cock that hung on the fox's loins.

It didn't look anything like a human cock, the flesh was shiny looking, almost slimy and tinged dark red around the edges and deep violet near the middle. Small veins ran over it as the tip showed a glimmer of precum along the tip that spilled down to a curious ridge of fur that wrapped right around the bottom. It was some sort of sheath that was meant to cover the entire spire, instead it rested against the furred belly while Justin tucked his tail down. Oh god, did he look like that? His cock had changed, it was no longer visible, he had seen that closely enough when he'd changed, but did he look like an animal? He swallowed his fear and stretched his neck forward, his eyes only flickering to see a roll of white and red out of the corner of his eyes before the hold on his neck forced him forward.

He forced his tongue out, licking along the slimy length and tasting salty precum clinging to his tongue as he swept upwards towards the tip and then worked back down again. He wanted to choke on the taste of it, but he forced himself to lick in strong powerful strokes, his breathing coming out in shallow bursts as he folded his ears down tight against his head and muffled a whimper. He worked his tongue all the way up towards the tip, sweeping up and catching along the glans so a splatter of precum hit against his tongue, smearing along his bottom lips. His tail tucked down between his legs, almost touching against his own sheath as he made himself lick upwards and heard Sanmer groan out in pleasure.

"That's a good boy, see? So much easier to nnnf.. obey.." The fox panted out softly and shivered. "You just have to learn your place."

My place is beating the shit out of you! The former boy wanted to snarl, instead he pushed his tongue downwards, rubbing towards the base of the shaft and twining his tongue along something thicker there.

"You are nothing, you are worth absolutely nothing.. Nnf.. I'm a kitsune, a proud member of an ancient family." The hand on his neck gripped harder and suddenly the cock forced upwards, pushing into his muzzle. "You're lucky to service my cock, you're lucky to not be sent running home like the dogs you are."

_This isn't luck!_Justin nearly screamed the words as the cock forced its way into his muzzle, the harsh scent of a male flooding his nose.

He felt drugged on it, the taste of it was swallowed down automatically as he worked his tongue along the heavy length, gliding from the base all the way to the tip before going down again. It throbbed along his tongue, making him forget about the sounds of his brother's increased fear, the short yips and yelps as bones cracked and popped. He struggled to turn his attention to his twin, but the oozing precum that ran down his throat was like a line of heat that spread through him. It was too hard to think, he wanted to think, god he wanted out of here! He wanted to snap his jaws shut and unman their tormenter that had shaped him into the school mascot, but instead he closed his muzzle down tightly and pulled from the base all the way to the tip, feeling the white hips dragging upwards.

The world slowed down, the sounds of his brother's groans and hisses were lost to him, he couldn't remember exactly what he was fighting for or about. He was too busy working his tongue down, running along the base of the cock and then pulling upwards again. The wetness clung to his senses, making him swallow faster as the precum made the world swim around him and he moved his large hand paws up to either side of the kitsune's hips as he swept his tongue down towards the base and pushed higher up in the air. The hands moved to stroke along his neck with a growl of approval that made him preen slightly in pleasure. Yes, this was what he wanted, this was what he was striving for, to pleasure the fox. The thoughts clung to him, ignoring the screaming voice beneath them that wanted to turn and check on Dustin. He heard the cries coming out, snarling high pitched cries of denial that he blocked out in favor of the powerful hips surging up against him.

He pushed his muzzle down until he was nearly wedging right up against the sheath itself, the knot pressed along his tongue and the tip wedging along his throat while he struggled to swallow. He gulped and squeezed around the length, pulling more of the precum down while the fox shuddered and jerked his hips higher up in the air. His breathing came out in a ragged groan as the bulb at the base grew wider and larger, forcing Justin to struggle to wrap his lips around it. The boned length jabbed deep into his mouth, the fox shifted up along the bale of straw and pushed roughly against his shoulders to drive into his muzzle in short hard movements, forcing the knot into his muzzle.

"JUSTIN!" A snarling voice made him open his eyes briefly, seeing a red and white face staring at him with wide horrified eyes, but it didn't matter. Did it? He couldn't remember why it should matter.

"Good... nnf... boy..." The praise came from above, the kitsune, yes that's what mattered, the salty taste of the precum that was thickening as the knot flared open wide.

The white hips drove forward, plunging into his muzzle and making his jaws ache to wrap around it before the slender fox shuddered above him. The first hot rope of cum erupted into his mouth, thick oozing ropes pushed into his throat as he whimpered out and swallowed eagerly. His tail wagged behind him slowly, curling along the small of his back and he ran his tongue along the underside of the knot and tried to swallow down more. It clung to the roof of his mouth, coated his tongue wetly, made the scent of the male flood him until he felt heavy and warm, content and eager. The little enraged and horrified voice was pushed a bit deeper down as he pulled backwards, rolling his tongue along the tip as the final splatter of cum hit out against his nose.

"Now go give your brother a kiss, I think he's feeling quite left out." The master murmured softly, his fingers rubbing along Justin's ears. Yes, he should make Dustin feel a part of this. The malamute lolled his cum coated tongue out in a grin as a rope splattered over the bridge of his muzzle messily.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Dustin snarled the words and staggered back away as his brother turned from the kitsune.

His stomach was rolling in disgust at what he'd seen, how could his brother suck off a fucking animal?! It was enough that he was able to dismiss the terror that was lurking in his mind when the larger black and white malamute stood up and started to pad towards him. The blue eyes were mostly black, the pupils dilated as if he were drugged and the hand paws were reaching out for him. He tried to get away, his clothing tripped him up from where it had been ripped away, fallen away through his change. He felt a wave of mingled disgust and interest at the thick scents on the air, harsh and male as he tried to make a bolt to one side of the room only to have a hand reach out and catch him around the waist. He kicked backwards, but Justin dragged him back with a low growl, the large arms wrapping around him.

"You'll like it..." Even his voice sounded strange and drugged. Dustin kicked back harder and threw his weight forward.

"LET ME GO!" He snapped out, hating that he echoed what the half-jap had screamed out earlier. But it didn't matter, he didn't want to be near his brother and the smeared cum coated face.

His body was changed, but not like his twin had been. All their lives they had been almost entirely identical with only the smallest details setting each other apart. It had been the way life had always been, he loved having someone so like him, but no longer. He was half a foot shorter than his brother, his body was just a shade more slender instead of muscular and the fur that coated him was a heavy cinnamon color with undertones of white. They matched the school mascots entirely, their school shirts all boasted two malamute heads snarling at each other, one black and one red, the school colors. And if that had been all he could have born it, but it wasn't.

His stomach still had a six pack, but lower his body had been changed into something horrifying. There wasn't a hanging cock and balls, there wasn't even a sheath like Justin had, instead, he possessed a dark spade shaped sex nestled between his legs. The swollen flesh tucked away neatly as if he had never had a cock in the first place. He was a male in all other senses, but he had been humiliated in that one area as he brother yanked him forward, smelling thickly of male and the larger muzzle leaned down towards him. For a moment, Dustin snarled at him, baring his teeth to try and drive him off, willing himself to bite his own brother. But he couldn't, he couldn't hurt his twin, he never could, instead he had to hold still and tremble as the lips pushed down against him.

Smearing cum rubbed along his muzzle, the tongue pushed out, forcing itself against his sealed mouth and prying roughly as the former boy tried to tuck his head down to evade them. He didn't want to taste the kitsune's cum, that was obviously what had nearly destroyed his brother and he wasn't about to let it do something to his mind as well. Even struggling against it, he couldn't evade the push of the tongue. One of his brother's paws reached up to grip his scruff and pulled, forcing his muzzle open as the long canine tongue plunged into his maw. It was hot and slick, broad and caressing as he tasted hot salt and male flooding his senses, making his body shudder and quiver as he tried to escape it. He wasn't going to become a puppet! He wasn't going to let that damned creature control him.

"Hold your brother, now Justin." Sanmer's voice held an edge of a giggle as Dustin struggled. The tongue pushed in lewdly deep, exploring his muzzle hotly before slowly dragging backwards. "Sometimes a little bitch just needs to be taught her place in the order of things."

Dustin pinned his ears back and twisted his head around with an angry snarl. He had said that the second day of school, right after he'd found out that the little shit had turned him in for smoking. He'd been enraged at the time, it had been hilarious too to see the little half breed blush. Now the white fox stood there clutching a bright red nylon harness in his hands and a smile, the long traces hung down to either side of the harness in a familiar manner. It was the harness from the mascot costume that was worn at the games, their two mascots wore harnesses on their outfits and pulled out a sled that normally depicted a picture of the opposing school being beaten up.

"It's okay.. it's really nice when you get used to it." Justin's voice was slow and slurred as the large arms wrapped around him.

"Stop and think, damnit! He's doing this to you! He's drugging you somehow, he's got you trNNNNNF!!" The last words were bitten off as a thick bit of nylon was forced over the bridge of his muzzle and the loop tightened to bite painfully and seal his lips shut.

"A good bitch should be seen and not hurt. Now hold your brother out, let's see if the harness fits." Sanmer was almost giggling as he said it, the fox standing there with bright eyes and his knotted cock still hanging out.

He came in close to him, brushing along him with his eyes glittering with not just humor, but malice at his position. His tongue flicked out, brushing along the tip of Dustin's nose as he was forced to rest with his back pressed along his brother's front. It was an awful position to be in, he could feel the line of the chest, the belly and worst of all the sheath that sandwiched right along the crease of his ass. He snapped his tail down flat as Sanmer reached up and pulled the blue nylon over his head, tugging it over his ears to rest around his neck, the loose edges dangling along his front. He tried to keep his arms flat to his sides, but they were forced up, the fox gripping them and tugging them through the armholes in the get up.

Justin rubbed against him, the cum scented muzzle snuffling against the curve of his cheek while the big malamute seemed as utterly calm as a real dog at the proceedings. Where was his brother?! His twin should have been fighting for him, snarling and snapping to protect him, instead he felt a broad paw reach down and force one of his legs up in the air so the harness could wrap around his upper thigh on one side and then the other. His dark spade visible to any glance even as he struggled to hide it, doing his best to close his legs tight while he ground his teeth together and gave his head a shake in an attempt to dislodge the muzzle.

"You keep telling me how valuable you are.." The kitsune stepped back, the clutch of tail wagging slowly along the curve of his back. "That you're something special, something unique. But do you know what I see?"

"RRRRF!!!" Dustin lunged forward, feeling the large paws of his brother slipping away as he tried to strike out at the creature.

"I see a dog that hasn't been trained not to bite or bark, I see a dog that needs to be put into his place. " The kitsune's eyes flicked back towards Justin.

"That's not... right..." The voice was slow, dragging outwards from the deep chest, but it gave Dustin a surge of hope.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" The words snapped out, but with the words came a snapping of power that made Dustin flinch and Justin whimper.

"No..." Justin's voice sounded lost as Dustin reached up to try and pry the muzzle off of him.

"No you don't.." Sanmer reached forward and caught his harness in one hand, yanking on it roughly so that the former boy stumbled forward. "You still have to be punished."

The malamute struggled, his head ducking down as he surged forward, confident that he was still larger than the kitsune, he could still break free. Instead, the white fox gave a twist and yank that sent him tumbling to one side, a large white foot paw slamming down against his chest to pin him to the ground. He writhed, trying to pry it off, but it felt heavier than it should have been, even with the weight pressing down over him. His breathing came out in short labored gasps, each one being swallowed down before he whimpered out again. The blunt claws tugged against him as two blue pieces of harness were suddenly draped over his legs and the creature leaned forward.

Dustin felt a wash of disgust as he saw the dark red cock hanging down, the bulbous base swollen open as a slow dribble of seed continued to spill out. It splattered against him, coating him with sticky patches that seemed to burn where they hit, making him twist and shudder against the ground. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't! He repeated the words to himself as one of his legs was forced up and bound, the fox stepping backwards so that his cock swayed just above his head, an oozing dribble hitting out on his nose with a rush of scent and heat.

"Lick it off." Sanmer's voice snapped the word out, a demanding tone that forced him to respond.

He hated himself for it, but he licked over his lips, his tongue edging out despite the muzzle and tasting the thick gooey stuff before he swallowed. His mind shivered, feeling light as he struggled to remind himself why this was so wrong, he wasn't a dog, he wasn't this thing between male and female, he wasn't a fucking toy! He growled out, shuddering as his other leg was forced to bend at the knee, the paws tucked up near his ass so he couldn't stand up even if he wanted too.

"Come here, Justin, give the bitch what he wants." Sanmer's voice was taunting even as he shuddered in place.

"NNNNNNF!! JNNNSHNNN!" Dustin tried to call out his brother's name, but it was all mangled.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Justin stared at the curve of his brother's ass and felt that little voice stirring in the back of his head. This wasn't right, he shouldn't be growing aroused looking at his brother, watching him writhe and twist against the ground, seeing the legs forcibly bound. The dark red tip of his cock was pushed out of his sheath, glistening in the light as he licked his lips and turned his gaze towards the fox, the hanging cock that was still full and promising. He licked his lips again, reaching for every smear of cum left over as he stumbled forward one step after another, a few more inches of his large cock pushing out into the light. He knew this was wrong, but it was too hard to care about why it was wrong and why he should stop.

He crouched down as Dustin twisted and arched against the ground, the snarls loud enough to disturb the former boy, but that was before he darted his head down and hotly licked along the hanging cock. The small fox moved his hands down to rub along the broad spread of his head, caressing his ears as he caught the cock tip between his lips and rubbed over it. He felt the heaviness slide over his thoughts again, entrapped by the kitsune's hold and quieting the voice that told him just how wrong this was. He moved his hands down to press against his twin's hips and shifted forward, dragging the weight of his sheath up to rest over the bitch folds.

"Aren't you eager... Who knew that this lurked beneath those foul words and angry insults.." Sanmer panted out shallowly, rocking his hips forward so that his knot pushed right up against the lips before dragging backwards again.

"JNNNNSSSHHNNN!!" The muffled voice made Justin's ears prick up, but then drop back down as he felt fur caressing his so sensitive cock tip.

His cock pushed outwards as he pulled the stiff boned cock into his maw, swallowing and curling his tongue around it. He nestled his lips right against the sheath as inch by inch his swollen cock edged out into the light. He was bigger now, his sheath strained to open around him as he pushed along the hard muscled stomach of his brother. He rubbed himself there, grinding so that the weight of his balls were caressing the crease of his as he rocked forward and the kitsune stepped back. The cock dragged from his lips messily while he drew his hips backwards, the thick tip rubbing right down against his brother's cunt as he let out a low growl. Oh he knew what to do now, he had done this with girls before.

~ ~ * ~ ~

No no no no!!! STOP!!! Dustin's eyes bulged as he felt the cock tip grinding against his virginal body, smearing wetness against him.

His brother's claws bit down against his hips as the larger malamute growled down at his bound twin, the powerful muscles tensing before he lunged forward with a rough thrust. He screamed out, a high pitched muffled sound as his walls were splayed open wide, a hot slimy splatter pushed into him as the cock burrowed into his passage, forcing his hips up into the air as his brother leaned down and ran a broad tongue over his chest. There was no hesitation, no attempt to stop himself from doing this act, just the powerful plunge of the hips and the inches that forced him open into a lewd O. His inner walls contracted, trying to force it out as the weight pushed down harder along him. One of the paws reached down to shove against his chest while another thrust hit him, a few more inches sinking into him.

It hurt and it ached, it made his entire body stiffen and shudder as his walls clamped down harder to feel every glassy smooth inch being stuffed into his body. The precum was flung in deep, hot thick ropes that ran along his inner body and pushed ever deeper despite his struggles to get free. He kicked out wildly, but his bound legs only lifted up higher as the malamute leaned down to nip against his shoulder. His twin nipped against his shoulder. God his own twin was burrowing his cock deeper and deeper, touching him in a way that went beyond closeness as Dustin arched his back and let out a higher pitched whimper.

There was a lewd wet noise as the thickest point of the base shoved up against his outer lips, oozing out a dribble of precum along the crease of his ass before Justin yanked backwards. The smooth motion made him shudder, an unwilling spark of pleasure having him squirm against the ground before another thrust forced the shaft back into his body. Brutally breaking him in, forcing his cunny to splay open wider and wider, molding around the boned shaft just the way it had always been meant too. Every attempt to escape was only getting another thrust as the paws ran claws along the thick cinnamon colored fur. His eyes squeezed shut as he felt something drooling along his muzzle, the fox was looming over him, mockingly grinding the tip of his cock over his face as he was fucked.

"You see? You were meant for this, little bitch. Show some school spirit, you're a real malamute now." Sanmer's voice was almost a sing song tone as another thrust rocked through Dustin's body making him yip out wildly.

Justin hammered into him, rough powerful thrusts that were driving every last inch into him, the thickest point of the base wedged into the taut ring over and over again. Forcing it to splay open wide briefly before it was pulled out again with a slippery sound, and not simply with precum that was being pushed in and out. His own body grew slick, reacting to the steady pace that was rocking him across the floor, driving him on and on, his back arched higher up in the air while he snapped his jaws wildly, tongue arching up in his mouth. It was too much, he knew it was too much, and it didn't matter. Some part of his mind was giving into it as the harsh male scents flooded his nose, making him clench and suckle round the cock.

The thickness of the base pinned the folds of his spade shaped sex down at the apex of each thrust, forcing them in on themselves before it lewdly popped into him and was immediately pulled back out again. The thick bulb caress and tugged parts of his body he knew he had never had before, his paws clamped down against the ground, digging in roughly against the wood as he jerked his head up higher in the air. His back bowed slightly as the paws moved to grip his hips and yank them upwards into the air. His twin was letting out a high pitched whine as the hot broad tongue licked over his brother's muzzle, curling along the edges until Dustin tried to lick back.

It was humiliating, horrifying, but he couldn't stop himself as every breath came out in short little yips in response to the powerful haunches that pushed him mercilessly closer to the edge, relentlessly forcing him towards a peak that he couldn't possibly stop. He could only snap his head backwards and gape his jaws open wide as he felt the need growing. His belly tensed up as the knot shoved into him, popping with a faint stab of pain before yanking backwards again. The nylon was pulled away from his muzzle, he felt it falling to one side so his jaws could open up as he cried out and felt the hammering thrusts building on each other, each one going harder and harder, building to a point that he could feel his body tensing up.

As his mouth was open something hot and hard plunged into his muzzle, he felt the warmth of it pushing along his tongue, the thickness prying his maw open wide. Dustin swallowed as something hot washed down his throat, oozing precum smearing over him as he muffled his howl of pleasure. His ears burned in utter humiliation as he came around his twin's cock, pulling around it, trying to coax it in deeper as the knot popped in with a lewd squelching sound as a mixture of cum and his own juices were pushed out over the edges and smeared along his outer lips. The humiliation only fading with the taste of fox on his tongue, an erotic intoxicating taste that made him work his jaws harder, pulling and swallowing as fast as his jaws would move.

The knot swelled open wider and wider, it ground right up along his g-spot as he pulled around it. And when Justin tried to jerk backwards the knot only dragged his ass up into the air briefly before he pushed forward, the malleable muscles around the base ensuring that it was locked deep inside of his silken body. With a final thrust his brother came to a trembling halt above him, his breathing ragged and harsh while Dustin squirmed beneath him, tied to his brother as a pair of soft white orbs mockingly rubbed right along the bridge of his nose. His world narrowing down to the first pulse along the boned red shaft before the first watery rush of his brother's cum erupted into his body, flooding him in ropey waves.

His walls squeezed and pulled, milking around the shaft as the sperm rich goo was flung in deep, pulled in even deeper as Justin leaned over him and let out a low growl of pleasure. Every thick flung splatter was pulled higher up while Dustin wriggled and twisted beneath the weight, the fox only rubbing through his muzzle mockingly as a strand of precum ran along the corner's of his white muzzle. It no longer mattered that he wasn't supposed to be a dog or a bitch, all that mattered was the pleasure rolling through him as the oozing cum continued to spurt out while he clamped around the knot. It filled him with a warm rush that flowed along his belly, making him pull his ears back against his head. His tongue rolled up and under Sanmer's cock tip, coaxing out another dribble of precum.

"That's right... you were meant to be this.." One of the white paws reached down to run along the underside of his throat so Dustin shuddered, feeling his twin resting over him with a contented sight. He couldn't quite remember why he had been fighting all of this...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

Three Weeks Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"HEY! HEY WAIT UP!" The call was nearly roared down the hallway as a slender boy slammed his locker shut and automatically hunched his shoulders.

Beau tried his best not to look up as an arm suddenly slammed out in front of him and a grinning face looked down towards him. The boy was tall, no not just tall, he was big. The senior had broad shoulders and lazy looking eyes as he invaded Beau's personal space. He tried to keep his eyes fixed on the ground and clutched his books tightly to his chest. He knew what was coming, this happened every time his father got a new position in the army and he had change schools. He was small, barely five feet tall, with soft features and an almost effeminate look that made him a target for nearly every Neanderthal that spotted him. Why should this school be any different?

But it was different, behind the first boy there was another, a shade taller and a bit bigger with his hair a darker color, but almost identical aside from that. Twins. Twin hulking boys who were obviously athletes given their varsity jackets and the way they seemed to dominate the part of the hall simply by standing there. Beau shied backwards a few steps and braced himself, he'd get knocked about again, maybe called a faggot and that would be it. If he could just take the hits they'd probably leave him alone afterwards thinking they'd shown him who was boss.

"Here, lemme see that." The bigger one reached over to take the scrap of paper the office had given him. "Oh hey, he's in Chem with us, Justin."

"Yeah, we'll get ya there alright." The first boy gave a smile, nodding his head in an almost nervous sway up and down. "I'm Justin and this is my twin Dustin, we thought you must be new."

"O-oh? Okay.." Beau blinked his eyes rapidly, not sure what to do as the first one tried to take his books with an attempt at a friendly smile. Why were they doing this? It was some sort of joke.

"I'm Sanmer." A soft voice finally did it, Beau's attempt at looking harmless fell apart and he nearly jumped out of his skin as he bolted from his locker and found an Asian boy grinning behind him. He was short, slender and very harmless looking. "Sorry if they frightened you, we thought you could use some help."

"Oh.. I think I can manage, I mean, if you can show me." Beau swallowed and licked his lips.

"Justin and Dustin can show you, and keep you from getting pounced." Sanmer shouldered his own bag, a slow smile sliding over his features as his eyes moved to look at the jocks behind him. "They are good guard dogs, aren't you boys?"

"Yes Si--Sanmer.." The big one, Dustin answered with a suddenly wide eyed look. "We'll take him to class alright."

"Yeah." Justin bobbed his head up and down, looking just slightly less nervous than his brother.

Beau could only follow behind them, not quite sure of what had happened as he was taken to class. No one hit him or mocked him as long as the twins were around, and the twins only answered to one person as far as anyone in the school could tell. Sanmer. And no one ever quite found out why...but everyone agreed that he kept them on a very short leash.