In the Limelight: Chapter 4

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well here it finally is everyone, the conclusion to this story. This will likely be my last story for a while, as I'm going to be focusing on working on a yaoi manga with another artist. Hope everyone enjoys my work here, I certainly worked my tail off writing it. <3

David reclined his seat back slightly, still adjusting to the interior of the fox's car. The seats and upholstery were all finely maintained leather, so polished in fact that moonlight reflected off of them at the right angles. The air smelled faintly of lavender and vanilla, a scent that the orca could not get enough of. Laeus sat in the driver's seat, smiling intently as he weaved about the nightly traffic. David had given him proper directions and was surprised to learn that the fox had already been to his apartment complex several times before with friends. Though he knew the ride would be a short one, time was filled with pleasant filler conversation, mostly centered around David's lifestyle and Laeus' work experience as a bartender. David made sure to edit out a few things he told the fox about himself, he would come back to the finer details later. Laeus described the different bar-tending jobs he'd had within the past few years, even serving as the private bar-tender of a rather wealthy bull who owned several clubs in and out of the city.

"The guy was obsessed with me; always buying me nice gifts and taking me out to high-class restaurants. It was like I was a deity being idolized." David was shocked at how easy the fox's life had been, almost completely devoid of any of the stress that permeated the orca's existence on an almost daily basis.

"That sounds pretty amazing to be honest, like something you read in cheap porno mags by lonely guys trying to live out a power fantasy." David's words caused Laeus to burst into laughter, catching him by surprise.

"Yes, I suppose you could say that is almost exactly how it was. The guy was in fact very lonely, he wanted something more serious than a fling," the fox responded to David's statement, "and I wanted anything but another short lived relationship myself."

The orca put his hands behind his neck and stretched out slightly, the pain from his bruises barely noticeable now. "So why did it end?"

The fox reserved answering his question for several minutes, his smile gone. Only once they hit a red light did he speak. "I suppose that I got tired of being worshiped. Being held higher than everyone else had its perks, but eventually I just wanted to come back down to Earth. He couldn't treat me as an equal, he could only elevate me beyond anything else and everyone else in his own life. Its true what they say, it gets lonely at the top."

David thought about Laeus' past predicament and found himself sympathizing for the fox, more because he had done the exact thing to others he had dated. Treating someone as an equal was harder than it sounded, being lonely and desperate had a way of making you cling to things or people. The problem was that he had clung too hard to others and it drove them away.

"Yeah, I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I used to do the same thing to others back when I dated." The fox's ears perked up slightly and he turned his head.

"You've stopped dating?" The orca nodded but caught himself quickly, afraid his new friend might take that the wrong way.

"Its more like I'm looking more carefully now. My screening process has gotten much more rigorous."

The fox nodded, slipping a hand onto David's leg and rubbing gently. The contact made him shiver, it was unexpected and exciting. Laeus' next words almost made him jump from his seat.

"So where do I stand in your screening process?" David chuckled and blushed visibly, surprised by the sudden bluntness.

"I...I guess so, you don't seem much like the other guys I've gotten involved with. You actually seem to want know the real me," he paused, recalling various relationships. "I've been treated as a stud mostly, like a body to just ogle and use. Its like people ignore my personality, they just see the muscles and libido and want to get right to fucking." The fox frowned, disconcerted by the orca's past predicaments.

"Sugar, don't go looking for love at a club. You will find its substitute, lust, in abundance." David was about to say something before he realized that they were at his building already. He couldn't believe how much conversation they had packed in in only about ten minutes. Laeus turned off his car and plucked the keys out, unbuckling his seat belt and exiting gingerly. The orca did the same and sighed happily as the cool night air greeted him. The city lights were not as prevalent in this part of the district, and one could see the star streaked sky quite clearly on nights like this. He turned and found Laeus gazing up, a smile plastered on his muzzle. "Sometimes I like to go star-gazing on the roof of my apartment complex."

"No kidding! I love doing that very same thing here with a couple friends of mine." David was really beginning to like this fox. They shared many common interests but were different enough where it mattered, something that David had come to crave from others. The fox stepped toward him and huddled in close, his fur warming the orca's soft hide.

"Its a little chilly out here hun, how about we take this inside?" David smiled and nodded at Laeus' question, wrapping an arm around his waist and walking him towards a pathway that led between four major apartment buildings.

"This place used to be all one huge building, but they renovated it before I even moved here. I heard it wasn't much to look at, just a regular brick and mortar apartment complex." The fox nodded, listening to David intently as he looked around, spotting various lights set up through the miniature park and around people's door and patios. "They were losing business to other places, owners that had more creativity in designing their buildings. They felt their design was too utilitarian, their tenants wanted something more welcoming. What you are seeing now is the result of that change." The both of them walked around, admiring the well-lit courtyard and greeting any night-goers they happened upon.

"I've never been in the center of this thing you know," spoke Laeus, sitting on a nearby bench under a lamp post. "I've ever only taken the front entrance and none of my friends cared to mention any of what the middle contained." David laughed and pulled his new friend close, enjoying the feel of Laeus' soft fur on his skin.

"I can't believe that, what kind of friends wouldn't want to show this off? Its beautiful here no matter the time of day!"

The fox smiled and leaned in close, snuggling against the broad orca. "I guess we take things for granted a little too often." He knew the fox was absolutely correct; put a person in the most luxurious home and eventually they will become bored with it and seek something new.

"I try and avoid doing that, it's already cost me dearly as it is." His mind trailed back to people he had been with: A fox here, an avian here, various breeds of canine, and even a couple dragons. They had all taken him for granted, assuming he would always be happy with whatever they did. Their actions and attitude had driven him away, or they had left of their own will. He blinked as he looked down, finding Laeus' hand resting firmly on his chest. Even through the fabric he could still feel the warmth resting there, and it comforted him more than any drink ever could. The blue-furred fox leaned in, resting his head where his paw had been moments earlier. David rested his head atop Laeus', smiling as he felt his long ears twitch. The double fountain that they were near was serene and calming, the sound of water pouring forth relaxing both of them as they held onto each other affectionately. In truth, David did not know how much better this night could go. He had a lovely twinkish fox in his arms and a beautifully starry sky to gaze up at. Little did he suspect that his night had one more surprise for him.

It started as David felt the fox lift his head from under his own, the orca leaning back a bit. He was then surprised to find the fox's lips pressed to his own in an instant, his lipstick tasting of fresh blueberries. Laeus' bold action made his heart jump into overdrive, madly thumping in his chest as he mind reeled from the reality of what had just occurred. The fox withdrew his lips and grinned up at the orca, his well-kept blue tail wagging firmly against the bench. David's mouth was agape, his eyes transfixed with the smaller male's. They held the stare for several long moments before David brought the kiss back in, planting it firmly upon the fox. Laeus returned it with equal enthusiasm, sliding his rough, canine tongue against the orca's own. David wrapped his arms around the fox's lithe body, finding that he had warmed up significantly. Their hot breath mingled together, hands searching the others body, passion igniting at last between the two as they let their inhibitions go. David could not resist Laeus, the twink now firmly positioned on his lap, wiggling his girlish hips in a manner most teasing. David huffed and placed his hands firmly upon the fox's clothed backside, squeezing it fully. Laeus gave a small yelp and wiggled more in response, feeling the orca's bulge grow against his rear.

David could scarcely believe his luck, groaning as the petite fox ground against his lap, drawing out short breaths from him. David's large, prehensile member was growing steadily in his jeans, unable to resist the temptations of the twinkish male. He groaned and tilted his head back as he felt the fox reaching into his jeans, pressing down into his boxers and grasping his throbbing rod. Laeus kissed along the nape of his neck as he fondled David's impressively sized cock, working his hand along the shaft slowly, restricted still by the jeans. He leaned back and looked down, seeing a belt, a button, and a zipper between him and his prize. He grinned, thinking of how that orca cock must taste and feel in his muzzle, reaching down only to have David suddenly grip his hand.

"Not here..." he said through weighted breaths, "Let's go to my place." Laeus nodded and pouted adorably as David slowly lifted him off, the flustered orca rising to his feet and groaning. There was an extremely noticeable bulge in his pants, and Laeus relished the thought of freeing that sizable member. They hurried along a lit pathway, a few strangers giving them odd looks as they rushed along. They couldn't help but grope one another along the way, David giving the fox's ass a nice smack whilst Laeus returned the favor by cupping his balls through his jeans. The two were practically dry humping each other by the time David reached his door. He fumbled for his wallet, trying to focus as the mischievous fox rubbed over his chest. He retrieved a small blue card and swiped in through a small slit next to a keypad. A yellow light blinked above it and David entered his five digit code, nearly forgetting it as Laeus reached back down into his pants. The light turned green after a torturous pause and the eager orca pushed his door open, scooping the fox up in his arms. Laeus giggled gleefully and engaged David in another passionate kiss, nibbling along his lips temptingly. David was painfully hard now, his bulge having grown into a full on erection as his mind ran wild with thoughts of what he could do to the smaller male. As usual he had left a few lights on whenever he went out, smiling as he carried the fox past the door, closing it firmly with his tail. He walked to the bedroom, watching Laeus twist his head to see his surroundings better.

"I apologize in advance for the mess here, I cleaned it up as best I could with company in mind." The fox shook his head and licked his neck roughly.

"Don't sweat it sugar, I'm sure I've been with guys way messier than you." David smirked and squeezed the fox playfully in his arms, feeling his body squirm in response. As they entered his bedroom, David planted Laeus right on the edge of his bed and went about turning on several mood lights he had plugged in. First came the purple ones, then reds, and then dark blues, bathing the bedroom in a multitude of lights and shadows. Laeus' eyes focused on several sets of candles in each corner of the room, their sizes and colors varied. "Wow, you really go all out for this romance stuff huh?"

David chuckled, retrieving a lighter from a drawer and moving to each corner of the room, deciding which scent would best compliment the amorous situation. As he searched he began verbally listing everything he went through, "Ocean Breeze, Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon, Lavender Vanilla, Peppermint...".

"That Pumpkin Spice one sounds delicious," remarked the fox, already stripping down as the orca focused his attention on the candles.

"Ah, that one," answered David, "that is a personal favorite of mine." He bent down and retrieved four of the small candles, placing the others back in their respective drawers. He hurried around the room, placing one and then lighting it before moving on to the next corner, completely oblivious to the mostly nude fox sitting cross-legged on his bed. Once he was done did he finally glance over to the bed, his eyes widening at the lovely sight. For the first time the orca could fully appreciate the sensuous curves that Laeus possessed, the fox eyeing him with a most devilish grin.

"Something catch your eye big boy?" asked Laeus, shifting positions so that he was on his knees. David nodded his head a few moments after the fox had spoken, his eyes lustfully gazing over that petite body. His shoulders were narrow and his stomach lightly muscled, tufts of white fluff coating his abdomen in a circular pattern, his hips wonderfully curvaceous leading down to his lightly furred, feminine legs. David could only imagine how lovely his backside was, and he figured he wouldn't have to imagine very long. The fox pointed at him and said, "How about you take those clothes off big boy?"

"My pleasure," responded the orca, already notcing a bulge in Laeus' tight thong. He lifted his shirt up and over his shoulders quickly, drawing an unabashed whistle from the fox. David blushed quite visibly and began to unbutton his pants, a process that seemed to take unusually long as his brain had switched gears minutes earlier. He was thinking about raw, passionate sex now. Pressing down into the little fox's throat, pawing each other off, sixty-nining, rimming, ramming hard and all other sorts of carnal acts were opening up to him. His pants dropped and the fox gasped as he saw the very visible outline of David's semi-erect cock pressed against the fabric of his boxers.

"Goodness," exclaimed Laeus, "You are going to be a lot to take in." David's heart sank as he heard those words, wondering if his large size would prevent him from doing whatever the fox had planned. Laeus tilted his head as he caught on to David's sudden change of mood. "Don't worry hun, seem about just right for me. You're not gonna hurt me, I promise." He smiled once more and joined the fox on the bed, both of its occupants almost completely nude. They stared at each other for a few moments, taking in the detail of each others bodies. Laeus pressed his lips against the orca's first, erasing any tension his new partner may have been feeling. David wrapped his strong arms around the fox, pulling their warm bodies together in a passionate embrace. The blue-furred fox moaned into the kiss as he felt the orca's skilled hands rubbing slowly down his back, his fingers working the pressure points. Laeus rubbed his hands along David's well muscled abdomen, admiring his toned physique. Their tongues danced as the two newly formed lovers explored their bodies, their bulges rubbing together. David was savoring the taste of the fox's blueberry lipstick, his breath coming in short, quick pants as his heart rate accelerated. Laeus had already managed to get a hand down his boxers and he had to admit the fox was driving him crazy. Laeus was enjoying himself immensely, a hand wrapped firmly around the base of the orca's prehensile cock as they made out. He had never been with a cetacean before, though he had heard great things from his friends that only made him more eager to seek one out. He stroked up from the thick base, the smooth shaft narrowing as he approached the tip, pre coating the thin fur on his palms. He withdrew from the kiss and licked his lips, gripping the sides of David's boxers and pulling them down. David blinked and was surprised by the fox's sudden dominance, having initially taken him for a complete sub. He grinned wider and leaned back, widening his legs so the fox could slip down his boxers. Before he knew it they were completely off and he had been pushed back, resting atop a small pile of pillows. He arched his back and stifled a loud moan, feeling the fox's muzzle and tongue against his heavy sack. He gripped the bedsheets and sighed as the skilled appendage began licking over his taint, traveling up and across his orbs. The sensation was amazing and he was well-accustomed to it, although Laeus possessed a skill for it that was far above what anyone else had done for him. His eyes rolled back as he felt the fox's slick tongue rubbing against the base of member, the male wiggling his rear behind him. David could just imagine going balls deep into that hot ass, and the mere thought of doing so caused his cock to spurt fresh pre. Laeus licked upwards along the shaft, planting kisses frequently along the pulsing rod. He watched as the tip curled slightly towards his muzzle, amazed at the flexibility that cetacean cocks possessed. He leaned forward and gave the tip a long slurp, the orca moaning out in response. He grinned devilishly and cupped his balls, pushing the tip past his lips, savoring the taste of his fresh pre-cum. David spread his legs wider and gasped as he watched the fox going down on him, still trying to comprehend how his night had turned out so well. This wasn't just some cock slut he picked up, this was someone who genuinely seemed to care about him. The thought only seemed to arouse him further, the orca placing a hand upon the back of Laeus' neck. He moaned out deeply as he felt the fox press his cock further into his muzzle, his lips brushing along the ultra-sensitive flesh. His member pulsed harder and he began pushing Laeus' muzzle forward gently, craving more of that talented maw. After a few minutes the sultry fox was bobbing his muzzle fully up and down the orca's swollen member, his squeaks and moans coming out muffled from his stuff muzzle. David arched his head back and bucked his hips, pressing his tip further down the clenching throat, spilling more warm pre. Laeus smacked his lips noisily as they touched against the orca's abdomen repeatedly, still caressing those full orbs with his delicate fingers. He watched the effects his ministrations were having upon his new partner, smearing his lipstick messily along that savory shaft. His free hand was placed upon David's abs, his claws tracing along the tightly built muscles. He had to admit that his new catch was wonderfully built and sexy, very easy on the eyes. He'd been so grateful for his courageous interference earlier in the evening, possibly saving him from a few bruises or worse from the unwanted patron. He'd been able to take care of himself just fine before, but rarely had he seen another patron make it their business to stand up for a bartender. The events of tonight had humbled him and put him in the debt of this wonderfully thoughtful orca, and he intended to pay that debt back most enthusiastically.

Laeus had never gulped down so much cum before, the sticky liquid spurting in seemingly endless torrents as the fox desperately tried to keep the rapidly pulsating cock in his mouth. David's chest was rising and falling rapidly, his mouth open in a soundless gasp as he continued to climax. 'Poor thing,' Laeus thought, 'he's so pent up.' The flow of orca spunk died down after a few moments, the fox's lips still firmly wrapped around amazingly still erect member. David's muscles had gone back to a relaxed state, his arms resting behind his head as he gazed up at the ceiling, lost in the bliss. His mind was blank save for the events that had just unfolded, the orca playing his favorite parts again and again at various speeds to fully appreciate the myriad of sensations he had experienced. This was without a doubt the most experienced blow job he'd ever been given. Laeus eventually pulled his lips off with a loud slurp, strings of gooey cum hanging from his muzzle. He looked into the orca's eyes and smiled wide.

"That...was fucking magic baby," spoke David as he sat upright, regaining his composure again. He immediately gripped the fox's shoulders and moved over him, pinning him to the bed. Laeus gasped, happy to have brought out David's dominant side fully. The orca pressed his lips against Laeus', grinding his member against the others hips. The two made out, with the fox wiggling teasingly under his larger partner. David was having quite the time, his flexible member firmly grinding between the fox's buttocks and trailing pre along the thin fabric of his thong. He knew that last little undergarment was all that remained to remove before he could go all the way with this talented fox. As if sensing the right moment, Laeus shifted onto his side and lifted a leg high. David didn't need any more indication, grasping the sides of the thong and tugging them off with little effort. He then set himself down beside his partner, aligning his groin with the fox's cute rump. He shuddered as Laeus pressed back against him, hotdogging his cock firmly. David couldn't help himself after that, grinding and pushing his member further along that cute little ass, eager to have the fox's undoubtedly tight walls clenching along his shaft. He wrapped his arms around Laeus, keeping him pulled tight against his chest, the blue fur brushing against his muscles. He loved the feel of the soft fox against him, feeling their warmth mix as their bodies ground together. Laeus moaned gently, wiggling his hips harder against the orca's engorged member. David responded in kind with a small thrust, his tip pressing against that tight, pink pucker. His sleek tip slid past, smearing pre around the warm tunnel. He groaned and slowly guided himself further, the fox gasping in delight as he felt that prehensile member probing his depths. Both of them shivered shuddered, enjoying the sensations of their gentle warm up. David planted a firm kiss along the side of Laeus' neck, rubbing his soft-furred belly with a hand. The fox whimpered in between breaths, relaxing his anal walls as the well-endowed cetacean slid further inside of him. He was loving every moment of this passionate session, his eyes rolling back as he felt a hand slide around his exposed cock. He bucked his hips eagerly as David worked his hand along the length, droplets of pre leaking from his thin tip. The orca grunted as he continued to thrust, further slickening the fox's little hole with copious amounts of his pre-cum. He was getting deeper with each consecutive thrust, edging his way towards being fully hilted within the twinkish male. Both moaned in tandem, enjoying the pleasures of each others company, both bucking and thrusting in near perfect rhythm. Laeus' mind was awash with such lewd thoughts and images of the possible situations he could get into with his new partner, yelping out and spurting fresh pre as he felt David tighten his grip along his smaller shaft. That big orca cock had fit much better than he expected, its prehensile nature allowing it to slip into incredibly tight spaces. Both of them cried out in bliss as the orca hilted himself fully inside his foxy companion, his large balls pressed against Laeus' own. They rocked back and forth, David slamming in fully with every thrust. The fox gripped the bed sheets tightly, his well-manicured claws tearing small gouges in the sheets. He didn't care about that, his mind was completely fixated on the incredible sensation of having an orca cock fully embedded in his ass. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer with that stud hammering away inside him, his prostate overstimulated from the sudden increase of speed. David's breathing grew ragged with each passing minute, grasping onto his partner tightly as he railed away into him, all thoughts except release now voided from his mind.

"Gods babe, I'm getting close..." he said, trailing off as white hot ecstasy built in his loins. The fox responded by grinding harder back against him, ensuring the orca was never far removed from his tight backside.

"Give me all you've got David, pour your passion inside of me!" Laeus screamed out, reaching back with a hand and gripping David's hip, pulling him as close as he possibly could. Warm seed began erupting from the fox's cock, spilling onto his stomach and the bedsheets, the orca's pounding drawing more out of him than previous times. He closed his eyes tightly and panted in short breaths, widening his eyes as he felt David's member swelling inside him. The orca was so close now, rhythmically smacking his hips against the fox's, driving himself fully inside as he prepared to loose torrents of his hot cum. He held onto the twink as tightly as he could without hurting him, arching his neck back and letting out a cry of unrestrained pleasure. Laeus gulped deeply and began whimpering as a huge load of seed started pumping into his stretched tunnel, his eyes lidded from the intensity of the cetacean's climax. David was moaning happily as he began thrusting again, milking himself inside the fox's still tight tailstar, spilling copious amounts of his precious ejaculate. Cum was oozing out of the fox's used hole, dribbling onto their balls as they slapped together and creating sticky strands. It took several moments before David's orgasm died down, the utter intensity draining him completely. The little fox sighed happily, languid from the prolonged exertion. His limbs felt like rubber and his backside ached fiercely, but he knew it had been completely worth it. David drifted in and out of consciousness, the after-glow of his climax still lingering upon his mind like the warmest blanket covering his entire body. The smell of the burning candles kept him from passing out completely. Slowly and steadily he began to rise from the cum soaked bed, stretching out his strained muscles. He gave a loud yawn before moving over to each candle in tandem, blowing out each until the only light source in the room was the moonlight passing through the small window above his dresser. The scent still lingered in the room, providing a pleasant aroma that David looked forward to sleeping through. He settled back on the bed, assuming his original position behind the curled up fox. David could tell the twink was already fast asleep, no doubt exhausted from their passionate round. He wrapped his hands gently around Laeus' abdomen, holding him close and enjoying the warmth. He rested his head on one of the many soft pillows, deciding against covering them both with a blanket. Their combined body heat would be more than sufficient for keeping them warm through the night. David already felt himself struggling to stay awake, his eyelids fluttering between open and closed. With effort he kissed the back of the slumbering fox's neck, content that he had someone to share his bed with. David ordinarily wasn't one to kiss and tell, but he would have to tell him friends about this little firebrand. He sighed happily, lulling himself into a relaxed state, his orbs aching from such a powerful release. It was a soothing pain, he thought to himself. The drained orca closed his eyes, letting the seductive embrace of sleep whisk him away to realms unknown.

David awoke to bright rays piercing through his window, and as usual he had rolled over to face the light in his sleep. He blinked his eyes and groaned, ungrateful for such blinding radiance. He rolled onto his back and stared up a the ceiling, his mind awash with images and sensations. It took him a few minutes to piece everything together, the events of his amorous romp trickling back into his conscience. He gasped as he remembered Laeus, immediately turning to face his left side. He was horribly disheartened to see nothing there but a slight imprint of where the feminine twink had laid. He shivered and looked around the room, seeing that it had been tidied up significantly. Even the candles he had placed out had been gathered up, likely back in one of his dresser drawers. He gave a sad chuckle, chastising himself for thinking Laeus would have stayed longer than just one night. It was only a one night stand, what more could it have become?

"I'm such a fucking idiot..." he said aloud. At least he cleaned up for me, something nice in a pile of rotten, he thought to himself. He laid his head back down, feeling tears filling the edges of his vision. All he wanted was someone to have, not just a fling. He had wanted more; it had been within his grasp, but he had done something to lose it. He knew that he must have done something moronic to drive his prospective new partner away. He was about to bawl aloud when he heard the unmistakable sound of dishware clattering together. He immediately rose up, forgetting the fact he was completely naked, and proceeded into the living room. He noticed the door to his room had been cracked open, even though he had left it wide open last night. Hope filled him as he stepped within view of the kitchen, setting his eyes on Laeus. He grinned wide and walked towards the fox a tad faster than he would have liked, almost breaking out into a run just to confirm that he was not hallucinating. Laeus turned towards him and gave a girlish giggle, eyeing his muscular form. David took him into his arms, squeezing him tightly and nuzzling his neck. Laeus laughed and blushed, happy to be greeted in such a fashion.

"I thought you had left..." stated the orca, trailing off even as he spoke. The fox was already fully dressed in slightly revealing short cut khakis, a pink t-shirt, and gorgeous fishnet stockings for his feminine legs.

The fox tilted his head and furrowed his brow, "Now why would you think that sugar?"

David relinquished his grip and stepped back, rubbing the back of his head. "I'll...have to tell you later."

Laeus rolled his eyes and grinned wide enough to show his pearly white teeth. "That you will, in the meantime, care to sample some of the breakfast I made?"

David looked at the stove and was shocked that he couldn't smell a thing, even though the food itself looked delicious. He raised his head and tried sampling the air, perplexed at his sudden onset of anosmia. Laeus pointed to his room and sighed before speaking. "Its those damn candles you burned last night love, that scent has lingered in that room the entire night and now I can barely smell."

The orca gave a hearty laugh and nodded, "Yes, I wondered why the disclaimer on the box warned about burning in excess of three hours."

"Or about burning in poorly ventilated bedrooms," the fox added in with a chuckle. David could already tell he and Laeus were going to go well together, if in fact that was something the fox was interested in. He gulped as he felt a claw trace down his pectorals to his groin, stopping just above his slit. "Now, how about you go put something on then eat with me. After that I'd like to go on a walk with you honey." Laeus gave him a playful push towards his room, David at a loss for words at his continuing luck.

"Oh, sure babe. That sounds good to me!" exclaimed David as he backed into his room, his eyes never leaving Laeus' own.

"After all," spoke Laeus, "you still owe me that life story."