Ties that bind

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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So here is another story from me. I really enjoyed writing this one. It has elements that I enjoy in it. A little been there, seen that, but hard to hate a classic. Kind of an idea Wolfpup78 had, I may write a second part to this but I have more commissions to get through first.

It was pitch black inside the rundown looking house. The young wolf was laying across a mattress that should have been thrown out years ago. The springs had poked through in many places. Forcing the Ian to cover them with blankets for at least some sense of comfort. He didn't have much money, and no family to take care of him. At school he pushed away all of his friends because he didn't want them to know what he was going through.

He sighed and curled up tightly, protecting himself from the world. It was his eighteenth birthday and he had nothing to show for it. No gifts, no well wishes, and no one to share it with. That's when he noticed it. A board squeaked out on the front porch. He looked up, people usually avoided coming to his house and it was pretty late. Ian heard the sound of someone fighting with the door. The lock hadn't worked since the door was kicked in years ago. He used a board to hold it shut at night.

Ian got up and walked down the dark hallway. Looking down the stairs as the door was forced open. The door cracked and the board snapped in half. Leaving him face to face with another canine. He couldn't make out much more in the darkness. "Sorry, didn't know anyone lived here." The other male said looking at Ian through the darkness.

"Well I do, would you just go away." Ian said more than a little annoyed at the intrusion. "I'll fix the door, I was just taking pictures of the house. Sort of a hobby of mine. You really live here? By yourself? How old are you?" The other male took a step inside, looking Ian over best he could in the darkness. He knew the wolf was young, and the house was in serious need of repair.

Ian sighed and walked down the stairs to face the nosy male who was standing in his house. "Yes, I live here, alone, all by myself. If you really have to know, I just turned eighteen this morning. Not sure what it matters to you, so will you kindly piss off. I just want to be left alone." Ian noticed the camera around the wolf's neck. Being closer he could indeed tell that he was another wolf. His fur was a rust color. Ian's grey and white fur standing out better in the darkness.

Jake got a good look at the agitated teenager. His fur was matted and dirty. Clothes hanging loosely from his thin frame. Jake wasn't too much older than the younger male. Twenty eight, so he could still relate to how Ian was feeling. "Would you like something to eat?" Jake asked him, wanting to keep talking to the other male. Ian's ears perked at the question. It had been days since he last had a meal. Scavenging in dumpsters behind local restaurants didn't always pay off for him.

He lowered his ears slightly, looking at Jake, really looking at him for the first time since they met. "I...I would like that," Ian said letting his anger fade. He was too hungry to keep fighting with him, and Ian had a feeling Jake wouldn't just walk away after all of that. Ian was right of course, Jake felt bad for the smaller male. Ian knew he was gay, but his situation didn't make it easy for him to try and be with anyone. What guy would want him anyway? He was dirty, and had nothing going for him.

Jake extended his hand to him. "I'm Jake," he said smiling warmly. Ian took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Ian," he said quietly. More than a little nervous about the exchange. "Well Ian, let's go get you something to eat. Last thing I want is for you to waste away to nothing." Jake wrapped his arm across Ian's shoulders. Leading the frail looking teen outside. Jake's car was parked at the curb.

Ian could see it clearly under the light of the full moon. It was a brand new Dodge Charger. Ian blushed a little, thinking about how bad he must smell. He tried to stop walking but Jake pulled him along. "Come on, you need food. I don't want to have to force you to come but I will if you don't behave." Ian pulled his ears flat against his head. Jake was being firm and he didn't want to think about disobeying the stronger male.

Jake was obviously in control and Ian had no intention of upsetting him. Jake pulled open the passenger side door of his car. Ian climbed into the seat, Jake made sure his tail was out of the way before closing the door. It smelled nice in the car, it was new. Ian felt bad again, knowing his scent was going to fill the small car within seconds. But when Jake climbed inside he paid it no attention.

Starting his car and putting it into drive without saying a single word. Once they were on the road he looked over at the nervous wolf sitting next to him. "Relax, I wont hurt you little guy. You can go right back home after we eat." Jake smiled at him warmly and Ian relaxed a little into his seat. Ian didn't know what to make of Jake. He seemed sincere, but he heard all the time about people being raped or taken advantage of.

But what did he really have to lose at this point? Ian sniffed and looked out the window. He didn't have anything, nothing to live for and nothing to give anyone if they wanted it. Ian felt the familiar feeling of tears running down his cheeks. Jake heard the sniffling and guessed correctly that Ian was upset. He reached his right arm over to wrap it across Ian's shoulders again. Gently pulling the younger wolf from the door and against his side. Jake pulled off the road, parking the car in a deserted parking lot.

Ian's tears had made a wet spot on the chest of his shirt. Jake didn't care, he wrapped both of his strong arms around the teen. "It's going to be alright Ian. Just let it all out." That was all the encouragement Ian needed. Sobbing into the strong male's chest while he held him. Ian had spent many nights crying, alone inside of his crumbling house. Crying was nothing new to him. Having arms around him, a strong voice telling him everything was going to be alright. Telling him that he was safe, and the head resting against his. That was all so new to Ian.

After a few minutes he started to calm down. The tears stopped but he didn't move. He just sat there, head pressed against Jake's chest. His breathing returned to normal and Jake knew he was done crying. But he just kept holding Ian. Feeling him relaxing in his arms. Jake smiled to himself, he held Ian long after he knew Ian had fallen asleep before putting the car back into drive.

He carefully held Ian against him with his right arm, driving back to his house. Jake didn't want to take him back to his place. Feeling that it was not fit for the young wolf to live in. If Ian asked to go back he would take him. But for now he was willing to gamble on making the drive outside of town to his house. Jake pulled his car up to the garage of his house. He cut the engine and slowly unbuckled himself before doing the same for Ian.

Slipping out of the car with all the stealth he could muster after easing out of Ian's arms. Lucky for him Ian was exhausted. It had been a long day and not having had food in almost a week had left him spent. Jake unlocked the front door of his two story home before going back to the car. It took him a few minutes to ease Ian out of the car without waking him. Jake was going to great lengths to ensure that he didn't disturb while moving the sleeping wolf.

Carrying him inside before carefully closing the door behind them with his foot. The mechanical lock sliding the deadbolt into the door frame once it was closed. Jake carried Ian up the wooden stairs and into his bedroom. The red wolf gently placed Ian on his bed. Easing off his well worn shoes, they were barely holding together. Jake sighed and placed them on the floor.

He climbed into bed with Ian, laying on his side while pulling the smaller male's back against his chest. Ian groaned softly and pressed back into Jake. The older wolf smiled and closed his eyes. Joining the younger male in the realm of dreams. Jake hadn't had someone in his arms for some time and he was enjoying it. Ian was new to the experience, and despite being asleep enjoyed the feeling.

Both males slept late into the morning. Ian woke up first, slowly opening his eyes. He almost jumped when he realized he wasn't in his room. He looked around the bedroom. The walls were clean and new. Not cracked and stained like the ones in his house. He looked at the rust colored arm around him. Slowly looking back over his shoulder. Jake was holding him, he barely recognized the other wolf in the daylight.

Ian had to admit he was very attractive. Muscular, and despite how messy Ian was the older male let him sleep in his bed. Not only that but he had held him all night. Ian laid his head back down on the pillow. Murring softly to himself, it felt wonderful to him. Jake's arm tightened around him and he heard the older male groan softly. Ian smiled, knowing that he was waking up. Ian was curious about him. After all he was in the bed of a guy he barely knew. He didn't remember anything beyond crying in the car the night before.

Ian tensed slightly, not sure how exactly he got there. Jake nuzzled his cheek gently, "Relax Ian. You're just in bed, we didn't do anything. You would be sore if we did." Ian looked back at Jake. He was right, Ian didn't feel any pain or discomfort. The only thing he felt was the warmth from the other wolf. "What happened?" Ian asked softly, rolling onto his back so he could look at the red wolf from a more comfortable position.

"You fell asleep in my arms. I didn't want to wake you, so dinner wasn't an option. I didn't want to take you back to that house so I brought you home with me. If you want to go back I'll take you, but I'm hoping that you will stay here with me." Jake rubbed his hand over Ian's cheek while he talked. He could tell that Ian was open to the attention. Otherwise he would have pulled away once he woke up. Straight guys don't generally let another male touch them like that.

"Why?" Ian asked not understanding what was going on. Jake smiled at him. "Open question, not sure what you're asking about." Ian rolled onto his other side, facing Jake. He let the red wolf wrap his arm around him again. "Everything, last night. Nothing makes sense to me." Jake chuckled softly, "Alright pup, I will start at the beginning then. If that is alright with you?" Ian blushed at being called pup, lowering his ears fully before giving a nod.

Jake smiled and gave him a nuzzle on the cheek. "I was driving around looking for things to take pictures of. Night photography is something I enjoy doing. After looking for a while I found your house. It looked abandoned, neglected. Perfect for taking pictures of. I got some exterior shots and decided to go inside. The door wasn't locked, but it was caught on something. I didn't have to push too hard to get in. The door was pretty rotten. It was surprising to find someone inside."

"When I saw you up close I knew you needed help. Your fur is a mess, and you are severely under fed. You did resist, I knew you would being a teenager. But I figured if I was dominant enough, you would obey, falling into natural instincts of pack dynamics. I was hoping that given time I could get you out of that house. Not that you would want to stay here, I would find you a place if I had to. You just cant live there, you need something better."

Ian laid there and listened carefully to every word Jake said to him. It had been a long time since anyone just talked to him like this. His teachers gave up on him, letting him just sit in silence. "Not that I would want to stay here?" Ian asked him before Jake could go on. "Yeah, I mean it would be dumb of me to assume you would just want to move in. I didn't know your orientation or if you would be willing to accept help from me at all so early on." Jake rubbed one of Ian's ears, causing him to murr softly from the attention.

They both smiled at each other and Jake went on. "You can stay if you want to. I have plenty of room, you can sleep in one of the spare rooms if you want. Or you can stay in this one with me. But there are rules that come with that option." Ian's ears perked and he looked into Jake's eyes. "What kind of rules?"

"Pack dynamics Ian, I don't just let anyone sleep in my bed. So with that you have to submit to me. I'll take good care of you though, either way I will do that. Just as my Omega you will serve me in anyway that I want. You will be collared and you will be mine alone. No one else will get to have you. But that decision is yours to make and you don't have to choose now." Ian flicked his ears, thinking over what Jake said to him.

"So I can stay either way?" He asked making sure that he heard correctly. Jake gave him a nod, "Yes you can pup. There will always be food for you and we will get your other needs taken care of as well." Ian hugged Jake tightly, pressing his face tightly into the red wolf's chest. Jake returned the embrace, happy to be making so much progress. He let the grey wolf hold him a bit longer before slowly letting go of him.

"Let's get you something to eat pup. Then you can shower and put on some clean clothes." Jake sat up and Ian flattened his ears. Thinking about how gross he must be. His house hadn't had running water in over a year. Jake sensed that Ian was upset and took Ian's hand in his. "It's okay pup, come on." He gently pulled Ian's hand as he slid out of bed. The younger wolf obeyed and followed after him.

They walked downstairs into the kitchen and Jake led Ian to the counter. Patting one of the stools before Ian climbed onto it. Jake smiled, giving the younger male a nuzzle on the cheek. The red wolf pulled open a cupboard and took a bowl from it. "I don't get why you're being so nice to me," Ian said softly while Jake poured Cheerios into a bowl. Placing it in front of Ian, "You have had a rough life. Not for me to go making it worse. Besides, you're cute and I could use the company about as much as you."

Ian blushed, lowering his ears again while looking at the bowl. Jake pulled a gallon jug of milk from the refrigerator and sat it next to the bowl for Ian. Quickly pulling a spoon from a nearby drawer. "This is all a bit much for me," Ian said taking the spoon from Jake. "I don't make a habit out of taking home strays. Eat up, we can talk about things after." Ian nodded his head and poured milk into the bowl. Filling it halfway before sitting the jug back on the counter. Starting to eat the Cheerios while Jake poured himself a bowl.

Ian finished his bowl and Jake filled it again for him. The grey wolf was full before he could finish his second bowl. Deciding that he had to finish it, wasting food wasn't acceptable. Fortunately Jake noticed and pulled the bowl away before the younger male could make himself sick. "It's alright pup, counter productive to throw it all back up." Ian smiled weakly, feeling embarrassed for having to be treated like a little kid. Jake didn't mind, and figured the smaller wolf had a few quirks he would have to break him of.

Jake took the bowl and carefully dumped out the milk. Using the spoon to keep the cereal in the bowl. He scooped the cereal into the trash can and placed both bowls into the sink. Turning to look at Ian who hadn't moved an inch. He smiled at the grey wolf. "Bathroom is upstairs in the hall, or were you wanting company?" Jake asked with a grin.

Ian blushed at the comment and slowly slid from the stool. "If you want to," Ian said softly. That was all the invitation Jake needed. He walked over and took Ian's hand in his. "Alright pup, let's go get you cleaned up." Ian blushed dark red under his light colored fur. Jake smiled and gave him a nuzzle. Leading the smaller male upstairs and back into his bedroom. Taking Ian into his bathroom.

Jake slowly pulled off his shirt, dropping it to the floor. Ian murred softly at the sight. His chest was solid, abs clear as day under his belly fur. "Like what you see pup?" Jake asked leaning against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest. Ian nodded his head slowly, just standing there staring. The red wolf motioned with his finger for Ian to come closer. Ian didn't resist, walking right up to the half naked male in front of him.

Jake grabbed the neck of Ian's shirt. He hated the gross looking and old shirt Ian was wearing. Yanking hard with both hands. Pulling the shirt apart down the middle. Jake quickly moved his hands down the rip and yanked again. The T-shirt completely torn from the neck to waist. Ian looked at Jake, eyes wide at the action. "What the hell dude!" Ian yelled not sure how to react beyond that. Jake slid the shirt down Ian's arms and let it fall to the floor.

"You can wear one of mine. You will be getting new clothes today. So get out of those pants, you're not wearing them again." Ian looked at his pants nervously, he wanted to do this. But it was happening so fast. Jake pulled the smaller canine against him. Their chest and belly fur pressing together. "Want me to?" Jake whispered into Ian's ear. His response was a nod and Jake moved his hands between them. Undoing the grey wolf's pants. Sliding them down, Ian stepped out of them.

Feeling a little exposed in just the old boxers he was wearing. Like most of his clothes he had found them. Ian closed his eyes, trying to relax a little before he pulled them down. Standing in front of a guy he met just over twelve hours ago in nothing but the fur he was born in. Jake smiled at him, looking the smaller male over. His sheath was smaller than Jake's, but his balls matched the red wolf's in size.

Jake quickly stripped out of his pants and boxer briefs. Sliding open the glass shower door before turning the nob to get the water flowing. Ian's tail curled around in front of him. Covering his sheath and furry orbs. He rubbed his arm nervously, looking at himself in the mirror that was off to the side above the sink. Even under his fur he could tell that he was just skin and bone. Jake adjusted the water temperature, keeping an eye on Ian. Once he was satisfied with the temperature and stepped over to fetch the smaller wolf.

Wrapping an arm around around Ian's back, he slowly led the grey wolf to the shower stall. Ian looked at Jake nervously, but the red wolf gave him a reassuring smile. Ian stepped into the shower, slowly moving under the warm water. Jake gave him a moment before following behind him. Closing the door behind him. Ian murred softly, letting the water roll over his shoulders before moving his head under the stream. Jake waited until Ian's eyes were open again before pulling him into a tight hug.

Ian felt the thick sheath and balls against his belly. He tensed a little but slowly relaxed again. Jake's hand rubbing up and down his back. It all felt so good and Ian didn't think he could resist the sweet wolf's advances much longer. Even when his parents were alive they didn't show him any love. This male he knew less than a day had given him more than his parents ever had. Ian rested his head against Jake's chest. This was right, he knew deep down, this was where he was meant to be. Jake nuzzled between his ears while massaging the smaller wolf's back.

Ian looked up at the larger male, smiling at him. "I want you Alpha," Ian said softly. Jake barely heard him over the sound of the shower. "Are you sure Ian?" He looked down into the grey wolf's eyes wanting to be sure this was what he wanted. "I'm sure, this is what I need. More than anything. You have done nothing but help me." Jake gently scratched Ian's lower back, causing him to murr softly. "You want to be my Omega? Wear my collar and stay by my side always?"

Ian nodded his head, wanting Jake more than anything else. Jake smiled and pinned the younger male against the tiled wall. Leaning down to nip his neck gently. Ian yipped softly, not expecting the bite. Exposing his neck fully to Jake, wanting him to claim him. Jake smiled and gave Ian a firm bite. The smaller wolf went limp, not resisting him at all. Jake was getting hard, but Ian was already there. The teenager needing less stimulation to slide from his sheath fully.

Jake grinned, feeling the throbbing cock against his thigh. He gave Ian's neck one more bite before pulling his body from him. "Stay Omega, I'll be right back. And no touching." Jake said sliding open the shower door. Ian nodded his head, "Yes Alpha." The red wolf slipped out of the shower. Ian panted softly, pre leaking from his cock while he waited for the male he was submitting to return. Jake didn't make Ian wait long. He kept a bottle of silicone lube in the bathroom. Mostly for paw sessions, not having had a male in his home in over a year.

The red wolf walked back into the shower with the bottle in his hand. He closed the door and smiled at the obedient wolf in front of him. Ian hadn't moved at all since he left. Jake pressed his body against the smaller wolf's. "Good boy, I need you to relax and trust me." Ian laid his ears back and gave a nod. "I trust you Alpha." Jake flipped open the lid and pressed his lips to Ian's. Kissing him softly, Ian closed his eyes. Holding his lips to Jake's, making the most of his first kiss.

Jake poured the lube over his hard cock, breaking the kiss so he could make sure he was fully coated. He lifted Ian's left leg up, "Wrap your arms and legs around me. I won't drop you." Ian helped Jake lift him up, wrapping his legs around the red wolf's waist. Jake pinned him against the tile wall. Using his right hand to line himself up. He pushed forward slowly, pushing his tip into Ian's tight ass.

Ian tensed at the intrusion and gasped. "I know it hurts, just try to relax then I will push in more." The smaller wolf took a few breaths, Jake could feel him relaxing around his tip. He slowly inched his thick cock into his new Omega. Ian didn't like it, it hurt a lot. But he trusted Jake, he was the first person in his life he really seemed to care about him. Jake kissed him again, easing himself into Ian.

Before Ian knew it he felt Jake's soft knot resting against his virgin hole. Moaning softly into their kiss, Ian was finally starting to enjoy being penetrated. Jake broke the kiss, looking at his new lover. Ian smiled at him, "Thank you for this." Jake smiled and gave him a nuzzle, "Glad I found you. Ready for me to start?" Ian nuzzled into Jake's neck, "Yeah. Make me yours."

Jake pulled his hips back best he could. Giving Ian a slow thrust to get him used to it. Ian moaned softly, his cock drooling pre into their belly fur. Jake didn't want to hurt his Omega, he was a tender lover and it showed with every thrust the large wolf gave him. Slow, steady and deliberate. Ian tightened his grip on his Alpha, wanting more. Jake didn't go faster, not right away. He was enjoying the soft moans Ian was making.

Slowly Jake started to pick up the pace though. Knowing the water wouldn't last forever and wanting to claim this wolf as his own. He panted, starting to moan himself. Ian's knot was swelling between them. Jake knew the smaller male wouldn't last much longer. He shoved his half hard knot into Ian. Moaning loudly as his tight ass enveloped his knot. Ian moaned deeply, shooting hot spurts of cum onto both of them.

Jake smiled, panting softly. His knot was swelling inside of Ian but with the younger male spent for the time being he had no intention of going on. Not until Ian was ready for round two. So he just kissed his mate. Their tongues sliding over each other. The water slowly starting to run cooler. Jake reached to the side, not breaking their kiss as he switched off the water. The small male who was tied to him was his entire world right now.

Jake would never stray far from him. Ian knew in his heart that he was in love. Having experienced it for the first time in his life. In the arms of a guy who would always take care of him. Ian would be collared soon, Jake was going to take him right after he emptied his balls into him. Then they would get him some new clothes. Ian relaxed into Jake, enjoying being against him.

The rest of the day was spent shopping. Jake's clothes were a bit baggy on Ian, but he didn't care. He couldn't get enough of the larger wolf. They walked through the mall holding hands. A purple leather collar around Ian's neck. One that he picked out on his own. Jake avoided yuppy stores, Abercrombie and Anchor Blue weren't his thing. They had picked out a good number of things from Eddie Bauer. Ian was excited to get home and get into his own clothes.

Jake carried all the bags, placing them in the trunk of his car. Giving Ian one last kiss before they started back towards their home. Ian couldn't help but nuzzle into Jake's chin. Showing as much affection as he could to the larger wolf. Jake chuckled and pulled open the door for Ian. "Get in," Jake said smiling at him. Ian eagerly climbed in and waited for his mate. The thought of going home being the only thing that kept him from giving Jake anymore attention.

The red wolf climbed into the car. Hooking his finger around the ring of Ian's collar. Pulling him into another kiss. They both murred into each other. Jake was happy to have someone in his life again. Someone to take care of and fill the void left by his ex. The pain of the breakup long behind him. Ian was the only one Jake was focused on. He hoped to himself that was the way it would always be.

There you have it, please vote, watch if you want to see more from me, not just this but other things as well, comment below if you have something you wish to say, as long as it's not an outright attack. Thanks for reading ^_^

Night to remember

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An angel in me

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