The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter I: First Meeting

Story by Artashir on SoFurry

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#2 of Elder Scrolls

Days' hiding in his old lair-the immense sewer of the Imperial City-the Prisoner was once more in almost complete darkness and have grown tired of the smell of sewer. He wanted to be free and out into the world.

Eating rats and the occasional goblin, Swift-Knife was satisfied, but he felt like someone was there with him, watching his ever step and deed, the same feeling he have felt when he first killed that old Dumner witch... it was making him uncomfortable and vicious, until in the breaking of twilight from night, Swift-Knife stood in the shower of the morning light when he felt a dark chill running down his spine.

Snarling, he turned around to see nothing but he felt it. Someone was there. Hunching over for a ready stance, Swift-Knife was about to pounce when a shadowy figure stepped into the edge of the light.

A black figure with its face hooded under a cowl and hands under long sleeves like a wraith. Swift-Knife felt a cold, but strangely comfortable, feeling about himself at the sight.

Then a deep and confident voice echoed through the hood, "You sleep rather soundly for a murderer. That's good. You'll need a clear conscious for what I'm about to propose."

"Who-who you!?" The cautious Argonian demanded in edging fury and beneath the hood, the cloaked figure smirked in amusement, clearly unafraid of the hulking beast before him.

"I am Lucien Lachance, a speaker for the Dark Brotherhood. And you, you are a killer; A taker of life, A harvester of souls. Your work-your deathcraft-pleases the Night Mother. And so, I come to you with an offer: An opportunity to join our rather...unique family."

The Argonian's eyes unknowingly gleamed at this and his body relaxed but never put his guard down. The Speaker...this Lucien Lachance seemed satisfied, "Then I have your rapt attention. Splendid. Now listen closely; On the Green Road to the North of Bravil lies the Inn of Ill Omen. There you will find a man named Rufio. He is an old man, his body frail, and he sleeps his days away. You could kill him before he wake, if you so choose. In whatever way you choose, kill him, and your initiation into the Dark Brotherhood will be complete. Do this, and the next time you sleep in a location I deem secure, I will reveal myself once more, bearing the love of your new family."

Family, that word again. Swift-Knife never had this, he was but a slave. The closest thing to a teaching father was a ruthless wizard-lord and for a mother, his uncaring whips and punishments. He growled at the memories but the way Lucien says the word, it sound...promising.

Then Lucien produced a golden-decorated knife with a black, curved blade and an interesting handgrip. The very appearance brought a subtle hum into the back of his mind and an unnatural connection came between him and it.

"Please accept this token from the Dark Brotherhood. It is a virgin blade, and thirsts for blood. May it serve you well, as does your silence, "the Speaker offered with an unsettling smile.

Approaching into the middle of the light with the man, Swift-Knife took the blade, and he knew then on, the two was one.

Looking at the hooded man, Swift-Knife had one question, for he have lost much of his mind since his escape from his homeland, and never really connected with society or its speech.

"What is Dark Brotherhood?"

With a thin line on his face, Lucien seemed surprised, "Have you not heard of the Dark Brotherhood? Of the remorseless guild of paid assassins and homicidal cutthroats? Join us, and you'll find the Dark Brotherhood to be all that, and so much more. We are...more than anything, a union of like-minded individuals. We kill for profit, for enjoyment, and for the glory of the Dread Father Sithis. We are a family, with bonds forged in blood...and death."

Each word intrigued Swift-Knife more and more, and he felt like an invisible force has guided him to this moment. This...Dark Brotherhood seemed to be more than just a guild, it was home for something like him and he will not turn down such a opportunity.

Seeing the agreement in the beast's eyes, the Speaker placed a cold, gloved hand on a large shoulder that placed him in a sort of security that have never been felt before.

"Now, I bid you farewell. I do hope we'll meet again soon." Lucien said and he started to step away back into the darkness, swallowed by the shadows themselves.

When the chill was gone, Swift-Knife looked down at his newly given dagger, he grasped the hilt tight.

"Rufio will be first." Swift-Knife promised to his new weapon.

Elder Scrolls: The Assassin's Dark Tale

**Prologue** Sitting in a damp, dark cell of the infamous Imperial Prison for an unknown time period, with a shred of natural light beaming into his cell and torches from the other end of the cell-lined hall, the Prisoner have long lost track of time...

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The First Rain

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