What Foxes Are For

Story by Drockan on SoFurry

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Well here's a story that tries to answer the age old question about our vulpine friends. Just why do foxes exist? Unlike some of my previous stories, don't expect to try and find a plot or emotion in this one. This is all about the yiff right here, but who's to say that's a bad thing. I hope you all enjoy.

What Foxes Are For

By Drockan

Trembling black paws parted the deep underbrush that cut through the fox's black and auburn legs. Every few moments he had to stop and pick twigs and seeds from his thick, plush fur. The fox could spend hours of combing to get his once perfect coat it back to its original state. The first hours of being lost out here in these woods were just annoying. Now he was becoming truly scared if he would never find his way out. Tirelessly he pushed his weary body on, dragging his sore feet through the woods. The branches had already torn his shirt to shreds. He discarded it long ago. The young male now walked naked and kept his shorts carefully slung over his shoulder. Those he still wanted to keep in one piece should he ever find his way out of this mess.

"Where in the hell am I?" the little fox yelled out to the woods. His head swiveled back and forth. All the trees looked the same. The entire forest looked the same. The exhausted fox had completely lost his sense of direction and had been wandering for hours on end. There was a small stream he remembered passing, but how long ago was that? The sun was setting, and the temperature was dropping quickly. There was no more energy left in his little body. Finally he stopped walking and slumped against a strange smelling tree. The forest had defeated him. The little fox curled up in a ball to try and keep warm. His thick, fluffy tail wrapped around his muzzle.

"Why is this happening to me?" he whined. Tears were welling up in the fox's eyes and he was becoming very worried. Then there was that smell. He might have paid more attention to it if he were not so worn out, though he noticed it about an hour ago. For some reason the entire woods around him started to smell like a dirty bathroom frequented by canines. There was musk everywhere. The naked fox buried his head in his arms. He was so tired. His legs felt like jelly. "I just want to go home," he whimpered. Finally fatigue took him, and he drifted off to sleep.

The sleeping fox was awoken by a stream of warm liquid splashing across his head. Was it raining, no it was not water, and the smell was too rancid. The fox flailed his arms and coughed. He tried to open his eyes but the acidic liquid stung. A few chuckles sounded in the background. Finally his paws raised up to shield his eyes. As he managed to open them, what he saw horrified the little fox. Four much larger wolves were standing around him. One was currently grasping his heavy sheath as urine poured out of the tip. The others looked on with amusement. There were all rubbing their crotches, waiting their turn.

"What the fu..." the fox hacked. He never had the opportunity to finish. As soon as he opened his muzzle, the stream landed inside it. The urine soaked into his fur, and worse, deep into his skin. The usually pure white plush on his chest and neck slowly turned yellow. After a minute of him hacking and flailing the stream finally stopped. He looked up at the wolf and growled. "What the fuck!" he yelled.

"Aww, poor foxy is all mad. I think foxes are so funny when they're mad. Like they could actually do anything about it," a large dark mottled wolf in the back joked. He was standing next to a fairly powerful looking pure black wolf in the back that kept silent. The others laughed with glee. The one who had just finished marking the fox made the comment. "You all have to be the most pathetic species on the face of the Earth, so small and weak. So what's your name little foxy?" the same one asked.

The dripping wet vulpine growled in response. He had never been so furious in his life and didn't care how big or how many of these wolves there were. "Why I'm Kelsey Thompson! You've heard of the Thompson Gardens I'm sure. I'm very rich. You know how powerful my family is! Why, once they find out what you just did, you will all be put in your places for sure!" he yelled. He yelped as another stream of urine hit him, and then turned his back to try to flee but was kicked back into place someone's foot. The wolves completely surrounded him. It was becoming a hopeless situation.

"Think we'll just call you bitch," one of the wolves said, much to the comical delight of the others. "And besides, we are a wild pack. Your little family of foxes doesn't have control of the woods. You're miles and miles from anywhere, even a road. None of us have heard of your little family of bitch foxes or even care about money." The words came as quite a shock to Kelsey. How long had he been walking? The stream of urine came splashing down all over his face. Most dripped down his cheeks and into his muzzle. The taste was foul beyond comprehension.

"Hey Jones, do you think it's true what they say about foxes?" the smaller mottled wolf asked him. The white wolf relieving himself on the fox turned to answer.

"I think so. I've never actually met a fox before though, but I mean come on. Look at him. He freakin looks like a girl without the breasts. Look how skinny he is. They're all a bunch of whiney babies too. Have you been listening to him, really?" he answered. A few last squirts came from his sheath before he stepped away.

Kelsey was wiping the foul odor from his fur. It was an impossible task. Most of his body was already soaked. A paw came flying down and smacked the top of his head. "That's our mark you're wiping away. You're our property now and you're marked as such!" Jones yelled. He turned to face his friend, "And yeah Rodney, I think it's totally true. There is no such thing as a male fox. There's only two type of foxes, foxes with an extra hole to fuck, and foxes with little cocks that they don't deserve to use at all, or really want to for that matter. All foxes are bitches."

A few tears dripped down Kelsey's eyes. The biggest of the four stepped up. His frame was enormous and was covered by darkly mottled fur. He was so big, he looked like he could swallow Kelsey whole. His large paw gripped his gigantic sheath. It was swollen with need. All of them were. These wolves had been denied true release for so long. Their cocks must be bigger than Kelsey could have ever imagined. He never dreamed of sheaths that big. His was tiny compared to theirs.

Before he even had time to think another thought, another stream of urine hit Kelsey right in the nose. It quickly cut off. "Open up that muzzle of yours little foxy, or we're going to beat you to an inch of your life for not fulfilling your purpose." The little fox growled again but was silenced by a kick to his ribs. Seeing no other choice, Kelsey reluctantly opened his muzzle. The wolf filled it with his piss as soon as he did.

"Good bitch, now swallow down every little bit I give you," the same wolf ordered.

"Yeah Kanye, tell him who's boss around here," Rodney said. Kelsey felt like he was going to vomit. He could feel that warm liquid slowly drain itself down his throat and into his stomach. It was revolting. He felt like he was dying. "You see little bitch foxy. Me and my boys here haven't had a female for damn near a year, and none of us are really into males, so we don't fool around with each other. We were just wondering along this night marking our territory and what do you know, you were sleeping at the foot of one of our trees." Suddenly the smell from before made sense. All these trees were marked. He was in their territory. The stream of urine trickled out and eventually stopped. The fox had swallowed most of what the wolf had to offer. The rest ran down his chin.

"Well we all heard the rumors about foxes, and after seeing you, know them to be true. There really is no such thing as a male fox, is there? Why else would they have such little cocks and big, fluffy tails? I mean, look at your sheath. It's tiny, completely useless. You don't actually think you could use that on a female? Your species exists for only one reason and one reason only, to have cocks shoved inside ya. All of us are really, really very horny, and it seems we've found us a good bitch to fuck."

"Please just let me go. I'm not a female, and I don't like males," Kelsey whimpered. The entire group roared into laughter, except the pure black wolf in the back. He had yet to say a thing or relieve himself on Kelsey.

"Must be a virgin. I've never heard of a fox not liking cock, and I certainly never heard of a male fox. They just don't exist little one. You'll learn that in time," Jones said. When he was finished speaking the large black wolf stepped up from the back. The group was immediately silenced by his presence. The other males simply gawked admirably at the wolf. He must have been the alpha.

"Uh oh, daddy is gonna use you right," Rodney snickered. The dripping fox tried to curl up and prepare himself for the stream that was to come, but instead felt a giant paw harshly squeeze his throat and lift him effortlessly to his feet. The wolf's strength was amazing.

"Turn around," Riley firmly ordered. There was a glint of malevolence in the wolf's eyes that made Kelsey immediately obey. The fox was shivering in fright. He dared not refuse. This wolf was clearly different from the others. The other males were akin to teenage jokers. They seemed to thrive on bullying and practical jokes. However, this wolf seemed like an evil sadist.

"Raise your tail," Riley barked another ordered. Kelsey slowly lifted his long, bushy tail. It was dripping with urine. The white tip had even been stained yellow.

Kelsey kept his eyes closed but could hear panting and drooling behind him. All the wolves were staring right between his plump, tender cheeks. The tiny pink flower was twitching with anticipation. "Look at his pussy! I bet I could barely fit my finger in there. Oh Riley he's going to be so tight," Jones cooed. Riley paid him no attention. The tip of his mammoth cock slid from its cavernous confines and pressed right up against the fox. The tapered tip oozed pre right up under his tail. Gently it pushed inside Kelsey's body.

"So this the first cock you've taken?" Riley asked, moving in a bit deeper. Kelsey whimpered and nodded. There was something about the black wolf that made him completely submissive. The fox was truly scared of Riley. He felt completely dominated.

The rest of the pack seemed to quiet down and look on with awe. Suddenly the fox felt something flooding his bowels. He could not believe it. The wolf was relieving himself directly inside his body. He squirmed and tried to get away but was pinned by the wolf's powerful haunches. The thick girth of Riley drove the rest of way in. The stream continued to fill him up. He felt a claw rake down his chest and gouge through his white fluffy chest fur.

"I'm the alpha in these parts, and I've been without a mate for so long. Since you're nothing but a worthless fox you do not deserve to be my mate. Instead you will be the bitch for the whole pack, and I will always be the first and last to claim you. Do you understand?" Riley asked.

Kelsey bit his lip. Had it been any of the other wolves he would have told them to fuck off, but there was that aura surrounding Riley, an aura of utter dominance. The little fox couldn't say no, even if he wanted to. He wanted to drop to his knees and lick the wolf's feet clean. "Yes," he barked. Kelsey couldn't believe that had just come out of his muzzle. He felt the stream inside him trickle out and mercifully stop. His belly full of piss swished back and forth. Disgust filled him, yet his cock was rock hard and drooled pre from its tip.

"Good, then you're our pack's new bitch. You're a fox. The rest of your life will be spent with a cock up your tail and in your maw. That is all foxes are good for. You should be happy, cause with all the cock you'll be taking now you'll be the envy of every fox alive," Riley explained. The black wolf moved his hips back and slammed them forward. The entire length of his gigantic cock withdrew up to the drooling tip and jammed back inside Kelsey. "Now let me hear you say it. What are foxes good for?"

The humiliation was unbearable. Kelsey wanted to rip out the wolf's throat, but then there was that feeling again, that power Riley had over him. Tears came to his eyes when he thought of the only way to respond. He fought with all his will and tried not to speak. "Foxes are nothing but bitches," he whined. Again he couldn't believe the words that came out of his muzzle.

"Louder!" Riley demanded. His hips drew back and slammed into the fox's. The wolf's swollen cock withdrew fully once again before sheathing itself back into its warm confines. The others watched in fascination as the purplish red cock spread that delicious pink slit to dimensions not even thought possible. "Tell me how worthless your species is!"

The fox thought of his vulpine friends and family. He had been so proud of them. Now all he could do was picture each of them, bent over taking the same cock he was. He saw his father, his tail swishing back and forth as another male's cock was thrusted under it. He heard his mother, moaning as two males took her from each end. He even saw his little brother, too young to even know what mating was yet, with a cock stuffed in his maw. All his life he had been so proud to be a fox, but now everything seemed different. What was so different? Was it the cock inside him? Finally the words welled up in his throat. "We're worthless and weak," Kelsey cried. "We're all nothing but females!"

"Good bitch foxy, you are worthless and weak. Your bodies are tiny, your cocks are smaller, and your tail-holes much tighter. These big, bushy tails are just flags to signal your desire to have a big cock under them." Kelsey groaned in surprising pleasure. He couldn't believe at how much he was enjoying this humiliation. Everything he felt, felt so right. "I see you like my cock under yours, right?"

"Yes!" Kelsey cried out. There was no way the fox could deny the pleasure. The fiery rod of flesh was burning an inferno across his body. Waves of ecstasy washed over him with every thrust. What was this wolf doing to him? The others were meaningless. The only thing that mattered now was Riley's cock. That was all he wanted to live for.

"You like that little vixen?" Riley asked. His hips began to rock into Kelsey at a steady pace. This fox was tight, just as a virgin should be. It had been too long since he felt this kind of pleasure Riley thought. The warmth and grip around his cock was incredible. He wondered just how long it would take his pack to use this one up until his tail-hole was so loose that it could never be used by even the most desperate of males.

"Yes!" Kelsey cried out again. The wolf was feminizing him, and strangely, he was liking it. Any pride he had left was being stripped away, and all his masculinity with it. Kelsey was even beginning to entertain the notion of being a female.

"Tell me what a good girl you are," Riley ordered with another few harsh thrusts. The wolf's rate of breathing was increasing. "Tell me how useless your tiny cock is!"

Kelsey felt his knees going weak. He could do nothing but comply. Was it some inborn instinct inside him to submit? Were foxes really meant to be used for a purpose like this? Finally Kelsey started to accept it. He was a fox. Riley should be able to use him however he pleased. The wolf was stronger, and therefore, Kelsey was to submit to his every command. "It's too small. I'll never use it for anything. I'm just a girl," the broken fox whimpered.

"Louder!" Riley demanded.

"I'm a vixen, a female," Kelsey groaned a little louder.

"Louder!" Riley demanded again.

"I'm a vixen! My cock is useless!" Kelsey screamed.

"Just like all foxes," the wolf growled. As soon as he was finished speaking, Kelsey felt the wolf's teeth sink into his neck. The fox yelped in pain, a pain he quickly learned to enjoy. Riley used the extra leverage to increase the cadence of his thrusting. He did not care if his fangs broke the skin, only that his lust was sated. The taste of blood in his maw would only further his passion and lust. His rigid cock flew into the fox at an incredible speed. His sac swung like a hammer into the fox's. The sensation only added to Kelsey's ecstasy. The purplish criss-crossing veins that ran across the wolf's cock grew with every pump, and the thick, bulbous knot was swelling to an unimaginable size. Kelsey never felt anything like it. The cock inside him was on fire. His body was on fire.

Kelsey could not explain the pleasure he was feeling. His body naturally responded to the wolf's cock, just like any fox's should. It squeezed and milked the swelling length inside, and for every moment it did, Kelsey strangely felt his pleasure grow. Why was he enjoying this so much? Was this what the wolf was talking about? Was this really what foxes were truly for? Finally he accepted that the wolf's cock was meant to be inside his body. A paw reached around and squeezed his own rock hard erection. Then his body was slammed up against the tree from the force of the next thrust. "I was meant for this," Kelsey whimpered.

Riley was pounding his hips as hard as he could into the fox. The wolf wanted to bury his gigantic knot in deep. The other wolves were hypnotized by the scene. Their swelling purplish red cocks were out in the open and dripping pools of pre on the ground, along with the drool running from their maws. Kelsey could see their eyes glazed over with lust. Then again, he was becoming the same way. His tail-hole was loosening and becoming more accepting of its purpose. The fangs digging in his sensitive neck felt so good, so right. His tail didn't even need to be yanked up anymore. It stayed raised up high all on its own. Suddenly he felt that knob of flesh popping inside him. His body wanted it so badly. He wanted it.

"Tie me! Tie me like a good girl!" Kelsey screamed. Riley was more than happy to oblige. His hips bucked up hard into the fox causing his knot to ram inside one last time and swell to its full girth, nearly the size of a ripe grapefruit. All at once the fox felt complete. His tail-hole clamped down around that wonderful piece of flesh and pulled it deeper into his body. The two became one, a wolf and his bitch. The teeth dug in deeper. Blood ran down the fox's neck, and in the next moment, Kelsey nearly went blind with pleasure.

A wondrous, amazing feeling of warmth spread throughout his loins. It made him mewl and whimper. It made his body writhe and squirm, and in just a few short moments he was making the same vulpine noises he did when he pawed himself, and those he heard when his parents were mating. Any inkling of the fox he once claimed to be, was gone. He was no longer Kelsey Thompson. He was just a bitch.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff," Kelsey sounded. Riley's cum was pouring inside his body. That was made him react in such a manner. Kelsey came to the conclusion that he must have been made for this, all foxes must have been made for this. Males were meant to shove their cocks under his tail and deposit all the seed they could inside him. The pleasure was so great that it was all he ever wanted again. "Yiff, yiff, yiff," Kelsey repeatedly grunted.

Time slowed to a standstill. The fox's body contracted around the pulsing cock. His claws raked down the bark of the tree. All at once, all the fox wanted was more, more cock and more cum. All the aspirations he had in life had been taken away in this one moment. No longer did he dream of becoming famous or rich. Now all he wanted was to let as many males as he could use him for his purpose.

All he desired was for all the wolves to use him like this. He wanted more and more of their cum. He wanted to be their bitch. The paw around his cock furiously stroked his length, and in only a few short moments the fox was spraying cum up on his belly and onto the tree.

The pleasure seemed to last forever. The teeth dug even deeper, and the fox came more and more, so did Riley. Finally the wolf's jaws parted and left a few streams of blood that soaked into Kelsey's neck fur. A soothing tongue lapped up any excess. The trembling fox could feel the wolf's hot breath on his neck. He could feel Riley's claws digging into his chest and holding him close. "That's right my little vixen," Riley whispered in his ear. "Can you feel it? Can you feel your purpose in life?"

"Yes," Kelsey whimpered. The wolf's cum felt warm and ticklish. The load sloshed back and forth in his belly. "I feel it inside me."

"What's inside you is all you'll live for now. That is what foxes are good for. You like it don't you? You like fulfilling your purpose as a fox?" Riley asked.

"Yes!" Kelsey said with more conviction.

"My knot is still almost full, but I'm going to pull it out anyway so my pack can use you. Is that ok with you? Do you want them to use you and then have me for last?" Riley asked while scratching Kelsey's ears. Everything the fox was thinking was telling him to resist, yet he could not. He wanted to be a bitch. His mind was driven on by pure vulpine instinct now. He glanced back at the other wolves and trailed his eyes down to their hefty sacs, full of potent seed. Right then Kelsey wanted every last drop to be planted as deep inside him as possible. He wanted to finally fulfill his purpose in life as a fox.

"YES!" Kelsey cried out. "Every last one of your pack." He felt a tugging at his rear when he finished his words. The wolf was trying to pull out. Kelsey screamed at the top of his lungs. The knot was still so huge. Riley had to be careful. The wolf did not want to tear the fox. His hips wiggled back and forth, as he gently pushed the fox forward. He could see the vulpine flesh around his knot straining to open up. It was a beautiful sight.

"Just a little more now foxy," he whispered into Kelsey's ear before running his tongue through it. The shaking fox groaned. Every part of his body became sensitive to even the slightest touch. The wolf's tongue felt electric against his skin.

"AHHH!!!!" Kelsey screamed. There was a plopping sound, and in one quick second, the enormous knot popped free from his body. A stream of cum and urine squirted out with it. The wolf's thick shaft slowly followed behind, still spurting inside Kelsey. Finally the tip came free and a mixture of the juices that came out of it followed behind. Riley yanked Kelsey's tail down to avoid any getting on his fur and left the fox's entire rear a sticky mess. There was a few moments of panting before the alpha was able to get back his senses. His paw kept the shaking fox pinned against the tree. The other wolves were in a trance. It had been so long that they saw their alpha take a bitch, and now they would get their turn as well.

Riley stepped back to observe his work. Cum and urine were pouring out of the fox's tail-hole. He was very pleased. This fox had been marked inside and out as the pack's property. He would never stray. The only reason this fox would ever leave would be if he was too used up to be bred anymore. "Fox bitch, I want you to meet my beta, Kanye. You'll understand why I had to loosen you up like that when he fucks you." The biggest of the wolves took his place behind the fox. His fur consisted of a dark, mottled pattern, and his large frame made him the biggest of the pack. It was Riley's ferociousness, however, that made him the alpha.

Kelsey felt the wolf's large paw wrap around the base of his sticky tail and yank it up. He felt the familiar hard flesh pressing under it, though this time the fox wanted it. "Give it to me. I want your cum," Kelsey groaned. His hips teasingly pushed back against the turgid length. The immense shaft slid easily inside, and Kelsey felt pleasure when his insides opened back up to accept it.

"Riley loosened you up good. That'd bout be the only way a virgin could take my knot. I remember a bitch I nearly split in half before. You do want my knot, don't you little fox bitch?" he asked, his muzzle less than an inch from Kelsey's ear.

Kelsey's eyes were already rolling up in the back of his head. The throbbing cock inside him felt so right. Pleasure washed throughout his body. He wanted more. He could not bear to refuse anything the wolves asked of him, and he wanted all of they had to offer. "Yes, I want your knot," Kelsey whimpered. He was even more defeated, more submissive. His ears went flat against his head. Immediately after he was finished speaking Kanye started to pound his hips. There was no building up to the speed. The wolf started fast and did not let up for anything. Kelsey's entire body slammed up against the tree again and again. The wind was being knocked out of him with every thrust. The pure strength from Kanye showed from the pumping in his hips. This wolf was powerful, and the fox felt honored to be a bitch for such a powerful male.

Kanye's virility was phenomenal. It too had been so long since he felt pleasure such as this. His paw could not replace the warmth and grip that a vulpine body had. After hearing all the wonderful stories of foxes, he knew now that none of those stories, fantastic as they were, could compare to the real thing. The softness of the plush fur, the strange, weak grunts, and the unadulterated enjoyment from getting mounted all drove Kanye's lust higher. This fox was sure to be taken again and again. Riley would mount him every morning and then throw him to the rest of the pack. Then as night came the pack would all get their turns once again before the fox ended up in Riley's den. Just the thought of having a fox around to please him caused a wave of intense pleasure to strike Kanye.

Even with all the stimulation, the wolf knew he could keep this up for hours. The tightness of the fox, however, and the urine and cum swishing around his cock, begged him to finish quickly. He was using all his willpower to hold back just for a few more thrusts. His claws ran through Kelsey's neck-fur. The wolf wanted to see where the bite marks were. He did not want to hurt the fox that much, so he knew that new ones had to be made.

"Whoa Kanye, slow down. You might break something," Jones chuckled.

Kanye looked back with a smile, "Don't you remember? Foxes were made for this. There's no way he could be hurt by fulfilling his purpose in life. Isn't that right little bitch?"

Kelsey's claws were peeling the bark off the tree. It hurt. The wolf's hips were literally bruising his, but yet he wanted to go on and on. This is what he was meant for. "Yes!" Kelsey blurted out. His mind was so far gone that he failed to even think on his own anymore. Kanye's cock thought for him. That cock pulsing in his body, and the others to come, were all that was on the fox's mind. He thought of the fiery length pistoning inside his body and how much he adored it. He thought of the eventually knot locking inside him, the spurting of cum, and the eventual withdrawal, and he thought of how he couldn't wait until the next one plowed through him.

"You want to stay with us and be our bitch forever, isn't that right?" Kanye asked. His thrusting gradually increased. The swelling base of his cock pushed its way in past Kelsey's loosening tail-hole. Just as quickly, the growing knob of flesh yanked its way out. Streams of liquid gushed out around it. More was certain to be put inside, much more. Kanye's teeth locked around the fox's neck and made new bite marks beneath the fur. His hips slammed up one last time and locked his knot inside. It was just as big as Riley's.

The large knob of hard flesh spasmed, and with each spasm, more of the wolf's seed poured into his body. The fox was being filled beyond his capacity. His flat belly started to bulge from the large volume of liquid being released inside. Jones and Rodney took their place on both sides of the fox. Their muzzles leaned and lapped inside his ears. "I'm next little bitch. Hope you're still tight enough for me to get off in, or else I'll be here all night," Jones whispered in one ear.

"I know I'll get off. An omega like me should just be happy he has something to stick his cock in. With my brother's juices flowing around you, I'll tie for quite a long time. Then our alpha will get to claim you once more." Just as Rodney finished speaking, Kelsey could feel a new batch of cum spurting inside him. Kanye's cock was driven so deep that the fox wasn't even sure if this batch would ever leak out. His belly continued to swell from the sheer volume of cum. The fox could feel the knot throbbing which made his body respond just like it should.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff," the fox grunted. The teeth on his neck let up so Kanye could whisper in his ear.

"That's right. See you're enjoying this. Let us all hear how much you're enjoying this," Kanye whispered. "Make those sweet noises that foxes make." The other two wolves were slowly stroking their cocks. Riley was resting against a tree and enjoying watching his subordinates use the fox.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff," Kelsey sounded louder. His body shook with heavenly pleasure. One of his paws reached back and grabbed the wolf's hips, pulling them up harder against his bruised rump and letting the wolf know how much he wanted this. Kanye responded with several short thrusts and spurted more of his seed deep inside the fox's belly. The wolf let loose a resounding howl after a few more hard pumps. Even more of his seed flooded Kelsey's bowels. He tugged at his hips. This was quite the firm tie.

"Boys it's going to be awhile. I can't remember the last time I've been tied this tight. That really young bitch a long time ago maybe, but damn does this fox take the cake. I can't believe we actually found one like this," Kanye groaned.

"Don't take too long Kanye. My paw just ain't cutting it no more. I can't wait to fuck him," Jones said.

"He's gonna be my first you know guys," Rodney panted. Kanye and Jones both smiled at him. Riley just kept his head down and waited for his turn again.

"That's right Rodney. I remember when you were just a pup. Too bad about your mom. Riley use to pound the hell out of her in front of all of us, even let me have her a few times. Cool thing your father is here for your first time," Kanye said with a glance back at Riley. He jerked his hips around a few times. The black alpha was watching like a teacher would be watching his students.

Several minutes passed. Kanye was still firmly locked inside. "Come on Kanye, just pull it out already," Jones whined. The smaller white wolf was slowly stroking his dripping length.

"I'd tear him right now. Just hold on a minute. I'll have shrunk enough by then," Kanye panted. The largest of the wolves jerked his hips around once more. Kelsey could feel the urine in his fur slowly drying, and the paws from the two other wolves tracing his sides. He glanced down at their erections. The lust clouding his mind only made the sight more enticing. He wanted both those cocks inside him. The fox's own paws gradually came off the tree. They then returned the caresses he received from the wolves.

"Alright now, this might hurt little fox bitch," Kanye groaned. "But you better get used to it. It's all your life is going to be from now on." Kanye began pulling his hips back. The knot was so huge. Kelsey's flesh bulged outward once more. His tail-hole turned a deep red from the grotesque stretching. "But it's what foxes are for, AHHH!!!" There was a loud pop. Kanye's knot finally slipped free. The rest of his mammoth purple cock continued to pulse cum inside Kelsey as it slowly withdrew.

The fox shuddered violently. His own cock sprayed cum onto the tree in front of him and refused to soften one bit. The intense warmth radiated throughout his body. With every inch that slipped out of his body, another spurt of fresh cum pooled inside him. Finally the tip withdrew and a stream of liquid once again ran out from under Kelsey's tail. Immediately another cock took its place inside the fox. It was Jones. The pure white wolf wasted no time pounding his hips. Nearly a year of sexual frustration was let out all at once. His claws dug harshly into Kelsey's hips and yanked the fox back on his thick cock.

"Oh god, you still feel so tight," the white wolf moaned. The force of the thrusting pounded Kelsey's body into the tree. He was being bruised but strangely enjoying every moment of it. That because he was the wolf's bitch now. His stud would take him however he wanted, and as a bitch, he should enjoy every moment. The pleasure was welling up inside his belly again. The pistoning of the cock shifted the great amount of liquid inside. His belly bulged slightly as a consequence. He could feel the uncontrollable grunts begging to be let out of his throat.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff," Kelsey sounded loudly. He barely noticed he was crying. Perhaps it was out of pain, but more so out of a strange feeling of happiness. This is what he was meant for. This is all he wanted in life at this moment. He wanted cock continually buried deep under his tail.

"That's right little bitch foxy. Make those sweet noises. You feel so good. If Riley lets me, I'll have you all the time. My brothers will have you all the time," Jones groaned. His paw ran up the fox's chest to his throat. He squeezed tightly for a minute and cut off his air. Kelsey gasped and thrashed around. He wanted to resist but not even breathing seemed as important as his stud's pleasure. Nothing seemed important anymore except the fiery length burning inside. His long, bushy tail wrapped around Jones's waist and encouraged the harder thrusts that followed. His tail-hole contracted rapidly and made the wolf howl in ecstasy. He could feel a warm stream of liquid running down his cheeks and soaking his balls underneath. The fur on his thighs was starting to mat and stick heavily with semen.

"Damn this feels too good to be true," Jones moaned. His paw reached around and gave Kelsey's own dripping length a hard squeeze. Riley looked up and growled.

"That thing is useless. Let it go now," the alpha demanded. Jones quickly followed his order. Kelsey whimpered with disappointment but could do nothing to silence the noises coming from his throat.

"Yiff, yiff, yiff," the fox continued. Riley started to circle behind. He gave his son a firm swat on the rump.

"You ready boy?" he sternly asked. The young male nodded nervously. The presence of his father always made him nervous. He knew he was being groomed to be the next alpha, and being a successful stud was an integral part of the process. "Watch how Jones buries his knot. He waits till its just big enough not to hurt his bitch and still be able to slide in effectively."

Jones sort of felt like an idol for the young male looking on. The way he fucked the fox now was scrutinized in every manner. That only made him smooth out and perfect his stroke. He was honored to demonstrate to his alpha's son how to properly breed a bitch. Riley stepped up and put a paw on the back of his son's head. He pushed it down so the young male could observe the mating up close. The young wolf watched in complete fascination as the thick, red cock of Jones pounded under the fox's tail. His eyes trailed the sticky stream of cum whipping around with every thrust and the flesh, as it bulged outward and caved back in. The view nearly made Rodney climax right then.

"See his knot swelling, see his cock spreading the bitch's pussy?" Riley asked his son. There was no answer, only wide-eyed nodding. "Good, cause he's about to tie. Now watch very closely. These next few thrusts are going to be much harder. They should be too. Jamming your knot in a bitch demands a certain level of force."

Kelsey could feel that growing knob of flesh making its way inside him and yanking back out. He knew Jones was coming close. The fox felt fangs digging into his neck once more. His whole nape was so tender. He swore there would be scarring under his fur before long. True to Riley's word, Jones's humping became ferocious. His growing knot banged at the entrance to the fox's tail-hole. Finally the swollen knob crammed inside. The teeth in Kelsey's neck dug in deeper. The whimpering fox knew what was coming next.

"Now watch Jones's sac. It'll start contracting soon, and that means he is breeding his bitch. He is putting his very essence, his seed, inside his female." Rodney did just that, and soon he got to see first-hand that very essence being pumped inside the fox. The young wolf knew that his knot would keep it all inside. "Reach up and feel the pulsing." The young male's paw slowly reached up and lightly grasped Jones's pulsing sac. It drifted up to his sheath, and he could feel it swell as cum flowed through it.

"That's going to be you soon my son," Riley whispered in his son's ear. A lick throughout that same ear followed. His paws came up to scritch his son's shoulders. Rodney was drooling. A few minutes of idle staring followed. Jones pumped his hips slowly up in the fox the whole time while he was tied. His thick cock kept pulsing cum inside Kelsey. The two other wolves watched Kelsey's cock pulsing along with the one inside him. A steady stream of vulpine cum ran from the tip.

After a long while Jones was finally ready to withdraw. "It's almost time for you Rodney. You're going to love him. I promise," Jones said with a groan at the end. His hips pulled back, and a moment later his bulbous knot popped out. With a gasp from its owner, the thick cock slowly slid out as well. A few squirts showered under the fox's tail. The fur there was completely soaked, matted together, and still dripping fluid. This time, however, most of the cum stayed deep inside. Jones had been tied for so long that all the seed was forced deeper inside, filling the fox's intestines nearly completely.

"It's time my son." Riley gave his son a firm slap on his rump. Rodney went to get behind Kelsey but his father stopped him. "No, get your back against the tree Rodney. Bitch, press your back against him," he instructed the two. The other two wolves backed off and sat down. They were content to watch the rest of the show and idly stroke their flaccid cocks that were still drooling a clear stream of cum on their paws. Rodney got back against the tree and hugged the fox to him.

The younger wolf's paws roamed over his prize. The urine on the fur had mostly dried and left it even softer then before. Rodney was in awe. Finally he had a bitch in his arms. His fur felt so amazing against his body, and his cock would finally have a warm hole to breed. "Take him my son. Make him your bitch," Jones growled. Rodney shuddered. This was the moment. No longer would he be a virgin. The young wolf pressed his hips forward and his cock pushed inside. Rodney's cock was soon completely buried deep inside the fox. A loud groan could be heard throughout the woods.

The young wolf's hips flew into Kelsey. "It's so warm," he gasped. "This is so much better than just my paw."

"I'm glad you like it son. He's your bitch now," Riley said.

"Go get him!" Kanye yelled.

"Yeah, fuck him good!" Jones added. Both their cocks were swelling with lust again. Their paws moved faster across their lengths. Drool ran down their muzzles from the view.

"He's so warm daddy. He's massaging my whole cock. I can even feel your cum around me. I can feel all your cum guys. This feels so good," Rodney moaned. He bit down on the fox's shoulder and neck several times to assert his dominance. It was something he had waited so long to do. His inexperience made it seem like he was chewing on the fox. Riley stepped in slowly. Kelsey looked up to see the alpha staring right in his eyes. There was that sadistic look again. Kelsey became a little frightened. Riley's paws moved up and rested on the fox's shoulders.

"Put your cock as deep as you can," Riley ordered his son. Rodney grunted and slammed his length in, including his swelling knot at the base. Kelsey gasped, and his cock spasmed from the sudden intrusion of that bulbous knob of flesh he was growing to love. It was not nearly its full size but still spread him wonderfully. But just as he felt the sweet sensation of Jones nibbling on his ear, he felt the horrible strangling of Riley's jaws clamping tightly around his neck. His body thrashed around violently, as he struggled for a breath of air. Riley's arms lifted his legs high in the air. Then he felt something else just as horrible. Riley's even thicker cock was pressing up against his already full rear.

The struggling fox tried to protest, but the jaws tightly sealed around his neck muffled any pleas for mercy. Riley's strong paws grabbed his arms for leverage. The fox couldn't believe what he was trying. He used all his strength to try and get away but could not overpower the wolves. They were too strong. The extra leverage was just what was needed for the alpha's cock to force its way inside. The feeling of his father's larger cock pressing against his made Rodney tremble with pleasure. That was the cock that sired him, and now it joined him in the loss of his virginity. Rodney jerked his hips upward. Both cocks rubbed harshly together in their tight fleshy encasement.

"Please.... it's too much," Kelsey whined. Again he struggled in vain to get free. Both the wolves inside him responded with a growl. It was clear that they did not want to hear any complaining. The intense heat radiating from his father's cock and the flesh wrapping tightly around his own length caused the younger wolf's knot to start rapidly swelling. The pleasure was overwhelming. The fox's flesh just had to stretch more to accommodate. There was no more room left. It was threatening to tear him apart.

Riley's jaws let go of the whimpering fox right before the alpha stared him straight in the eyes. "Shut up fox. You take this. You take all of this. This is all you're good for now. This is all foxes were ever good for." Just as he finished his words, the wolf's hips jutted up harshly against Kelsey. His entire length was now buried under the fox's bushy tail, pressed close to his son's. The feeling of warmth and closeness to his own seed was all he needed for his massive knot to start swelling again.

The two huge bulges of flesh were squishing each other in the incredible tightness they created. Father and son were joined inside another creature. They bred the same bitch, and soon, they would fill the fox with the same seed. Their paws explored each other's bodies and explored the foxes. Their hips lightly thrusted in the over-stretched hole, and they both bit and swatted the fox anytime he would cry for mercy. This moment would be a special one to remember for both the wolves. Rodney never felt this close to his father, and Riley never felt this close to his son.

"Daddy I'm gonna...." Rodney whined. The young wolf was close. The pressure around his cock was unbelievable. Both the knots pressed harshly together, pressed together by an even tighter wrapping of warm, silky flesh.

"Me too son, I'm almost there again," Riley groaned. Both the wolves jutted a hard thrust upward, and Kelsey let loose a blood-curdling scream. The whole forest must have heard the terrible sound. He blacked out from the pain only to awake a moment later. A horrible feeling erupted from inside. Two full knots were swollen inside him. The fox felt like his body was being torn apart. Each jerk from either of the wolves made him cry out in pain. Then he felt it, causing the pressure inside his body to increase dramatically. At the same time, both the cocks spurted their seed forth and filled up the fox. There was nowhere left for the cum to go. His belly swelled so much, it looked as though he was carrying a full litter of kits. The bloating only added to the pain.

"Please stop," Kelsey whimpered. Again his neck was bitten for the plea. The wolves were shuddering, and the next thing he felt was something splashing across his head. He looked up only to see the two other wolves releasing their seed all across his face. It dripped down to the sides of his muzzle, and even with all the pain, he instinctively stuck out his tongue to lap it up. This is what he was made for.

"I love you daddy," Rodney moaned. He tugged his hips. The tie was too tight. He wondered if his cock would ever come out.

"I love you too son. We're going to be like this for a long time. You better get comfortable." Both the wolves slowly sat down and rested their bodies against the trees. The fox was writhing in pain in-between them. Gradually his felt his rear going numb, but that did nothing for the torrential amount of bloating. As long as those wolves were tied to him, their cocks would continue to gush wolf seed inside his swollen belly. Kelsey was starting to find it difficult to breathe. There was so much cum and flesh in his body that he barely had room to inhale.

The fox thought for a minute about begging once more, however, he remembered what the wolves would do. Every second he had to remind himself that this is what he was meant for. The very thought helped alleviate the pain somewhat. He could feel his mind breaking down. The minutes passed like hours. The wolves were mostly quiet save for a few growls and groans. Both Riley and Rodney tried several times to tug their hips out, though completely in vain. This had been a first for Riley. He clearly underestimated the withdrawal process.

"Daddy, my cock is starting to hurt a little, but I want to cum again inside him," Rodney whined.

"I know son. I feel it, and I do too. Just try and calm yourself. I know you're young and this bitch feels so good, but we're going to have to pull out eventually," Riley explained before turning to his subordinates . "Jones, Kanye, scout out the rest of our territory and find something to eat. I have a feeling this will be a few hours. My son and I need to have a few moments alone with our new bitch. Meet us back at the den when your tasks are completed."

The two wolves nodded. "Can we use him when you bring him back?" Kanye tentatively asked.

Riley smiled before answering, "Of course, as much as you like." He then looked at his son and blew him a kiss. Kelsey whimpered when he heard those words. The stroking of a paw on top of his head calmed him slightly. "Don't worry little fox. You'll get use to this soon." The other two wolves scampered off after their alpha finished his words.

"Daddy I think I'm gonna...." Rodney groaned. He was still jerking his hips, and the squeezing around his knot was driving him to another climax.

"It's ok son. This is your first time. It is to be expected," Riley said in a comforting tone. He reached around Kelsey to scritch his son's ears. That little bit of encouragement was all Rodney needed before his cock was spurting once more, swelling the poor fox's belly until it was ready to burst. Rodney hugged him tightly around that hard bulge in his midsection making Kelsey yelp. There was no more room left. The fox swore he could feel it leaking into his stomach, even as impossible as that seemed.

Riley could see his distress and stared into Kelsey's eyes. "I know it hurts, but it's all your good for. So you'll be living with us now. We're going to feed you and take good care of you. You should be happier than any fox alive. Doesn't that make you happy, knowing how much cock you'll be taking throughout your life?"

Kelsey took a deep breath. His whole rear was numb. He could no longer feel the pain from stretching, only the awful bloating feeling of being so completely full. He stared back in Riley's eyes. "This is what I'm for?" he said in a questioning manner.

Riley gave him a loving smile. "That's right."

"Then I'm the happiest fox alive," Kelsey finally admitted. His will was now the pack's. He would do anything to serve them and completely degrade himself if it was for their pleasure.

"Then hold me close. I still feel my son has a few left in him, but you want every last drop deep inside you, don't you?" Riley asked.

"Yes," Kelsey cried. The younger wolf howled as the last bit of seed dribbled out inside the fox. His cock refused to soften.

"My head hurts father," Rodney whined.

"I know son. It'll go away in a moment. All the blood is rushing elsewhere right now. I'm almost ready for another," Riley replied. "That's ok with you right fox bitch?"

"Yes," Kelsey groaned.

"And why's that?" Riley asked.

"Because this is all I'm good for," Kelsey answered, and with that answer, the fox willingly resigned himself to his fate while Riley's cock erupted again. That was alright with Kelsey. This was to be the only purpose he would ever serve for the rest of his natural life. This is what foxes were for.

The End

Sorry for the stereotyping, but as a fox, I find the humiliation down right arousing. All foxes out there please feel free to flame me or thank me :P Whatever you wish. Again, as with all my stories, comments and criticisms welcome.

Tobias Redthorne

Here it is. This is the sequel to "Claiming of Seed." I think the two stories could be standalone pieces, so I'm not making it a series. This is much less harsh than the first one. I hope everyone enjoys and finds some closure. Criticism and comments...

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Claiming of Seed

This is my first story in awhile. Something I've just kind of dreamnt up. It's pretty harsh, even for my standards, so there's your warning. I may or may not plan to write a sequel. If I do, I can definitely see this turning into some epic like "Love,...

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Feathered Love

This is my first story in awhile. I finally had some free time on my hands and am getting back to writing. This is actually a major revision of an old story I posted on Furry Pleasures(veteran furs should know what that is.) I felt like it needed to be...

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