A Private Dance

Story by GerShark on SoFurry

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#2 of A Club Named By Its Reputation

When one wolf is put on display, another is shown the lesser known areas of the club.

This story is part 2 of Baited, Broken, and Set Free and was the source for the picture here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/621890 drawn by Profec. It's pretty sexy, and I think it all turned out pretty great. Enjoy!

The gray wolf shuffled awkwardly down an empty city sidewalk lit dimly by yellow street lamps. His muzzle nestled itself deeper into the blue and white striped scarf wrapped snugly around his neck as he avoided cracks in the sidewalk with each step. A keychain with a bottle opener bearing his name brushed against a hand in his pocket as he fiddled self-consciously down the dank street. As usual there was almost no one out and about at midnight in these parts. Most guests had arrived to their parties, and most parties were in full swing by now.

It was a pretty decent neighborhood so there was nothing shady to look out for, but that didn't prevent the shy wolf from glancing quickly towards the next building up as the silence was interrupted. The thumping music poured out a nearby window as the crowd inside danced, drank, and occasionally howled. A small group of friends stumbled their way out babbling almost incoherently to each other, and the wolf just smiled at their attempts to converse amongst themselves as they approached.

One of the dragons of the group passing by was supporting a lady by the hip, holding her close as she tried her best to walk straight and talk to her friends at the same time. The bulge in the scalie's pants was easily visible, and he gave a knowing sneer towards the wolf as his tail wrapped around the inattentive tigress' hips wedged its tip into the front of his woman's jeans casually. A harsh gasp followed a lewd moan from her lips, and the group just kept walking as she was handled like nothing more than a good night's fuck. She was obviously much more drunk than he was as there wasn't much resistance, although by the look of the group that was the intention all along.

Ember's muzzle lowered quickly into his scarf further as he hurried on by trying not to be called out by the rambunctious crowd. His entire intent tonight was to avoid being like that tigress by tomorrow morning. The only reason for being out so late was because a freshman in his classes had been tricked into going to a gay bar with a bad reputation tonight, and it was the only opportunity he'd have to either save the poor classmate's dignity or seduce the extremely attractive male.

A mischievous group had spent all yesterday talking up a bar to a new wolf in his math class named Shad who was a year or two younger. Shad was by far the most stressed after midterms, but also had the nicest ass Ember had seen in quite some time. It started out as an obvious joke amongst the group to get Shad to go to a gay bar unknowingly, but through the ordeal they were enlightened to find that the younger wolf was, in fact, gay.

Ember liked the shy, gullible wolf more than initially expected. He wasn't nearly brave enough to call out a group of larger classmates on their little prank, though. His plan was to meet the wolf at the bar before Shad had a chance to get picked up and leave. The pace of his walking started to increase steadily at the thought. It was getting late, and Shad may have already been in someone's bed unwinding by now.

It had to be as natural as possible. Ember didn't have his best clothes on and was dressed as casually as possible without looking homely. The walk gave him time to try and figure out his approach, but everything he thought of felt fake or weird. Ember was not the master of subtlety, and it showed as he went through pass after pass of awkward pick up lines in his head.

Ember had been on a dry spell for quite some time, and his swollen sheath made it harder and harder to walk as he dreamed of the various ways he could get laid tonight. Luckily he was approaching the bar and could see the queue to get in from the corner. It was only a few furs long by now, and the wolf patted down his pockets to make sure he had remembered his wallet. Looking down, Ember suddenly felt underdressed and silently cursed himself for not wearing nicer clothes.

One by one the furs of various shapes and sizes were let into the bar, and the wolf stepped modestly up to the large, black stallion checking IDs at the door. Ember reached shakily into his pocket, but before he could even speak the large stud snorted down at him through his nares.

"Another bitch out on the hunt, hm?" Clomp said as he crossed his arms over his chest. The large stallion's gaze dropped as he took in another silent, deep breath that made his broad chest raise his arms a few inches.

"Erm, excuse me?" Ember replied with a confused look on his muzzle that sapped what little confidence he had left showing.

"You smell like you'd be in heat if you had a cunt. You don't have one hidden under those slacks of yours, do ya? You might be in the wrong bar if you do." Clomp replied in his ever-direct tone and demeanor as the black fur lining his long muzzle parted to show a toothy, white grin.

The wolf surprised himself as he suddenly felt flushed at being called out in the line of furs. The bouncer was obviously just trying to control the flow into the bar with small talk to keep it from getting too crowded, but the subject matter was spot on enough to catch him by surprise.

"I'm just looking for a friend and making sure he doesn't get into trouble." Ember replied with slightly renewed confidence. His alternative intentions shone through his sheepish demeanor as the wolf kept talking. He had nothing on the horse when it came to muscle and raw masculinity, but he was no doubt nicer and more tactful than the big brute. A nice guy like Shad would no doubt pick someone like Ember over Clomp given the chance.

"He's got a sweet personality, a friendly smile, and a cute bubble butt so he'd be a prime target for the seedy types that might hang out here." Ember mentioned to the stud at the door. "If you see a pretty looking wolf, send him my way. I want to make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret tomorrow." The wolf continued as he pulled out his ID proving he was of age.

Clomp seemed unimpressed by his dismissive snort and checked the ID.

"I'll make sure you see him. You want in on the raffle tonight?" The stud asked casually as he ripped off a ticket from the desk at his side. "Free entry, interesting prizes," he said as he reached out to drop the ticket in Ember's hand.

The wolf almost dropped the ticket after grabbing at it a few times in the air and just let out an awkward cough. "No-one ever wins these things. At least it's free." Ember replied smartly.

The tall stud seemed amused by the sentiment and motioned Ember through the doorway towards the long hall leading to the dance floor. Nothing could stop the wolf now, and he all but forgot about the ticket in his hand as he strolled towards the bar to order himself a drink. He needed to be relaxed and casual; a few drinks would help with that.

Ember leaned against the bar and flagged down the bartender serving behind the counter. Not surprisingly it was another horse who seemed less bulky than the bouncer, but equally masculine. There was more bounce in this stud's step and definitely seemed more friendly as he smiled and dropped an empty glass in front of the wolf.

"What'll it be, big guy?" The light-colored horse asked with a good-natured tone.

"I need something to loosen me up. I'm waiting for a friend, but I'm a little anxious." The wolf replied as he glanced hesitantly towards the crowd dancing mere feet away.The horse laughed heartily and placed a larger glass out in front of Ember in response.

"Well I have exactly what you need. Did you get a raffle ticket at the door? It might get you some free drinks!" the bartender mentioned over the increasingly loud music.

Ember's eyes lit up and a smile spread his muzzle. His fingers gripped at the ticket and he dropped it on the table next to the empty glass.

"Is it a winner?" The wolf asked with hopeful intent.

The horse barely looked at the ticket before snatching it up with a smile. "Let me check." He replied before stepping towards the back of the bar. Ember could see the bartender talking over a hand-held radio, but the words were lost. All the wolf could discern for sure was the broad smile that spread the stud's lips before approaching again with a loud greeting.

"#46 is indeed a winner, my good wolf-man. You and your special someone get free drinks tonight!" The bartender shouted over the music excitedly.

The wolf was almost speechless. For a college student, free drinks at a bar was like winning the lottery. This was his first time ever actually coming into this bar, and it was turning out to be quite the night so far.

"Alright!" Ember shouted, barely audible over the music as he lifted his muzzle fully out of the scarf still wrapped around his neck. "Do I get to pick?" he asked over to the bartender.

"My choice, but you won't be disappointed." The stud replied. "A few more drinks, and it'll be the best night of your life." The bartender laughed with a jovial smile before sliding the finished drink across the counter.

"It's already starting off pretty well," the wolf replied before turning with his drink and taking a deep, long sip of his freshly poured beverage.

The drink was fruity and smooth, but had that distinct burn of alcohol clinging to the back of his throat. He wasn't new to it, though, and took another deep swig moments later as he looked over the crowd in search of his friend.

Ember had never seen the inside of this bar before, and it had a very interesting layout. He'd also never been to a bar with a catwalk in the middle of the dance floor, and although odd for most bars he was sure that there were plenty of drag shows put on in this type of place. It was quite entertaining to watch some of the more inebriated furs jumping up on stage to dance, though. Half the time they ended up getting dragged off as soon as they started taking their clothes off.

It wasn't long before his first drink was gone, and Ember looked down at his empty glass with a surprised look on his face. He barely remembered drinking it and wondered if the entire thing had just disappeared somehow. A quick glance over towards the bar wiped that look off his snout though, as a tall mottled equine stepped up with a new drink in hand.

"Trade ya," the horse offered as he handed the wolf a full cup.

Ember eagerly accepted the offer before taking another large sip of the new drink.

"Thanks! I swear these things just disappear in the glass. I barely taste any alcohol at all!" The wolf said while standing timidly on his toes to speak closer to the mottled stallion's ear.

"Oh there's barely any alcohol in these. That's why they're free for the raffle winner." The stallion replied nonchalantly. "You'd almost have to try and get drunk off of this type of thing!"

Ember waved his hand dismissively but watched his paw blur in front of his own face, probably due to the flashing lights. He usually didn't see things like that until he was three to four drinks in to a party.

"Yeah, I'll definitely need a few more of these before I'll feel it." He said as succinctly as he could, but the wolf's words came out a bit funny. "All the fruit juice in these is delicious, but is making it a bit harder to talk with all this noise," the wolf said as he leaned on the stud's shoulder more lethargically than intended.

The wolf's free hand held onto a solid chunk of muscle to keep himself upright even as he downed the rest of his drink in one big gulp. Ember smiled wholeheartedly and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Alright, that should help me catch up to where I need to be. Maybe one more to keep with me and sip at while I look for my friend," the wolf slurred as he wiped his muzzle with a forearm less than graciously.

The mottled horse glanced over towards the bar and raised the empty glass above his head. The bartender looked over towards the door and started preparing another drink, but he finished it with a little wink. Ember picked up on the display and laughed a little more loudly than originally intended.

"You banging the bartender? You lucky dog, you," the wolf said slyly while nudging his elbow into the stallion's side.

"Something like that, although I think you're the lucky dog tonight, hmm?" The tall stud responded with a cheesy grin as he turned towards the bar with the wolf and accompanied him towards his next drink waiting for him.

"Make this one with some alcohol this time. My friend here told me your tricks." Ember said matter-of-factly to the bartender as he weaved closer. "Makin' them weak because they're free... I might be upset if I weren't a winner!" The wolf said fumblingly as he leaned heavily against the bar.

He knew he'd only had two drinks that were supposedly pretty weak regardless of how languid he was feeling, so he couldn't be drunk yet. It could be the intoxicating smells of all these hot guys getting to him in his aroused state, though. He needed to find his friend so he could start getting him drunk! At this rate, He might just pick up one of the other hot guys around the bar before he even found his friend.

The bartender just smiled weakly at the wolf as if he'd been caught in the act, and the next drink he poured fully for the wolf to see. He let Ember smell every bottle before it was poured, and the wolf cringed visibly at the strength of each before the glass eventually filled up.

"Well you can't say this one's weak, but it might knock you on your ass!" The bartender replied as he handed him the full glass.

Ember eyed the Arabian horse suspiciously as he took a sip, and his eyes bulged out instantly as he almost spit out the extremely potent drink. "Now that's more like it! I can see why your friend here likes you so much with bartending skills like this." He yelled over the music with a broad smile as he patted the back of the horse beside him, somewhat odd behavior for his reserved self usually.

"I'm glad you like it. Now you said your friend was supposed to be here, right?" The bartender said while leaning over the bar so he didn't have to yell.

Ember's face lit up as he nodded. "Yeah, a wolf just a bit shorter than me. Probably looking lost." He replied back towards the horse.

"I think I saw someone like that heading towards the back a few minutes ago. Jay, you should help our winner here find his friend."

The mottled horse beside Ember rested a heavy arm over the wolf's shoulder.

"Sure thing, cutie." He replied with a wink of his own to the bartender before looking down at the wolf. "You ready?"

Ember snapped out of a momentary daze after being addressed. "I sure feel ready. Let's go!" He said up to his taller friend as he turned towards the dance floor and started wobbling his way to the back hallway.

Crossing the dance floor was tougher than expected, though. It was almost one AM by now and the floor had started to fill out. The wolf had to sip at his drink just to keep it from spilling when it'd get knocked around by the slutty, horny furs surrounding him. Jay's hand kept Ember true even though he couldn't see over most of the crowd, and guided him relatively easily through the array of dancers.

"Hey, drink that quick. I don't want you spilling it on the floor. I have to clean that shit up." He said good-naturedly into the wolf's ear.

The drink was stiff... almost too stiff, but Ember was no pussy and could handle it easily enough. He looked over at the horse with a cocky, crooked grin and downed the last quarter of the drink in one gulp. It felt like a large shot that filled his mouth, and after a strained gulp he handed the empty cup back to Jay after almost dropping it.

"There, you satisfied? I figured that bartender was the bitch in that relationship, but looks like he's got you cleaning his floors!" Ember said playfully to his new buddy, although by now his words were slurred enough that the stud barely understood him.

Just as the wolf was turning back around to watch where he was going, he ran into the back of a large creature blocking his path. The towering mass didn't even flinch and just stood there as the wolf looked up almost stunned at how abruptly he'd stopped. He couldn't even tell what species it was from so close to the muscled back.

"Hey, 'scuse me!" The wolf called out to the stranger, "Can I get through?"

The towering fur started to turn, and Ember saw the well-dressed elephant's ears flicker as the rather beefy individual looked to the stallion standing just behind the short wolf. He was a bear in all senses of the word without actually being one, and was wearing a suit that cost more than Ember's car.

"Oh, Jay! I didn't see you there." The elephant said with a bright smile before reaching out for a hug that the stud eagerly returned, with some care to avoid the large tusks jutting from the pachyderm's jaw.

The all-but-ignored wolf's muzzle was just over belly-height for the elephant, but the back of his head was mushed between the muscular pecs of the horse behind as the hug closed around him. Awkwardly squished by so much muscle, Ember was surrounded by the rich scents that were purely masculine. He could tell the elephant had been on the dance floor for a while, as the dress shirt clinging to that muscle-gut was already damp with musky sweat that smeared into Ember's cheek. The two larger males didn't even seem to notice the wolf squirming weakly between them before Jay's hand reached down and clasped heavily onto Ember's shoulder to break the hug.

"It's good to see you, Surus. I was escorting our raffle winner, Ember, to go meet his friend in the back. He should watch where he's going or he'll get squished by a big guy like you." The horse said with a laugh.

The elephant's trunk lifted up and poked the wolf's muzzle-tip lightly. "A little guy like you's going to have some trouble getting through, no doubt. Let me help with that." He said in a deep, rumbling voice fitting for his stature.

Surus' large frame turned towards the back hall and he simply started walking forwards into the crowd. He didn't need to say a word for the dancing, drunk furs to form a wide line for him. One of the benefits of being so large. The wolf followed closely behind while looking side to side for his friend that was supposedly nearby. Without a cup to stifle his fiddling hands he held them together and started to fidget.

With his mind starting to drunkenly wander, that smell leftover from Surus on Ember's cheek was becoming more and more noticeable. It was delectable to his senses, so strong yet smooth. It had some spice to it and was complex, and like a fine wine it was best sipped steadily through soft breaths. His slacks were straining now, but for a different reason. He couldn't take his eyes off of the elephant in front of him, but he still kept trying to force his mind towards the wolf he was trying to save from this weird bar.

Ember tried to look back towards the dance floor as they approached the hallway, but Jay's muscled chest blocked almost the entire view. The wolf barely remembered what he had seen when scanning the room for the entire walk, and couldn't remember if he'd even seen his friend or not. The memory of the real reason Ember was there was slowly fading. The small hallway couldn't mask the rich scent of the elephant and horse with him, and the wolf tried to hide it as his nose flared and took in a deep whiff of the air around him.

The wolf's head was starting to spin as the alcohol really started to kick in, and the hallways soon headed upwards towards a steep set of stairs. It seemed to be getting harder and harder to navigate even though it was just a straight line. Just lifting his feet to get up the stairs was becoming a challenge as he repeatedly mis-stepped.

"Guys.. I... Think I need to sit down." Ember finally spoke up with a death grip on the rail to keep him somewhat upright.

The wolf reached up to run a hand over his muzzle tiredly. The fur on his face felt amazingly smooth and soft to the touch, but now his hand had the musky smell of the elephant spread all over it. The wolf shamelessly and mindlessly licked his paw to pick up slight traces of the salty sweat that spread over it, but let that paw hang heavily at his side again as a door at the end of the staircase approached in front of him. Jay kept silent, but his smirk showed that he had fully noticed the wolf's absent-minded display.

"We're almost there, big guy. Just a few more steps then you can take a seat and relax a bit." Jay said over the wolf's shoulder.

Ember's only intent now was to stay awake on the stairs he was climbing and hopefully make it to a nice, comfortable seat. It got harder and harder the further they rose, and the wolf's eyes shot open as a large wooden door creaked open in front of Surus. The elephant stepped confidently forward and took a seat on a large, leather couch facing a glass wall with a pleasant sigh. Ember clung to the door's frame pondering the walk to the couch like it was crossing a raging river.

"Come have a seat with me. That bartender must've given you a strong one so you'll need to sober up a bit before we find your friend." The pachyderm said as a heavy hand patted the leather beside him.

Ember looked at the seat like it was a god-send, and built up the strength to push himself from the door across the room. He could barely stand by this point and practically fell face-first into the seat. Embarrassed and giggling, the wolf turned himself upright slowly and settled next to the large elephant at his side.

"I asked for it.. He kept serving me weak ones, but I knew better than to get fooled! Must've taken just a sip too many." The wolf replied with heavily-slurred words through a louder-than-anticipated voice.

The furred male looked over with drunkenly lidded eyes and noticed just how much larger the elephant was than he. A strong set of legs jutted out with heavy feet resting flat on the floor, and those thighs were equally bulky as the gut of solid muscle weighing down heavily on the top of them. Surus' chest was no less impressive, and was encased in hulking biceps squished against either of his sides. The thick scent of the leather matched the virile scents being given off all too well. No doubt this man held a powerful position of some sort around the bar.

Ember's muzzle lifted further and saw Surus gazing right back at him with a predatory look in his eyes. He'd never seen that from an elephant, but it was no less intimidating as Surus leaned back comfortably and let his legs extend a bit further out in front of him. That muscle gut was drawn back a bit, and with those beefy thighs spread there was an obvious outline of a package jutting between them.

"Jay, you should go make sure our other guest is taken care of." He said behind him towards the door. "I'll make sure our raffle winner, here, gets a chance to relax." The elephant reached over and placed a soothingly strong hand on Ember's shoulder to pull him in closer.

Jay silently acknowledged the request and the subtle click of the door latching behind the pair left alone in the room echoed momentarily as the music from the dance floor was muffled.

Ember couldn't help smiling broadly at the elephant and leaning against that bulky side. It smelled so good in the office, natural and full of that masculine scent he was enjoying so much. With his head buried against the chest of the pachyderm at his side, Ember glanced forwards and noticed the entire wall was a glass pane overlooking the club. It was practically a front-seat view behind a one way mirror to let them watch the crowd in peace.

He watched Jay walking out across the floor traversing the large crowd of furs. It was getting harder and harder to follow though, and his eyelids just kept feeling heavier by the moment. Closing momentarily, the wolf let himself drift off for the slightest of moments...

A subtle brush across his muzzle brought the wolf back awake. He looked up but his view was blocked by something, and his breathing was a bit tougher than usual. Ember inhaled deeply and got a rich nose-ful of the elephant's smell. It was intoxicatingly strong, and he realized why as his head pulled back a few inches.

Laying flat across his muzzle-tip was the elephant's fat cock extending well over eight inches out of Surus' pants in a completely soft state. His nose-tip was mashed between those muscular thighs, and his nostrils had been breathing in and out right at the meeting point of Surus' sheath and balls for who knows how long. The pink organ was pulsing lightly, subtly extending and shrinking with natural movements as the wolf looked on with a confused look.

He was still far too drunk to react quickly, but as he did try to pull away fully a heavy hand made sure he was held in place.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake again." Surus said down to the wolf's head in his lap. "I was about to get started without you."

It hadn't been long since he'd drifted, not more than a few moments before the elephant had pulled that massive sheath out of his pants and shoved Ember's muzzle into it. The worse part was when he continued trying to pull away, the fingers simply tightened. That hand holding him down started to teasingly pet its fingertips between his ears, and the wolf opened his jaws to speak out before he was harshly slapped across the cheek with that meaty dick held with the elephant's other hand. Surprised by the impact with his cheek, Ember immediately shut up and glanced up towards Surus in shock.

It felt unnatural as the wolf's head descended back between those thighs forced by the commanding palm gripping his scruff. Their gazes never left each other as the tip of Ember's nose collided gently with the elephant's large sac, and the smooth skin brushed effortlessly against the wolf's nosepad leaving a small, wet trail in its wake. Ember's entire body tilted over, ass resting at Surus' side with his muzzle held within the deep crevice created by those large thighs.

A look of panic spread over the wolf's face as his arms grabbed for leverage, but all he could find was more elephant muscle. Pushing and trying to tug his head free, his face was only hammered with that hefty cockflesh with repeated, shameless slaps.

"Quit playing around and open that pretty mouth for me, boy." The elephant said calmly to Ember, that heavy voice vibrating through the thick chest and belly to be more legible with his ear pinned against Surus' abs. "I think we both know there's nothing you can do to stop me."

The words weren't forced or tense, simply a statement interrupted with heavy thuds accentuating each lewd smack of hardening cock against his cheek. The drunk wolf kept his resolve even as his musk-laced breathing quickened to the point of exhaustion, his arms simply giving out which landed his face back inside the musky sac of the larger male. In silent agony the wolf clenched his eyes and tried his hardest to pull free one last time, but the hand on his head was like a brick wall that kept him perfectly still.

The realization was taking a while to sink in, but his fiery surrender allowed his tongue to creep out of his mouth and slide tentatively across a furless orb held snugly in a loose-skinned pouch that would no doubt hang quite low if it weren't cradled by a dense set of thighs. The taste was repulsively perfect... They were salty and manly as they were meant to be, much more flavorful and potent than his own. The raw testosterone required to keep such plump, exquisite balls had the wolf's mind reeling, and that tongue more eagerly swept across its brethren unconsciously.

Ember had all but forgotten why he was at the bar in the first place as his tongue curled and laid flat against Surus' far orb. His drunk, rebelling mind had something to focus on now and it was starting to grow larger and larger by the moment as that cumbersome flesh draped over his face started to thicken.

Surus' cock was far from being able to support itself, but it was already about a foot long and moulding to the shape of Ember's muzzle from its own weight. Draped across his far cheek, the wolf's face was encompassed in cockflesh and held tight to the elephant's sac. The tip seemed particularly heavy with a subtle flare showing, and some slimy-looking fluid started to run down Ember's neck from the middle of it.

The wolf felt disgusted even while he continued to moisten those large, swollen balls pressed to his lips. He had no choice but to press forwards and open his maw further to start taking the closest orb into his muzzle as Surus' hand guided him like a puppet. Bit by bit his lips were pushed aside, and his tongue was pressed down to the floor of his gaping maw as an entire ball spilled into his mouth. It was a tight fit, and his hot breath poured out over the dominant male's sac as his tongue started to move again.

It was like trying to lick an orange inside of his mouth as constant swipes of his tongue strolled over the smooth-textured intruder. He could taste the musky flesh and tried to spit it out fruitlessly as Surus started to push its partner into his maw. The wolf could barely handle one, but the sensations amused the elephant who chuckled deeply overhead.

A heavy thud resounded as the wolf's lidded eyes opened up and found that heavy dick on his face starting to lift itself up when it'd flex. It started to repeatedly raise up a few inches and drop again as the elephant grew more aroused, and each time would come crashing down onto his struggling muzzle. The grey, wrinkled flesh was still soft and yielding which made for an extremely lewd sensation as he cradled the man's balls in his maw.

Ember was nothing more than a cock-rest for the big-dicked male, yet he looked horrified up that towering pillar of cock each time it would flex and stand up proudly over him. A lewd whimper escaped the wolf the last time that dick landed on his muzzle, and afterward it was simply too stiff to lower again. The submissive male was forced to look up at that 17" long organ and watch it pulse as prefluid drizzled down drip by drip to pool just in front of his lips at the base of the elephant's sheath.

By the time Surus' hand pulled Ember's head off of his sac there was a large puddle of precum just in front of his nose. Ember tried to turn away from it, but it was too late now. He was forced to watch as the elephant scooped up that mess with one of his large fingers and smeared it across the whimpering wolf's cheek and teeth.

Surus simply grunted in amusement and took hold of his pillar of a shaft to aim it straight for the wolf's eager mouth. It was so close Ember could smell nothing but precum and cock, and the elephant's pleasure was the only goal in mind.

Surus practically tossed the wolf to the side of the couch. "Get to your knees, slut. I think you're ready."

The reeling wolf looked helplessly up towards the standing pachyderm as he tried to gets up on his hands and knees. Ember was only able to start his climb over the arm of the couch before the grip on Ember's neck took hold once more. The towering elephant grabbed the wolf's scarf like a collar and blocked the slut's path with his imposing form. That bobbing cock in front of him was aimed right for the sneering wolf as the large organ wiped a slimy spurt of precum into Ember's neck and cheek where it clung.

The unflared tip of the elephant's cock smeared its slimy treat all across the wolf's lips as it approached its target. The resistant, drunk male took his place as cock-servant for the elephant as his mouth was forced open and the baseball of a glans was encompassed by the moist lips of the drunk wolf.

A gutteral sigh of pleasure escaped the towering elephant as his cockhead slid further into Ember's mouth. The wolf tried to cough and spit after only about three inches to slow things down, but the elephant had other plans as Ember's head once again started descending. Surus' grip held strong as inch after inch of elephant-dick was fed into the smaller male's mouth. Ember's concern grew as his throat started to reflexively tense and squeeze at being spat over by the glans approaching. There was no question whether or not Surus' cock would reach its target, and Ember's eyes watered out of reflex as the elephant slid his hand down the scarf and tugged to tighten up the make-shift leash.

Looking down over the bitch of a wolf, Surus' grinned between his large tusks and pushed his hips forwards to press his dick right up against Ember's throat. There was enough force to lean the smaller male back and make his feet slide against the leather providing barely any friction.

That cock was far too big to just glide right in, but that was pretty common for Surus by how he handled it. His tip spat a healthy gush of precum onto that throat that the wolf couldn't even swallow as each labored breath audibly rushed through the slut's nose occasionally laced with precum spattering along with. With a fresh batch of natural lubricant, the elephant once again pushed forwards forcefully with a gruff grunt as his glans popped into Ember's throat and defiled it with a virile flex of his entire shaft. The wolf's last breath was filled with another man's musk and far shorter than he would have liked.

Ember's feet started to slide backwards until his toes caught between two of the cushions, and the thick organ started to descend deeper the monstrous length filled him. The wolf's throat was visibly stretched and his tongue was pinned down to the bottom of his mouth as his gagging, flexing throat was kept in place by the straining scarf. There was nothing he could do to prevent his teeth from brushing against the smooth skin as his jaws were forced as wide as they could go. Surus just kept plunging deeper still, though. After about nine inches it was getting tougher, but the elephant wasn't giving up as he paused for a long moment. It felt like an eternity for the wolf whose lungs struggled with what little air they had.

"Grab my dick and pump some precum into your throat." The elephant ordered as he gazed down the length of his dick and into the muzzle engulfing it.

Ember looked angrily up at the elephant and kept his hands on the couch supporting himself before Surus tugged the scarf and the wolf was lunged forwards another two inches onto Surus' cock. The reeling wolf reached forwards and grabbed the elephant's crotch just to keep from sliding further forwards. His oxygen-deprived, drunk brain relented quickly and the wolf desperately tried to wrap his hand around Surus' dick. Ember could barely get halfway around with just one hand, so the elephant forced the other to join it moments later as the wolf watched helplessly on. Ember's only support was from his knees and the crotch of his rapist, and the scarf made sure they stayed in place as Surus wrapped the 'leash' around the hands gripping his throbbing organ.

With his smooth palms tied tightly around the base of Surus' cock, the elephant tugged the knotted binds back and forth on his cock. As soon as Ember's fingers indented that flesh he could feel a warm gush inside his upper chest as if he'd just drank some warm milk. The sensation was lewd and terribly arousing for the cock-filled bitch as he was forced to milk precum into his own throat. He wanted air so badly the wolf's diaphragm was reflexively trying to breath through that massive pillar of flesh lodged in his mouth blocking the airway completely.

Gush after gush filled his neck, pooling in his upper chest and drizzling down into his stomach directly. The paws finally reached his muzzle sliding down that slick, musky length and the thinnest portion of shaft they'd felt yet. Unable to continue Ember looked up questioningly towards the pachyderm that stood watching with a confident grin. The dominant male's face tensed momentarily and Ember felt the shaft in his throat and hands suddenly flex up stiffly. A heavy breath escaped the burly male before the rest of the precum held in that shaft jetted into Ember's neck and soaked it down thoroughly.

Almost immediately afterward Surus leaned forwards and grabbed hold of the knotted scarf crimping the wolf's neck keeping those paws in place on his dick. The burly elephant dragged Ember's hands back to the very base of his shaft where they could barely touch fingertips. Using a hand on the back of the wolf's head to keep him in place, the elephant arched his back and wedged his pendulous organ deeper into the slick fuck-hole of Ember's mouth. With how much precum had been spread along the walls, it was only a matter of time before the elephant started descending again.

Ember's jaws were already achingly wide, but it only got more so with time as his dim eyes watched the cockflesh slide into him and stretch his muzzle farther than he'd ever felt it. His last breath was quite some time ago, and it was really starting to burn. The wolf was looking up at the elephant with a longing look just as he felt his hands mash against his own face once again.

He'd been holding that sheath as it pressed against his lips, bottoming out that large cock with relative ease thanks to the muscular thighs flexed tensely in front of him. Ember could feel the heat off of the big-dicked male's balls as they pressed against his chin, and the elephant grunted in satisfaction as he looked down to admire the bulging neck and chest in his chosen slut for the night.

It was a lewd sight; one that Ember would normally be far more than a little ashamed of. He was somewhat proud in his drunk state, though. Pleased to have sheathed the pachyderm in his mouth even though it was solely for that bulky man's pleasure. That sense of pride was interrupted as the door to the office opened and then closed again.

Someone else was in the room with them, and Jay came into view once the horse leaned over the back of the couch. There was no way to hide or run now. Ember's mouth was wrapped around Surus' dick, and his head was pinned between a burly man's crotch and the wall of a hand connected only by that pulsing cockflesh. It was exactly what it looked like, and it only felt more embarrassing for the wolf as Surus finally started to pull back.

The elephant looked intently towards Jay the entire time while the wolf and horse both watched the hefty organ steadily squeeze out of the bitch's wide muzzle. The wolf's lips stayed tightly sealed to Surus' sensitive skin all the way out like an eel slithering out of its den. As soon as the fat cocktip spilled out of Ember's throat connected by a long strand of precum, a loud inhale filled the room and broke the awkward silence.

"The other is well on his way, boss." Jay said with a pleased smile as the elephant's plump erection visibly pulsed in front of the panting wolf with a glistening sheen.

"Good. Don't get him too drunk like this one. We want a good show tonight." Surus replied before looking down at Ember trying to tug his hands away and somehow escape. The elephant laughed deeply over his muscle-gut and slapped the wolf with his unwieldy glans instantly shattering the wolf's already-struggling resolve. "As for you... I'm going to fuck that pretty mouth of yours and break you like Clomp's going to do to your little friend." The elephant said through his smirk as his dick bobbed just in front of Ember's tongue-lolled muzzle.

Jay nodded and stood watching for a long moment to see what the panting wolf would do. Not surprisingly Ember tightened his grip on the base of Surus' dick and tried to turn his head away. Surus looked over towards the horse who offered a helping hand. The elephant rested both fists on his hips as the horse grabbed the fur on Ember's head and shoved the wolf's mouth back where it belonged; hilted and planted on the pachyderm's heavy balls.

Ember was slightly more prepared and stretched this time around, and even with the horse roughly shoving his muzzle down a stranger's dick he drunkenly gulped around the fat head of the elephant's erection without gagging. It was painfully obvious to the horse just how tight it was in there, and just the view was making Jay's pants as tight as the scarf wrapped around Ember's neck. The wolf's lips slid down the large man's pole and the slippery cock descended smoothly through the strained throat molded to fit that wide glans.

It took much less time for the wolf's paws to press against his face the second time, and the elephant let out a gutteral moan as his balls smacked against Ember's neck. The low-hanging orbs brushed against a good portion of Ember's forearms and collided with the wolf's skin wrapped around his dick. The full sac took up quite a bit of space between the two males with their virility.

The hefty organ stayed still only for a moment before Surus pulled it back a number of inches. The motions were smooth but substantial, and a gruff grunt escaped between Surus' tusks as his hips swung forwards and hammered Ember back along the leather couch. Loud thuds started to fill the room as the elephant's dick stroked back and forth through the wolf's neck and chest. It was obscene to watch, and Jay looked on silently and intently while his hand held the wolf's head in place.

"Make sure 47's drink doesn't empty. These customers are expecting a show." Surus ordered gruffly as he continued to pound into the wolf and watch over the crowd mingling in his bar.

"Yes, Surus." Jay responded absentmindedly before the hand on Ember's head was replaced with a much larger one. The sounds of a door opening and closing resounded leaving the two alone once more.

Surus' tusks lowered as he looked down with a lusty gaze, and he intently watched his cock slide back and forth into that straining muzzle wrapped around it. His length was plunging deep enough that the outline of his flaring glans was visible below the slut's adams apple. The bulky weight of the elephant was swinging staunchly as the burly male made proper use of the wolf's muzzle thrust after thrust.

That flaring glans wasn't only helping him see the progress his slut was making sucking his large dick, though. The increased sensation was getting him closer and closer to that much needed release. Surus' large ears flapped as his trunk reached down to wrap around Ember's throat directly, and he gave a good squeeze to tighten the flesh around his dick as he grunted out each thrust.

Pendulous balls still slick with his own saliva slapped wetly against Ember's neck and upper chest. The delayed thump smacked against Surus' own dick buried deep inside and housed at a slight downward angle in the much smaller wolf. The pace was growing more frenzied and feral, and the wolf was forced to take every last inch over and over again even as he started to grow light-headed from lack of air. There was nothing he could do to stop the big male even if he wanted to, and his watered eyes watched feebly on as he was used solely for another man's pleasure.

Ember started to grow weaker, but just as he got his vision started to fade the orbs hammering against his neck noticeably jumped. The wolf's eyes suddenly went wide, and Surus' back arched as the massive flared tip slid out from between the slut's gaping throat.

Right as the flare audibly squelched out, the slit housed within opened wide and Ember watched a hot wave of cum torrent over his gasping muzzle. With his mouth caught open inhaling sharply, the slimy fluid splashed all over the inside of his mouth. The majority of the cum pouring out of the massive cock shot onto his forehead and spattered outwards from there. His face was instantly soaked and his furred muzzle turned to the side just in time for the second wave to coat his entire cheek and neck in the elephant's viscous cum.

Gasping for breath once again Ember tried desperately to swallow what he could just to clear his mouth and nose. There was always more cum, always more fluid splashing from every direction as the dizzy wolf spat, gagged, and gasped through his spinning world at the end of an elephant's jizzing cock.

Surus's grunting matched each wave of jizz as he pumped his load all over the slut. The more Ember tried to move his face out of the powerful stream, the more area got covered in jizz thick enough to behave like glue. Large globs of cum drizzled down from all sides of Ember's head as he felt the stream of cum starting to subside. He looked towards Surus' crotch to make sure, but the large elephant flexed his dick one last time and blasted a large burst of cum right from his flare and into Ember's panting mouth.

That stout hand grabbing the top of the surprised wolf's head forced Ember to watch Surus' cock smear wetly all across his muzzle. The wolf wasn't just getting face-fucked; he was being marked with the elephant's cum on purpose. Strongly-scented elephant jizz spread all over the smaller male's face and was occasionally pushed between his lips. Stained inside and out, Ember whimpered pathetically as his nose and fur was filled with a better male's scent by the organ repeatedly gliding in sawing motions all along his marked muzzle.

"You're going to suck a lot of dick tonight." Surus said with a satisfied tone to his voice. "But you're only going to smell like me."

The elephant's cock was starting to soften and drape wetly between Ember's ears. The tip was spitting remnants of aftercum down his back and shirt, and leaving stains all along the inside that were easily visible through the fabric. The wolf was a mess all over and the elephant grabbed his relaxed cock only to shove it back between Ember's panting lips again as if it belonged there causing an audible 'Gllkgh' to escape the freshly filled maw.

The door to the room swung open again as Ember was frantically swiping and swallowing the leftover cum on Surus' flaccid length just to breath around it. His nose was long-since clogged with that thick, tacky fluid and he looked like nothing more than a straining whore tied by the wrists to an elephant's crotch.

"Number 47 is ready. We're going to start soon... Whoa... Who woulda known he'd be so eager with a cummy dick in his mouth." Jay mentioned briefly as he stood beside his boss and watched Ember's shamed ears lie flat in the mess of fluid left there.

"Good work, Jay. Keep him quiet. I have some business to attend to around back." Surus said with a dark, playful tone as he pulled his slick cock out of its new sheath and untied the scarf wrapped around Ember's hands at his sheath.

It felt like miles to the wolf with the horse and elephant gazing on as inch after inch reappeared without a drop of cum clinging to it. Squeegied clean, the grey elephant dick flopped audibly over the freshly drained balls as leftover ropes of jizz drizzled down from the sides of the drunk lupine's teeth.

Allowed to breath again, the wolf took in a deep breath and looked towards the door to yell past the horse for help. Just as he started to exhale the noose of a scarf tightened and silenced the helpless, dehumanized male. The horse held the reigns now and they were tighter than ever as the fabric cinched in his fist, although his stern glare was what caught Ember off guard as his head was angled up and forced to gaze into yet another dominant male's eyes.

"You just got your face fucked by a dick that'd make a whale choke... You're dripping cum and smell like an elephant's whore house... And you've got two big studs holding you down." Jay said in an equally dark tone that followed his spreading smirk. "If you want a crowd of horny bar goers in here to watch what happens next, I won't stop you." He said right into Ember's cummy ear to make sure he heard the whispering words at the end. "I won't stop them afterwards, either."

Jay's words made Ember's clenched hands tighten and he looked frantically towards the door then back up at the fist holding the scarf tight around his throat. He quickly nodded his understanding and waited for the grip to soften, but it didn't come. Ember's quivering form started to panic further as he felt a large weight press down on the couch behind where he was kneeling. The wolf's heart was racing, and the firm, gritty hands of the elephant came down on his hips without an ounce of pity as his tail shook uncontrollably.

Just as he was starting to feel light headed again the horse relented and let the wolf's head drop onto the edge of the couch while Ember inhaled deeply. He couldn't even whimper as his initially resistant tail was hoisted up and pinned to his back under the weight of a much larger male.

The horse seemed excited as his free hand undid the front of his pants to leave the swelling sheath pour out in front of the wolf's cummy face. Ember didn't even know it was there until his eyes were able to refocus again and catch the mottled cock of the equine spilling out of the dark sheath that held it. There was a stark contrast between the pink, glistening flesh pushing aside the black, smooth skin as the wolf silently watched on from below.

"That's better... Shut up and enjoy being our little fucktoy. We sure will." Jay spoke mockingly as the horse's pants dropped another few inches and exposed the equally dark sac getting pushed out of sight by the limp, growing dick in front of it.

Ember could hear the faint sounds of a zipper before a flump of fabric hitting the ground in front of him, but what was more concerning was the same sound from behind him as the elephant's slacks came to rest on the couch at Surus' knees. Most of the cum in his mouth was gone by now, swallowed down into his stomach or pressed right up to Surus' sheath, only aiding the dry feeling.

Ember felt his head hoisted up with the scarf and moved his face to the side just to breath, but every breath was laced with the scent and flavor of the elephant shuffling behind him even with his muzzle in Jay's crotch. His eyes were slightly glossed over as he felt the cock at the bridge of his muzzle start to stand under its own weight, and Jay took it upon himself to guide Ember's head where he wanted it with his free hand. The wolf could see Jay's eyes lid with sadistic enjoyment as his growing erection came into view.

The stallion's cock wasn't as large as Surus' but it was far larger than anything he'd sucked before the night started. The shaft was mottled as much as the horse but was mostly pink. It looked a bit smoother too. A strange feeling started to spread as he watched the subtle pulsing and glistening... One of arousal. Ember exhaled a snort through his nose at the thought, but his eyes couldn't move off of the cock that slid down his muzzle.

Ember felt like nothing more than a slut as his head was silently guided to the head of Jay's dick, and with no meaningful resistance he opened his mouth and went down on the second man that night.

The elephant snapped the wolf out of his little fantasy and slapped his cock wetly against Ember's taint. The cum-drooling head was firming up nicely after the first orgasm, and the wolf's eyes lunged open as he remembered what the elephant had in mind.

Ember had only been fucked by his first boyfriend over a year ago and Surus put that boy to shame in all aspects. He tried to pull his head back but was met by Jay's hand again. He was too weak to even whimper out as Jay's cock descended further into his mouth and filled it with his pulsing head.

"He's learning to enjoy himself pretty quick for a wolf. He's got the mouth of a fox, but lets see if his ass proves equally talented." Surus replied cockily as his glans smeared saliva and cum between Ember's cheeks.

Just the head of the elephant's cock was enough to spread fluid all over Ember's rump, and once the precum started to flow again the wolf knew he was going to be Surus' bitch completely tonight. The thought excited and thrilled him slightly more than it scared him.

Jay's hand palmed his way along Ember's head as he felt the slut starting to descend on its own accord. The flesh was smooth and soft against Ember's tongue, just as the wolf had imagined it would be, and he looked up at the horse as he pushed his mouth down until the tip was pulsing and swelling against his throat. The stallion's eyes closed fully for now and he let out a long, pleased sigh as he was serviced by his boss' toy. Elephant cum was drooling down onto his crotch, but the stallion didn't care. It wasn't the first time judging by how his hand squeezed through the mess soaking into Ember's fur.

The elephant was ready for round two by now, and he made it known as he pressed his glans directly against that clenched hole under Ember's tail. It didn't feel like it was going to fit to Ember, but there wasn't much he could do besides reach back one of his hands and try to tug at one of his cheeks weakly. He drunkenly tried to splay as wide as he could for the larger male to ease the growing discomfort, and it made him look even more slutty than before.

Surus wasn't going to wait around all day for that ass pressed against his dick to just open up, and his insistence grew as he ground his tip all over that fuckhole he was going to defile. Precum started mixing with the cum and saliva messily making it slick, but the muscles physically wouldn't relax enough to fit such a large intruder. The pachyderm's patience was wearing thin as he started to grunt gruffly over the cock-sucking wolf.

Suddenly the lights flashing on the dance floor went dark, and Ember looked out through the window while tonguing the large horse-cock in his mouth. The bouncer was up on stage talking to a large crowd of furs which seemed a bit strange, but even stranger was when he saw Shad getting escorted up next to Clomp. The wolf remembered why he'd come in the first place and felt ashamed as he was pushed down that strange dick a bit further and felt the insistent male hunched over his back trying to get into his ass.

Shad was up on stage with Clomp now, although Ember closed his eyes and tried to focus on pushing out the sensations forced upon him. Ember's mouth was tonguing and stroking along Jay's glans but that wasn't enough for the big-dicked horse by the way his hand was pulling more commandingly towards his own crotch. The wolf's ass was equally starting to give in, the muscles getting forced looser and stretching bit by bit as that flat cockhead smeared its fluid all over his cleft.

By the time the slut of a wolf looked out the window again he gagged around the stallion's dick at what he saw. The wolf he wanted to save from the fate he was in now was on his knees pulling the bouncer's massive cock gingerly into his virgin mouth. The sight humiliated Ember beyond all belief, but that sensation was quickly overtaken by the feeling of Surus' flat glans spilling into his ass with a loud grunt over his back. Ember's eyes watered once again from the humiliating pain of being stretched so wide, but his voice was silent from the cock lodged in his mouth and taking up every inch of free space. Nothing could have prepared him for such a large cock in his ass.

"Mm.. I knew you'd get it, Surus. You always do." Jay said gruffly towards his boss. "Looks like he saw who we chose for the show tonight."

The horse then forced Ember down to his medial ring while watching in amusement as the wolf tried to accommodate it. The head of his cock pushed into the wolf's gullet with an unyielding shove after the elephant had taken his turn, and it was still extremely slick and fuckable. Judging by the look on Jay's muzzle as a drawn-out sigh escaped, it felt like heaven.

"Imagine how it must feel to watch your date for the night get dragged on stage and fucked by a bigger, stronger, sexier man." Surus said down to Jay as he pushed his hips inwards and wedged another few inches into the wolf. "While you get fucked in the ass by a dick larger than any you've even fantasized about before."

The elephant's cock started to make its way through Ember's ass, tunneling inch by inch and straining every muscle it touched. The wolf's tail tugged uselessly under the pachyderm's hand on his back as he tried to worm his rump away, but he couldn't move an inch gagged on a fat cock. Every breath he took was labored and deep, although that soon stopped as Jay pushed far enough into the wolf's throat to block off the smaller male from breathing.

Once again Ember found himself choking on a bigger male's dick, but he was straining much more this time as he felt the elephant casually leaning forwards with his bulky form. That's all it took a big guy like Surus to get his dick deeper in a tight slut. No thrusting, no grinding... just leaning and exhaling lustily all over the wolf's back.

Each time Ember felt the shaft move he visibly tightened up at the sensations rushing through him. His bowels were turning into a sheath for this big pachyderm, and he felt the head mash against the entrance to his colon moments later. The wolf had only read about fucking someone so deep, but had never thought he'd experience it with how short his own erection was. Hitting that point was easy for this elephant though, and he made it known as the large male clapped his hand loudly against Ember's right butt-cheek in satisfaction. That was the moment his body slipped down Surus' shaft and spread his colon open to its new owner.

The wolf needed to breath and he took his eyes off of Shad's servicing of the dark stallion on stage to look up at Jay. The horse smirked at the cock-sucker's silent request and pulled those eager lips down to the base of his sheath. A throaty moan of pure pleasure escaped the mottled stallion as he filled out most of the space made for him by his boss. Elephant cum smeared over his dick this deep into the wolf, and Jay held the quivering, gagging slut hilted on his shaft even as its air started to run out again.

Ember's lungs, throat, and ass all burned and throbbed deep within him as he was used in both ends. Silently pleading and begging with his eyes for breath, he helplessly tried to gasp for a quick break. All the slut could do was keep kneeling his drunk self over a couch and get fucked by two guys he barely knew with no control over even his own breathing.

His body wasn't even rocking, the elephant's dick was over halfway into his ass but it still had so much more to go and it was getting wider with every inch. The dick in his mouth was thankfully hilted, but it was far too much to handle judging by the bulge reaching just short of where Surus' did before on his chest.

Surus spoke up with a sigh washing between his sneering teeth into the back of the wolf's head. "You enjoy this, don't you boy?" He said with a guiding tone as the larger male's tusks came into view on either side of his head.

Ember's head tried to tug to the side to signal his disgust, but the elephant made his point clear by mashing the wolf's cum-clogged nose against Jay's musky, furred crotch.

"I said, 'You enjoy this, don't you boy?'" Surus repeated in a gruff tone.

A Private Dance: Front Row Seat

The wolf's eyes clenched and reopened as he folded his ears back in shame and nodded obediently with a frantic look in his eyes.

"The hardest decision you can make is whether to shove your mouth down on that luscious horse dick or push your ass down my massive cock in your ass, isn't it?" Surus asked even as another two inches of cock slid into the overly tight ring straining its limits.

Ember made no hesitation this time as he nodded his lips as best he could and pulled his toes tightly to his feet.

Content with the answers Jay's cock spilled out of Ember's throat with a smooth, steady motion to rest in his mouth. The slut panted all around it, and the moist, hot air kept the stallion teased while letting their plaything get some much needed air for good behavior. Ember even started to relax for the first time since both his mouth and ass were initially defiled.

"Luckily we get to make that decision for you, then." Surus spoke as he hoisted his heavy upper body up to tower over the smaller male kneeling between him and his friend connected at the crotch.

A gruff sense of satisfaction showed all over the elephant's face as he shoved his cock in to the hilt with a thunderous thrust that shoved the wolf's muzzle right down the shaft spreading his throat wide open. If Ember wouldn't have been gagged he probably would have had the air knocked right out of him. Instead he was swallowing and gagging as the elephant pulled back and started to ram into that gaping backside with powerful swings of his massive form.

With an elephant-sized cock, those equally large thrusts started to shake the couch. Jay took that as his queue and started face-fucking the wolf on his cock. The rhythms were brought into sync while Ember grabbed at anything he could get a hold on. He was just along for the ride now as the two dominant males made use of their cocksleeve.

Surus' pounding was constant and rigid. Nothing could stop those hips, and the wolf's face hammered into Jay's musky crotch each time. That powerful muscle-gut rested against Ember's back, and he could feel the bulky thighs flexing against the back of his own while that thick shaft slipped wetly into his stretched ring. There was plenty of lubricant with all the fluids being smeared through the wolf's entrance leftover from Surus' cock, but the shear size of it made for quite the challenge as the slut was repeatedly ravaged. Just the wet, slippery sound of the two shafts sliding in and out of the wolf would have made him blush.

The elephant dick had only a bit of give to it making it even harder for Ember's ring to wrap around, not to mention his colon's entrance splitting wide open with each thrust. With the thick base stretching him far past his limit each time, the wolf was surprised he simply wasn't torn in two by the eager male behind him. Surus' hands came to rest at either of Ember's sides, and the large pachyderm's chest pinned the slut down to the back of the couch. The wolf wasn't moving at all with either the horse's or elephant's thrusts with that much weight on his back.

The elephant's trunk once again wrapped around Ember's throat, and his head was kept still so he had to watch the events unfolding on stage.

Shad had his mouth all the way down Clomp's shaft and was cradling the dark horse's orbs like he was worshiping them. He was really into it by the smile on his face, and was no doubt a natural by how well he was working over the large cock presented to him.

"That's how a good wolf enjoys himself. You'll be our good wolf, soon." Surus grunted from high above his new sheath.

The horse and elephant grunted and moaned with their thrusts as Ember was used between them watching his friend get fucked and feeling his body getting defiled. He tried to look away but could only watch in disgust as the horse's cock pulled out of Shad's mouth. Just moments later Clomp started unloading his virile cum all over his unknowing damsel-in-distress' face. The wolf kneeling in front of the dark stallion had a grin wider than any Ember had ever seen, and bathed in the orgasm of a better male with a euphoric expression without even knowing of Ember's intent.

The elephant picked up his pace to fuck Ember in full force now, and was spurred on by the crowd loudly cheering for Clomp and Shad up on stage. Each thrust by the elephant was met by one of the horse's, impaling simultaneously and filling their cock-sleeve full enough to bulge out of his front at both ends. The pace was quickening along with the two males' breath, and the wolf could feel hot rushes of air escaping out over his nape by the burly elephant as he was fucked.

"Gag him on some cum, Jay... I want to see how tight he can get." Surus grunted through his thrusts.

"Mm.. Fine...I could be here all day, though." The mottled horse replied heatedly as he leaned back and let out a pleased sigh.

The stud's hips were pushing and pulling rapidly against Ember's lips. There was no way the elephant could slide his cock in and out of the wolf at the pace Jay was starting to take, and once again a heavy pair of balls was starting to smack at Ember's chin. The wolf-bitch was out of breath again, but there was no stopping Jay now as that flare started to swell.

Each time the large, flat tip of the horse would slip out of the wolf's gullet he'd get a mouthful of Surus' spent cum and the stud's slick precum drizzling from his maw. Excess was spilling out of his mouth and the stallion hadn't even cum yet. The flare was large enough to get stuck in Ember's throat, and each time Jay would pull back he'd tug it right at the back of Ember's maw just to feel that extra little bit of pleasure.

Jay let out an audible snort through flared nares. The once-calm eyes of the stallion had a burning gaze set on only one prize now, and the stallion's powerful hips slapped loudly at Ember's face as the point of no return approached.

Jay's long muzzle twisted and contorted as he was pushed over the edge, and his tense muzzle relaxed fully as a loud groan escaped. Some of the dancers on the floor watching the aftermath of the show looked up towards the glass, but they could only imagine what was going on behind through the one way mirror. The noise disappeared into silence soon after as groans turned to heavy panting and that flared horse cock emptied his large balls deep in Ember's waiting gullet.

There was no escape for all that cum this time. Surus pushed the wolf's head down to the base and kept it there as he continued fucking. Jay's erection erupted with more force than Surus' had, and Ember could feel the fluid gushing right into his stomach past all defenses. The wolf couldn't even attempt to gag with his worn throat spread wide open on the stallion's cock, and Jay watched on while his spurting, flexing organ made Ember's throat bulge out visibly each time he deposited a fresh pump of his thick, slimy seed.

There was exactly as much as you'd expect coming out of a big stallion's cock, and Ember's air had run out a while ago. He was drunk already but now his world was spinning for other reasons. The light-headed cock sucker couldn't keep himself from tensing up as he felt his stomach pumped full of jizz, and Surus flexed his massive organ deep in Ember's colon when he felt the wolf clamp down.

That sensation satisfied the muscled elephant, and his chest heaved as he stood up tall behind the smaller male. Ember could barely hold onto his consciousness as the elephant's flare became too big to pull out of his colon anymore and physically locked them together no matter how hard Surus tugged. Skewered in both ends, the wolf's lips slid a few inches back and forth on Jay's dick as the elephant knotted himself in the wolf using just his pendulous erection. Every movement the elephant made was mirrored by his mouth slipping around the cum spilling out of the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.

Surus' peak hit like a freight train, and he grabbed both massive hands onto Ember's ass to pull the smaller male back onto his sheath. The large tusks of the dominant male pointed towards the ceiling as he trumpeted his victory, and that heavy cock speared into the wolf's ass filled out every inch it could take as the elephant claimed his prize.

The shear volume of the elephant's orgasm was notable, but the force of that cum splattering against his deepest bowels made the wolf shudder. He was being marked with jizz in places no-one else could ever reach. This elephant would be the first and probably the last to possess that part of him, and he started to drift out of consciousness as the pool of viscous seed pooled deep within him. With a flare in both ends he was forced to take every last drop, and he felt muscles stretching to accommodate the large loads that he'd never felt before.

The horse's crotch stayed mashed to the slut's cummy lips even as his colon filled further and further, but the post-orgasm shrinking of Jay's dick in his throat started to free up space he craved. Ember's broken and defiled form quivered as he he felt the softening cock of the horse start to slowly slide backwards out of his throat. The look of longing in his eyes held the only flicker of hope as he stared up at Jay's lidded eyes.

For what seemed like an eternity their gazes met, and the dominant stallion's sneer stayed strong as a flex of his dick slowed the shrinking process of his drooling cock. The smooth, slick flesh wormed through Ember's upper chest, and the various bulges in his neck started to diminish as the space previously taken up by cock was filled instead by the leftover cum left in his stomach.

Involuntary clenches and a fading consciousness interrupted Ember's stare every few moments, and the coveted breath slid closer and closer as his tongue cradled the medial ring of the horse's shrinking dick. The softened, but still swollen, flare tugged at the wolf's throat, and a final flex of Ember's neck spat out a gush of fresh cum and the softened dick of the stallion that helped defile him.

The gasping wolf draped his head onto Jay's thighs as that recently spent cock shrunk just enough to be left pulsing in front of him. Each breath of his spat out cum in his mouth, and the fluid webbed between his lips before drooling down between the stud's thighs. He could barely concentrate on anything besides the overwhelming sensation of being bred like a bitch in heat.

The elephant left no doubt who owned the wolf tonight. His cum and scent was marked inside and out of this wolf, and the stud's own orgasm had done nothing to remove it. He'd swallowed just about all of the horse's cum, leaving none of it to take away Surus' own smeared into his entire upper body.

Surus' body held still as he stood hilted in the well-fucked wolf. His cock was pumping large waves of cum and the tight ass was keeping it all in where it belonged. That grin of satisfaction spread into a wide smirk as his tusks lowered again, and he looked down as he started to draw his spent cock out of his new playtoy. The elephant could see the wolf's ring trying to close back up around his shaft as he pulled inch after inch out of the strained hole.

The elephant's flare tugged at Ember's entrance as cum started escaping out around the edges. With a lewd, squelching pop that accompanied a pathetic whimper by the wolf, a copious gush of cum escaped the gaping ass. Surus reached down and shoved a finger into Ember without even touching the rim. The slut was left gaping wide open enough that one could probably see right into the wolf's jizz-soaked colon.

Content with his work, the elephant casually tugged his retreating cock back into his pants and zipped up again. Almost on queue the door opened behind him and Ember saw Clomp leading Shad in by a leash. Shad's eyes were lidded closed and he was stumbling equally drunk as the wolf whose head was still panting in the mottled stallion's musky, cummy crotch.

"Let's have some fun with our new toys, shall we?" Surus said to Clomp with a demeaning smack to Ember's exposed backside.

"Of course, Surus." Clomp said with a dark tone as he led Shad closer to couch that Ember was kneeled on helplessly.

The footsteps echoed to Ember as he cringed being seen like this, but luckily he was still unrecognized.

The latex-covered stallion turned towards his new play-thing and gave a smooth, deliberate order. "Kneel and suck the cum out of this slut's ass. You'll get a nice treat afterwards."

Shad was in no mind to resist such an order and was intrigued by the possibility of a treat. He'd just woken up from passing out on stage moments ago, and his vision was still slightly blurred as he collapsed onto the couch behind Ember. His entire vision was taken up by the sight of that lewdly gaping rump occasionally flexing and trying to close around a constantly drooling mess of cum slowly spilling down onto Ember's taint and balls.

Ember couldn't believe this was happening to him and tried to hide his head further in Jay's crotch. He was casually gagged on the mottled stallion's fat cock soon after even though it was only half hard, and forced to press his lips to that cummy sheath as his friend prepared to eat out another man's cum from his ass.

Jay made sure Ember wouldn't be going anywhere for now, and gave a subtle flex of his cock. The large stallion then gave a warning snort to Ember to keep quiet as he used the wolf as a sheath during his afterglow. The slut of a wolf looked up with a look both alarm and shame before sucking softly on the flesh wedged in his maw.

Shad nuzzled his own cum-soaked face up against Ember's drooling undertail with a broad smile without even knowing the identity of the owner. He'd only fantasized about being in such a place before, doing the things he'd done tonight, and now his tongue was sliding out from his mouth and tracing along the rim of a well-fucked rump. The cum tasted different than the dark stallion, but was equally enjoyable to sample.

Trailing all along the rim of that defiled entrance, the gaping hole continually drooled excess seed down onto Ember's balls. Shad followed the trail with his tongue and lips, occasionally sucking up the white, slimy mess that accumulated on his tongue. His nose was buried in another male's taint sampling the scents, although it was all overpowered by the elephant's and foreign. He inhaled deeply and let out a pleased moan of an exhale before curling his tongue around Ember's balls and licking them completely clean of the cum spattered down over them.

He spent a little extra time tugging and rolling those orbs in his mouth, and even pulled each one individually between his lips to lewdly suck and tease the other wolf. As he paused he noticed there was no reaction from Ember's sheath, though. Shad nosed along the underside of it and licked what little cum was there, but still found Ember wasn't even erect after such a thorough fucking as the one Surus had given him.

Ember felt even more humiliated as his now unresponsive cock stayed sheathed within its pouch. He was too drunk and had lost his erection. Now he would look like an impotent bottom if his identity was ever exposed. This proud wolf usually had no problem pleasing the most slutty of them all, but was now failing just to get the smallest of erections to peak out of his sheath while being nothing more than a cock whore.

Shad moved upwards disappointed in the lack of reaction he'd gotten, but his mood lightened once more as a guiding hand ran soothingly on the back of his head. His master of the night, the bouncer from the front door, eased his lips right up to the cavernous hole and forced the tip of Shad's muzzle an inch inside of it with almost no resistance. The base of the elephant's dick was so big and done such a number on this cum-drooling wolf that his tongue had to reach to the sides just to start picking up the slick fluid leftover from Surus' last orgasm.

Pooled seed got swiped and scooped up into Shad's eager mouth, and Ember couldn't help but enjoy the sensations that contrasted greatly with the harsh fuck he'd gotten earlier. Even though his cock still rested unresponsive, he moaned into Jay's soft flesh gagging his muzzle. Each motion of the slick, soft tongue prodding and rubbing over his battered inner walls left him panting and relaxing even further.

Although Shad's muzzle could only shuffle its way a slight bit deeper, he took hold of each of Ember's sides and tugged the other male back onto his face. The slave was going to get every drop he could to satisfy his master's orders, and he angled his muzzle upwards as he slid his tongue deep and started to prod past the second barrier and into Ember's colon with the very tip of his tongue.

It was like a slowly flowing river drizzling Surus' spent cum into the mouth Ember had wanted to take as his own. Ember tried to halt the flow, to clamp down and stop, but his bowels were too abused to do anything but shake and give more of the bountiful orgasm dumped into him. Ember could hear and feel Shad's mouth as he'd swallow down a mouthful of elephant jizz, and his toes gripped at the carpet as the load pumped into him was slowly drained out into his friend's sucking maw.

Ember could feel the pressure in his guts slowly relaxing, and every time he'd feel a swallow from the wolf's muzzle in his ass he'd know exactly why. It was both soothing and painfully humiliating as the pressure on his stomach from the couch only encouraged the flow of that sticky, slimy fluid.

Shad's muzzle popped out moments later so he could take a deep breath, and even while panting he'd swipe his tongue over Ember's abused rim just to pick up any remnants leftover from his muzzle.

Soon Shad's muzzle was back inside, but it was short-lived as the flow of cum finally ebbed. The kneeling wolf stroked and tugged at Ember but couldn't get any more of that rich fluid to escape, and with a content sigh from his nose he pulled his muzzle free and started licking at the sides of his own jizz-soaked face.

"Don't swallow that last mouthful, slave." Clomp ordered from above and behind the kneeling wolf.

Ember felt a hand on his side and the wolf kneeling on the couch was flipped onto his back by Surus' large hand. The first thing Shad saw was Ember's cum-drooling muzzle with a strand of precum still attached to the horse-cock he'd been sucking. Ember's face would have turned bright red if it weren't for the layer of jizz caked onto his face, but the drunk smile plastered on the slutty wolf's muzzle betrayed how aroused he was at being used so thoroughly.

"Em!..." Shad started before feeling the leftover cum spilling out of his muzzle.

"Spit that mouthful of jizz right on that useless sheath and fuck it." Clomp said right into Shad's ear in a tone that made the wolf shiver in lust.

Shad looked down at the soft sheath and then back up to Ember. He knew the other wolf fairly well, but had never considered having sex with him before. The thoughts in his mind were pushed aside as Clomp's hands rested on Shad's side and gave a dominant squeeze.

Without a second thought the wolf angled his muzzle down and opened his lips so a long, slimy stream of spent cum licked right out of Ember's gaping ass came splashing down over the slutty wolf's crotch. The dark stallion's hands got to work undoing Shad's pants from around either side, and in moments Shad's own sheath and very plump erection had spilled out into the slimy mess that had just been spat out of his cum-stained muzzle. Sheath to sheath, Shad's was definitely thicker by comparison and a bit longer.

Shad could only watch as Clomp took hold of his dick like he owned it, and aimed his unused flesh for an entrance he'd never even fantasized about before. Watching over Shad's shoulder, the dark stallion could only smirk as he guided his slave's dick slowly into Ember. A satisfied snort came from his nares as he felt the sheath spread open, and the resistance disappeared as the two wolves became connected by that firm cock.

Ember's vision was filled by three beefy males towering over a wolf half their size getting fucked on his back. The flesh entering was larger than it had ever experienced, and Ember gasped hotly at the new sensation. It was so slick... so slimy... so lewd! The slutty wolf just moaned out his shamed enjoyment as Shad took his last virginity with a smooth, deep motion that mashed their crotches together in a mess of cum and spit.

Four furred balls started to grind together as Shad drunkenly fucked the wolf's sheath. Bouncing and rubbing, they became soaked in jizz just like the cocks rubbing together inside that forbidden passage above. The motions were sloppy and erratic as lusty moans escaped the smaller wolf, and Ember's brow furrowed as he smelt only the acrid musk of Surus' and Clomp's cum all over his friend's breath.

The sensations were much stronger than expected as Ember's soft cock was slicked by spent cum, saliva, and fresh precum drooling from Shad's pulsing cock. The slutty wolf's breathing turned to panting quickly as he grabbed at the side of the couch, and he started to push himself back into the thrusts equally as drunk as the wolf fucking him.

Amused snorts and grunts resounded from the onlookers as they encouraged Shad to fuck the slut harder. Clomp took the most direct role and climbed onto the couch behind Shad before pushing his hips against his drunk slave's to get more solid, stern thrusts. Shad let his tongue hang out of his mouth as the fucking got more and more intense, and cum slobbering from his teeth formed long strands reaching towards Ember's face before snapping and joining the mess already there.

Ember's grasp kept him from sliding along the couch as the ferocity of the fucking increased. Their balls were bouncing together almost painfully now as the smooth, furred sheath encased that thick erection so tightly. It felt just a little too big, but that was the perfect size in his current state. Excess fluid messily spilled out around Shad's thick cockbase, and the forming knot made it harder and harder to get into that tight fuckhole.

Ember could hear Clomp speaking into Shad's ear, watching those lips move and his date reacting with slutty moans and throbs of his cock docked so tightly within him. He couldn't hear the words, but that didn't matter. Ember's ears stayed back in shame as Shad's dick slid back and forth to hammer against his own soft cock getting pushed aside by the more impressive girth.

The knot was fully formed by now, and Ember was whimpering like a bitch in heat at how good it felt. His sheath was stretched wide open time and time again, and he could almost hear that thick portion popping in and out of him at this point. The only thing keeping Shad from getting locked in now was that mess of cum keeping everything completely slick.

Even that wasn't enough eventually and Shad's hips were tugging and pushing Ember directly. The wolves locked eyes for a long moment as the motions stopped, and Shad's expression turned from distant pleasure to one of pure bliss. Ember watched the wolf he had planned to save from this place suddenly tense up and unload a torrent of hot, slick cum all over his useless cock still housed within its sheath.

There was no room left in that straining, stretched passage and it ballooned only slightly before audible splashes of fluid came pouring out of Ember's used entrance around the knot trying its best to hold back the flow. Shad continued moving his hips after the first few spurts of seed, savoring the lewd sensation of his cock rubbing against another.

Ember was far too sensitive to even move. It was all too overwhelming for him to even process. The pleasure of getting his cock rubbed and cum on mixed with the pain of having his sheath knotted kept him on the verge of climaxing and crying out. The slutty wolf was just a quivering, whimpering mess as he finally relaxed and took the cum forced into him jet after jet.

The orgasm was copious even though it was nothing compared to the horses or elephants in the room. Still it was plenty to spill into the puddle only getting larger on his crotch. Shad flexed and thrust and pushed as hard as he could until he was completely spent, and after he was done he leaned back into the strong arms of his master while looking over the well-fucked slut that had encouraged him to come to the bar in the first place.

Shad's knot was stuck and they'd be locked together for a while, but his master seemed all too eager to squeeze and caress all over his new slave while Ember watched on still shivering from all the sensations he'd felt that night.

Ember had loved it, every moment of it, and it sickened him. He had been marked as the omega in only a few hours and used for everyone's pleasure, but still it was the best sex of his life. The thoughts blurred as he felt the sensations stop, and without that rush of adrenaline his concentration started to fade.

Looking up towards the group of men converging upon his friend, Ember's eyes lidded and he passed out thoroughly defeated on all fronts in all the best ways.