belic chronicles ch1

Story by hezlek on SoFurry

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yep. this is my RP series with a friend of mine that "we" made and converted into a story format. like ive said before im a noob to uploading so if i did anything wrong tell me.


this is going to be a thing where i put all the good RPs i have using my character belic. if the rp styles dont seem to mix so well im sorry but im to lazy to fix em :3 any questions that his character BIO wont anser just ask ^^ so please enjoy RP/storys with belic the absol of the giant nuts

doctors visit: scene 1 (this was a parody of poius storys "standard procedure" )

belic: *reading medical paper and walking down to the medical ward*

belic: hmmmmm :L *wee bit nervous*

belic: *still walking* *orange sized nuts gently bouncing between his hind legs as he walks*

He sees a shapely looking chancey, wearing a slightly skimpy looking nurses outfit waiting patiently at a receptionist's desk, she seemed to be eyeing him with a smile as he approached.

belic: o.o *girl shyness kicking in* i...i here for my medical checkup thing

She stifles a little giggle, and gives Belic a calming smile as she holds out her hand. "Do you have your papers wit hyou?"

a little nervous " oh you mean these..." he then hands her some sheets of medacal record things that are stapled together

"Mhm." She responds as she takes the papers. She talks to herself in a low tone as she leafs through them, making sure everything was in order. "Well! It looks like you've got everything you need here. It's been a slow day so far, so, just go down the hallway into exam room five, and the doctor will be with you shortly."

belic: o-ok.. *walks by her and heads down the hall. he un intentonally gives her a good view of his giant gonads*

The chancey takes a quick peek, and Belic hears her letting out a an appreciative whistle, before she got back to her desk work.

belic: o////o *he quickly steps into room 5 blushing badly*

He heard a faint giggle as he did. The room seemed uniform enough. A some-what comfy looking bed, a couple chair, and plenty of medical equipment and storages were laid out in a neat fashion.

belic: huh....*calming down* its...cleaner than i expected.... *notices the big metal examining table with wrist and ancle cuffs* errrr.....maybe they wont use it cuz i walk on all fours....

A few minutes passed while he waited in the exam room, the sound of a nearby clock droning in his ears was the only break from the silence. Soon enough there was a knock at the door, then a moment's pause before it opened. In stepped two pokemon, one was a clefable wearing yet an even more revealing outfit, her impressive bust beign well shown off in a low-cut top. Next to her was a young looking Nidorina, who, for the most-part, wore an average wardrobe, a hastily placed nurses cap being the only indication she had any business here.

belic: *girl shyness starting up again* o-oh hi... *blushes a lil*

The nidorina chuckles a little and grins while the Clefable looked through her papers. "You must be Belic, I presume?" She asks before extending her hand out. "I'm Clare, and I'll be examining you today."

belic: *nervous* yeah im belic. n-nice to meet you clare ^//^'

*they finally notice the giant berrys bobbing between his legs in his silky furred pouch*

The Clefable seemed to try and keep her eyes up for now, she was going to have plenty of chances to look those impressive balls over. The Nidorina, how ever, barely took her eyes off of them, untill Clare waved to her. "And this is Sarah, she's volenteering today, so we'll be going into a little more detail then normal." She said, matter-of-factly, which only made Sarah grin more. Clare motions to the padded, metal table as she keeps up her warming expression. "Just lay back here and we'll begin, please."

belic: um..o-ok.... *a lil scared of sarah* by the am i suppost to lay down on the table....i walk on all fours...*trying to figure it out*

They both stifle little giggle "We can help you if you want." Clare says simply, Sarah speaking up. "You just lay on your back, you know, like a dog does."

belic: ok.....this dosent make me a pet >.> right?.... *hops up on the table and lays on his back like a dog* *feels his nut sack touch the cold metal* eep! o///o

Clefable giggles at that. "No, of course not." She says, though Sarah was leaning in near Belic's ear. "Unless you want~" She teases with a little smirk.

belic: * blushing a little in embarassment* really fond of being a pet... *looking down at sarah just a wee bit nervously* ^//^'

She giggled lightly at that, and gave Belic a little pet whiel the Clefable started to get thigns set up. "Just relax for me while we get things set up, okay?" She asks, softly taking one of Belic's forelegs, Sarah taking the other and slowly pulling them back against the bed.

belic: *trying to relax while the 2 girl handle his legs close to his precious junk. trying not to bring up bad childhood memorys that involve girls*

Soon his arms and legs were restrained. Clare moved up to Belic's midsection, while Sarah stole a quick feel of one of Belic's firm legs. They both work to strap down his waist before Clare grabs a note pad. "Okay, now we're going to ask a few questions, this is just stuff we need to know before letting you in, okay?"

belic: away doc ^^

She smiles and gives a little nod in response. "How old are you now, Belic?" She asks as she clicks her pen.

belic: 17... *hopeing sarah isnt looking as his shieth. he may be 8 inches long but it dosent hold a candle to his ball size*

Sarah's eyes seemed to be looking at mroe than that. She was taking a good it of time to look over the strapped down Absol. Clare writes down the infomation quickly in her notepad, not taking a moment to reprimand the teen for her gawking. "Okay, Belic. Have you ever gotten any bad injuries?" She asks as she lookds to him. "You know, sprains, brused tendons, concussions, or breaks." She names off nonchalantly.

belic: ummm.... *thinks* my tail got sprained when i was 12 cuz some annoying vulpix girl kept pulling on it >.> *thinks more* and i think i fractured my hind left paw when i was 8 when i tried to see if i could fly" :L

belic: and umm....i hit my head really hard on a branch once when i was climbing a tree.....i kinda dizzy afterwards...

belic: i think thats about it...

She gives a little nod at that and keeps writing. "Okay, and do you ahve any problems with your paws, or do you feel dizzy or confused often?"

belic: nope ^^ i may get lost occasionally but ive always been like that

belic: i even got lost on the way here...hehe....till i noticed the big sign that said medical ward...

Sarah giggled a little at that, though Clare jsut kept to her work. "Okay, now Belic, when was the last time you had an orgasm?"

belic: o///o wait what?! *blushes badly*

Clare opened her mouth to reiterate the question, though Sarah inturrupted her. "Did ya cum recently?" She asks before giggling and grinning.

belic: n-no....*getting sheppish and embarassed*

Clare hummed a little at that. "Okay, were you with someone when you had your orgasm last, or by yourself?" She asks, again seeming casual about it. Though Sarah was enjoying seeing the Absol shy up like this.

belic: i...i.... *getting more embarassed* m-myself... *has the "embarassed to be a virgin" look on his face*

This tiem even Clare smirked a little, though she quickly hid it with ehr normal, warm expression as she wrote it down. "Okay, now tell me, have you suffered any injuries to your genitals?"

belic: i uhh..... remember how i said i once hit my head on a tree branch......after that i kinda fell ona branch below me can fill in the rest.... >////< *shivers*

"Mmhmm..." She hums in response, whiel Sarah stilfes another giggle. "And what was the extent of that injury?"

belic: it was me laying on the ground holding my nuts for half an hour.... and then a week of them being brused and sore..... and me having to hold my nuts in my sleep so i dont put pressure on em..... *trying to get the old image out of his head*

She nods at that. "Okay. Have you had anything like a penile fracture? Or a ruptured testicle?"

belic: whats a penile fracture o.0?

"It's where your penis is bent to a steep angle when you're erect, it often breaks vital blood vessels, and can cause a lot of problems." She replies, trying not to make the teen uncomfortable with the details.

belic: *scared a lil* n-no...

She writes down another little note. "Okay, and what about a ruptured testicle?"

belic: ummmm.....does it count as ruptured if its back to normal after a few days?

She thought on that, though she seemed to misunderstand the Absol a little, understandably. "I'll take that as a no." She says before adding in one last note. "Okay, Belic, now we're going to start your phyisical, okay?" She asks, Sarah almost grinning with antisipation.

belic: ummm...sure....*nervous* is this gonna hurt?

"Mm, it might. Just try to bear with us, okay?" She asks as she and Sarah step up, each of them take up one of his impressively large balls, and lift them a little as they massage the large orbs with their thumbs.

belic: o/////o i know this isnt th-th first time someone has grabbed my balls but umm... *blushes badly* can you please tell me what your doing? *the foot on the side of the ball sarah is rubbing twitches a lil as she rubs it*

"Oh, we just have to make sure your berries are up to snuff. We wouldn't want to send someone out there just to lose his nutts on the first hit." Clare says as she sets her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. Sarah grins a little, her free hand moving to rub along Belic's sheath. "So we're gonna make sure they can take a good beating, and make sure everything still works when it does~"

belic: *squirms a little and blushes badly when she touches his shieth* w-what do you mean determin if they stuill w-work!? i ned them to work! im the last male in the family!

They didn't pay Belic any attention now. Clare rubs his large balls a little longer before she slips her hand under Belic's sac, her fingers slowly wrapping around it and pulling, pulling Belic's large nutts out and making them a much better target as the sac was tightened around them. She gives a nod to Sarah, who pulls back a clenched fist, and wit ha grunt of effort, slams her fest against Belic's helpless balls.

belic: *eyes go wide and he yelps like a hurt puppy* MY BALLS!!!

Clare hummed a little as she watches the teen's hand sinking in so much, how Belic's balls moved aside, even as they were held out. She reaches down with her other hand, and grips one of Belic's balls, making it stay in place as Sarah pulls back, this time the teen aims her fist right at that one balls, and slams her tight knuckles against it dead center. Clare changes her grip to hold the otehr nutt now, and Sarah gives that one a good punch. The two starting to work up a rhythm that worked best against Belic's large pair.

belic: *voice steadily getting higher and higher pitched as waves a pain shoot up through his pounded plums* AGHHHHHHHH!!!!! NOT MY BALLS!!! *another hit and his voice goes up to a high pitched girly squeel*

Sarah gave each of Belic's balls a couple more hits, with how big they were, her fist was able to sink in painfully, and the hold Clare had on them made the mbend around Sarah's fist. They take a moment to stop, and asess the damage before Clare lets go. She flttens her hand and makes Belic's balls spread out against the metal table, before Sarah slammed her hand down onto one, and then the other. This left both Sarah and Clare wit ha free hand ,which they use to massage Belic's sheath harshly, trying to work his cock out.

belic: *squeeles like a little girl when they tried to flatten his balls**his nut even pan-caked a little under the pressure* AGHHHHHHHHH!!! *all he wanted to do was curl up into a ball and hold his swolen orbs* *even to his amazment he was still capable of getting aroused even in this situation as his puppy prick started to slowly peak out from his sheath*

Clare grabs the teen's handsome cock and starts firmly stroking it as she watches sarah's work. Sarah moved to a better position, letting her angle her body down, and put more into thos ball-flattenting punches as she pants with excitement. Clare, all the while, looks to Belic, giving him a little smile. "Take a deep breath, Belic, you're doing just fine.

belic: *moaning and groaning from the pain in his swollen balls. giving a cute squeek or squeel every time one of his nuts got hit* *dispite this his prick manages to slide out all the way and his knot swell and throb*

Clare massages and squeezes Belic's sheath, stroking his cock and rubbing over the sensitive tip as she looks it over. Sarah stops pounding at Belic's poor balls, her arm seemign to get tired, though unfortunately for the absol, she wasn't done yet. She climbs up onto the table with Belic, and sets each of her knees, wrapped with tight denim, onto each of his helpless nutts, and starts to sway her weight about, grinding them against the metal table.

belic: *squeels in pain as his balls are pan-caked to half there normal thickness. practically forcing pre to start dripping from his tip*

Clare smirks a little as she watches, Sarah grinning madly as she torments the teen's helpless nutts. Clare lets go of Belic's pair, leaving Sarah to her devices as she uses both hands to work the most sensitive parts of Belic's cock. Sarah, meanwhile, reaches down, grabbing and squeezing at the deformed apir as she continues to grind away at them.

belic: *groaning and moaning as his sences start getting overwealmed and his eyes start to roll back a little**his cock throbbing and ready to burst just like his nuts*

Clare was really getting into things too, the woman leaning in and sucking on the head of Belic's cock. Sarah stands up, again giving Belic a moment of rest. Though the moment of peace was short lived, and far less than worth what came nex. The teen lifts one of her legs high, moving her body to lift her up a little, then putting all that momentum into a stomp that slams down on both of Belic's balls, flattenting them underneath her boot-treads and the table. Sarah grinned madly as she watched those poor balls warp and wiggle around, trying to get free as she twists her heel, and before Belic could take in all he was feeling, she stomped onto his balls again, and then again, the teen building up a merciless rhythm.

belic: *screams in lustful pain as he finally fires his load splashing clare in the face and mouth* *with each stomp to his over abused balls another jet of jizz is forced out of him *

Clare moans out softly, drinking down the impressive laod as she bobs her head along much of his cock. Sarah sets her stance before bending her knees, the teen hopping into the air, and tucking in her legs until just after she started to fall. Sarah then stomps out, crushing both of Belic's balls almost flat with each of her treads.

*they all hear a faint "squelch" shound*

belic: *eyes go wide and he screams in pain as his left nut popped* AGHHHHHHHHH!!! MY BALLLL!! AGHHHHH!!!!

They were both a little too involved to pay attention to his wailing, Clare drinking down the last of Belic's cum, Sarah giving him a little kick before she hops off, and walks beside him, while Clare wipes her lips clean. They look over to Belic's awefully swollen sac. And Clare nods to Sarah, letting her pinch and feel at one of his balls ahrshly, whiel clare does so for the other.

balic: *groaning and squirming* *his left nut looks rather destroyed*

Clare hums thoughtfully at that, squeezing a few more tiems before she takes up her note-pad. "Oh dear. I'm not sure if you'll make the cut, Belic." She says as she starts to jot down another note, though Sarah kept roughly playing with those impressive balls.

belic: *groans and talks with a high pitched voice* i dont think....peopople nomaly....jump on...a poor guys balls...*groans* *the wad of mush that used to be his left nut seems to noticeable be squirming around in his sac* *groans* why my left not!

Sarah hums a little ,and prods at Belic's left nut. "Hey doc, come here." Clare looked up, about to ask Sarah what it was before she notices the odd side. She walks up and looks over Belic's balls, watching as she scratches her chin.

belic: *groaning* *the testicle mush seems to slowly be trying to re-construct itself back into its oridgional form*

They both started to feel and lightly squeeze at the poor orb as they watch in amazement, wanting to see how much it oould undo.

*the mere squeeze deformed the mush a bit and made belic squeek. but it resumed trying to re construct it self. slowly going from a roughly shaped oval, to a roughly chaped orb*

They waited a little longer, until the odd motions finally stopped. Wanting to make sure everythign was right, Clare raises her hand, and puts all she has into a harsh slap.

belic: *yelps like a puppy as the orb becomes mis shapen for a second but slowly reverts back into a crude ball*

Clare hummed at that, thinking a little before she takes up her notepad, and crosses soemthing out. "Well... Belic, it seems that you've passed your exam with... flying colors." She says, still not sure what she just saw.

belic: *groans* remember how i asked counted if it popped and go b-better after 3 days?

"Um, yeah..." She says, adding in a new note. "I see what you mean, now." she sets the notepad down, and the two of them start to unbind the poor absol.

belic: *groans and curls up into the fetile position when hes freed* m-my mom used to tell me that when she worked in the underground league. during a holoween showdown she ate a dragonair testacle...while she was preg with me *groans* she says thats why i heal so fast..... *whimpers and holds his tender red sack*

"Huh..." Clare replies, adding a few more notes to the notepad. Sarah leans down, and starts trying to get the pained absol to stand. belic: *groans and slowly manages to stand* *legs all wobbly and his freshly scrmbled eggs dangle in his sac all swolen and red*

Clare looks down, giving a little nod. "Well, Belic, it looks like you really do make the cut, you can go to the receptionist, hand her this." She tears a note from her notepad and holds it out to him. "She'll take care of things from there."

belic: thx.... *groans and takes the note* i-i guess ill see you n-next month for my check-up then? *wincing as he tries to walk*

"If you're lucky, though I'm sure it'll be much sooner than that." She says, still smiling s she gives Belic a word of warning.

belic: o.o *gulps and starts walking down the hall trying not to make his balls move around too much*

As he walked passed the door, he hears a few quick steps, Sarah's boot, along with clare's flat slams into Belic's balls with enough force to lift him up, and out into the hallway. Clare leaning out with a smile. "And, welcome to the underground league~"

belic: *screams in agony as he lays on the lobby floor clutching his balls* *somehow the not floats away and lands on the chanseys desk*

She looked at the note, and then all the way back to see the agonized pokemon, before getting back to her workstation. "Well, congratulations on making it into the league, Belic. Just give me a moment and I'll schedule your forst match!" She says before typing away at the computer, and looking through some notes. "Ooo! Good news, there's an early opening, you'll be expected in the ring in another hour, go get yourself ready!" She said in an all to cheery tone.

belic: *groans and slowly crawls his way out of the lobby stil clutching his nuts*

bio of belic

i finally made a character solely for ball busting!! and pokemon underground league ^^ feel free to use him cause ill use him alot :3 this doubles as a good story too. Its in the back ground info. name: belic species: absol (pokemon) age: teen-...

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