The Interview

Story by Daniel Yote on SoFurry

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My first foray into M/M writing was with these two. Charlie is a young, meek and nervous employee at a large financial firm. Gunter is a wealthy, powerful and dominant executive looking for something more than an office assistant...

Miss Foxy gets credit for this one too, in fact the whole story arc with these two (there were a lot more) was her idea and she helped write this and succeeding chapters.

This whole thing may be somewhat inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey, but our version is way better.

"Mister Kioti, come in here please."

The coyote stiffened and felt the fur on his tail stand on end at the voice, and shivered slightly at the thought of its owner. It wasn't every day you got to visit the boss's office, and staring at the imposing portrait of the Doberman in the lobby only made him all the more nervous. Calm down Charlie. It's only an interview. He's probably just as nervous as you are.

Charlie gathered his briefcase and suit jacket, taking a deep breath before stepping into the inner doors to the office.

Günter Reinhardt sat behind the mahogany desk in a very posh, very expensive leather chair. The black and tan Doberman was clad in a fitted khaki suit, a black silk shirt, and a scarlet tie that contrasted nicely with the rest of the outfit. He sat with his elbows on the desk, paws folded and muzzle resting atop them as he eyed his latest interviewee. The coyote's ears twitched above his head and he shifted about nervously. It was something Günter was used to, after all one did not ascend as far as he did in the corporate world without knowing how to be intimidating.

"Please, have a seat." The Doberman gestured to one of the chairs in front of the desk, watching the coyote carefully. Having mastered the art of reading body language very early on, Günter found something about this coyote's demeanor intriguing. He was nervous, that was for sure. But Günter could sense that he was also shy, and more importantly- submissive. I think you'll do just fine, pup. The Doberman fought to contain the smile that was creeping across his muzzle.

Charlie nodded, keeping his eyes averted from the Doberman, but feeling the steely gaze of the larger canine upon him. It made him a bit uneasy but he chalked it up to butterflies in his stomach, and the fact that he didn't know very much about his enigmatic boss. There had been rumors among the office peons that people had been fired for such trivial things as making jokes in the office. In fact, the only things Charlie did know about his boss and the president of the company was that he was very very wealthy. The brand new Lamborghini parked in his spot was a testament to that, as was the suit that covered his muscular frame. Charlie guessed it cost more than he paid for rent in a month, and he would have been right. However there were also rumors that Günter Reinhardt was very generous to those who showed loyalty within the company. In fact, Charlie's holiday bonus was enough to completely pay for a cruise to the Bahamas with his girlfriend at the time.

"Ye.. Yes sir, I have my resume right here if you would like to see it?" He asked nervously. Günter chuckled slightly and turned the screen of his tablet so Charlie could see it. Displayed on the small device was Charlie's employee file, complete with the dreadful picture of him that was taken on orientation day.

"That will not be necessary Mister Kioti, but I appreciate your prudence. It shows you pay attention to details. Something that will be required of you, should you get this position." The Doberman let out a soft, barely audible growl as he looked at his employee. Oh you'll be getting the position all right little yotey. That and other "positions" as well. Günter could barely contain himself. Something about this canine was stirring a feeling in his loins. He wanted this yote... No... He NEEDED this yote. To force him over the desk and pin him down while the Doberman had his way with him, to dominate and own him. Günter barely realized that his paw had trailed down to his crotch and was stroking his shaft through his pants, luckily for him he sat low enough in his chair that his desk concealed it all.

"I should also advise you that there are some unpublished details about the position." He paused to let his words sink in, judging the coyote's reaction.

"Yes sir, I figured there might be a lot of afterhours work."

"Oh yes. There will be quite a bit of "after hours" work indeed. You will be expected to be available at all hours of the day, nights, weekends, and holidays. I will place demands on you that may be out of your comfort zone. However, reward my trust with loyalty, and I will see to it you are compensated for your efforts. For example. No assistant of mine wears a suit from Wal Market. If you accept this offer, you and I will shop for some clothes that are more... suited to my tastes. My treat, of course."

Wow, that's kind of arrogant. Charlie thought to himself. Sorry we can't all afford to shop at Banana Republic. Still, the Doberman did say he would pay for it, so maybe it wasn't that bad. Besides, Charlie found being told what to wear slightly intriguing. He kind of liked giving up that control to someone.

"I'm sorry if that came out wrong, I simply meant that my assistant and branch manager is a reflection upon myself. If I am deciding what you get to wear, I think it only fair that I pay for it, don't you agree?"

"Yes, sir." The coyote replied

Hearing a slightly meek reply like that from the smaller canine wasn't helping the tent in the Doberman's trousers. If he knew for sure the coyote's orientation, he'd bend him over the desk right now. His thoughts were so immersed in the thought of seeing this coyote moaning into a gag, (or his cock.) that his next question fired out without much thought.

"What is your orientation, Mister Kioti?"

Shit. The Doberman swore inwardly. He hadn't meant to be quite that forward. Still, it was a good a test as any. Although his own words shocked him, Günter kept his face passive and expression bored, hoping he didn't just ruin his chances with this seemingly very submissive coyote. He pressed a button on his desk, drawing the blinds on his office windows closed. Now no one either inside or out could see what was going on in here.

Charlie's ears perked, a seemingly confused look painted his muzzle, the rush of blood to his cheeks turning his fur a shade redder as he stuttered his response.

"I... umm... I'm well.... I'm straight, sir... Not that I have a problem with... anything else... I've only been with females..." He fidgeted in his seat and took a gulp, wondering just where the Doberman was headed with this, his pulse quickening as the blinds drew close, hoping he answered that off the wall question right, figuring it to be some sort of personality test or something, but trying to re steer the conversation back to the position he was interviewing for. "I'm glad you think I'm qualified sir, the offer of a new suit is very generous as well." He lifted his eyes and quickly averted them as they met the larger canine's gaze, and he wiggled uncomfortably in his seat.

The Doberman smiled, while inwardly frowning,

"When you say you don't have a problem with anything else, what do you mean?" He couldn't keep from grinning at the yotes nervousness of the situation. His fidgeting and stuttering making his inner demons twist, the blush making it hard to keep still in his chair. Günter prided himself on having excellent self control, but for some reason this small brown candid was driving him nuts. "I mean, you will be spending a lot of time with me after all."

Günter waited, watching closely. He wanted to pounce him, and if he got any indication of consent it was likely to happen. However he did not want to scare him off either. Fuck just say yes already.... I want to be inside you... He shrugged out of his suit jacket and started to loosen his bright red tie.

The coyote shifted nervously in his chair, seeing the tone and direction this "interview" seemed to be taking. Oh gods... He's gay and he... is he coming on to me? Charlie wondered as his curiosity began to build. He had only been with females in the past, but he had experimented with toys and the like and found it to be quite enjoyable. He was just shocked and a little surprised at this development. The Doberman was certainly handsome and Charlie didn't think he'd mind it if things got REAL personal between them.

"Umm, well.. I can't really say about the other way sir, I've never tried anything with a male" He stammered, his blush definitely much more defined now. "But... I'm not against the idea of two guys... umm... you know... "

He let his voice off, squirming nervously and doing his best to avoid eye contact with the large canine, he bit his lower lip slightly

"I am willing to spend as much time with you as my position requires" He finished, trying to force a confident smile, even though he was shaking inwardly as his mind began to drift to a much more inappropriate thought with the Dobie.

"No, I don't know, why don't you tell me?" Günter stood and took off his tie, playing with the silk in his large paws. The coyote could see his tent, straining the zipper of his pants as the large black and tan canine walked around the desk and behind the yote. Günter leaned down and whispered in the soft brown ear, "Tell me Mr. Kioti, what would two fine upstanding men like ourselves do with so much time together?"

The Doberman grinned and wrapped his tie around the yotes eyes seductively. "You have never been with a man, would you like to be Mr. Kioti?" He nipped his ear and growled lowly, a long deep growl of dominance. He wanted the coyote, he needed him. That blush was driving him wild, his submissive behavior making him want to tie him up and ravish that mostly untouched body.

"Come now coyote, I know you have to be curious. Just think, a nice new suit, the power of position, spending nice quality time with your boss." He wrapped the tie around his maw, making a knot with it loosely, "Although you may have to stay quiet. Can't have you alerting the temp."

Charlie gasped quietly, laying his ears back against his skull, shivering at the growl, feeling the hot breath on his neck and ear,

"Ye... Yes sir... I would... Like to try." He whispered. Oh god what am I doing It seems wrong... but oh so right! A soft submissive whine escaped his lips as the soft silk of the tie wrapped his muzzle, and he was sure his pounding heart would be heard regardless of how quiet he was. Either way, there was no denying the fact that the coyote wanted... no... NEEDED this.

Without warning, his pants began to tent up slightly in response to being aroused, Something about the Doberman's presence got to him, it was powerful, commanding, and dominant; and Charlie found himself wanting to do whatever this big canine wanted

Günter grinned,

"Stand then. I want to see how tall you really are." He stood back from the yote as he stood, taking in every inch of him. He murred lowly as the soon-to-be-bottom whined, his tented pants evident.

"You seem to have a very well put together resume for being my pet- I mean assistant. When you say you've used toys before, what's the biggest thing you have ever had inside of you?" The Doberman asked as he slowly removed his shirt, revealing a very toned, brown and black toned torso with a small scar under his rib cage, his well groomed fur shining in the light. Günter pulled the coyote against him, his erection prodding at his backside.

Charlie let out a little submissive whine as he rose, his ears flattening against his skull as he heard the word "pet" He had heard about that before, and had been interested in that sort of thing, but had never been able to find anyone who would be willing to try anything, outside a few romps with his ex here and there. His pulse quickened at the thoughts that suddenly were running through his head, Oh wow... wow is this really happening? He thought to himself He found himself gasping and murring at feeling the large powerful grip of the Dobie, guessing exactly what that was grinding at his ass, his own cock straining against his slacks and pushing outwards.

"Mmn... I think... a few inches long... sir. about... average sized I guess."

"How about you reach into that second drawer, something you might need in there." The coyote heard the Doberman's zipper and before he could walk around to the other side of the desk, he was pushed over the top of it, his trouser button snapping off as the large stub tailed canine pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees.

"Mmm such a nice fuckable ass... I am going to wreck it." Günter growled, reaching into the drawer himself to find the small bottle of lube. In the process he pressed his full impressive weight onto the coyote.

Charlie let out a surprised yelp as he was roughly forced onto the desk, his heart pounding in his chest as he felt his pants and boxer shorts tugged down, feeling the cold air upon his rump and making him shiver slightly. The coyote let out a whine and whimper as the big, muscular canine held him in place, not out of fear or pain, but out of pure need. He NEEDED this, to be dominated, held down, to be practically taken advantage of. He whimpered even louder at hearing the Doberman growl about how fuckable his ass was, and it made the coyote blush deeply as he whimpered and wriggled in the grip of the dominant dobie.

The Doberman growled louder, his paws shaking in pure need as lubed two fingers and ran them over the yotes ass.

"Fuck pup.... you are so fuckable right now... But shhh... we don't want anyone to hear." He expertly reached up with one paw and turned the tie into an effective muzzle, just before he plunged a finger into the sweet ass of his new play date. "Oh god... so fucking tight... just the way I like 'em." He leaned away, grabbing something from his pocket, and then slipped two fingers inside the whimpering canine. Günter knew the smaller canine wanted it, those whines were begs, he was begging for this....

Charlie let out another thick whine through his nose as the tie cinched snugly around his muzzle, his ears pinned back submissively as the Doberman ran his paw along his ass. He was practically trembling in anticipation, he wanted this so badly. His cock was now fully erect between his legs and his whole body tensed up as he felt the finger slip inside him, his muscles reflexively clenching around the invader and drawing a restrained moan from his lips. He felt the second finger enter him and it made him squirm even more.... This, coupled with the fact that the Doberman was restraining him with only his weight, made it all the better in Charlie's submissive state of mind, and it quickly drew a bead of pre to the tip of his cock

Günter muffled a howl from his maw, finding the condom in his pocket and pulling his fingers from the coyote quickly, soon to be replaced by a large thick canine cock.

"This is going to sting a bit, but I know you can take it." He whispered the words into his ear, thrusting the tip of himself into the whining pup. He moaned, wanting nothing more than to fuck him hard. He knew better though, so he slowly pushed his way in. Stretching the poor pup under him. He gripped his hips and he leaned his weight on the coyote's back.

"Here it comes, pup. Get ready for the ride of your life."

Charlie let out a muffled moan as he felt the thick and throbbing Doberman cock begin to slowly enter him, his muscles trying to relax but still wrapping snugly around the large cock, making him squirm and moan with delight. He had played with toys before and even took a girlfriends strap on, but they didn't even compare to being stretched by an actual cock. It was AMAZING and Charlie couldn't help but want to feel more. Sure it was a little uncomfortable but the feelings of pleasure far outweighed any sensation of pain he may have been feeling, those same sensations making the coyote writhe and moan beneath the powerful dog burying his bone in his ass.

The large dog took care in slowly inserting himself fully into the yotes ass, groaning as he fully sheaths his cock inside of him. He felt his large knot growing quickly, but he didn't think the poor tan coyote was ready for that yet.

"Ooooh Fuck! You are so tight!" He grunted the words and gritted his teeth at the pleasure he received from the bottoms tight ass. "Ready pup?" Without waiting for an answer, he started to pull out of him. Releasing an unknown held breath with a moan.

"I am going to wreck you...."

It was a good thing Charlie's snout had been bound by the Doberman's tie, because he was quite certain his lustful moans would have drawn the attention of everyone on the floor. He had never imagined that taking a cock could feel so good, feeling the throbbing member slowly receding he let out a long thick whine, his body trembling in Ecstasy beneath the muscular canine.

Oh god he wanted this. He wanted to be wrecked by the big bad dobie. The coyote squirmed and wriggled in his boss' grip, using his body language as best as he could to show his dominant that he wanted this, though one could see his own erection was throbbing and beginning to dribble pre.

The Doberman started pounding in and out of the wiggling yote ass, his growls of dominance threatening to alert someone. He leaned down and bit the tan canines shoulder in order to keep quiet as he continued to move in and out at a fast pace. Günter's cock dripped... No... Leaked pre, lubing Charlie's ass so he could go faster and faster. A black furred paw wrapped around a tan waist, stroking the dripping cock and lifting his ass in the air, letting the Doberman slam into him again and again, his knot slapping at his entrance.

Charlie stifled a strained whimper; the steady stream of slick pre from the Doberman lubed his tight hole quite nicely, making it less painful and much more enjoyable now. Oh how he loved this, his tan body pressed against the black and tan fur of the big canine, his thick cock pumping in and out of him, stretching and contorting his tight hole around it. Had he not been muzzled, his tongue would be hanging out of his mouth and he would be moaning a lot louder. But then he felt the Dobie's paw on his cock, his pawpads not at all rough and textured, but manicured and smooth, eliciting a stifled yelp and moan from the coyote. He knew he wouldn't last long like this, his cock was already throbbing and threatening to shoot its load. He could tell by the knot slapping at his ass that the Doberman wasn't that far either and it made his whole body rumble with pleasure.

Günter could hardly contain himself, and when the pup beneath him made what sounded like a pleading yelp, rumbling against his own body, he bit down hard on his shoulder. The thick knot of the Doberman slammed into the coyote, tying them together before Günter's seed coated the yote's insides. Hot sticky cum threatened to burst him as wave after wave shot from the throbbing dog cock.

"Oooh fffuuuck...." Günter moaned as his weight pressed Charlie to the desk. "Holy... fuck" He continued to stroke the bottoms cock, wanting to feel him cum in his paw.

Charlie squirmed and struggled beneath the big, heavy Doberman, letting out a little, muffled whine as he felt the dogs thick hot spunk pumped deep into his rear. Oh gods it felt so good! He wanted to cry out, and he would have, except his muzzle was still snugly secured with the tie. The coyote let out a long thick howl as the multiple pleasurable sensations sent him over the edge, his own cock spasming and spraying his load of spunk as he writhed and moaned...

"Mutter Gottes...." Günter exclaimed as he lifted himself off of the yote, pulling him up from the desk as well. He gently soothed the brown neck fur and lightly un-gagged him.

"So, how do you feel?" He nuzzled and slowly pulled his now soft receding cock from the bottoms soppy ass, reaching for something to clean up with. His brain was much clearer now, able to think clearly, and he suddenly realized he had just basically raped a subordinate. He had no way to keep this yote quiet, and his stomach sank at the thought of the press release....

Charlie panted heavily, his inner muscles twitching as his brain tried to make sense of what had just happened to him.

"I uh... wow... I never knew that felt so good... Sir." He panted, leaning back against the large Doberman. "That was my... first time.. you know... being with another male. Usually I'd make you take me out to dinner first." He giggled slightly and blushed. "And wow, it was... Amazing."

And indeed it was. Charlie couldn't remember the last time he had orgasmed that hard. Though some small part of his brain was hesitant to admit it, he liked being fucked by a dominant, forceful male like the Doberman. It just felt... right to be taken like that, and he hoped that little audition meant that he had gotten the job, and that "extra time around the office" The Doberman spoke of earlier meant there would be more of these little sessions. The coyote murred as the larger canine cleaned his rear, wiping some of the sticky mess off his legs and thighs.

"Thank you, Sir" He said meekly. .

Günter smiled,

"Well you definitely have the job if you want it. I guess I do owe you dinner either way. Do you like steak?"

The strong muscular Doberman walked behind his desk, and pressed another button, revealing a hidden panel closet. He replaced his shirt, then looked at the soaked red tie laying on the floor a few feet away from the coyote. He smirked. "Need a pair of pants or something? Might be big..." The pointed eared canine looked a bit sheepish and rubbed the back of his head.