Gone Viral

Story by Noxxycat on SoFurry

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Just me bein' a jerk to some micros!

A malicious snicker left the bat's mouth, as he opened up a small ziplock bag, and emptied its contents- assorted micros- out onto his desk. Nox grinned, tapping a finger onto each little creature, and counting them. "Three. Good, you're all here." The bat idly pressed a finger down onto a small wolf, half-crushing him into the cold wooden surface of the oak desk. He rubbed roughly at the lupine's chest, straining the poor thing's ribs, without noticing. Nox leaned forward and tapped a button on his webcam, turning in on. A faint blue light came from a tiny little bulb on the device's side. Now that the task was accomplished, Nox leaned back in his seat, folded his arms behind his head, and kicked his talons up into the desk. He grinned smugly at the camera, gazing into it through lidded eyes. "Is everyone ready for the show?" Various responses flooded the chat box. Nox caught a couple of them, and snickered.-Do it! |3-I've been waiting all night, let's go c:-Yiiis. <3 The bat cleared his throat, speaking in that smooth, slightly effeminate, voice of his. "I won't keep my dear audience waiting, in that case. Now, since the majority of you guys wanted to see me eat one, that's what I'll do first." Nox practically purred out, as he plucked up a small wolf. He slid his feet off of the desk, and leaned in close to the camera. His muzzle was wide open, revealing the glistening purple insides, and his long and sharp fangs. Little bridges of saliva connected his palate to his tongue. After the brief tease, Nox distanced his face from the webcam, tilted his head back, and flicked the unfortunate wolf high into the air. The poor lupine soared through the air, far too disoriented by the flick to do anything. It could only screech in terror, as it landed right in the cruel bat's death trap of a mouth. Nox leaned in, once again displaying the insides of his mouth to his audience. This time, though, the wolf was inside his mouth! His audience could only watch in surprise as he pressed a fang into the micro, and impaled it with ease. A loud crunch resonated throughout the bat's mouth, as his fang crushed the micro's ribs, and forced them in on the creature's own body. Blood gushed and oozed out, staining Nox's white fang, now adding a bright red to its tip. Normally, the bat would've toyed with his prey for a bit longer, but he had other things to do. He drove the fang into the wolf again, and again, and again. The result was a bloody Swiss cheese of a micro; gaping holes all around the little mutt's body. One final crunch sealed the wolf's fate, and ended its miserable life."Mm.. That was tasty." Nox chuckled, closing his mouth to finish properly chewing the wolf. Muffled snaps, crunches, and cracks, came from his mouth. He leaned in one last time, and opened wide, showing off the unrecognizable lump of meat, much to the amusement of his audience.-Awf, lucky pup!~ <3-Do it again, that was hot!-I wouldn't mind trading places with him. ^_^ Nox licked at his bloody lips, and checked a small notebook on his lap. He squinted down at it, then widened his eyes and grinned. "Ooh. Stomping next!" He exclaimed. "This'll be tricky to do, but I think if I.." He trailed off, as he shifted and stood up onto his chair, and stepped onto his firm desk. He was no longer visible! One bleach-white talon entered the webcam's view; it flexed its long and dexterous toes, and wriggles them in succession, creating a wave effect of sorts. His sole looked incredibly smooth and soft, and upon closer investigation, even had a thin coating of dampness to them. That coat reflected light and gave his

foot a bit of a shiny quality. Nox didn't clarify to his viewers, that his feet rarely sweated, and that it was merely lotion he had rubbed in earlier. After all, it only pleased the audience more. "Mm.. Alright, enough of that. I'll get down to business." The bat licked over his lips again, relishing the thought of what was about to happen. He roughly nudged a micro over, and used his toes to position the whimpering housecat into full view of the webcam. Within seconds after positioning him, Nox pressed his heel right down into the little cat, and gently ground his foot in place, before firmly pressing into a single spot, using his heel. A dull crack came from the micro, followed by a hair-raising shriek of pain. Apparently, Nox pressed a -bit- too hard, and broke the cat's spine. The cruel bat didn't ease up, however. He took this as an opportunity to press harder, and further crush his victim. He pressed his heel down hard, and out of the cat's mouth, his innards spilled out onto the desk. The poor cat was turned into a gore-dispensing toothpaste tube! "Ewww." Nox resisted laughing gleefully, not wanting to seem unprofessional. He opted for a darker chuckle, adding in a wiggle of his toes, for show. The audience received quite the show, as the bat's heel rose up and pressed down again, multiple times! He steadily pumped the kitten's insides out through his mouth, until the micro was empty. An empty micro, however, served no use. Nox terminated the cat with a harsh stomp, resulting in a bloody and popped pelt sticking to his heel. He briefly showed it off to the webcam, before hopping back down and taking his place in his

seat. "Ahem..! Next on the agenda, is a little treat. I -was- going to stomp another micro, but I think you guys might like this better." The bat grinned and kicked his feet up onto his desk, on either side of the webcam. This gave his audience a good view of the bulge in his jeans, and a hint of what was to come. This time, though, Nox didn't draw out the teasing. He was straight to the point. The bat undid the button on his jeans, and tugged them down to his thighs. He repeated the same process with his black underwear, and finally, he was revealed. His long violet member pulsed faintly, a bead of pre-seed oozing out of its pointed tip. After a light rub at his tip, Nox reached over and plucked a small red dragon off of his desk. He closed his hand -lizard inside- around his length, and began to steadily pump. He kept it slow at first, opting for long and hard pumps, but it rapidly became obvious that this wasn't enough for him. He sped up, and as a consequence, little cracks and crunches came from the micro (Who was probably rubbed raw). The sounds of the dying creature further excited Nox. So much, in fact, that he ended up crushing the dragon, and smearing pulpy remains and tattered fur all along his vibrant purple length. Fortunately for the bat, the dragon's death was the last thing he needed to push him over the edge. He bucked up twice, ejaculated rope after rope of thick and sticky bat seed. Nox grinned weakly and wiped his sticky claws on his chest. "Mmf.. That was pretty great, wasn't it? I'll deal with another three micros next time, so be sure to tune in." The bat waved at the webcam, and wriggled his sticky

claws. "Bye!"

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