Drako’s Mistake

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#5 of Drako Wolf

Drako's Mistake

The pain of this world hit us like a bomb at times and sometimes they stab at us slowly making the pain of what we did last longer. The one thing in the world that can help us live through the pain of our mistakes is our loved ones and family. If we betray the trust of a lover or a mate who is left to help us? That's what Drako thought to himself as he watched his entire life walk away from him in the dark summer night. But to understand way his love was walking off we must go back to see the mistake he made.

A few weeks earlier...

Drako and Sheba slowly walked toward a large lake surrounded by a cliff with a roaring waterfall at the center. Drako smiled slightly as he watched the small group of wolves walking toward Sheba and him in the morning light. At the front of them was Drako's mate Ariel. She ran toward him knocking him to the ground and licking every part of him she could.

Drako was happy to see her too but couldn't get himself to be overjoyed after what he had done with Sheba. He knew that she had told him to go and do it so they could join the pack of wolves for the time but that still didn't help him in his head. The truth was that Sheba had shown him a better time mating than Ariel ever had. She'd be so angry if she found out Drako had wanted to mate Sheba again.

"My love I'm so happy you're back." Said Ariel letting Drako up off his back

"I'm happy to be back Ariel have the others been good to you?" asked Drako looking at the other wolves in Sheba's pack

"Ya they said they're so happy that pups will be running around again." Said Ariel

"Has it been a long time since you had pups around here?" asked Drako looking at Sheba

"When I had Bain I lost my ability to have pups and most of the pack I lead is male. The alpha female is the only one aloud to have pups but we plan on changing that soon. Bain is the last pup that has been in this pack for two years." Said Sheba

"So is that why you were so angry with me and my new life style mother." Said Bain walking out from the crowd of wolves followed by Ti his fox mate

"Yes, I was hoping you would take over the pack with a female that could give new life to this pack. But I get you back with cum smell under your tail." Said Sheba with a growl "But I'll have to let that be and find a new wolf to take your place my son."

"As you wish mother." Said Bain walking off

Ti didn't follow his wolf mate but walked up to Ariel and said "Miss Ariel you must be getting back to your den. You don't want to be out to long and risk hurting your pups."

"Fine Ti but I want Drako to come with me." Said Ariel

"I'll be with you in a minute Ariel I have to speak with Sheba about our safety." Said Drako

"Fine but don't take too long my love." Said Ariel "My den is just behind the waterfall."

As she turned and walked off Sheba told her pack to leave her with Drako then she said "Well Drako what will you do now?"

"What do you mean Sheba?" said Drako looking in to her eyes seeing that they were a dark red color

"Are you going to stay with your mate or are you going to stay by my side as my mate?"

"Sheba I don't know. I love Ariel but I liked the mating last night more than I had with my mate. I just don't know what to do." Said Drako

"Well then way don't you stay with your mate for now but come to me if you what a good time. I can stand to be the mistress, at least for a little while." Said Sheba

Drako thought about it for a long time before he finally answered her "I think I can make that work."

"Good then meet me in my cave before night ends this evening." Said Sheba licking Drako's under belly and sheath as she walked by him

Drako ran back to his mate's cave as fast as he could. When he arrived he found Ariel waiting for him at the back of the cave. Her eyes were soft and kind as she watched him walk in.

"Come and lie down by me my love." She said in a soft voice

Drako did as he was told and placed himself on Ariel's right side. He looked at her with his yellow eyes looking deep in to her light Blue ones. She still had the eyes of a pup even though she was fully grown. He loved everything about her and wanted to stay by her side for all time. He still could not tell her what he felt for Sheba though.

"Are you ok my love?" Asked Ariel

"I'm not sure."

"Your just nerves about the pups aren't you?"

"It's not just that." Said Drako

"If it's about what you had to do last night with Sheba than please don't think about it and know I love you. I told you to go do what she wanted last night so we would have a good place to stay. I know you love me and didn't take any meaning from you mating with her." Said Ariel

"That's true." Said Drako looking away from his mate

"Would you feel better if you could mate me right now." Said Ariel looking at him with a small smile on her lips

"Yes but I can't."

"There is more than one way to mate you know Drako." Said Ariel getting up and shaking her ass at him

"You want me to mate your tail vent. But won't that hurt you." Said Drako

"If Ti can take Bain's large cock up his tail vent then I think I can take yours in mine." Said Ariel

Drako wasn't sure at first because he never tail fucked any one before. But he wanted to mate his love so bad so he walked up to her and got on top of her back. His cock came out of its sheath as the aroma from her pussy grew. But that wasn't his target and he waited for his cock to grow harder. Once it did he put the tip of it up to her tail vent and slowly inserted it.

Ariel let out a small scream that turned to moans as Drako's cock entered her tail hole. It did hurt at first but the pain got less and less as Drako pumped his hips more and more. Ariel's pussy started to drip as the pleasure she was feeling in her ass grew. Drako moaned loudly as he felt his cock slid in and out of his mate's ass the walls of which were grabbing his cock hard as he moved.

Drako bit down on the back of Ariel's neck as he felt his seed filling up his body ready to shot in to his mate. Ariel moaned louder as she felt her mate's teeth bite down on her and his knot slam in to her tying them together. Within a few moments she fell to the ground as Drako's cum blew in to her with enormous force.

They stayed tied to one another for only a short while. When they broke apart Drako could see small bits of filth on his cock but did not care. He got up and walked to the lake to wash off before going back to his mate. She was on the ground panting hard but smiling as she watched him walk up to her and place himself once again on her right side. They fell asleep like this dreaming of the day they could play with their pups.

Later that night Drako awoke and left the cave. He made sure that he left no tracks as he walked toward the bigger cave not far from his own. Sheba was waiting there for him to show up.

"Hello great wolf how can I help you today." Said Sheba

Drako smiled at her before he licked her muzzle once and said "I can't sleep this wonderful night so I thought I'd go for a small walk in the moon light."

Sheba giggled and got up beaconing for him to follow her as she walked off on to a higher cliff and path. Drako did so and after walking the path for some time he found himself at the top of the waterfall. Sheba then stopped and turned to look at Drako in the full moon's light.

"You are one hansom and sexy wolf." Said Sheba then walked up to him and once more licked his sheath

"Thanks Sheba." Said Drako his voice filled with a loving tone as his member began to enlarge

"Seeing as how you started last time I think it's only fare I start this time." Said Sheba between her licks

Drako moaned as she licked from his balls over his sheath and enlarged cock to the very tip. Taking the drip of pre-cum off as she did. She then rolled her tongue around his cock before letting her lips close over the top of it and moving slowly back along his cock. This drove Drako crazy as he felt his cock swell even more. Sheba then rolled over not letting his cock out of her muzzle and spreading her legs making her intentions clear to Drako.

Drako dipped his head forward and let his tongue come out to sweep over her slit then dig deep inside of her. Sheba moaned loud as she felt her pussy walls tighten from his tongue dancing around inside of it. She then slid her teeth over his member softly making Drako moan louder as the sharp tips ran over his cock. The two of them went on like this for some time filling the night air with moans and the smell of sex.

Sheba then got out from under Drako letting his hard cock dangle in the wind like a branch on a tree. Drako looked disappointed at first but then smiled as he saw the female turn and put her tail up in the air. Drako moved closer to her and mounted her ramming his still hard cock deep inside the older female alpha wolf. Sheba let out a muffled scream as Drako's large cock stretched her pussy wide.

"Don't do that so fast Drako unless you want me to wake every one with my screams." Said Sheba Panting slightly

Drako just gave a grunt then pulled back out of her before ramming himself back in. Sheba moaned loud as Drako moved fast along her pussy walls his balls hitting the back of her legs. Then Drako's knot tied the two of them making them both shudder. Drako began to deep fuck his mistress with more and more force making the female orgasm many times. But soon Drako couldn't take much more as he let his cum slam in to Sheba with overwhelming force.

The hot cream made Sheba let loose more of her own juice to mix with Drako's. Sheba tried with all her might to stay up but could not and she fell to the ground with a plop. Drako still tied to her followed landing on top of her. Drako was able to pull out of her within about a half hour. Once he did Sheba tuned and started to suck and lick Drako's cum covered cock.

Drako's cock was still sensitive after the ordeal it had just been through and soon he was harder than ever. Sheba moved her mouth around the enraged and hard member like a pro. Soon Drako flinched as for a second time his cum shot in to Sheba flowing out of her mouth and on the ground. Drako pulled hit cock out of her mouth and shot a few more drops of cum on to Sheba's face before he once more fell to the ground panting hard.

"That was even better than the first time Drako." Said Sheba

"It was."

"Come on and get up now we need to clean our selves off before you go back to your mate." Said Sheba

They did so washing in the river that made the waterfall. For the rest of Ariel's pregnancy this is what happened. Drako didn't get to mate his love much once she got farther along. He would go up to the top of the cliff with Sheba every other night after Ariel fell asleep. He hated what he was doing to his love by mating with another female but he was so addicted to Sheba's sex he could not stop himself.

Soon Drako was waiting on the outside of his cave for Ti's news. Ariel had made the gay fox her helper with the Birth of the pups and no one was allowed inside as she gave birth. Drako was shaking from head to foot as he sat next to Bain.

"It'll all be ok Drako." Said Bain

"I know but I'm so nerves I can't help myself." Said Drako looking in to his friends eye's and to Drako's astonishment he saw that the eye that was usually yellow was red "Bain what happened to your eye."

"What do you mean?"

"Your yellow eye is red now." Said Drako

"Oh that." Laughed Bain "My mother and me have changing eye's you see when me or my mother get nerves, horny, tired, or overjoyed our yellow eye's turn red. Since I only have one eye like my mother's only that one turns red."

"That's different." Said Drako

Before Bain could say anything back Ti came out and said "She is done Drako and wants to see you."

Drako Smiled weakly as he walked into the cave seeing his mate at the back of the cave. Two pups suckled on her as Drako walked closer to her and said "Are you ok my love?"

She looked up at him and said "Better that ever my love just a little worn out."

"What are their names?" asked Drako

"The one on the left is a female and I named her Tella but the other is a male and I was hoping to name him Ray after his father." Said Ariel

Drako's eyes filled with tires as he looked into is lovers eyes and he said "That would be fine with me."

The next few weeks went by in a flash for Drako and the rest of the pack. Tella and Ray grew fast and soon could talk just as good as the rest of the pack. Everyone was happy that the new pups were healthy and strong. Even Sheba enjoyed having the pups around her. Ray had become very close to his father and followed him everywhere. This made it hard for Drako to sneak out at night when he was to meet Sheba. Tella liked to be with Bain most of the time which made Bain happy since he knew he would never have any pups of his own.

In the last few days of summer Drako got up to go off the meet with Sheba as he always did. He bumped in to Ti as he walked out of the cave but shook him off by saying he couldn't sleep and needed fresh air.

The little pup Ray woke up cold for some reason. He looked around the cave and could only see his sister and mother. He knew he was cold because his father was not with him like he always was. The little pup walked up to his mother and started to shake her head and bite her ears to wake her up.

"What is it Ray?" said Ariel waking up

"Dad's gone." Said Ray

Ariel looked at her pup with a smile on her face admiring the little wolves dark black fur and bright blue eyes. He was nothing like his sister that had light grey fur all around her body except for her muzzle which had a black stripe on it. She then said "Ray your father must just be outside getting fresh air. He has a hard time sleeping sometimes."

"But I'm scared he got hurt mother." Said the wolf pup

"I'm sure he's fine if you stay here I'll go and get him for you." Said Ariel getting to her feet

"But I want to help." Said Ray

"No you need to stay with your sister." Said Ariel

"Ok mother." Said Ray waging his tail

Ariel walked out of the cave hoping to find her mate just out there but saw nothing. She walked on to Ti and Bain's cave and as she looked in she blushed as she saw the two having a little too much fun.

Bain had his cock ramming hard in to the little fox's tail vent and the fox's cock was fully hard as he moaned loudly. Ariel giggled before she said "Sorry to interrupt boy's but have you seen Drako."

The two's eyes snapped open as they heard her voice. Bain looked horrified as he looked at Ariel watching them. Ti just looked amused as he smiled and said "It's ok Ariel I saw him going up to the top of the cliff he said he needed fresh air."

"Thanks Ti. I'll let you get back to your fun." Said Ariel and she giggled harder as Bain twitched and made the fox shudder and shoot his load far across the floor making a big mess.

Ariel walked up the trail that led to the top of the cliff. She thought to herself how she would like to have Drako fuck her tonight and thought she would do just that before going back down to the cave. It had been so long for the two of them. Ariel froze as she heard moaning coming from the top she had almost reached.

She stopped and listened again but heard nothing. Thinking she imagined it from her thoughts of mating Drako she continued on and once she reached the top she froze with a look of horror on her face. Before her was Drako standing over Sheba, Drako's eyes half closed as Sheba sucked his cock. Drako let out a small moan as his member was sucked on like a piece of wonderful meet.

Ariel watched as her lover shot his hot cum all over the leaders face and into her open mouth. This sight of Sheba getting hit in the face by the cum and her pussy lips swelled waiting for the cock to do the same to it made Ariel Cry.

"How could you Drako." Yelled Ariel as tears filled her eyes

Drako froze and so did Sheba as they both looked at the small female crying at the edge of the cliff. Drako's eyes went wide as he said "Ariel how did you..."

She cut him off saying "You fucking Tail hole. I can't belive I loved you all this time and you've been fucking Sheba behind my back. The first time was fine but now I find you up here doing it again."

"Ariel I..." said Drako but was cut off by Sheba

"Yes and it's not the first time young one." Said Sheba licking the cum off her muzzle in a taunting way

Ariel cried more and she ran off back down the hill saying "I hate you." As she disappeared.

Drako went to go after her but was stopped by Sheba who had stopped in front of him and said "Don't do it my love she had to find out sooner than later."

Drako growled at her and said "This is all your fault."

"Is it now who was the one who came up here every night to fuck me?"

Drako looked down at the ground then said "That may be true and I guess I should have stopped it. Now I know where I should go. I will find my mate and try to win her forgiveness. If she doesn't then I will leave this place to stay a loner forever."

"You can't leave me." Said Sheba

"Watch me." Said Drako as he ran off after his mate

He found her and the two cubs walking off with Bain and Ti. Drako ran after them but was stopped by Bain turning and yelling "Don't come any closer Drako."

"Please let me talk to her Bain."

"Why should I. You broke the promise you gave to her." Yelled Bain

"I know and I want to say..."

"Shut up Drako. When you make a promise to be someone's mate you keep it. I told Ti I would stay by his side and I have. I guess you just couldn't get enough from Ariel so you had to fuck my mother more." Said Bain

"Drako don't try to say you're sorry or try to stop me leaving. I can see you're happy with her. I hope you two get found and killed by the humans. Good buy forever my ex-lover." Said Ariel as she pushed the two pups forward as they tried to look back at their father not understanding way he was not going with them.

Bain and Ti looked at him with anger in their eyes before the two turned and followed Ariel.

Drako sat in the grass watching as his life walked away from him into the dark summer's night. Letting a howl of misery pass from his tear covered muzzle. He knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life and it had cost him everything he held dear to him...