Rigby and Donny

Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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Fan fic featuring Rigby and his brother Donny.

Rigby grunted and groaned as he worked in the park, doing his chores for the day. "argh damn Benson making me do all this extra work just cause I overslept the other day," Rigby thought to himself, as he raked up the leaves.

"Lucky Mordecai getting the day off," he grumbled as soon bagged up the leaves. After a few more minutes of working for a few hours, he decided to take a break. As he sat on one of the benches and stretched out, sipping a drink, he heard his phone going off.

He glanced at the phone and saw that it was his younger brother, Donny. Rigby sighed softly to himself as he soon answered the call. "Hey bro. what's up?"

"Heya Rigby bro. How's it hanging?" his younger brother asked.

"It's going good bro. Just being forced to do some extra work," Rigby responded.

"Cool. Cool. I was just wondering if you'd want to hang out when you're done. Miss ya bro," Donny replied.

"Yeah that sounds cool. Would love to get together with ya bro," Rigby responded. "How does after 5 sound?"

"Yeah that'd work. I should be off work by then as well. Looking forward to seeing ya. Love ya bro," Donny responded.

They both soon hung up, and Rigby got shouted at to continue his work by Benson, who stopped by to see how he was doing.

"Damn fucking meerkat or whatever he is," Benson grumbled to himself as he hated having these slackers work for him, but no one else applied for the positions. Rigby just grunted and groaned as he quickly finished up his work, eager to visit his brother again and have some fun.

After a few hours went by, the work day finally came to a close. Rigby grunted as he stretched his muscles and padded up the stairs to take a quick shower before getting together with his brother.

"Hey Mordo. Having a good day off?" Rigby grunted to his best friend.

"Hey Rigby. Yup. Just chilling and relaxing with video games," Mordecai responded. "Great. I'm off to hang with my bro for a bit," Rigby remarked.

"Oh man. I didn't know Donny was in town. So jealous, but hope you have fun bro," Mordecai remarked.

"Yeah thanks. Off to take a quick shower," Rigby remarked back.

Mordecai moaned to himself as he imagined watching Rigby bathe all naked, and fondled himself. Rigby yawned and soon stepped into the shower, and soaped himself up and sighed as he washed off the day's work from his body. Mordecai grinned to himself as he noticed Rigby forgot to lock the door, and silently crept in. He peered through the shower curtain gap, and panted to himself as he watched Rigby wash his heavy balls and swollen sheath.

Rigby grunted and panted as he started to play with himself slightly, while bathing. He slowly pawed his hardening dick up and down, and started to pre heavily. "MMnnn Mordecai," he thought to himself as he fantasized being sucked by his best friend. He shivered as he felt himself getting closer to cumming, while thrusting his hips into his paws.

Mordecai moaned to himself as he watched Rigby suddenly gasp and watched his dick swell and suddenly spurt hot load of cum all over the shower wall. "Mmmn yeah Rigby, spurt that hot cum in my mouth," Mordecai grunted to himself as he spurted into the toilet of his own twitching dick. The bird quickly left the bathroom before Rigby noticed he was there.

Rigby sighed to himself as he finished spurting at the thought of being sucked by Mordecai. He quickly finished cleaning himself and soon ran out the door to meet with his brother at the bar they decided upon to meet up at.

He glanced around, and soon spotted his brother waving his arms near the bar. He padded over and gave his brother a quick hug hi. "So how's it going bro?" Rigby asked, as he ordered a drink of whisky on the rocks. "Pretty good bro. Just got a promotion at work," Donny replied while sipping his own drink of tequila.

"Wow. Congrats bro," Rigby responded. They both soon gulped to that, and ordered more drinks of various types. After awhile, they both started to get noticeably drunk.

"So bro.. Wanna go somewhere for some fun?" Donny asked, with a slight hic.

"Yeah bro. would love some fun with you," Rigby remarked with a giggle.

They soon both left the bar, both tipsy and walking funny. "Where should we go?" Rigby asked, his tail flickering idly.

"How about we spend the night at a motel?" Donny said with a smirk.

"Yeah that sounds like fun," Rigby remarked, and they soon stopped into a all night no-questions asked motel, and paid the fee for a one night stay.

Donny flicked his tail as they glanced around the drab motel room, and flicked on the tv. "So what do you want to do bro?" Rigby asked, still drunk and starting to feel horny. Donny smirked to himself, as despite he was still hazed, put his plan into action and flicked on a gay porno.

"Wow that's hot," Donny moaned just a bit loud so that Rigby heard him. Rigby glanced at the screen, and went all bugged eyed. "What the fuck?" he shouted as two male horses were going at it with each other. He couldn't take his eyes off the screen as a hung horse dick worked it's way in and out of the subby horse neighing in pleasure of being fucked, his own dick dribbling pre.

"Uhmm.. wow bro. Didn't know you were into this kind of thing," Rigby mumbled slightly, despite still shocked, was getting hornier and feeling himself harden. He idly adjusted himself, and soon noticed Donny rubbing his own bigger cock. Rigby slightly grumbled at despite being the elder brother, his younger brother still had a bigger dick than him. His mind slightly recalled back to when they were kids and comparing themselves when he was the bigger of the two, before Donny got his growth spurt.

"Damn I've forgotten how big he's gotten," Rigby thought to himself as he slowly paed his 8 inches, and admired his brother's 9.5 inches.

Donny moaned to himself as he kept watching the porn and idly glancing at his brother's hot 8 inches. "Yeah bro. I love watching this kind of thing, and even better doing it," Donny remarked with a grin.

Rigby panted softly as he thrusted himself into his paws, and kept glancing from the hot horse porn on tv and drooling over his brother's hung thick dick.

The horses on the screen soon neighed even louder, and the top grunted and moaned as he shoved into his partner deep and suddenly flooded the bottom's hot clenching anus. The hot cum leaked out of his hole, and the other horse gasped and soon shuddered and growled as his huge dick flared and suddenly spurted all over.

"Oohhh that looks so hot," Rigby panted softly, as his dick pre'd heavily and he watched his brother's do the same. Donny groaned in pleasure as he pawed himself faster and used his pre for lube. He scooted closer to his older brother, and leaned in to whisper into his ear "Want to do what they were just doing bro?"

Rigby groaned as he felt his hormones get the better of him and his drunken state lowered his inhibitions. "Fuck yeah. Let's do it," he panted.

Donny groaned in pleasure as he suddenly pounced his brother, and started to grind their twitching dicks together up and down. "Mmnnn fuck I've wanted to do this for so long," he panted and grind their cocks and balls harder.

Rigby squirmed and gasped as he felt his brother's body on top of his. He groaned in pleasure, while grinding back against his brother's nearly 10 inches with his own 8 inches, and his paws clawed up and down his brother's back. "Mmmnn bro.. oh gods this feels so great," Rigby grunted.

Donny growled in ectasy of feeling his brother's cock rubbing against his own. He leaned in to nibble on Rigby's neck, while roaming his paws all over Rigby's hot ass cheeks. Rigby panted and clawed along Donny's hips and sides as he felt their pre mingle and lube their dicks more.

"MMnnn Rigby. So eager to fuck your hot ass," Donny panted, as he rubbed his fingers along Rigby's ass crack and teased his tight pucker in circles. Rigby gasped at the touches and shuddered. "Oh Donny," he moaned.

Donny soon leaned in to kiss his brother fully, while moving to rub his preing cock tip along his older bro's sexy ass crack. Rigby grunted into the kiss and swished his tail to rub along his younger brother's own ass crack teasingly.

Donny squirmed from the sensations against his twitching pucker, as he lined his dick up against his brother's own tight anus. "Mmnnn Rigby.. so going to ravage that hot ass of yours," Donny groaned into the kiss, and soon suddenly slammed his hips forward into Rigby's clenching anus. "Nnngghhh fuck bro.. so tight," Donny grunted.

Rigby panted and gasped as he felt his brother's thick cock slowly inch it's way into his ass. "Oh fuck Donny... you're so big," he growled, while pushing back against his brother's thrusting hips.

Donny nibbled harder on Rigby's neck, as he thrust himself in deeper and feeling his preing cock tip prod against Rigby's prostate. "MMnnn bro. nnggghhhh so good," Donny grunted, as he pulled himself out and shoved himself back in and moved to paw along Rigby's throbbing dick and balls.

Rigby groaned in pleasure as his anus tightened harder around his brother's luscious cock, while his own dick twitched and pre'd even harder in his brother's paw. "MMnnnss Donny, gods don't stop," Rigby growled.

Donny mumbled more as he tongued his brother's muzzle, and thrusted his dick faster in and out of Rigby's clenching tailhole, and squeezed Rigby's cock and balls harder. Rigby growled as he felt himself getting closer to cumming, while moving against his brother's movements.

"Oh Donny.. shit I'mg going to cuuummm," he cried out in pleasure as he felt himself grind his ass back against his brother's deep thrusting hips.

Donny moaned, "fuck yeah bro.. going to cum into your hot asshole." And felt his hips go faster up and down as his dick throbbed harder against his brother's insides.

Rigby soon couldn't take it anymore, and clenched his anus even harder around Donny's throbbing 9.5 inches and his 8 inches swelled and he cried out as his balls twitched and he felt his cum suddenly leaking out all over against their chests. "Oh Donny.. nngngghhhh."

Donny soon growled in pleasure as he felt his brother's anus clench harder around his cock and he gasped as his dick swelled even more and he shoved himself deep as he could, and his dick swelled even bigger and his cum started to flood hard and fast into Rigby's ass.

"Oh bro, so tight and hot. Love cumming in your hot ass," Donny panted as he kept thrusting himself in and out while cumming into Rigby's tailhole, and felt some of it leak out around his slapping balls.

Rigby mrowled and panted heavily as he just laid there and enjoyed feeling his brother's hung dick still pounding his ass and his own cock twitched after spurting all over a bit more.

"Mmmnn bro.. oh gods that felt so good," Rigby panted and enjoyed the afterglow as they kissed and relaxed together. "Mmnn yeah.. so good. So definitely going to do this again bro even if we're not drunk," Donny rumbled.

Rigby nodded, still feeling buzzed but aware enough of what was going on, and enjoyed having hot sex with his brother and doing so again soon after the brief respite. The porn channel kept playing in the background as they started to doze off to nap. "Love ya bro. Glad we got to do this," Donny mumbled. Rigby nodded, "Love ya too little brother."

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