A Tale of Two Horses, Act 6

Story by Drafty on SoFurry

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#4 of A Tale Of Two Horses

Preamble time... This is chapter 6, as always we follow on directly from the events of chapter 5 which you can find here on Wolfie Steel's page https://www.sofurry.com/view/620821 go read it and his other works too and be sure to leave the talented Timberwolf some love or an unbranded doggy biscuit, whichever you fancy.

And thank you too Wolfie for approaching me to write this with you.

A Tale Of Two Horses

Part 6

Writen by Drafty The Suffolk Punch and Wolfie Steel.

I sit in stunned silence, staring at a spot on the floor while replaying the conversation in my mind, my mind's eye drifting back to my stupid and utterly debased act of self-pleasure in the field earlier.

How could I play up to the fact someone was watching? Nay get off on the knowledge the horse had been observing me the whole time, caressing, squeezing and stroking my pink and black length, spreading my hooves and tossing my head back before enjoying the longest and hardest orgasm I'd enjoyed for ages. God's I hadn't cum like that since... never mind.

But fuck, I'd done it in front of a guy, a guy! And an older guy at that!

I could just feel his disapproval at the way he spoke to me, the way he carried himself and worst of all the way he looked at me, looking at the disgusting young colt masturbating for him earlier that very day as if he was a pervert.

I bet he thought I was coming on to him too, no wonder he's been so off with me in the pub, Drafty you sod, you silly, silly sod, if only you'd pay attention to what's going on around you then maybe you wouldn't make such a tit of yourself as often as you do.

With furry elbows propped onto the table I let out a deep sigh, dropping my head into my hands, I bet he thought I was trying to prove a point with pinky and perky over there too, you know pretending to be the big stud, protecting him, making him MY property!

The actuality of the WHY I stepped in couldn't have been further from the truth, I was just looking out for another stallion who I could see was having a hard time, rapidly becoming the butt end of someone else's fun.

I mean I'm a soft stallion really, too soft if we're being honest here, and although what they were doing wasn't cool what I did wasn't either. Not big, nor clever, just couldn't help myself that's all.

Do you remember what I said earlier? You know, about getting involved in a strangers battles, and how one can very rapidly end up getting involved in a war, which you could be on the wrong side of, after all how do you know, you just walked in, didn't you?

So I hate getting into other peoples fights and I hate myself so completely and totally, for the first time since coming out here, this was supposed to be a new start, a new life safe and well away from the garret brothers. Fuck wouldn't that would just be perfect if they found me here now, we could start a little carbon copy of my life back in Walthamstow, all I'd need was for Alice to go down to the woods with my best friend, take drugs and cheat on me only to claim that I'd sold her the gear. I could go on but that one's still a little too fresh to talk about, know what I mean?

Needless to say though I wouldn't and I didn't!

I look at my glass, still mostly full, barely touched, I tip some down my muzzle hoping to drink away some of the awkwardness the last twenty minutes, it had been replaying itself over and over in my mind, my fingers gripping the table edge, hooved tips leaving long scores in the polished pine in a sort of inward cringe, a very long inward cringe. The drink didn't work, in fact the rest of the glass didn't help either.

I find my thoughts drifting back to the room as a distinctive smell wafts through my nostrils, I look around, it's Alice, the dapple grey mare approaching my table with a pint in her hand and swing in her hips, grey equine lips turned up into a cute smile.

"Well done you!" she exclaims presenting me with the pint like it's a fucking trophy.

"Thanks" I say, not really meaning it.

"You're welcome hon, It's the least we can do after you showed those three the door" I look away She grins, reaching my side, bending down to pick up the borrowed wastepaper basket holding the remains of the stallions pint glass within. I get a good view of that curvy rump and she knows it too swishing her tail provocatively back and forth, blowing her scent towards me. Looking closer than a gentle horse should I swear I could see a wink through those pants she wore, yeah she is, there it is again.

God's I'm so close to going fully stallion on her, my upper lip's threatening to curl back to taste her scent, and my sheath feels so uncomfortably full it's promising to release my length then and there, cloth be dammed!

"It's lonely over there, come and keep me company Stud, when you're ready"

She leans her pretty grey rump heavily into my shoulder then, flicking her tail across my back before walking away tail flicking from side to side suggestively. I suddenly and spectacularly lost the battle with my sheath, cock spilling out into the tight confines of my jeans filling the limited space pleasurably and painfully, At least I managed to keep my lip in order, a small victory I suppose.

Despite the invitation, and other invitations that may have flown from the pretty mare this evening I decided to drink up and leave, a whole mixture of emotions combining with the adrenaline come-down conspiring together, making me a miserable horse.

After returning the empty glass and receiving a lingering squeeze on the back of my hand I clopped out into the night without a mare or a phone number, nothing. Silly sod!

I just could hear my forefathers now, the voices of a dozen role models I'd known throughout my short life repeating the time honoured words "get in there son" it wasn't helping.

Fuck em!

Fumbling with my jacket in the chill of the night I find myself wandering over the road to a set of white painted railings, the local river gurgling happily downstream the other side of the ironwork, as I peer into the gloom I see a million shattered shards of moonlight reflected back to me in a broken wet reflection.

I lean over the white railings hoof tipped up, tail swishing from side to side nonchalantly as I contemplated the evening's events, god how can I look the horse in the eye again? What if he talks, talk can travel fast in a village, one act quickly becoming a drama, and you become a pariah, a pervert or worse a sexual predator.

Oh, you stupid sod of a horse.

I grip the railings tight with my hands, running them over the cold smooth metal, just then I feel something different under my hand, strands of something caught in the join intersecting the tubular steel. I work it free with a hand, absentmindedly turning the strands over in my fingers bringing them up to eye level to peer at in the dim light of a lidded moon.

Its strands of something, I bring it to my nose and inhale deeply, finding the smell strangely familiar to me. At least I know what it is now, tail hair, from an equine tail, most likely from a horse hopping over the barrier or squeezing through that gap here taking a shortcut instead of going through the gate.

I stand up straight recognising, the smell, it's odour of the very horse I'd met in the pub, looking at the coarse strands I could now see that they were a deep black in colour.

Why on earth would he have gone over there at half passed the witching hour, especially when the path to his home lies in the other direction

Deciding to have a look I straddle the metal pole deftly landing on a soft grassy path the other side, looking up the path and down the path I scan the distance for any movement. Finding none I set off to the right, up the path (all horses veer right naturally) toward the bridge.

Then I hear it, a sound above the water gurgling its way haphazardly downstream, there it is again, a low growl. I stop dead, ears moving this way and that searching for the sound, my inebriated bravery and natural inquisitiveness now not seeming such a good idea.

And then I find it, a dark shape on the ground, "what the...?" suddenly I see an ivory and yellow shape poking out form the bundle, I recognise it immediately, a hoof, the gears clicking into place inside my head, it could only be the black stallion, the one from the pub. I stand frozen in place watching his motionless body prone on the ground the only indication of life is a regular snore emanating from the black bundle.

What do I do, I mean obviously I should help him, but why is he here? Is he hurt? Does he even want any help at all? The niggling doubts begin raising their ugly heads.

Then it hits me, the only possible reason for the stallion to be lying motionless on the cold damp ground...

The two bastards, I neigh loudly, a deep alarmed whinny into the night, a frightened and emotive sound designed to frighten a whole herd! I'm alert now, adrenaline slamming into me like a steam train while my mind runs wild with images of the deer and the mule quietly lying in wait for the black stallion, tackling him to the ground as he leaves the drinking establishment, kicking and punching the horse out of consciousness before dragging his comatose body here. What if they had a blade?

I reach down to grab the hapless horse, to search his body for harm or drag him to safety. But before I could reach him the bundle moves, sitting up quickly his body alert now looking around him for danger, his eyes quickly settle on me, locking on mine, ears foreword.

Stuck and trapped in an awkward stand-off I look at him, his eyes and ears the way he's sitting all telling me that he's at a crossroads, unsure, submissive but aggressive and upset too. It wouldn't surprise me if the next words from his lips went along the lines of who are you? I don't want any help" Or just simply "fuck off and leave me alone" but somehow I found the courage and managed to take the lead.

"Did those two come after you?" I asked, looking back to the pub.

"No, no,"

He looked around him quickly then, eyes off, when he spoke again his eyes didn't meet mine, looking instead somewhere to my side.

"I just needed to have a wee and just felt a bit dizzy that's all, must have been the drink, the next thing I know I'm on the ground and you're here, that's all I remember"

I let out a small breath not entirely believing the horse but I let it go, he's clearly in some sort of state.

"Well let's get you home" I put a hand out helping the prone stallion up, putting a hand round his shoulder pushing him in the direction of the bridge and gate.

"Let's go this way though heh"

Having safely guided him through the kissing gate, the ironwork closing with a loud clang making us both jump, I take my hand off of him and let him walk, the stallion leading the way while I kept a close eye on him. We crossed the wide street and little square in front of the pub before taking the footpath up the road and into darkness, the sound of wind in the trees accompanying us on our way.

Just passed the next corner my charge stops suddenly, turning sideways he begins fumbling with a gate I hadn't seen before, silently passing through it, should I follow? Have I seen him far enough? I'm passing into his domain? I might not be welcome here I think to myself, remembering all too well those disapproving eyes. Despite my trepidation I decide to take the risk, not wanting the horse to fall at the final hurdle.

The place is pitch black, not a light on anywhere in the house or outside it, Christ I couldn't even see the house.

"It's a bit dark here" I comment light-heartedly

"Saves money"

I wrinkled my nose at the sullen reply, delivered in a morose tone, keeping in step with the horse up the cobblestones, to his front door.

"I know but there's not a lot of point in saving money if you fall over and hurt yourself"

"I'm not worried about that"

Talkative tonight aren't we? I watch as he fumbles with his keys in the door, stabbing at the round barrel of the union lock searching for the hole.

"Besides, there's no one to keep a light on for anymore"

A click and he's through, turning the barrel, the big oak door parting from its frame with a squeak.

He turns his head to me then "Sorry"

"It's ok" I reply quickly, a hint of surprise in my voice.

"Sorry" he says again.

And with that he closes the door with a bang, leaving me nose to nose with the dark planks.

I stand for a moment, before turning on my hoof and walking smartly down the path, tail slicing the air with annoyance, but what did I expect? Really and truly the guy probably still thinks I'm trouble.

Suddenly a loud whinny catches my attention muffled by the door, and another a smaller one this time, I sprint back up the path to the door only to watch it shudder with a thump, the wood rippling as something heavy crashes against it from the other side.