Section III

Story by Kasai on SoFurry

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#3 of Obsolete Posts


'Nuff said.

Uh, on second thought, I'm going to upload this as a shorter separate part, rather than extending it like I had planned. Starting work on Pt. IV now!

(Interestingly, if you type 5. it automatically changes it to a numbering sequence, starting with 1.)

Despite the various forms of public transportation around the city, we walked on foot to our destination. Well, Tamamo's destination. I still had no idea where we were going. Not that that mattered to me at the moment. I was in awe of my surroundings.

Everything seemed so much more vibrant than it had before. I had no idea why, but it was amazing. It was all I could do not to stop and smell every flowerbed we passed. Every bird chirping sounded absolutely beautiful. I felt like just prancing around and enjoying the outdoors like a little girl, and it took far more willpower than should have been necessary not to. It was an odd sensation, and one that brought about no small amount of confusion.

After a rather silent walk, we arrived at what I assumed was our destination: an abandoned toll booth on a bridge leading out of the city. The windows were all blacked out, and the change collector boarded over. The door had no handle, just a keyhole. The keyhole appeared rather old fashioned, seeming to accept a skeleton key.

Tamamo pulled a bronze key from around her neck and inserted it into the lock, turning it to produce a resounding "clunk". She pushed the door open, revealing a dusty chair and an empty wooden shelf, but little else. She steps inside, and beckons for you to do the same. Confused, but in no position to argue, I step inside the cramped space, rubbing uncomfortably against her as she pulls the door closed.

In an instant, my world goes pitch black. For a moment, I wonder if she has knocked me unconscious again, but the warmth of her breath on my neck tells me otherwise. After a few moments, she pushes the door back open. I am immediately stunned by what I see. Even more so by what I hear. Gone are the relatively peaceful sounds of light traffic on a bridge. In their place are the sounds of a busy restaurant.

We stepped out of the small room, and I turned around to see where we had come from. It appeared to be a small broom closet, with a few cleaning supplies on the floor. She closed the door and ushered me into the main part of the restaurant. It appeared we had come in the back. Walking to the front, we sat down at the bar of what was immediately recognizable as an okonomiyaki grill, just as Tamamo had promised.

I briefly think of what I want, and open my mouth to order, but am caught off guard when Tamamo blurts out, "Two of my usual, Ebisu."

The man behind the counter looks up, "Who's your friend, Tamamo?"

Tamamo replied, her Japanese accent back in full force, despite her perfect English. "Oh, just a stray I picked up. Nothing special about him. I just..." She grinned, "Well, he IS my type."

Something told me I needed to keep my mouth shut.

The young man behind the counter raised an eyebrow, seeming to doubt her story momentarily, but he quickly broke into a hearty chuckle, with squinting eyes and an open mouth, "What ever you say, Tamamo. I won't judge." He turned around and set about preparing the batter for our lunch.

Tamamo breathed a quiet sigh as he turned around, confusing me further. Was she hiding something from him? My pace quickened, but she set a hand on mine in my lap, gripping it softly to comfort me. It had the intended effect, but I still had my concerns. I opened my mouth to say something, but was silenced by the insertion of a rice ball procured from the counter into my maw.

The man called Ebisu turned around and chuckled softly, "Having fun are we?"

The look in Tamamo's eyes said I should go with it. She seemed...desperate. I mumbled around the rice, nodding slightly, "Mmmmhmmm." With that, Tamamo smiled and removed the ball just enough for me to close my mouth, biting of a larger mouthful of rice than I was really comfortable with.

Good thing I really liked rice.

We are handed metal trays with wooden frames. Upon each was an Osaka-style modan-yaki, with squid, shrimp, the udon noodles that made it a modan-yaki, and the requisite otafuku sauce, as well as what looked like bonito flakes. Katsuobushi, if I recalled correctly. They were still sizzling, indicating that the tray was heated itself. I hadn't read about this way of serving okonomiyaki, making me wonder if it was unique to this place. It definitely seemed odd, though it had a similar "fresh off the grill" effect to those restaurants where one was supposed to cook it oneself at the table. I looked up as the cook told us to "enjoy", nodding in appreciation as I cut into the dish with the small spatula Tamamo handed me.

At Tamamo's silent urging, I hurriedly finished my food. I wanted to savor it; it was my first okonomiyaki after all, but something made me rush. Probably the same thing that told me not to ask any questions for now. I did ask one, however.

"So, Tamamo?"


"How come everyone's speaking English?"

Ebisu chuckled behind the counter, but didn't look up from the register he was fiddling with.

"They're not, silly. You yourself aren't even speaking English."

"Then how--"

I was cut short by Tamamo pressing a gentle finger on my lips. After effectively silencing me, she moved her finger down to my throat. I immediately understood her meaning. Whatever she had done to me, it was making me understand everything clearly. A little disconcerted but otherwise satisfied for now, I started to stand up to search for a restroom, but as soon as I lifted from the chair, I immediately lost the use of my legs, making me fall unsteadily back onto the seat.

Confused, I looked at Tamamo, assuming she had something to do with it. "Wha--"

"Where do you think you're going?" Tamamo glared.

"I have to..." I felt ashamed. It wasn't the subject matter. I was plenty fine with telling someone, in no uncertain terms, that I had to take a piss. What caused me to burn with sudden humiliation in my present situation is that I actually had to _ask. _And I had to ask someone who looked half my age.

Tamamo just glared at me. Something told me she already knew what I needed. By this point she was just cementing her dominance over me. After several seconds of uncomfortable silence that felt like hours, she sighed, and I felt control return to my legs. I stood up, and she gestured me towards the back, where the restroom was. I glanced at the door and noted that it was one of those unisex "family rooms" that only had one toilet. I began to walk in the indicated direction, still burning with shame. Then she did something I didn't expect.

She followed me.

My heart skipped a beat. But not out of anticipation. Out of fear. I quickened my pace, trying to get to the door with enough time to lock it on her, but to no avail. She pushed me into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it, a sly look on her face.

"What are you doing?" I asked frantically.

Tamamo's appearance scared me, her devilish grin twisting my bowels into fancy ribbons. She just stood there silently, and motioned towards the toilet, which, thankfully, was of the design typically seen in America. I knew what I had to do, but I was still reluctant to do it in front of her. I stood over the toilet and unfastened my pants, freeing my maleness from its confines. It was limp as a wet noodle, in fact._ Nothing like a bit of shame to turn you off,_ I mused. Deciding it would be better to do my business quickly and get this ordeal over with, I reach for myself to aim, only to find that my arms have gone just as limp as my legs had a moment ago. I tried moving them, but every attempt to do so was met with a painful prickling sensation, like when the circulation is cut off in a limb for too long.

I tried to turn around and confront Tamamo, but when I did so, I was met with the same painful prickling in my legs. I had no choice but to just stand there, hanging out for her to see. It felt like the whole world could see me, helpless as I was.

I felt her slink behind me, pressing her lips to my ear. she planted a little kiss on my earlobe before whispering into it, "I need you to understand just how much power I have over you." She slid her right hand down my side, and gently rubbed my thigh.

I opened my mouth to object, but she placed her other hand on my throat and squeezed. I felt the pressure cut off my air completely, my eyes going wide in surprise, before she relaxed, but not completely. I could breathe, but not normally. Her hand, I thought, _so much strength, despite her size. _I swallowed painfully as she cupped my groin.

"I know you probably don't believe me now, but I'm doing this for your own good. You'll see in time." She rubbed lightly over my privates, before taking my completely soft shaft into her hands. "You know, I'm kinda surprised. I haven't seen you hard this whole time. You're kinda small, too."

I said nothing out of fear, but part of what she said both angered and hurt me on a deeper level. I always knew I was below average, but hearing a woman say it was just so... well, it was a blow to my masculinity.

She squeezed a little more and let go. "Do you understand that I have complete authority over you?"

I nod slightly.

"Good." With a snap of her fingers, I feel control return to me, and wobble a bit momentarily. She looks toward the toilet, and I look at her helplessly. "What's the matter?"

"Can you please turn around? Please?"

A devilish grin creeps across her face. "Please, mistress."

I blush harder than I ever have in my life. "Please, mistress..."

Tamamo bursts out into laughter. "Wow, I was just kidding. Never expected you to actually say it. You've got a submissive streak, don't you? Good, you'll live longer that way around here." Taking on a more serious tone, she narrows her eyes at me. "I just need you to understand that you must do what I say, when I say it. It's for your own good, trust me."

I nod, and am relieved when she does actually turn around, with a rather obvious sigh as if disappointed. I finish up and walk to the door, following her out.

I follow her back to the counter, and wait when she motions for me to stay put. She clears her throat, attracting the attention of Ebisu once more.

"What is it, Tamamo?"

"Can" A blush creeped across her face. This was the first real vulnerability I'd seen in her. Who_ was _this guy? "Can I borrow the wooden key?"

Ebisu's eyes narrowed. "What did you do, Tamamo? Don't tell me..." I suddenly felt his eyes on me, feeling as if his gaze weighed a hundred tons.

Tamamo just hung her head.

"Tamamo, you know I can't. You should just go. Leave him and go."

"But he's innocent!"

"He's human. You know the rules."

"I can't do that! You know I can't!"

I had had enough. I burst out. "What the hell are you talking about!?" My outburst was met with the stares of them both. Tamamo looked at me with a sadness I hadn't seen before. A sympathetic fear. Ebisu looked at me with a cold pity that unnerved me on every level.

"You should tell him, Tamamo."

"I think...we need to be alone for this."

"Fine." With a snap of his fingers, a cabinet opens behind the counter, with that same blackness visible inside. "Just don't stay long."

Tamamo nudges me to the cabinet, and I reluctantly step inside. Suddenly, Ebisu snaps his fingers once more and the door starts to swing shut. Tamamo goes wide-eyed and bolts for the door. It seems to happen in slow motion. My heart begins beating faster as the adrenaline from the fear kicks in. I try to lunge forward as Ebisu grabs Tamamo around the arms, holding her firmly as she thrashes against her. He had a look of pity in his eyes, an apologetic look. Tamamo, on the other hand, looks afraid. But not for herself.

For me. She was afraid for me. And that was the last I saw of her then.

Section II

I came to slowly, just barely grasping reality as my vision refocused. The first thought that dawned on me was that I felt cold. Cold metal. I felt sluggish. Then I realized: I was in chains. I had been taken to a hotel room and shacked to the foot of...

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Section I

"Ow!" I cringed, rubbing my head where the suitcase fell on me. Looking up, I could see where the luggage rack had broken during flight. Apparently my decision to book second-rate air to save money was a bad idea. Well, at least I was here, rather...

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**The Fox Fire Chronicles** # Chapter Six _It is the day of Luna's birthday. Having awoken in the middle of the night by a nightmare and talking with her birth mother until nearly sunrise, she is very tired. She has just learned to leave the body...

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