The Desert - Re-visited Part 1

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#1 of The Desert - Re-visited

So, on a whim, and being that the original version of this story seemed in dire need of re-writing, that was exactly what I did. With my wife by my side, we sat down, and expanded upon the idea of our canon introduction story, and this is part one of that endeavor, clocking in at just over 12,000 words. THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN BUSY WITH! And also moving, and getting ready for my son's birth, and getting out apartment fixed up, and finding work, and so on, and so forth... So yeah, all in all, this was about maybe six or seven solid hours of work including editing. I'm pretty damned proud of it to be quite frank. Part 2 is well underway, and I'm expecting this full series to run at least 20,000 even or more.

Without Further delay, Enjoy!

For those interested, this is the original, which Part two will more closely emulate than this... Think of this part like a prequel almost. : "Love on the Dunes"

Isiat (c) Myself

Shadi (c) Shadi Carcer

The blaring desert sun seemed to glare overhead, beating down without mercy or remorse on the already almost boiling sand below, the Egyptian summer as harsh in imagination as it was in reality. What little survived out here did so by staying close to the Nile, and failing that, only moving during the cooler times of the day, just on sunset, and just before dawn. Life had evolved here to survive in the brutal, unforgiving conditions, out of the cities and out of the heat.

Few people lived this far from civilization, stretching oceans of white sand reaching to the horizon and beyond in almost all directions, giving no promises of relief from the heat, but offering a certain kind of peace and quiet that one could not find anywhere else in the world. Of course though, the fact that the land was out to kill you almost as much as some of the native wildlife was detracted from the strange serenity one might have found there.

Along the Nile River, the life giving waters of Egypt sprang forth their bounty, populating the shores with trees and animals from the graze lands, and the waters with fish and Nile crocodiles, just to keep the locals on their toes. Of course, some of the local inhabitants had reverted to the ways of their ancestors, revering the old gods and dedicating themselves to their worship, shunning the outsiders and their new world beliefs. It was in one of these temples, just on nightfall, that our story begins...


Shadi knelt before the alter to Sobek within the inner confines of the temple, the large sandstone walls and ceiling above her lined with intricate hieroglyphics from top to bottom, documenting everything from the temple's history to devotions to the a crocodile headed god of the Nile, warfare, and fertility. The scent of slowly burning jasmine lingered in the air, along with the willowy wisps of smoke from the small burners ringing the gold coated statue of her god.

The tan furred feline would have been a beauty anywhere else, but here, she was a sacred being, devout and pure for the devotion of her Gods. Her long, chocolaty brown hair reached down to her tail base, covering the false mane of fur along her spine. Her curvy, short and plump figure was barely concealed by the thin silk dress she wore as part of her duties to the Gods, one of her breasts entirely uncovered by the almost veil like garment. Her long tail stretched out, easily as long as her body and then some, tipped by a large fluffy mess at its end, a solid white gold ring latched onto the long appendage's mid-point. Her bi-colored green and brown eyes looked up at the statue she knelt before for a moment in reverence, admiring the reptile headed God, and being thankful for the bounties that they blessed her with.

The sculptors who had made it had taken a devotion to their details, and every small piece of the statue was kept in immaculate condition by the tan furred priestess as part of her duties here. This was the innermost sanctum of the compound, a place only the high priestess was permitted, and that was exactly why she alone was in here. This was her own private sanctum where she could make her offerings in peace, praying for guidance in her duties silently.

Outside the thick wooden door, she could hear the shuffling footsteps as one of the Nile crocodile guardians patrolling the temple by torchlight passed by. They were all eunuchs; a precaution to ensure they were not distracted by baser urges while surrounded by the thirty priestesses who tended to the temple grounds and devotions. Shadi herself had two personal Anubis jackal guards who followed her almost everywhere when she had to leave her chambers, and were in charge of the small contingent of other warriors who roamed the temple, vigilantly keeping intruders at bay, as well as those who would defile their Gods holy grounds.

She rose back to her feet slowly, the glow of the torches around the room illuminating everything with flickering orange light, the statue of Sobek casting a long shadow against the back wall it was placed against. The white marble stone tiles beneath her feet had grown cool as the chill of the night set in, and she shivered slightly as she began to walk back towards the doorway. The corridor outside led back to the barracks and priestess's quarters, and her bed was calling with a cat nap. Stretching her paws out, she yawned quietly, covering her mouth as she did.

When she opened the door, her pair of Jackals were waiting, the rusty brown furred male and the black furred female, both with long bladed sickles in the style of their own God of the afterlife. When she passed by, they fell into step wordlessly, escorting her back to her room before leaving her to rest, silent nods bidding her goodnight. Blowing out the candle by her bedside, she rest her head down on the fine silk pillow, a quiet sigh escaping as she closed her eyes. Perhaps soon, she thought, the gods would send her a sign of her path... Each night she prayed they would, but they had not spoken to her in some time; not since she had been a young girl... Soon, she reassured herself. The Gods would not let her devotions go unnoticed for long.


Isiat hit the deck with a roll, shedding his parachute the moment his feet had hit the sand beneath him, the dull thump of his impact seeming all too loud in the otherwise silence of the Egyptian night. Somewhere far above him he knew his companion dragon was circling to make sure he was on the ground before returning over the Israeli border. The mighty red drake had gotten him into the country. Now it was his to do his job and find his way back out afterwards. That part could wait however. He'd lost sight of the second parachute on his way down, the one containing a case of his pre-selected gear and food and shelter for this job, and its tracker wasn't responding.

With a sigh, he brushed himself off, scanning around for any of the landmarks he'd picked out as he'd fallen through the air like a sleek black stone. In truth, only the main coat of his fur was black, his muzzle and tail tip's a stark white in contrast, the two colors divided by a thin red stripe wherever they would have otherwise met. He reached behind himself with a single paw, tugging at the Velcro strap across the back of his webbing, freeing his many tails from their confinement, the long appendages fluttering out as he worked the stiffness from their muscles while he got his bearings. Having so many of the darn things created some of the most impractical and unprecedented problems he'd faced in his career as a commando. Most of them had been solved by that single strap to hold them in place.

He could see glowing lights off in the distance, some kind of hamlet or small compound he'd seen. While it was unlikely his supplies had landed there, it would make a good first stop to scavenge himself some food and supplies until he could find his main kit... It was a stopgap if nothing else, he mused to himself.

He made good time to the compound, the lights seeming further than they really were due to just how dim they had seemed coming down. The reason explained itself fast enough when he reached them. Torches, and all of them almost burned down to ashes. The linen wrapped poles cast of a flickering dull glow that barely illuminated ten feet from them, and it was easy to move from shadow to shadow, keeping himself as concealed as he could while he looked for some kind of entryway.

He found it sooner than he would have liked, the pair of bulky looking crocodiles standing guard outside of the thick wooden gate making him frown, not from their presence, but from their weapons and attire. Their armor was tanned leather, worn from use and their weapons were long, almost elegant looking pole-axes. It took Isiat's mind a few moments before it clicked, realizing that this must have been one of the 'gone native' temples he'd skimmed over in his briefing notes. Civilians. That meant his pistol was a no-no, as easy as it would have been to dispatch both the guards. His ROE had been quite specific about just who he could fire at and why, and deliberately provoking them first wouldn't make it count any less...

Frowning, he doubled back along the wall the way he had come from, searching along the chipped sand-stone and mud barrier for somewhere he could- There! Spotting a set of small dents and holes in the wall, he decided to test his luck, using them like handholds and his knife to chisel away a new one where he needed, managing to scale the wall in a short minute, pulling himself up and over. He landed softly behind a row of almost barracks like buildings, the interior of the temple laid out almost in a U shape, with what appeared to be living quarters to each side, and a main building at the head of the compound opposite the gate.

Quickly and quietly he dashed behind the nearest building, taking note of the long enclosed corridors that ran between each building, connecting the entire compound around the oasis like courtyard. If he hadn't known better, he might have called this place some sort of resort compared to everywhere that lay around it, but instead of tourist fliers and complementary breath mints, the staffs of these temples were more known for serving summary executions and torture to trespassers. If he had known where the hell his equipment landed, he wouldn't have even needed to come here. The locator hadn't been pinging a signal, and he was beginning to doubt its parachute had opened at all, and that made his scavenging a necessity.

As it was however, he didn't know where the crate was, and expecting to be in the field for at least a solid week if not more, he needed to stock on food and water while he could, and if it meant raiding the locals, so be it. The dump pouches on his thighs were all but empty save for extra bags within them for that reason alone. Surely, there had to be some kind of kitchen in one of these side buildings, and a kitchen would more than likely have an oven that needed a chimney to work...

His first glance didn't reveal any chimneys, but a quick dash to the next building over and he spotted it, a small round stub rising from one of the roofs across the yard. It was a long dash though, too long to just cut a be-line and expect to not be seen. He'd have to follow the compound around. Sticking close to the buildings, he ducked out of sight as one of the roaming guards wandered past, his breath freezing for a moment when the massive jackal stopped and sniffed about not twenty feet away from his hiding place. The sword gripped in his hands looked like something that he didn't want to become acquainted with in any hurry. It was only after he'd moved on that Isiat dared to let out the breath he'd been holding.

He slipped into the corridor when an opening appeared, following it along when a peculiar scent hit his nose, something sweet and strong that perked his curiosity. The building he stood in front of was the main temple, the elaborately painted doorway glinting in the torchlight with whites, blues and gold trimming that Isiat would have bet money on being real. And while it wasn't that he in any sense of the word a bad person, avarice was his vice, especially that for gold... He tried to shake himself out of it, just go to the kitchen, steal some bread, and go, he told himself, but that's not what happened.

Instead, he drew his knife, carefully slipping the thin blade into the large, simple keyhole, wriggling it around for a few moments until he felt a latch on the other side of the door rise, quickly pushing it open enough to prevent the lock from catching again. He slipped inside, nudging the door back closed behind himself, using the pen-light on his pistols barrel to scour the temples insides. A long, pillar lined path greeted him, statues of the Egyptian deities lining the walls, each carved from a single solid piece of sandstone and lined with gold and jewels encrusting their bodies. With a gleeful grin, he pried a few of the carefully cut stones from each one he passed, dropping them into his thigh pouch, trying to make the theft as subtle as possible. Already, he guessed the contents of the pouch to be worth an easy hundred thousand at resale, which while not quite the cheque for his job, was as good a bonus as one could ask for. By the time he had finished his second pass, it must have jumped to an easy quarter of a million.

But it was then that he noticed something that had escaped his eye's due to its clever concealment. A stone door, set into the wall, a large drawing of a crocodile headed man on the passageway. It was only the thin vertical slits on either side of the painting that gave it away, and a firm push revealed it to be yielding. He gently pushed it open all the way, the image and the hidden passage folding to one side almost silently, which surprised him due to the sheer weight of it. He stepped into the darkened room ahead of him, guided by the light of his pistol, nudging the door closed behind himself.


Shadi awoke to a chilly draft blowing through her room, sitting upright slowly as he sharp feline eyes scanned around the room cautiously. The slate window in her room had blown open, clapping quietly against its mounting in the sandstone wall. She rose slowly, the thin silk blanket sliding across her naked body like water, pooling on the mattress as she reached over, closing the wooden barrier and shutting out the almost icy chill of the Egyptian desert.

She had been having the strangest dream before she had jumped awake from the cold, a messenger of Sobek appearing before her, the female crocodile dressed in the loosely hanging robes of a priestess, one paw supporting her swollen belly. The figure hadn't spoken a word, simply stood there, motionless except for the paw stroking over her stomach... Perhaps it was a good omen of some sort? She wasn't really entirely sure herself, but when in times of doubt or confusion, prayer had always helped her figure the right path to go down.

Slowly pulling on her robe over her left shoulder, leaving her right breast exposed by the revealing silk garment that left little to imagination, she stepped towards the doorway. Some time in her sanctum with the gods would do her well, and let her make sense of the strange dream... Perhaps it was the sign she had been waiting for. Since her time in the temple, her heat cycles had only been getting worse and worse, but the priestesses were forbidden from laying with men. Perhaps the gods had plans to send her a child? Everything was still a muddle for her.

She had terrible fears about what lay in wait in her future... Temple life for an Amasii female could be a very bad thing, even if it kept you from poverty. Her species was meant to reproduce, and not doing so caused their heats to become so strong they were almost painful. She had known females to go mad eventually because their bodies would not produce children, so their heats just ate up their minds... She did not want that, but she did not want to displease the gods, either...

Taking the flickering torch from outside her room, she began her walk down towards the temple. It would be nice not to have to worry about her guardians being at her heels every step of the way for a change. Since her first season, this was something she often had to pray about, or she could never sleep...


Isiat had found the jackpot. Right down to the offerings of finely minted gold coins piled around the base of the massive statue of the crocodile god on the doorway. Now typically, the gold coins on the inside of his belt were more than enough, but one could never have enough of course... He snatched them up one by one, trying to pile as many into his dump pouches as he could, before running his paw along the ground at the back of the alter, his claws scratching at the sandstone until he had a small pile of dirt, pouring it in over top to silence the clinking gems and coin.

He froze a moment later, voices outside catching his attention. With a quick dash to the doorway, he snuffed the torch by the side of the hidden passage, slinking into the shadows with his back against the cold stone of the wall, flicking his sidearm's flashlight off. He sucking in a breath, holding utterly silent as the footsteps grew closer.


Shadi frowned when she found the door to the temple cracked, a quiet whistling coming through the slight gap in the opening. Cautiously, she stepped forward, pushing open the wooden frame to the main worship area of the temple's lobby. She was certain that she had closed it when she had left; in fact she was sure of it. Never before had she ever left it even slightly ajar, but so focused was she on that little detail, when a paw clasped down on her shoulder, she nearly jumped out of her skin with a startled squeak.

"Is everything alright Shadi?" The black furred female jackal spoke, stepping up behind her with a curious tilt of her head. She almost dwarfed over the small five foot feline feline, her stature and build almost as equal to her brown furred partner. The mere fact that she had gotten so close to Shadi without her sensitive ears picking up on it was just testament to her bodyguard's skill.

She sighed softly, nodding as she turned to face the canine female, trying to smooth down the now on end fur of her tail. "Of course. I was simply going to make a private offering at the inner sanctum. I could not sleep." She explained quietly, the rich Egyptian language rolling off her tongue in well-practiced, accented words.

The Jackal nodded, but Shadi knew she wanted to lecture her about not leaving her quarters without them, regardless of the hour. Still, she refrained, instead simple turning and sidestepping to stand by the doorway, nodding Shadi towards the temple. "Take all the time you need. I will be here."

Shadi didn't argue it. It was to late, or early to be bothered with such a petty thing. It was their duty to protect her, but just for one day it would have been nice to be able to be by herself, especially with her heat cycle coming in. The only place she was ever truly alone was in her inner sanctum to Sobek, and even then, she wouldn't have dared to pleasure herself before an Idol of her god. She had other creative methods to relieve the heat temporarily on the go that she had devised.

Stepping inside, she closed the door behind herself, ensuring to lock it as she entered. She didn't want to be disturbed here now. Her paws stepped lightly and quietly across the tiled floor down the center of the temple, heading to the right and the painting of the Crocodile deity against the back wall. She pressed her paw outstretched against the reptiles chest, giving a firm push and forcing the hidden doorway inwards. The torch inside must have blown out at some point, as inky blackness greeted her. Her eyes adjusted quick enough, her feline night vision slowly drawing the outlines of the inner sanctum.

Something felt like it was drawing her here, like the gods had made a calling of her, urging her to come to this place. Almost nervously, she took a step inside, the chill of the sandstone floor beneath her delicate feet sending a shiver along her spine to the end of her tail. It felt different somehow, and there was a perculiar scent-

A paw whipped out of the blackness, clamping around her muzzle and dragging her into the darkness, the stone slab of doorway closing with a soft thump behind her. She couldn't tell who her attacker was, and part of her tried to scream through the fingers holding her muzzle firmly shut. A quiet hiss in her ear made her go still, as she finally recognized the scent clinging to the fur holding her.

It was distinctly reptile, but not of the sort she had seen in her lifetime, but there was also another scent, that of a canine of some sort. She felt the grip relax slightly as her captor moved around in front of her, his footsteps soft and timid, like he was trying to be as silent as possible. When her eyes adjusted and she felt his paw loosen around her muzzle, she got her first good look at the male.

He stood at least a foot taller than herself, dark furred with white markings like the other foxes she had seen in her time, but with a thin strip of red fur separating the two contrasting colors. He was dressed... Strangely, wearing some sort of multi-colored garments she had never seen before, as well as some sort of complex vest with many pouches. He wasn't a dragon, that much was obvious to her now, but then why did he smell of one?

Perhaps he truly had been sent by Sobek to act as her guidance... She relaxed slightly at that thought, though the male did not speak to her, seeming more concerned making sure that she couldn't go anywhere in a hurry, his icy blue eyes darting back and forth from the door to the small slit windows set high on the walls. When he finally did speak to her, she did not understand the language, the dialect forign and from a distant, distant place. That only served to convince her that he truly was sent her by her lord, a true messenger of the gods...

He had seemed to relax slightly, and an almost blindingly bright light flicked on, making her cringe and shy away from the strange item he gripped in his paw, the light focused into a beam from its end. She blinked as her pupils narrowed, adjusting to the sudden change in brightness, and he spoke again, looking at her curiously with the beam of light playing across her body. He tapped his chest once, speaking again, another strange word. "Isiat..." He said, motioning to her now. The messenger's name perhaps? She had never heard of it in any of the texts or scrolls she had read in her time here, but it was known the gods messengers came in many forms.

"Shadi?" She said, hoping he had wanted her name as well with that gesture. Her body was trembling with nervousness, for the gods to intervene in her life, it could be a very good, or very bad thing. She stayed very still in the males grip, his whole body pressed firmly against her back. His form was hardened like many of the warrior here, though he felt far leaner than them, tall, almost... elegant in a way. Powerful, this messenger from the gods...

She whimpered softly, her body going slack and compliant against the male. Sobek had sent him to her, she could smell the gods all over him, and they would expect her to do exactly as he willed her to.

She felt his grip on her ease slightly, and his paws started up towards her upper arms, and she thought he might take her and turn her towards him, so that they may speak face to face, but the sound of paw falls outside the sanctum made the male snarl softly, his grip on her redoubling as he dragged her against him again, his other paw slipping up to cover her muzzle. Clearly, no one but her was to see this male or know that he was here. It was his will.


He backed up with her, vanishing farther into the room and away from the hidden doorway, his muzzle over her shoulder watching the doorway carefully as he moved. His breathing was steady, controlled, but the scents in his nostrils were doing things to his head. She smelled of vanilla, this priestess to the gods. And judging by the large, solid gold ring around her tail that he had spied, she wasn't just any priestess, and her long, flowing hair that reached to her mid back was another sign that his guess was right on. This was the high priestess.

And now that he had her... Just what had his plan been again? He'd thought no doubt it would have been one of the guards, in which case he'd have been dragging a body instead of a hostage. His plan hadn't extended this far, and all of a sudden, Isiat realized he was at a complete loss as what to do with her. The scent of her perfume was stronger than almost anything he'd smelt before, and she felt warm cradled against his chest, despite the cold setting in outside, warm and soft... and warm...

He shook his head rapidly, trying to think of his next move, tugging her firmly back towards the alter at the far end of the room, her loose dress slipping slightly while he tried to keep her as quiet as possible.


Manhandling her was not the best thing he could have done, it turned out. Against her wishes, Shadi murmured almost frantically. The feeling of warmth spreading through her body caught her off guard, the rough handling stimulating the feline trigger of 'pain equals sex' inside her brain, telling her body it was time to ovulate and start her on her heat cycle. She felt her sex blooming between her legs, moistening with the sudden influx of hormones surging through her system, even the delicate peaks atop her breasts pinkening and hardening.

Embarrassed, she murmured and turned her face from him, humiliated this happened just now. Normally she had more time to be on her own when the beginning of her cycle hit, the time it was strongest. It was a horrible thing, everyone around you knowing exactly what's on your mind, just from the scent of you, and the males all looking at you like they wished they had their manhood's-


Isiat grunted quietly as he turned her, pushing her face against the back wall of the room, pinning her there with his paws beside the large statue of Sobek. Her murmuring was going to get them discovered, and he growled quietly in her ear, a deep, commanding tone to his voice. "Stay." He ordered her, quickly releasing his hold and pacing back across to the doorway, looking for some way to seal it closed... There!

Leaning against the wall was a plank of wood, a pair of well concealed latches to hold it in place on either side of the hidden passageway. He slid it into place with a quiet thunk, shoving against it to make sure it wouldn't give. The scent in the air was getting to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it, rich and hot and deceivingly feminine, and all of it was coming from her...


Shadi didn't understand the order he had given her, but the tone he had said it with had made her body flush hotly, an almost silent whine escaping her and her most sensitive regions throbbed with need heatedly. She spared a quick glance over her shoulder, watching the messenger curiously as he barricaded the door in. He was only meant for her to know of, for her to see, but why had he appeared here now? That part still left her wondering. He was a warrior clearly, she could tell just by the way he held himself, his actions and tones, and he reeked of Dragon, both two clear signs he was truly sent by her god... But it still didn't answer the why...

She turned away like a startled field mouse when he quickly began to walk back across the inner sanctum towards her, excitement, tension and curiosity all racing through her mind...


Isiat gripped the back of the feline's neck... Shadi, she had called herself, and pushed her firmly up against the wall. Her dress had fallen from her shoulder, the fine silk cloth hanging loosely from her left elbow, barely concealing anything, most of it pooled around her feet. She was short, for a lioness, but with curves of the sort one would find on a poster girl hanging on the wall of his barracks back in Leeds.

His eyes played down her form slowly, almost against his will, but there wouldn't be anybody to bother them now he'd locked the door... The though was almost unbidden, but at the same time filled him with a predatory excitement that made his sheath throb in response, and he found his paw leaving her muzzle, each hand looping slowly over her shoulders and downwards, soft fingertips roaming freely across her chest, feeling the perky peaks of her furless nipples, each palm taking a hearty pawfull of her breasts...

It was then he realized what the scent he'd been noticing was... Heat. Fertile and lust filled... The scent of a female in need... It went against everything he had learned and was to get so caught up in it... But the way Shadi had pressed herself forward against his paws touch, poking her rump out to push herself back against his hips, her large tail flagging up along the side of her body. When he looked, he could almost see the puffy pink folds of her sex glinting with moisture in the dim light of the room...

He considered it once more, but merely let out a sigh, leaning his muzzle in to slowly nibble along the back of her neck, only making her arch herself further. 'Oh... Fuck it' He thought, even as his paws raced to his belt, undoing the clasp and tossing it haphazardly aside. It wasn't every day that you had a hot, wet female all but begging to be claimed grinding against your crotch.


Shadi's question all but answered itself as she felt the males paws gently stroking over her breasts. Sobek had decreed that she was to be his champion's prize, and her belly was to carry the children of him. She knew now, it all made perfect sense, why her body had almost spontaneously gone into heat at his touch, why he had sent him here... She had a duty to perform, and her god had shown her the path. She flagged her tail submissively as she felt his paws move, his teeth brushing against the nape of her neck.

The action made her entire body shudder in delight, her primal instinct to be taken by the neck between a males teeth during mating rolling over her like a hot, thick wave of water. Everything felt right- and everything felt good too, from his paws on her small body the way his chest felt up against her back. Yes, this was exactly where she was meant to be, and this was what the gods intended be done.

She extended her claws and raked them down the stone at Sobek's feet, getting them settled within the workable stone with a firm jerk of her arms. She was no longer running her own body- something far deeper was driving her actions with this male now. She would have no idea what to do during mating- but her body sure seemed to not need her help any. It could do very well on its own.


Isiat for his part knew exactly what to do with this feline, her body feeling like putty in his paws, moldable and yielding. His trousers pooled around his ankles, and he hastily kicked them aside, one paw grabbing the base of her tail as his free hand looped around her hips. He found what he sought for quickly enough, the feline's lust coating his fingertips as his digits caressed her hot sex, feeling her arousal all but dripping from her body. There was no way he could come this far not to claim her, despite his reservations about fucking females in heat. She was going to be the exception to the rule, and at that point, protection was the last thing on his mind.

He slipped a digit between her warm nether lips softly, her mouth falling open in a silent moan as he gently fingered her, stroking over her insides as if he were playing her like a violin, her soft gasps and moans coming like notes from the strings, his finger the bow. He wriggled the invading digit around inside of her, stroking lavishly across her sensitive, swollen insides, the feline's arousal matting the fur of his paw with her body's heated secretions

His stiffened length probed against the underside of her long, broad tail, smearing his preseed through her luscious tan fur messily, the clear, sticky fluid connecting from her presented rear to the leaking tip of his vulpine breeding spire, the dappled red member grinding lewdly along the divide of her rump. He rumbled almost hungrily, slowly dropping his paw from her tail down to his cock, pushing the tip down until it dipped between her thighs, pressed snuggly against the very base of her moistened slit.


Shadi tensed, the virgin feline shivering in anticipation as she felt the male positioning himself to claim her. She knew all about mating, mostly simply from observing the wild animals around the compound and a few scarce scrolls she had read that mentioned the subject, but even so, she wasn't sure if she was ready for it. Sobek had sent his champion to make a woman of her though, and it would be unthought-of for her to deny her god's will.

Obediently, she bent her torso forward, pushing her rear out, making the male's spade shaped tip glide wetly along her slit, a quiet moan passing her lips as the leaking spire of flesh came to rest flush against her budding clitoris. She resisted the urge to just reach down and push him into her, but his paw reached over her shoulder, pinning the hands against the cool stone, her claws flexing and scratching against the hard surface once more, deepening the gouges that she had already made.

Ready or not, she knew just what was coming, and her loins pulsed with heat and desire as she felt the males hot breath against the back of her neck, his stiffness pressed against her most intimate of places, ready to take what the gods had decreed was to be her gift. She felt her body open up around the tip of the gods messenger as he pulled his finger free from her body, replacing it quickly with the head of his tapered girth, slowly pushing himself within her gripping, virgin passage.


Isiat growled lustfully, his teeth scratching lightly against the back of her neck as he entered her willing and waiting body, his cock tip engulfed by the burning heat of the priestess's body around his length. He slipped in deeper slowly, his slicked breeding spire pushing firmly into her, until he reached a barrier just within her tight confines. A grin split across his muzzle as he pushed a little harder against it, Shadi wincing quietly as he did. She was still a virgin. A single thought passed through his mind at that. Perfect.

With a snarl of pleasure, he hilted himself inside of her until the top of his sheath mashed against her deflowered slit, a soft cry escaping the female as he tore away her virginity in a single stroke, a small trickle of blood leaking out around his girth as he began to pull himself back. He murmured as her untouched, unspoiled body caressed his girth snuggly, his tip leaking copious amounts of his pre-cum into her already, coating her hot, wet tunnel with his scent, almost marking her as his in a primal sort of way.

He panted softly as he began to mate with her in earnest, his mind entirely overwhelmed with the instinctual desire to breed, his paws snaking their way along her gorgeous nude figure until each one was cupping a breast warmly, his digits roving and brushing across her firm, peaked nipples. His cock plunged messily into her violated body, each wet slap of their hips colliding only driving him onward. He was her first partner, and damned if he wasn't going to give to her until she could take no more. Nothing mattered more than emptying himself into the tight little priestess pinned against the wall.


Shadi for her part resisted the urge to cry out when her maidenhead was torn away with a single quick thrust, her innocence shredded with the first forbidden throb of a male within her. Her body stretched to accommodate his girth, forcing her body wider than it ever had been in order to make room for her god's champion to breed her. She kept her tail flagged submissively as his hips began to rock against her, slipping his length into her until he bottomed out against her cervix, slick warmth coating her insides from her own arousal and virgin blood.

When he withdrew, her body instinctively tried to clamp down around the empty space his member left, but he was quick to reoccupy her body, claiming her as his own, as his reward from Sobek, and hers as well. She gasped for air with his next thrust, the sharp stinging pain mixing with an undeniable pleasure in the carnal act. If it had been anyone but a messenger of the gods taking her, they would have been beheaded, and she cast out into the desert, but as it was, this would be a sign, a blessing upon her and her temple. She would carry the seed of their god, and she would do so proudly.

Despite the pain and the roughness of his treatment of her so recently virgin body, she accepted all he had to give with enthusiasm, rocking her hips back in time with his thrusts. It was her duty now to ensure that she pleased this male, however he wanted her to please him. She was his do do with as he willed, and if he desired to leave his cubs in her womb, she would help him do exactly that, no matter the pain of her virgin body being forced apart around him. She bit her lower lip, moaning huskily through all but gritted teeth, trying her damnedest to focus solely on the pleasure his smooth maleness was bringing her heat addled body and mind.


Isiat huffed loudly as he bottomed out within the feline's tight snatch, his tip battering like a siege ram against the tight ring of muscle guarding the gateway to her room. In its entirety, what he was doing was utterly against his normal operating protocol, let alone his moral compass's directions, but he just no longer cared about any of that. He had a tight bitch all but impaling herself onto him, in a country that odds were after this job, he wouldn't be returning to for a good long while. If she wasn't in heat, it might have gone down differently, but she had all but nudged him along to claim her.

His cock throbbed in her passageway, marking her insides with liberal coatings of his pre-cum, his tip dripping like a leaky tap inside of her. He knew full well what would happen if he blew his load into her, but that seemed to be exactly what she wanted, and if he didn't plan on coming back here, it would certainly be no detriment to him. Females in heat who wanted you to cum inside them were a rare and dangerous thing, especially to single males. He knew at least two of his mate's back in England had gotten roped into marriage with that exact trick. Edge them on while in heat, and then once they're tied, it was all over.

Isiat had absolutely no qualms with shoving his forming knot as hard as he could against the tight little kitten beneath him though right now. If she wanted it so badly, who was he to deny her? He groped her soft, round breasts in his paws firmly, giving them each a gentle squeeze in turn, and the moans that left her muzzle were like music to his ears. He lowered his hips slightly, taking to attacking her dripping sex from a new angle, pummeling away at her body like he was rutting a far more experienced whore rather than a freshly broken virgin. By the time he was done with her, she'd be walking bow legged for a week.


Shadi's arms gave way at the male behind her adjust himself, his cock stroking a brand new set of nerves as his pace picked up again, making her breasts press flat against the cool sandstone wall, her already hardened nipples peaking like icy towers at the cold chill that raced down her spine. Involuntarily, her body clenched around Isiat's invading spire of flesh, tightening like a vice around him as a sudden spark of pleasure like liquid fire shot through her nerves, centered around her forced open slit.

She almost collapsed from the ferocity of her orgasm as she came around her god's champion, soaking his sacred breeding rod with her body's arousal, lewdly messing the fur of both of their hips with her climax, sweet, feline nectar dripping off the base of his knot, dampening the floor beneath them. Her body milked and massaged around the male's prick from her lust, her heat trying to pull him in deeper, trying to ensure she bore his litter when his own climax arrived. She had never felt a pleasure like it in her short life, not even when she had tried relieving herself in private during her cycles. To have another cause that sort of reaction was... Mind blowing, for the inexperienced feline.

She tumbled over the edge of her please, letting her mind tumble down the rabbit hole as she scratched her claws firmly along the wall, digging gouges into the dry stone face, uncaring for the hieroglyphics her meat-hook like talons erased along the way. He never even gave her a chance to recover, his assault on her body utterly unrelenting as he rutted her for all she was worth, and having already reached the height of her pleasure, she stayed there, not a bare ten seconds later feeling her body tense once more as a quick second climax rocked through her. The gods had chosen her to be the recipient of their chosen stud, and oh, had she ever not been as grateful.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the sea of carnal ecstasy, Isiat was already getting close to conceding his losing battle with his lust. His vulpine spear felt like a brick of steel, and the pressure building at the base of his shaft was rapidly increasing. He knew at his current pace, he wouldn't last long, but his still hadn't even begun to truly knot this tight, squirming female he's found. His knot was already coated in her slick female honey, slapping wetly off her nether lips each time he bottomed out within her, threatening to spread her apart even further to fit the engorged bulb of flesh within her trembling cunt.

He drew his hips back sharply, tugging his length free with a wet squelch of their combined fluids, before ramming himself back in, determined to make his knot fit within her one way or another. Shadi gasped at the force, almost having the breath knocked out of her before he rammed her again, his paws gripping at the fur of her plump hips, taking fistfuls of fur between his fingers and he shoved himself back against her. His knot began to make progress, the virgin tight feline's body beginning to stretch out a little more with each wet smack of their hips, engulfing him a little more each time. He was almost thinking she'd split in two, but with a final, herculean ram of his pelvis, a sudden and loud, messy sounding 'Pop' echoed throughout the chamber.


Shadi's jaw hung open, shocked in a mix of unbelievable pleasure and pain of having something so large so forcefully driven inside her tight young body. Her inner passage felt full to bursting, but his knot only continued to grow inside of her, each twitch of his cock adding another pulse of blood to the round, thick bulb of flesh within her constrictive sex. She finally caught her breath just as he bit down hard against the back of her neck, her back instinctively arching as her body temperature spiked quickly, a single egg leaving her ovaries heading for her womb, and the host of this males invaders that would be waiting for it.

She gritted her teeth against the pain, determined not to show an ounce of weakness to the messenger, not wanting to offend the gods. She would take what she was given, and she would like it, and never utter a single word of protest. Laying her hot head between her paws, she allowed to cold stone to cool her flesh, moaning softly at the comforting affect. She wondered if that bulb of flesh was something only the messenger had, or if other males had it too? She had no idea, she had only ever seen an un-castrated feral before this male. She just knew that it hurt, hurt more than when he took her maiden head...

She felt it as he went rigid behind her, his grip of her neck tightening until she could feel the tiny pin-pricks of his teeth digging against her flesh, his breath coming in hot, long, ragged pants. His cock seemed to pulse inside of her, almost like it was jumping within the vice like hold of her womanhood, her outer lips puffy and swollen from the baseball sized knob just within their tightly clenched grip. She felt a warm splash of liquid impact against her innermost barrier, a soothing heat that seemed to help quell the fire within her belly, but it was far from gone, nor was her night close to being over.

Each powerful throb of the vulpine's length brought with it a torrent of his creamy, off-white seed, painting her cervix with his blessings and claiming her womb rightfully as property of the gods. Shadi had never felt more blessed in her entire life, and despite her discomfort, she found herself whispering over and over again against the sandstone, a quiet chant of _'Thank you, thank you, oh chosen one...'_as he seeded her body with his gift, pumping more of his virile sperm into her fertile and waiting body, ensuring for her a child brought of the heavens. If only she had known just what the male behind her really was then, she may have been spared much grief further down her destined path.


Isiat let out a long, pleasured moan, finally releasing his grip against the back of the priestess's throat, his many tails hanging lazily down beside his legs, his cock occasionally giving small twitches as he finished pumping the last of his load deep inside the receptive feline's body. Gods above, he hadn't had a fuck that hot and tight in a long time... The whores he knew always could fake it, they didn't give a fuck (Metaphorically speaking), so long as they were payed for their time. This bitch had all but offered herself up at the slightest touch, and the firm seal of his knot was keeping every last drop of it deep inside her.

He reached up with one paw, wiping his brow as he stood on shaky legs, his entire body still tingling all over from the powerful climax. With a quiet murmur, he leaned in, nibbling along the edge of her neck in a dominant, but tender sort of way. "Mrrhmm... You're a good little kitten, aren't you?" He rumbled, entirely aware she likely didn't speak a word of English. She seemed to get the gist of his praise however, a delicate and sweet pleasured purr echoing from her throat as she wriggled her hips back against his firmly tied shaft, as if trying to work him deeper still. He could feel her cervix kissing his cock tip, and already he knew there would be no scenario in which she left this room without his cubs in her belly, but it didn't seem to bother him all that much.

She had seemed more than eager to take him inside her, and if the virgin priestess wanted a litter of her own, well, it was sort of like his good deed for the month, providing that for a complete, yet beautiful stranger. His paws stroked along her sides, his fingertips grooming slowly through her soft, smooth fur, gently taking fistfuls of it in his hands, giving light tugs against her thighs, forcing her to spread her legs apart little by little, before he simply looped his arms around her middle, lifting her up and dropping her down against the top of his sheath, her slit kissing up against the very base of his shaft.


A quiet, indignant squeak left her muzzle as Shadi felt her feet leave the ground, suddenly sinking down another centimeter onto the male's girth. She felt the pointed tip of his length pressing against the ring of her cervix, and a hairs moment later, the barrier gave way as he slid her down against his lap, one paw beneath the matted fur of her rump, the other cradling around her belly, currently swimming with the messenger's potent seed...

He brought her down slowly on his thighs, his tails and rump sitting against the pedestal to her God. They wrapped around the statues feet, curling and flicking idly at the tips as the male recovered, long, deep pants punctuating the air with each breath he took. He was magnificent in his performance, there was no other way to say it, and Shadi was already thinking of just what she would be able to add to the temple's massive record wall, already covered almost entirely in Hieroglyphics dictating every significant event... The birth of the demi-god child would rate above every other event in their history.

She felt him moving gently within her, slowly rocking from side to side while he hummed a quiet tune into her ear, as if trying to coax her into a light sleep. Her own tail had coiled around the messenger's waist, the large, fluffy end lying across her lap almost like a blanket of sorts while she rested against his chest. His paws began to slowly roam across her belly, tracing their way up her curvy sides, before carefully taking his breasts into his palms, his thumbs stroking slow circles around her perk little nipples.

That woke her back up quickly enough, the textured, leathery pads on the ends of his fingers slowly stroking her back from the blissful climax induced haze she had been floating in for more than a few moments, her eyes blinking back open as she sucked in a quiet gasp. Evidently, the messenger wasn't done with her quite yet...

Slowly at first, she began to roll her own hips back down against his lap, rocking in a quiet rhythm to the vulpine's melody that he hummed into her ear. It was a soft tune, with wavy notes like water lapping at a shoreline, calm and relaxing, a song from the halls of the gods no doubt. She felt blessed that he would recite something of such beauty to someone such as her, and it made her heart soar with praise. Clearly, she had pleased the God's champion, and he was telling her as such in a way that required no words to be spoken between them.


Isiat let out a long, warm huff of air along the back of the priestess's neck, making her shudder pleasurably in his lap as he hummed his idle tune, gently rocking his hips up against her still virgin tight slit, knot firmly buried behind her nether lips. Part of him felt the smallest twinges of guilt for what he had done, but at the same time, she seemed to be encouraging him on, even now with the way she swayed her hips atop his own in the sort of seductive way he'd only ever seen belly dancers do.

She was a god-send for the pent up vulpine, and he wasn't going to deny that at all. These things happened for a reason after all, but even if it wasn't his to know, he'd more than happily play his part. The gold plated statue seemed to look down on the almost scornfully, but that only made Isiat grin. He could check something else off his bucket list now at least. The sex in a holy place was by far the best he'd ever had now...

Guiding his paws movements in almost perfect synchronization with her body's, he helped her with her movements, the slow, smooth rocks of her hips and the tightly clenching muscles of her body around him as she lifted herself just enough to start pulling on his knot, before sitting again, a slight jolt of the most delightfully pleasing pain running along Isiat's nerves like liquid fire. When she did it a second time, he couldn't help but nip his teeth across the back of her neck, a low, feral growl of enjoyment passing his lips.

Even the slightest movements sent pleasure tingling along his maleness inside of her, swelling rapidly once more with blood. His libido was good, sure, but this feline was bringing something primal out in him, some hidden instinct locked away in the back of his mind that was coming to the forefront of his thoughts. It was a lust, a desire that couldn't be expressed in mere words. The rich scent of the feline's fertility, her ready-ness to breed, and her eagerness to have him claim her... All of it mixed in with the smell of her heat to create a driving force that no level headed male could have resisted, and he was no exception to the rule.

With a snap of his teeth around her soft, delicate neck, he held her in place, his paws at her hips lifting her up before pulling him back down onto his girth, impaling the tight female against his rigid prick.


Shadi's head tilted back until she was staring breathlessly at the ceiling of the darkened temple sanctum, the sharp pinpricks of pain at the scruff of her neck making her body go almost entirely limp as her system was flooded with endorphin's, the grip like how a mother cat would get her kittens to relax so she could move them. Isiat used the method for an entirely different purpose however, his breath hot against her spine.

He lifted her up as he pulled his hips back, Shadi trying not to cry out as his thick knot tugged at the insides of her netherlips, spreading them lewdly apart before he slipped free of her limp body with a messy sounding pop, a small torrent of his seed dripping out onto the cool sandstone floor. The moment he released her neck, she stumbled forwards, falling to her paws and knees with a quiet grunt, her tongue lolling from her muzzle. When she looked over her shoulder at the Champion of her gods, the expression on his muzzle made her sex clench and grow hot with need once more. Even as he took a pawfull of her hair in his fist and knelt himself behind her, she could feel the fire ignite in her womb with a vengeance. Despite the lingering pain of her virginity being torn away, and the harsh exit he had made from her body, she wanted him again. Almost teasingly, she flagged her tail to the side, spreading her thighs out to show her God's messenger her treasure that he so desired.


Isiat smirked, the cocky grin he was known for breaking across his muzzle as he shifted forwards, his paws tracing the felines curvy, well-padded figure with a lusty growl from his throat. If it had been under any other circumstances, he might have just asked her to stay with him the night, rather than ducking out a window or a fire escape, but as it was, he wasn't even meant to be in this country, and this certainly violated his entire 'Don't interfere with the locals' policy, stomped on it, and then set it on fire before burying it in a landfill consisting entirely of un-followed orders.

And he couldn't have cared less if you had paid him to. His paws moved down, squeezing Shadi's soft rump, almost kneading it in his palms as they slowly rose up towards the base of her tail. He gripped the thick, fluffy appendage in his hands firmly, tugging lightly on the fuzzy mass as the spade shaped tip of his length caressed against the outer lips of her body's warm passageway. The soft moan that left her lips at the contact was as a pleased song bird singing its enjoyment of the moment. He savored it for a few seconds longer, before with a gentle roll of his hips, he slid home once more, her body parting and making way for his welcomed intrusion.

He slipped into her still dripping passageway with a groan that could have only been of pleasure, the slick wetness of her previous orgasms and his own seed still clinging to her insides lubricating his way deep within her. He hilted himself within her on the first stroke, their hips coming together with a messy sounding smack, Shadi's jaw hanging limply open as she moaned in ecstasy. He filled her tight little vent completely and then some, his cock tip kissing her cum-soaked cervix as he bottomed out at the top of his swollen knot. Gods she was something entirely else at this. Her body clenched in time with her heartbeat, squeezing and gripping around his pulsating length as he continued to spray pre-seed into her so recently deflowered body.


Her body ached in the most wonderful way, a stifled moan managing to sneak its way past her teeth as she reminded herself that the Messenger was for her eyes alone. The flickering torchlight beneath one of the high set windows in the far wall told her just where the guards were at least, and she waited until it had moved on before she dared let herself even take another breath. Her champion on the other paw, must have enjoyed the tightness that came with her sudden gasping when she had spotted the light, for he didn't spare her a moment's mercy, merely taking the opportunity to plow her fertile fields further and deeper as he rocked himself into her waiting body.

He was relentless in her taking, but Shadi knew she was blessed to be the recipient of such a magnificent specimen, the bearer of the next generation of her God's children. She eagerly pressed herself back against him, even as his knot began to stretch her body once again, the bulbous lump of flesh demanding access to what she had always been taught was her most sacred of places. No other male would have ever been allowed to take her as he did, and all of the guards were eunuchs for a reason. To deflower the high priestess would have meant death for the male and her both. Her body was the property of the gods and the temple, and Sobek was the only one who could have arranged for her virginity to be taken in such a way. The strange looking messenger had all the signs about him, the strange things he carried, what he wore, the language of the gods that he spoke.

She gave herself completely unto him, rocking her hips back against his length with hot, husky moans of carnal ecstasy as he bred with her, the warm splashes of his pre-seed soaking into her cervix, encouraging it to dilate for his relentlessly probing tip that felt like it was going to break through into her body's innermost chamber a little more with each thrust. The spade shaped tip nestled itself snuggly against the small opening in the ring of muscle every time he bottomed out, and as his knot stretched her open, so too did the very end of his member, a deep set predatory way of him showing her just where he would plant her demi god-children.

Eager to please her champion, she clenched her eyes shut, focusing deep within her core for a moment, her body reflexively tightening down like a vice around the intruder to her sex. Behind her, Isiat groaned loudly, trying to shuffle himself forwards into her, his knot threatening to sink once more within her estrus filled body, and the moment she felt at her limits, he did, slipping forward with a messy squelch of cum and arousal dripping back past the firmly set plug, his tip finally forcing it's way past the gate to her womb. As he began giving her his gift once more, she felt it, her species own unique traits kicking in as her temperature spiked rapidly twice in succession, the feline forcing herself to ovulate for her champion as his seed painted the walls of her womb itself a sinful, naughty off white with his seed.

She reveled in his climax even as her own body began twitching around him in time with the strong throbs of his penis, her arms finally failing her as she let her head slump to the floor, panting deeply as she once again tried to thank him for the magnificent gift he was bestowing upon her, her words broken and random as she rode her own softer climax out with him, her body milking along his instrument of pleasure, helping draw out every last drop of his semen into her fertile belly. Even now as his second load filled her, her pregnancy was already ensured, the first of her eggs being hunted down by the highly aggressive and active Keynarian sperm, each one of the millions of swimmers fighting to implant its unique genetic code into her waiting ova.


Isiat slumped forward across the panting feline, his own tongue hanging limply from his muzzle as he tried to cool off; the fur along his back was matted and peaked with sweat, and the fur around his hips looked likewise but from an entirely different substance, one much more appealing to the sense of smell. His cock was locked within her still clenching body, each beat of her heart making the passageway constrict around his over-sensitive length, drawing out the last of his climax with it. There was absolutely no doubt in Isiat's mind that she would become pregnant from this, she was ripe in the middle of her heat, and if his species sperm could find something to knock up, nobody's would.

Ordinarily, something like that might have bothered Isiat, his plans for settling down didn't involve family life quite so soon, but in this case, she wanted his cubs, and neither of them seemed to be under the pretense that they would meet again under any circumstance. He knew it was a fling as much as she clearly did, even if she wasn't sure just who he was. Hell, she'd probably never seen someone like him in her life, let alone one of his species. For all he knew, she could have thought he was some kind of being sent by her god...

He shook off the thought, letting his paws rub idly alone the thick mane of fur that ran down the feline's spine, almost like a mane. He combed it slowly, loosing himself in idle thought as he waited for his knot to deflate, watching her quietly catching her breath with her head against the cool stone floor, eyes shut as she no doubt enjoyed the same sensations he was feeling from their coupling... She didn't move for quite some time, just relaxing and enjoying the afterglow of the moment, her breathing soft and calm, almost as if she was resting, her body and mind recovering from the shock of losing her virginity, and the satisfaction of having her heat subdued, not to mention the climaxes she'd gone through to get there.


Her mind was scrambled to say the least, a pleasant haze of pleasure and exhaustion surrounding her as she lay, ass up on the floor before the statue of Sobek. Her God would have been pleased with her performance had the mighty deity been able to witness her in her current state. While it might not have been her most presentable, without a doubt it was her proudest, feeling her body teeming with the beginnings of new life within her womb. The cool floor provided her some relief from her body's high temperature, and the fire that had raged within her core was finally flickering down to embers.

Her tail flicked randomly, as if acting on an entirely different set of impulses to the rest of her body, despite the large, heavy set ring of white gold that bound around the end beneath its fluffy tip. Surprisingly, it connected with the floor with a thump no louder that a quiet footstep. She turned her head slightly, cracking her forest green right eye open just a fraction to look up over her upturned rear, the many tailed fox behind her meeting her gaze, his own irises like a pair of bright blue sapphires in the dark, piercing into her with some sort of conviction she'd never seen in a male's gaze before. It was as if just by his might alone, he owned her, she was his, and there was no doubt in her mind that he would fight for that claim.

His length pulsed steadily within her belly, swollen slightly with the new life that was now planted within her, the child of her god's champion and her own distinguished breeding. The sons and daughters of the mighty Sobek who would soon rule over Egypt as the Pharos's of old once had. Her offspring would be as kings and queens of the Nile, and from such a strong male to boot... They would be pretty children indeed.

A slow, rumbling purr began to start up in her chest, echoing around the small, stone walled chamber in a way that made the sound seem so much more delighted. Her lips cracked in a smile back at her chosen mate, her teeth flashing white at him. He grinned back after a moment, leaning forwards over her curvy figure to reach out with one paw, gently ruffling the fur between her ears with the soft, leathery pads of his palms.

Slowly, her eyes drifted closed as she relaxed, rolling her shoulders as his paws drifted down to caress them, his digits pressing down against her flesh in luxurious rolls of his wrists that massaged her muscles just the way they needed to be touched... Her last though before she drifted off was that truly, he must have been sent by the gods.


It took a few moments before Isiat realized that the feline he was tied to had drifted off, and another few minutes before his knot deflated enough to let him ease out of her without jumping her awake. He smirked as he eased her down to the ground, looking her nude form over for the first time from more than a foot away. She was damned smoking from all that he could see, certainly not the chubbiest woman, but rather, more an ideal amount of meat on her bones, she obviously ate well for one of the 'gone native's.

Padding over to the altar, he slowly shuffled his pants back up around his waist, doing the fly up with a quiet 'zip' before he fastened his belt back into position. This had been a fun distraction, he couldn't deny that, but he still had to get a move on in case anybody had noticed his insertion. He still needed to find his supply box by morning, lest the locals pick it up and compromise his entire operation here.

A sudden thump on the door made him freeze like ice, turning and facing as voices in old Egyptian began speaking, muffled through the stone passageway. His head whipped around, searching for an exit as he moved across the room. Shadi had woken as well, and was looking around just as frantically to him. He needed a way out before they managed to find a way inside, or called for more guards. The high-set window seemed to be his only option.

Yet when he looked back to the feline, she only smiled at him, slowly rising to her feet, one paw covering her breasts, the other cupping her delicate, swollen folds between her thighs, his seed dripping down into her palm as she watched him. She motioned to the window, as if understanding his plight, and for reasons that Isiat didn't even understand, leaving wasn't the first thing that he did.

He marched right over to the still pleased and tired looking feline, slid a paw around behind her head, and in a single fluid motion, he kissed her. His lips met her own like a pair of star-crossed lovers, holding her in the sweet embrace for a damned long moment as the knocking on the doorway became a loud rapping of someone striking the stone with wood to make more noise, the now voice-s raised and concerned. And all through it he kissed her, his tongue tasting the sweet flavor of her kiss and wrestling passionately with her own before he finally parted, leaving the feline blushing pink at her nose.

Quick as the fox he was, and without a last thought for the female, the door to the inner temple opened, light from the hallway spilling into the chamber to reveal the Isiat no more than mere inches from the circulation vent against the ceiling, his left paw scraping to shove his ruck sack into the entrance so he could push it through. His head didn't so much as snap his head around to watch the two guards come in, simply giving his bag another great shove with his shoulder to move it down the tube enough so he could fit in as well- because like hell he was leaving his well-earned loot behind.

A shout from behind him told him they had seen him and the mess he had made of their priestess, but he knew he was too far up for them to grab, and he doubted they carried bows and bolts for every night patrol. He could get out of here now completely unscathed- a fat sack of gems at his side, and well laid to boot. The air vents in these buildings all lead outside, and he could feel the cold chill of the night ushering him onward...


Shadi watched the messenger vanish, the sack of the temples offerings to Sobek going with him. She was glad some of the beauty meant for the god was finally getting to him. She had sank to her knees to watch the ethereal male take his leave, her legs becoming weak, soft feeling, her face upturned to stare at where he had made his exit.

The shouting of the two males behind her quickly became the shouting of four, if the feline had been listening, but their confusion and anger wasn't hers, so she paid no heed. She knew exactly what had happened and for what reasons, and when she had time to shake herself from her dream state, she would tell them of the miracle that had taken place... but it was just hers for right now, all hers, and she wasn't ready to share it just yet.

A soft, familiar paw gripped her shoulder and slowly dragged her to her feet, careful of her, as always.

"Shadi... What has happened here?" The soft brown canine spoke, his face stony with some trouble he was seeing. Shadi couldn't blame him- he could have no idea what had taken place.

"Something wonderful..." With a quiet breath, the feline relaxed, a soft robe being thrown over her shoulders. Just a few moments more to keep it all to herself, then she would tell this story the way she wanted it to be remembered...


Isiat hit the desert floor with a muffled thump for the second time that night, his boots kicking up small sprays of sand behind him as he dashed for a good fifty meters before diving down behind a low dune to collect himself a moment. The sack of valuables at his side rattled softly with the clinking of gold and gemstones as he brought it around before himself, opening the lip to peek inside. The contents glimmered back up at him, all of it worth more than the pay for the job he was here for, and all of it easy to get rid of and leave no crumb trail back to him.

He couldn't even take a guess at the sort of figure he was looking at, but it was big, six, if not seven figures easily. He could still hear the guards calling and shouting in the compound to his rear, searching around the outer walls for the elusive bandit who had made off with their gems and their priestess's virginity in a single fell swoop. He didn't fancy finding out just what sort of creative punishment they could come up with for him if they did catch him, so he hastily re-tied the bag, setting it back in his dump-pouch. Job first, gems later. They'd make good currency to get him back out of the country if nothing else.

Keeping at a low crouch, he darted off in the direction of the moon's path, closing the throat collar of his jacket to keep the sharp chill out. After all that had happened, despite a lingering desire to sleep in typical male fashion, he was eager to resume the search for his missing gear and his partner once he reached their rendezvous. Oh, would this make a hell of a story to tell to the chap's at the local when he got back to England...

A strange pang made him turn his head, and he slowed, though he didn't stop, looking over his shoulder towards the temple where he'd left the female. He honestly wondered how much trouble the young female would be in now, being defiled so horribly in a temple, and he'd just left her to be discovered like that... But what choice did he have? They would have castrated him if they'd gotten their paws on him... No, she'd brought this on herself, he'd been more of a victim than her... Or at least, he would keep telling himself that. She certainly hadn't looked scared, so perhaps that was a good sign.

He hoped it was.

Sighing he patted his dump pouches, reaching into the deep pocket for a moment before he realized something as his stomach rumbled. "Oh, for fu-"

Pleasured Instincts

Within the deep of the woods, isolated from man and quite some distance from the cities and towns, bustling with two-legged's, a light breeze disturbed the resting trees and grass, making the ancient trees rustle with the soft motion of the wind. If...

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Overcoming Resistance Ch.2

Shadi was utterly silent as a very firm paw gripped her own, and she was tugged back down towards the cells. She had no words- no way to describe how utterly trapped and tangled she felt. Her legs locked briefly for a moment, which made the male...

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Overcoming Resistance

The gunfire on the surface was intensifying, streaks of tracers stitching across the smoke filled sky becoming more frequent and heavy as the battle for control of the planet began its final stages. It was a losing battle, one the rebelling sector...

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