The Guardian Chapter 4

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#4 of The Guardian

Tane Stormclaw

A week later

For the past week we had been off of the main roads, as far as I knew, they were crawling with guards and thugs hunting for us. Fortunately, the lightly wooded mountain pass that we were now traversing was unknown to all except the most persistent of woodsmen. James heaved a sigh as we walked and I stopped, resting my back against a birch tree.

"You alright James?" I asked, looking over the human.

He replied with a nod, sitting down beside the tree. I sighed, the human hadn't said much of anything during our exodus out of the country.

"Look at the bright side," I continued, "We're almost out of the country, soon we'll actually be able to set camp and have a fire."

James scoffed.

"A line on a map isn't going to stop them," He replied, getting up and storming off down the pass.

I readjusted my things and followed him. The poor human had been through a lot over the past few days and needed good food and rest more than anything. As we walked, he tripped and fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. Before I could help him out however, he forced himself to his feet and began to limp ahead.

I chuckled and moved up to him, putting his arm on my shoulder.

"You're lucky Suori isn't here to see you," I began, "What do you think he would say?"

"I really don't care right now," He snapped, trying to push me away.

I sighed.

"You can't stay like this forever James," I replied, "Suori wouldn't have wanted you to act this way."

The human grit his teeth as he attempted to put weight on his foot again. I rolled my eyes and picked him up, carrying him bridal style along the path. He squirmed and fought, prompting me to sling him over my shoulder.

"Hey put me down!" He began, hitting my back.

I chuckled.

"No," I replied, "Besides I don't want you to make that ankle any worse."

James sighed and huffed before finally relaxing in my grip.

"You know," I began, "You aren't the heaviest thing I've slung over my shoulder."

James rolled his eyes.

"I swear to the gods Tane," He replied, "I really don't want to hear another peep about your sexcapades."

"It's the only thing that gets you talking," I continued, "Besides you know you love hearing sex stories from a stud like me."

"Only the ones that end with you being rejected," The human scoffed, "Besides I bet over three-quarters of them aren't even true."

"Just because I exaggerate a few details doesn't mean the stories aren't true," I began, "You want to hear a new one, or an old one."

James rolled his eyes.

"Ok fair enough," I continued, "This one time in Si'llec... Do you know where that is?"

"Yes I do," James groaned, "Come on Tane, this really isn't necessary."

"Anyway I met up with this amazingly beautiful vixen studying in the university there," I chuckled, "I have never met a crazier girl. I mean she let me tie her up and everything. Want to guess how many times we came?"

"No no no," James repeated, covering his ears, "Please stop, I really really don't want to know."

I chuckled and smirked as we came to a small river. I set the human down and moved to the water, taking a few hearty gulps before filling my canteen. James grimaced and sat down at the bank, taking off his shoes and socks. I moved my paws to his hurt ankle and began to gently examine it. James bit his lip.

"Don't worry about it," He began, tears coming to his eyes as I rubbed the large purple bruise that began to form around the area, "I just rolled it."

"This is a sprain James," I replied, "Believe me, I had to sit through enough human anatomy lectures to know what I'm talking about."

"Human anatomy?" He asked, "Why did you have to do human anatomy?"

"Well," I began, "There was a law in my kingdom about dissection of my kind, so to train our doctors they used humans."

James gasped, looking aghast.

"Yeah," I continued, "Norteim took me to all the lectures. So, yes, I know quite a bit about the body. It's probably what's kept me alive so long."

"That's pretty fucked up," James replied, "I really fail to see how that helps though."

"We aren't that different on the inside," I began, "I mean you know aside from some certain parts."

I took of my shirt and bound his ankle. He blushed, trying not to look at my muscular torso and abs.

"What's the matter?" I chuckled and flexed, "Never seen a man like me before?"

James scoffed and shook himself back to his senses.

"Can't you do anything about my ankle?" He asked.

I sighed, if he had asked that question ten years ago I probably could have it healed in 30 seconds or less. He looked at me, clearly in a lot more pain than he let on.

"Seeing as I don't know how bad it is," I began, rubbing a paw through my head fur, "I can try once we make camp tonight. Can you make it until then?"

James nodded.

"What are we going to do now?" He asked, scooting to the edge of the water to soak his injured ankle.

"Let's think about that once we're safe," I replied, getting into the water, "Now come on, we're almost there."

I picked him up with much more care this time. He didn't struggle and draped an arm around my neck. The river was waist deep at the most and was simple to ford across. I stepped out of the river and began to walk into a wooded grove. I smiled, looking up into the trees. It had just begun to turn into autumn, and the leaves were already beginning to change colors.

I shivered, feeling a cold breeze begin to pick up.

"I say we find a sheltered spot and make camp for the night," I began, "I could really use a fire."

James nodded and pointed to my right.

"It sounds like there's a creek down there," He replied, "Maybe we could camp by there."

I stopped and listened with a smirk.

"I know you humans don't have the best of hearing," I began, starting to walk in that direction, "But that is not a creek."

We came out of the woods to a small pool at the bottom of a waterfall. I chuckled and sat down under the eaves of the forest, setting the human down beside me. I rummaged through my bag, and pulled out a hatchet. James sighed and sat up, removing my shirt from his ankle.

"Do you want this back?" He asked, unfolding it and holding it out to me.

I shook my head.

"It's wet," I began, starting to cut some branches from the trees above, "I'd be naked right now if you weren't here."

He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"I have a hard time believing that you could ever be that modest," He replied, "Besides it's not like I haven't seen that stuff before."

I snorted, throwing some wood down in front of him.

"N-Not that I've seen you naked," He replied nervously, "I, urm, respect your privacy too much."

I began to strip as he began to turn back around. I howled happily and threw my clothes at him, doing a cannonball into the pool. The pool was deep and seemed to be bottomless. I saw a large dark mass many feet below me and quickly pulled myself out of the water. . As I surfaced, I saw the human sputter as he extricated himself from my wet clothing. He chuckled and grimaced.

"You smell like a wet dog," He jabbed as I got out of the pool.

I shook the water out of my fur, soaking him. He grumbled, moving back over to my bag. I chuckled, getting out and shaking again before going over there as well. In the course of a few minutes I had a small fire started and the tent I had packed pitched. James sighed and stretched his leg out.

"Can you try and heal it now?" He asked, "I feel really bad for being unable to help."

I nodded, turning to look over his ankle. He blushed, looking down and away from my body.

"You can look," I began with a chuckle, "I counted on us seeing each other naked at some point."

James blushed, moving his gaze to his ankle and my paws. I took a deep breath and concentrated, sending pulses of healing magic down my arm and into James's ankle. Since I started out from the cabin, more and more magic had been coming back to me. James cried out in pain as the sprain corrected itself. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Better?" I asked, rubbing his ankle gently.

He nodded. James leaned forward to hug me and kiss my cheek.

"Thank you," He began, "I know I haven't acted like it, but I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."

I smiled and hugged him back.

"Don't worry about it," I replied, kissing his forehead, "Things have been tough for you lately, I understand."

He nodded and sighed.

"So," I began, moving to lay beside him, "Have you talked to my brother at all?"

James sighed, laying out my clothes by the fire. I stood up and moved closer to the fire, warming myself by it. He sighed and sat down by me, putting his hands on his knees.

"He doesn't want me to talk to you about it," He began, "He doesn't want you to get the wrong idea."

I scoffed.

"The wrong idea?" I replied, "What is there to have a wrong idea about? It's not like you're a necromancer, or that he's fucking you or something like that."

"Even if we were," James paused, "Dream-boning, that's not why he comes to see me."

I stood up to unroll my bed-roll and get inside of it. James looked at me enviously and moved closer to the fire. I scooted over inside of it and gestured for him to get in.

"Oh no I'm ok," He began, "Besides wouldn't that be awkward?"

I rolled my eyes.

"It's gonna get cold," I replied, "Just get in here now so I don't have to wake up later on and let you in."

James sighed and stood up, looking over at me warily.

"In my clothes or what?" He began, hesitantly starting to take off his shirt.

"Normally when someone gets in bed with me they don't have to ask," I replied with a wink, "Might as well go naked and dry your clothes out."

He blushed and turned away from me, stripping down naked. I looked him over and shrugged. He wasn't really my type, but the mild curves of his slender body and the trimmed muscles of his torso definitely made him much more desirable. As he kicked off his underwear, I turned my back to him and made space for him in the bedroll.

Once he got in to the bedroll I rolled over and held him to me. He gulped and blushed before chuckling nervously.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked, shuddering as I positioned myself against him, "I-I'm not cold yet."

"You uh talk in your sleep," I replied, "I assume to my brother."

He blushed.

"O-oh," He replied, "Was it anything bad?"

I shook my head and held him tighter.

"It made me sad though," I replied, "So I figured I'd cuddle you and stuff to you know, help you sleep better and stuff."

James nodded and got closer to me, resting a hand on my chest. I shifted, resting my chin on the top of his head. The sun had just started to set, casting a ruddy orange reflection on the pool. I smiled, watching a kingfisher fly over the water and disappear into the forest.

"You're really warm," James began, "Thank you for this."

I held him closer to me, nuzzling him gently.

"So can I ask a question?" I began, rubbing his arms gently.

He looked up at me, our lips within kissing distance. Our eyes locked, and I was barely able to suppress the urge to kiss him. I blushed, lowering my ears and looking away.

"Um, is it weird to see my brother?" I asked, "Because he's you know, dead."

James sighed.

"Well it kind of is now," He replied, rubbing his arm, "He made a lot of promises to me, and now it's obvious that none of them will happen."

"I'm sorry," I began, kissing his forehead, "I really shouldn't have asked that."

"Have you ever seen him?" James asked, "Like in your dreams?"

I nodded, getting back into the position we were in before. The human moved his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled.

"You know," I began, "I don't think I've ever been this happy to hold someone without fucking them first."

James snorted.

"I guess that's a compliment," He replied, "Are you sure we're safe here?"

I looked around at the pastoral scene and nodded.

"We're perfectly safe," I began, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," James replied, "Can we actually sleep through the night?"

I chuckled and nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. I closed mine as well, feeling his heartbeat against my chest. After a short while, he shifted and kissed my cheek. I smiled, feigning sleep, and held him tighter.



I couldn't believe the scene that just played out before my eyes. My heart sank into my chest, and I immediately felt anger begin to course through my body. As he began to materialize in front of me, I did my best to smile and look happy. He blushed and looked away as we locked eyes. I smirked, at least the look on his face was hysterical.

"What?" He asked, "I-I fail to see how it's such a big deal."

"It's not," I laughed, "You just look like a kid who snuck dessert before dinner and got caught."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He replied, rubbing his hands, "Are you mad at me?"

"No, no," I began, "It was just a bad simile."

"What is a simile?" He asked, "Nevermind it doesn't matter anyway."

He sat down on the bed and sighed heavily. I smiled slightly sitting beside him and holding his hand. Part of me wanted to claim him as my own, but I knew that it was the wrong thing to do.

"It's quite alright you know," I began, kissing his hand, "Just don't give it up to him too quickly."

He scoffed.

"Yeah right," He replied, rubbing my paw, "He's insufferable."

"Insufferable?" I asked with a smirk, "Why I don't know what you mean."

"How in the hell does he get as much tail as he does?" He asked, "I mean how does being a colossal prat get you women?"

"Maybe it's because good girls like bad guys?" I ventured, smirking at the human beside me.

"Well then," He began, "Good thing I'm not a girl then."

I chuckled and nodded, rubbing over his arm. The human sighed, pressing himself against me. I kissed his cheek, holding him to me. I frowned, fighting the urge to lay him down and claim him as my mate. Sex had never been a big deal between us, but now all I wanted was to be his mate and for him to be mine. I sighed and rubbed his upper back.

"It was nice to see you smile again," I began, "And it's refreshing to get to actually talk like we normally do."

He moved up into my arms, getting closer to me. We kissed and I lay back on the bed, pulling James down with me. He straddled me, looking into my eyes. I bit my lip and looked away, my ears lowered. James moved down to kiss me again, deeper this time.

"Can we?" He asked, his hands roaming to my navel.

I shook my head and rolled him off of me, cursing inwardly at myself.

"We shouldn't," I began, "Even if you are out of the country, you are by no means safe."

He scoffed.

"That doesn't mean we can't," James pouted, "If something happens Tane will wake me up."

"I'm really not here to mate with you James," I replied, "If you are really that desperate why don't you just mate with Tane."

James sighed and shook his head.

"No," He began, "I can't. I mean what about you?"

I scoffed.

"What about me?" I snapped, "I'm dead and he's not."

James scoffed and rolled over, facing away from me. I frowned, getting a bad feeling in my bones. I shook him, turning him over to face me again.

"You need to wake up now," I began, "There's danger."

"What sort of danger?" James asked as he sat up, "Is Tane ok?"

I frowned and growled, waiting for the human to disappear again. He whimpered as he started to fade away from the room. Once he was finally gone I snarled and stormed out of the room. I slumped against one of the branches outside.

"Remember Norteim," I said to myself, "This is for the best. You can't be with him."

I began to cry, putting my head into my paws.

"Damn it," I continued, sobbing louder, "Damn him."



I woke up with a start and gasped. Two black bears, one with blue eyes and the other with brown, were standing in front of me wearing my dead husband's royal insignia. I gasped, recognizing them immediately. They were brothers and my late husband's most trusted soldiers. Sam, the blue-eyed one, snorted and grabbed me, yanking me roughly to his side.

"Well well well Mica," Sam began, looking me over, "It looks like I caught myself a human."

"Not just any human my brother," Mica began, "I daresay he looks like the traitorous bitch who attacked our new king."

I shook my head.

"Hey no you've got it all wrong," I began, "He wasn't the king when I stabbed him."

They chuckled and looked at each other. I whined, looking behind me for Tane. The bedroll was empty and the wolf was nowhere to be found. Both bears chuckled and grabbed me, throwing me to the ground in front of them.

"Looking for your boyfriend?" Sam began as he drew his sword, "He's bleeding out in the bushes behind us right now. That bit of business was actually pretty sad, his last words were about you."

My eyes went wide and I began to crawl away. The Mica chuckled and stopped me, stepping on the small of my back. He too drew his sword and chuckled, tracing the point down my back. I shivered and froze, holding my breath.

"You know brother," The bear began, moving the point over my rump, "It seems like his dear old wolfy didn't get a chance to mate with him before we so brutally murdered him."

They chuckled and backed away from me. I gasped and shrunk away as they began to sheath their swords and strip off their armor. I whimpered, getting to my feet and backing away from them.

"H-hey," I began, "The king wouldn't like it if you did anything to me."

"Oh?" Sam me began, "He's not going to find out."

"He will if I tell him," I replied, crossing my arms and doing my best to look unafraid, "I'll tell him, and you'll be hung."

The two of them chuckled and looked at each other.

"Do you want to go first my brother?" Sam asked, "He definitely looks like a good lay."

Mica chuckled and nodded.

"What should I do first?" Mica began as he advanced on me, "Should I give him the option to prepare, or just go for the main prize?"

Sam chuckled and sat against one of the trees, lazily rolling and rubbing his sheath and balls.

"I don't know," He replied, "I do like it when they scream though."

Mica chuckled and reached out for me. I slapped his paw away, and tried to run into the woods. Sam growled and caught me, forcing me to the ground with his muscled bulk. The bear murred and chuckled.

"Sorry brother," He began, "I can't pass up this opportunity."

Mica frowned and sat down, his back to the pool.

"Fine," Mica growled, "Make it quick though."

I whimpered, feeling his bulk shift against me.

"Please no," I began, "Just kill me, please."

"Oh no," Sam chuckled, "That would be too easy on you and besides, if we killed you we wouldn't get paid."

He positioned my body, getting me on my hands and knees. Sam growled, pressing his hips into my rump. I flinched, feeling his penis-bone prod against my rump. He pressed down on my shoulders, putting my face into the dirt.

"You little bitch," He began as he started to grind his manhood into my body, "You could have had the easy way out."

I cried out loudly as he entered me. I shivered as red-hot bursts of pain radiated throughout my lower body. He snarled, roughly shoving his entire length into my body. I screamed, kicking my legs and fighting against the bear. Sam closed his jaws over my neck and muttered.

"If you squirm or fight," He began, closing his jaws tightly over my throat and cutting off my air.

I whimpered and lay still, gasping loudly as the bear released his hold. He murred loudly, rubbing over the small of my back. I bit my lip and trembled, trying not to scream again. Mica chuckled.

"Damn shame we didn't keep his boyfriend alive to watch this," Mica began, stroking his now fully hard cock lazily, "You're in for a real treat though James. Sam's got a big dick, but it's not as big as mine."

I shuddered and gripped the dirt beneath me, drawing blood from my lip. Sam growled and began to thrust powerfully, rocking my body forward with each thrust. I groaned in pain, feeling a searing pain each time he thrust in. The bear on top of me moaned lowly, his claws digging into my back.

"He's such a good fuck brother," Sam replied with a moan, "He's not even bleeding. It's like he was bred for this."

Mica rolled his eyes.

"He'll be bleeding when I'm through with him," Mica began, "It's just because you have a tiny cock."

Sam growled and started to thrust harder. I cried out in pain making Sam chuckle. The bear reached down under my belly and began to stroke my flaccid cock in time with his incessant thrusting. I whimpered and shook my head, feeling my penis begin to harden.

"N-no," I began, "Just finish. Please, I don't want this."

The bear chuckled at the sight of my body betraying me and removed his paw from my cock. Mica frowned and shook his head.

"Come on and make him cum," Mica began, "Maybe he'll get the idea that he can give his body to us in turn for his life."

"With an ass like this," Sam replied as he slapped it, "Maybe we shouldn't take him back to the king."

Mica snorted.

"It must be the best tail a small dicked little runt like you has had for a long time," Mica began, "Now hurry up so I can bust my nut."

Sam growled and continued to fuck me resolutely, his hips slapping against my ass. I hung my head and looked away, spotting Sam's sword a short distance away. The bear on top of me began to breathe raggedly, his thrusts becoming more and more arrhythmic. He dug his claws into my hips as I reached for the bear's sword. Mica snarled and knocked it away, coming to his feet and moving in front of me.

"This little bitch tried to gut you brother," Mica stated, leering down at me, "Finish up so I can have my turn. We need to get moving."

"I don't give a fuck," Sam began, gripping my neck roughly, "Just let me finish."

Sam growled and thrust harder, making me scream out in pain.

"I'm almost there," He panted as he punctured my skin.

He roared and thrust a final time, cumming hard into me. I hung my head, tears of shame and pain running down my cheeks. Sam panted and collapsed onto my back, drooling over my neck. I looked up at the pool, and watched in horror as two furred legs rose up out of the water. I gasped as they were followed by two more and the body of the largest spider I had ever seen.

The spider looked over the scene with its many lifeless black eyes. It focused on Mica, who still had not turned around. A pair of long, barbed fangs descended out of the spider's mouth and quivered with anticipation.

"Ok, now get off him," Mica began as the spiders fangs clicked hungrily behind him.

He turned and screamed as the spider lunged and closed its fangs over Mica's neck. I closed my eyes as the spider wrenched Mica's head off of his body. Sam screamed and pulled out of me roughly. When I opened my eyes, the spider, Sam, and Mica's dead body had disappeared. I whimpered and staggered into the bushes, my backside throbbing.

Tane was tied to a tree, totally unscathed except for a small wound on his head. I gasped and hugged him tightly. He groaned, his eyes slowly opening.

"W-what happened?" He asked, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, looking down. He sniffed and frowned, gently turning my face back to look in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" He continued, "I smell blood and..."

He snarled and ripped himself free of his bonds.

"Where are those motherfuckers?" He snarled, "I'll fucking end them."

I whimpered and pressed myself against him.

"They're gone," I began quietly, "C-can we just go?"

Tane sighed and nodded.

"Come on," He began, "Let's just get our things and go."

Tane held me protectively, his fur still bristled. We began to walk out of the bushes, skirting around Mica's raggedly decapitated head.

"What happened there?" Tane asked, looking at me concernedly, "Was that the one who..."

I shook my head and sniffled.

"H-he got away," I replied, "A spider crawled out of the lake and got this guy before he had his turn."

"Shit," He began, "I hope that wasn't what I saw when I was in the water."

I nodded, putting my face in his chest. Tane hung his head and rubbed my back and sat me down against a tree.

"Hey," He began, "You just wait here until I get everything packed."

I nodded and sat down, waiting for the wolf to return. I wanted to break down and cry, but couldn't, the memory was still too raw. After a few minutes, Tane came back with my clothes on his arm. He handed them to me and looked around warily, wearing his clothes and Sam's sword.

"Those bastards threw my sword in the pool when they knocked me out," He began, "This one seems nice enough though."

I dressed myself shakily, prompting Tane to steady me as I slid my pants on. The wolf whined, and held me close.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there," He began as he nuzzled and licked my cheek, "Do you need me to carry you?"

I sighed and nodded.

"It hurts too bad to walk," I replied, "Be careful though they did a number on my back."

"Did they hurt your arm?" Tane asked as he stepped over a fallen branch.

As I shook my head, I saw his eyes travel over my clothed body. He whined again, tracing his paw over the growing bruise on my neck. He would have been much angrier if he could see the wounds on my back that were still slowly trickling blood. Tane gently lifted me up and began to carry me like a newborn child. As we walked, I winced as I saw the blood covered pack.

"Are you alright?" Tane stopped, looking over me, "Am I hurting you?"

I shook my head.

"I'm just remembering what happened," I began with a shudder, "That spider was just... on him."

Tane nuzzled me and kept walking. He gasped as we came to the edge of a road. I looked around and saw Sam's naked body pierced through the abdomen by a javelin. Sam groaned, reaching up to Tane imploringly. The wolf frowned.

"Close your eyes James," He began as he unsheathed his sword.

I heard horses advancing up the road towards our position. I whimpered.

"T-Tane you don't have to," I replied, "I'm sure those people will take care of it."

Tane growled.

"Just do it."

I sighed and closed my eyes.