The Stormy Night

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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The Stormy Night

On a dark and stormy night I lay awake in my living room, my two room-mates now asleep. It was Halloween night, All Hallows Eve, whatever you want to call it. I was thinking about the story Sally had told me. Thanks to the weather, we hadn't had any trick-or-treaters for the first time in two years. It being the night it was, we were telling each other stories. My story was telling of the problems that arose in a romance between a female vampire and a male werewolf. The story goes a bit like this...

' The night was clear and quiet, and the great forest lay still, well still apart from the murmurings of the two beings who lay on a blanket, the almost full moon lighting up the woman's pale face, and highlighting the russet times in the man's black hair. Their heartfelt sighs were meant for each others ears only, until the woman spoke.

"It is nearly time for us to part, Kiernan, my love. We also must find somewhere safe got you to roam, where you cannot hurt me, nor any human. While you run free, I shall feed so I return to you sated." She smiled, her long sharp, slightly curved teeth appearing against her very red lower lip at the thought of her feeding, though her smoky grey eyes remained sad, almost pensive.

Her companion, the man, had wild golden eyes, and a dark, tanned complexion, topped with black hair which had small red tips to it. He grinned, almost fidgetting with an excess of energy that was emerging in him due to the moons pull. His voice, when he spoke was a clear contrast to her lilting voice, was a growl.

"I know Yasmin, I would not be able to live with myself if I hurt you when in wolven form.After all, you know if I do, then I will be stuck as I am, in wolven body, but with a human mind, forced to watch the horrors my wolven body inflicts on others. Sometimes I do wonder though, what I look like, and sound like when I am like that." He sighed, before pressing his lips to Yasmin's hair, his thoughts lingering as alway on her, and her vampire clan for a moment, unaware that Yasmin was thinking along the same lines as him, only about his pack.

As they lay wrapped in their own thoughts, the moon sank lower, and distantly, a howl rang out, one unfettered and wild, one of a true wolf. Yasmin shivered sensing dimly the sun, soon to be rising. It wasn't until the first tentative edges of the suns rays brushed on her skin, causing a burning prickling sensation, that she stirred.

"Come, I must find shelter, and you need to rest before tonight, I feel this place right for you." She stood up, her waist length hair swaying in the growing breeze, her tall slim body wreathed with gauzy materials which dipped and flowed as she moved. Kiernan stood also, wearing only a pair of faded jeans, which clung to him like the second skin he wore once a month. The jeans revealed the signs that showed what he truly was, a werewolf. He had teeth marks, canine teeth marks from a great beast, which were small upon his muscled arms. The other sign was an excess of hair upon his bare chest and forearms.

Together they walked towards the cave in which they had spent the night before. It was, for a cave, quite comfy, and had a dark corner for Yasmin to hide in, away from the sunlight. Kiernan was happy to lay curled on the floor, his skin tanning in his sleep as he bathed in the sun asleep, curled up like a dog.

Yasmin was the first to awake, the second the sun sank upon the horizon, her grey eyes opened, and she stepped from the shadows, into the dim light that always came before night truly fell, and the moon rose. Already, she could see Kiernan sleeping fitfully, fur starting to replace his hair as she watched, his light groans rapidly becoming growls and snarls of pain as his vocal cords changed and a muzzle grew upon his face. Still asleep, he wriggled out of his jeans, his legs spasming as his pelvis shifted, tilting now.

Yasmin knew he would awaken soon as Zeroth, the wolf. She also knew that until the moon was at its zenith, he would be just as affectionate and loving as the man Kiernan had been. While she mused, the wolf stood and shook, his deep black fur lit with red tints. His eyes stayed the same wild gold as he padded smoothly towards the female vampire he saw as his lifemate. he nestled his head against her throat, his plumed tail wagging as his paw caressed her leg, trembling with exhaustion caused by the change.

Yasmin sighed, and walked out of the cave, motioning at Zeroth to stay where he was, before using a sweeping motion of her arm to indicate he must stay in the forest. The moon started to rise, and he seemed to swell, a low growl vibrating in her chest as she swore, and began to run, having wasted time thinking when she should be getting out of range. She hit the edge of the forest, still running, the fabric encassing her body flaping madly behind her as the moon hit the upper arch of the sky, and a blood thirsty growl erupted behind her. She knew that Zeroth now fought for control over the beast that tormented his mind, letting his darkest desires attack his body.

As she escaped, Zeroth temporarily wrestled control over his traitorous body, before giving in, and hunting, howling out in an enticing, almost hypnotic way, trying to hunt down prey...and something else. His nose to the ground, now larger, his nose picked up the scent of a female, one that made him drool, and he followed, crashing through bushes and low trees, scaring Yasmin, who tried to run faster, stumbling and fallen, and one time nearly blinding herself as a branch whipped her cheek. She would almost think he was playing with her, trying to make her spirit break. Zeroth snarled, and leapt at her, nipping her on the leg, to set her off running again. This was food for his instincts, the desire to chase, to hunt...though torture not being one to a natural hunter. It was only when Zeroth picked up on the scent of deer, and changed direction, loping along a low forest trail, snarling to himself, his evil side now prevalent over his normal friendly nature.

He launched himself at the large stag deer, his stomach grumbling even as he began to torment the creature, leaping and nicking it with his teeth, before beginning to tear chunks out of its legs, and eat them from the live deer. His normal self showing, he tore at the deers throat, opening a geyser of blood, which drenched his coat, his howl, was a frenzy of madness and need, which tore at Yasmins heart, as she searched for a pub, or club, where she could go and feed from the few she needed. She also needed to clean the cut on her cheek, and check to make sure Zeroth hadn't opened her leg up, she thought she felt blood, or something trickling down her leg.

She found such a club, and sated her small thirst in a way different to her kind, she asked, and was offered it. After all this was the age of openess between supernatural and normal beings. Lycans were always absent on the night of the full moon, and humans understood that woods and forests were to be avoided, as were dark alleys from rustlings could be heard. She drank first, politely, from the neck of the club owner, her tongue flicking catlike over the wounds she had made, the years she had been doing this having caused her to expertly judge when enough was enough.

She then moved from the club owner to a mousy girl, feeding as the pair danced together, Yasmin knowing that the girl would become popular, for bitemarks meant that a vampire had found something special in the soul of the one they fed from. Yasmin sat, sated, and watched everyone, wondering about Zeroth.

Zeroth, now bloated, filled until he hurt, now hunted to take care of another need, one of thirst, only stopping when he reached a river, and filled his stomach up the rest of the way. Now he had only one need left to sate, the desire to mate, and mate savagely as his kind always did. He stopped, one of his large paws lifted, as he heard voices, and a scent that was at once familiar and strange, one that excited his senses enormously. He never realised it, but when the darkness filled him, his body swelled to double it's size, making him enormous, a size that also affected his sheath, and what lay nestled inside it.

He heard soft footsteps walking off to the side, and followed the scent and sound simultaneously, his large keen nose working, as he glided forwards, and stopped, his stomach tensing in preparation for what he would do to this creature, this one he recognised. He saw her, as he saw it was all at once, his muscles tensing as the female vampire, bearing a mark on her throat like his lifemates, as he dimly remembered. This one was dressed more appropriately to his needs, clad in only a piece of material which would offer no resistance to him. He crept forward, the blood scent of deer protecting him from being smelt. He leapt forward, mounting the young vampire girls back, pushing her forward and snarling behind her ear, before baring his teeth and grasping the back of her neck, his teeth just puncturing the skin, as his paws tore, rather skillfully, at the fabric , baring her body to his.

The vampire had only uttered a very brief scream, which cut off suddenly as she felt the lycans teeth upon her neck. She had been warned about this, and leant forward, knowing to fight would mean she would be injured even more that what would happen to her. She wasn't to know that by not figthing, she was going to suffer, and terribly. In Zeroth's mind, he was now swamped by the evilness which changed his shape so drastically. The vampire felt fear as she realised the largeness of the canine behind her, only felt as he reared his hips back, readying himself for the plunge which would sate his desires, the deeply hidden lusts which lingered in his soul.

He thrust, the vampire sobbing in pain as she is split inside from his width, from the force of which he took her body for his, his teeth digging in as he froze, feeling the heat of blood dripping along his length, and making him shudder, the vampires inner cold enciting him move again, to repeatedly and savagely thrust into her, making her shriek, and him then shaking her neck, half stunning her as he ripped his knot out, time and time again, until he leant all his weight on the half aware vampire, and tied, lifting his head and howling out, telling all lycans, all canines of his conquest, of the full sating of his needs.

He turned, and walked across the clearing, having lifted his leg over the limp vampires body, dragging her broken and bleeding form behind him, as he heard noises, which mde him growl and hunch over. A hiss, as an arrow thunked above his head, actually splitting the skin on his skull, directly between his ears, he growled, and leapt, the vampire girl being torn from his body forcibly, as his leap took him into a bush, a bush which soon became dangerous to him, as a male vampire rose, and took aim with a spear, which was, within miliseconds, embedded deep into the meat of his thigh. The silver tip on the spear hit the bone, and rotted the flesh around it within minutes, revealing the bone, and causing his once smooth gait to rock slightly. He ran, looking for somewhere to hide, where he could lick his wounds in comfort.

Yasmin, unaware of anything other than the hypnotic actions of the humans stirred herself, certain she would now be safe, and started to run back towards the forest, unknowingly into a dangerous battle between lustdriven injured lycan, and her own family clan, who were now hunting the injured Lycan.. She slowed, hearing a deep rasping pant, and called cautiously.

"Zeroth, Kiernan, my love, are you hiding from me? Or are you injured?"

Zeroth roared, and leapt at the vampire, his form hitting her hard enough to shatter her ribs, which he then cruelly trod on, driving shard deep into her unmoving heart, a heart she thought would break as she lifted her head, proud to the last, and laid a hand on her hearts love, the one reason for her living. With one snap, he opened her arm to the bone, the blood dripping onto her clothes, before he savaged her throat, only stopping as her head rolled from her body, and he stopped, his own heart stopping as Zeroth, the wolf, not the Lycan surged forward, and he let out a low, griefstricken howl, which hastened the vampire clan to him. His mind, and heart broke, and he staggered off into the night, now trapped in the very body that had killed his lifemate. '

I shudder, remembering how the lights had dipped then, in a power surge, and I huddle even closer into my cover. Suddenly, I heard the tinkling of broken glass, and I frown, wondering if Sally, Belinda or even Henry, our daft Irish Wolfhound, had broken something. I stand, and stretch, looking around and brushing my blonde hair back, blinking my grey eyes sleepily. I walk over to where the sound had come from, the hallway. As my hand touches the door knob, and I call out, slightly nervous, to the girls, the dog, anyone, I hear the restless click clack clack of claws, and I exhale, thinking Henry was out there. Just as I turn the handle, something leaps through, knocking me over, and back, some large and dark standing glaring at me as I scrabble backwards to the wall.

It growls, and a lightening flash shows me the creature clearly, the brief glance more horrific. This creature was as tall as Henry, yet three times wider! I whimper, hugging my legs to my chest. It's not until I see the glint of one in the hindleg, that I realise that this is Zeroth, Kiernan, no Zeroth! My mind can't think, it seems to be stuck on a loop as the creature leans forward, and I see, momentarily a gleam of pity in the chaos of the creatures golden eyes. My mind snaps back, and my life literally flashes before my eyes as the creature opens it's muzzle, it's cruel, dagger-like teeth and hot, meaty breath touching my face, as I wait to feel those same teeth around my throat. This has been my ending, time and time again.