Secrets in Shadows - Chapter 1: Brewing up a Storm

Story by KaleShadowWalker on SoFurry

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#2 of Secrets in Shadows

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual activities between two males, one human and one not. If you are not of ages (18/21) or this isn't your cup of tea, please leave now. Thanks.

Brad was in what most would consider a very uncomfortable position at the moment. He was sitting in his favorite chair with his feet hanging over the back and his head almost touching the floor, with DS in hand. His six foot frame fit perfectly in the position without straining any of the one hundred fifty pounds of muscle hat he had worked to get in his, so far, twenty five years of life.

There was no one to question why he was in the pose though. It was Sunday, Brad's one day to lie around and do nothing in the log cabin he owned out in the woods. The rest of the week he was working from his home office, at the gym or out in town with friends. He was truly enjoying his day of lounging around in nothing but a pair of blue basketball shorts. They were loose extremely loose in the leg and how he was situated caused to fall down around his upper legs.

He was deep into his game when a sudden noise outside startled him, causing him to tumble from his spot. He groaned lightly as he sat back up, rubbing his head lightly. What the hell? He thought as he stood up and headed towards the back door and the source of the sound. He opened the door and stuck his head out; looking from side to side a few times before noticing that his trash can was knocked over. He could also see what he thought was a large black dog with its head stuck inside.

Brad looked the creature over from where he was, not want to approach it until he was sure it was friendly and not rabid. He could tell that the canine didn't look like it was unfed and that it was very much male. His eyes lingered on the full sheath and large balls under the male, a slight tent quickly forming in his shorts. His thoughts were snapped back when the dog took its head out and looked right at him. The animal gave a soft whine and wagged his tail before walking over to him. Brad stuck out his hand as the dog approached and let him sniff it. A gentle lick along his fingers made him smile and he reached up to pet him on the head.

"Well, hello there boy. Are you lost? Where did you come from?" he asked softly, smiling as he continued to pet him. He opened the door and the dog walked right in, sat on the kitchen floor and looked right up at Brad, his tail wagging still. He laughed softly and closed the door. "Sure, go ahead, make yourself right at him." He shook his head and laughed again. "Well, I guess you would like something to drink seeing how I'm sure you got into the old stakes in the garbage." He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a large plastic bowl. He filled it with water and sat it on the floor, staying down so the canine would approach.

The black dog came closer and Brad petted it gently as it lapped up the water. He was able to look it over better and guessed that by the size of the dog that it was a husky, but only slightly bigger. Though, he had heard rumors of a lone wolf running around in the area, but he didn't know what it looked like and didn't put much stock into the rumor anyways. He gently scritched behind his ears and smiled. "Well, if you got no home, I just might adopt you boy. Would you like that?" The canine lifted it head and gave him a long lick across his face. "Oh, jeez, thanks. I uses I'll take that as a yes then. need a proper name." He thought for a moment before exclaiming, "Shadow! I'll call you Shadow. Like that boy?"

Shadow gave Brad several more licks across the face, causing him to giggle and push him away some. "Okay, okay. I get it. It's a good name. We'll get you a collar tomorrow and proper bowls. For today though, we'll both just enjoy the day." He gave one last gentle scritching before getting up and heading back to the living room with Shadow right behind him. He picked his DS back up and sat in the chair, legs spread wide as he went back to his game, not noticing that the canine he found was watching him intently.

As the human lost himself in the game, Shadow got up slowly and walked into him, sniffing and getting his scent. Brad only slightly noticed that his new friend had moved, but he was brought out of his concentration when he felt a wet and cold nose slip up his shorts and press against his hidden sac. He closed the DS and gave the dog a confused look, which turned to shock soon as the warm tongue slid across his balls and limp shaft. He couldn't help but to let out a soft moan as the tongue went to licking at him slowly, his member starting to harden from it. He was a bit horrified that he was getting turned on by what was happening. He did enjoy having a male tongue on his balls and shaft, but normally it was human and he'd never thought about doing anything with a dog before.

As the tongue washed over his scrotum, the warmth from it spread slowly through his body, his shorts tenting a bit more with ever minute. What he didn't know was that the supposed husky he had adopted from his back yard was actually a werewolf in disguise, and that the saliva that was being applied to his sac was entering his body. Its job was to get the human target so lust controlled that he would let the canine mount him, thus insuring that he would become a werewolf. Shadow's tongue continued to work on Brad, his shaft now growing past half hard and loud moans could be heard coming from him. A couple more minutes of the licking and his head was pushed away.

"Hold on boy...let me get this off..." Brad stood up and pulled off his shorts, letting his now fully hard cock spring free. His ten inches of cut cock was throbbing with pleasure, the veins along it quite visible against the white flesh. He wrapped a hand around it and gave it a few strokes, a little pre forming on the tip. He stroked a finger across the tip, smearing his pre across the head, not noticing that his dog was walking around behind him. He didn't really notice very much when a wet nose pushed between his firm butt cheeks, but the wet tongue across his pucker caused him to shudder and let out a long moan.

With each lap of the long tongue against his hole, the human's mind and body were being taken over by the hormones being fed to him through the canine's saliva. He slowly got down onto all fours so that the tongue wouldn't lose contact with his anus at all. Once on all fours he let out a surprised groan as the thick muscle pushed past the tight pucker into him, sending a wave of bliss and shudders through him.

By this time, there were some significant changes happening to his furry friend. The black, husky like animal was starting to grow in size, the human's submissive position and the moans coming from him a signal that the time to claim Brad as his new pack mate and toy. The canine's forelegs were becoming more human shaped, his paws transforming into hand paws. He flexed them a little and grabbed the ass in front of him as he continued to change. His upper body elongated, new muscles spreading through it to support the new arms, the rest bulking up massively under his fur. His muzzle and face barely changed except for growing larger, his tongue doing the same and sliding further into the spread and slick hole. His vocal cords also shifted, allowing him to speak if he so wished.

His lower half was shifting at the same time; his hips twisting and reforming to accommodate the new legs that were forming. The former dog's feet repositioned to support all the weight from his muscles, allowing him to walk digitigrades. He was now a full werewolf, a good twice the height, weight and muscle mass of the human whose ass he was assaulting with his tongue. As the final changes pushed though his body, the anthro pulled his head from Brad's rear and threw it back, letting out a howl that shook the room.

The howl echoed in Brad's ears and mind, pulling him out of the hormonal fueled haze. He looked back over his shoulder and his eyes went wide at the sight of the wolf-man kneeling behind him. Their eyes met and the feral lust in the creature's golden-yellow ones caused him to let out a shriek of terror. He tried to pull away from what was once the normal looking husky, but the huge paws on his pulled him back, a deep growl causing him to hold still, though he wasn't exactly sure why he did so. "W...wh...What are you?"

"Stupid human...don't you know a werewolf when you see one?" He growled out deeply, pulling his prey's rear back against the swelling sheath between his legs, leaning over him and whispering into his ear. "They call me Shadow, for they never see me coming till it's too late. But you..." He ground his crotch against the firm rear, moaning as bit as the tip of his wolfhood slipped from it. "You can and will be calling me master. If you hadn't noticed, but I've already had an effect over you." He took a paw from Brad's hip and moved it under him, wrapping it around his throbbing and giving it a few long strokes.

His body instantly relaxed as he felt the paw on his cock, the soft pads unlike anything he had felt before. His mind was still struggling, now that he had control back over it, he wasn't going to give it back up. The swelling shaft pressing against his rear and between his cheeks was quite hot and he knew instantly what the monster's intentions were. His body wouldn't obey his mind though, the soft fur against his body almost made him want to push back into it. A lick against the back of his neck sent a shiver down his spine, a light moan escaping from his throat against his will. The licks continued, each feeling more pleasurable and making him relax more. He didn't want to though, but his body continued to betray him to the werewolf. His head lowered in submission, giving Shadow more access.

His cock was leaking pre, more than he had ever produced before and the lycan used it to slicken up the throbbing meat. Brad moaned louder, the shaft pressing against his backside was now pressing right against his pucker. He tried to move again, succeeding in moving forwards slightly. He heard a growl from above him and was pulled back by the strong arm around him.

"That's a bad pet, trying to get away from your master. I'll have to punish you for that." With that, Shadow pushed his hips forwards, sinking his half hard caninehood deep into the hole he had slickened up and reshaped a little already with his tongue. A loud yell of surprise came from the human under him, his rectum stretching easily around the invader. The earlier rimming had made the hole more pliable and ready for the full size of the werewolf. "I was going to let you taste my cock like a good bitch, but since you tried to flee, I'm just going to give it to you now and use you to harden up the rest of the way. Let this be a lesson to you."

He started to pump his hips slowly, nipping and licking at the back of Brad's neck, leaving small scratches along it with his sharp canines, allowing his saliva to seep into his blood stream. Soft moans were starting to come from his new pet and pack member, a sure sign that he was giving in. He could feel the body relax in his grip as his member swelled in his tailhole, reaching its full twenty inches. He kept the pace slow, wanting to enjoy the turning and taking of the human. With each deep thrust into the warm orifice, his shaft throbbed more and more, pre starting to drip out of the tip.

Brad felt the other arm of the creature wrap around his chest, holding him tightly against the warm fur covering his body. He didn't feel any real pain coming from his backside, just a constant tingling feeling and a warmth that was slowly spreading though his body. It was a bit of a surprise to him that he was able to pick up the scent of both of their arousals and the canine's strong musk. He could also smell his own and it wasn't much different and knew in that instant that he was becoming a werewolf. He wondered just for a moment if he would feel any pain from the transformation, or if the pleasure coming from his rear would override it.

A sudden jolt of pleasure through his body answered his question and he groaned deeply. He could feel his body start to grow in size and mass, his bones lengthening and his muscles growing and reforming. His feet extended out into digitigrades footpaws, soft pawpads formed on the bottoms and his toenails became claws that dug into his hardwood floor. His legs stretched out to twice their length, the muscles in them more than doubling in size. His groin was the next to transform; his balls swelled in his sac to the size of small grapefruits. A sheath grew out and over his human cock, covering it completely. The hard flesh reshaped inside the new sheath, and started to poke back out of it slowly, the head was now tapered like a canine's and was a deep red color.

Brad's mind barely registered that Shadow was staying hilted in him during the transformation process, the thick shaft buried in him leaking a constant stream of the body and mind altering pre. His abs swelled and became more defined with deep valleys between the rock hard muscles. His chest did the same, his pecs growing larger and more defined as muscle mass was packed onto his growing upper frame. His shoulders broadened and his arms extended, forcing his back up against the fur covered body above him. His biceps and triceps bulked up, rivaling those of any body builder he had ever seen. His head shifted last, his mouth pushed out into a muzzle as his ears moved up his head and became those of a wolf. He threw back his head and howled as dark gray fur covered his body and a tail pushed out just above his rear.

Shadow grinned down at the new werewolf under him and was rather pleased at the result. Though, he would take more time later to admire the result - it was now time for him to claim the once human fully. He went to thrust his cock in and out once more, this time at a much faster and harder pace. Each deep shove pushed his cock up against the prostate of his bitch, eliciting a deep moan from the smaller werewolf. He could feel the shaft in his paw push out farther with passing moment, soon swelling up to the same size as his own. He gripped it tightly and stroked it with the same pace as his mating.

He felt a strange tingle in his own balls and cock, one that was far different from the tingle right before orgasm. His eyes went wide as he felt his lupinehood start to grow longer and thicker. New pleasure was flowing through him as his member stretched out another ten inches and swelled in thickness that was about twice the size as a can of soda. The veins all along it started to stand out from the surface, matching what he was feeling along the one in his paw. His balls ballooned out to twice the size of a pair of apples and he could feel his pent up seed churn in them. His pet started to beg to be taken harder and he was more than happy to comply, his sac slapping off the smaller canine's ass.

"Oh yes...thank you Master. I'm your slutty little pet. Make me your bitch." Brad groaned out deeply, his shaft throbbing with the new pleasure of being taken so deeply, his prostate sending shock waves of ecstasy though his whole body. His pre jetted out from the tip, his knot pushing from his sheath as his orgasm approaching quickly. He felt the huge knot on his master's cock push against his stretched rear with each deep thrust, demanding entrance. He whimpered in need to be filled, lowering his neck more to show that he was ready to be claimed.

The bite came right away, sending a shiver down his spine with a loud, happy moan. A one last hard thrust caused him to yelp in sudden pain, the massive knot on the dominating werewolf pushed past his tailstar and tied them together. The thrusts didn't stop there; Shadow went to jerking his hips back an fourth at a fast tempo with no real rhythm. The pressure of the knot against his insides was too much for him and he howled loudly, his cock twitching under him with each rope of cum jetting from it. His orgasm caused his hole to clamp down hard on the shaft buried in his tail and a much deeper and louder howl joined his own. He could feel the thick torrent of seed rush into his hole, marking him and making him fully as a pack member and pet. His belly swelled with the gallons of pent up cum that his master's balls held. After a few minutes both of their howls ended, leaving them panting hard.

The massive wolf collapsed on top of Brad's back, forcing a grunt out of him as he fell to the floor and landed in the pool of his own cum. He murred softly between pants from the gentle licking to the area where he had been bitten and from the feel of hot cum still shooting into his passage. He could also feel his belly continuing to swell out from the volume of the thick liquid. He turned he head to the side and looked back at Shadow with submissiveness and loyalty. "Thank you....master...I'm very be your bitch...and member of your..pack..."

"You're Bitch...From now'll be called Storm in this form..." He smiled lightly and gave Storm's muzzle a lick. "Now sleep...You're going to..need your energy...for tomorrow.." He wrapped both arms around the canine's chest and laid his head on his shoulder. Then both werewolves closed their eyes and fell asleep, still tied together the whole night.