Track and Field

Story by Tavian on SoFurry

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#1 of Track and Field: Lessons from Coach

Note: This is a story about a teenage feline and his jackal coach. I've broken it up into three segments. This is the lead-in to introduce the characters and does not contain yiff. It contains some nudity and slight self rubbing. Part 2 has some yiff in it, as does part 3. I'm trying a new style here. This story contains some bad language and themes. If it's illegal for whatever reason for you to read it, don't. Other than that, enjoy!

The wet grass of the football field did very little to aid Zack's traction. Torrential storms had reduced the beautiful field into a mess of muddy grass. Although the rain had long since passed, the teen found himself slipping and sliding over the slick ground. His flat bottomed sneakers caused him to lose balance far more than he would have if barefoot. These shoes lacked the traction to keep him upright against the wet and muddy field.

It was cold, too. Not even the snow leopard's thick coat could keep out the clean, moist pre-dawn air. He felt a chill that soaked him deep into his bones, perhaps some of it being emotional. This was important to him, if he would ever live his dream.

Being the second of two children, Zack spent a good deal of his life growing up under the shadow of his more gifted older brother, Devon. The older snow leopard had walked these very same fields and in far worse weather conditions. Devon had been a quarterback for the town school and had broken more than one record for his performance. His achievements were very well known to many people in town.

The two couldn't have been more different than one another in personality or appearance. Devon was tall and stocky, being of a solid build. Very little could stop him once he started running. Anything in his way either would move or be trampled. For Zack it was the opposite. The smaller feline was more of a scrawny build, perhaps barely pushing over a hundred pounds if sopping wet. He had more of a runner's build, although his running was nearly as dangerous as his brother's running due to balance issues.

In terms of personality, Devon always knew what to say, seemingly, while Zack only managed to humiliate himself--particularly talking to the female sex. While his motivations weren't entirely pure, he did figure putting on some muscle would help him achieve some of the fame his older brother had achieved. It was better that than suffering the rest of his life being known as "Oh, you're that guy. What's-his-name? Devon's brother."

It was only during these early, pre-dawn hours that Zack felt comfortable enough to practice his craft. No watching eyes were around to disturb him or judge him if he fell. The young snow leopard did his fair share of falling. Almost every few dozen steps he'd manage to find a slippery spot or a place where the grass had turned more into to mud.

Most of the time he'd only land on his knees or butt, but a few times he hit the ground with his body. His pure, silvery white fur soon had stains of brown and green in it as it picked up bits of matter with each impact. Still, Zack rose up each and every time to try again. The small cat wanted so much more from his life and saw this as his only way to get it. He would work himself to the bone if he had to, in order to achieve his goals.

Besides, he knew he was getting faster.

This was his sixth session out in the field. Already, either imagined or not, he thought he could tell his performance was improving. It was rare for him to leave the confines of his home and plethora of game consoles, but he found it peaceful to be out in the chill air all alone. Here, by himself, he could push himself to his limits and beyond. He did not have to fear doing something stupid or worry if his abnormally long tail swayed in an embarrassing way while he exercised.

No one was around to see him. No one knew about him, the sneaky little trooper, who just kept going and going. He could run as free as he wanted and for the joy of it, maybe even for his own benefit. If he fell, it would be forgotten. No eyes would record it to spread it around that Devon's brother was as clumsy as a falling load of bricks.

His breath poured out in clouds out of his nose, almost seeming to be steam in the frigid air. Despite the cold around him, the teen had only worn only a small t-shirt and an old pair of running shorts. Wearing his good clothing would have ruined it, given the nature of his endeavors, and would have surely brought his mother's wrath. Grass and mud stained his bare fur, but he didn't care. He was a tough cat and could handle it.

The fifteen year old felt his energy surging. He was going to run the fastest he had yet! So what if he'd taken a few falls here and there? He would keep going! No one could keep him down. Stinging sweat dripped into his eyes and nearly blinded him at times. He moved a paw to wipe across his eyes. He needed at least one more run, a perfect run.

Zack leaned himself forward and took a deep breath. He was going to do it this time! He knew it in his heart! The feline let out a fierce little rawr and leaned forward, launching himself against the wind. Leaning forward was just enough to counterbalance his oversized, fluffy tail. It swished behind him madly as he took to his feet, charging across the field. One yard, two yards, and then five! The wind blew his hair back and refreshed him, taking the sweat and heat off his face. He was so close!

Footfalls sounded against the soppy ground as the cat tore across the field. Zack imagined he was like his brother, barreling through people charging at him. Everyone who laughed at him was either falling behind him or cheering him on. He dodged this way and that way, getting into his fantasy in his mind. Back and forth he weaved, thinking no one could touch him. He was the next big star! That idea bubble popped rather suddenly, though, when due to his lack of attention he failed to watch where he was running.

The feline felt his foot land in a splattery patch of mud and sink deep. It was a patch he had slipped on twice before in this session alone. The suction and grip of it put a rather sudden stop to the motions of that leg. The boy flailed frantically, trying to stop his forward momentum. It was for naught, though. Zack tumbled and crashed against the muddy ground with a loud thud.

Reflex and fortune saved him, partially. He had thrown his hand paws forward fast enough to catch himself on his wrists. This prevented him from crashing headfirst into the ground and smashing his nose. It was an improvement at least. Last time he had ended up with a face full of mud. It still humiliated him, though. He had protected his body from another painful lesson, but somehow felt he had failed to save his dignity. His hopes were quite literally dashed into the ground.

It wasn't his fault he was accident prone so often. He was at a clumsy age, and as his mother so often teased him, his body had developed a mind of its own. Sometimes it wanted to go one way while he wanted to go another. His long tail would sometimes pull him over, too, or get caught on something and make him trip. All this combined to make him anything but surefooted.

Other guys were suffering it, too. Some were just as accident prone, others were almost as absent minded. Most were busy hanging out or chasing pieces of tail, in general, the sort of life most teen guys his age wanted. Zack sighed to himself and raised his head a little. Sooner or later that would be his life. All he had to do was push himself a little harder. He had to get up again and keep going.

The feline pushed himself to his feet, shoving hard with his paws. His slender, yet rounded, rump hefted itself into the air and wriggled. He skipped past getting on his knees and tried to launch himself into a straight standing position. His big, fluffy tail immediately pulled him backward, causing him to throw his arms forward. It was his luck that it was the anatomy on �that' side of his body that had undergone a growth spurt and not the appendage poking out from the other side.

Both feet slipped out from under him as his flailing combined with the weight of his tail enough to throw him off balance. He teetered for a split second before falling straight forward, down against the muddy grass. The unfortunate teen hugged against the ground unwillingly and found himself getting a face full of mud.

Great. He cursed himself for not having the good enough sense to steal his older brother's track shoes. It wasn't like Devon needed them anymore. Devon was at college and was never around anymore. Even if the shoes were a few sizes too big they would have saved him from all this falling. He lifted his now squished nose from the grass and spit out a mouthful of mud.

Zack rolled himself onto his back, causing his short silver hair to splay out a little bit against the grass. Both eyes turned to the dark sky and he considered the wisdom of his actions. Could it really be worth all this trouble to achieve the same popularity Devon had during his time at school? Devon had at least three or four trophies in the school trophy case. He had awards that seemingly fell from the sky wherever he walked. Zack, himself, only had a record of citations for failing to throw his garbage away after lunch. He had been branded a ne'er-do-well by the lunch lady more than one occasion.

Devon would have never ended up in this situation. Devon wouldn't be lying on his back, in a puddle of mud, feeling sorry for himself.

Sighing, he propped himself up on his elbows. He could feel more mud and dampness soaking into his fur. The teen really didn't know what to do with himself. He couldn't go home like this, but didn't want to stay nasty either. If he went home, he figured, he could probably get a shower and maybe an hour or so of sleep. This was the best he could hope for so close to school hours.

Trying again wasn't much of an option. Both arms and both legs ached terribly. He had a nasty burning sensation in his nose due to mud getting in it. He would be lucky if he didn't catch his death of cold as is. His sore body told him he had enough suffering for one day. If only he could get his mind to listen. Even despite the pain he felt obligated to try again.

Despite his mind egging him on, Zack carefully sat up and felt over his body to check for injury. Both hand paws checked over his bare knees and elbows. There were probably a few bruises and a few minor scrapes, but it was nothing major. The only real injury was to his pride. He could live with that, as he did every day. It wasn't as humiliating, at least, as having this sort of accident in front of others.

Zack moved his foot paws together and wedged them against one another. He kicked his sneakers off like this, still tied. It had finally dawned on him he'd have better luck going barefoot. He wriggled his toes in the air and flexed his paws wide. It felt so good to have his hot, overworked paws exposed to the cool air! He let out a little purr without realizing it, and then picked up his muddied shoes.

With his shoes hefted over his shoulders, the snow leopard carefully pushed himself to his feet. His balance was much improved without the slick shoes to hamper him. Now all he needed was a warm shower or something to wash all the crud out of his fur. It dawned on him that the gym had a set of showers back behind the locker rooms.

Due to being in a small town, the school rarely locked up the gym or the showers. These were left open as a convenience for the players and athletes who used the field after hours. He knew he could sneak in and take a quick shower without anyone ever knowing he had been there. While he hated bathing in public, he hated going home in this state of mess even worse. No one was around to see it, anyway. He could be in and out almost like in the privacy of his own bathroom.

He guessed wrong.

Coach Gordon had watched the boy frantically train for awhile. The cat looked familiar, but he couldn't directly place Zack in his mind. All the cats looked the same to the towering, black furred jackal. Some were better than others and he only really remembered the exceptionally gifted ones. He knew they made good runners and good gymnasts, but that was about the extent of it. 'Cept a little fun putting their flexibility to use.

This one didn't even seem to be good much else. His tail was out of proportion to his body and seemed to be pulling him off balance. It was amusing just trying to watch him get around. The canine quietly chuckled to himself as he realized where the muddy teen was headed. Always made it worth showing up to work early to get a show. He slipped from behind the outdoor seats and moved to follow Zack.

The gym was empty and had only a few lights on to light the early morning darkness. No one was expected at this hour, so only the slightest illumination lit his surroundings. Mud dripped from his fur as he walked. Zack left a muddy trail as soon as he stepped inside, pushing past the big red doors that led into the school. He headed toward the seating stands and moved around them to get into one of the access corridors.

Fewer lights were on back here, making it darker. It was somewhat spooky, but the spookiness of it didn't faze him. The teen wasn't afraid of the dark. Who would want to hurt him, anyway, a ghost? Not even ghosts wanted to be at school at 5:45 in the morning. The darkness was peaceful and the air inside was thankfully dry. He was grateful for that.

Zack never noticed the figure staying in the shadows, as it had been during the time it watched his performance. Gordon followed along, keeping his distance as to remain hidden. He didn't want to spook the young athlete just yet.

One eyebrow perked as he watched the cat. The teen had started to strip off, even before reaching the locker rooms. Zack, being confident he was alone, hopped out of his shorts and tugged his shirt off. He used it as a bundle cloth to hold his muddy shoes and shorts together. Coach Gordon was rewarded with the outlined sight of a bare feline form and a tight bubble rump heading toward the showers. The sight gave him a little throb between his legs, in his own shorts.

The snow leopard made his way into the locker room and tossed his clothing carelessly onto a bench. It was pitch black in there with only the shower area having any light on. The lights from the shower area cast long shadows in the locker room. Zack felt around for a few moments, trying to find a light switch. His search was luckless, though, and he shrugged to himself. He could make do. It wasn't like he had much business in here, anyway.

He stepped into the illuminated area of the showers. The tile below felt cold on his paws, but he knew the warm water would soon take the chill away. Zack moved toward the faucets to cut the water on. Soon thick jets of water blasted all around him. It was cold at first, but quickly grew warm. Steam poured out of the shower room as the water heated, soon making a cloud in the locker area.

Gordon used this time, while the feline was distracted, to move in closer. He stood just outside the open passage that led into the showers. There the jackal watched the long tailed snow leopard sway this way and that way under the water flow. Zack was totally unaware he had a viewer. The voyeur side of the canine made his short fur stand on end. He wanted to see more.

Any worries or stresses Zack felt were washed away as warm water poured over his body. The heat soaked into his body and seemed to take even the deepest chill away from his bones. Mud and grass bits slipped free, pouring in a messy brown river that led from where he was standing to the drain.

Zack pushed his paws against a wall dispenser and filled them with shampoo. The dispensers were for everyone to use, so he didn't feel bad about it. He rubbed the shampoo into a fine lather, and then massaged it deep into his fur. He massaged it down to his skin, freeing the deepest dirt his fur had accumulated from his training. The feline had no idea he was being watched. He was oblivious. Nothing mattered to him right then more than the pleasure the water brought him. It felt so good to be getting clean. The water blotted out all sound around him and hid any sound his coach might have made. It soothed his aching form and made him purr without restraint. He felt wonderful again.

As the teen washed himself clean, Gordon paid close attention to the show. The feline was a bit small for his age. He probably couldn't move something as small as a cement block without breaking something. It was early for someone to be out on the field and it made him curious. The jackal licked his long tongue over his lips some, watching Zack bend over to wash over his legs.

Coach Gordon once sized Zack up as being a good runner, but too small for most other sports. He lacked the weight or body mass to really do anything on the field. Even gymnastics would be out of Zack's reach. The teen's abnormally long tail would have pulled him off balance, as Gordon had seen, long before he tried to do any fancy maneuvers. Maybe Zack had a future at a clown college, but probably little else.

Still, he wondered what made the little cat push himself so hard. It was somewhat cute, almost pathetic even. Spindly-wristed runts like him were the reason he had so many headaches these days. �Equal opportunity', as it was called, meant he had to spend extra time and effort to train them instead of focusing on the more gifted students. The school board insisted he deal with them kindly. If it had been up to him, he would have shipped all the morons off to Home Economics or some other pencil pusher class to get them out of his hair.

The cat turned around at that moment, exposing his front to Gordon. Whatever annoyed thoughts the jackal had before left his mind. Zack was small in more ways than one, it seemed. Gordon fought the urge to snicker. His little pussy cat was putting on a private show just for him and didn't realize it.

Zack rubbed his paws over his body, touching everywhere. He massaged the shampoo against his crotch and up over his tummy. Once again he bent over and worked on his legs, giving Gordon a full view of his rump sticking up in the air. The jackal felt a familiar twinge between his legs and slid one paw down to stroke idly over his soft bulge. He massaged it around the tip in particular. It made him murr lowly.

Gordon tilted his head in to watch closer. His short red ponytail fell over his shoulder, causing him to reach and flick it absently away. Was this little cock tease worth the effort? He imagined burying himself to the knot in the cat's bubble rump, pulling him back just enough to make him pop. He lost himself in that train of thought, barely noticing Zack finishing up his shower.

Now cleaned, Zack reached to turn the shower off. He stepped from the shower dripping wet. All his fur was matted and clung closely to his scrawny body. He shook himself a few times and grabbed a towel from one of the many shelves lining the entrance to the shower section. He draped this over his head, rubbing furiously to get as much water as he could out of his hair and head fur. The boy kept walking, not expecting to run into anything or anyone. He quickly bumped into something hard and large, causing him to yelp.

Gordon snickered slightly and reached a heavy paw out to grab the teen's shoulder.

"Careful. You'll break something walking around like that without looking," he stated, keeping his voice inviting. He didn't want to play all his cards yet and figured a slightly friendly approach would win more trust.

Zack tore the towel off his head and hastily wrapped it around his hips to hide his decency. He wasn't exactly packing a blunt force weapon between his legs and had a fair share of modesty. Even if it was only his coach, as he quickly realized, he didn't want to have just anyone ogling him.

He quickly gulped, feeling rather embarrassed. Both eyes looked up at the tall, towering male. Coach Gordon was at least a foot taller than him. The cat himself only stood at about five and a half feet tall. To make matters worse, Zack was thin as a twig. The jackal had far more muscles. Gordon was bulkier, too, and probably could have crushed the lightweight teen just by sitting on him.

"C-coach. Geeze! You scared me! I didn't think anyone else was around," he replied, flattening his ears slightly as he wondered if the older male had seen his miserable performance. Perhaps worst yet, had Gordon seen him in the shower? This was his first time speaking in private with his coach and the nudity thing didn't help him feel less awkward.

Gordon chuckled, "I get here at the crack of five. Looks like I'm not the only early riser 'round these parts. What were you doing out there? Speaking of that, what's your name? I've seen you around."

The snow leopard looked away embarrassedly. It figured the coach didn't know who he was. He answered simply, "Zack Hollister. I'm just working out, sir."

Hollister. Everything clicked when Gordon heard that name. He thought the cat looked familiar. Now that he had a name he could see the slight resemblance between Zack and his better known brother. Devon had been a hell of a player, although Gordon had only been an assistant coach at that time. It had to have been a good couple of years ago.

Devon Hollister was one of the best players the town had ever produced, maybe even the county. How could this little twerp even share the same blood? They were clearly related, yet nothing alike. Gordon looked down on the teen with a slight distaste. Zack was a waste of a good name.

"Hollister. You're that brother of Devon Hollister's, aren't ya? Best damned quarterback I've ever seen. Thought I knew you. You're half the size of him. Guess those genes didn't carry over, huh?" the jackal teased, figuring this would get a reaction out of the teen. He wanted to see where it would lead.

Zack visibly winced at the coach's words. Gordon had found his weak spot and worse yet, had insulted him! He had to bite his tongue, remembering that he was talking to a teacher. His coach was known for running his students into the ground and handing out military style exercise punishments, particularly smart-asses. He nodded at Gordon's words and swallowed his pride.

"Yeah. Everyone knows Devon," Zack replied, concealing a measure of bitterness. He hoped he had an opportunity here. Perhaps his coach would be impressed with his goals. "I'm hoping that he didn't get all those genes. I need a few of them if I ever want to take his place on the team."

An awkward silence filled the air immediately after Zack uttered his intentions. Gordon carefully surveyed the feline's face, looking for any hint that he was joking. This little twerp as a quarterback? He was half the size of any other guy on the team. Even the towel boy had more muscle. The cat wouldn't even do to be used as cannon fodder. He looked like all he needed was a good wind to push him over, much less an angry member of an opposing team. They'd snap him in two.

This kid was an idiot. The jackal knew anyone who performed like that and still thought he was something had to havesomething wrong in the head. He was another little twink with lofty dreams and not a chance in hell of making them come true. Still, guys like this were vulnerable. Some would go pretty far if they thought they had a chance at success. Gordon decided to see how serious the cat was.

"You think you can be quarterback? I watched you for awhile. You've got plenty of spunk, but Hollister, you don't have the bulk behind it. I might be able to sign you up to one of the girl's teams, but even they have a weight advantage over you."

The boy visibly bit his lip at being told that. He had hoped for something more encouraging, maybe even some praise for working despite the odds. Finding no comfort, he decided to play down his disappointment. He had to show the other male how tough he could be. The young snow leopard kept himself standing straight and tried to spread himself out a little more to look bigger. It didn't help his case that the jackal could have picked him up with one hand, even dripping wet.

"I'd like to try. I think I have potential. I've been coming out here off and on over the last two weeks to train and work out. I might not look it, but I think I'm pretty fearsome," Zack stated, trying to seem proud of himself. "Even if I get dirty I keep going."

Gordon chuckled. The boy wanted to play tough, huh? He decided to apply more pressure and see if he could cause Zack's tough exterior to crack. For this end he changed the subject, "Devon's off playing at college now? Up north, for the Razorcats."

"Yeah. Every college along the coast sent him offers," Zack replied, trying not to read too much into the subject change, "That's part of why I want to try for the team. I want a piece of that action."

Despite all else, the jackal had to admit the boy had some balls. He grinned at the smaller male and heavily squeezed Zack on the shoulder in a friendly way. His intentions were anything but friendly at this point. He wanted to see tears. He wanted this one to beg him for help. That sort of thing made him get off.

"Let me be honest with you. You're small. Your brother had a good eighty pounds of muscle over you even when he started off. You go out there like you are now and you're gonna get your ass handed to you all over the place," Gordon said, squeezing tighter to make his point. "You're out of your league, Hollister. You might make a decent runner, but the second you're on that field you're going to get destroyed. Those guys eat little pussies like you for breakfast."

"I can build muscle! I can put on weight!" Zack growled, reaching up to try and pry the jackal's hand from his shoulder. He didn't want his coach touching him. Gordon pretended to let the cat push his hand off, although it was an act. Zack continued, "I'm going to train as much as needed. I'm good for it! You'll see!"

The jackal leaned in, almost bumping noses with the cat. His hazel eyes were threatening at this distance, almost asking if the cat dared to challenge him. The little brat had some balls alright. Maybe too many balls for his own good. Gordon wasn't the sort to react well when someone challenged him. He didn't like it when they got the idea in their mind they could fuck around with him.

He fought the urge to pick up the cat up to teach him a lesson. Another idea had crossed his mind, anyway, regarding using Zack's spunk against him. Being so �enthusiastic', the teen would probably hang himself with his own words if pushed a little. Zack glared right back at him, his ears perking and remaining firm.

"You want on the field? You've got to be willing to do anything. Anything. Are you willing to get nailed to the ground and go home sore every day?" Gordon asked, his voice barely quivering above a growl.

"Yes! I'm not some weakling like you think! You just wait and see! I'll show you!" Zack huffed, getting right back in his teacher's face. "I'll be the best darned player you've ever had!"

The jackal bared his fangs, showing the neat white rows off to the boy. He'd better be the best one he'd ever �had' for this headache to be worth his time. It amazed him just how easy it was to trick Zack.

"Then get your ass here tomorrow morning. Be here at five, or I'm going to know you're the little pussy cat you look to be. Got it? Five. Come prepared or don't come at all. I'm going to work you into the ground."

Zack didn't immediately register the harshness of those words. An insane grin spread over his face. He had to fight himself to keep from throwing his arms around the jackal's neck and kissing him, despite him being older and a male. He had a chance! Gordon gave him a funny look, as if trying to figure out why his intimidation technique hadn't worked. The feline nearly squeaked in joy and forgot all about looking tough.

"You're really going to train me? Really? I've wanted this so much! I know I can do great with a personal trainer!" he exclaimed, barely containing his excitement.

Gordon groaned a bit to himself and stood up. It was a real face-palm moment for him. He wondered briefly who would suffer more, himself or the annoying cat.

"Just get your clothes on and see that you're here by five. I'm not waiting all day for you, got it?" he growled. He'd break this little punk later, after he had some time to prepare. It was too close to school hours and the last thing he needed was someone walking in, finding him putting Zack back in his place.

Zack nodded rapidly, "I'll be here, sir! Just you wait and see!"

"That I will. We'll see. Don't disappoint me," the jackal whispered, giving the teen's barely covered form another look over. He turned to allow Zack some privacy to redress and to head back to his office to finish up some paperwork. God knew he'd had enough of that on his plate lately.

He'd see that this little bitch was split open.