1:14 Conference #1

Story by Jack Flash on SoFurry

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#14 of The Underground: The Mercenary

The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series

Chapter 14 of 32_

Conference #1


The cityscape lights were like dozens of fireflies that burned in the night. As far as they eye could see, there were boxy corporate skyscrapers up and down the streets. It was a business town, one built on money and greed. It was paradise to some, and hell to others.

"Some would ask me," Xen Hets said from his large office window, "they would say, why would you try and control The Underground? Certainly, there is more money to be made in the global economy, yes?" He paused for a second. "But that is where they make their errors. The Underground of one city, just one mind you, can generate more profit in one quarter than the Lazarus Institute makes in a year. One city, like Palamont." Walking from the window, he approached his desk from the back. "Of course, others know this as well, which is how the Invisible War started. I've been lucky enough to have secured Palamont for some time now. Every other faction gets the leftovers, the second best, that I disregard. We are able to enjoy the upper crust, so to speak. Until two of my best officers come back empty handed after a simple trade.

"Can anyone explain to me how I can describe this as anything more than a total disaster?" Hets said aloud in his office as he looked out his windows over Palamont again.

Atir gulped hard. "Total is a strong word, sir."

"It was my fault, sir." The wolf sitting next to Atir said aloud. "I didn't see Alias going back on the deal. I only sent minimal backup..."

Hets spun around. "Minimal backup? For an expert assassin? Perhaps I shall relinquish my position here, and allow you to be the successor. Because, clearly you must have knowledge than I do not if you plan on sending minimal backup on a target who could kill any one of us with his bare paws."

Jenkins began to protest. "But I thought-"

"You thought, did you Jenkins? You clearly thought wrong." In a flash Hets had a pistol in his paw, aimed it at Jenkins and before Jenkins even realized what was happening, the back of his skull exploded with a lead slug. Atir kicked back from the desk instinctively with his hands in the air, his eyes wide with fear as a red mist sprayed over him. Hets could see the look of fear in Atir's eyes as he had not been expecting what just transpired. Hets could see the panic building in Atir's eyes, as he knew he could be next. Blood flowed freely from the back of the wolf's head onto the floor.

"Oh, Atir." Hets said, placing the pistol down on his desk, talking as if he had just noticed Atir's presence, "congratulations on your new promotion. You are now in charge of the hunt for the assassin known as Alias." Leaning forward where his paw was over his pistol Hets looked at Atir, still petrified by what had just transpired. "Think you can handle that?"

Atir looked over at Jenkins's body, blood still dripping from the back of his head. His mouth wide open and eyes glassed over in death.

"I, uh," Atir stammered, the drops of blood could be heard smacking the marble floor, "I don't think that will be a problem."

"Excellent." Hets replied. "If Alias is allowed to go public with this, everything that we have enjoyed up until this point will be lost. I am able to control the news spin around Palamont, but if other organizations see an opportunity to strike us down they will not hesitate. That is why Alias must be stopped. As far as his new friend, if possible, I want her back here alive. I want her dead only if necessary. But that is the absolute extreme, Atir. Do you understand?"

Atir nodded that he did. His eyes still kept straying over to Jenkins. "Of course."

"However, before you continue your pursuit of our favorite contract killer I need you to go dispose of that." He said pointing to the dead wolf's body.

3:2 Doctor Who?

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2:22 Loose Ends

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2:21 Killing The Doctor

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