My Not so Little Pony

Story by Sheir_Hawkings on SoFurry

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My Not So Little Pony

by Sheir Wilfurs

Kyorg had flown a long time, almost all day, but he was heading toward the breeding grounds. His wings dipped as he yawned and fell forward. Shaking himself, he looks down and see's a large smiling at the reprieve he descends landing first on his rear legs then his front. He tucked his wings against his body and nosed open the barn door. The barn was empty, but many of the stalls were well padded with fresh straw as if someone had just cleaned them.

Yawning he nosed into the larger of the stalls and smiled as he curled into the thickly laid bed of straw. Tucking his tail under his chin and closed his eyes falling into a deep slumber.

Creamie stretched as he smiled at his hear of mares, all of them pregnant with his future offspring. They had opted to sleep outside in the pasture he had built for them. It had high fences and no gaps, no chance of them being disturbed.

He shook out his mane and stretched out before he headed back towards his barn. He snorted and smiled as his tail flicked left and right.

He was trotting by the time he reached the barn and saw the door open and caught an unfamiliar scent of scales. "Hello." He nickered softly. Stepping into the barn and seeing the door to his own stall open.

He moved with a silent grace that belied his huge size. His hoof beats didn't make a noise as he moved through the room and leaned his head over the door spying the ivory and gold dragon curled up among his straw.

Shouldering it open he leaned his head down and sniffed at the dragon his cock swelling as he inhaled deep. He nosed the dragons tail partially aside so he could run his tongue over his tailhole startling the dragon awake.

Kyorg woke up and turned around staring at the large stallion that still had his muzzle where his rear used to be. The stallions golden eyes peaked at him through his blond hair. A blush rose on his cheeks as he watched the stallions head raise and caught sight of the tip of the stallions massive shaft.

"Who are you?" Kyorg asked,

"Better question is, who are you?" Creamie moved forward puffing out his chest a smirk on his face. "You're in my barn. In my bed and you have the nerve to ask me who I am, while you trespass?" He shook his head. "This bed ain't free. You're going to need to pay for these lodgings."

"Pay?" he said his eyes looking about. "How?"

A smile curved Creamie's dark muzzle. "As some of the two legged say to those who need a ride. 'Ass, gas, or grass.' and considering I don't need gas and I'm surrounded by grass that only leaves one thing."

"I can just leave." Kyorg blushed.

Creamie's ears laid back. "You already used my bed. You owe me." He snarled. "Now bend over and make your payment."

Kyorg lowered his head and tried to sidle around the horse but Creamie rear and slammed his hoofs down making Kyorg shy back.

"Nothing in life is free." He said. "Now ass up, shoulders down."

Kyorg blushed bright and turned around. He lift his tail and lowered his chest down as he made a soft whimper.

Creamie chuckled and moved forward as he licked his lips and mounted him. He switched his tail left and right as he pressed his tip against the dragons hole. He nickered and rubbed himself against him. Slowly he pressed his tip in.

Kyorg tightened up as the horse started to push into him. He panted and whimpered trying to pull away from the large stallion he growled and dragged him back into a hard deep thrust as he shoved himself in to his hilt.

Creamie's eyes closed as he shivered and moaned. He impregnated his last female a couple weeks ago. He was so pent up he couldn't resist ramming himself in and out of the dragon under him who was mewling like a selfless whore.

Kyorg gasped and moaned arching his back as he was used. He whimpered with each deep penetrating thrust as he tightened around it and locked his shoulders pressing against the stallion as he arched and panted. "Oh god." he moaned and let his tongue lull out of his mouth.

Creamie panted and wrapped his forelegs tight around the dragons waist. He slammed in and out his balls slapping against the dragons. He felt his balls drew up tight as he grunted and pressed in hard spilling his thick heavy seed inside of the dragon, who roared and spilled his seed into the warm straw.

The dragon laid down against the straw sliding off the horses partially flared tip it popped out dragging several globs of cum with it.

Creamie nickered softly and looked down at Kyorg's mess. "Aw not you've done ruined my bed. "It takes forever to muck out these stalls and now I'm gonna have to use one of the mares beds. I need some compensation for that." He grinned.

"That's your fault." Kyorg whined.

"But you slept in my bed making it your fault. Now, please clean me up." Creamie licked his lips and laid down and lifted his tail. "Come now, get the job done dragon boy."

Kyorg walked over and leaned is muzzle to his cock but a light slap from the horses tail moved him from that task. "You said to clean you." Kyorg murmured shyly.

He flicked his tail back and forth. "Yeah, my ass." He grinned. "Come on get to cleaning." He smirked watching the blushing dragon as he slowly lowered his muzzle down. He parted his lips allowing his long tongue to snake out and trace over the outer rim the stallions puffed ass.

He licked on and around the smooth muscle for a few seconds. "There done." Kyorg said trying to make his escape but Creamie kicked the door shut and rose up.

Kyorg rose on his hind legs in alarm and the stallion did the same backing the dragon up causing him to trip over himself and fall on his back. Creamie came down with a hard thump as he pinned the dragon under him as he glared down at him. The dragon lay submissively under him paws against his chest. "I determine when you are done." Creamie growled, eyes sparking with a hungry fire. Giving a deep snort he turned around and lowered his rear into the dragons face. "Now, lick."

Creamie looked down at the semi hard shaft of the dragon that slowly swelled harder. He arched his tail as he felt the warm shuddering breath of the dragon against his hole before that long thick tongue returned to stroking over his flesh. He moaned in response pressing his ass down against the appendage, feeling it slip in.

Kyorg blushed at the eager sounds coming from the male squatted over him as he lapped at the tight ring of flesh that pressed firmly against his tongue taking it in. He groaned at the taste of the horses insides, feeling it tighten and flex on his tongue. Moaning himself he pressed his mouth up licking and stroking his tongue at and around the warm depths.

Soon Kyorg was feeling something wet against his belly scales as the horse started to rock and bucks his hips in rhythm to Kyorg's exploring tongue. He heard the labored breaths of the stallion you was nearly sitting fully on his muzzle, and the warm liquid was down spurting against his own cock and thighs not to mention the scent of the thick musk coming from the excited stallion.

Unexpectedly Creamie stood up on rather shaky legs and pawed the ground as he side stepped from above the dragon. "I want you again." Creamie demanded. "Come on boy let me mount you again.

Kyorg eagerly rose up, nearly drunk on the stallions heavy musk, and the scent of his arousal as he arched his tail eagerly. Creamie wasted no time accepting the offer and shoved himself in deeper. Kyorg braced himself, taking the stallions weight as the beast rutted deep in him. He moaned and rocked with the stallions thrusts.

Creamie nuzzled the smoothed scaled neck of the dragon and nipped his neck and shoulders as rammed his way into the pulsating depths. He growled low in the back of his throat as he thrust himself hard against the dragon who was eagerly grinding and mewling under him. He hooked a hoof around one of the dragons forelegs, almost knocking both of them off balance as he regained full control of the sex.

"Please." The dragon whined as he looked over his shoulder gazing at the horse.

"Please what bitch." Creamie grunted feeling his tip starting to flare out. He bit the dragons wing joint causing a cute high pitched roar echo from the dragons muzzle.

"Cum in me, please." Kyorg panted when he caught his breath and clawed the ground.

Creamie groaned and chuckled. "Call me master and maybe I will." He pressed in deep, lingering on the edge of release as he stopped his rough thrusts.

The dragon writhed and whimpered under him trying to rock himself on the stallion eager for his own release but unable as the horse pins him down.

"Please master." Kyorg whimpered begging. "Please fill me with your seed please." He panted and lay submissively under him.

Creamie smiled and continued his hard deep thrusts making sure to ram in fast as he snarled in his ears before grunting and pressing in deep cumming in him filling him with his hot sticky seed. He kept thrusting him emptying himself in the pulsing caverns of the dragon. He groaned and pressed down on the dragon. They panted and groaned softly gazing at eachother.

"Your officially mine." Creamie murmured and slowly dragged his cock out to the swell of his flare.

Kyorg blushed as he felt something warmer spilling into him. He tried to pulled forward and whined. "What are you doing?" He panted and whined. His stomach felt almost as if it was swelling as the warmth filled him up.

"Marking you inside," he grunted as he pulled his cock from his ass causing a pale yellow waterfall of cum and piss to spurt and trickle out down the dragons heavy balls into the straw. Creamiecontinued to piss on the dragons body. "and out." He groaned loudly as his hot stream spilled out and splashed off in golden drops into the straw.

Kyorg couldn't stop the moan that echoed from his muzzle as he was marked. Unable to resist he dipped his head under the stream and let it coat his head and into his hair. He blushed as he felt the piss trickle off and raised his muzzle to lick the horses flared tip.

He laughed and nuzzled him. "You're officially mine and that means, you remain here." He said as he growled deeply.

Kyorg whimpered. "I can't." He said softly.

"Who said I was giving you a choice?" Creamie said as he stood in front of the door, his hooves spread, his partially flared cock still hanging hard and eager under him.

Kyorg eyed his cock lustfully, his muzzle parting to purr.

"You are mine now, and you will stay as I demand, now," Creamie stepped forward. "Clean me up." He demanded again with a deep growl.

Kyorg obeyed his muzzle surrounding the stallions cock bobbing back and forth sucking slowly on the thick member.

Creamie smiled down at the dragon as he thrust his hips forward and mewled and pressed his cock deeper down the dragons throat. "Mmmm that's it bitch, take care of your masters cock." He said and rams down his throat as he widens his stance and snarls heavily as he keeps thrusting down his throat hard and deep as he growls softly.

Kyorg grunted, his eyes tearing up. He took the cock deeper and nuzzled up to the horses belly as he purred and swallowed on the cock. He inhaled deeply smelling the horses thick musk, the heady scent of sweat and hay and pure male musk.

Creamie's eyes closed as he rested a hoof on the dragons back his hips jerking forward more as he started to spill his cum inside of the dragons throat as he neighed loudly.

Kyorg sucked and swallowed deeply as he moaned. He drew back slowly and looked up at Creamie licking his lips as he purred and laid down switched his tail back and forth. He panted and licked his lips.

Creamie laid behind him murring softly as he pressed up to him and nibbled his neck tenderly. "You are mine, and you'll stay here won't you." He said and nuzzled him.

Kyorg nodded pressing into the massive stallion. "Yes I will."

Creamie grinned and licked the dragons ears. "Good. Unfortunately, there can only be one fertile stud in this barn, and that is me." His rear hoof tapped against Kyorg's balls. Causing the dragon to whimper.

"This is my farm and I refuse to have any other male breed with my mares. They are my mares and you will be forbidden from breeding them." He growled. "You ever touch one of them and I will be forced to have you castrated."

Kyorg looked at him and whimpered. "Castrated?"

Creamie just chuckled and rose up. "Yes, castrated. If you can't use them responsibly then you don't need them. Now, get up, let's change locations, I'm eager for your ass again." He trotted over the dragon letting his large cock slap the dragon in the face and slather him in his pre cum.

The dragon rose up and followed after the stallion as they moved from one stable to the next. Kyorg had barely stepped inside when Creamie raised up and nickered. "raise onto the paddock door." He ordered pawing at the air.

Kyorg turned and raised up onto the door. Creamie stepped forward and draped his paws over his shoulders before he shoved his thick shaft into Kyorgs ass. He immediately slammed straight into his tight ass. Kyorg grunted and clawed the door.

"My master wouldn't be able to use me again after this." He whimpered softly. Creamie thrust in hard causing Kyorg to gasp as it felt as if the stallion hand rammed into his stomach.

"I'm your master and only I will be riding into you." he growled and started to ram into him harder slamming in and out of the dragon.

Kyorg cried out and slipped off the door dropping his chest as the horse shoved himself in and out of his ass plowed in and out of his ass as he tightened up around him.

Creamie bit Kyorgs neck as his hips smacked against the dragons and a soft snarl echoed out of his throat. "Whose your master bitch?" He growled. "Tell me." He shoved himself in hard and deep making Kyorg cry out louder and grunt burying his muzzle in his paws enjoying the way the horse dominated him.

"You." Kyorg cried out.

Creamie neighed loudly as he buried himself in the dragons ass and cums in him filling him to the brim, some spilling right back out around the horses thick shaft. Kyorg gave a roar as he spilled his own load into the thick straw.

"That's right." Creamie growled. "I'm the only master you have, so you can just forget the other one. He'll never see you again."

Creamie pulled out, his cock popping out of the dragons ass. The gaping hole spilled cum in an nearly endless stream that pulled under the dragons ass. Kyorg panted and blushed feeling empty. He laid on his side and leaned back to lick his own ass cleaning it.

"Don't bother." Creamie laughed. "You're ass will be full again in a bit." He smiled as he flicked his tail back and forth as he trotted around the stable. "I'm gonna make sure to imprint myself on you." He smirked and licked his lips. "No male, will ever be able to use you, and you will never use any females, especially not my mares."

By morning Kyorg was too sore and tired to do much but lay on his belly in the hay, his tail arched high over his rump. Creamie lay asleep beside him sated and happy.