1:22 Conference #2

Story by Jack Flash on SoFurry

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#22 of The Underground: The Mercenary

The Mercenary is the first arc of The Underground series

Chapter 22 of 32

Conference #2

"A second attempt at retrieving one former employee and one former captive; results? One stolen SUV, four dead bodies, none of which are the aforementioned, and one severely burned Victorian apartment on the west side. Tell me Atir, how many buildings do you plan on burning down before this is over? Perhaps, next time I should alert the proper authorities so they can be ready for such an occasion?"

Atir sat uncomfortably in a chair across from Hets and his marble desk who, on the contrary, sat reclined paws folded in his lap. Atir knew that Hets was keeping a placid surface, but underneath he was livid at tonight's performance. Keeping his eyes down, all Atir could look at was the shiny nickel-plated pistol on Hets's desk; fully loaded.

"Alias single handedly took down four of our guys." Atir interjected. "I didn't think-"

"Which was your first mistake." Hets's voice silenced Atir immediately. "Need I remind you of the last person in your position who 'didn't think?'" Het's asked, making quotation marks with his paws. "Since when is it that I must remind a trained professional, such as yourself, to think?" Hets shook his head slightly.

"You underestimated Alias and it cost us dearly. Alias took very preventive procedures to make sure that we did not know his location." Hets stood up and walked over to a smaller table, where he poured himself a glass of water from a tall crystal pitcher. "He was living in our own proverbial back yard, somewhere where I would not consider looking on a regular basis. Do you realize the quantity of money lost on that venture alone? The number of people I had to purchase, to give up where the mysterious black fox resides?" Hets took a small drink from his glass and paced back over to his chair. "But hey, I am reasonable." He said in a mock friendly tone, sitting down. "One's mind should not be occupied with such material things as money." He smiled slightly, however, Atir didn't take comfort in it. "I know you have been on assignments before with Alias. You have seen him doing what he does best. Tell me, Atir, did you not consider the fox's aptitude level?"

"I mean I knew-"

"Nothing; which is clear now." Hets finished. Atir sat in silence like a schoolboy who was being scolded by his principal, only with the feeling of death looming over him. "However, I do not blame you entirely." Atir's ears perked up. "You see, I have not been completely honest about our friend Alias." Hets continued, drinking slowly, swallowing the clear liquid. He brought his glass down on the desk with a hollow bang, causing Atir to jump slightly. He watched as his boss's paw moved from the empty glass over to the pistol. Atir's eyes widened as Hets picked up the gun. Knowing running wouldn't get him anywhere, the gazelle's mind raced trying to think of something to say to save his skin. But the more his mind raced, the less he seemed to come up with. His mind could only focus on the pistol in Hets's hand. Mental images flashed in the gazelle's mind of Jenkins and how he had been "relieved of duty". Atir felt frozen in his seat as Hets moved the metallic weapon.

But Hets placed the gun down on the table, and reached for a manila folder which had been under the gun. Atir could feel the blood pulsing through his body as he relaxed. From it's outward appearance, it seemed very old and ragged, filled with many papers giving it a diameter of about one inch. Picking up the folder, Hets tossed it across his desk. Flopping loudly on the green marble, it scooted to a stop in front at Atir. "A little light reading, which you may find interesting."

Atir looked at the manilla folder before picking it up. Age seemed to have taken its toll on the outside. The edges were frayed, and the cover was stained with smudges of dirt and dust. However, nothing could have prepared Atir for what his eyes revealed to him. Flipping it open, his eyes scanned the first page of material. His eyes darted back to Hets, mouth open in a mix of shock and horror. "No..." Atir replied exasperated. "This can't be for real?"

Hets leaned back and smiled. "Keep reading; it gets much better."

3:2 Doctor Who?

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2:22 Loose Ends

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2:21 Killing The Doctor

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