Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 6: Easy Come...

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#6 of Heat of the Pridelands

Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 6: Easy Come... By TheTiger - Creative Commons 2008 80x15.png Content warning: Cub

  • * * Evening had come. The sun was slowly setting in the distance and stars were slowly but surely appearing in the sky above the Pridelands. With the orange glow of the sun on his back Daniel was looking around Priderock in the hope to find Simba, since he had asked Daniel to come find him after he had rested. And rested he was. After the playtime with the kids Daniel took it upon himself to take a long and well deserved nap, one which ultimately took just a little bit too long. In the time he'd been a guest, or by now a permanent resident on Priderock, it had amazed him how big the place actually was. There were sorts of small caves underneath Priderock though no-one ever really went there. The small caves were narrow, cold and generally not very inviting to be. Especially with the main cave being right above it no-one really had a reason to go there. None the less he kept the locations of those caves in mind, should the need for some extra privacy ever come up. There might not be room for the entire pride in there, but one or two more lions shouldn't be a problem. Since he didn't see Simba anywhere in the main sunbathing area's around Priderock, nor did he find him at the watering hole, Daniel decided to check out the main cave. Who knows, maybe he was taking a nap in the shade or something. Daniel climbed the rocky surface up to the cave. He had to keep focused a bit because, even though he had a lot of feline characteristics, he wasn't as handy with keeping balance as a real lion was. When he did make it to the cave's entrance however, he was almost run over by Nala who came walking out at a fast pace, looking back over here shoulder and not seeing where she was going. 'I won't have to if you would do a little more effort!' she shouted into the cave, probably answering something Daniel missed out on. As she got done speaking she promptly tumbled into Daniel, head first into his stomach. Her fast reaction to the unexpected obstacle made it look like she just bounced of him, jumping back a few feet and landing on her paws ready to tear up whatever just stood in her way. But when she noticed it was Daniel, her expression changed from threatening to surprised. 'Daniel...' she said in an unpleasantly surprised manner. 'Hi,' Daniel said with a gentle smirk on his muzzle. 'Funny bumping into you here.' Nala didn't answer him and simply kept staring. Daniel stared back, but noticed that it wasn't so much surprise that had Nala without words but something along the lines of being caught. A certain type of unease surrounded the lioness, she seemed nervous running into him here. 'I would if I...' Simba came walking from the cave at the same fast pace Nala did, but stopped talking the second he saw they had company. 'Daniel...' 'Simba,' Daniel said respectfully. He sensed the tension between the two. It would probably be best to stay quiet for a bit, especially since Simba had that same 'caught' look on his face. Silence followed. 'Did I interrupt something?' Daniel asked carefully, doubting at the same time if he should get down to get to Simba's eye level. 'No,' Nala said before Simba got a chance to open his mouth. 'I was just leaving.' Simba didn't seem to object to this statement and sat across from Daniel, looking up at him. At this point Daniel didn't know if Simba looked at him to avoid looking at Nala, or to make a point of having to look up. In either case, Daniel decided to sit down as well. But even though they were at the same eye level now, Simba kept looking at him. To say the least, it made Daniel feel uncomfortable. 'I'll see you later, Daniel,' Nala said, her voice dripping with seduction which both males clearly picked up on. From the corner of his eye Daniel saw how Nala casually walked off, tail high in the air, inviting him to look at the glistering lioness pussy that lay underneath. And so he did, he couldn't help it. 'You better stop staring right now,' Simba said, slightly threatening. Daniel immediately drew his eyes back to Simba, who appeared to not have moved an inch. 'I'm so...' 'Don't,' Simba interrupted. 'I don't blame you, she's the one stuffing it in your face. And I can't even really blame her.' The lion sighed, stood up and turned around. With a simple head gesture he instructed Daniel to follow. 'It's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.' Daniel followed Simba who casually stepped inside the main cave. It was empty at this time of the day, when all lionesses and cubs were out hunting, drinking or bathing in the sun. Inside the cave it was chill and damp as usual. 'I don't know if this was the first time Nala tried to make a move on you,' Simba started. He halted and sat down, Daniel copied and sat down against one of the rock walls. 'But you're probably wondering.' It seemed best to sit and listen even though Nala had already told him everything about Simba's little 'problem'. He didn't want to get Nala in any sort of trouble and he really hoped the lioness hadn't worked herself in trouble with that stunt she just pulled. 'It's a bit embarrassing, really,' Simba said doubtful. He kept silent for a moment and looked around the cave, as if trying to decide what to do. 'I can't satisfy my pride anymore.' Daniel merely stared. 'You know,' Simba said to make the point more obvious. 'Sexually...' 'Oh!' Daniel said, pretending to be surprised by the confession. 'I'm eh, sorry to hear that.' Simba nodded, Daniel could see the shame on his face. It must be really hard for the king to tell someone else he can't do his thing anymore. Especially a lion. 'You might understand that you living with us now has made things a little complicated.' Daniel nodded and understood what Simba implied. 'I really have no desire to challenge you or anything. I'm just happy I can call this place home.' 'So are the lionesses,' Simba said. 'You're a good lion, I wouldn't have sent you out with Nala if I didn't have some trust in you. I'm not worried about being challenged by you for any reason. It the lionesses I'm worried about, Daniel. They have needs I can not satisfy right now and have not been able to for a long time already. Because of that they start looking at the only other male in the pride, who can not only satisfy their needs but also do it in a way none of them have ever experienced before.' Simba nodded at Daniel's sheath and faintly smiled. Daniel could merely smile back at what seemed to be a compliment. He understood the reasoning though. Next to being the only sexual active male in the pride, Daniel's non-erect equipment probably stood taller then Simba's in erect state. It wasn't a miracle that the lionesses had grown curious about it. 'You don't have to worry about that,' Daniel said in truth. Apart from being semi-raped by Zira, the only members of the pride he touched were Kovu and Kiara. Not that he was going to tell Simba that, but he didn't touch any lionesses and that was still the point. Simba laughed loudly for a moment. 'Sure, I'd like to see you ignore a pride of needy lionesses begging you to jump them. Especially with your own needs. How long do you think you can keep that up?' Daniel smiled and scratched behind his ear. His own need he could ignore, that was taken care of by the two nympho-cubs on a regular basis. But Simba had a point, an entire pride of needy lionesses would be hard to ignore forever. 'So... I'm guessing this is where I leave the pride then?' Simba remained silent for a moment. 'The thought had crossed my mind,' he said. 'But I told you earlier that I like you and it would be a shame to throw you out for something you have no control over.' Daniel patiently waited where this was going. If he wasn't going to be thrown out and Simba sure as hell wouldn't let him do mating duty, then what did he come up with? 'To tell you the truth,' Simba then said. 'I don't really know what to do. But I'm not kicking you out, that's one thing that's certain. Just promise me one thing. Try to ignore the lionesses as long as you can and if you start to find it difficult, please talk to me about it first?' Simba had trouble giving control away like this, Daniel could tell. His voice sounded filled with doubt and irritation. The lion spoke like he had already lost his pride to Daniel. 'Of course,' Daniel instantly replied. He saw how much this got to Simba and he had no plans to be dishonest with him. Daniel got his pleasures with the cubs, that was more then enough for him at the moment. The lionesses would have to sit it out until their king got his mojo back. Besides, Daniel knew he couldn't handle the entire pride anyway, even if Simba would let him. Fucking over 20 lionesses on a regular basis would become a full time job for him, he'd die from a heart attack in a week. He was happy and lucky to be living here and he wouldn't do anything (well, hardly anything) to jeopardize that. *** By the time the sun was almost down and darkness was slowly taking over the Pridelands, Daniel found Nala hanging out by the waterhole. She sat there alone, doing nothing so it seemed. As he approached her Daniel saw that she was indeed just sitting there, staring into the distance at the beautiful sight of the setting sun. 'Hey Nala,' he said when he stood close enough. His voice was soft, gentle enough so he hopefully wouldn't spook her. But when Nala heard his voice, she still jumped. 'Daniel!' she said, a bit agitated but mostly with the same 'caught' tone Daniel heard with her earlier. 'Don't sneak up on me like that!' He grinned at her. 'Sorry,' he laughed. 'I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing here all alone?' Nala bent her head and looked at the soil underneath her paws. 'Thinking, I guess,' her voice was now calm again, it even seemed somewhat sad. 'Daniel, I owe you an apology.' 'An apology?' Nala nodded briefly then looked up at him. Daniel gasped when he looked into her eyes, tears had filled the beautifull blue's and were roling over the lioness' cheeks. 'Sometimes I just can't control myself!' she cried. 'As much as I try! I really try, Daniel! My instinct just takes over sometimes and I can't help it!' Never had Daniel though that he would ever see Nala like this. Tears ran down her cheeks, the usualy so powerfull lioness had broken down to a crying heap of fur. He didn't really know what to say, what to do. The last thing he wanted to do was make things worse. 'It's perfectly understandable, Nala,' he tried. She didn't buy it. 'No it's not, Daniel! It's not because I love Simba! I love him! I devoted myself to him! I'd give my own life for his! And yet here I am, giving in to my stupid instinct, craving to be fucked by any living thing with a few inches of cock! It's not understandable because I feel like a slut! And worst of all, I'm unfaithful to Simba!' Her tears had started running faster as her anger built up. At the same time she was crying her eyes out. Nala let herself collapse to the ground, burried her muzzle in her paws and cried. Just cried like no tommorow. She caught Daniel completely of guard with the entire situation. 'Nala...' Daniel tried to comfort her. He sat down next to her and put his hand on her head. But Nala flinched and threw it away from herself. 'Don't touch me!' she cried. 'If you want to be of any help, then just don't touch me.' 'I want to help you,' Daniel said comforting. 'You're not being unfaithful, Nala. You can't help feeling the way you feel, you said so yourself.' 'You can't help me,' Nala replied, her voice sounded like she was drowning in her own tears. 'The only way you can help me is... you know.' Yea, he knew. Daniel also knew what Simba had told him or, more precisely, what he hadn't told him. Simba had explained Daniel a lot of things but never mentioned that Daniel was not allowed to touch any of the lionesses. Sure he had requested him to come see him first should the pressure start getting to Daniel. But Simba's lack to forbid him anything made Daniel believe that lion knew things wouldn't always stay this calm. It was extremely likely that the lionesses would reach their tipping point sooner rather then later and start seeing Daniel as their leader rather then Simba. It was rather twisted now that Daniel thought about it, losing your pride over sexual gratification. But twisted or not, it was bound to happen. This would also mean that he could help Nala out with her little problem if she was sure that was what she wanted, and Simba might just be okay with it. At the same time though, he might not be. Despite what Simba wanted, the lionesses would make sure someone gave them what they wanted. The question was; would it be Simba or Daniel? 'You don't want to do that any more then I do,' Daniel said. Nala laughed sarcastically. 'Don't tell me what I want. I would have let you do me ages ago if my loyalty to Simba wasn't holding my back.' She stood up. The lioness seemed to have calmed down a bit as her tears were not flowing anymore and the wetness left in her eyes only seemed to make her blue's more beautiful. 'But did you just imply that you don't want me?' she asked daringly. Her eyes teased, her stature provoked. She seemed offended. 'I don't,' Daniel lied. 'Are you sure?' Nala said with a soft voice. With the elegance of the Nala Daniel knew she approached him, then stood over him for a second before she pushed Daniel down into the grass by giving his chest a slight bump with her head. Then, with true need in her eyes, she slid her body over his until their eyes met each other and her crotch met his sheath. With Nala so close against him, Daniel's member quickly sprung to attention like it did the last two times they lay this close. 'If you don't want me, then what's that, hm?' her eyes were teasing to say the least and Daniel had to try his hardest not to act on the situation. 'Nala, what are you doing?' he asked and tried to push her off him. To his own surprise she gave in and let herself roll off him and on her back. She looked at him from the side. 'Nothing,' she smiled. 'Just seeing if you were lying to try and make things easier on me. You really think I would care at this point if you wanted to fuck me or not? I could knock you out if I had to and still have enough to work with.' She patted her paw on his hard equipment a few times and winked at him with a smile, then rolled over and stood up. 'Don't worry,' she said. 'It's a hard thing to control, but when it comes down to it I could never do it. My loyalty to Simba is to big to really do anything with another male, as much as I would just love that huge piece of flesh of yours inside me right now.' Daniel blushed underneath the fur on his cheeks. Nala's mood was all over the place, so extremely horny but controlling it no matter how hard it was. He had to respect her for that. But her comment just now did give him an idea. 'I might have an idea,' he said. 'I mean, if you're open to the idea. I dunno if you're... Anyway, you can't mess around with another male besides Simba, right? Well, what about another female?' Nala's ears perked and she sent the most confused look Daniel ever saw his way. 'What? You mean like, mate a lioness?' Daniel nodded. 'Yea, why not?' Nala laughed. 'Jeez Daniel, did I just make you hit your head or something? Did you forget what my tail area looks like?' she turned around and raised her tail, showing the full glory of her pussy to Daniel. He felt a little twitch inside his sheath. 'Thank you, Nala,' he said sarcastically and pushed her butt out of his face. 'I know what your tail area looks like just fine. Why would that stop you to satisfy your needs with a female?' 'Because something needs to go in, silly!' she laughed. 'You can't mate without something to go inside.' Daniel blinked. Was she serious? 'Wait, how many different ways did you used to mate with Simba, anyway?' Now it was Nala who blinked. 'How do you mean, different ways? There's only one way.' Only one way? He wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't told him face to face. What kind of weird world had he ended up in? Not his own fantasy that was for sure, in his fantasy Priderock was one big orgy house where every lion had sex all day long in every thinkable position and here Nala was telling him you could only have sex one way? Would that mean that Kovu and Kiara already had more sexual experience then their parents? That was just plain weird, no wonder Simba got bored of it. Daniel would bet that if Nala would go head down on the king, Simba would be back in action in no time at all. 'Only one way?' Daniel chuckled. 'What? There's more?' Nala asked with disbelieve in her voice. 'Are you sure? I can't think of any other ways.' 'Well maybe you just lack creativity,' Daniel answered and smiled. 'I know some things you can do with Simba to get him up and running in no time.' 'You're not pulling my tail are you?' 'Of course not,' Daniel said. 'If he wants, I'll teach you two some stuff tonight. How's that?' The lioness had changed from sad to extremely happy in a matter of minutes and had a smile on her face so big it made Daniel wonder if it would ever go away. 'You'd do that?! Oh Daniel you're the greatest!' Without thinking she charged him, pinned him to the ground again and gave him a firm lick over his cheek. 'You're welcome! You're welcome!' Daniel laughed as the enthusiastic lioness pounced on him. 'I really hope you're right,' she said, still on top of him and still with that smile. 'So do I,' Daniel replied. Then there was just an awkward silence where Nala and Daniel merely looked at each other without moving. He admired the big blue's that were staring back at him and enjoyed the warm body of his favorite lioness rubbing against his. It made his flesh hard again but that came as no surprise to either of them. Nala felt it because she smiled teasingly when Daniel's member grew, but like she had promised she didn't act on it this time either. 'I just keep putting you in difficult situations, don't I?' she laughed. Daniel nodded with a slight grin. 'You're not making it easy for me, that's for sure.' The lioness chuckled with a tease. 'I'm sorry,' she winked, then stood up to let him free. 'Hey, I'm going to go and tell Simba the good news, alright? I'm sure he'll be just as happy as I am!'. 'You do that,' Daniel called after her as she ran off and stared after her. 'Sexy critter...' *** That Daniel was really something else. As Nala made her way up to see Simba she thought about the handsome, young, but mostly exotic lion that had joined their pride not so long ago. Obviously he was already different because of how he walked, probably one of the few larger creatures that walked on only two legs. But his behavior was different too. He knew things any other lion didn't or he had no clue about stuff any other lion would know from the top of his head. Yet he looked like a lion in every other way, complete with mandatory mane, fur and tail. Nala had never seen such a lion, neither had Simba or anyone else in the pride, and she wondered where Daniel originally came from and if all lions there looked like him. So far Daniel hadn't been very open about his history. He had told her a while ago that his memories of those times weren't all that fun and he had refused to talk about it ever since. Nala had decided to let him be but she was still curious. The main cave was pretty crowded. Now that the sun had set all the lionesses had gathered around to prepare for the last hunt of the day. They hadn't been very lucky today and stomachs were growling. In all her excitement Nala forgot that as queen, she had to lead all major hunts, but this was a bad time. On the other hand, if the pride would go out hunting now that would mean herself, Simba and Daniel had the cave to them selfs for at least a small while. They wouldn't have another quiet moment like that until the next day and Nala didn't plan on waiting that long. 'Hey Nala!' a few of the lionesses greeted her. 'Good evening, ladies,' Nala said and stood before the group. 'Listen, I won't be joining you on tonight's hunt. So instead, let me see...' Nala scanned the group of lionesses for a replacement. 'Zira!' she shouted to the lioness who was sitting at the back of the group. 'You up for it?' 'Sure,' she replied. 'And what will you be doing back here all alone? I saw you talking to the new kid...' Nala was felt both insulted and caught at the same time. 'Anything wrong with talking?' she asked with a steady tone. Zira grinned. 'That would depend on what the talking was about, now wouldn't it?' 'If you are implying that...' 'If you're doing that kid... you better share,' Zira interrupted and started to walk off towards the base of the rock. Nala could start an argument with Zira, it wouldn't be the first time and Simba probably would have to come out to settle the two of them down again, but she decided not to do that. She wanted a special night with Simba. She wanted him to love her again, feel her again, touch her again. She had to miss out on her lover for so long now, she would take a chance to be touched by him again with open paws. 'Simba?' she said as she strolled inside the cave. She had gotten used to Simba's laziness and knew he was probably sleeping at this hour. 'Love?' And she was right, in the back of the cave Simba lay curled up like a big fluffy ball, his tail wrapped around his body. Nala stood and watched for a moment, he was so cute when he slept. It was almost a shame she had to wake him up, though on the other paw she had a good reason. 'Darling,' she said teasingly and lowered her muzzle next to his ear. 'Simba...' The lion grunted in his sleep and twitched his ear. 'Oh Simba...' Nala said seductively. 'Wake up... Your mate has a surprise for you...' The king grunted again, not even bothering to twitch his ear this time. 'Fine,' Nala said and bit his ear, giving it a good jank. 'Wake up you lazy fluffball!' Simba jerked awake as Nala's teeth dug into his ear and he jumped up on his paws, expecting someone to challenge him. 'Jeez, Nala! What's your problem!' 'You, you were sleeping.' Simba sent a confused look her way. 'Is there something else I should be doing?' Nala grinned and let her muzzle approach his head again. 'Yes, actually,' she whispered and licked his ear in a slow and teasing manner. 'Sorry about that...' 'Do you ever give up?' Simba sighed with some annoyance. 'This didn't work yesterday or the day before. So why would it work now?' 'One more try?' she asked. 'Please? I know you can do it...' Simba sighed. 'Fine, but don't expect anything.' Nala let out a slight cheer and licked his cheek. She wanted to try mating with him one more time before Daniel helped them out. She didn't know how her king would react to the help of another male but if it had to be done it had to be done. The other lionesses were getting restless and it would only be a matter of time before one of them started voicing their concerns publicly. 'Thanks, love,' she said with great anticipation and lay down on the ground in front of him. Her raised tail gave Simba a good view of her glistering cock wanting opening. 'Give me everything you've got you horny beast!' The lioness shivered when she felt her mate's body on top of her. In her mind she cheered him on when he put his strong large paws next to her. Then she felt his sheath rubbing against her warm pussy and with all her might she hoped her mate would be able to do it this time. Come on, dear, she though. Please! I know you can do it! His sheath kept rubbing over her eager flesh for what seemed to be an endless amount of time. With every rub he made she hoped to fill the warm wet tip of his flesh instead of the rough exterior of his sheath. Unfortunately, it never happened. 'I'm sorry,' Simba sighed and raised himself from her. Without saying anything else he went back to his napping place and curled up. 'I'm really sorry, Nala.' The lioness watched him, hating to see her lover like this. It bothered her more to see Simba sad like this every time they tried to have sex then it bothered her that she didn't have said sex. She still loved him although Simba seemed to think otherwise. As if Nala would suddenly lose interest in him because of a small detail like that. It was her love that kept them together, not her need. Her need did something else. Her need made her attracted to Daniel, but that in turn, had nothing to do with love. 'It's okay, dear,' she said softly and lay down next to him. 'I just thought we'd try once more.' The king sighed again and looked into the beautiful eyes of his queen. 'Nala... If you ever decide... to... I mean I'd understand...' 'Don't be silly,' she said with genuine love in her voice. 'I want you, and only you.' To put power to her claim she licked over his muzzle, licked again and then promptly lured him into a passionate kiss. Their tongues entangled, their saliva mixed. Nala explored her mate's mouth as he explored hers. 'At least you're still a great kisser,' she joked as their kiss broke, luckily Simba could laugh about it as well. Relaxing in Simba's paws, the couple remained close together like that for a few minutes. Nala enjoyed this, being held by him. She wouldn't dare trade moments like these for anything. Right now, not even for a mating. 'Nala?' a voice suddenly interrupted their moment. Daniel came looking for them and stood by the entrance of the cave. 'This a good time?' 'No!' 'Yes, Daniel!' Nala overruled her mate. Simba looked at her, not understanding why she would let him in. Simba took is paw away from Nala and stood up, padding towards the other male. 'Something you need, Daniel?' Before he could answer though, Nala quickly jumped in between. 'Ehm, Simba. I invited Daniel to join us,' she explained. 'He... thinks he has a solution for... you know.' Silence struck. Nala was tense, she didn't like the look in Simba's eyes. He was going to be mad, she thought. What was she thinking anyway, he would never allow another male to help him out. It would shatter his pride. But to her own surprise, Simba nodded. 'I guess I'm just about ready to try anything at this point...' he carefully said. 'You're not going to touch me or anything right?' Daniel quickly shook his head. 'No no!' he laughed nervously. 'Just came to teach you two some new things, that's all.' 'Alright...' Simba gestured him to come closer. Nala rubbed up against her partner. 'Thank you, love.' Daniel made his way over to the couple and decided to pick a spot against to rocky wall to sit at. 'I'll just sit here and tell you two what to do, if that's okay?' Simba nodded without answering and sat down next to Nala who was already enthusiastically waiting for Daniel's instructions. 'So...' Daniel started, somewhat uncomfortable. 'Nala told me you two eh... always mate the same way.' 'Uh, yea of course,' Simba nodded. 'Neither of you ever had the idea to try new things?' Simba and Nala looked at each other briefly and then directed their eyes back to Daniel. 'Such as?' Simba asked. Daniel made a simple gesture with his paw. 'Well there are a few things you can try to make things more interesting, but I think a blow job from Nala will have the most effect.' 'A... what?' Nala questioned. Daniel grinned from his place by the rock wall. 'Simba lies down on the ground,' Daniel explained. 'Then you move your head down to his crotch and take his cock in your muzzle.' Silence struck again as both Simba and Nala stared at Daniel. 'And... that's supposed to get it working again?' Simba asked, not really having faith in this so called idea of Daniel. 'Wait and see,' Daniel said. Nala, with her 'nothing to lose' mindset, had already stood up and was pretty much waiting for Simba to get into position. The faster her mate's equipment was working again the faster she would have her own pleasure. Besides the idea seemed interesting, as silly as it sounded at first. Now that she thought about it, she had never actually tasted Simba's cock before. The only remote taste she knew was when she cleaned herself after a good mating with him. It got her very curious about what her king tasted like down there. 'Well come on, love!' Nala said with a grin. 'I want to try this!' Simba was obviously not very happy with this idea. Nala figured he didn't like getting orders from another male, like she suspected. Or maybe it was just the fact that Daniel was watching. She understood how that would make him somewhat uncomfortable, though she had to admit she found it rather exciting to have Daniel watch them. Trying to show as little protest as possible Simba lay down on his side. Nala, as eager as she was, got right down to business, working her head to his crotch. Simba lifted his hind leg to give her better access. Immediately Nala started softly stroking her tongue over his sheath, sometimes licking underneath his balls as well to tease him. 'You like it?' Daniel asked from the sidelines when they were at it for a few minutes. 'Well, yea,' Simba said with an unsure expression. 'It's different then what we usual do but... it's not working.' 'It will,' Daniel grinned. 'It works better if Nala takes it into her mouth instead of just licking it.' 'Alright,' Nala said, look at her partner with a naughty grin on her muzzle. Without thinking twice Nala enclosed her muzzle around Simba's sheath and started working this tip of his flesh with her eager tongue. It wasn't long before all the saliva made Simba's cock slippery and even in it's unerrect position his pink flesh quickly slid out of it's sheath. It wasn't until this happened that Nala tasted the real taste of Simba's flesh and felt how weirdly satisfying it was to have his equipment in her mouth. Now she felt like she had the hang of it and decided to go all in. With her lips she gently pushed the rest of Simba's sheath out of the way, baring his length in her muzzle. The taste was great and the feeling of his slippery flesh in her muzzle was pleasing her in a way she never thought possible. 'Wow,' Simba said when Nala had done away with his sheath. 'This feels really... different.' Nala meanwhile kept going, stroking her tongue over his bared flesh, sucking on it gently and twirling her warm tongue around it. The lioness was so caught up in the newness of her act that at first she didn't even notice, but soon she took notice of her mate's cock making a twitch. As her tongue passed over it a second time it twitched again, and again a third time. Then, like a dream come true, she felt Simba's member slowly growing inside her mouth. The flesh got warmer and wetter, the base got thicker and she felt his slippery length crawl down her tongue. When it had grown almost three times it's size it twitched again, spurting out a drop of precum into Nala's muzzle who was by now eagerly letting her tongue twirl to make sure it stayed up. 'Daniel!' she yelled in enthousiam. 'It's working! It's really...' In the middle of her sentence Simba landed a paw on the back of her head and pulled her back into his crotch. 'Don't stop, Nala!' he panted. 'Please don't!' Nala didn't at all object to this and eagerly opened her muzzle again to let the now erect cock of her mate back in. With great joy in what she was doing she sucked her king off, tongue twirling around the entire length of his flesh, sucking on the hard cock as it spurted more precum down her throat. Damn did that taste good, sweet and a little bitter. Sucking her king off like this made her head go wild, the weird feeling she got while doing it made her go crazy and only made her more horny. Simba better fuck her good after this, at least if his cock was still standing, she was hoping this wasn't a one time thing. 'Ooohhh... ooohh this feels so good...' Simba panted, closing his eyes as Nala's tongue made pass after pass on his hard cock. 'I'm... I'm almost there, Nala. Take it out before I cum!' Nala stopped, but only for a second. 'No! Cum in my mouth, Simba! Cum in my mouth!' Without even waiting for a reply she continued to suck him off, harder and better then she did before. More of the sweet juices were spurted over her tongue and as she drew him closer to cumming, the fantasy of his warm lion cum being spurted into her mouth for the first time made her wild. Her pussy burned with arousal and her scent filled the cave. Her breathing became heavier with each suck and before long she panted loudly while she sucked him off. What would his cum taste like? She had felt him fill her cunt up so many times before, never had she wondered what this warm good tasted like. The curiousity drove her arousal higher and higher untill it was rewarded. As she let her tongue twirl around his twitching flesh, the first spurts of his cum were launched to the back of her throat. Simba roared as the orgasm hit, grabbing Nala's neck and pulling her down to force her to keep going. But Nala had no plan to stop anyway, not with the great tasting lion cum now entering her mouth in great volume. Simba must not even have been able to help himself in all that time and now it was all spurting into her mouth, all those months worth of cum, dripping off her tongue, sliding down her throat. By the time Simba's cock stopped twitching and spurting Nala had collected an impressive amount of cum in her mouth, even for a lion. Enjoying the taste of the warm goods she played with it in her mouth for a bit before she swallowed the entire thing all at once. With a naughty grin she looked up at her mate, licking her whiskers. Simba in turn looked down to her with a flushed face, half passed out from the great orgasm he just had. 'Welcome back,' she said, seductive and horny like never before. 'Hmmm...' Simba just moaned and closed his eyes, enjoying the afterglow. 'I've never had an orgasm that intense before... Daniel, where did you learn about this?' 'Uhm...' Daniel said doubtful. 'I've... been a alone for a long while before I came here. I ran into a lioness once who did it to me.' Lucky girl, Nala thought. 'Well, I didn't think it would work at first, but thanks a lot for helping, Daniel.' Daniel smiled at his king. 'You're most welcome,' he said. 'Yea I'll bet you are,' Nala laughed, looking at Daniel's sheath which had by now swollen to a respectable size. 'Were you enjoying out little show?' Simba laughed, now sitting up having recovered from the pleasure Nala had given him. 'Can you blame the boy?' he smiled. 'If it looked half as good as it felt...' He stood up and approached Daniel who was still sitting against the rock wall. When Simba was close enough he sat across from him. 'I'd like the give you something for helping us out,' he said with a friendly smile. 'I'll allow you to find a mate within the pride, have one of my lionesses to yourself if you want. You can pick, except my Nala of course.' 'Oh,' Daniel could merely manage. 'Uhm... thanks, that's quite a gift.' Simba nodded and grinned. 'You've earned it, Danny. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding someone.' Oh boy, Nala thought. There's going to be riots when that news gets out... Lucky bitches... She caught her own thoughts. Even with Simba back in the game she still had certain feelings towards Daniel. She couldn't place them, couldn't tell if it was love or lust. She assumed it was the latter and that Simba just needed to pound that thought out of her head with a good hard fucking. Yea, then things could go back to normal. 'Daniel, would you mind looking for Kiara, Kovu and Vitani and tell them to come inside when the lionesses get back?' 'Sure,' Daniel nodded and got up from his place at the rock wall. 'And take your time finding them,' Simba said and winked when Daniel looked back at him. 'Right...' he grinned and then left the two lions alone with each other. When Daniel had left, Nala jumped on the sitation and curled herself around Simba. 'That cock of yours better still be working,' she growled seductivly. She murred into his ear when his tongue stroked over her back. 'It is,' Simba said softly, sniffing at Nala's tailarea. He sent shiffers down her spine with the warm air from his nose blowing over her burning hot cunt. 'Good,' Nala murred, she lowered herself to the ground and raised her tail firmly into the air. 'Then come get me, you beast.' She didn't need to tell Simba that twice. Quickly the large male mounted his queen, putting his firm paws beside her as he lowered his back to her. No longer did Nala feel a rough hairy sheath rubbing up against her eager cunt, now it was the warm touch of Simba's bare erect flesh that touched her lips. She shiffered as the tip slipped into place and prepared herself for that wonderfull feeling of penetration. But instead Simba took his time, lovingly licking his lover's neck and teasing her with his tip touching her lips just barely. 'Simba don't you dare tease me!' she growled. 'I've been through six heats and havn't had sex with you in months! If you don't stick it in there and fuck me right now I'm going to put my teeth in it!!' 'Hehe, alright if that's what you want.' With a strong thrust Simba penetrated the lioness underneath him. Nala gasped at the warm strong cock entering her depths, feeling her walls move to let his throbbing cock in. It was a feeling she had to miss out on for months. When Simba started thrusting into her Nala had already extended her claws into the rocky surface underneath her. With her heat this bad, every move Simba made felt like her pussy was on fire. It was so bad it actualy hurt the first few thrusts but soon she got used to it again and the feeling of pain was changed into pure lust and pure need. 'Yes! YES! Ooh Simba how I missed this!! Fuck me, Simba! Fuck me!!' She allowed her arousal to completely take her over, finnaly having the chance to let it all out. With every thrust Simba made she was driven closer to the orgasm that would release months of tention and need from her. 'Yes! Yes!! Ooohh YESS!! Fuck your queen! Fuck your queen hard, Simba!!' she screamed, overcome with pure lust for the impending orgasm. Simba picked up the pace of his thrusts, pounding his flesh into her at greater speeds, with greater power. Nala was panting and crying of joy every time his hard cock entered her depths. Her body shocked each time he withdrew and his short barbs scraped past her walls. The orgasm was building up, she could feel it. It was going to be a big one, indeed! 'Don't stop! Don't stop, Simba!! Fuck me! Come on! Yea that's it! That's it!! THAT'S IT!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!' Her orgasm hit her in a way she wouldn't have dared dreaming about. Her entire body trembled, her breathing was heavier then she ever remembered it being, her eyes teared in joy and pleasure and the flesh of her cunt burned like no tommorow. As she reached the tip of her orgasm she felt every muscle in her body give out from underneath her as all those months of heat were released on to Simba's cock. Nala roared. Roared so loud it echoed through the cave. Roared so loud it could be heard miles and miles away. Roared longer then any lion had ever roared before. *** Now where would those three scoundrels be? Daniel had a pretty good idea so the first obvious place to look was behind Priderock. And sure enough, that's where he found them. It didn't even surprise him anymore that two of the three cubs were busy doing something sexual. Kovu was on top of Kiara, who lay on her back, claws dug into his shoulders. Kiara made cute little squeeking noises every time Kovu thrusted into her and it made Daniel smile. At a distance from Kovu and Kiara sat Vitani, watching the spectacal with large eyes. Daniel didn't want to disturb the two other cubs from what was obiously a very fun game, and decided to check up on the female cub that sat shaking at a distance. 'Are you okay?' he asked, sitting down next to her. 'Ke... Kesi... used to do that to me...' she mumbled, close to crying. 'It hurt...' 'Oh jeez,' Daniel said, looking back and forth between the two cubs and Vitani. It never occured to him that those two would involve Vitani in their games so quickly. 'Hey, listen. What Kesi did to you was a very bad thing. But it's not supposed to be.' The young female cub looked up to him. 'What?' she sniffed. 'Kovu isn't hurting her,' Daniel explained, pointing at the two. 'What he's doing only hurts if you don't want it, you see. Kiara wants him to do what he's doing and for her it probably feels very nice instead of painful.' Vitani just stared at the 'playing' couple for a minute, apparently trying to make sense of what Daniel had just told her. 'Really?' she asked. Daniel nodded. 'We'll show you someday,' he smiled. 'When you're ready.' The young cub just nodded with a confused look. Kovu and Kiara were really going at it, it seemed that Kovu had learned to finetune some things for their playtime which made Kiara enjoy it even more. With the peepshow between Nala and Simba just a few minutes ago fresh in his memory, Daniel was still pretty horny and that needed to be fixed. A threesome would be in order, something like last time but with some slight variation. He was just about to go over there and interfere when he heard a tremendously loud roar echo over the land. It was stunning to say the least, especialy the length. It just wouldn't stop and it threw everyone off their game. Kovu and Kiara both jumped at least a feet into the air when the roar started. 'Danny!' Kovu yelped when the roar died out. 'Have you come to play?' Daniel grinned. 'You know me all to well, kid.' Kiara looked up to him with a confused look. 'What was that?' 'Probably your mother,' Daniel laughed. 'Don't ask. So, who wants to do what?' 'Kovu still needs to finish me!' Kiara complained. Daniel lay down in the grass, picking up Kiara and putting her on his chest. 'How about I finish you?' he said daringly. 'Yeah!' Kiara cheered. Daniel smiled at the cubs enthousiasm and turned her around so he had a nice view of her young wet lips. He licked them once, twice, yea that still tasted good. 'Danny?' she moaned as he made another stroke. 'Yes?' he questioned, and let her turn around on his belly. She looked at his with the best begging eyes a cub could put up and came close to nuzzle him in the cutest way ever. 'Can I please please please do with you what I do with Kovu?' 'I told you before, Kiara, you're to young.' 'Yea I know!' Kiara said and jumped up. 'But I'll be really carefull, I'll just play with the top and I'll stop if it hurts! Please Danny! Please please pleeeaaaaaase!' How could someone ignore a begging cub like that? And what could be the harm? She wouldn't go further then she could, right? Besides he would feel it if it got to tight. 'Well... only if you really promise to stop if it hurts, okay? Or this will be the first and last time.' Kiara jumped up and down his stomach in joy and then quickly crawled down to her desired position. 'Yay! Thank you, Danny! I promise I'll stop!' Well this was going to be akward, as much as he had fantasized about a situation like this he never thought he would actualy allow himself to let it happen. Not in this world, not where he could actually hurt a real life Kiara. But if she felt confident she could handle it then he was very curious if that were true about how much she was able to take. Still she was small enough to still fit on his belly, the proportions felt off. But then again it did have a certain kinky feeling to it. Slowly Kiara got into position and it wasn't long before Daniel felt her small wet pussy press against his hard flesh which had been standing up ever since he left Simba and Nala. Like any other lion Daniel's cock had a rather shallow tip after which it gradualy got thicker. Especialy in Daniel's case it got to a pretty good thickness at the base, one which Kiara could never accomodate at this time also due to his length. But the tip of Daniel's cock was small and Kiara might be able to get a little bit inside her. 'Oohh...' Kiara moaned as the first bit of Daniel's cock entered her tight young cunt. It wasn't much yet but Daniel felt there was still a little room for more. Maybe one more inch, but that would be it. 'You can a bit deeper.' To help her out a bit and to make sure she didn't overdo it, Daniel put his paws on Kiara's backside and very carefully helped her out. Slowly more of his hard flesh slid inside, another half inch disapeared into the youngsters depths and her walls were now getting rather tight. 'Still doesn't hurt?' Daniel asked. Kiara shook her head, panting heavily at the thought and feeling of having Daniel's flesh inside her. 'A little bit more...' she moaned. Daniel thought about it for a moment, felt the tightness of Kiara's walls around his cock and decided that if he was very carefull, he could add that extra half inch but nothing more. Gently he placed his paws on her again and very gently pushed her down, her walls getting tighter around his flesh every milimeter she moved. From that point right there, everything seemed to happen at the speed of light. 'DANIEL!' a voice raged from a distance. Startled by the sudden scream Kiara lost her grip, slid backwards and recieved another full inch into her already to tightly filled cunt. 'AAAAH!!' she cried in pain as Daniel's flesh stretched her vaginal walls to their absolute limit. As quickly as he could Daniel took Kiara off him and put her next to him, getting up from the grass only to see an enraged lioness charging him at full speed. 'I'LL MURDER YOU, DANIEL! KEEP YOUR PAWS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!' To be continued...