Dragon's Love II

Story by Karai Crocuta on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon's Love

Dragon's Love, part the second, by Karai Crocuta

Warning! This piece contains wanton sexual acts between two males, one who is underage. If this is not your cup of tea, then I would suggest you instead read something else. The characters Kieran and Stormfire's Wing are copyright Karai Crocuta, and they have been mine for over six years now; I've only just recently begun to tell their story. So, if I haven't scared you off just yet, please do continue.

Dinner preparation was mostly for Kieran's sake. The dragon hunted independently, and ate enormously, so he often had repast (which was always at least one entire animal) alone. He didn't want to boy to lose his appetite, after all. So, tonight he left Kieran after preparing the meal, to hunt. Kieran ate slowly, smiling because he could just pick out the sounds of sensei bringing down prey. He thought about what questions he would ask the wyrm.

However, no matter how much the wolf-cub thought about what he didn't know, he could not keep the image of sensei standing at the edge of the pool earlier that morning, stretching his magnificent wings, with his huge erection bobbing up and down. The cub wondered what caused the dragon's arousal. He wondered what if felt like when Stormfire put it into his mouth like that. Most of all, though, he wondered what it would be like to touch it with his own paws.

Such was the case that when the dragon returned from his 'humble' meal (several

large-sized boar, and one small stag), he found Kieran sitting with arms folded, waiting for him. A crimson eye-ridge arched, the golden pupil gazing at the boy for a moment.

"Is there something the matter, Kieran?"

The dragon knew what was coming. He had though about this on and off the whole day. He had no idea what the boy was thinking, or even what exactly was seen that morning. So, not knowing what to expect, he sat down facing the cub. He decided to chance a nuzzle, since Kieran had been so free with hugs earlier.

The young wolf smiled as the dragon's snout nudged him, and he patted it, much to Stormfire's delight. "I'm sorry, Sensei. I know I haven't really been as 'cuddly' as you like lately. It's been a long time, I guess."

The dragon's eyes closed, his snout slowly rubbing against the fur of the boy's mid-section. Stormfire indeed missed the warm, snuggly cub he used to know. This was a surprise, quite a pleasant one.

Kieran rubbed around his mentor's 'ears'--actually membranes that protected his aural sensory organs--and continued. "I've been trying to think about what I want to ask you. I know there are a lot of things I don't know about growing up, but...when I saw your penis earlier, I realized that mine can get...y'know, hard like that too."

Stormfire nestled against the boy a bit longer, then drew back reluctantly. These were questions he could answer, at least.

"I know what you mean, Kieran. It's called an erection...it's when blood flows into your penis...and it becomes engorged. At your age it can occur without warning, so don't worry if it happens while I'm around."

Kieran nodded slowly, absorbing the new terms. He thought for a moment longer before continuing. "Well...actually, I watched what you were doing in the water..."

Stormfire nodded. "That is called 'masturbating', and just about every male does it as well. It's simple, it feels great, and it relieves tension. You shouldn't feel bad about doing it. I won't even mind if you feel the need while we are traveling. All you have to do is ask, and I'll wait."

Kieran bobbed his head again, his cheeks heating up. The next part was the most difficult, but he felt the need to tell it. He knew not what his words could lead to, if anything at all. In truth, he had no idea how the dragon would react, but he decided to say it quickly, lest he wimp out.

"Well...the truth is...seeing you underwater...made me get an 'erection'--like you said. Seeing you do that...playing with your penis...made me want to do it too."

Kieran paused, watching Stormfire's expression. The dragon nodded, looking back down at him almost expectantly. "Err...what I mean to say is...I kind of like looking at it...you know, your penis," the wolf cub continued, then let out a breath. Nervous anticipation, coupled with an unfamiliar rush of what he would later recognize as desire, flowed through him after he finished speaking. He looked over at his sensei, hoping desperately that he wasn't asking anything too difficult. He also realized that he desperately wished that the dragon would say yes.

Stormfire nodded again, more slowly this time. "You said that earlier, Kieran. I...don't mind...if you want to look at it."

Kieran's eyes lit up, showing the excitement he felt when he heard his sensei's words. After a moment of waiting, though, the boy's gaze dropped down to his foot-paws, which he was shuffling dejectedly. Disappointment crept into his voice as he mumbled, "It's ok if it's tired, you can always show me later..."

Stormfire, who seemed lost in thought, seemed to snap back to attention, remembering the boy's unspoken question. "Oh, you mean right now? ...alright." He said as he sat on his haunches, leaning back against a thick tree trunk to expose his underbelly. As Kieran stared, motionless, the dragon reached down with a fore-claw, and began massaging the pouch that lay just above his large testes. It wasn't long before the reddish tip emerged, and before the cub's eyes, the rest of the shaft gradually followed.

As he brought himself slowly to full hardness, Stormfire caught himself sneaking looks at the boy. Kieran was obviously in awe of what was growing rapidly in size before his young eyes. Those eyes said 'wow' about as well as any look from any being could.

'So, the boy is definitely attracted to males,' Stormfire thought. Indeed, the wyrm felt a sensation that could have been pride, as his member was stared at openly. This may be the first penis that Kieran has seen so far, but it would most certainly be the biggest he would ever lay eyes upon. 'Or,' Stormfire could not help thinking, 'lay other things upon...'

Kieran knew he was getting an erection the moment he saw his sensei's huge dick emerging. He felt a strange euphoria as his pants tented, hormones raging through his body as his loins reacted and prepared for his first sexual encounter, though his mind surely had no idea what was going on at this point.

It had finally stopped growing. Now the enormous dick was being held by the dragon's claw. Kieran examined the way it stood out straight, with a very slight curve upward. Unlike his own penis, it was a simple tube of flesh, tapering a bit from the base, with a very large vein running along the underside. Also unlike his, it had a fat tip with a mushroom-like ridge running around the top that parted at the underside. The slit from which the white stuff had shot before lay just above that place, and the whole head gave a plump appearance that Kieran found very appealing.

The whole organ was almost as long as the young wolf's body from ears to hips.

Stroking his penis slowly to keep it erect, Stormfire found himself smiling at the cub. "Well, It seems that you do like it, eh?"

Kieran's gaze flickered up to meet the dragon's, and he nodded. "Yeah...it's so...big..." A movement below caught his attention, and once again he stared openly as the dragon grunted softly. The dick pulsated, a ripple traveling up the large vein and reaching the tip, where to the surprise of the young cub, a drop of fluid emerged.

The young wolf gasped softly. He didn't notice his right paw moving downward as he watched the clear fluid dribble down the dragon's shaft and cling to the big vein until it ran over the wyrm's claw and dripped to the ground. He reached into his pants, his paw wrapping around his own shaft and squeezing.

Stormfire grinned softly, watching the boy's reaction to what had happened. "That's called pre- ejaculate, or pre-cum if you like. The stuff that comes later is called simply ejaculate, male seed, or cum..."

Another nod, and a quiet gasp of surprise came from the boy as he realized what his paw was doing. Kieran just couldn't resist playing with himself, now that the object of his desire was right in front of him. Despite his embarrassment, he found himself finally asking the question that had been in the back of his mind ever since he first saw the dragon-cock.

"...do you mind...if I touch it, sensei?"

Stormfire's claw never stopped its caresses. Gradually, the wyrm realized that the situation was turning him on a lot more than it should have. He couldn't deny his own desire to let it happen. Also, now that the cub had posed the question, Stormfire realized that it had been decades, if not centuries, since his penis had received any kind of attention from another being besides himself.

The dragon found himself wanting the cub to play with his dick. The very thought made depraved fantasies appear in his mind's eye. He couldn't dislodge them. His own lust was so strong after all these years of loneliness. So, he nodded, his mouth clenched shut, his eyes glued to the cub's next move, as feelings stirred deep inside that had lain dormant for decades.

Kieran stood up, and took the few steps necessary to bridge the space between him and the dragon. He gazed at the dick admiringly for a few more seconds, then plaintively reached out a paw.

The moment hung in time for much longer than the second or two it took to happen--the small paw descending toward the immense, throbbing muscle. They finally met, Kieran's soft palm-pad contacting the very tip of Stormfire's broad cock-head.

It felt smooth, the skin soft and pliable. Also, it was hot--very hot in fact. Kieran's jaw dropped open slowly as he realized what he was doing. His palm softly rubbed just under the tip of Stormfire's glans, his fingers appearing so tiny as they splayed and pressed down on either side of the dragon's cock-slit.

Stormfire watched the young cub's palm stroking his dick through half-lidded eyes. It felt wonderful, even though the paw was small. In fact, a broad, stupid grin had already passed halfway across his snout. He caught it, and came to his senses enough to realize something.

Kieran smiled as his touch made the enormous, wonderful dick bob and pulsate just as it had done this morning when sensei played with it. Then, as an odd but familiar mist materialized around the dragon, it began to get smaller. He looked up, blinking before he realized what was happening. The cock, which had been almost at eye level, was shrinking along with the rest of the dragon's body.

Stormfire was changing into his smaller, anthropomorphic form. Kieran already knew that the dragon had inherited shape and size-changing abilities from his clan, though no one but the wyrm himself had any idea of their origin. Stormfire most often used his bipedal form for hugs and other interactions that required him to stand up straight on his back legs. The dragon was only about seven feet tall in this form.

As he changed, Stormfire realized what he was inviting, and even encouraging, by doing this. In fact, the reason he did so was to make him small enough for the cub to handle his length; small enough for the cub to make him cum. A shudder ran through the body of the wyrm, his neck arching down as a wave of lust washed through him.

The boy frowned, watching the dragon's head dip. "What's wrong?"

Stormfire's head came back up with a smile, "Don't worry, Kieran. It's just been...a very long time since anyone made me feel as good as you are right now. Would you like to continue?"

The cub nodded enthusiastically, sitting down in front of his sensei, who still stood chest, head, and shoulders taller, and taking the smaller version of Stormfire's cock back in paw. In its diminished state, it was still huge--just over thirteen inches in length--and almost three inches thick. The cub fondled it, not quite stroking it, just playing for the moment. The tip was now level to his eyes.

The cub's innocent toying brought a soft groan from the dragon, who leaned back against the tree trunk, watching with glowing eyes--twin pools of golden liquid fire, smoldering with ancient, newly re-awakened desire that threatened to burn out of control at any moment.

Stormfire found himself staring openly at how innocently, how gently the boy was touching his penis. It was gripped here and there, the skin was rubbed back and forth a little, but most often the swollen glans was rubbed and played with. After a while, Stormfire realized that there were some things he needed to say before things got any further.

"Kieran...unnh, that feels very good. I should tell you a few things...no, you don't have to stop. First of all, unn...it is perfectly natural to become aroused by another male. It's happened to me as well."

The dragon gasped softly, another large drop of pre-ejaculate coming out of his dick, and running down the large vein, slicking it. After a moment of watching the look of renewed wonder in the cub's eyes, he continued.

"Kieran...would you like to learn how to please your sensei? How to make me cum?"

Kieran's eyes opened wide as he heard his mentor's question. He smiled, his gaze still locked to the fascinating organ in his paw, and nodded. "Yes, sensei...you're my only family, and I owe you my life. I want to make you feel good...really good."

The dragon's eyes shone, illuminating the area in front of him where the cub sat. "Well then, let me show you. I want you to know something first, though. I will keep my word on the promise I made when you became my apprentice. I will never bring you to harm, or cause you to feel pain in any way. I love you, Kieran..."

Kieran managed only a small nod of assent before he was picked up, gently, from underneath the armpits. He was lifted into the warm embrace of the dragon. He returned the hug, overcome suddenly by the affection he felt for his teacher and mentor.

"I love you too, Sensei," he said softly as he pressed snug against the smooth scales of the wyrm, feeling the powerful muscles and the heat of eternal dragon-flame that lay beneath.

Stormfire melted as the cub's arms squeezed him. He knew now that he wanted his student to become his lover, and the anticipation was going to be the death of him if he didn't continue soon. So, he reached down with a claw, taking the waistband of Kieran's pants and removing them deftly. He let the garment fall, then brought the lad's body back a bit, looking down.

"Well, you are stiff aren't you?" He said with a soft smile. He gently lifted the appendage in question with his palm, making Kieran gasp in surprise. "And rather large besides."

The young wolf's cock was at least seven inches long, not including the knot that was gradually swelling up near the base. Exploring below, he lifted the cub's furry balls, nuzzling them and feeling the heat of the mammalian body. Stormfire instantly knew just how to pleasure the lupine dick. First, though, he needed to fulfill his own urges--his own erection was threatening to explode with need.

Kieran's eyes closed halfway as his sensei fondled him, pleasure and desire flooding through him. He felt another rush of anticipation and surprise as the dragon's claw cupped his firm rump, supporting his full weight. He noticed the dragon's other arm reaching down below, but could not figure out what it was doing. A moment later, he felt something blunt, hot, and rock-hard press right against the sensitive underside of his tail. His eyes opened wide in surprise and momentary panic.

"Uh...you're...going to.."

Stormfire nodded, smiling. "Don't worry...remember what I said."

The wyrm ran a claw from the base of the cub's thick tail down the cleft and over the tight little anus, causing a gasp and shudder from his young charge. Gently rubbing a knuckle around the boy's anal ring, he let a bit of magic do its work. A blue glow settled into the soft, virgin pucker. An odd cooling sensation spread into the cub's body from there, as his inner walls were coated with something slick. 'There,' Stormfire thought. Now, he was ready.

"I desire your body, Kieran," the dragon whispered, looking back up into the boy's eyes, "I wish to give and take; to share pleasure with you."

The statement was almost like an invocation of some sort. The wolf-cub stared back into the metallic gaze of his sensei, spellbound for a moment. He smiled.

"So do I, Sensei..."

The dragon responded by gripping the boy's hips with both claws, maneuvering him so that his body was aligned with the fat length of cock. Then, not wasting any more time, the wyrm pressed his broad cock-head against the heat of the wolf's entrance. Both males gasped, as Stormfire's powerful arms pulled the cub down, the tiny anus suddenly opening wide, and accepting the huge glans of the dragon. Half of the rest of the shaft slid in as the dragon groaned, and Kieran felt a sudden jolt of pleasure as it slammed his prostate.

Stormfire's eyes closed halfway, his neck arching. He had never--not in all of his years-- put his dick into anything this hot, this tight, or this wonderful. He felt the cub's body straighten suddenly, the anus clenching around him with surprising strength. Looking down, he saw that the boy was dribbling pre-cum rather copiously. Stormfire smiled, and pushed the rest of his dick into the young wolf with a groan. Now, the real fun could begin.

He leaned forward, placing his snout close to his student's ear.

"Now that it's all the way in you, we can start. If only you could know how good it feels to be inside you. Kieran. Get ready now..."

With that, the boy's body was lifted up, the huge organ sliding out until Stormfire felt the ridge of his glans tugging at the impossibly-stretched anus. Then, the dragon-cock was shoved back in, Kieran's rear flush against Stormfire once again. The boy shuddered, the huge dick forcing the breath from him as it re-forged a passage deep into his guts.

The dragon began repeating his deep thrusts, making the young wolf's head loll backward, his breath coming in gasps. Sensei's cock went so deep. He felt every part of the shaft acutely as it moved within, throbbing, opening him even wider.

Stormfire was moving slowly, so that Kieran could enjoy every moment of being fucked. As it was, the dragon was already having a lot of trouble holding himself back. In, then out, the shaft went, making both males grunt, pant, and shudder.

The dragon watched the cub's expression closely, pleased that his dick was eliciting such pleasure from the boy. He slowly lifted the young wolf off of his titan of a cock, and flipped him over, gently lowering the cub onto all fours.

Kieran gasped, the intense feeling of being filled by his master's cock leaving him. He wanted, no, needed, to feel it again. So, as the dragon's claws ran up and down his sides, caressing him lustfully, he raised himself, wanting more than anything to feel the dragon's dick pushing into his body.

The perfectly round, incredibly tight ass was lifted up for Stormfire, the tail instantly raised and brought out of the way. The dragon growled with lust upon seeing how eager his student was to have the huge dick rammed into him again. He wasted no time, mounting the boy in earnest.

The forest echoed with the grunts of the rutting dragon, as the huge dick plunged into the wonderful young hole again and again.

Kieran's body fairly rattled with the indescribable feeling of being fucked. His back arched, his gland being pounded as jolt after jolt of pleasure ran through his body. His cock was dripping and spurting clear fluid, his anus clenching around the maleness that stretched it to an impossible degree. As he felt the dragon's hips crash into his rear again and again, shoving him forward with each lunge, the huge cock seeming to go deeper and deeper each time, it was all he could do to grip the ground with his claws, and push back against the sensations that were going to send him over the edge.

Suddenly, Stormfire stopped again, panting heavily. After a moment, he bent down, wrapping his arms around Kieran as he lifted the boy up. "Good cub," he growled, running his claws all over the front of the young wolf's body, his muscles. The soft-furred back was pressed against his chest, the wyrm's arms squeezing the boy lovingly as he holstered his fat organ inside his young student.

Then, losing the ability to restrain his urges, Stormfire resumed his hard, fast pounding, fucking the cub deeply and roughly, grunting loudly with unbridled lust. It was not long before Stormfire felt the unruly itch in his balls explode, and it was all he could do to keep from crushing the body of his new lover in his arms as his dick expanded, releasing an explosion of ecstasy through his own body, and blasting a torrent of dragon-seed deep into the hot body of the wolf.

The dragon's roar could be heard for many miles. His body spasmed, his hips shuddering. Kieran's eyes and mouth opened wide as he felt the hot explosion from his sensei's dick filling his deepest insides with a pool of liquid warmth. Stormfire's claws gently squeezed the soft-furred body--so small compared to his own--his deep, loud, exultant grunts the only thing he could hear or feel aside from the raw pleasure of his climax for a long, long while.

Kieran, finally coming to rest against the shuddering body of his sensei, reached a paw up to stroke the dragon's quivering snout as it hung over him. He felt so warm inside now; he knew that the dragon's seed had filled him completely.

The dazzling gold eyes opened to look down at him, the wyrm finally catching his breath.

"That...was, incredible...Kieran, you feel so wonderful," the dragon whispered, his expression showing a spark of amazement.

The brown wolf-cub smiled, knowing that he had given his sensei something that had been missing for far too long. He was surprised, though, when the big shaft pulsated inside him, still erect. Stormfire's knowing smile made him grin back after he realized how hard that dick still was.

"It's not over, cub. This time let's see what happens if I concentrate on you as well..."

Kieran's body arched as he felt the shaft come out almost all the way. It was shoved in again, only this time it stopped right at the point where it contacted his sensitive prostate.

Kieran gritted his teeth, throwing his head back as the now-familiar jolt of pleasure hit him harder than before. He felt the throbbing glans retreat, then slam past his prostate again.

Stormfire grinned broadly, slowing his thrusts until he found a rhythm. He concentrated, and before long could magically sense all of the pleasure he was giving to his wolf-cub.

At first, he couldn't believe it. His readings were much higher than he'd ever seen before. Then he simply grinned, and kept pounding, keeping the cub right at the edge of orgasm, enjoying every moment. Before long he felt his own orgasm beginning to catch up, all too soon for the dragon, but he was definitely going to make the best of it.

Kieran felt something smooth and warm stroke his muzzle, and he opened his mouth. His sensei's tongue entered promptly, and the dragon's lips pressed against his own. They kissed passionately as the thrusts gradually began to speed up. The moment was etched into the boy's memory, as he shared his own lusts and passions with that of the dragon, transmitting them through the touch of their tongues and mouths, all the while feeling the unbelievable pleasure of the huge, throbbing dick pistoning within him.

Then Stormfire's mouth left his, finding another organ to caress. The dragon's tongue stroked his painfully erect, throbbing wolf-hood. It wound around the entire shaft, the forked tips encasing the knot and squeezing beneath it.

Kieran lost control then, as the dragon frigged his shaft, and pounded that colossal dick so deeply in him. A series of shudders ran through his body, hard spurts of cub-seed bursting from his cock to be guzzled down by the hungry dragon maw.

Kieran's whole world ignited with pleasure. All he saw and felt was his entire being exploding, again and again in a world of white light. His orgasmic cry was drowned out by the intensity of these pulsations, until finally, after a forever in his world of oceanic ecstacy, he gradually reawakened to the sound of his own grunts, and the tremors that were still running through his young body.

Suddenly, he could feel the dragon-cock expanding and shooting powerful jets of cum deep inside of him again, and he was aware of his own orgasm--less overwhelming now, but still happening. The two bodies eventually relaxed, after the dragon's own intense climax waned. Kieran watched with wonder as the long tongue coaxed the last of his semen from his tired cock. Finally, his body went limp, his dick following suit.

Stormfire laid the little wolf down, caressing him with no small amount of wonder. He had never had a lover who lasted so long, or came so hard, or satisfied him with just two orgasms. At that moment, the dragon felt luckier than any of his peers--though most of them were light-years away from pain and strife of any kind, they could never feel a love like this, not if they had infinity to try. He took the cub in his arms, surrounding him with the warmth of his serpentine body.

Neither of them could stay awake for long, and it was Kieran who drifted off first. The dragon allowed himself to fall asleep only after setting up a temporary ward that would wake them if danger approached. Their dreams were sublime that night, but nothing came close to the reality of waking up entwined with the perfect body of one's student, lover, and friend rolled up into one.