Whatever Will I Do?

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#1 of Binding of Fenrir

This was a commission for Bionet based on the Norse myth of Fenrir! It was so cool to read up on to weave into this little jig! Which there will be a sequel for! Or a continuation if you'd rather.. If you like this and wanna see the next one, subscribe to the folder! :3

As always, you're my favorite fur if you comment! Otherwise fave and vote :D

A wind whipped through the open space at the mouth of the yawning cave, a wave of darkness pouring out of the opening that almost consumed the light from the snow leopard's lantern, dangling off her belt loop with a flame dancing inside the glass casing, flickering with the jostling gales. Around her head, the silvery locks of her hair were wrenched out from the hood pulled over her triangular ears and swept the garment back of her head, stinging her neck for a moment before she pushed the sensation of discomfort away. All the while another of mother nature's screams rang through in the sound of the gusting breeze and pushed her tunic upwards beneath where a thick theater belt held it on her waist. Along her belt an assortment of pouches dangled, elbowing into each other with the force of the winds that swept across the opening of the cave, tracing the rock and flying back into the snow leopard's face once again. The cold bit at her skin even through the thick winter coat that coated it, soft white with dainty black splotches precisely spread over the coat of fur like a painter had dotted each one onto the canvas of the soft, downy covering. From the bed of white fur on her face, a pair of intense blue eyes peered out, wide despite the coursing wind, wide and searching for the treasure she knew she neared, within the cave, into the darkness, it was waiting. He was waiting.

One arm pushed in front of her with instinct when shuffling feet brought her into the consuming darkness of the cavern. The lantern at her hip flickers out a low light, barely even reaching the floor with its pitiful glow as though the weight of the blackness around them is smothering it.

"Come on, Alsa..." She whispered to herself, comforted by the soft touch of her own voice in the darkness, reminding herself of her capability. "You are so close...just have to find him." Soft footfalls rang out into the cave while her leather boots clicked on the floor, moving slow in the near blindness while her hand swept back and forth in front of her, cautiously moving through the tightening cave.

The walls narrowed with each step till the stone brushed against her hips with each step. With a small sigh, Alsa continued the last stretch of the cave into the opening in the back where the walls once again spread apart and her lantern light danced into the open space before she lifted up a palm, flat with the fingers bent upwards, cupping an imaginary shape before a ball of light jumped into her palm. Arms of illumination stretched through the room with the spell and the scene came into light all at once, like the curtains had been opened on the show. And huddled back against the wall of the cave was what she'd searched for.

A hulking mass of black fur, knotted through with twists and tangles of fur, dust and clumps of dirt caught in the dull, faded shade of fur, and flat matted locks plastered to the beast's skin where the chains that locked him in place dug into his fur and trapped it.

"Created by the dwarves of Svartalfaheim to achieve the impossible with six impossible things..." Alsa's voice snuck out in an awed whispered faint in the smothering darkness and straight from the pages of a storybook; a grown woman transported back into the child reciting her favorite book without glancing down at the pages to "read" the text she'd long ago memorized. "The sound of a cat's footfall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a mountain, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird..." Another step softly escaped into the cave with its soft echo and the beats stirred against the stone floor, chains jangling like coins forgotten in a jogger's pocket, tinging on the hard rock. "Thin as a ribbon but stronger than any iron..." She breathed out a slow breath that trembled with a wavering level of intensity, a moment so long desired is hard to swallow once its playing before you. "Gleipnir, the binding of Fenrisulfr."

At his name, the creature lunged onto all four, massive paws; each spanning wide around the size of Alsa's face, broad with long claw-tips racking on the ground with a screeching scream as if the floor was a chalkboard. On all fours, Fenrir towered over the snow leopardess, dwarfing her petite, feline stature, yet she didn't shuffle back away but only stared up at him, obvious awe in her face as she took in the sight. While he stood, Alsa could see the mess of chains criss-crossing over his chest and thrown over his back; the gleam of metal coils around all four legs with chunky locks around each ankle. Around his neck, a pile of chains hanged in a condemning necklace that had dug into the fur, forcing it to grow around the chains or remained matted beneath, tangled in dry clumps. His eyes lowered into slits, a glow of yellow leaking from the slot. From his mouth, slobber oozed out over the points of thick, canine teeth around the sword jammed inside his mouth with the point dug into the roof of his mouth and the hilt pushed back into his molars and notched on the ridge of a broken tooth. Alsa stared up at the hulking god, child of Loki and Angrboda, and studied him with the obsessiveness of a fangirl hoping to glean out a unique fact from her idol. Her eyes stared at his face and met his eyes, filled with a distrustful anguish lingering after he was tricked ages ago in order to be bound by the dwarven chains. Alsa felt the burn of his anger at the gods and Tyr, who'd fulfilled the wolf's demand to steal his trust, and the wild loneliness from years with such anguish. Alone to let the feelings of betrayal sit and boil in his gut like a pot left on the stovetop to long, charring the bottom of the pan and eating away at it from the inside out while Fenrir faded from consciousnesses and became nothing more than a myth, told at bedtime with a deep, serious voice. A growl gurgling out from the wolf's jaws along with a foamy glob of saliva around the sword while his eyes dropped and averted from Alsa's calculating gaze.

Alsa took one steady step forward and reached up for the sword, holding the wolf's gaze once again while she eased the slick sword out from the beast's jaws which sunk closed without the blade inside, an obvious soreness showing in his tight muscles while he pulled his two sets of teeth together with agonizing slowness. Then in his eyes, something flickered- confusion? trust? Uncertainty bloomed through the canine at her actions, she'd relieved him of a great discomfort, a pain...but why?

"I can free you." Alsa's voice seemed to break the thick, cautious tension in the dark air, illuminated only with the still flickering ball of light that seemed forgotten in the feline's palm, now lowered to her side. "And I'll do it- if you agree to serve under me."

For a moment, the silence attempted to close in again while Alsa waited patiently for Fenrir to stretch his jaw gently into place once again, long teeth jutting down from his muzzle before it rolled slowly, trying to loosen the sore, weak muscles of his jaw before his voice croaked out, low and hoarse. "Prove it."

Alsa's blue eyes sparked with a moment of excitement at the sound of his voice that, even from a parched, dry throat rumbled through with a deep strength, power.

Sliding closer, though enough to the side of his heads and jaws that he couldn't bite her head off, Alsa drew one of the canteens off her hip- surrounded in leather with a thick strap to attach it to a belt look the bottle was simplistic at best, but the faint sound of the cool stream water, collected from outside the cave, sloshing inside made Fenrir's throat clench with a sudden burn of thirst. A faint whimper left his lips with the thirst while the leopardess bent towards the floor and sent her loose, silvery-blonde hair tumbling into a veil off her head before she poured half the canteen into a dipped crater of rock aligned beneath Fenrir's chin. However, when he bent towards the impromptu water bowl, the chains around his neck pulled hard on the boulder they were lashed around and tug into his flesh, halting the movement down towards the drink. A growl rumbled out from his throat from his throat, trickery like salt onto the wound he still held bare after so many years, fooled into his captivity. However, before he'd lifted his head up to flash out his fangs in a open mouthed growl, the binding on his neck loosened and his muzzle sunk down till his nose bumped into the hard stone and the bottom of his furred jaw kissed the top of the pool of liquid. Both yellow eyes leapt open with surprise before his broad, pink tongue unfurled to delve into the cool drink, needily dragging the water into his mouth till the rock remained simply slick with saliva, not a drop of water remaining. When he'd finished, his mind flared with a plan. He'd agree to be her servant or her show animal, but once Gleipnir had been removed and he was free, he would kill the little feline and be free without the entanglement of the dwarven chains or the chains of servitude.

A smile twitched Alsa's lips before she slid down onto the rock floor, feeling the hard surface beneath the supple leather of her pants, worn over the span of her adventure but tough and lasting through the wear. She shuffled forward towards the oversized wolf, one hand grazing over the length of his stomach while the beast stared down, too baffled to react to her any more than he did by watching her descent down the length of his body. The hand guiding her way down his stomach gently combed through the thick fur and pressed to the warmth that radiated off from the beast while he felt the soft prickle of his claw tips grazing through his thick pelt, sending faint zings of warmth through his chest at the small massage. Halfway down, she paused to pull her lower body into action, moving up onto all fours so the beast watched her hips sway side to side on a four-legged crawl downs his waist, a rounded, feline rump swaying behind her like a pendulum while the thick plume of fur that was her tail draped over her shoulder; elegant yet provocative.

Then her hands reached his sheath. From his stomach to the plump furred covered bulge, her hands presented a dramatic change from an idly massage through his fur long since combed to something shocking the wolf further while warmth spread through his groin even with the gentle squeeze while she shuffled up closer to his crotch, letting her second hand join the first in the loose grip while she began a gentle massage over his sheath. A faint grumble left the wolf's chest at her touch while the soft, furred fingers began to work over his sheath, teasing out the bright, red tip of the cock within while the canine felt a deep stir in his groin, her touch bringing an arousal he'd not felt in a long time. Faintly, a sigh of enjoyment left the beast in an exhale and he slumped slightly into the wall of the cave, leaning on it while her fingers eased onto the bare, fleshy tip that eased out from his sheath, two fingers and a thumb sliding down around his tip and squeezing steadily around the protruding length, imitating the tight hold of a female. Another zap of sensation rang up the wolf's spine, sending Fenrir's ears splaying over his head before his hips gently rolled forward in a light encouragement. Alsa's smiled and a purr left her chest while she continued to massage over his sheath with one hand while the second welcomed the emerging inches that exited the furry covering and sat bare in her hand, the red skin gleaming even in the darkness, throbbing needily. Steadily, with her encouraging touch, his cock rested fully in her hands, gleaming rouge while Alsa gently squeezed over his length and drew back from him, purring faintly in the darkness before she tipped over, blowing a small breath of hot, teasing breath over his tip and making it throb against his stomach where it'd bobbed against. Smirking at the whine that leaked from his muzzle, her tongue stroked once over his tip, returned with a small ooze of precum.

Sensing his need, Alsa drew back fully and while Fenrir floundered beneath the haze of arousal, the snow leopardess scrambled onto the creature's back. Into his hair, her fingers curled loosely to grab onto him while her body shuffled up the shape of his back till she'd settled atop his head, an ear on either side of her thighs while the smell of her crotch wafted over the male's nose. Before he'd complained, Alsa's eyes tipped back and magic began to course through her body, leaving her fingertips without show. From the air, invisible to the naked eye, a warm, wet muzzle sunk down over the first few inches of Fenrir's shaft, fitting tight inside the magical shape while a steadily sucking sensation teased the male suddenly.

With both eyes wide, glowing yellow in the dim lighting of the cave, Fenrir tucked his head beneath himself, staring back at his groin where his cock bobbed gently, from his body's motion, but no mouth surrounded it, no throat bulged around the tip of his shaft dipping into it, and no visible shape matched the sensation he was receiving.

"Don't you love magic?" Alsa asked, voice sounding sickly sweet, innocent though she was proving herself to be far from innocent in her devious manipulation of his shaft through the magic force around it, another "hand" dropping onto his balls, massaging them with a matching invisible partner. Fenrir didn't respond, but a soft whine suggested that he was currently in agreement with her as the lips around his shaft pulled back in a cheeky kiss against the tip before a long, slender tongue drew around his sensitive skin, tracing over the surface of his cock with the gentle roughness of a feline tongue, as though the leopardess enchantress serviced him herself. The tongue lapped over the surface of his prick, coating the red skin in what felt to be slick spittle, but was in reality nothing more than a magically summoned sensation of liquid. At the same time, the hand on his full, pent-up balls gently rolled them together, petting over the short hairs that covered them.

"A bit pent up aren't you, Fenrisulfr? It's been too long for you, trapped here. You haven't had release for so long, not even a good paw to help you..." Along with her words, the "mouth" around his shaft bobbed down hard over him again with a heated clench around his girth, forcing out a soft whine of arousal out from the hulking creature. "I'm sure you've missed this.." Lips pressed to the base of his cock and a tight throat spasmed around his tip, gripping him in a clenching, vice-like embrace while from atop his head, the scent of the leopardess herself wafted out over Fenrir's nose, a spicy scent of arousal lingering out from her spread legs, holding onto either side of his head gently with her position while teasing the beast excited her. "Am I right, Fenrisulfr? Is this just what you've been missing?"

Her words hung in the air while her magic continued, fingers stroking his balls, eager lips still bobbing over his length, though slower as a second tongue joined the first and slurped over his length when the lips pulled back to his tip and suckled earnestly on him, like a kitten on a mother's teat. Every second that passed speeding up his heartbeat to a speeding race, each beat throbbing through the needy, sensitive organ so teased by the female's magic while the wolf slumped back into the wall. Her legs were spread apart, as if to allow a female to fit easily to his crotch, though there was no true need. Her head slumped down slightly, eyes hanging heavy while his muzzle hung open with steady, heated panting and the soft whines of pleasure that followed each kiss to his base or the moment the second tongue strayed over and lapped over the musky surface of his balls.

Watching him, Alsa witness each tense of his hips and the tremors that ran down his spine. The twitching of his ears when his own breathing became loud in the air or the dance of his nose while it tried to reign in his scent, she saw. A satisfied smirk plastered over her lips at the show, watching him inch towards release- or at least he thought he'd get release. The snow leopardess had other plans for the canine, just as he'd had other plans for her.

"Once free, I'll kill her. Snap- one little pretty neck down and a free Fenrir to go..."

She'd known the moment he'd thought through his plan, the plan to use her as a tool to escape rather than give in to her terms. Through a subtle link, she'd stepped into his mind like the presence one senses when the feel they're being watched when no one's around she had sat in the back of his consciousness, listening as he'd questioned her trustfulness. Even now she could feel the pleasure that coursed through his mind, the mumbled swear words that didn't make it past his lips as he tensed beneath her magic touch. She'd bring him to the edge, but then pull back and then she would make her demands, in the situation that anyone would say yes...

A sudden moan blossomed into the air while a spurt of precum hit the floor with a faint splatter, the sensation of his own wetness oozing down his length while her magic continued steadily on. However, as she saw him gritting his teeth with a heated pant through his nose she dropped the physical allusion and the magic that teased him so dropped away. A whine followed, annoyed and confused as his arousal burned through him.

From inside his head, she felt the bloom of frustration at the sudden pause. "Frustrated, pup?" She crooned, though her voice did not sneak into the air of the cave, but instead into the space of his mind, echoing through his thoughts while he reeled back in shock, pushing on the chains that held his shoulders in place.

"Surprised to hear me in here? In your head?" Alsa giggled softly, both into his head and into the open air, the shift in the location of her voice further confusing the wolf while he whined softly, almost inaudibly beneath his breath. "I've been here the whole time, Fenrisulf...Do you know what that means?"

He froze, stiffened in place on the cool rock beneath him while the temperature of the cave seemed to drop, degrees flying away while his blood turned from aroused lava into a trickle of ice water.

"I know what your little plan was, Fenrir. Honestly, I'm insulted you didn't even consider my offer without some soft of deception. What a fool I was to think so! Though, what a fool you were, fen dweller, to think you could kill me? Have I depicted myself to you as a silly little girl? A foolish wanderer?" She returned the magic for a moment to squeeze around his cock, reminding him of his aching need to cum. "Because I am not. I am a not a force to play with, to tempt. I am dangerous." She paused her speech as a tongue stroked up the entire length of his cock and curled around his base before it disappeared again.

"So, instead of killing me, you're going to choose another plan. I'll give you two options. You can stay here, bound and hard, oozing pre onto the floor, but with no release or you can give in to me, swear your undying loyalty to me and have your release."

The wolf's ears wilted on his head, grazing her thighs while they laid back against his head while both eyes dipped down. Shame spread through his stomach, filling it with the weight of a rock that sunk to the pit of his gut while a deep humiliated blush spread beneath his fur. "I swear..."

Alsa smiled, but gently bopped her hand against the top of his muzzle with an impatient order, "You swear what?"

The blush deepened and heat threatened to catch his fur on fire. " I swear undying loyalty..."

She scowled, kicking her foot gently down against his nose this time and summoning a dejected whimper out from his throat while his head shrunk towards the floor of the cave. "You swear to whom? Why do you swear?" She insisted.

His nose grazed the cool surface of the rock beneath them and his ears blended into his head so flat against it while his cock bobbed nakedly, announcing his remaining arousal. "I swear...undying loyalty...to you, leopardess...for release.."

Whether he meant release from the physical chains of impossible things that locked him in place to a boulder in a desolate place or the metaphysical chains of arousal that coursed heat through his body and locked him in a senseless haze of need and want wasn't clear, but his embarrassment was palpable in the air and the effect was just what the feline had desired.

"That's a good doggy..."Alsa crooned while she resumed her spellwork, the soft, invisible lips returning to the canine's shaft while a tongue stroked back over his balls and fingers cupped around them, the massage returning along with the soft kisses that danced along his length, each inch bathed in affection of an array of options, lips puckered in a kiss, a tongue stroking over the skin, a mouth sinking over the tip in an eager suckle or bobbing over him, fingers to squeeze and massage of the sensitive flesh.

Faintly, a whine left the canine's mouth while his arousal surged back up around him. The slight slow his heartbeat took while she threatened him spiking again while his cock throbbed in her magical grip, oozing out a steady stream of pre cum that dribbled onto the floor into a forming puddle beneath him of the off-white, mostly see through substance, gleaming from the faint light in the room while Fenrir bucked into the invisible "mouth" wrapped tightly around his shaft. It bobbed madly down his length while he lingered on the edge of orgasm, teetering before a soft grunt echoed into the cave and his cock jerked in the air.

And just as the first jet of cum broke into the air, Alsa leaned to his ear and whispered out a string of words, another spell to prolong his orgasm while her magic to tease him morphed into a magic to collect the prize of her endeavor. Instead of hands or lips, her magic morphed into a bulbous vase, this time forming into a visible state that hovered at his tip, collecting each stream of his thick cum, stream after stream shooting into the collector. His normal orgasm lasted nearly five times longer with the magic hanging over him, forcing him to release all he physically could. While he came, his cock jerked with each pulse through, as though the power of his orgasm was shaking his entire appendage, making it hit gently against the lip of the collector before jizz oozed down the side of the soft, unbreakable bottle and collected at the bottom. The collector swelled to fill three fourths of the container while Fenrir slumped down against the rock.

The chains that had for so long dug into his skin, pushed the fur into matted knots, and kept him locked in place, uncomfortable and alone in a cave began to weaken and fade off from him, loosening and dropping with faint clangs onto the rock while the wolf's massive head lowered to the ground. His muzzle laid across the smooth floor while both eyes slid shut, exhaustion laying over him like a blanket while he relaxed utterly without tension or restraint and the warmth of the snow leopard shifted down from between his ears. Her lithe, furry body shifting down against his stomach where she collected the receptacle and leaned back against his broad body, soothing him further with his new mistress's presence while he slipped into a deep sleep.

While he slept, Alsa pulled the clear container towards herself, corking it while she laid her head against the thick cushion of his fur. "The fen-dweller, Fenrir, son of Loki, foretold to kill god Odin during Ragnarok, but locked away by the gods, bound to prevent him from killing anyone in the process losing Tyr his hand while Fenrir his trust. The Fenris wolf, controlled only with a chain of impossible things, lost to history and thought to be only a myth, sketched by dreamers and written on by rare believers. He's real. He's mine." She paused, thoughtfully tipping the bottle in her hand and watching the slow descent of the cum inside sliding down the side of the bottle and then settle down onto the bottom again with another gentle tip, "I wonder...whatever will I do with him?"