Virgin Studies: Chapter 1: Mornings

Story by Kiruru on SoFurry

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#1 of Virgin Studies

"Good God their at it again?" Said Grey trying to write the next equation, the "at it again" Grey is talking about is his older brother and his Girlfriend going at it for the six time since he'd got home. Grey, a 17 year old Tiger, sat at his work desk attempting to do his math homework, the constant sound of a headboard banging on the wall, accompanied by the moans, sighs, and screams of a the female behind said wall, wasn't really helping him with the math.

Grey sat, still writing, he was getting quite sleepy, it had been a long day of school, unlike any other, but for some reason he was extra tired today. As his sleepiness started to get to him he started to write what he heard.

" The square root of...Oh God....times Don't Stop...equ-....Wait... Oh God Damn it!" he sweared,erasing angrily,cursing those infernal moans he heard come from the paper thin walls. He decided that since he couldn't do his homework in peace, he'd just do it in class tomorrow, packing his things into his book bag, he got into bed.

The Night carried on, it was now 1 a.m.,but Grey was still not asleep, the banging, and squeaking continued through the night, his eyes now blood-shot

" Do they ever...take a break..." he wondered ,putting his pillow over his head, trying his best to sleep. The next day came, and the sun rose over the hill of the city, sun light hitting Grey in the face, his eyes slowly fluttered open, the banging had finally stopped, he was at peace but only for a moment,he knew that it wouldn't be long before it started back up the he took the opportunity to get ready for school. After a shower, he got dressed. brushed his teeth, put on his uniform, and went downstairs to get some breakfast before heading off to school.

Grey sat at the Kitchen table with a bowl of Capt n' Crush, munching away, reading the Newspaper he saw sitting on the table, when light footsteps came from up the stairs.

"Hey there Tiger Boy..." a female voice rang out from the doorway of the kitchen, Grey sighed, never turning to look in her Direction

" Good Morning Maxine..." he said dryly back to her.

Maxine walked by him, her scent permeating off of her like a fine french perfume, Grey always thought the it smelled like cheap perfume worn by pop stars, it annoyed him to be in the same room with her. Maxine saw the annoyed expression on his face and took it as a personal challenge,she often loved bothering Grey and put him in awkward positions, it was somewhat of a sport to her, as she walked to the refrigerater, she swayed her fox tail, making sure to show off her butt, which was only clad in a green thong.

Grey's eyes peeked slightly over the paper, though he felt like a lecher for doing it but he couldn't help himself,he was taking the bait. She went to get the milk from the bottom rack of the fridge, as she did, she bend over all the down ,giving Grey a nice little view of herself, making him blush and look away, She smiled at his embarrassment, score one for the females of this story.

As the morning went on another pair of footsteps came from upstairs, these were a bit heavier than Maxine's, A male Black panther came into the kitchen this time, and he to was covered in Maxine's scent, which made Grey even more uncomfortable.

"Good Morning Greg..." Grey said with same dryness he greeted Maxine with, Greg just ignored him and when right to Maxine, planting a long, hard kiss on her lips.

Grey took all he could take, finally fed up with the both of them after keeping him up all night.

"God will you to get a damn room that isn't in front of me?" they stopped Greg looked at his brother with a smirk.

"Fine when you leave we'll use your room" Greg then turned to Maxine, with a bigger smirk.

" Go move his shit outta the way, I'll be up in a sec." Maxine nodded with a sly look on her face, she walked by Greg, who gave her a firm smack on the ass, causing her to moan softly as she continued upstairs.

Greg grabbed a chair and turned it backward then sat down,a content sigh came from his lips.

" Damn I love that ass." he said watching Maxine walking upstairs, Grey looked at his brother and shook his head.

" You have zero respect for Women, your such a dick I swear..." Before the car accident that claimed their parents, Grey and Greg's mother taught them to treat women with the utmost respect, Greg didn't really listen, but Grey hung on her every word. Greg Looked at his brother with a quizitive look.

" No really, your gayer than you think" Grey got a scowl on his face.

"Fuck you! at least I know how to appreciate women!" he yelled at his brother, Greg's face twisted into a wicked smile as he looked at his younger brother.

"Now how would you know how to treat a woman? I never see you with one, oh wait your still a virgin!" Greg struck a nerve, and he struck it hard, Grey hated being called a virgin, it was the only thing he had ever been called when he was around people he knew, the word was his cryptonite, every time he hears it it drives him insane, just for the pure fact that he's the worst kind of virgin, all the information and no one to share it with(if you get that ^_^ you get a cookie)

Grey look at him with the meanest face he could put on.

" If you don't want to lose your other'll shut the fuck up..." Greg's cybernetic eye gazed at his brother as he laughed dead in his face. The car accident that kill their parents also claimed Greg's left eye, in a few day in the hospital later, he had a choice, either to go without an eye, or try a new a risky cyber implant, he chose the latter. Greg could only sit and laugh at his brother's anger, he laugh himself right back upstairs where his Vixen awaited him.

Grey gathered his things and headed for the door.

" I'm going..." he called out, not that he really cared if anyone heard him. Grey walked outside and turned to lock the door when he was suddenly tackled and knocked to the ground by one of his oldest friends.

" Hello Grey..." a female voice said, Grey was pinned by a a wolf that was always quite direct with him, she'd been like that since they were in the 8th grade, and today was no different, she'd lived next door to his for 5 years, and everyday Grey's head would hit the pavement just like today.

"Hello Cindy" Grey said with no expression, not that he didn't care for Cindy, he just didn't want to be late. Cindy's tail swayed as her her hands trailed down from Grey's chest to his the waistband of his pants, Grey looked at her and his face grew annoyed, he grabbed he arm and put it out to the side. Cindy had the biggest smile he face could muster, but Grey wasn't very amused

" Cindy....for the last damn time....I'm not going to fuck for the last time... stop jumping on me like your gonna rape me..." Cindy pouted cutely.

"Awww....your no fun" she said sitting on top of him, he wasn't going anywhere,Cindy dragged her nails gently across Grey's cheek, giving his a small taste of pleasure and pain, her scent slowly rose off of her and played with Grey's senses, all he wanted to do was go to school but now he was trapped under this female who wanted to take him there right there.

" Cindy seriously we have to go to school, now get offa me" Cindy smiled at him and her tail began to wag faster.

" Only if you give me a kiss" She said with a smirk. Grey looked at her with discontent.

"Will it get you the hell off me?" Cindy nodded happily.

" Fi-" Grey was cut off by Cindy's lips pressing hard against his, Grey's eye's slowly drifted closed as he started to melt into the kiss. Cindy's tongue slowly crept passed his lips and their tongues met and clashed for dominance.

Grey never knew why he always let Cindy get him into these kinds of situations, but what he often thought more is why he wasn't really all that into Cindy. She had all the things that he wanted, She was hot, a good kisser, and ready to go at anytime, but for some reason he just couldn't get into her, so to speak. Grey finally had enough of the kiss and pulled on Cindy's tail trying to give her a signal to stop, but it only made her moan and deepen their contact.

Cindy began to slowly grind herself against Grey's ever growing male-hood, even if she didn't appeal to him, she could still turn him on, Which finally rose the question in his head.

"Why am I still a virgin?" but he brushed it aside for now. Cindy finally pulled back from Grey, panting a bit, she let her fingers caress the spot on Grey's cheek where her nails first dug into, she sat up again, letting her finger run over her lips.

" You know...for a virgin your one hell of a kisser." that word again, the word he can't stand, it hit Grey like a bullet but he kept his cool.

Cindy got up and looked at Grey who was still on the ground.

" I'll see you at school..." she said with a content smile. Grey got up off the ground, dusted himself off and ran his fingers through his hair. Greg stood in the in front of the door and looked at his brother just seeing the entire spectacle.

" Damn Grey she really wants you, I'd hit that if I were you, it would fix your little V problem." Grey looked at his brother.

" She's just a friend, a crazy friend, but a friend no the less, I have no roman-" Grey was cut off yet again, this time by a smack to the back of his head, Grey wince at the small bit of pain at the back of his skull.

"Dude, for a smart guy, your really stupid" Greg said and walk back into the apartment. Grey rubbed the back of his head, wondering what his brother meant. Grey then picked up his things and walked to school.

"Today is gonna be one of those days isn't it..." He murmured to himself.