The Guardian Chapter 6

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#6 of The Guardian


One week later

"Alright again," I began, sitting on the bed of the small cottage we were staying in.

James sighed.

"Why do I have to practice this so much?" He asked, "I mean all I have to do is stab him right?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up. James sighed, looking down and away. He came up to me and hugged me, nuzzling up into my chest.

"You don't have to do this James," I began, "You don't have to be the one to kill him."

James shook his head.

"No," He replied, "We just need a better way to do it.

I groaned. For the past week we had been coming up with better ways to kill Adbar. James stood up and began to pace. I pulled out a dagger from my pack and laid it on the bed. I sighed, running a paw through my head-fur.

"I have an idea," I began, "You're going to hate it though."

James stopped pacing.

"Why what is it?" He asked.

"Well," I began, "You could seduce him and catch him off guard."

James frowned.

"Do you want him dead or not?" I asked, "We're running out of time and there is no way in hell that you could manage to take him out face to face."

James huffed and ran at me. I smirked and tripped him, rolling on top of him and pinning him to the bed under me. He blushed, gasping as I kissed his neck and slid my paws down his body. I pulled back looking into his eyes.

"Now imagine teeth closing over your neck," I began, "That's what Adbar would do to you. I can't lose you, even if it means some other male putting his disgusting paws all over you."

"H-he won't stop at that Tane," James replied with a shudder, "You never saw the way he talked to me, and looked at me."

I kissed him again and got up off of him.

"It's your choice," I began, "Adbar could easily kill you though."

"I know," He replied, "I don't have to have sex with him right?"

I nodded.

"Only if it's absolutely necessary," I replied, "Hopefully you should just be able to kiss and grope him a bit, and that will be enough. Then all you have to do is finish him off."

"Finish him off how?" James asked.

I put the dagger in his hand and moved the point over my heart. James shuddered, looking down and away.

"I don't know if I can do this," He began, the point quivering over my chest, "It would be easier if he was trying to kill me first."

"He is trying to kill you," I growled, "At this point it's him or you. This is your one chance to end your troubles once and for all."

James sighed and set the dagger down beside him.

"Do you ever feel bad before you kill someone?" James asked, looking over at me.

"I used to," I began, "But after we finish with this, I'm planning to change."

"How so?" James asked, "What can we possibly do after this?"

I chuckled.

"Well we could go anywhere," I began, "Just so long as it's not this continent."

He kissed me and rubbed my chest, sighing happily. My tail wagged furiously as I kissed him back, rubbing over his body.

"I'll be ok as long as I am with you," James replied, kissing me again.

I barked happily, making the human jump. I chuckled and laid down beside him. The human snuggled up to me, resting his head on my chest.

"That is just adorable," Poton began, "Isn't that right dear?"

I groaned, the two of them must have come in while we were kissing.

"Quite," Joan replied with a smirk, "He does know about your reputation right Tane?"

I snorted.

"This is great," I began, "I need to borrow your man Sapphire."

She scoffed.

"For the last time my name is Joan," She snapped in reply, "And what the hell for."

"Practice," I began, "James needs him to get ready for Adbar."

Joan scoffed, looking over at her husband.

"Go for it," She began, "I'd love to watch a spectacle like that."

"James," I began, "Pretend Poton is Adbar for me will you? Practice it the way we talked about alright."

James nodded and blushed. I chuckled and grabbed him by the shoulder, leading him out of the room. Poton fidgeted, rubbing over his paws nervously.

"I don't see why you're nervous," I began, "I figured a guy like you would be perfect for this job."

"I don't see what you mean," Poton replied, "I'm not exactly imposing."

I chuckled.

"You don't need to be," I smirked, "You are going to try and have sex with James."

"Wait what!" Poton squeaked in shock, "I-I can't do that."

"And why not," I chuckled, "He's not going to take it seriously with me. Besides I'm sure you can act the part of Adbar."

Poton growled.

"Why can't Joan do it?" He asked, "I wouldn't react as strongly as she would."

I rolled my eyes.

"Because Joan is a she," I frowned, "By the gods stop bitching and just get on with it."

Poton huffed and puffed, glaring at me.

"I don't like you," He began, pouting and looking away from me.

"Why?" I asked, "Because I fucked your girl better than you ever could?"

Poton snarled and lunged at me. I chuckled and tripped him, standing back to watch him flounder about on the floor. He straightened himself out, leering at me as he stood up again.

"I'll do it," The marten began, "But only because it will get you out of my life sooner."

I rolled my eyes and pointed for him to go into the room. He growled and swaggered in, his eyes opening wide at the sight of James's nude body posed on top of the bed. He stuttered and rubbed his paws nervously as he fought the urge to look over at his wife.

"Adbar?" James began, "By the gods, I thought that you would never come."

Poton fidgeted, still stuttering.

"What's the matter?" James asked, sauntering up to the marten, "I thought you'd be happier to see me."

Joan growled.

"Goddammit Poton you need to act better," She began, nudging him forward, "Just get this done so we can move on."

Poton cleared his throat and straightened up.

"I didn't expect this from you my dear," He grumbled, moving up to James.

The marten began to rub over James's body, roughly groping over the human's backside. James giggled and got on the bed, presenting himself to the marten. Poton murred, his pants already bulged. He climbed on top of the human and began kissing over his back and neck. James giggled again and rolled over onto his back.

"Can I be on top?" James asked, giving the marten a deep kiss.

Poton whimpered and blushed.

"O-of course," Poton replied, kissing over the human's neck.

James straddled the marten and rubbed his hands over Poton's crotch. He moaned and whimpered, closing his eyes as James's hands groped over his erect penis. James smirked and let go, pulling out a knife from under the pillow. Poton's eyes opened just as James began to stab. He screamed, cowering as the tip stopped an inch above his breast. I chuckled and clapped.

"Well done James," I began, "I don't think Adbar will be as much of a wet noodle though."

Joan snorted.

"I know a certain marten who will be going to bed with blue balls tonight," The she-wolf began, "Was that the best you could have done?"

Poton whined.

"I'm sorry," He replied, "But it's not like I was expecting to be manhandled like that."

James hugged the marten tightly.

"I thought you did wonderful Poton," James began, "Don't listen to them."

Joan snorted.

"Feel free to stay here with James," Joan began, "Me and Tane need to talk."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I feel bad for you Poton, so feel free to do whatever you need to," I snorted and added, "Remember to clean up though, we need James to be as pristine as possible."

I chuckled and walked out of the room, leaving Poton and James behind me. Joan and I went outside and began to walk down the cobblestone streets of the city.

"You're comfortable with Poton mating with James?" Joan asked, "That's surprising."

I rolled my eyes.

"He needs to get comfortable with it," I replied, "He might have to with Adbar."

"Why?" Joan asked, "I'm sure Adbar will be distracted enough without mating."

"I'm sure Adbar will want to claim him," I began, "James might have to wait until the bear passes out beside him."

Joan sighed.

"I need to ask you something," Joan rubbed her arm, "I don't know how you're going to react."

I growled.

"I swear to the gods... if you want me to back out of this," I began, leering over at her.

"No, no," Joan replied, putting her paws up, "There's an heir to the throne."

"So what?" I asked, "Do we have to kill him too?"

"Most likely," She began, "There is a slight problem though."

We stopped at the middle of a bridge. I sighed and looked into the water below.

"It's a child," Joan continued, "Too old to forget about the throne and too young to ship away."

"I will not kill a child," I growled, "You can do that."

Joan whimpered and rubbed my paw.

"I-I can't," She began, "I'm way to close to him."

I rolled my eyes.

"Then let him take the throne," I scoffed, "Just guide him along the path you want him to take."

Joan sniffled and got into my arms. I blinked, rubbing her back gingerly. She sobbed, gripping me tightly to her.

"There's something you aren't telling me," I began, "What is it Joan?"

"The heir is my son," She sniffled, "He's illegitimate, but is next in line for the throne regardless. Gods if he knew what we were planning... I don't know what would happen."

"You said you were infertile," I growled, "Why would you lie?"

"Because I am ashamed," She replied, "Regardless of how I feel, he is still my son. I can't let him die so young."

I kissed her forehead.

"He won't," I replied, "Have Poton take him out into the countryside. He'll be none the wiser to how his father died."

"Do you promise me Tane?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yes I promise," I began, "Can we move tonight?"

Joan nodded, pulling herself away from me.

"Adbar just came into town this morning," She began, "It's time to act."


Poton slumped on top of me, panting hard between my legs. I blushed and kissed him again.

"Finished?" I asked, rubbing his back tenderly.

He nodded and rolled off me, panting heavily. I cuddled up to him, kissing his cheek. Poton flinched and looked away, clearly bothered.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"We just committed adultery," Poton replied, "How are you not bothered by this?"

I sighed.

"James said that I might have to have sex with Adbar," I began, rubbing my neck, "I'm sure this was just practice."

"I guess through that logic," Poton replied, "That I was acting in the greater good."

"How is killing the king for the greater good?" I asked, propping myself up on an elbow.

"The southern frontier of our country has been ravaged," Poton sighed, "We're losing this war badly, but the king is too busy with his new wife to pursue diplomacy."

I laid back down with a sigh and looked up at the ceiling.

"Who are you going to replace the king with?" I asked.

"Joan has that all figured out," Poton replied, "I'm just here to help her out."

Poton blushed and moved his paw down to my hand. I squeezed it and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

"We'd better get cleaned up," I began, "Want to go into the river with me?"

Poton chuckled.

"I don't know if I can walk right yet," The marten replied, "Can't we lay in bed a bit longer? It's only a little bit past midday."

I chuckled.

"Alright fine," I began, "But only for a little while longer okay?"

Poton chuckled and kissed me deeply. I blushed pulling away from him.

"Sorry," He began, "I really do like sleeping with men."

"So how did you end up married to a female then?" I asked, kissing him back.

"Because I love her," Poton replied, "And she loves me."

"Doesn't it make you sad that you won't be able to have kids?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter, I mean we could easily adopt," The marten replied, "Besides, I love her, and she loves me, and that's all that matters."

"That's as good a reason as any I suppose," I began, nuzzling up to him.

We napped in each other's arms for a while, finally waking up when Tane and Joan came back to the cottage. I yawned and stretched, rolling away from the marten beside me. Tane frowned and looked me over. I blinked, the wolf was dressed in very fancy garb and looked like a noble.

"You need to get cleaned up," Tane began, "We're doing this tonight."

I blinked, standing up quickly.

"Alright," I replied, "Can you get me some water?"

Joan nodded and went out to the river. I blushed and looked away from the wolf, shuffling my feet awkwardly over the ground. The wolf chuckled and walked over to Poton. The marten snorted and woke up, immediately jumping out of bed and running outside to his wife.

"It's alright James," The wolf began, "Consider it your one chance to sleep with another person."

"What's Adbar then?" I asked as Joan came back in.

I began to wash myself, getting rid of all traces of my tryst. Tane snorted, laying a set of skimpy silk clothing on the bed.

"Adbar is business," Tane replied, "Nothing more."

I dried myself off and put on the clothes Tane had brought. I shivered, these clothes left nothing to the imagination and would have looked out of place on a whore. Joan sighed.

"James you don't have to do this," She began, "We could easily deal with Adbar."

I shook my head.

"It needs to be me," I replied.

Tane nodded.

"Joan," He began, "Tell Poton what his role will be."

She nodded and grabbed her husband by the shoulder. He looked away from Tane and me as he was led out of the room.

"Are you ready?" Tane asked, "We're going to do this tonight."

"What if something happens?" I asked, impulsively covering up my body, "What if he doesn't come in to see me or just kills me on the spot."

"That won't happen," Tane replied, "And Joan will have a guard hidden in the room in case Adbar tries to kill you."

I sighed, rubbing my neck. Tane came up and hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead as he broke away. I kissed his cheek and shuddered. The gravity of the act I was about to commit had just hit me. I sat down and began to shudder. Tane knelt down in front of me and took my hands in his paws.

"Take a deep breath," He began, "This will be over before you know it."

"Promise me something Tane," I said as I began to breathe deeply.

"Anything," The wolf replied.

"Promise me that we won't do anything like this ever again," I began, "No more royalty, no more power struggles, and no more death."

I nodded.

"I promise," Tane replied, "I will do everything in my power to live a simple life with you, even if we have to travel the world over."

I calmed down and stood up, walking out of the cottage with Joan and Poton. Tane followed behind me, holding my arms behind my back. We silently walked through the city and did our best to avoid any eager throngs of people. We came to the palace gates and stood in front of a company of guards.

"Oh Joan you shouldn't have," The leader of the company began, "Although my men appreciate the offer."

She frowned.

"Sorry Oliver," She replied, "This harlot is going to the king."

I cringed at the words, lowering my head. Oliver laughed and walked up to me, stroking my face with the back of his paw.

"Harlot?" He asked, "What does the king want with a harlot? Besides I have a much bigger and better use for him."

Tane snarled.

"Listen here you whelp," He snapped, "This little slut is going to the king and that is final. I don't have time to explain the workings of royalty to common rabble like you."

Oliver stood aside and muttered under his breath. We passed through the gates and stepped into a large wooded courtyard. The castle was enormous and had many towers and stone buildings. Joan led us into the largest tower and stopped at the bottom. I whimpered and looked away from the doorway. Adbar walked out in front of us and stopped.

"I'm glad to see you came to your senses Tane," Adbar began with a smirk, "Although why someone like you would want a tiger skin and property in my kingdom is beyond me."

"You made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Tane replied, "Besides nothing angers me more than a traitor to the crown."

I held back tears and hid my head behind Poton.

"What did you expect James?" Adbar asked, taking my chin and turning my head towards him, "You shouldn't have run."

I spat and glared at him.

"I ran from that cowardly bitch husband of mine," I replied, "You would have brought me back to him."

Adbar chuckled.

"All you had to do was tell me love," He began, moving his paw down to my chest, "I would have personally assisted with your escape."

"But Adbar," I replied, moving closer to the bear, "I didn't want to run from you."

The bear murred.

"Take him to my personal chambers," Adbar began, "I'll talk to him in private in a few hours."

"Why, where are you going?" Poton asked.

Adbar growled and whirled on him.

"It's none of your business whelp," The bear snarled, "Get out of my sight you little rodent."

Poton shrunk away and ran into the castle. Joan and Tane moved aside, leaving me standing alone in front of the bear. He chuckled.

"What is it?" He asked, "Sad to see me go?"

I moved forward and kissed him deeply. Adbar murred, kissing back powerfully. I pulled away, looking at the bear seductively.

"Hurry back Adbar," I began sensually, "I've been wanting you for so long."

The bear smirked and moved around me, groping my rear as he passed. Tane and Joan led me into the tower. I rubbed my mouth, trying to get the bear's foul taste off of my tongue. Joan chuckled.

"We'll get you some wine," The she-wolf began, "That was very good."

Tane nodded in reply, hurt showing in his eyes.

I sighed as we came to the top of the tower. We were standing in a large throne room that was covered in furs and tapestries. A large wolf sat on a jeweled throne, his paws idly roaming over the lizard sitting beside him. He chuckled and clapped his paws.

"Is this the human Adbar was talking about?" The king began with a chuckle, "I don't see what he could possibly see in a scrawny runt like that."

Tane bit his lip and squeezed my arm comfortingly.

"Yes your majesty," Joan replied with a bow, "The wolf is the nobleman who brought him in."

The king chuckled.

"Well feel free to spend the night in one of my many rooms good sir," The king smirked, "As for you James, you'll be in Adbar's room until he decides what to do with you."

I gulped as he gestured for two guards to lead me away. They gripped me roughly, pushing me ahead of them into a large bedchamber. They closed the door behind me and left me alone in the dark.


A few hours later


I growled, stalking around my brother's room in the castle. He was feasting with the king and cavorting about like a nincompoop, when he should have been defending my love. I snarled as he came in and laid down. I had to fight the urge to yell at him immediately. I waited patiently for him to fall asleep, then growled and picked him up.

"Norteim?" He asked, "What is it?"

I snarled.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I snapped, "How is leaving James alone with Adbar a good idea?"

Tane chuckled, clearly drunk.

"Don't worry about it," He stuttered, "The king and queen will be dead by morning, and Adbar will be none the wiser."

I slapped him.

"I'm asking you about James," I began, "How were you able to just feast and make an ass of yourself when he could turn up dead at any moment."

"No, no you got it all wrong," Tane replied, "James has a knife and Adbar's got..."

Tane trailed off and looked at me. I growled, grabbing his face and leaning close to him. He whimpered and tried to escape from my grasp.

"Listen carefully," I began, "This turn of events has taken your bright future with James and destroyed it."

"W-what?" Tane sniffled, "I don't understand. D-Does that mean Adbar will kill him?"

I sighed.

"Maybe," I replied, "Unless you get off this path he will die for sure."

"Why are you telling me this?" Tane sniffled.

I growled.

"Because I want to protect the one thing that matters to me," I began, "You need to fix things now."

Tane whimpered.

"Tell me how and I will," Tane replied, "I don't want James to die."

I chuckled.

"I can't tell you how," I began, "Because I don't know."

Tane began to cry. I glared at him and slapped my brother again.

"I asked you to do one thing," I continued, "You need to do better."

"H-how does he die?" Tane whimpered, "I-is it bad?"

I sighed and closed my eyes, projecting a scene that I had plagued my mind ever since Tane and James met. James was in a dark room and looking over something. He straightens up as he hears a noise in the dark, and suddenly is run through by a large sword. I shudder and gasp, pulling the image of the scene back into my mind and locking it away.

Tane sobbed.

"N-no," He began, "Please it can't be true."

"It is true," I replied, "Now think about this my brother, if you want James to survive, you need to protect him at all costs."

He nodded.

"Now if you'll excuse me," I continued, "I need to go make sure he is ok."

Without waiting for his response I stormed out of the room. Fortunately, James was just across the hall in a pitch black bedchamber. I sighed with relief as a servant began to light the candles surrounding the room. James was awake and posing on the bed in a ridiculously revealing outfit. My jaw dropped as I watched Adbar come in, smirk, and extinguish the lit candles.