Chapter 1: Loving Embrace

Story by Rayne Cyzio on SoFurry

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#1 of Infected

Angelic Wolf is my name and this is my first story on this site, but I am no stranger to the art of story writing. I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my new project, Infected, as much I did writing it. Review and vote if you can. Again, enjoy the chapter and enter a darker side of the Starfox universe (later on in the story.)

I woke up slowly, still feeling the afterglow from last night coursing through my body with each breath I took. I looked down at the beautiful vixen sleeping peacefully on my chest and felt my heart start to pick up speed. The sunlight filtering in through the lace curtains around the four-post king sized bed played over her caramel brown fur perfectly, making my heart beat a little faster as I stared at her wonderfully shaped body. I gently place a hand against the back of her neck and slowly ran it down the soft fur on her back, the feel of it passing through my fingers sending memories of last night running through my head. I slowed my pace when I reached the small of her back and continued down along the length of her slender, white-tipped tail back towards my waist. I sighed contentedly and let my hand rest on the small of her back, just above her inner thigh, feeling happy that I have someone such as her to wake up to every morning.

I gazed up at the sun drenched ceiling and felt her cuddle closer to me in her sleep, her slightly moist netherlips brushing against my sheath while her arms wrapped a little tighter around my neck. I murred quietly in pleasure at the feel of her breasts against my chest and let my fingers start sliding towards her lower lips, wanting to make her feel good in her sleep. I brushed my finger across her tail hole and circled it a few times finger before moving on to her flower, listening to her light breaths as they passed over my neck. I brushed some of her copper colored hair from over her face and marveled at her beautifully peaceful face before I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, feeling her fur bristle slightly against my lips. I rubbed my finger against her slit and heard her mumble something inaudible in her sleep as she shifted a little into my waiting fingers. I gently slid two of my fingers into her warm tunnel and started to slowly pump my fingers in and out of her, rubbing her clit with my thumb to make her feel good.

I leaned my head forward a little and gave her ear a little nip as her breath started coming out in small gasps. She bucked her hips lazily into my fingers, coating my palm in her love juices as I added a third finger in her cunt. She moaned quietly into my chest and lifted her head to give me a deep kiss on the lips, feeling her tongue slip into my mouth and begin to wrestle with mine. I returned her kiss with the same amount of passion that she was giving me and felt my shaft start to poke through my sheath. I heard her moan into our kiss as the head of my cock rubbed against her clit, adding to the mounting pleasure that the both of us were feeling.

She unwrapped her arms from around my neck and snaked one of them towards my thigh, sending shivers of excitement down my spine. She placed her hand on my inner thigh and started to drag a finger towards my growing member at a creeping pace, making me smile in anticipation as I matched my thrusts with her tortuous pace. I untangled my tongue from hers and slowly pulled my muzzle away from hers, finally listening to my lungs pleas for air. I leaned my head against her shoulder and panted for breath as I nuzzled my nose into her soft, warm neck fur. She shuddered against the contrast my cold nose made against her neck and gently nibbled on my ear, her bucks starting to get a little more forceful as I picked up my thrusts. I murred in pleasure and gently bit down on her neck, feeling a spark of pleasure run through my head as she rubbed her finger up along the length of my shaft. I bit down a little harder and licked my tongue around the spot I bit down on, listening to her pants of pleasure as I continued to pump my fingers in and out of her slick pussy. I let go of her neck and rubbed my nose down her jaw line to the hollow in her throat before pressing my lips against her jugular, feeling her heart beat rhythmically under my kiss.

She stopped nibbling on my ear and leaned her head against mine, her sweet smelling breath entering my nostrils as she moaned quietly from my fingering. I moved my head from underneath hers and stared lovingly into her shimmering emerald green eyes, seeing my feelings of love mirrored on her face. She leaned her muzzle close to mine and gave me a gentle peck on the tip of my nose, running her hand across the back of my neck while she cradled my sack in her other hand. Her gaze changed to one of lust as she smiled down at me and pulled my hand out of her dripping wet snatch. She turned around and licked my fingers clean of her juices before leaning down to get at my member, sliding her wet pussy along my stomach until it was infront of my face. I purred sexily at her before letting my tongue lap up a pearl of her cum as it trickled out of her slit, listening to her murr back at me when she gave my tip a soft lick. She took my entire length into her mouth and lightly squeezed my nuts, sending shocks of pleasure down my spine. I rubbed my tongue against her slightly swollen clit and started sucking on it sensually, making her double her efforts on my cock. She started bobbing her head on my member, getting a groan from me as I squirted some pre into her eager mouth. I let go of her clit and pressed my muzzle into her as deep as I could go, coaxing some of her sweet juices into my mouth as I ran my tongue along her inner walls. She responded to my actions with a muffled groan and wrapped her mouth around my left testicle, her tongue caressing it with her saliva. I moaned inside her tunnel and flicked my tongue along her walls, looking for her G-spot so I could give her intense pleasure.

She slid her hips back a little farther and forced my muzzle deeper into her loins to keep me there longer. I happily complied with her unspoken desire and continued to lick at her insides, drinking her sweet nectar as it passed over my tongue. I moved my tongue to the extent of its reach and started to lick at the roof of her tunnel, grinning inwardly as she moaned happily around my cock while her walls clamped down around my muzzle. Her cum flooded into my open mouth when I felt her squeeze my sack a little harder, making me cum into her waiting mouth. I swallowed as much of her sweet nectar as I could before pulling my muzzle out of her pussy with a small pop, feeling the after spurts of her orgasm slide down my throat while I softly lapped at her lips. She groaned happily under my tongue and rolled over onto her back next to me, giving me a wonderful look at her gorgeous body. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and let my eyes across her body, taking in every sensuous curve with a mixture of love and excitement. I leaned in next to her and brushed my lips against hers while I moved my hand down her side in an affectionate way. I pushed my lips closer against hers and tasted the bitterness of my seed on her tongue as it wrapped around mine, locking us in our passionate kiss. I felt my member start to stiffen as I pressed my body closer to hers, feeling my lungs start to cry for air. I held off the urge to breath for a good while before slowly pulling away, feeling a euphoric sensation travel through my mind as I left a trail of gentle kisses down towards her breasts.

I flicked my tongue over her hardened nipple and closed my mouth over it as I gently kneaded her other breast in a large, lazy circle. I lightly pinched her nipple and placed my hand next to her hip, using the bed as leverage so I could get into a good position above her. I glanced up at her and caught the mischievous look she sent my way at the same time she wrapped her hand around my cock. I shuddered a little when she started to massage my shaft, her fingers feeling soft against the sensitive flesh. I smiled up at her around her soft mound and suckled on her nipple a little louder, circling my tongue around her areola a few times before returning my attention to her nipple. I purred quietly around her breast in response to the treatment she was giving me and decided to return the favor. I gave her nipple a final tweak before sliding a finger down her stomach towards her already wet snatch, feeling her grip around my cock tighten a little when I rolled her clit between my fingers.

"That feels... nnn...... good, Axel. Please don't stop." I heard her say as she ran a hand down my back while she fondled my sack, a light squeeze every now and then making my member stiffen out even more. I pulled my mouth from her mound with a last lick, a grin on my face at the comment she'd made. I leaned up close to her face and gave her nose gentle peck, feeling her warm breath against my neck. I felt the tip of my cock penetrate her outermost folds and slowly thrust my hips into hers, letting her get used to the size of me again.

"So... big." She gasped pleasurably, slightly pushing her hips into mine to get my cock in deeper into her warm tunnel as she put her arms on my shoulders so she could get more strength behind each thrust. I pulled my hips back away from hers until all that was left in her moist folds was the tip of my cock before thrusting back into her, starting up a steady rhythm while I listened to her pleasured pants. I groaned a little as she started to buck her hips into mine, making a soft slapping sound as my sack hit her butt cheeks.

"Harder..... Axel...." She panted, her nails starting to dig into my shoulders while her legs wrapped around my waist. I gave her what she wanted and started thrusting into her cunt faster, feeling my knot start to swell as it tried to get past her slowly yielding slit. I moaned a little as her thrusts became fiercer, feeling her juices start leaking all over my cock and act as a lube, speeding up my thrusts even more. I felt my climax near almost boiling point and started thrusting into her almost as hard as I could, entranced by the way her breasts bounced when our hips collided with each other. I felt my knot finally push past her lower lips and replaced my thrusts with short, quick ones, using every ounce of self control I had to keep from cumming first. I rammed my member into her tunnel one last time before I felt her walls clamp down onto me, sending her sweet nectar cascading over my shaft. This was all it took to send me over the edge and cum all over her walls, some of our combined love juices seeping past my knot and onto our thighs. She unwrapped her legs from around my waist and pulled herself up into a deep, passionate kiss as she pushed me onto my back. I gave her a few little thrusts to make her moan into the kiss and pulled my lips from hers, wrapping my arms around her waist as I panted for breath.

"I love you so much, Hazel." I whispered affectionately into her ear and gave her a playful nudge with my nose against her neck, making her giggle softly.

"I love you too, Axel." Hazel whispered back as she rubbed my ear softly, enticing a small purr from the back of my throat. I looked up at her and stared lovingly at her as I felt my eyelids start to droop. I laid my head back against the pillow underneath my head and felt Hazel lay her head down against my chest, her arms wrapping themselves around my neck as she fell asleep.

_ _

"How was I ever lucky enough to find such a beautiful vixen to fall in love with?" I thought to myself as exhaustion to over, sending me off into a happy sleep with the love I thought I could never have in my arms.

That was the first chapter of my story, Infected. Axel doesn't belong to me, but a friend of mine from, so please don't rip him off without asking the person who created him. Hazel does belong to me and me alone, so ask if you want to use her in a story or art. Reviews of all kind are welcome because I'm an author and authors need people tell them that their work sucks so they can get better.