The Forgotten: Rise from the Ashes

Story by Axel the Silver fox on SoFurry

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The Forgotten: Rise from the Ashes

It was a dark, cool night in the big city of London, and all around loving couples could be seen walking the streets for it wasn't just an ordinary night, it was Saint Valentine's Day. Our story begins at a small pub on the corner of 9th and 5th streets called Obrady's with an Angefox who went by the name of Axel Arah. He was just walking out of the pub at 10:00 P.M. as he usually did, taking time to stretch his massive black angelic wings and brush some silvery strands of fur from his deep crimson eyes. He was wearing his usual outfit of black, fingerless leather gloves, blue jeans with a black belt, no shirt, and an add on from the norm because of the weather, a brown leather jacket that fit him rather loosely, hiding his well-toned muscular form. He stood at about 5"9' and had the appearance of a 19 year old, although he was actually about 29 years old. He slowly stepped up to the streets edge and let out a soft yawn before looking both ways and crossing the street. He always asked himself why he never flew home..but the answer was always the same. London was a beautiful city and if you thought you had seen it all, you were constantly being proved wrong if you took the time to walk everywhere. So, he quietly began the long trek home, frowning slightly as he saw all the couples out and about tonight. You see, he was a half demon and as such wasn't really welcome at many places...including many peoples homes so it was very hard for him to find anyone who wasn't too afraid of him to ask on a date of some sort.

Often while he walked home he would whistle to help pass time and block out distractions that could somehow affect his mood. So thats what he did tonight, to help block out the cold stares from certain couples, the happy laughter that others exhibited, and even the occasional over-enthusiastic couples making out by the side of a random building. But...just as he was passing a certain alley-way when he was about halfway home, somthing different burst through his whistling and made him jump in surprise. It was a high pitched cry for help coming from just around the back corner of the building some 80 feet away. His ears perked high and he listened again, just to be sure he hadn't imagined what he had heard...and sure enough, the cry came again.


For those of you who don't know, Axel was the exact opposite of what people expected him to be. You see, half demons had a horrible reputation for being short-tempered and cruel...while Axel was jsut about the sweetest Angefox to ever walk the face of the planet, and he would always go out of his way to help somone else. But, this did not mean, however, that he did not know how to fight when it was called for, because that was the one part about being half demon that he did live up to...he was an amazing fighter. He quickly took off down the alley-way at full speed, determined to stop whatever act was being committed to the poor girl around the corner. As he neared it, he slowed and peered around the edge carefully, seeing just what he might be up against.

"You can cry all you want you little're still gonna suck my cock...." said a rather dark figure around the corner. He was obviously standing over a much smaller form, most likely the girl Axel had heard.

Then the smaller form spoke up, "No! Please sir! What have I ever done to you? Just let me GO!"

The girl sounded so little...probably no more than 10 or so...while the larger form sounded to be in his 30's to 40's. That was all axel could take, he suddenly burst around the corner and growled lowly.

"Hey Bastard......pick on somone your own size!" he said.

Now the dark figure turned to Axel as he put a heavy foot down on the little girl, and he could see just what the big brute was now. He was a large black tiger with silver stripes, emerald green eyes, and a huge scar right acrossed his left eye. He was wearing all black leather and looked as if he hadn't skipped a day at the gym his WHOLE life.

"You talkin' to me...punk?" the tiger growled.

"You're damn right I'm talking to you! What the fuck do you think you're doing trying to force a little girl to suck your cock?" Axel demanded.

The tiger gave a cold laugh and looked back at the girl, then to Axel again, "Hey...don't judge me...thats a womans job no matter what her age...besides, its Valentine's Day...and I deserve a nice...warm gift....don't yo-"

"You shut the fuck up!" Axel growled coldly, cutting off the tiger mid sentence, "You're scum...NO...lower than scum...and you deserve no such thing! What you really deserve is a swift boot up your prissy lil' ass!"

At this the tiger's eyes narrowed and he walked right up to him, fangs beared. "'re barkin' up the wrong tree canine...."

Axel didn't even wait for him to make a move, with a quick, flawless form he dove low and kicked the tiger's legs out from under him, causing him to topple backwards and hit his head on the hard cement. He let out a yowl of pain, but was back on his feet in seconds...and boy was he pissed.

"I'm gonna kill you!" he growled, taking another step towards the Angefox.

"YOU...will do no such thing...." he said quietly, taking a single step forward before fading from view and then re-appearing right in front of the black tiger. Then, before he could react, he sent a hard blow right to the tiger's gut,making him let out a muffled "Oof!" before he fell off to the side...passed out from lack of oxygen.

Axel let out a soft sigh of relief and kicked the tiger once more for good measure before spitting on his face, then quickly walked over to the small girl, who had been to terrified to even run away during the short-lived fight. She was wearing close to rags and was a dalmation with purple eyes, mid-length straight black hair, which was rather scraggly looking at the moment, and she was indeed only about 10 years old from the look of it. As a best guess, she looked like she would stand about 4"8' or 4"9'...but he had been wrong before. Slowly, he kneeled down beside the poor girl and placed a paw to her shoulder, his deep crimson eyes calming and reassuring...though she still looked petrified.

"'s alright little're safe now....are you hurt at all?"

The pup simply shook her head slowly and kept silent. she was shivering slightly, either from fear or cold...or even both. Seeing this, Axel quickly removed his jacket and draped it over her small, slender shoulders, shivering slightly as a cool breeze hit his bare back and chest. He simply smiled rather then let on to the cold now affecting him, and sat down beside the girl.

"Better...?" he asked with a soft smile.

This time she lossesned up a bit and let out a very soft sigh, allowing her beautiful eyes to met his, "Y-.....yes...." she said quietly.

"Wheres your home dear? And your family? you even have those things?" Axel asked quietly, his eyes now showing genuine concern for the girls well being.

At these questions the girl's eyes welled with tears and she looked down, burying her face in her little paws, "T-they're....dead....I have home sir.....the apartment we lived burned down...t-three months ago.....and my family......" she trailed off.

Axel's eyes widened and he didn't really know what to do or say at first....but after watching that small...sad girl sobbing there...he knew what had to be done and exactly what to say in no time. So gently, his wrapped his arms around her and held her gently, rocking back and forth.

"Oh dear....oh god I'm so sorry to hear that.....whats your name sweety?" he asked in a soft, soothing voice.

"D-....D-Dana...." she sobbed quietly.

"Well dana...would you like to come home with me tonight? We need to get you off the streets so more assholes like him don't come after you.." Axel said, gently patting her back with his right paw.

"At this the youngster looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes...tear-soaked as they were...and she actually managed a small smile, her voice coming out cracked and soft, "R-really...? mean that...sir?"

Axel simply nodded slowly and smiled that warm smile of his, "If you wish it..."

Dana lowered her head in though for only a few seconds before wiping her eyes and sniffling a bit and then nodding. "Please..."

With that answer, Axel stood and held his arms open for the small girl. "C'mon then, it's getting late."

Without delay, Dana stood up and jumped into Axel's arms, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Axel was glad to have her body heat for he had gotten very cold simply sitting on the ground beside her. He probably should have warned Dana beforehand that he was going to be flying the rest of the way home...but it simply slipped his mind. so as he spread his wings and they began to lift off, he felt the small pup gasp and hold him tighter, even shake a little bit. He gently rubbed her back as they were off to his home to try and comfort her even a little bit and assure her she wouldn't fall. But...that really didn't seem to work because her grip didn't loosen up at all, rather, it felt like it got tighter. So, that was how they were all the way to Axel's small apartment, and Dana was definately glad to be put down on solid ground again when they finally got there. As he led her inside, she looked about with a wide grin, admiring how nice his apartment was, despite it being small in size compared to most others.

He had a nice leather 3-seater coutch set in front of a small fireplace and a 24 inch plasma TV mounted on the wall, a table which could seat 6 just outside of his small kitchen, and one bedroom off to the left with a king-sized bed and a small dresser and closet inside.

"Mister...." she said quietly, "Whats your name...? I.....forgot to ask."

"Hmmm...? name is Axel dear..." he said as he made his way over to the fireplace and lit a small fire.

"Axel...." she repeated, following him and then sitting down in front of the fire. " know...for takin' me in..."

He smiled softly and took a seat beside her, staring into the fire rather intently. "You don't have to thank me Dana...I'm only doing whats right."

Dana was about to say somthing but she stopped short as Axel layed back on the floor and closed his eyes, the firelight dancing acrossed his peculiar fur. It looked as though he kept it in the same condition it was in when he was born...because it was simply so shiney. It made all of his best features so apparent...made him so handsome. Before she knew it, Dana could feel her cheeks flushing bright red and she looked down at her lap, her tail thumping nervously on the floor. This made Axel open one eye and look at her, and he got a devious idea. Quickly, he grabbed her waist and pulled her back, causing her to fall against his chest. now see, she would have landed on her back, but it was a natural reflex for her to land belly she had twisted in mid-air, which meant that now she was staring at the man she had been blushing at nose to nose, which only made her blush more, but she didn't try to move, she simply remained quiet instead.

"Hehe...gotcha in a monster lock now!" Axel said, laughing softly. His mother had used to do that to him all the time when he was little, and he had always had to kiss her on the cheek to get away.

Dana squirmed a little, noting that his arms were locked around her, and then met his eyes with hers again, " do I get out of it?" Not that she wanted to though.

Axel smiled and nuzzled her nose playfully, "Well...when my mom used to do this to me, to get away, I had to kiss her on the cheek."

Dana's ears perked and she blushed even redder, quickly looking away from his....gorgeous crimson eyes. "K-kiss....your cheek?"

Axel frowned a bit, thinking that she didn't want to even if it was just a game, " don't have to if you don't want to dear, it's only a game after all."

Dana shook her head and looked again into those eyes, her red cheeks only growing all the more hot with her blush, "No's only a game right?"

That being said, she slowly leaned up and placed a soft, butterfly kiss on Axel's cheek, her eyes closing as she did....then, as she felt Axel's grip loosen on her waist, she too relaxed and completely fell into him, her face buried in his neck fur, her tail wagging slowly. She finally had a home again...and it was with somone she was definately going to like living with.

After a short while longer, Axel gently lifted the little girl off of him and sat up, brushing his chest off slightly and then smiling over at her, "You about ready for bed Dana...?"

Dana looked down and twidled her thumbs in her lap, she had really been enjoying laying there with Axel. "But...Axel...I don't have any pajama's..."

"That won't be a problem hun..." he said as he stood and ran into his room for a moment.

Dana simply stayed where she was until he returned about 2 minutes later with an armful of his smaller pajama clothes, and of course one pair that would fit him as well. He set down the pajama's on the coutch and took the pair he had brought for himself, then motioned for dana to come over and pick a pair out for herself.

"I know these are all pajama's for guys but...they should at least fit you till i can run to the store and buy you some new ones." he said with a soft smile.

Dana looked up at Axel with just about the biggest grin he had ever seen in all of his years and then just suddenly pounced him to the floor, hugging his waist tightly. "Oh Axel! Thank you so much! Thank you for being so kind to me even when you don't have to be!"

Axel giggled softly and gently took her cheeks in both paws, making her look up at him as he smiled warmly, "Dana...I may not have to be...but I want to be...besides...who would be mean to such a little cutey ah?"

"Who you callin' cute?" she asked playfully, pawing at his strong arms.

"Oh...just a little dalmation I might know her...her name starts with a D...oh its right on the tip of my tongue....oh man how could I forget her name...?" he said, playfully covering his eyes with one paw as he pretended to be trying to remember her name.

"You're such a goof Axel..." she said as she gently nuzzled against his tummy and closed her eyes with a soft sigh.

"Myeah...but i'm your goof Dana..." he said with a soft chuckle.

"Heh...I like that..." she said softly, one paw running through his chest fur unconsciously, "You're my goof..."

Now it was Axel's turn to blush as things had just gotten uncomfortable. Before things had a chance to go any further, he slowly sat up and prodded her towards the coutch, "Alright now, pick out your pajamas Dana...."

"Okay!" she replied happily as she moved to the coutch and dug through the small pile of Axel's old pajama's.

Eventually she found the perfect pair and moved to the bedroom to try them on. While Axel meanwhile, took a seat on the coutch and mulled what had just happened over in his head. Was it possible that he was getting in a bit too deep with this girl? He ruffled his hair in frustration and decided that he may as well put his pajamas on while Dana was changing in his room. so, he quickly removed his belt, pants, and even underwear, and then began putting on fresh ones along with his pajamas. What he didn't notice since his back was now turned away from his door, was that dana had just walked out of his room as he had taken off his underwear...and boy was she speechless.

dana felt the same hot blush from before returning to her cheeks as she became short of breath and leaned against the doorway for support. His body was so well toned...he was gorgeous! And she even caught small glimpses of his nether regions as he pulled on fresh underwear. It took Axel until he had just put his pajama shirt on to realize that Dana was even watching him. He felt a faint blush coming over his own cheeks now as he turned to fully face her and met her purple eyes.

"H-how long have you been standing there...?" he asked softly.

Dana eeped softly and managed to stand up straight again before answering, "L-long enough Axel......I-....I'm sorry...I didn't mean to it's just.....well...." she trailed off and let her eyes lower to the ground.

Axel let out a small sigh and walked over to her, placing his paw gently upon her head, "Dana it's fine, I'm not mad at you....besides, this was an accident right..?" he asked hopefully.

Dana nodded slowly and then looked up to him once more, "Y-yeah...I really didn't mean to walk out on you changing..."

"Alright then..." he said as he looked towards the bed in his room, feeling his fatigue catching up with him all at once, "Errr...I suppose you can have my bed tonight Dana...I'll sleep on the coutch."

Dana's eyes went wide and she shook her head immediately, "No! I couldn't take your bed from you even for a night! I'll sleep on the coutch Axel!"

" need good rest dear, you've been without a decent home and place to sleep for so long..." Axel began.

But Dana quickly interjected before he could say more, "No! Axel, that doesn't matter...I've been fine on my own for this long and even a coutch is a huge improvement for me, I'll be fine...promise."

Axel was at a loss and he struggled to come up with a response to that...but to no avail. so, finally he said, "I'm not letting you sleep on the coutch, so if you're not letting me sleep on it either, then I guess we have to share the alright with that?"

Dana nodded quickly and smiled a bit, "Yeah that works I guess....I just don't want you to not have your bed tonight."

"Okay then, go ahead and go lay down, I'll be in in a few minutes." he told her.

"Okay!" she said, darting off into his room.

Axel then turned around and gathered up the other pairs of pajamas and stored them away in the closet by his door, then made his way into his room and onto his bed. Dana had taken the left side of the bed, so he, naturally, took the right and crawled under the covers with her. he had already turned all the lgihts off so now the only light was that of the silvery moon outside filtering through his bedroom window. Slowly, he let his eyes close a moment so he could say a small grace for the things that had happened today, and then as he opened them again, he found he was face to face with those big purple eyes of hers again.

"Heh...can I help you...?" he asked playfully.

" was just watching you." she replied softly.

"Why?" he asked, feeling the blush return.

"Because, I thought you were already asleep." she answered.

"Oh alright..." he said, exhaleing quietly in relief.

There was a long period of silence from the two in which they were jsut staring at one another for the longest time, unsure of what to say, unsure of what to do. it was Dana who finally gathered up the courage to say somthing next, and her voice came out in a mere whisper because she was so nervous.


"Yes Dana?" he said.

"My mom and dad used to cuddle me at night when I slept in thier bed with them....ummm...c-could.....oh....gaaahh..." she said, obviously flustered.

At this, Axel laughed softly and opened his arms for her, "Oh I don't see why not..."

"Thank you..." she said softly as she moved into his warm embrace, her back against his broad chest.

She shivered as she felt his arms encircle her and she wriggled even deeper into his embrace, blushing like mad although she didn't give a damn at this point, she only wanted to be as close to him as she could. She couldn't help but realise that she was falling in love with her savior as they lay there like that...and she really didn't have a single regret in the world about it. sure he was older...but he was also the sweetest man she had met in her life...and he was so handsome to boot. While she mulled these things over in her mind, Axel too was wracking his brain over the events of the past few hours. Dana had started off just like everyone else...scared stiff of him...but as he looked down at the top of her head, she looked as if there was no place she would rather be than here in his arms. soon, a movement from Dana startled him from his thoughts and he looked down at her to see that she had turned to face him. her head was snugly against his chest and her paws were up underneath his shirt, once again running through his soft chest fur. Needless to say he was a little shocked but he didn't say anything, and it didn't take too long for him to get a little naughty himself. He slowly ran his paws down her back and then up her pajama shirt until his fingers were gently playing with her fur on her upper back, making her notably shiver and huddle closer to him.

"Axel...." came her quiet voice.

"Y-...yes...?" he said even more softly.

He felt her head nuzzle even tighter against his chest, "I love you..."

"E-e.....excuse...?" Axel stuttered.

Now she looked up at him and used a single paw to make sure he was looking into her eyes, "I love you Axel....I'm sure of it."

"I-I....I lo-...!"

He was suddenly cut off as Dana pressed her soft little lips to his and pressed her small, slender body as close to his as she could get it. Not only was he shocked...but he was glad. He had actually felt feelings for the girl growing ever since the monster lock incident, and when she had told him she loved him...and that she was had really just made his night perfect. that wonderful...passionate kiss finally broke, Dana moved her way up a bit more so she could press her face into his neck, and gently kiss anywhere she pleased, eliciting small murrs from Axel.

"Dana...." he breathed softly.

He could feel his toes curling from the sensations she was giving him. You see, his neck was his most sensitive hotspot on his body, especially right above his collar bone on the right side...which is where she was kissing...and licking with that skilled tongue of hers.

"Ssssh......just enjoy yourself...." she whispered in his ear, "I used to see mommy and daddy do this all the time and they loved I wanna do it with you..."

Axel simply nodded and let his paws slide down to the pup's rear, giving it a soft squeese which made her yip in a pleased way, and she in turn nipped at that oh so sensitive spot on his neck, making him moan audibly. He could feel her paws working at somthing and in the back of his mind, he wondered what...but he couldn't really focus on it at the moment because of her shows of affection. Then...before he knew it, she had his pants down and off, which made him finally think about what she had been doing...but she didn't stop there, oh no, she removed her shirt and pants and then quickly pounced on top of him again, letting her warm sex grind against his sheath.

"D-Dana....w-wait...are you-...?" he began.

Again, she shooshed him and put a small finger to his lips, "Yes...I'm sure Axel...I've been sure for a while now..."

So, Axel shut up and let the girl work. She kept grinding her small sex against him as it got hotter and wetter by the minute. she gave off small moans and murrs, occasionally leaning down to kiss at his neck and chest, or even his lips. Soon, Axel felt his long foxhood emerging from its sheath and growing to the full 7 inches as Dana just continually ground her sex against him, oh god it was driving him mad with desire and lust for her. end to the teasing finally came as she missed her target and felt the tip of his shaft line up with her entrance, making her gasps with desire.

"Oh gods Axel...." she moaned seductively to him, "I really don't know what all this is doing to me but I love it..."

"Oh too..." Axel whispered softly.

"My mommy always used to say this my daddy anyways." she said thoughtfully before putting on her "seductive" face and grinning down at him, letting his tip sink into her warm sex a bit. "Make love to me Axel....please..."

Axel nodded slightly and rolled her over, he now atop of her, his tip sinking even further inside that tight little puppy sex of hers. Dana gasped in pleasure and clawed at his silk sheets, all the muscles in her body spasming one after another with every move he made. Slowly, he began lowering his hips, letting his member stretch her more and more as it went further inside and Dana was absolutely beside herself. It did hurt a little bit but it was so worth it, even when she felt her virginity give way, it was a moment of pain in exchange for pleasures untold. Soon Axel was totally hilted within the small girl and she was already close to her first climax.

"Oh Axel...d-don't...stop..." she panted softly, her eyes slightly rolling back in sheer pleasure.

He smiled softly down at her and slowly began pulling out, eliciting a quiet yip of pleasure from her. He kept pulling out till he was sure her tight walls would push him out, and then quickly dove back in. Dana's smaller form under him gave a sudden jump as she shrieked in orgasm already and her walls began spasming and milking his member, as if urging him to cum. Axel leaned down and pressed his lips to hers to quiet her crys and kept thrusting through her orgasm, prolonging it as long as he could. When it had finally ended, Dana lay under him panting heavily, her tiny body already spent, yet she still urged him on, wanting him to climax as well.

Soon Axel was thrusting in and out of her faster and faster as he went, really picking up the speed, which caused Dana's body to rock and quiver under him as she did her best not to shriek again. She could feel every inch of him moving inside of her and the sensation was so amazing...he was touching places inside of her that not even she knew existed before tonight. Axel was starting to feel his orgasm building now, the pup's tight walls more than eager to get him to cum inside of her. So he was moaning right along with Dana with each thrust, and Dana was right on the edge of her second orgasm.

"Oh god...axel...don't stop....don't stop.....don't S-STOP! AHHHHH!"

That was it, again Dana's walls spasmed around Axel's lnog member and milked it, wanting to make him blow his load deep within the pup. Unlike last time, Axel was more than ready and jsut as her orgasm began, he felt his balls finally release as his cock spasmed inside of her. He screamed out in pleasure along with her as he felt his cum spray out inside of her, filling her to her limit. Dana was totally out of it by now, she loved feeling his cum spray inside of her...but now his moans were echos in her mind, the world was going dark.

"" she whispered so softly that axel nearly missed it, jsut before she passed out.

"I love you too Dana..." Axel replied, sighing softly now that his orgasm had passed.

He slowly pulled all the way out of the girl and kissed her forehead gently, his paw resting on her now full belly. By now Axel too was exausted, and no sooner had he laid his head down beside Dana's, than his eyes were closed...and our two lvoers had drifted off to the most pleasant sleep of thier lives....

to be continued...?