The Days of Transition Part: One

Story by Shado Wolf on SoFurry

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"Aw man" Its Monday morning on a cold December school day. I am just waking up at my normal time at six in the morning. I pull off my sheets and sit up on my bed. "I was cold last night" I did only have a blanket, sheet, and comforter on my bed. I walk to the bathroom that is just outside my room. As I turn on the water to the shower, I strip down and throw my clothes on the floor. I wash myself up and head back to my room to change. Today is just a normal boring day.

I walk to the kitchen and get myself some cereal and milk along with a bowl and spoon. I sit down at the kitchen table with the iPad. I am going through my feeds while eating. As I get up and put my dishes in the dishwasher, I notice a certain feeling coming from my hands. It feels like they are tingling. This is weird. I shrug and go brush my teeth and get my backpack and set it by the front door. I get a ride to school and fiddle with my phone on the way. "Hey Dakota, What's up?" I say to him as I get out of the car. "Nothing much man." He says. We lock our hands together for a quick handshake then brake.

I walk into my high school and wait for the locker room to open. I take out my phone and start browsing again. I feel that same strange tingling feeling in my hands again. This time it is more intense. I look at my hands and they are normal human hands. I am confused but again I shrug and let it go.

The locker room opens and I walk to my locker. I set my jacket and lunch in it on the top shelf. "Wait! Keep it open this time!" I turn around and look and my close friend and locker partner Omar is walking toward our locker. "Hey dude what's up?" I greet him and close my backpack. "Saw a movie over the weekend." He always goes to the movie theater. "Yeah I bet you did." I joke and we close the locker and start to head to health.

The day progresses slowly like any other Monday. The first two classes of the day pass by. Lunch comes around and I grab my lunch and head to the lunchroom. Once again I feel that strange tingling feeling. I walk to the bathroom and inspect my hands under some light. Still nothing. "What the hell is going on?" I am really puzzled. I go back to the lunchroom and eat. I talk to my friends about random things and their weekends. We get called to leave and I get up and leave I push in my chair.

The day goes on still at its slow pace each remaining class dragging on. I get another ride home. "What's up dude?" My moms boyfriend says to me. "Not much. Just homework and the Monday feeling." I arrive at the house and we walk in. I set my ice pack from my lunch box in the freezer. I head to my room and shut the door behind me. I turn on my stereo and start some music that's on my phone that I connect to the cable coming out of it. I finish my homework and set my bag back up for the following day.

After a few hours of using my laptop, I brush my teeth and head to bed. Once more the tingling sensation happens in my hands. "Ok something is happening and I don't know what." I fall asleep for the next day.


"Unnnnh.." I partly open my eyes as I shut off my alarm clock. Why am I so tired? I went to bed normally. I pull off my sheets that are covering me and turn on the light. I see something black and red as I turn on the lights. I take a look at the black and red thing. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream as I look at my hands. They are the black and red things I saw from before. They are paws. Black fur with red claws and pads. I start to panic. "How will I hide this?"

Continued in part two.