
Story by Shadow152 on SoFurry

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#1 of Forres Transformation Chronicles

Forres Transformation Chronicles


Another long boring day at work, Shadow had been working at the service centre for a few weeks now & boredom had long since set in. Friday night, almost everyone else had gone home already, bar the one other person working the late shift. But he was away taking a break since one person could handle things on the desk after 5pm.

On a random chance of actually finding something decent or just to see what random new ways people had found to bug him electronically. He checked his spam filter, most of the emails were your standard, or sub standard stuff depending on how you think of spam.

One particular email caught his eye as it had a tiger striped pattern as the header and said it was from one of the furry fandom sites he visited regularly he decided that this one random bit of junk mail might be actually be worth his attention, he opened up the email to find out that because he visited the site so often he had qualified for the "ultimate gift", at first he thought it was just the same old junk but something seemed to compel him to read on..

The email read:

Since you have been on for so long we have decided that you have qualified for our special membership amulet, our most prestigious gift for our members, please reply to this email with either YES or NO to whether or not you wish us to send you your gift.

After reading the advert Shadow thought it was worth a shot, but reluctantly he added the sender as safe and clicked the link to the site, he was quite surprised to find that the site hadn't been blocked by the work's internet security filter, he followed through the signup process and when he finished a small popup appeared to thank him for his order but also said the order would be with him as fast as IN-Humanly possible,, sneered at the cheap cliché and forwarded the email home for future use and wiped all trace of his online history from the computer memory as he did every night before he left.

A few hours later he tried to step through his front door into the hallway of the 2 bedroom flat he shared with his partner, but couldn't get the door all the way open, he assumed it had jammed with the DVD that should have been delivered today. He reached round behind the door to find not a DVD but an extremely small box wedged under the door, rather awkwardly he bent his arm round the door to get a grip on the box and move it out of the way so he could gain access to the flat.

When he got inside and took off his jacket and hung it up he turned his attention to the package, it certainly wasn't the DVD. But that was the only thing that should have arrived today, on the package was the same logo as the email and the website he had ordered from mere hours ago.

Instead of a barcode or product description was a strange symbol that he didn't recognise, again it looked like a tiger but in an art style he had never seen before, dismissing the logo he opened the box to check its contents.

Once he had opened the box, he found a heap of straw packing and had to dig through it until he found its content, a small necklace with the same tiger design as the box.

With nothing else to do he stuck the necklace on and started to read the instructions:

Only use as directed, wear the amulet round your neck and visualise the animal you most idolise, the stronger the image of the animal you have in you're mind the better the results will be, we hope you enjoy this gift as much as others we have sent them to before you have, please log onto the site when you have experienced the product to leave us a quick feedback on it. Confused by what the instructions meant by "results" he quickly dismissed the thought and put on the necklace

Deciding that a nice shower would help him unwind after work Shadow stripped off in the lounge and locked the front door as he made his way to the bathroom, wearing only the amulet he reached into the shower to turn it on and wait for it to warm up before jumping in.

When shower was warmed up he grabbed his bottles of shower gel and shampoo off the shelves on the wall and stepped inside the shower cubicle and set the bottles down to enjoy the warmth of the water before starting to clean up with the new products. Eyes closed he sat on the seat and let the water cascade down his body, the heat was so nice and relaxing... but also slightly arousing as well, as he sat and let his body get used to the heat around him he slowly built up a mental image of his fiancée as a female anthro tigress.

At about 5ft 8 the tigress stood before him in the bathroom, with brownish black hair, her elegant anthro frame having narrow feminine shoulders but her frame being just big enough to house her 6 ample breasts, as she stares at him he sees exactly where her gaze is going.. looking down he sees what she is looking for as his cock begins to stir from watching her.

Having had similar fantasies of Callie as a tiger before, he decided to change her form to something more to her own liking since it was meant to be her in his daydream. Despite his affection for tigers he Decides to change the model to a wolf since that was her favourite animal, mentally he starts from the top of her body, soft rounded ears on top of her head changing to triangular canine ears, her face shallowing but elongating into a wolfy muzzle, the fur from head to toe getting slightly rougher and turning a murky grey with white patches on her front in places, as he worked his way down her body an extra pair of breasts appeared below the 6 she already had, her imaginary form quivering with the change as he could see her pussy moisten with need, when her change was over the imaginary wolf girl of his partner.

Slowly she moved forward and opened the shower door and closed her deep golden eyes to kiss him, when the kiss was done she slowly rubbed down his body and took his cock into her muzzle, where a human would have to deep throat him to envelope his cock completely the she wolf Callie managed with no problems because of her muzzle length, his cock not even near the back of her throat. Her tongue working expertly along his length and the movement of her jaws soon making short work of him, as he came she slowly swallowed his seed.

As he woke up from the foggy wet dream he was having Shadow found that without even realising he had been jerking off to his imaginary blowjob and had shot cum all over the shower door. He cleaned off the remains and took the bottle of shampoo in hand to start the cleaning portion of his shower.

He picks up the shampoo and opens it to take a sniff... and was rewarded with a sweet yet musky scent, Tantalisingly slowly as he squeezes the bottle the liquid starts to make it's way out onto his palm, when enough is in his palms he lathers it up a little and starts to massage it through his hair and into his scalp, All the while delighting in the warm tingling sensation on his head.

Slowly Shadow rubbed the liquid in and revelled in the near erotic shivers it was giving him, thinking that it was just from the new shampoo he had gotten the other day. Without him even noticing the foggy feeling returned, as he was rubbing the shampoo into his scalp still visualising Callie in her wolf form he started to think of himself like Callie had been before, a well muscled tiger anthro. As the shampoo was rubbing in and dripping down onto his ears which made them slowly start to change shape thanks to the glowing amulet about his chest, rounding them and making them move higher on his head. As his ears reached their destination he absent mindedly rubbed over them but thought nothing of it as the strange feeling of detachment still lingered, when he felt his hair was clean he stopped rubbing the shampoo in and took a step back into the water to let it rinse off the liquid and bubbles.

After a minute or so of rinsing his hair the tingling feeling had worn off, he bent down to grab the shower gel, not really taking notice of the change in his reflection but noticing that his member was getting hard again at the prospect of the tingling feeling happening again but all over his body this time.

Again he squeezed the bottle for the liquid to come out but this time it seemed to flow even slower because he was looking forward to it, but when it started to flow he took some from his hands and rubbed it into his face and started to pour it down his body and immediately the tingling feeling started where the liquid touched him, as he closes his eyes and relishes the feeling he starts to rub over his body.

Unknown to him Shadow's features started to reshape much as his imaginary partner's had done, his face started to stretch and change into a feline muzzle, the image of a tiger still fresh in his mind, as he moved his hands down to clean himself off his shoulders began to broaden and thicken with new muscle and down over his chest, his new physique more athletic than normal. Fat melting away and being replaced by taught muscle as he reached his stomach a slight six pack appearing at his abdomen, by the time he had reached his groin his hands were no longer entirely human, half animalistic paws but still retaining human features like his thumbs and overall shape for dexterity.

When he reached down to clean his penis he came again, more this time than the last, the feelings of his change so strong in that area, when he was finished there he reached round to clean his now tight ass and felt as his tailbone started to lengthen, opening his eyes he looks round to watch his tail growing in, not minding in the slightest that such a strange thing was happening to him, he looked in the glass to see his reflection and watched in fascination as his skin started to itch with the addition of fur to his naked form, under the water of the shower it was soaked as soon as it started to move down his body.

When his fur had stopped at his groin when he had stopped cleaning himself he seen how strange his still human legs looked compared to his new anthro body from head to crotch, he kept rubbing at his cock and watched as a new furred sheath formed around it's base, his cock having been about 7" long when erect beforehand was now growing and stopped just shy of 8" long. When the growth eventually stopped Shadow noticed that an odd tint was working it's way from beneath his sheath, his cock was turning black like a tiger also and as he grasped his cock to rub it he felt small feline spines just underneath the head of his penis, designed to pleasure both male and female during mating but seemingly keeping most of it's human shape, still being blunted at the tip instead of changing to a pointed head.

Despite the overwhelming sensation of jerking off his new manhood a strange ache in his legs distracts his attention and as Shadow looks down he gets to see his last full trace of being human disappear, now willing on his change, he bends down to rub over his thighs to try to change the feeling of pain to something pleasurable, fat melting away only to be replaced by solid muscle, slowly working down as his legs start to take on a more digigrade composition, shins now covered in fur and his ankles moving up his legs slightly, Shadow Cries out in pain as his ankles snap and invert. Not losing balance however, he looks down to see his new foot paws forming and large black claws appear in the slits of skin where his human toenails used to be, flexing out his claws and retracting them again felt a bit weird but with practice probably feel more normal with time.

His change now complete Shadow steps out of the shower and makes his way over to the door where his full length mirror is hung and is awestruck by his reflection, a 6ft 2inch anthro tiger, well muscled and fully erect stands before him. The smell of his own pheromones in such a small cramped room made him horny as hell and the sight of his new body didn't help things either. He reached down & took hold of his proud new tiger cock and started to stroke it vigorously.

Shadow was in heaven during masturbation for the first time in ages as he had lost interest in it as human, deciding that shared pleasure with his partner was far more enjoyable and feeling jolts of pleasure like his human form had never given him. Within mere minutes he was shooting jet after jet of ropey seed all over the bathroom. He was amazed at just how much seed his body had expelled from his balls, not being much larger than they were before but now seeming to supply at least triple the amount of cum, soaking himself again in backsplash.

He picked up the bottles of shampoo and shower gel and made to get back into the shower again to clean off without "distracting" himself this time, this went without much trouble despite his cock coming back to attention almost instantly by the time he had turned the water back on

This intrigued him, he showered off his latest coat of cum from his fur and got dried off with a towel and now the extremely necessary hair dryer, and after some struggling found some clothes that fitted him. A baggy t-shirt and what used to be loose fitting jeans that had to be torn in just the right places to adjust to his legs and a well positioned hole to fit his tail through were all he had left, it seems some shopping was in order as well.

On his way to the door to go to the shops he noticed that the paper the instructions were printed on looked slightly larger than before, when he went over to look at them the paper had definitely gained extra sentences.

In addition to the earlier instructions the paper now read:

We hope you are enjoying your new you, only people with other amulets, people you have changed with your amulet or people with whom you come into sexual contact with will be able to see you as you are now, your amulet has stored your previous form and thus is how you will appear to everyone other than the afore mentioned, to change another the way you have been changed you need only have them think of the animal they wish to become or think strongly of THAT person as the animal you wish them to become, ensure you do not think of yourself while attempting this as we cannot guarantee the results.

In addition, any person(s) which are affected by your amulet will also gain the ability to change others and any changed through an act of your amulet will receive a mark the same as your symbol.

After reading the newer part of the instructions Shadow wanted to make sure that nobody would be freaked out by his new form and needed to go shopping anyway so thought he could kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak.

As he locked the door to the flat he stood with his paw on the door handle, debating whether or not this was a good idea, what if the bottle was wrong and everyone ran in fear screaming he was a monster??

He dismissed the thought and turned away and started to make his way to the nearby supermarket, when he arrived there nobody seemed to notice there was a casually dressed 6ft tiger wandering into the store on 2 legs. Being in a normal setting in his current form felt strange, like he was here in a different life and that nobody else new his secret made it all the more exciting.

With the supermarket out of the way and now convinced that nobody could detect his changed form, Shadow wanted to give his new fitness levels a test. It had been a while since he had given himself a good workout so he decided to go for a run in the woods, on 2 legs at first until he was slightly out of town then switching to four.

As he sped through the woods feeling truly alive with the wind blasting through his fur Shadow ran for hours and barely noticed it get dark, now almost 20 miles from home he decided it was time to get home, Callie should be home soon and remembering the part about changing others he figured he had a few surprises for her...

To Be Continued